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Cyanide inhibited d- and l-lactate and NADH oxidase activities of membrane particles from Propionibacterium shermanii but only at relatively high concentrations. Inhibition occurred at two different sites in the electron transport pathway. One site, with a half-maximal inhibition concentration (I 0.5) of 2 to 3 mM KCN, is located at the terminal oxidase involved in cytochrome b oxidation; the evidence is consistent with cytochrome d being the major oxidase involved. At high concentrations, cyanide inhibited reduction of cytochrome b by d-lactate (I 0.5 value 20–25 mM cyanide). A proportion of the oxygen-uptake remained uninhibited even by 100 mM cyanide; this proportion was about 80% for succinate, 30% for l-lactate, 15% for d-lactate and 10% for NADH. The oxygen uptake per mol of substrate oxidised increased with increasing cyanide concentration and was accompanied by the formation of hydrogen peroxide as a product of a cyanide-insensitive oxidase system.Abbreviations PMS Phenazine methosulphate  相似文献   

Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii is known to prevent mutations caused by various agents such as N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, 9-aminoacridine, 4-nitro-quinoline-1-oxide and by UV radiation in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. It was also shown to prevent or repair damage caused by H(2)O(2) or UV radiation in Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli, a characteristic previously designated as reactivative effect. In order to characterise this effect at the molecular level, we have purified the active component from a P. freudenreichii cell-free extract using a combination of ammonium sulfate precipitation, anion-exchange and size-exclusion chromatography. The isolated 35 kDa protein was then identified using both N-terminal and internal peptide sequencing as a cysteine synthase. The latter was localised in the P. freudenreichii proteomic map. It is constitutively expressed but also clearly induced during adaptation to detergent and heat, but not acid, stresses. The biological meaning of cysteine synthase in the context of adaptation to oxidative and non-oxidative stresses is discussed.  相似文献   

Growth of Propionibacterium freudenreichii was studied with glycerol, lactate, and propionate as energy sources and a three-electrode poised-potential amperometric electrode system with hexacyanoferrate (III) as mediator. In batch culture experiments with glycerol and lactate as substrates, hexacyanoferrate (III) was completely reduced. Growth yields increased and the fermentation patterns were shifted towards higher acetate formation with increasing hexacyanoferrate (III) concentrations (0.25–8.0 mM). In experiments with regulated electrodes, glycerol, lactate, and propionate were oxidized to acetate and CO2, and the electrons were quantitatively transferred to the working electrode. Growth yields of 29.0, 13.4 and 14.2 g cell material per mol were calculated, respectively. The high cell yield obtained during propionate oxidation cannot be explained solely by substrate level phosphorylation indicating that additional energy was conserved via electron transport phosphorylation. Furthermore, this result indicated complete reversibility of the methyl-malonyl-CoA pathway in propionic acid bacteria.  相似文献   

Pyruvate kinase from Propionibacterium shermanii was shown to be activated by glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-P) at non-saturating phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) concentrations but other glycolytic and hexose monophosphate pathway intermediates and AMP were without effect. Half-maximal activation was obtained at 1 mM G-6-P. The presence of G-6-P decreased both the PEP0.5V and ADP0.5V values and the slope of the Hill plots for both substrates. The enzyme was strongly inhibited by ATP and inorganic phosphate (Pi) at all PEP concentrations. At non-saturating (0.5 mM) PEP, half-maximal inhibition was obtained at 1.8 mM ATP or 1.4 mM Pi. The inhibition by both Pi and ATP was largely overcome by 4 mM G-6-P. The specific activity of pyruvate kinase was considerably higher in lactate-, glucose- and glycerol-grown cultures than that of the enzyme catalysing the reverse reaction, pyruvate, phosphate dikinase. It is suggested that the activity of pyruvate kinase in vivo is determined by the balance between activators and inhibitors such that it is inhibited during gluconeogenesis while, during glycolysis, the inhibition is relieved by G-6-P.Abbreviations PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - G-6-P glucose-6-phosphate - Pi inorganic phosphate  相似文献   

Propionibacterium acidipropionici was grown in a fed-batch culture, fed with glucose or lactate, or mixtures of lactate and glucose. Lactate and glucose were always simultaneously consumed. As co-substrate, glucose modified the propionate:acetate molar ratio (P/A) and increased the fraction of carbon used for biomass production. A P/A of 7.63 was obtained with a lactate:glucose molar ratio of 4; a P/A value of 1.34 was obtained with lactate alone and 1.85 with glucose alone. The fraction of carbon recovered in biomass was 0.09 for glucose, 0.12 for lactate, and 0.21 for a lactate:glucose molar ratio of 4.  相似文献   

The electron-transport chain catalyzing fumarate reduction by formate has recently been reconstituted from the formate dehydrogenase complex and the fumarate reductase complex from Vibro succinogenes, in a liposomal preparation containing vitamin K-1 (Unden, G. and Kröger, A. (1982) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 682, 258–263). We have now investigated the structural properties of this preparation. The preparation was found to consist of a homogeneous population of unilamellar proteoliposomes with an average diameter of about 100 nm and an internal volume of 2–4 ml / g phospholipid. The buoyant density (1.07 g / ml) was consistent with the protein / phospholipid ratio (0.2 g / g) of the preparation. Leakage of glucose from the internal spaces of the proteoliposomes was negligibly slow. Proteoliposomes prepared with either of the enzyme complexes showed peripheral projections mainly on the outer surface, when examined by electron microscopy after negative staining. The size, orientation and surface density of the projections were consistent with those of the enzymes. Most of the substrate and dye-reactive sites (70–90%) of the enzymes in the proteoliposomes were accessible to external non-permeant substrates. The proteoliposomes catalyzing electron transport were formed by freeze-thawing a mixture of liposomes and protein-phospholipid complexes which did not perform electron transport from formate to fumarate. Nearly the entire amount of the enzymes supplied (0.2 g protein / g phospholipid) was incorporated into the liposomes by this procedure. The transformation of liposomes into proteoliposomes was accompanied by exchange of the internal solutes with the external medium.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli was grown anaerobically on sodium fumarate and molecular hydrogen or sodium formate in continuous culture. The maximal growth yield and the maintenance coefficient were determined. In a mineral medium a Y fum max value of 6.6 g dry weight per mol fumarate was found. This value increased to 7.5 when casamino acids were present in the medium. From these data and the corresponding Y ATP max values it could be calculated that per mol of fumarate reduced, 0.4 mol of ATP became available for growth. In batch culture a Yfum value of 4.8 g dry weight per mol fumarate was determined.  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles derived from whole cells of the strictly anaerobic rumen bacterium Bacteroides amylophilus exhibited fumarate reductase activity with NADH, FADH2, FMNH2, or reduced viologens as electron donors. The fumarate reductase system is most likely localized on the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane. Cytochromes and menaquinone were not detectable.The NADH-dependent activity was inactivated by oxygen, an endogenous protease, and by irradiation at 254 nm. The electron transport inhibitor HpHOQnO and Zn2+ were identified as strong inhibitors of the fumarate reductase reaction. Two types of functional SH-groups might be operative in this system as probed by ClHgSO3H. The oxidation of NADH by fumarate was stimulated by low concentrations of Na+.Concentrations of Na+ in the range of 4 to 30 mM had a pronounced influence on growth rate and cell yield of B. amylophilus. In the presence of 1 mM NaCl growth was observed only after a lag-period of 15 h.Abbreviations ClHgSO3H 4-chloromercuriphenylsulfonate - DTE dithioerythritol - Hepes N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - HpHOQnO 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide - NoHOQnO 2-n-nonyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride - Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane Dedicated to Prof. N. Pfennig on the occasion of his 60th birthday Present address: Heinz-Georg Wetzstein, Bayer AG, EP-AQ-QL, E39, D-5090 Leverkusen, FRG  相似文献   

(1) The electron transport system of heterotrophically dark-grown Rhodobacter capsulatus was investigated using the wild-type strain MT1131 and the phototrophic non-competent (Ps-) mutant MT-GS18 carrying deletions of the genes for cytochrome c 1 and b of the bc 1 complex and for cytochrome c 2. (2) Spectroscopic and thermodynamic data demonstrate that deletion of both bc 1 complex and cyt. c 2 still leaves several haems of c- and b-type with Em7.0 of +265 mV and +354 mV at 551–542 nm, and +415 mV and +275 mV at 561–575 nm, respectively. (3) Analysis of the oxidoreduction kinetic patterns of cytochromes indicated that cyt. b 415 and cyt. b 275 are reduced by either ascorbate-diaminodurene or NADH, respectively. (4) Growth on different carbon and nitrogen sources revealed that the membrane-bound electron transport chain of both MT1131 and MT-GS18 strains undergoes functional modifications in response to the composition of the growth medium used. (5) Excitation of membrane fragments from cells grown in malate minimal medium by a train of single turnover flashes of light led to a rapid oxidation of 32% of the membrane-bound c-type haem complement. Conversely, membranes prepared from peptone/yeast extract grown cells did not show cyt. c photooxidation. These results are discussed within the framework of an electron transport chain in which alternative pathways bypassing both the cyt. c 2 and bc 1 complex might involve high-potential membrane bound haems of b- and c-type.Abbreviations AA antimycin A - CCCP carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone - CN- cyanide - DAD diaminodurene - Q2H2 ubiquinol-2 - Q-pool ubiquinone-10 pool - RC photochemical reaction center  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the effects of applying a strain of Propionibacterium acidipropionici, with or without Lactobacillus plantarum, on the fermentation and aerobic stability characteristics of low dry matter (DM) corn (Zea mays L.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) silages. Corn at the dent stage and sorghum at the flowering stage were harvested. Treatments comprised control (no additives), P. acidipropionici, L. plantarum and a combination of P. acidipropionici and L. plantarum. Fresh forages were sampled prior to ensiling. Bacterial inoculants were applied to the fresh forage at 1.0×106 colony-forming units per gram. After treatment, the chopped fresh materials were ensiled in 1.5-l anaerobic glass jars equipped with a lid that enabled gas release only. Three jars per treatment were sampled on days 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 after ensiling, for chemical and microbiological analysis. At the end of the ensiling period, 60 days, the silages were subjected to an aerobic stability test. The L. plantarum inoculated silages had significantly higher levels of lactic acid than the controls, P. acidipropionici and combination of P. acidipropionici and L. plantarum inoculated silages (P<0.05). The P. acidipropionici did not increase propionic and acetic acid levels of the silages. After the aerobic exposure test, the L. plantarum and combination of P. acidipropionici and L. plantarum had produced more CO2 than the controls and the silages inoculated with P. acidipropionici (P<0.05). All silages had high levels of CO2 and high numbers of yeasts and molds in the experiment. Therefore, all silages were deteriorated under aerobic conditions. The P. acidipropionici and combination of P. acidipropionici and L. plantarum were not able to improve the aerobic stability of fast-fermenting silages, because they could not work well in this acidic environment. The results showed that P. acidipropionici and combination of P. acidipropionici and L. plantarum did not improve the aerobic stability of low DM corn and sorghum silages, which are prone to aerobic deterioration.  相似文献   

H. Mell  C. Wellnitz  A. Kr  ger 《BBA》1986,852(2-3):212-221
The electrochemical proton potential across the cytoplasmic membrane ( ) as well as the H+ / e ratio, which were brought about by the electron transport of Wolinella succinogenes, was measured with the aim of understanding the mechanism of electron-transport-coupled phosphorylation in this anaerobic bacterium. (1) Inverted vesicles derived from the bacterial membrane were found to take up protons from the external medium on initiation of fumarate reduction by H2. Proton uptake was dependent on the presence of K+ within the vesicles, was enhanced by the presence of valinomycin and DCCD and high internal buffer concentration, and was abolished by protonophores. The maximum H+ / e ratio slightly exceeded 1. (2) The vesicles accumulated thiocyanate in the steady state of fumarate reduction by H2. The concentration ratio (internal / external) was close to 1000 at an external thiocyanate concentration below 10 μM. Under the same conditions the uptake of methylamine was negligible. Thiocyanate uptake was abolished by the presence of a protonophore. (3) Cells of W. succinogenes accumulated tetraphenylphosphonium cation (TPP) in the steady state of fumarate reduction with H2 or formate. Under the same conditions the uptake of benzoic acid was negligible. From the amount of TPP taken up by the bacteria, the free internal concentration of TPP was evaluated according to the procedure of Zaritsky et al. (Zaritsky, A., Kihara, M. and MacNab, R.M. (1981) J. Membrane Biol. 63, 215–231). The concentration ratio (internal / external) was 700 in the absence and close to 1 in the presence of a protonophore or in the absence of external Na+. (4) The experimental results are consistent with the view that the energy transduction from electron transport to phosphorylation is done by means of the across the bacterial membrane.  相似文献   

Propionibacterium freudenreichii strain DSM 20271 was grown in a mineral medium containing 0.1% (w/v) yeast extract. Acetate was oxidized by growing cells with potassium hexacyanoferrate as electron acceptor, which was oxidized by a three-electrode poised-potential system at a redox potential of +510 mV. Growth with acetate under these conditions followed linear rather than expenential kinetics, whereas growth with other substrates such as lactate under the same conditions was exponential. Cell-free extracts of P. freudenreichii cells grown with acetate contained all enzymes of the classical citric acid cycle except 2-oxoglutarate-oxidizing activity. No activity of anaplerotic reactions such as isocitrate lyase or malate synthase was found. Instead, moderate activities of glutamate decarboxylase, 4-aminobutyrate:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase, and succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase were detected. In short-term radiolabeling experiments with U-14C-acetate, 4-aminobutyrate was identified as a major early intermediate in acetate oxidation by these cells. These findings allow the construction of a modified citric acid cycle that compensates the lack of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase by a subcycle through glutamate, 4-aminobutyrate, and succinate semialdehyde. Lack of anaplerotic reactions explains subexponential growth kinetics during growth with acetate.  相似文献   

Wolinella succinogenes was found to grow on H2S plus fumarate with the formation of elemental sulfur and succinate. The growth rate was 0.18 h-1 (t d=3.8 h) and the growth yield was estimated to be 6.0 g per mol fumarate used. Growth also occurred on formate plus elemental sulfur; the products formed were H2S and CO2. The growth rate and estimated growth yield were 0.58 h-1 (t d=1.2 h) and 3.5 g per mol formate used, respectively. These results suggest that certain chemotrophic anaerobes may be involved in both the formation and reduction of sulfur.  相似文献   

The cytochrome b 6 f complex isolated from spinach chloroplast membranes can be resolved into two forms, a monomeric and a dimeric form, by centrifugation on sucrose gradients. The conversion of the dimeric form of the complex into the monomeric form could be prevented by cross-linking with the homobifunctional reagent, dithiobis(succinimidylpropionate) but not by cross-linking with disuccinimidyltartrate or glutaraldehyde. SDS-PAGE analyses of the monomeric and dimeric forms of the cytochrome complex showed the presence of specific cross-linked products in each respective form of the complex. For example, the monomeric form contained a cross-linked product of cytochrome f, cytochrome b 6 f and subunit IV while the dimeric form contained a cross-linked dimer of cytochrome b 6 f. The presence of the former in the isolated cytochrome b 6 f complex prepared by the method of Hurt and Hauska (Eur J Biochem 117: 591–599, 1981) indicates the presence of the monomer in his preparation.Abbreviations DBMIB 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone - DSP dithiobis(succinimidylpropionate) - DST disuccinimidyltartrate  相似文献   

Under anaerobic conditions, Propionibacterium pentosaceum reduces nitrate to nitrite until nitrate is exhausted from the medium when nitrite is converted into N2 or N2O. In the presence of nitrate, fermentation patterns for lactate, glycerol and pyruvate were different from those obtained during anaerobic growth without an inorganic electron acceptor. In the presence of these substrates, a drastic decrease in propionate formation was observed, some pyruvate accumulated during growth with lactate, and acetate was produced from glycerol. Acetate production from lactate and pyruvate was not influenced by the presence of nitrate. Furthermore, CO2 was produced by citric acid cycle activity. The fermentation pattern during nitrite reduction resembled that of P. pentosaceum grown anaerobically without an inorganic electron acceptor. Nitrits has a toxic effect, since bacteria inoculated into a medium with 9 mM-nitrite failed to grow. The cytochrome spectrum of anaerobically grown P. pentosaceum was similar with and without nitrate. In membrane fractions of bacteria grown anaerobically with nitrate, cytochrome b functioned in the transfer of electrons from lactate, glycerol I-phosphate and NADH to nitrate. Molar growth yeilds were increased in the presence of nitrate, indicating an increased production of ATP. This could be explained by citric acid cycle activity, and by ocidative phosphorylation coupled to nitrate reduction. Assuming that I mol ATP is formed in the electron transfer from lactate or glycerol I-phosphate to nitrate, and that 2 mol ATP are formed in the electron transfer from NADH to nitrate, YATP values (g dry wt bacteria/mol ATP) were obtained of between 5-0 and 12-6. The higher YATP values were similar to those obtained during anaerobic growth without an inorganic electron acceptor. This supports the assumptions about the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation for electron transport to nitrate. Low YAPT values were found when high concentrations of nitrite (15 to 50 mM) accumulated, and were probably due to the toxic effect of nitrite.  相似文献   

Cold lability was found to be responsible for the initial failure to detect pyruvate kinase activity in extracts of the facultative phototroph, Rhodopseudomonas capsulata. Taking advantage of the reversal of cold inactivation by high concentrations of monovalent cations, the enzyme could be partially purified by (NH4)2SO4-precipitation and gelfiltration. In contrast to the enzyme from Rhodospirillum rubrum, the pyruvate kinase from R. capsulata is nearly insensitive to inorganic phosphate. Instead, it is susceptible to allosteric inhibition by fumarate. Adenosinemonophosphate and sugar phosphates as activators prevent the inhibitory action of fumarate.  相似文献   

Cells of Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. shermanii and ssp. freudenreichii did not show significant growth or product formation in a mineral medium with 10 mM aspartate or 10 mM fumarate, vitamins, and a small amount (0.05% w/v) of yeast extract. In the presence of added propionate, growth with aspartate or fumarate was possible, and depended strictly on the amount of propionate provided, according to the equation: 3 aspartate + propionate 3 succinate + acetate + CO2+3 NH3. Cocultures of P. freudenreichii with the succinate-decarboxylating strain Ft2 converted 3 aspartate stoichiometrically to acetate and 2 propionate. High activity of methylmalonyl-CoA: pyruvate transcarboxylase, and lack of methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase and oxaloacetate decarboxylase activity in cell-free extracts of aspartate-grown cells indicated that failure to use aspartate as sole substrate was due to the inability of these strains to catalyze a net decarboxylation of C4-dicarboxylic acids.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Norbert Pfennig on occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Vibrio succinogenes which gains all the ATP by anaerobic electron transport phosphorylation, was grown in continuous culture on a defined medium with formate and fumarate as sole energy sources. The growth yield at infinite dilution rate (Y max) was obtained by extrapolation from the growth yields measured at various dilution rates. With formate as the growth limiting substrate, Y max was found as 14 g dry cells/mol formate. Under these conditions growth was limited by the rate of energy supply, because formate is used only as a catabolic substrate (Bronder et al. 1982). The Y ATP max calculated from the ATP requirement for cell synthesis was 18 g dry cells/mol ATP. This gives an ATP/2e ratio of 0.8. The ATP/2e ratio in vitro had been measured as 1 (Kröger and Winkler 1981). It is concluded that growing V. succinogenes gain at least 80% the stoichiometrically possible amount of ATP, when growth is limited by energy supply.  相似文献   

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