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GORHAM  A. V.; GORHAM  E. 《Annals of botany》1955,19(4):571-577
Analyses for iron, manganese, ash, and nitrogen are recordedfor some plants from salt marshes and shingle hooks. Ash ismuch higher, and iron and manganese are much lower, than inplants from underwater lake muds, woodland soils of varyinghumus content and acidity, and semi-aquatic marsh, fen, andbog soils. Since both lake muds and salt-marsh soils are deficientin oxygen, with iron and manganese presumably mobile as divalentions, the difference in concentration of the two elements inplants from the two types of habitat requires explanation. Itis suggested that the much greater total ion concentration ofthe salt-marsh soil solution may depress iron and manganeseassimilation through ionic antagonism.  相似文献   

Huang  Z.-A.  Jiang  D.-A.  Yang  Y.  Sun  J.-W.  Jin  S.-H. 《Photosynthetica》2004,42(3):357-364
Gas exchange, chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence, and contents of photosynthetic pigments, soluble proteins (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, RuBPCO), and antioxidant enzymes were characterized in the fully expanded 6th leaves in rice seedlings grown on either complete (CK) or on nitrogen-deficient nutrient (N-deficiency) solutions during a 20-chase period. Compared with the control plants, the lower photosynthetic capacity at saturation irradiance (P max) was accompanied by an increase in intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), indicating that in N-deficient plants the decline in P max was not due to stomatal limitation but due to the reduced carboxylation efficiency. The fluorescence parameters PS2, Fv/Fm, electron transport rate (ETR), and qP showed the same tendency as P max in N-deficient plants. Correspondingly, a higher qN paralleled the rise of the ratio of carotenoid (Car) to Chl contents. However, Fv/Fm was still diminished, suggesting that photoinhibition did occur in the photosystem 2 (PS2) reaction centres. In addition, the activities of antioxidant enzymes on a fresh mass basis were gradually lowered, leading to the aggravation of membrane lipid peroxidation with the proceeding N-deficiency. The accumulation of malonyldialdehyde resulted in the lessening of Chl and soluble protein content. Analyses of regression showed PS2 excitation pressure (1 - qP) was linearly correlated with the content of Chl and inversely with soluble protein (particularly RuBPCO) content. There was a lag phase in the increase of PS2 excitation pressure compared to the decrease of RuBPCO content. Therefore, the increased excitation pressure under N-deficiency is probably the result of saturation of the electron transport chain due to the limitation of the use of reductants by the Calvin cycle. Rice plants responded to N-deficiency and high irradiance by decreasing light-harvesting capacity and by increasing thermal dissipation of absorbed energy.  相似文献   

含锰矿渣的排放造成了严重的土壤锰污染。揭示锰毒害和植物的耐锰机制对于污染土壤治理具有重要意义。研究表明,高浓度的Mn2+能够抑制根系Ca2+、Fe2+和Mg2+等元素的吸收及活性,引起氧化性胁迫导致氧化损伤,使叶绿素和Rubisco含量下降、叶绿体超微结构破坏和光合速率降低。而锰超累积植物则具有多种解毒或耐性机制,如区域化、有机酸螯合、外排作用、抗氧化作用和离子交互作用等。根系主要通过有机酸的螯合作用促进植物对Mn^2+的转运解毒,同时能够将过量的Mn^2+区域化在根细胞壁中;叶片可通过酚类物质或有机酸螯合Mn^2+,并将其区域化在叶片表皮细胞和叶肉细胞的液泡中(或通过表皮毛将Mn^2+排出体外)。其中,金属转运蛋白在植物对Mn^2+的吸收、转运、累积和解毒过程中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

Barley and tomato plants were cultured in nutrient solutionsincluding 0.15 mol m–3 H2PO4. The phosphate supplywas discontinued and the subsequent effects on growth, internalphosphorus concentrations, phosphate absorption and translocationwere measured at frequent intervals. Growth rates were at firstunchanged and the internal phosphorus concentration decreased.During this phase the rate of phosphate transport by the rootssometimes increased significantly. Growth slowed more in shootsthan in roots during a second phase of stress development andvisual symptoms of deficiency appeared in tomato but not inbarley. During this phase, enhancement of phosphate uptake capacityreached a maximum in both species. The subsequent decline inuptake capacity was associated with visible symptoms of deficiencydeveloping in barley and intensifying in tomato. When stressedplants were returned to a solution containing 0.15 mol m–3H2PO4 rapid absorption continued for several days afterthe internal phosphorus concentration had returned to the levelof the controls. Phosphate toxicity may have been the causeof leaf lesions and necrosis during the ‘recovery’phase. Stomatal conductance in tomato was decreased at an early stageof stress development. Foliar-applied phosphate was absorbedmore rapidly by P-stressed barley leaves than by their controlsand much larger amounts were translocated from the leaves tothe roots.  相似文献   

Zinc, Iron, and Chlorophyll Metabolism in Zinc-toxic Corn   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Rosen JA  Pike CS  Golden ML 《Plant physiology》1977,59(6):1085-1087
Zinc toxicity and Zn-Fe interactions were studied in corn (Zea mays L. var. Barbecue hybrid) grown in hydroponic culture. High Zn greatly reduced the root and shoot fresh weights; increasing Fe largely, but not completely, restored normal growth. Correlation analyses of root and leaf Zn and Fe contents suggested that Zn may interfere with the translocation of Fe; however, Zn toxicity was not associated with a diminished leaf Fe content. Fe did appear to retard both the absorption and the translocation of Zn. The chlorosis of Zn-toxic plants is not attributable to diminshed total leaf Fe; however, this chlorosis is relieved by increasing nutrient Fe. Zn and Fe probably do interact at some site.  相似文献   

Iron is an essential element for diverse biological functions. In mammals, the majority of iron is enclosed within a single prosthetic group: heme. In metazoans, heme is synthesized via a highly conserved and coordinated pathway within the mitochondria. However, iron is acquired from the environment and subsequently assimilated into various cellular pathways, including heme synthesis. Both iron and heme are toxic but essential cofactors. How is iron transported from the extracellular milieu to the mitochondria? How are heme and heme intermediates coordinated with iron transport? Although recent studies have answered some questions, several pieces of this intriguing puzzle remain unsolved.  相似文献   

营养液pH对3种藤本植物生长和叶绿素荧光的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
以金银花、牵牛花、爬山虎3种藤本植物为材料,在不同pH营养液培养,对其株高、茎粗、植株干重、叶绿素含量、叶绿素荧光等指标进行了测定分析.结果表明:(1)随着营养液pH的升高,金银花各生长指标和叶绿素含量逐渐升高并在pH为8.2时达到最大值,爬山虎在pH为6.2时各生长指标和叶绿素含量达到最大值,牵牛花在pH从5.2变化到9.2之间,除了植物干重外,各生长指标和叶绿素含量的值变化不大.(2)随着pH的升高,金银花的PSⅡ最大光能转化效率(Fv/Fm)、PSⅡ的潜在活性(Fv/F0)、PSⅡ捕获激发能的效率(Fm/F0)及PSⅡ实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)明显上升,并在pH为8.2处达到最大值;爬山虎各参数值则明显下降;牵牛花在pH为6.2处达到最大值后,随着pH的升高再无明显变化.可见,金银花更适应于喀斯特等偏碱性(pH 8.2)的环境生长.  相似文献   

Evidence has been sought for an interaction between native auxinand manganese in vivo by observing the effect of an excess ofmanganese on the growth and photosensitivity of etiolated oatseedlings. Intact plants were supplied with manganese via theirroots in conjunction with other growth-modifying treatments,glycine, ethanol, carbon dioxide, and nitrates. The data showthat neither growth nor photosensitivity was changed by theadditional manganese; consequently no evidence for the occurrenceof such an interaction was obtained.  相似文献   

Ammonium-fed plants may acidify the rhizosphere and thus increaseavailability of Mn in calcareous alkaline soils. The importanceof N nutrition in the differential expression of tolerance toMn deficiency among cereal genotypes is not yet clear. Two factorialexperiments testing effects of the NH4-N/NO3-N ratio and Mnfertilization on growth of barley genotypes differing in toleranceto Mn deficiency were conducted in two calcareous alkaline soilsin pots in a controlled environment. In the soil containing80% CaCO3at pH 8.5, better root and shoot growth and highershoot Mn concentrations were achieved with nitrate supply, especiallyat lower rates of Mn fertilization. The Mn-efficient genotypeWeeah (tolerant of Mn deficiency) achieved better root and shootgrowth than Mn-inefficient Galleon barley (sensitive to Mn deficiency)regardless of experimental treatment. Fertilization with Mndid not influence total N concentration in barley roots andshoots. In the soil containing 5% CaCO3at pH 7.8, ammonium-fedplants had better root and shoot growth and, at shoot Mn concentrationsabove the critical level, Mn-inefficient Galleon performed betterthan Mn-efficient Weeah barley. It appears that differentialexpression of Mn efficiency among barley genotypes is not associatedwith differences in Mn availability expected to be producedby differential rhizosphere acidification as a response to differentforms of N supply. There is an apparent preference of locallyselected barley genotypes for nitrate nutrition when grown onthe highly calcareous alkaline soils of southern Australia. Ammonium; calcareous soil; Hordeum vulgare ; manganese; nitrate; nitrogen form; nutrient efficiency; rhizosphere  相似文献   

氮素形态和铁营养对玉米苗期生长及体内铁分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以玉米(Zea mays)品种‘豫玉-22’为材料,采用营养液培养方法,研究了低铁和正常供铁条件下供应不同形态氮素对玉米苗期生长及体内铁分布的影响。结果表明:(1)与低铁介质相比,常铁介质增加了各氮素处理玉米幼苗的株高、地上部干重、全株干重,降低了根冠比,其中硝态氮处理表现得尤其突出;与供应硝态氮(NO3--N)相比,增施铵态氮(1/2 NO3--N 1/2 NH4 -N,NH4 -N)能明显促进低铁介质中玉米生长,但在常铁介质下作用不明显。(2)相比于低铁介质,正常供铁显著提高了相应处理玉米新叶叶绿素含量及净光合速率;2种供铁介质中,NH4 -N处理的新叶叶绿素含量以及净光合速率均高于其它氮素处理。(3)相比于低铁介质,正常供铁处理总体上增加了玉米各部分活性铁含量和全铁含量,对NO3--N处理的新叶活性铁含量增加尤其明显;2种供铁介质中,NH4 -N均有利于提高新叶活性铁含量和植株地上部全铁含量。(4)玉米新叶活性铁含量不仅与其叶绿素含量显著正相关(r=0.979**),也与叶片净光合速率显著正相关(r=0.950**)。研究发现,供铁状况显著影响玉米新叶的叶绿素含量及其净光合速率且与供氮形态存在互作;供应铵态氮有利于提高缺铁条件下玉米新叶活性铁含量,增强玉米植株的光合能力,进而促进其正常生长。  相似文献   

Methods for the cryopreservation of protein import and integration in pea chloroplasts and of protein import or protein synthesis in tobacco mitochondria were modified to yield enzymatically active cryopreserved etioplasts from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). The cryoprotectants ethylene glycol and dimethy sulfoxide were about 64 and 77% effective, respectively, for the cryopreservation of etioplast intactness. Phototransformation of protochlorophyllide a, esterification of chlorophyllide a or zinc-pheophorbide a, and stabilization of the de novo synthesized plastid-encoded chlorophyll-apoproteins P700, CP47, CP43, D2, and D1 were successfully preserved in liquid nitrogen. Cryopreservation of freshly prepared intact etioplasts completely retained enzymatic activities for accumulation of chlorophyll a or resulted in a slightly decreased yield of zinc-pheophytin a.  相似文献   

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