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This report deals with micropropagation of the critically endangered and endemic Turkish shrub, Thermopsis turcica using callus, root and cotyledonary explants. Callus cultures were initiated from root and cotyledon explants on MS medium supplemented with 0.5–20 μM NAA or 2,4-D. The root explants were found to be better in terms of quick responding and callusing percentages as compared to the cotyledons. Organogenic callus production with adventitious roots and shoots were obtained on MS medium with only NAA. The calli obtained with NAA, root and cotyledonary explants were cultured with BA and kinetin (2–8 μM) alone or in combination with a low level (0.5 μM) of 2,4-D or NAA. The best regeneration of shoots from root explants was observed on hormone-free MS medium. NAA with BA or kinetin in the medium improved shoot induction from the calli obtained with NAA. Maximum percentage of shoots (93.3%), maximum number of shoots (6.2) and maximun length of shoots (8.22 cm) were achieved from cotyledonary explants at 4 μM BA and 0.5 μM NAA. The presence of 0.5 μM or higher levels of 2,4-D in shoot induction medium inhibited the regeneration in T. turcica explants. 83% of in vitro rooting was attained on pulsed-IBA treated shoots. The regenerated plants with well developed shoots and roots were successfully acclimatized. Application of this study’s results has the potential to conserve T. turcica from extinction.  相似文献   

In vitro culture is an important aid for ex situ conservation of rare, endemic or threatened plants. In this work, we establish an efficient method for the seed germination, seedling development, and axillary shoot propagation of Centaurea zeybekii Wagenitz. The seeds, collected from a wild population, were surface sterilised and cultured on various in vitro germination media. The effects of photoperiod and temperature on seed germination were also investigated. Germinations were obtained after 6 weeks in culture and the radicle emergence was evaluated as a main indicator. A high frequency of germination was obtained on distilled water supplemented with vitamines and 1 mg/L GA3. Although the seed germination frequencies were not affected by photoperiod, the highest germination frequency was obtained at 24 ± 2°C. A high frequency of axillary shoot proliferation was produced on MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/L BA. Then, the axillary shoots were separated and transferred to MS medium with or without plant growth regulators for rooting. Rhizogenezis was promoted after 6 weeks only in MS and 1/2 MS media containing 0.5 mg/L IBA. The rooting process was very slow and the percentage of shoot rooting was also very low (15%). The present study not only enables reinforcement of wild plant populations using ex situ growth of individuals, but it also helps to large number of aseptic seedling to use it in clonaly micropropagation studies.  相似文献   

Summary In vitro propagation of Pelecyphora aselliformis, a Mexican cactus which is considered rare and is highly valued in the commercial market, was initiated using seeds as explants. The longitudinal explants from seedlings germinated in vitro were cultivated on Murashige and Skoog medium containing 8.8 μM benzyladenine (BA) or 4.6 μM kinetin at pH 7.0. After 120 d, each explant gave rise to five shoots and this number of shoots increased 20–25% after subculture. The hyperhydricity was similar in both media, but callus formation was lower on the medium with BA. The shoot development, in terms of epicotyl length, and fresh and dry weight after 6 wk, was also recorded. The epicotyl length was similar on shoot-forming media but the quality of shoots was better on media containing BA. In about 1 yr, 500–600 well-defined shoots were obtained. The rooting of shoots was very slow and a vigorous radical system was observed after 1 yr of culture.  相似文献   

Summary An efficient procedure for the in vitro propagation and cryogenic conservation of Syzygium francissi was developed. The maximum number of shoots per explant was obtained on a Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 4.5 μM benzyladenine and 0.5 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). The in vitro-propagated shoots produced roots when transferred to MS medium containing IBA, indold-3-acetic acid, or naphthaleneacetic acid at various concentrations. Rooted microshoots were transferred to a coco-peat, perlite, and vermiculite (1∶1∶1) mixture, and hardened off under greenhouse conditions. Ninety-five percent of rooted shoots successfully acclimatized in the greenhouse. Shoot tips excised from in vitro-grown plants were successfully cryostoraged at −196°C by the encapsulation-dehydration method. A preculture of formed beads on MS medium containing 0.75 M sucrose for 1 d, followed by 6 h dehydration (20% moisture content) led to the highest survival rate after cryostorage for 1h. This method is a promising technique for in vitro propagation and cryopreservation of shoot tips from in vitro-grown plantlets of S. francissi germplasm.  相似文献   

In vitro propagation protocol for Haemaria discolor (Ker) Lindl. var. dawsoniana by artificial cross-pollination and asymbiotic germination of seeds has been developed. Fruit set (100 %) was obtained when the pollinia and ovules of various aged flowers were used for pollination. In vitro germination of seeds obtained from capsules of various ages was achieved on half-strength Murashige and Skoog’s (MS) medium supplemented with 3 % sucrose and 0.85 % agar. The germinated seedlings were cultured on half-strength MS medium with 0.2 % activated charcoal, 8 % banana homogenate, 0.1 mg dm−3 1-phenyl-3-(1,2,3-thiadiazol-5-yl)urea (TDZ) and 1 mg dm−3 α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). Ninety-six percent of plantlets survived after hardening in greenhouse.This research was supported by grant (91AS-3.1.1-CI-C3) from the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan of Taiwan and grants (NSC-89-2317-B055-002 and NSC-91-2317-B324-001) from the National Science Council of Taiwan. This paper is Agricultural Research Institute Contribution No. 2158.  相似文献   

The small group of resurrection plants is a unique model which could help us in further understanding of abiotic stress tolerance. The most frequently used approach for investigations on gene functions in plant systems is genetic transformation. In this respect, the establishment of in vitro systems for regeneration and micro propagation is necessary. On the other hand, in vitro cultures of such rare plants could preserve their natural populations. Here, we present our procedure for in vitro regeneration and propagation of Haberlea rhodopensis – a resurrection plant species, endemic for the Balkan region.  相似文献   

This study investigated the factors affecting in vitro flowering of Perilla frutescens. The shoots regenerated from cotyledonary and hypocotyl explants cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with benzyladenine (BA) and indole-3-acetic acid, each at 0.5 mg l−1, were excised and transferred to MS medium containing 30 g l−1 of sucrose, 8.25 g l−1 of ammonium nitrate, and 1.0 mg l−1 of BA. After 40 d of culture, 86.2% of shoots flowered and most of which self-fertilized in vitro and produced mature fruits with viable seeds. These seeds were germinated and plants were grown to maturity and flowered in soil under greenhouse conditions. The in vitro flowering system reported in this study may facilitate rapid breeding of P. frutescens and offers a model system for studying the physiological mechanism of flowering.  相似文献   

In vitro propagation of Rhododendron ponticum L. subsp. baeticum, an endangered species present in limited and vulnerable populations as a Tertiary relict in the southern Iberian Peninsula, was attained. Several cytokinin:IAA ratios and a range of zeatin concentrations were evaluated for their effect on shoot multiplication from apical shoots and nodal segments. The type of cytokinin and the origin of the explant were the most important factors affecting shoot multiplication. The highest shoot multiplication rate was obtained from single-nodal explants on medium supplemented with zeatin. Increasing zeatin concentration promotes shoot multiplication independently of explant type, although this effect tends to decrease with higher zeatin concentration. Shoot growth was higher in apical shoots and it was not stimulated by the presence of auxin. A number of experiments were conducted to identify suitable procedures for rooting of in vitro produced shoots. The best results in terms of in vitro rooting were obtained with Andersons modified medium with macrosalts reduced to one-half, regardless of the auxin or its concentration in the medium. Although rooting frequency rose to 97% by basal immersion of shoots in auxin concentrated solution followed by in vitro culture on an auxin-free medium, the survival of the plants after 6 months of acclimatization was poor (50%). Best results (100% rooting and survival) were observed for ex vitro rooting. The micropropagated plants from this study were successfully reintroduced into their natural habitat (87% of survival after 8 months).  相似文献   

The role of cytokinins in the promotion of flowering in the endangered species Kniphofia leucocephala Baijnath. was investigated using shoots maintained in culture for 3 years. The highest percentage flowering (65%) was obtained on media containing 20 μM benzyladenine (BA). The inclusion of isopentenyladenine and zeatin in the media also resulted in flowering, but these treatments were less effective than BA in inducing flowering. The effect of cytokinins on flowering was dose-dependent, with high concentrations of BA inhibiting flower formation. Treatments that resulted in rooting of explants produced no flowers. The resulting inflorescences in all treatments did not mature and senesced prematurely, even when gibberellic acid (GA3) was applied post-flower-emergence.  相似文献   

Plants were regenerated from root explants of Arabidopsis halleri (L.) O’Kane and Al-Shehbaz via a three-step procedure callus induction, induction of somatic embryos and shoot development. Callus was induced from root segments, leaflets and petiole segments after incubation for 2 weeks in Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) supplemented with 0.5 mg/l−1 (2.26 μM) 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) and 0.05 mg/l−1 (0.23 μM) kinetin. Only calli developed from root segments continued to grow when transferred to a regeneration medium containing 2.0 mg/l−1 (9.8 μM) 6-γ-γ-(dimethylallylamino)-purine (2ip) and 0.05 mg/l−1 (2.68 μM) α-naphthalenacetic acid (NAA) and eventually 40 of them developed embryogenic structures. On the same medium 38 of these calli regenerated shoots. Rooting was achieved for 50 of the shoots subcultured in MS medium without hormones. The regeneration ability of callus derived from root cuttings, observed in this study, makes this technique useful for genetic transformation experiments and in vitro culture studies.  相似文献   

Summary Plantlets of Capsicum annuum L. ev. Sweet Banana regenerated via somatic embryogenesis from immature zygotic embryos were capable of producing flower, fruit, and seed when cultured in small tissue culture containers. In vitro floral buds were first formed on plantlets that grew on plantlet development medium [agar-gelled Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium containing 1 mgl−1 (5.3 μM) α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA)] in a growth room at 22°C and continuous illumination. However, floral buds rarely developed further into mature flowers. This problem was overcome using the vented autoclavable plant tissue culture containers. In vitro fruit formation and ripening was observed when liquid half-strength MS basal medium supplemented with 5 μg ml−1 silver thiosulfate, 1 mg l−1 (5.3 μM) NAA, and 3% sucrose was added to the surface of the plantlet development medium. Hand-pollination improved fruit set. Further research in needed to determine why the pepper seeds formed in vitro failed to germinate.  相似文献   

We have developed a protocol for the in vitro propagation of the genus Clivia. Shoots were regenerated when fragments of the peduncle-pedicel junction (PP junction) from young inflorescences were used as explants. The optimal media for PP junction were Murashige and Skoog (MS)-based medium containing 10 M of 6-benzyladenine (BA) and 10 M of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) or MS supplemented with 5 M BA, 10 M -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), 250 mg l-1 glutamine and 500 mg l–1 casein hydrolysate and their usage depended on the breeding lines. Multiplication from initiations and in vitro seedlings was the best when the explants were cut longitudinally through the meristem and placed on MS plus 44 M BA. Plantlets were transferred on to hormone -free MS medium with charcoal for rooting.  相似文献   

In vitro culture establishment, shoot proliferation and ex vitro rooting responses of Mongolian cherry (Prunus fruticosa L.), and Nanking cherry (Prunus tomentosa L.), were examined using various combinations of growth regulators. Dormant buds, taken during winter months, were used as explants. In both species, Murashige and Skoog Minimal Organic (MSMO) solid medium supplemented with 0.49 M indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and either 4.44 or 8.88 M 6-benzylaminopurine (BA), was the best for culture initiation, and with 8.88–15.16 M BA for shoot proliferation. Good rooting responses were also obtained with shoots produced on media containing 0.91 M thidiazuron (TDZ). Auxin treatments were required for ex vitro rooting of approximately 20 mm long shoots in peat/perlite (1:1 v/v) mixture, at 25 °C, under mist. The best rooting (79%) was obtained with IBA/NAA (naphthaleneacetic acid) (9.80/2.69 M) combination. A commercial rooting powder, Rootone F, containing IBA/NAA (0.057/0.067%), was also effective (73%). The ex vitro rooted plantlets did not require any additional acclimatization prior to transplanting to the regular greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

The species Solanum surattense Burm.f. has importance in ayurvedic medicine and also as vegetable. Streptomycin-resistant plantlets were induced showing chloroplast encoded mutants in S. surattense from mutagenised (ethyl methane sulphonate and gamma-rays) cotyledon explants. Chloroplast encoded – streptomycin resistant – shoots were developed from green (unbleached) sectors of the cotyledons. The streptomycin-resistant plants were similar to parental plants in morphology and ploidy level (2n=2x=24). Reciprocal crosses between streptomycin-resistant and the original streptomycin sensitive plants have shown the non-Mendelian transmission under the control of chloroplast – DNA. These antibiotic resistant plants are useful in designing biochemical selection schemes aimed at somatic hybrid/cybrid recovery in S. surattense.  相似文献   

The organogenic competence of leaf explants of eleven Carthamus species including C. tinctorius on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with different concentrations of thidiazuron (TDZ) + α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 6-benzyladenine (BA) + NAA was investigated. Highly prolific adventitious shoot regeneration was observed in C. tinctorius and C. arborescens on both growth regulator combinations and the shoot regeneration frequency was higher on medium supplemented with TDZ + NAA. Nodal culture of nine Carthamus species on media supplemented with BA and kinetin (KIN) individually revealed the superiority of media supplemented with BA over that of KIN in facilitating a higher shoot proliferation index. Proliferating shoots from axillary buds and leaf explants were transferred to medium supplemented with 1.0 mg dm−3 KIN or 0.5 mg dm−3 BA for shoot elongation. Elongated shoots were rooted on half-strength MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg dm−3 each of indole-butyric acid (IBA) and phloroglucinol. The plantlets thus obtained were hardened and transferred to soil.  相似文献   

We investigated the in vitro propagation by axillary budding of different cultivars of tree peonies, selected for cut flower production under Mediterranean conditions. Buds with expanded leaves were better to initiate cultures than just emerged ones (64%compared to 43%). The aptitude for micropropagation was genotype-dependent, and the propagation ratio ranged between 2 and 5 per cycle. Tendency to necrosis and/or hyperhydricity were also genotype dependent. Indole-3-butyric acid improved rooting but was not really necessary provided the shoots were pre-treated at 2 °C for 7days. Plantlets were successfully acclimatized under in vitro conditions. Adventitious propagation was achieved using filaments and petals as explants. They first developed callus, able to regenerate shoots after 8 weeks on media supplemented with thidiazuron.  相似文献   

Summary The capacity of cultured plant tissues and cells to undergo morphogenesis, resulting in the formation of discrete organs or whole plants, has provided opportunities for numerous applications of in vitro plant biology in studies of basic botany, biochemistry, propagation, breeding, and development of transgenic crops. While the fundamental techniques to achieve in vitro plant morphogenesis have been well established for a number of years, innovations in particular aspects of the technology continue to be made. Tremendous progress has been made in recent years regarding the genetic bases underlying both in vitro and in situ plant morphogenesis, stimulated by progress in functional genomics research. Advances in the identification of specific genes that are involved in plant morphogenesis in vitro, as well as some selected technical innovations, will be discussed. REPRINTED FROM: Phillips, G. C. In vitro morphogenesis in plants-recent advances. In: Goodman, R. M., ed. Encyclopedia of plant and crop science, vol. 1. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 2004: 579–583, http://www.dekker.com/servlet/product/DOI/101081EEPCS120010554; by courtesy of Marcel Dekker, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) plantlets grown in vitro often grow slowly when transferred to the field possibly, due to a limited photosynthetic capacity of in vitro-cultured plantlets, apparently caused by the sucrose added to growth medium causing negative feedback for photosynthesis. In this paper, we tested the hypothesis that high exogenous sucrose will decrease ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) activity and photosynthesis resulting in limited ex vitro growth. Plantlets grown with high exogenous sucrose (90 gl−1) had reduced photosynthetic activity that resulted in a poor photosynthetic response to high levels of light and CO2. These plantlets also had low amounts of Rubisco protein, low Rubisco activity, and reduced growth despite showing high survival when transferred to the field. Decreasing the medium’s sucrose concentration from 90 to 22.5 gl−1 or 0 gl−1 resulted in increased photosynthetic response to light and CO2 along with increased Rubisco and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) activities and proteins. However, plantlets grown in vitro without exogenous sucrose died when transferred ex vitro, whereas those grown with intermediate exogenous sucrose showed intermediate photosynthetic response, high survival, fast growth, and ex vitro photosynthesis. Thus, exogenous sucrose at moderate concentration decreased photosynthesis but increased survival, suggesting that both in vitro photosynthesis and exogenous sucrose reserves contribute to field establisment and growth of coconut plantlets cultured in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary  Three new species are described in Barleria L. sect. Stellatohirta M. Balkwill from tropical Africa: B. aristata from south-central Tanzania, B. aenea from south-western Tanzania and northeast Zambia, and B. purpureotincta from south-western Zambia. Their affinities and conservation status are discussed.  相似文献   

A micropropagation protocol for shoot culture of sweet viburnum (Viburnum odoratissimum) is described. Nodal explants, initially established on MS medium, were transferred to WPM supplemented with combinations of BA and GA3. Maximum shoot multiplication was observed on explants cultured on medium supplemented with BA concentration higher than 1.1 μM, and 14 μM GA3. Although Stage II medium supplemented with BA concentration higher than 1.1 μM resulted in increased shoot multiplication, it also caused a decrease in shoot length. A negative carry over effect of GA3 on rooting was observed in subsequent Stage III cultures. The presence of GA3 in Stage II medium promoted shoot elongation, but it also caused a decrease in microcutting rooting. For this reason, 0.5 μM BA and 14 μM GA3 were selected for optimum Stage II shoot multiplication. Although 100% microcuttings formed roots when cultured on medium containing 6.0 μM NAA, significant callus formation was observed and ex vitro survival rate was low (49%). Rooting was achieved after 3 weeks with 82% of microcuttings on medium supplemented with 3 μM IBA. The survival rate of plantlets under ex vitro conditions was 100% after 3 weeks. Plants looked healthy with no visually detectable phenotypic variation based on observation of about 30 plants.  相似文献   

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