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为了明确不同储藏方式和储藏时间对三峡水库消落区4种1年生植物稗(Echinochloa crusgalli)、苍耳(Xanthium sibiricum)、合萌(Aeschynomene indica)和水蓼(Polygonum hydropiper)种子萌发能力的影响,筛选出有利于其萌发的最佳储藏方式及时间,采取5种储藏方式(室温、冷藏、冷冻、干沙、湿沙)、8个储藏时间段(30、60、90、120、150、180、210、240d)对种子进行储藏实验。在光照培养箱昼25℃/夜20℃和周期性光照(昼12h/夜12h,光强100μmol·m-·2s-1)条件下进行种子萌发,每次萌发持续时间为30d。结果显示:(1)稗、苍耳和水蓼的种子在湿沙储藏条件下萌发起始时间缩短,种子萌发率、萌发指数高于其它储藏方式;湿沙储藏条件下,稗的种子储藏90-180d萌发率达到80%以上,苍耳的种子储藏180d萌发率达(64±2)%,水蓼的种子储藏30-240d萌发率均超过90%。(2)冷冻储藏能有效地解除合萌种子休眠,显著提高其种子萌发率和发芽指数;冷冻储藏90-180d合萌的种子萌发率均超过80%,之间没有显著差异。(3)果皮是限制苍耳种子萌发的主要因素之一,而去除果皮对合萌种子萌发没有显著影响。研究结果建议:采用种子来进行消落区植被恢复和重建时,稗、苍耳和水蓼的最佳储藏方式是湿沙储藏,合萌的最佳储藏方式是冷冻储藏。结合三峡水库水位调度原则,在适宜的储藏方式下,本实验中储藏120-180d的种子能够应用于消落区实地播种中。  相似文献   

竹叶眼子菜种子的萌发实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
竹叶眼子菜(Potamogeton malaianus)是长江中下游湖泊沉水植被中的优势种,在野外条件下主要依靠断枝繁殖,很少发现它的实生苗。在实验条件下对竹叶眼子菜进行了种子萌发研究,探讨了萌发基质、温度和光暗周期以及冷藏时间对种子萌发的影响。结果表明,干藏3个月后未处理种皮的种子发芽率极低,撕破种皮后显著地提高了种子发芽率。在水基质条件下,25℃最适宜竹叶眼子菜的萌发,光暗周期对种子发芽率有显著影响。冷藏6个月的种子发芽率最高,8个月时发芽率显著降低,表明竹叶眼子菜的种子不耐贮藏。还讨论了竹叶眼子菜种子休眠与萌发机制的生态学意义。  相似文献   

通过种子萌发试验,研究常温和低温储藏方式及赤霉素、光照、温度等不同处理对滇海水仙花种子萌发的影响。结果表明,光照及清水浸泡处理有利于滇海水仙花种子的萌发;在光照条件下滇海水仙花种子萌发的最适温度为20 ℃,发芽率可达94%,温度的升高或降低均会降低种子发芽率;5 ℃低温储藏方式能较好保持滇海水仙花种子的活力,但贮藏时间不宜超过4个月,最好随采随播。  相似文献   

用2m×2m的样方调查了湖南茶陵普通野生稻保护区群落,绘制了群落优势种水平分布图。选用斑块数量、总斑块面积、平均斑块面积、标准差、变异系数、中值、最大斑块面积、最小斑块面积和优势度等几个描述统计量,来刻画斑块大小的分布特征。选取9个不同生态条件的样地计测了其中10个主要物种的生态位宽度;以群落间接生境梯度代替生态因子梯度,计算了其生态位重叠值,进行了生态位重叠排序。结果表明:各物种斑块在群落中呈异质分布,物种在群落中发生现实生态位分离,这种分离主要是由生境条件特别是生境水位决定的。根据生态位重叠排序可把物种分为3组:莼菜(Brasenia schreberi)、水竹叶(Murdannia triqeutra)、莲(Nelumbo nucifera)、锐棱荸荠(Eleocharis acutangula)、水毛花(Scirpus triangulatus)、慈姑(Sagittaria trifolia)等分布于20cm以上的深水位生境;普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon)、李氏禾(Leersia hexandra)等分布于10~20 cm中水位生境;柳叶箬(Isachne globosa)分布于10cm以下浅水位生境。排序的结果与物种在群落中的空间分布情况相符合。在普通野生稻的保护实践中,适宜生境尤其是适宜水位的维持十分重要。  相似文献   

为测定不同脱水程度金丝李(Garcinia paucinervis)种子的萌发情况及其复水后的吸水率、脱水过程中抗性生理指标的变化以及不同贮藏方式下种子的萌发情况,该文研究了金丝李种子的脱水敏感性和储藏特性。结果表明:(1)金丝李种子初始含水量为45.29%,室内通风处放置35 d失水率即达45%。(2)种子失水率低于18%时,萌发率和复水后的吸水率变化不显著;失水率超过18%时,萌发率和复水后吸水率均显著下降,失水率为42%时萌发率为0。其种子的临界含水量为27.29%,半致死含水量为12.72%。(3)随着种子脱水程度的加深,相对电导率、可溶性糖及脯氨酸含量逐步上升;丙二醛含量在失水率低于24%时变化不大,高于24%时显著提高; SOD和POD的活性均呈波动性变化,失水率为18%时活性均最高。(4)室温干藏1个月和-1、-20℃下湿藏1个月的种子均不能萌发;水浸贮藏1个月的种子萌发率显著降低; 4℃湿藏1、3和6个月均显著延缓种子萌发,但对萌发率无显著影响。表明金丝李种子在失水率低于18%时,种子可通过抗性调节维持细胞的正常代谢,能忍受一定程度的脱水和低温;当失水率超过18%时,种子代谢失衡发生劣变直至死亡,属于低度的顽拗性种子。4℃湿沙藏(含水量7.5%)是短期贮藏其种子的较好方法。  相似文献   

研究了培养基质、储藏方式和盐度对3种海滨植物互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)、盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)和芦苇(Phragmites australis)种子萌发的影响,探索在潮间带环境下海滨植物种子萌发适应策略。结果表明:3种植物的干藏种子和湿藏芦苇种子随着盐度的升高,萌发率和萌发速率均显著下降,湿藏互花米草和盐地碱蓬种子在各盐度下萌发率和萌发速率差异不显著。各盐度-土培-干藏互花米草,中、高盐度-土培-干藏盐地碱蓬,土培各处理,中、高盐度-水培-干藏,高盐度-水培-湿藏芦苇种子萌发失败。湿藏提高了各盐度处理下土培互花米草,中、高盐度-水培和土培盐地碱蓬,淡水、中盐度-水培芦苇种子的萌发率和萌发速率。干藏互花米草种子在中、高盐度和土埋条件下种子的萌发受到抑制,限制了互花米草向高潮带与潮上带的扩展;而经常受潮水浸淹保持湿润的种子能抵抗高盐和泥沙沉积,导致互花米草种群逐步向低潮带方向发展;湿藏芦苇种子在淡水中萌发率和萌发速率最高,当潮上带盐度降低时,芦苇具有很强的竞争优势,但是对盐度和土埋敏感,限制了其向海的拓展;盐地碱蓬在中、高盐度和土培条件下萌发速率最高,快速萌发的适应策略和广适应性在盐地碱蓬占据高潮带和中潮带广大区域的过程中起到了重要的作用。  相似文献   

在不同温度、不同贮藏时间和方法下,对来源于印度尼西亚的假酸浆种子发芽特性进行研究。结果表明:不同温度对假酸浆种子萌发的影响差异极显著,在15/25℃变温条件下种子发芽率最高,为84.3%,发芽快且整齐;假酸浆种子采收后立即播种其发芽率非常低,室温下贮藏6~9个月时在25℃恒温或15/25℃变温条件下均有较高发芽率,说明假酸浆种子有休眠性,通过延长贮藏时间能打破休眠,促进种子发芽;但室温贮藏15个月后,种子活力下降非常明显。低温冷藏在一定条件下能提高假酸浆种子萌发能力,能延长种子寿命。  相似文献   

不同种子预处理对10种沙拐枣植物萌发的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陶玲  任珺 《西北植物学报》2004,24(4):601-609
为了确定沙拐枣植物种子的萌发特性及最优播前预处理方法,在实验室条件下,对10种沙拐枣植物的种子进行了磨砺、硫酸和热水浸泡、冷藏、种子浸出液处理,然后进行发芽实验研究。萌发实验的结果表明,10种沙拐枣植物对于不同的种子预处理,均表现出相似的萌发反应。磨砺、硫酸浸泡和冷藏处理对种子萌发有明显地促进作用。与对照相比,种子浸出液处理对种子的发芽率、发芽速度均具有明显地抑制作用,并能增强种子的休眠。冷藏处理具有打破有活力的种子休眠、促进种子萌发的作用,但它与热水浸泡处理一样,对有活力种子表现出一定的致死作用。沙拐枣植物的萌发模式在不同种子预处理问均表现出明显的差异性。机械磨擦和硫酸处理能够促进种子的萌发率及发芽势。泡果沙拐枣(Callingonum junceum)在本项实验中表现出很强的萌发能力。  相似文献   

储藏和萌发温度对青藏高原东缘12种灌木种子萌发的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了青藏高原东缘2个储藏条件下的12种灌木种子在10、15、20、25℃恒温培养下和5/25℃变温培养下的萌发特性及其与种子大小和生境的关系。结果表明:12种灌木室内干储种子在5/25℃变温培养下种子平均萌发率最高、萌发速率最快,室外埋藏种子10℃、5/25℃下种子平均萌发率相近且最高,但萌发速率5/25℃最快,10℃下最慢,4个恒温下的室内干储和室外埋藏种子的萌发速率均随温度升高而变快;10、15、20和25℃恒温培养下的室外埋藏种子平均萌发率、平均萌发速率均高于室内储藏,而5/25℃变温下则是室外埋藏种子平均萌发率、平均萌发速率均低于室内储藏;室内干储的12种灌木种子在5/25℃变温下的萌发率、萌发速率与种子大小呈显著负相关,而室外埋藏的种子在10℃以及5/25℃变温下的萌发率、萌发速率与种子大小均呈显著负相关,20℃下,只有萌发速率与种子大小呈显著负相关;其他储藏和温度下的萌发率、萌发速率与种子大小均没有显著相关;无论室内干储还是室外埋藏,阳坡灌丛物种在5个温度下的萌发率、萌发速率均显著高于阴坡灌丛物种,阴坡灌丛种子萌发率随温度升高而降低;变温有利于种子萌发,贮藏条件对种子的萌发特性的影响具有变温依赖性,种子的萌发特性与种子大小以及生境的关系具有明显的培养温度和储存条件依赖性。  相似文献   

为破除油楠(Sindora glabra Merr.ex de Wit)种子的物理休眠,研究不同处理方法对油楠种子萌发特性的影响。结果表明,所有处理方法对油楠成熟和过熟种子萌发均产生显著影响。40℃热水和50 mgL~(-1)萘乙酸有利于成熟种子的萌发,发芽率超过55%,较对照显著提高约10%,而其他方法处理的成熟种子发芽率为4.0%~46.0%,低于对照。采用98%浓硫酸浸泡25 min最有利于过熟种子的萌发,其发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数分别较对照显著提高90%、76%和7以上,且发芽时间显著缩短了9 d,对过熟种子处理的其他方法均能不同程度地促进萌发。因此,对于成熟种子,推荐采用低温热水浸泡或弱腐蚀性的化学处理;而对于过熟种子,宜采用浓硫酸浸泡25 min的处理。  相似文献   

Seed-borne pathogens are a daily issue for ex situ collection managers who try to solve it using various chemicals more or less harmful to the staff and the plant material stored. The most common physical method for seed sterilisation is moist heat, in contrast to dry heat which is used much less frequently. Consequently, the efficiency of dry heat as disinfection method and the behaviour of seeds undergoing this treatment are currently poorly known, especially for wild species. In this study, seed viability was estimated by performing germination tests according to standard procedures. Germination tests were conducted on 13,200 seeds from 66 wild species of temperate regions belonging to 22 different families. Results indicate that dry seeds exposed to 60°C during 1hour were less infected by seed-borne pathogens in 14% of the cases, whereas no change has been registered in the other cases. For all 66 studied species, no decrease in germination percentage was detected after the heat treatment. Given its positive effect on infection control without affecting seed viability, dry heat treatment as proposed here opens opportunities for seed bank managers, but also for the disinfection of herbarium collections.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Despite differences in physiology between dry and relative moist seeds, seed ageing tests most often use a temperature and seed moisture level that are higher than during dry storage used in commercial practice and gene banks. This study aimed to test whether seed ageing under dry conditions can be accelerated by storing under high-pressure oxygen.


Dry barley (Hordeum vulgare), cabbage (Brassica oleracea), lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and soybean (Glycine max) seeds were stored between 2 and 7 weeks in steel tanks under 18 MPa partial pressure of oxygen. Storage under high-pressure nitrogen gas or under ambient air pressure served as controls. The method was compared with storage at 45 °C after equilibration at 85 % relative humidity and long-term storage at the laboratory bench. Germination behaviour, seedling morphology and tocopherol levels were assessed.

Key Results

The ageing of the dry seeds was indeed accelerated by storing under high-pressure oxygen. The morphological ageing symptoms of the stored seeds resembled those observed after ageing under long-term dry storage conditions. Barley appeared more tolerant of this storage treatment compared with lettuce and soybean. Less-mature harvested cabbage seeds were more sensitive, as was the case for primed compared with non-primed lettuce seeds. Under high-pressure oxygen storage the tocopherol levels of dry seeds decreased, in a linear way with the decline in seed germination, but remained unchanged in seeds deteriorated during storage at 45 °C after equilibration at 85 % RH.


Seed storage under high-pressure oxygen offers a novel and relatively fast method to study the physiology and biochemistry of seed ageing at different seed moisture levels and temperatures, including those that are representative of the dry storage conditions as used in gene banks and commercial practice.  相似文献   

生物结皮对5种不同形态的荒漠植物种子萌发的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
生物结皮广泛分布于干旱、半干旱区, 强烈影响着土壤表层理化特性, 进而对种子散布、萌发和定居产生影响。目前关于生物结皮与植物种子萌发关系的研究结论存在争议。该文通过室内人工控制实验, 研究了生物结皮对古尔班通古特沙漠5种具不同种子形态特征的荒漠植物白梭梭(Haloxylon persicum)、蛇麻黄(Ephedra distachya)、角果藜(Ceratocarpus arenaarius)、涩芥(Malcolmia africana)和狭果鹤虱(Lappula semiglabra)的种子萌发的影响。结果表明, 在干燥和湿润两种条件下, 生物结皮对不同形态植物种子萌发均具有不同的作用。在干燥条件下, 生物结皮显著抑制了角果藜和涩芥种子的萌发(p<0.05), 对其它3种植物无显著影响; 而湿润条件下, 生物结皮显著抑制了白梭梭、角果藜和狭果鹤虱种子的萌发(p<0.05), 对蛇麻黄、涩芥则无显著影响。  相似文献   

Aim To explore: (1) the relative influences of site conditions, especially moisture relations, on pathways and rates of monsoon rain forest seedling and sapling regeneration, especially of canopy dominants, in northern Australia; and (2) contrasts between regeneration syndromes of dominant woody taxa in savannas and monsoon rain forest. Location Four monsoon rain forest sites, representative of regional major habitat and vegetation types, in Kakadu National Park, northern Australia. Methods A decadal study involved: (1) initial assessment over 2.5 years to explore within‐year variability in seed rain, dormant seed banks and seedling (< 50 cm height) dynamics; and (2) thereafter, monitoring of seedling and sapling (50 cm height to 5 cm d.b.h.) dynamics undertaken annually in the late dry season. On the basis of observations from this and other studies, regeneration syndromes of dominant monsoon rain forest taxa are contrasted with comparable information for dominant woody savanna taxa, Eucalyptus and Corymbia especially. Results Key observations from the monsoon rain forest regeneration dynamics study component are that: (1) peak seed rain inputs of rain forest taxa were observed in the wet season at perennially moist sites, whereas inputs at seasonally dry sites extended into, or peaked in, the dry season; (2) dormant soil seed banks of woody rain forest taxa were dominated by pioneer taxa, especially figs; (3) longevity of dormant seed banks of woody monsoon rain forest taxa, including figs, was expended within 3 years; (4) seedling recruitment of monsoon rain forest woody taxa was derived mostly from wet season seed rain with limited inputs from soil seed banks; (5) at all sites rain forest seedling mortality occurred mostly in the dry season; (6) rain forest seedling and sapling densities were consistently greater at moist sites; (7) recruitment from clonal reproduction was negligible, even following unplanned low intensity fires. Main conclusions By comparison with dominant savanna eucalypts, dominant monsoon rain forest taxa recruit substantially greater stocks of seedlings, but exhibit slower aerial growth and development of resprouting capacity in early years, lack lignotubers in mesic species, and lack capacity for clonal reproduction. The reliance on sexual as opposed to vegetative reproduction places monsoon rain forest taxa at significant disadvantage, especially slower growing species on seasonally dry sites, given annual–biennial fires in many north Australian savannas.  相似文献   

不同贮藏和处理条件对不同植物的种子萌发有不同的影响。该文以河西走廊干旱半干旱区8种荒漠植物为研究对象, 探讨了种子经历不同冷层积(4 ℃、-5 ℃、-26 - 10 ℃)和室温干燥贮藏后的萌发响应。研究结果表明: 1)冷层积可使种子萌发率提高、保持不变或降低, 冷层积的有效温度下界可降至-5 ℃或更低。4 ℃和-5 ℃的冷层积使多裂骆驼蓬(Peganum multisectum)和驼蹄瓣(Zygophyllum fabago)种子的萌发率升高、萌发速度加快, 冬季过低的气温以及较大的温度变幅(-26 - 10 ℃)使部分种子萌发率升高。3种冷层积和室温干燥贮藏使黑果枸杞(Lycium ruthenicum)种子萌发率达到90%-100%。唐古特白刺(Nitraria tangutorum)、甘草(Glycyrrhiza uralensis)、苦马豆(Sphaerophysa salsula)种子经过3种冷层积和室温干燥贮藏后萌发率变化较小。中亚紫菀木(Asterothamnus centrali-asiaticus)种子对各种贮藏条件的响应不明显, 部分种子活性丢失。刺沙蓬(Salsola ruthenica)种子扩散时有较高的萌发率(84%), 经-5 ℃和-26 - 10 ℃冷贮藏后, 种子仍具有较高的萌发率, 经4 ℃冷贮藏后几乎不萌发, 大部分种子活性丢失。2)不同物种的种子经过不同方式的贮藏后, 萌发对温度的响应不同。经冷层积后的多裂骆驼蓬种子萌发响应于恒温, 驼蹄瓣和刺沙蓬种子萌发更加响应于变温条件; 多数植物种子在变温培养下萌发速度慢于恒温下。  相似文献   

The feasibility of long-term cryopreservation of plant objects depends on their moisture content. In orthodox seed, dehydration takes place at the late stage of maturation and is accompanied by accumulation of protective sugars and proteins. Such seed easily withstand cryopreservation. Moist objects such as meristems and recalcitrant seed must be desiccated in the presence of sucrose before freezing. In both naturally dry and dehydrated tissues, differential scanning calorimetry and electron paramagnetic resonance reveal intracellular vitrification; this glassy state is supposed to determine the success of cryostorage. Methodical approaches to cryopreservation of moist plant tissues are reviewed.  相似文献   

The soil seed‐banks in the main natural vegetation patches that make up mountain grasslands on granite substrates in central Argentina were studied. The main natural vegetation types are moist swards, tall‐tussock grasslands and stony grasslands. Ten compound soil samples from each community at two soil depths (0–5 and 5–10 cm) were taken. The density of soil seed‐banks was highest in moist swards, intermediate in stony grasslands and lowest in tall‐tussock grasslands. Low levels of similarity were found between the established vegetation and total soil seed‐bank in tall‐tussock grasslands and stony grasslands, but the similarity was higher in swards. In all three communities the seed‐bank was most frequently transient in nature. Short‐term persistent and long‐term persistent seed‐banks were less frequent. Regeneration from the seed‐banks after disturbance is expected to differ among communities on different edaphic patches. On the basis of the density and longevity of the soil seed‐banks and the similarity to the established vegetation, potential for in situ regeneration should be lower in tall‐tussock grasslands, intermediate in stony grasslands and higher in moist swards.  相似文献   

Stimulation of seed germination in an abandoned hay meadow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. In order to stimulate germination from the soil seed bank in a formerly species-rich hay meadow for conservation purposes, eight gaps were made in each of four habitat types: (1) Dry/open, (2) Dry/shaded, (3) Moist/open and (4) Moist/ shaded; the meadow was abandoned 12 yr before the experiment started. The mean tree cover of the gaps was reduced from 50 % to 22 %. Light was estimated as distance to nearest tree towards south and shade as tree cover. Soil moisture content was estimated from topography and measured from soil samples. There were no significant differences in total herb number between strata before the experiment started. The number of the target group herb indicators of old, traditional management, was however higher in dry, open areas than in shaded areas whether moist or dry. After the treatment, 15 herbs appeared anew in the gaps, nine of these were indicators of traditional management. 80 % of the indicators present after treatment were either new or had increased in frequency in the gaps. More indicators of traditional management appeared in gaps in the open, on dry soils in slopes than in shaded gaps, on moist soils and flat surface. In order to stimulate germination from the seed bank of as many herb indicators of traditional management as possible in abandoned hay meadows of the region, dry, sloping areas, situated as far as possible from large trees towards south and in the open, should be chosen for making gaps for germination.  相似文献   

六盘山区辽东栎的实生苗更新及其影响因子   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究了六盘山区辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)灌丛的种子产量、土壤种子库组成、湿沙和风干贮藏对种子寿命的影响以及动物取食子叶对种子萌发和幼苗建立的影响。结果表明, 辽东栎灌丛种子的完好率为27.51%, 被动物取食或搬运种子的比例(41.51%)显著高于其他类型种子(p < 0.01); 辽东栎次生林土壤种子库中萌发和虫蛀种子分别占35.16%和38.29%, 完好种子仅占13.65%, 捕食动物主要通过贮藏或搬运而影响土壤种子库中的种子密度。湿沙贮藏60天的辽东栎种子自动萌发率高达96.67%, 短期贮藏可加快种子的萌发进程, 提高萌发率和萌发指数, 但随着贮藏时间的延长, 种子萌发进程延迟, 萌发率、萌发指数和活力指数均不同程度地降低。排除动物取食处理的幼苗在林窗和林下生境的存活率分别为80%和83%, 而不排除动物取食幼苗在2种生境中分别仅有25%和31%能够存活, 表明子叶在幼苗建立中具有重要作用。林窗中幼苗子叶的动物取食率(85.00%)高于林下(71.00%), 子叶留存的幼苗在林窗中的存活率(6.00%)低于林下(15.50%), 而子叶被取食幼苗的存活率在两种环境中基本相等(分别为18.50%和18.00%)。  相似文献   

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