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Osteosarcomas were found in 16 of 24,192 (0.066%) BALB/c female mice, 14 were in 21,816 (0.064%) 2-acetylaminofluorene-treated mice, and two were in 2,376 (0.084%) untreated controls. The osteosarcomas were classified into osteoblastic, fibroblastic, and mixed types. Seven of the osteosarcomas metastasized to the lungs. The osteosarcomas in control and 2-acetylaminofluorene-treated mice showed little or no difference in the incidence, type, size, or site of origin, indicating that 2-acetylaminofluorene did not affect the development of osteosarcomas in BALB/c female mice.U  相似文献   

In an effort to explain the different platelet production capabilities of both normal and hypoxic male and female C3H and BALB/c mice, megakaryocyte size and number were determined utilizing bone marrow from both normal and hypoxic mice. The results indicate that normal BALB/c female mice have increased numbers of megakaryocytes, but of smaller size compared with either BALB/c male mice or to both sexes of C3H mice. An inverse relationship between the size and number of megakaryocytes was found in both normal and hypoxic mice; therefore, to evaluate total megakaryocyte characteristics, we calculated total megakaryocyte masses (TMM). With hypoxia, megakaryocyte number decreased, whereas megakaryocyte size increased. Despite the increase in megakaryocyte size, hypoxia caused a significant decrease in TMM (P less than 0.005) in all mice, but female C3H mice had higher TMM (P less than 0.05) than did female BALB/c mice. These data show that hypoxia decreases TMM in mice, and that the effect is greater in C3H mice than in BALB/c mice.  相似文献   

The International Mouse Knockout Consortium aims to generate a knockout mouse for every single gene on a C57BL/6 background. Our ability to generate such mice is hampered by the poor economics of producing blastocysts to achieve germline transmission of C57BL/6 embryonic stem (ES) cells. We demonstrate superior utility of (C3H x BALB/c)F1 blastocysts compared with BALB/c blastocysts, with blastocyst numbers and germline transmission from subsequent chimeras at a rate 2- to 3-fold higher than that produced with BALB/c blastocysts.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of kinase C function were performed in an untransformed (A31) and the benzo[a]pyrene (BPA31), dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DA31), and Kirsten sarcoma virus (KA31) transformed BALB/c 3T3 mouse fibroblast cell lines. The 80-kDa kinase C dependent phosphoprotein (pp80), an in vivo marker of kinase C activity, was markedly decreased in the transformed cells although the amount of the 80-kDa substrate protein in the BPA31 cells was similar to that in the untransformed A31 cells. Total cell lysate kinase C levels were lower in the transformed cells but this difference could not account for the reduced pp80 phosphorylation. Increased affinity of kinase C for the membrane fraction in the BPA31 cells may account for decreased phosphorylation of pp80.  相似文献   

To understand the pathogenesis of scrub typhus, we examined chemokine and cytokine production in susceptible (C3H/HeN) and resistant (BALB/c) mice after infection with O. tsutsugamushi Gilliam. C3H/HeN mice produced high levels of chemokines macrophage inflammatory proteins 1 alpha (MIP-1 alpha ), MIP-2, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1), and cytokines gamma-interferon (IFN-gamma ), interleukin-12 (IL-12), IL-10, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha ) in response to O. tsutsugamushi infection, compared to BALB/c mice. Chemokine profiles in infected mice correlated well with the kinetics of inflammatory cell infiltration. Hyperproduction of chemokines and cytokines was observed in another susceptible-infection model (BALB/c-Karp). These results suggest that hyperproduction of chemokines and cytokines are associated with susceptibility during O. tsutsugamushi infection.  相似文献   

Recent studies have provided some insights into Leishsmania (Leishmania) amazonensis muscular infection in dogs, although, muscular disease due to leishmaniasis has been poorly documented. The aim of our study was to evaluate involvement of Leishmania in muscular infection of two distinct mouse strains (BALB/c and C3H.He), with different genetic backgrounds. BALB/c mice, susceptible to Leishmania infection, showed, at the beginning of infection, a great number of infected macrophages among muscle fibers; however, in C3H.He resistant mice, muscle fibers were less damaged than in BALB/c mice, but some parasitized macrophages could be seen among them. A follow up of the infection showed an intense inflammatory infiltrate mainly composed of infected macrophages in BALB/c muscles and the presence of amastigotes within muscle fibers; while C3H.He mice exhibited a moderate inflammatory infiltrate among skeletal muscle fibers and an absence of amastigotes. Total destruction of muscles was observed in BALB/c mice in the late phase of infection (day 90) while C3H.He mice showed a process of muscle repair. We concluded that: (1) the muscles of BALB/c mice were more affected by leishmaniasis than those of C3/H.He mice; (2) Leishmania amastigotes are capable of infecting muscular fibers, as observed in BALB/c mice; (3) as inflammatory infiltrate is less intense in C3H.He mice these animals are capable of restoring muscular fibers.  相似文献   

The immune responsiveness of spleens from female BALB/c mice to PHA, Con A, and LPS was greater at proestrus and metestrus as compared with estrus and diestrus. The peaks of responsiveness corresponded to reported elevated levels of estrogen and pregnenolone during these phases of the cycle. Similar results were obtained with the IgM or direct plaque-forming cell responses, which were also increased at proestrus and metestrus. It appears that female hormones may directly or indirectly stimulate immune responsiveness in adult mice.  相似文献   

目的研究猪圆环病毒3型(porcine circovirus3,PCV3)对BALB/c小鼠的感染情况。方法将雌性BALB/c小鼠分为两组,实验组感染PCV3组织毒,对照组接种同样剂量的PBS。感染后每天观察小鼠状态,并在第0,3,7,11和14天采血进行荧光定量PCR检测和ELISA检测。实验结束后,对所有动物进行安乐死和剖检,对心脏、肝、脾、肺、肾、脑和淋巴结取样进行荧光定量PCR检测,并制片进行组织病理学检查。选择PCR检测阳性组织进行PCV3CAP基因测序分析。结果PCV3组织毒感染小鼠不引起明显的临床症状和病理变化。病毒可在感染早期的血清中检测到,病毒含量最高的器官是肝脏和脾脏,PCV3感染小鼠后核酸序列未发生变化。随着感染时间的增加血清中抗体水平逐渐升高。结论PCV3可以感染BALB/c小鼠,并在小鼠体内增殖。本研究结果为猪圆环病毒3型致病性的研究以及防控提供了参考。  相似文献   

The distribution kinetics and oxidative metabolism of [4-C14] corticosterone (B) and 11-deoxy-[1,2-3H] corticosterone (DOC) were compared in C57BL/6 (B6) and BALB/c (C) mice. Statistically important differences in the distribution of [14C]B and [3H]DOC occurred that were independent of strain, while other differences were strain dependent. Intestinal excretion of metabolites of B and DOC was greater in B6 mice than in C mice, and kidney excretion was greater in C mice than B6 mice. In both C and B6 mice, 3H was cleared from liver faster than 14C, with no strain differences. DOC metabolite levels exceeded B metabolite levels in small intestine and gall bladder of both strains. In most other organs, B metabolites exceeded DOC metabolites. Time average strain differences in accumulation of B and its metabolites favoring B6 were found in pancreas, brain, lung, heart, muscles, adrenals, spleen, mesentery and small intestine. Except for the organs of excretion, no strain differences were found for [3H]DOC metabolites. Sixty minutes after steroid administration, 45% of B metabolites and a third of DOC metabolites were 20-hydroxy-21-oic acids. In the intestine, accumulation of acids derived from either B or DOC was greater for B6 than C strain mice, reflecting the greater proportion of total steroid excreted in the B6 strain.  相似文献   

Lungs from 505 (21.1%) of 2,397 untreated control female BALB/c mice examined at various age intervals up to 1,001 days contained alveolar-bronchiolar neoplasms. Tumors were evaluated for histomorphological type, degree of differentiation, and size. Most of the tumors (286 of 505 or 56% of those examined) were of the papillary type and 450 of 505 (89.1%) were well differentiated. The incidence of the solid type and the well differentiated tumors was highest in the smallest size group (less than 0.5 mm) while that of the papillary and mixed types and the moderately and poorly differentiated tumors was highest in the larger size groupings. One hundred twenty-seven of 131 (97%) of all solid tumors were well differentiated while a lower percentage of papillary and mixed types (86.7% and 85.2%, respectively) were well differentiated. The mean age of mice with tumors from each histomorphological type, degree of differentiation, and size grouping also was determined.  相似文献   

When BALB/c mice initially given cysticercoids of Hymenolepis diminuta orally (Day 0) were challenged with eggs or cysticercoids of H. nana, almost all the mice became completely resistant to H. nana challenges from Day 30 onward, and no luminal adults of H. nana were established. There was a tendency for the number of tissue cysticercoids recovered 4 days after egg challenge in immunized mice to be much less than that in control mice (P less than 0.001, Student's t test). However, when these cysticercoids recovered from immune group mice were inoculated into uninfected mice, they matured in the lumen. Thus, the cross immunity to H. nana challenge evoked by an initial prepatent infection with H. diminuta appeared to be directed not against the tissue phase but against the lumen phase of H. nana. When BALB/c mice initially given eggs of H. nana were challenged with H. diminuta, they became resistant to H. diminuta from Day 15 onward. When the mice given eggs of H. nana were treated with a cestocide, praziquantel, at the beginning of the expected luminal development of H. nana and experienced a tissue phase only before challenge with H. diminuta, they showed no resistance to H. diminuta. Thus, the cross immunity to H. diminuta challenge evoked by an initial patent infection with H. nana appeared to be due to the immunogens of the lumen phase of H. nana but not those of the tissue phase. The cross immunity may be, therefore, essentially evoked by the lumen phase of these two phylogenetically closely related species and not by or against the tissue phase of H. nana.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal microecology of BALB/c nude mice.   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The aerobic, facultative, and anaerobic microorganisms cultivable from the stomachs, ilea, ceca, and colons of BALB/c athymic (nu/nu) mice (normal and wasting), thymus-implanted normal nude mice, and their heterozygous (nu/+) littermates were investigated. Ninety-one species representing 23 genera of bacteria and yeasts were isolated from the 27 mice. The wasting nude mice showed significantly lower numbers of lactobacilli in their stomach microbiota than did mice from the other three groups. The littermate animals appeared unique among the four groups in having corynebacteria as a major constituent of their stomach and ileal flora. The normal nude mice appeared to have a more diverse anaerobic stomach flora than their heterozygous littermates. These minor differences are discussed with respect to possible immunological, physiological, and environmental factors as their cause. Because the gastrointestinal microfloras of the mice from the four groups were not radically divergent from each other, it was concluded that loss of T-cell function does not dramatically alter the makeup of the cultivable gastrointestinal microflora in these mice.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the dose-response relationships for tumor induction after neutron irradiation in female BALB/c mice, with emphasis on the response in the dose range 0 to 50 rad. Tumors induced after radiation exposure included ovarian tumors, lung adenocarcinomas, and mammary adenocarcinomas. For comparison the dose responses for induction of these tumors after 137Cs gamma irradiation were also examined. As previously described for the female RFM mouse, the data for ovarian tumor induction after neutron and gamma irradiation were consistent with a threshold model. For lung and mammary tumors the dose-response curve after neutron irradiation appeared to "bend over" in the dose range 10 to 20 rad. The factors responsible for this bend-over and their relative contributions to the overall form of the dose-response relationship are not presently known. However, these data strongly indicate that extrapolation from data above 50 rad could result in a significant underestimate of risks. Further, it is clear that current models of neutron carcinogenesis are inadequate, since such a bend-over is not predicted at these low dose levels.  相似文献   

Schoeler, G. B., Manweiler, S. A., and Wikel, S. K. 1999. Ixodes scapularis: Effects of repeated infestations with pathogen-free nymphs on macrophage and T lymphocyte cytokine responses of BALB/c and C3H/HeN mice. Experimental Parasitology 92, 239-248. Ixodes scapularis is the principal vector in the United States of Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme borreliosis, the human granulocytic ehrichiosis agent, and Babesia microti. Infestation with I. scapularis nymphs has previously been shown to modulate host T lymphocyte cytokine production. Tick-induced host immunomodulation is increasingly recognized as a contributing factor in successful transmission and/or establishment of tick-borne pathogens. This study was conducted to determine the effects of repeated infestations with pathogen-free I. scapularis nymphs on the production of the macrophage cytokines interleukin (IL)-1beta and tumor necrosis factor-alpha and the T lymphocyte cytokines IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, and interferon-gamma in both BALB/c and C3H/HeN mice. The pattern of T lymphocyte cytokine production was evaluated to determine if repeated tick infestation polarizes the immune response toward a Th-1 or Th-2 cytokine profile. Female BALB/c and C3H/HeN mice were infested one to four times with pathogen-free I. scapularis nymphs, with a 14-day tick-free period between each exposure. After each infestation, tick biology parameters were measured and macrophage and T lymphocyte cytokine production was assessed. Elaboration of T lymphocyte and macrophage cytokines was quantitated by antigen capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Acquired resistance to I. scapularis feeding was not developed by either mouse strain. Significant differences in cytokine production were observed between infested and noninfested mice, as well as between the two mouse strains, following tick infestation. Infestation of both strains with pathogen-free I. scapularis results in a polarization of the host immune response toward a Th-2, anti-inflammatory pattern, with a corresponding suppression of Th-1 responses.  相似文献   

The relationships between Listeria monocytogenes (LM) pathogenesis, based on bacterial load, and serum levels of IL-6, IFNgamma, and corticosterone (CORT) were quantified. Serum IFNgamma levels increased along with the LM burden; however, with LM burdens > or =3 x 10(6) CFU per spleen, the serum IFNgamma level decreased along with a decrease in splenic weight. Serum IL-6 levels exponentially increased with increases of LM, and the CORT level positively correlated with the increase in IL-6 and LM. The serum level of IFNgamma appeared to be a good biomarker of the host's ability to combat the infection only when the LM burden did not exceed a critical level (>3 x 10(6) CFU per spleen). Interestingly, the LM load at which the IFNgamma level began to decline was near the dose at which the IL-6 concentration exponentially increased, suggesting a transition point shift from stress (assessed as CORT level) being immunoenhancing to becoming immunosuppressive. The IL-6:IFNgamma ratio may be a good indicator of disease severity and/or the ability to cope with an infection.  相似文献   

Nineteen BALB/c, 14CBA/KI, 12C3H/HeJ and 15 (CBA/Kl x C3H/HeJ) F1 female mice were irradiated with 850 rad gamma-rays and transferred with 10(7) syngeneic bone marrow cells 24 hrs later. The occurrence of cataract was examined in these animals. All the BALB/c mice showed visible lens opacification in both eyes between 113 and 149 days after irradiation. All the animals were autopsied 6 months after irradiation and examined for opacification of their lenses. The proportion of opaque lenses was 100, 7.1, 16.7 and 0% in BALB/c, CBA/Kl, C3H/HeJ and (CBA/Kl x C3H/HeJ) F1 mice, respectively. The results indicate that BALB/c mice are much more sensitive to radiation-induced cataractogenesis than CBA and C3H mice.  相似文献   

In pharmaceutical companies and research institutes, many toxicity tests are performed with laboratory animals. This study was performed to produce reference data for eye toxicity tests and to investigate the ophthalmic diseases of 408 ICR mice and 119 BALB/c mice, which are commonly used as subjects in toxicity tests. The experimental animals without clinical disorders were selected regardless of sex. The ophthalmic diseases were examined by using special ophthalmic instruments: direct ophthalmoscope, indirect ophthalmoscope, slit-lamp biomicroscope and focal illuminator. The most prevalent ocular variation within normal limits was hyaloid vessel remnant (ICR mice, 28.2%; BALB/c mice, 31.9%) and the incidence gradually decreased with age. The ocular diseases found in ICR mice were retinal degeneration (9.8%), corneal scar (4.2%), focal cataract (2.2%), anisocoria (1.2%), corneal ulcer (0.2%) and uveitis (0.2%). In BALB/c mice, corneal scar (9.2%), focal cataract (1.7%) and corneal ulcer (0.8%) were the ocular diseases found.  相似文献   

Y Xu  Z Yang  C Su 《Cryobiology》1992,29(3):422-427
The cell-mediated immune function of cold-adapted BALB/c inbred mice was studied in experiments of splenic lymphocyte blastogenesis, indicated by tritium-labeled deoxythymidine incorporation and SDS-PAGE autoradiography of synthetic proteins in lymphocytes. Male BALB/c inbred mice were randomly divided into two groups: control (living at 25 degrees C) and cold-exposed (living at 2 degrees C). Results are as follows: in contrast with the control group, there was an obvious fluctuation of cell-mediated immune function in the cold-exposed group at initial cold exposure because of transient stress to cold; then cell-mediated immune function gradually recovered to control level. From Day 15, the cell-mediated immune function of the cold-exposed group was remarkably enhanced. On Day 15, the lymphocyte blastogenesis rate was increased by 20.66% (P less than 0.05), which implies the onset of cold adaptation; on Days 21 and 31, the rates increased by 80.15% (P less than 0.05) and 40.36% (P less than 0.05), respectively. Two to six months later, with continuing cold exposure, the murine lymphocyte blastogenesis rate in the cold-exposed group remained higher than that in the control group. The lymphocyte protein synthesis of the cold-exposed group, indicated by tritium-labeled leucine incorporation, apparently increased on Day 15 and the stimulated rate was 101.47% (P less than 0.05). SDS-PAGE autoradiography of synthetic proteins in lymphocytes demonstrated that after 2 weeks of cold exposure, protein bands were enriched in both quantity and quality. These results are identical to the results obtained from lymphocyte blastogenesis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The hearts of BALB/c mice are known to acquire pronounced greyish white spots (cardiac white spots). BALB/c male mice were examined for the relationship between the incidence of cardiac white spots and weekly age, and compared with DDY male mice. During the observation period of 0.4-30 weeks, cardiac white spots on the right ventricle of BALB/c mice were first detected at three weeks (6 of 20 mice; 30%), and the maximal incidence of cardiac white spots was obtained at nine weeks (39 of 44 mice; 88%). In contrast, DDY mice were completely devoid of cardiac spots. Histopathologically, the cardiac spots were dystrophic calcinosis. There were significant increases in the relative organ weights of the heart and kidney of BALB/c mice compared with those of DDY mice. However, there was no significant difference between BALB/c and DDY mice in serum calcium concentration or histological characteristics of the parathyroid gland or bone marrow. The cardiac white spots of BALB/c mice were considered to be controlled by genetic susceptibility that occurred spontaneously with aging. The results described here suggest that BALB/c mice are adequate experimental animals for the study of myocardial disease that occurs spontaneously.  相似文献   

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