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Members of the bone morphogenetic protein family of secreted protein signals have been implicated as axon guidance cues for specific neurons in Caenorhabditis elegans and in mammals. We have examined axonal pathfinding in mice lacking the secreted bone morphogenetic protein antagonist Noggin. We have found defects in projection of several groups of neurons, including the initial ascending projections from the dorsal root ganglia, motor axons innervating the distal forelimb, and cranial nerve VII. The case of the dorsal root ganglion defect is especially interesting: initial projections from the dorsal root ganglion enter the dorsal root entry zone, as normal, but then project directly into the gray matter of the spinal cord, rather than turning rostrally and caudally. Explant experiments suggest that the defect lies within the spinal cord and not the dorsal root ganglion itself. However, exogenous bone morphogenetic proteins are unable to attract or repel these axons, and the spinal cord shows only very subtle alterations in dorsal-ventral pattern in Noggin mutants. We suggest that the defect in projection into the spinal cord is likely the result of bone morphogenetic proteins disrupting the transduction of some unidentified repulsive signal from the spinal cord gray matter.  相似文献   

Complex intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms determine neural cell fate during development of the nervous system. Using Id4 deficient mice, we show that Id4 is required for normal development of the central nervous system (CNS), timing neural differentiation in the developing forebrain. In the absence of Id4, the ventricular zone of the neocortex, future hippocampus as well as lateral and medial ganglionic eminences exhibited a 20-30% reduction in mitotic neural precursor cells (NPCs). Although the number of apoptotic cells was significantly increased, the neocortex of Id4(-/-) embryos was consistently thicker due to premature neuronal differentiation, which resulted in an increase in early-born neurons in the adult Id4(-/-) cortex. Late-born cortical neurons and astrocytes in the cortex, septum, hippocampus and caudate putamen of Id4(-/-) adult brains were decreased, however, likely due to the depletion of the NPC pool. Consequently, adult Id4(-/-) brains were smaller and exhibited enlarged ventricles. In vitro analysis of neurosphere cultures revealed that proliferation of Id4-deficient NPCs was impaired and that BMP2-mediated astrocyte differentiation was accelerated in the absence of Id4. Together, these in vivo and in vitro data suggest a crucial role for Id4 in regulating NPC proliferation and differentiation.  相似文献   

Microvilli are actin-based fingerlike membrane projections that form the basis of the brush border of enterocytes and the Drosophila melanogaster photoreceptor rhabdomere. Although many microvillar cytoskeletal components have been identified, the molecular basis of microvillus formation is largely undefined. Here, we report that the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp) is necessary for rhabdomere microvillus morphogenesis. We show that WASp accumulates on the photoreceptor apical surface before microvillus formation, and at the time of microvillus initiation WASp colocalizes with amphiphysin and moesin. The loss of WASp delays the enrichment of F-actin on the apical photoreceptor surface, delays the appearance of the primordial microvillar projections, and subsequently leads to malformed rhabdomeres.  相似文献   

Gene expression in the gut is segmentally regulated, but little is known of the molecular origin of patterning. Analysis of gene expression in colons from mice lacking the methyl-CpG binding repressor MBD2 revealed frequent activation of genes that are normally only expressed in the exocrine pancreas and duodenum. Reduced DNA methylation activated the same gene set in the colon. No significant differences in DNA methylation between the colon and duodenum were detected, but MBD2 was significantly more abundant in the colon. The relevance of MBD2 concentration was tested in a human colon cancer cell line. Depletion of MBD2 was again found to activate exocrine pancreatic genes. Gene activation in this cell culture model was accompanied by loss of promoter-bound MBD2 and increased histone acetylation. The results suggest that modulation of MBD2 during gut development establishes a region-specific gene expression pattern that is essential for establishing correct segmental character.  相似文献   

SsrA, or tmRNA, is a small RNA that interacts with selected translating ribosomes to target the nascent polypeptides for degradation. Here we report that SsrA activity is required for normal timing of the G(1)-to-S transition in Caulobacter crescentus. A deletion of the ssrA gene, or of the gene encoding SmpB, a protein required for SsrA activity, results in a specific delay in the cell cycle during the G(1)-to-S transition. The ssrA deletion phenotype is not due to accumulation of stalled ribosomes, because the deletion is not complemented by a mutated version of SsrA that releases ribosomes but does not target proteins for degradation. Degradation of the CtrA response regulator normally coincides with initiation of DNA replication, but in strains lacking SsrA activity there is a 40-min delay between the degradation of CtrA and replication initiation. This uncoupling of initiation of replication from CtrA degradation indicates that there is an SsrA-dependent pathway required for correct timing of DNA replication.  相似文献   

The specificity of tropomyosin (Tm) exon 6b for interaction with and functioning of troponin (Tn) has been studied using recombinant fibroblast Tm isoforms 5a and 5b. These isoforms differ internally by exons 6a/6b and possess non-muscle exons 1b/9d at the termini, hence they lack the primary TnT(1)-tropomyosin interaction, allowing study of exon 6 exchange in isolation from this. Using kinetic techniques to measure regulation of myosin S1 binding to actin and fluorescently labeled Tm to directly measure Tn binding, we show that binding of Tn to both isoforms is similar (0.1-0.5 microm) and both produce well regulated systems. Calcium has little effect on Tn binding to the actin.Tm complex and both exons produce a 3-fold reduction in the S1 binding rate to actin.Tm.Tn in its absence. This confirms previous results that show exon 6 has little influence on Tn affinity to actin.Tm or its ability to fully inhibit the acto-myosin interaction. Thin filaments reconstituted with Tn and Tm5a or skeletal Tm (containing exon 6b) show nearly identical calcium dependence of acto-myosin regulation. However, Tm5b produces a dramatic increase in calcium sensitivity, shifting the activation mid-point by almost an order of magnitude. This shows that exon 6 sequence and, hence, Tm structure in this region have a significant effect upon the calcium regulation of Tn. This finding supports evidence that familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy mutations occurring adjacent to this region can effect calcium regulation.  相似文献   

Folding of proteins entering the secretory pathway in mammalian cells frequently requires the insertion of disulfide bonds. Disulfide insertion can result in covalent linkages found in the native structure as well as those that are not, so‐called non‐native disulfides. The pathways for disulfide formation are well characterized, but our understanding of how non‐native disulfides are reduced so that the correct or native disulfides can form is poor. Here, we use a novel assay to demonstrate that the reduction in non‐native disulfides requires NADPH as the ultimate electron donor, and a robust cytosolic thioredoxin system, driven by thioredoxin reductase 1 (TrxR1 or TXNRD1). Inhibition of this reductive pathway prevents the correct folding and secretion of proteins that are known to form non‐native disulfides during their folding. Hence, we have shown for the first time that mammalian cells have a pathway for transferring reducing equivalents from the cytosol to the ER, which is required to ensure correct disulfide formation in proteins entering the secretory pathway.  相似文献   

Currently, few factors have been identified that provide the inductive signals necessary to transform the simple otic placode into the complex asymmetric structure of the adult vertebrate inner ear. We provide evidence that Hedgehog signalling from ventral midline structures acts directly on the zebrafish otic vesicle to induce posterior otic identity. We demonstrate that two strong Hedgehog pathway mutants, chameleon (con(tf18b)) and slow muscle omitted (smu(b641)) exhibit a striking partial mirror image duplication of anterior otic structures, concomitant with a loss of posterior otic domains. These effects can be phenocopied by overexpression of patched1 mRNA to reduce Hedgehog signalling. Ectopic activation of the Hedgehog pathway, by injection of sonic hedgehog or dominant-negative protein kinase A RNA, has the reverse effect: ears lose anterior otic structures and show a mirror image duplication of posterior regions. By using double mutants and antisense morpholino analysis, we also show that both Sonic hedgehog and Tiggy-winkle hedgehog are involved in anteroposterior patterning of the zebrafish otic vesicle.  相似文献   

Rotavirus is one of very few viruses that utilize the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) for assembly, and therefore it has been used as an attractive model to study ER-associated protein folding. In this study, we have examined the requirements for metabolic energy (ATP) for correct folding of the luminal and ER-associated VP7 of rotavirus. We found that VP7 rapidly misfolds in an energy-depleted milieu and is not degraded within 60 min. We also found that VP7 attained a stable minimum-energy state soon after translation in the ER. Most surprisingly, energy-misfolded VP7 could be recovered and establish correct disulfide bonds and antigenicity following a shift to an ATP-rich milieu. Using a Semliki Forest virus expression system, we observed that VP7 requires ATP and cellular, but not viral, factors for correct disulfide bond formation. Our results show for the first time that the disulfide bond formation of rotavirus VP7 is an ATP-dependent process. It has previously been shown that chaperones hydrolyze ATP during interaction with newly synthesized polypeptides and prevent nonproductive intra- and intermolecular interactions. The most reasonable explanation for the energy requirement of VP7 is thus a close interaction during folding with an ATP-dependent chaperone, such as BiP (Grp78), and possibly with protein disulfide isomerase. Taken together, our observations provide new information about folding of ER-associated proteins in general and rotavirus VP7 in particular.  相似文献   

The Nup107-160 complex is a critical subunit of the nuclear pore. This complex localizes to kinetochores in mitotic mammalian cells, where its function is unknown. To examine Nup107-160 complex recruitment to kinetochores, we stained human cells with antisera to four complex components. Each antibody stained not only kinetochores but also prometaphase spindle poles and proximal spindle fibers, mirroring the dual prometaphase localization of the spindle checkpoint proteins Mad1, Mad2, Bub3, and Cdc20. Indeed, expanded crescents of the Nup107-160 complex encircled unattached kinetochores, similar to the hyperaccumulation observed of dynamic outer kinetochore checkpoint proteins and motors at unattached kinetochores. In mitotic Xenopus egg extracts, the Nup107-160 complex localized throughout reconstituted spindles. When the Nup107-160 complex was depleted from extracts, the spindle checkpoint remained intact, but spindle assembly was rendered strikingly defective. Microtubule nucleation around sperm centrosomes seemed normal, but the microtubules quickly disassembled, leaving largely unattached sperm chromatin. Notably, Ran-GTP caused normal assembly of microtubule asters in depleted extracts, indicating that this defect was upstream of Ran or independent of it. We conclude that the Nup107-160 complex is dynamic in mitosis and that it promotes spindle assembly in a manner that is distinct from its functions at interphase nuclear pores.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium is the only non-metazoan with functionally analyzed SH2 domains and studying them can give insights into their evolution and wider potential. LrrB has a novel domain configuration with leucine-rich repeat, 14-3-3 and SH2 protein–protein interaction modules. It is required for the correct expression of several specific genes in early development and here we characterize its role in later, multicellular development. During development in the light, slug formation in LrrB null (lrrB-) mutants is delayed relative to the parental strain, and the slugs are highly defective in phototaxis and thermotaxis. In the dark the mutant arrests development as an elongated mound, in a hitherto unreported process we term dark stalling. The developmental and phototaxis defects are cell autonomous and marker analysis shows that the pstO prestalk sub-region of the slug is aberrant in the lrrB- mutant. Expression profiling, by parallel micro-array and deep RNA sequence analyses, reveals many other alterations in prestalk-specific gene expression in lrrB- slugs, including reduced expression of the ecmB gene and elevated expression of ampA. During culmination ampA is ectopically expressed in the stalk, there is no expression of ampA and ecmB in the lower cup and the mutant fruiting bodies lack a basal disc. The basal disc cup derives from the pstB cells and this population is greatly reduced in the lrrB- mutant. This anatomical feature is a hallmark of mutants aberrant in signaling by DIF-1, the polyketide that induces prestalk and stalk cell differentiation. In a DIF-1 induction assay the lrrB- mutant is profoundly defective in ecmB activation but only marginally defective in ecmA induction. Thus the mutation partially uncouples these two inductive events. In early development LrrB interacts physically and functionally with CldA, another SH2 domain containing protein. However, the CldA null mutant does not phenocopy the lrrB- in its aberrant multicellular development or phototaxis defect, implying that the early and late functions of LrrB are affected in different ways. These observations, coupled with its domain structure, suggest that LrrB is an SH2 adaptor protein active in diverse developmental signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Drosophila embryonic dorsal-ventral polarity originates in the ovarian follicle through the restriction of pipe gene expression to a ventral subpopulation of follicle cells. Pipe, a homolog of vertebrate glycosaminoglycan-modifying enzymes, directs the ventral activation of an extracellular serine proteolytic cascade which defines the ventral side of the embryo. When pipe is expressed uniformly in the follicle cell layer, a strong ventralization of the resulting embryos is observed. Here, we show that this ventralization is dependent on the other members of the dorsal group of genes controlling dorsal-ventral polarity, but not on the state of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor signal transduction pathway which defines egg chamber polarity. Pipe protein expressed in vertebrate tissue culture cells localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum. Strikingly, coexpression of the dorsal group gene windbeutel in those cells directs Pipe to the Golgi. Similarly, Pipe protein exhibits an altered subcellular localization in the follicle cells of females mutant for windbeutel. Thus, Windbeutel protein enables the correct subcellular distribution of Pipe to facilitate its pattern-forming activity.  相似文献   

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