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The migratory butterfly Vanessa atalanta increased in abundance at monitored sites in Britain from 1976 to 1996. Three possible causes of the increase are improved winter survival within Britain, greater breeding success within Britain, and increased immigration.
   Trends during most of the season were similar to those of immigrant or overwintered individuals in spring; thus the evidence does not support greater breeding success in Britain. As abundance in spring was not correlated with abundance in the previous autumn, when trend was taken into account, it seemed unlikely that overwintering in Britain was important. Thus the increase in abundance was probably due to increased immigration. Incidental to the main study, the mean index per site per year was closely correlated with the collated index, the usual measure of annual fluctuations. This agreement suggests that the mean index may be a useful check for trends in monitoring data for other wide-ranging organisms.  相似文献   

1. The genetic differentiation in a migratory butterfly, the red admiral (Vanessa atalanta), was investigated to discern patterns of migratory routes used across Europe. AFLP profiles showed significant differences between almost all sampled locations, but there was no clear pattern of isolation‐by‐distance. 2. Using the software STRUCTURE 2.2, we found two distinct genotype clusters present in different frequencies at all study sites. The frequencies of these genotypic clusters varied significantly between years within the same site. Remarkably few individuals were of mixed ancestry, indicating that some isolating mechanisms are present. Twenty‐seven mtDNA haplotypes were identified but they showed no geographic structure, nor were they related to either of the two genotype clusters identified in the AFLP data. 3. Most field observations of migrating red admirals suggest a regular north–south migration pattern in Europe. Our data indicate both long‐distance migration and a more variable pattern in orientation, since the composition of the two genotypic clusters shows dramatic variation between sites and years in the northern part of the distribution range.  相似文献   

We examined the relative importance of climatic factors and population density to territorial start time ofVanessa atalanta males. Start time varies with solar altitude and therefore with seasons. We removed seasonal effects by converting start times to corresponding solar altitudes. Start time solar altitude correlates primarily with ambient temperature (T a) and secondarily with substrate temperature (T s), regardless of cloud cover. Overcast cloud cover resulted in later not earlier start times as expected from reduced solar radiation (R) levels. R may affect start time indirectly by affectingT s and later start times under overcast skies may be a result ofT s. Start times under solid overcast but not under broken overcast were different than under clear skies, suggesting thatV. atalanta males can use dim sun or blue patches in broken overcast as a start time cue. Early interaction frequency is correlated withT a and wind direction, but not with start time itself, suggesting that male population density is unimportant compared with climatic factors. We conclude thatV. atalanta has a climate-dependent start time but, also, that maintaining a relatively fixed daily schedule is more important to males than is achieving an optimal body temperature while perching.  相似文献   

1. The painted lady Vanessa cardui is a long‐range migratory butterfly that performs an annual multi‐generational round‐trip between Europe and Africa. Each autumn it returns to northwest (NW) Africa, presumably to track changes in resources that follow a predictable climate‐related spatio‐temporal pattern. 2. Data on the abundance of adult and immature stages in the Maghreb in 2014–2016 are used to test several hypotheses regarding the autumn migration of this species. 3. A strong seasonal migratory strategy was confirmed by the all but total absence of the species in NW Africa at the end of summer and the arrival of huge numbers migrants in October and November. Migration was timed to coincide with an increase in host plant availability but not with any increase in nectar sources. 4. Flower abundance was the main predictor of adult abundance in autumn, with Ditrichia viscosa, Verbesina encelioides, and Medicago sativa being key resources that attracted enormous numbers of butterflies to oases, ruderal habitats, and oueds. The distribution of immature stages was strongly predicted by host plant abundance (with traditional agriculture representing the most important breeding habitat) and latitude (most breeding occurred in the south of the region). Also, both adults and immature stages were more common inland than in coastal areas. 5. Changes in age structure of the adult population were also noted. The number of fresh adults slowly increased, indicating that butterflies did not return in a single wave and that the first offspring of the first returners were already emerging when some butterflies were still arriving.  相似文献   

Rapid range expansions can cause pervasive changes in the genetic diversity and structure of populations. The postglacial history of the Balsam Poplar, Populus balsamifera, involved the colonization of most of northern North America, an area largely covered by continental ice sheets during the last glacial maximum. To characterize how this expansion shaped genomic diversity within and among populations, we developed 412 SNP markers that we assayed for a range‐wide sample of 474 individuals sampled from 34 populations. We complemented the SNP data set with DNA sequence data from 11 nuclear loci from 94 individuals, and used coalescent analyses to estimate historical population size, demographic growth, and patterns of migration. Bayesian clustering identified three geographically separated demes found in the Northern, Central, and Eastern portions of the species’ range. These demes varied significantly in nucleotide diversity, the abundance of private polymorphisms, and population substructure. Most measures supported the Central deme as descended from the primary refuge of diversity. Both SNPs and sequence data suggested recent population growth, and coalescent analyses of historical migration suggested a massive expansion from the Centre to the North and East. Collectively, these data demonstrate the strong influence that range expansions exert on genomic diversity, both within local populations and across the range. Our results suggest that an in‐depth knowledge of nucleotide diversity following expansion requires sampling within multiple populations, and highlight the utility of combining insights from different data types in population genomic studies.  相似文献   

We studied a newly established breeding population of the range‐expanding Mediterranean Gull Larus melanocephalus in eastern Spain, situated in close proximity to the species' main wintering area. By investigating the origin, population composition and wintering area of the new breeders, we found that recruitment from locally wintering birds was unlikely and that the emerging colonies were probably attracting birds from populations wintering 700–1200 km away in Portugal and southern Spain. Our findings reveal that expanding populations may follow their own dynamics, independently of other populations of the same species, and may consist of different individuals altogether.  相似文献   

The long‐distance migrant red knot (Calidris canutus ssp. rufa– Scolopacidae) alternates between the northern and southern ends of the New World, one of the longest yearly migrations of any bird and paradoxically overflying apparently suitable habitat at lower latitudes. This subspecies is sharply declining, with a major mortality event following 2000, attributed to commercial overharvesting of food resources at its Delaware Bay (USA) stop‐over site. A full understanding of this peculiar migrant requires an assessment of the foraging conditions at its southern hemisphere wintering sites. Here, for a major wintering site in Argentinean Tierra del Fuego (Río Grande), we describe and compare food abundance, diet and intake rates during January–February in 1995, 2000 and 2008. The two main prey types were the burrowing clam Darina solenoides and three species of epibenthic mussels Mytilidae. In the year 2000, food availability and intake rate were higher than those recorded at other sites used by knots anywhere else in the world, contributing to the explanation of why red knots carry out this impressive migration. Intake rate in 2008 on the two main prey types was dramatically reduced as a result of birds eating smaller prey and strongly increased human disturbance; the same year we also found a high prevalence of a digenean parasite in Darina. We suggest that during the strongly enhanced winter mortality in 2000, knots did not yet face ecological problems in their southernmost wintering area, consistent with the previous evidence that problems at northern stop‐overs negatively affected their numbers. However, in 2008 the ecological conditions at Río Grande were such that they would have facilitated a further decline, emphasizing the importance of a hemispheric approach to research and management.  相似文献   

The mimicry, population ecology1, adult behaviour and life cycle of Heliconius xanthocles were studied at two sites in Colombian tropical forest. The results were compared with the known biology of other Heliconius species. H. xanthocles is probably unpalatable and is a Mullerian comimic of some other species. In the Amazon basin H. xanthocles belongs to the 'dennis ray' mimicry ring of the Heliconiini, which includes Eueides tales, H. bumeyi, H. elevatus, H. melpomene and H. erato. In the Rio Negro valley, where the latter species either do not exist or have different mimetic allegiances, the 'clennis-ray' pattern of H. xanthocles breaks down. The adults are pollen-feeders, like other Heliconius. but they also visit other food sources such as bird droppings. During a mark-recapture programme in the Rio Negro, adults were found to be almost entirely restricted to small areas near their foodplant Passiflorapraeacuta. Females were rarer than males, but this was probably due to a behavioural difference between the sexes. The males had a Fisher-Ford survival rate of 0.95 per day and a life expectancy of 19 days. Population size estimates of males were between 11 and 17 individuals. These estimates are lower than, but comparable to those for other Heliconius. Males as well as females visit the larval toodplant, and an adult male was observed hovering over a small group of larvae. The females lav batches of 12–41 eggs. The largest batch (41 eggs) was laid cooperatively by two females. The larvae are gregarious feeders on shoot-tips of Passiflora praeacuta. and all lile stages are described for the first time. Predation on the larvae by a bug is described. The pupa has a distinctive morphology unlike that of other Heliconius. The adult population ecology, mimicry and larval behaviour are discussed.  相似文献   

The distribution pattern of the freshwater sculpin,Cottus nozawae, was investigated in the Gakko River system, Tohoku District, northern Japan, that region representing the southern limit of the species distribution.C: nozawae was not found in the lower sections of the river, being instead restricted mainly to the upstream segments of some tributaries. The relationships between habitat variables and density ofC. nozawae analysed at reach scale, revealed that fish density increased with cover area, decreasing stream width and lower maximum water, temperature. Additionally, maximum water temperature was the best predictor of fish density according to stepwise multiple regression analysis. These data indicated that tributary populations ofC. nozawae were isolated from thermally unsuitable environments. Accordingly,C. nozawae was distributed patchily in headwater streams of this river system, in contrast to those on Hokkaido Island, where the species is distributed continuously throughout middle to upper stream courses.  相似文献   

1. Management of invasive species benefits from detailed information on the biology of the invaders, both from where they have already invaded, and from within their areas of origin. Western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, is a widely invasive and destructive freshwater fish. However, within its native range, G. affinis co‐exists with many other fish species in a wide variety of habitats without obvious harm. 2. In this study, we used data on fish communities within the native range of G. affinis at 154 sites across a broad spatial scale to examine the effects of G. affinis on species richness and diversity of residual (species other than G. affinis) fish assemblages. We further used data based on annual samples at eight fixed river sites over 18 summers to examine temporal population dynamics of G. affinis and to test factors associated with population fluctuations. 3. Higher residual species richness occurred in the presence of G. affinis, but residual diversity did not differ. We found an inverse relationship between relative abundance of G. affinis and residual species richness (although effect size was extremely small), but no effect on residual diversity. 4. Gambusia affinis populations fluctuated markedly across summers at all eight fixed sites, but population sizes at a site over time were not autocorrelated. However, population fluctuations were highly correlated among sites across all years, suggesting that regional factors influenced population size. Regional abundance of G. affinis did not correlate with drought, rainfall or winter temperature, but varied with spring temperature. We suggest earlier onset of reproduction in warmer springs resulted in larger summer populations. 5. Overall, within its native range, G. affinis does not appear to impact negatively on the assemblages in which it occurs, possibly due to fluctuations in its density. These findings suggest that introduced Gambusia populations, and those of other invasive species, warrant careful monitoring over long periods of time where they have invaded. Long‐term monitoring of new populations can establish if they are prone to ‘boom and bust’ dynamics, in which case the invader may be less a threat than sometimes assumed. Population information from long‐term studies, either in their native ranges or at invaded sites, can thus help to form the basis of prudent, cost‐effective management strategies for invasive organisms.  相似文献   

The relative importance of density-dependent and -independent processes in determining population density has been predicted to vary according to whether the population concerned is located near the centre or the periphery of the species' range. Thus, density-independent processes should be more pronounced near the periphery. The long-tailed wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus in Iceland is at the northern and western edge of its geographical range. We estimated the autumn population density in an open habitat in south-western Iceland in 9 years out of 10 during 1996–2005 in order to monitor the annual maximum population size. Furthermore, we estimated population density and survival at c . 5-week intervals from September 2001 to October 2003 and from September 2004 to November 2005 in order to reveal the causes of variation in maximum population size. The estimated autumn population density was low, ranging from 2.7 to 8.9 mice ha−1 while spring densities ranged from 0.4 to 0.8 mice ha−1. Apparent monthly survival probabilities ranged from 0.4 to 0.7 per month in autumn and 0.7 to 0.9 in winter. Our results suggest that low temperature in early winter (October–December) is the major determinant of population density in the following autumn, explaining 74% of the variation in autumn population density. No significant correlation was found between either the NAO index or the NAO winter index and variation in wood mouse population density in autumn. Differential mortality in early winter results in variation in spring population size. This study shows clear evidence of density-independent control of a mammal population at the edge of its geographical range as opposed to the mostly density-dependent control previously recorded near its centre of distribution.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms by which climate change will affect animal populations is vital for adaptive management. Many studies have described changes in the timing of biological events, which can produce phenological mismatch. Direct effects on prey abundance might also be important, but have rarely been studied. We examine the likely importance of variation in prey abundance in driving the demographics of a European golden plover ( Pluvialis apricaria ) population at its southern range margin. Previous studies have correlated plover productivity with the abundance of their adult cranefly (Tipulidae) prey, and modelled the phenology of both plover breeding and cranefly emergence in relation to temperature. Our analyses demonstrate that abundance of adult craneflies is correlated with August temperature in the previous year. Correspondingly, changes in the golden plover population are negatively correlated with August temperature 2 years earlier. Predictions of annual productivity, based on temperature-mediated reductions in prey abundance, closely match observed trends. Modelled variation in annual productivity for a future scenario of increasing August temperatures predicts a significant risk of extinction of the golden plover population over the next 100 years, depending upon the magnitude of warming. Direct effects of climate warming upon cranefly populations may therefore cause northward range contractions of golden plovers, as predicted by climate envelope modelling. Craneflies are an important food source for many northern and upland birds, and our results are likely to have wide relevance to these other species. Research into the potential for habitat management to improve the resilience of cranefly populations to high temperature should be an urgent priority.  相似文献   

Aim We investigated the Quaternary history of the pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pityocampa, an oligophagous insect currently expanding its range. We tested the potential role played by mountain ranges during the post‐glacial recolonization of western Europe. Location Western Europe, with a focus on the Pyrenees, Massif Central and western Alps. Methods Maternal genetic structure was investigated using a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. We analysed 412 individuals from 61 locations and performed maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony phylogenetic analyses and hierarchical analysis of molecular variance, and we investigated signs of past expansion. Results A strong phylogeographic pattern was found, with two deeply divergent clades. Surprisingly, these clades were not separated by the Pyrenees but rather were distributed from western to central Iberia and from eastern Iberia to the Italian Peninsula, respectively. This latter group consisted of three shallowly divergent lineages that exhibited strong geographic structure and independent population expansions. The three identified lineages occurred: (1) on both sides of the Pyrenean range, with more genetically diverse populations in the east, (2) from eastern Iberia to western France, with a higher genetic diversity in the south, and (3) from the western Massif Central to Italy. Admixture areas were found at the foot of the Pyrenees and Massif Central. Main conclusions The identified genetic lineages were geographically structured, but surprisingly the unsuitable high‐elevation areas of the main mountainous ranges were not responsible for the spatial separation of genetic groups. Rather than acting as barriers to dispersal, mountains appear to have served as refugia during the Pleistocene glaciations, and current distributions largely reflect expansion from these bottlenecked refugial populations. The western and central Iberian clade did not contribute to the northward post‐glacial recolonization of Europe, yet its northern limit does not correspond to the Pyrenees. The different contributions of the identified refugia to post‐glacial expansion might be explained by differences in host plant species richness. For example, the Pyrenean lineage could have been trapped elevationally by tracking montane pines, while the eastern Iberian lineage could have expanded latitudinally by tracking thermophilic lowland pine species.  相似文献   

Plankton and benthic invertebrate populations were examined along a 160 km section of the St. Lawrence River between Lake Ontario and Waddington, New York during a period of ice cover. Algal biomass was low in winter with diatoms and cryptomonads the most prominent forms. Zooplankton biomass was about one-tenth the algal standing crop and cyclopoid copepods predominated. Phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass declined downriver providing evidence that most plankton was imported from Lake Ontario. Benthic invertebrate standing crop was greatest near Lake Ontario where molluscs were abundant. The downriver macroinvertebrate community shifted to coarse particle feeders, namely annelids and chironomids. Beds of accumulated detrital material derived primarily from dieback of macrophytes were particularly rich in benthic invertebrates.  相似文献   

Pleistocene glaciations often resulted in differentiation of taxa in southern European peninsulas, producing the high levels of endemism characteristic of these regions (e.g. the Iberian Peninsula). Despite their small ranges, endemic species often exhibit high levels of intraspecific differentiation as a result of a complex evolutionary history dominated by successive cycles of fragmentation, expansion and subsequent admixture of populations. Most evidence so far has come from the study of species with an Atlantic distribution in northwestern Iberia, and taxa restricted to Mediterranean‐type habitats remain poorly studied. The Iberian Midwife toad (Alytes cisternasii) is a morphologically conserved species endemic to southwestern and central Iberia and a typical inhabitant of Mediterranean habitats. Applying highly variable genetic markers from both mitochondrial and nuclear genomes to samples collected across the species’ range, we found evidence of high population subdivision within A. cisternasii. Mitochondrial haplotypes and microsatellites show geographically concordant patterns of genetic diversity, suggesting population fragmentation into several refugia during Pleistocene glaciations followed by subsequent events of geographical and demographic expansions with secondary contact. In addition, the absence of variation at the nuclear β‐fibint7 and Ppp3caint4 gene fragments suggests that populations of A. cisternasii have been recurrently affected by episodes of extinction and recolonization, and that documented patterns of population subdivision are the outcome of recent and multiple refugia. We discuss the evolutionary history of the species with particular interest in the increasing relevance of Mediterranean refugia for the survival of genetically differentiated populations during the Pleistocene glaciations as revealed by studies in co‐distributed taxa.  相似文献   

Monarch butterflies [Danaus plexippus) of the eastern North American population migrate each fall from die northern U.S.A. and southern Canada to overwintering sites in Mexico and return the following spring to the southeastern U.S.A. where they lay eggs and then die. The spring remigration is the least studied phase in the annual migration cycle. We therefore conducted a mark-recapture study and examined population recolonization dynamics and residence time in a north-central Florida pasture where the monarch's milkweed host plant (Asclepias humistrata) was abundant. Beginning in late March 1995 two waves of monarchs arrived, their numbers peaked at 71 individuals by mid-April, and the butterflies disappeared in early May. After arriving, the adults remained for 3–5 days, laid eggs and then continued to migrate. We also compared population sizes and arrival times in 1994 and 1996. We found no evidence of a second spring generation, which was also consistent with the deteriorating quality of the A. humistrata plants. Individuals of the new spring generation disappear shordy after eclosion. The arriving population was approximately nine times greater in 1995 than in 1996. Our findings support two recent hypodieses: (1) the bird-like migration of the monarch butterfly in North America evolved with the northward expansion and phenology of milkweeds; and (2) monarchs appear to be migratory throughout their annual cycle of several generations. By lingering for only a short time at each milkweed patch they encounter, the old monarchs returning from Mexico locate the resurgent milkweed flora over an extensive area in the southern states. Then, within less than a month, their fresh offspring continue the migration and exploit the unfolding cornucopia of milkweeds as the spring advances northward. The more we discover about the biology of this insect, the more remarkable is its annual migratory, breeding and overwintering cycle.  相似文献   

Aim In this study, I examined the relative contributions of geography and ecology to species diversification within the genus Nerita, a prominent clade of marine snails that is widely distributed across the tropics and intertidal habitats. Specifically, I tested whether geographical patterns of speciation correspond primarily to allopatric or sympatric models, and whether habitat transitions have played a major role in species diversification. Location Indo‐West Pacific, eastern Pacific, Atlantic, tropical marine intertidal. Methods I used a previously reconstructed molecular phylogeny of Nerita as a framework to assess the relative importance of geographical and ecological factors in species diversification. To evaluate whether recently diverged clades exhibit patterns consistent with allopatric or sympatric speciation, I mapped the geo‐graphical distribution of each species onto the species‐level phylogeny, and examined the relationship between range overlap and time since divergence using age–range correlation analyses. To determine the relative contribution of habitat transitions to divergence, I traced shifts in intertidal substrate affinity and vertical zonation across the phylogeny using parsimony, and implemented randomization tests to evaluate the resulting patterns of ecological change. Results Within the majority of Nerita clades examined, age–range correlation analysis yielded a low intercept and a positive slope, similar to that expected under allopatric speciation. Approximately 75% of sister species pairs have maintained allopatric distributions; whereas more distantly related sister taxa often exhibited complete or nearly complete geographical overlap. In contrast, only 19% of sister species occupy distinct habitats. For both substrate and zonation, habitat transitions failed to concentrate towards either the tips or the root of the phylogeny. Instead, habitat shifts have occurred throughout the history of Nerita, with a general transition from the lower and mid‐littoral towards the upper and supra‐littoral zones, and multiple independent shifts from hard (rock) to softer substrates (mangrove, mud and sand). Main conclusions Both geography and ecology appear to have influenced diversification in Nerita, but to different extents. Geography seems to play a principal role, with allopatric speciation driving the majority of Nerita divergences. Habitat transitions appear insignificant in shaping the early and recent history of speciation, and promoting successive diversification in Nerita; however, shifts may have been important for respective divergences (i.e. those that correspond to the transitions) and enhancing diversity throughout the clade.  相似文献   

Aim To study the altitudinal variation of ground spiders (Araneae, Gnaphosidae) of Crete, Greece, as far as species composition, species richness, activity and range of distribution are concerned. Location Altitudinal zones (0–2400 m) along the three main mountain massifs of the island of Crete. Methods Thirty‐three sampling sites were located from 0 to 2400 m a.s.l. on Crete, and sampled using pitfall traps. Material from the high‐activity period of Gnaphosidae (mid‐spring to mid‐autumn) was analysed. Sampling sites were divided into five altitudinal zones of 500 m each. Statistical analysis involved univariate statistics (anova ) and multivariate statistics, such as multidimensional scaling (MDS) and cluster analysis (UPGMA) using binomial data of species presence or absence. Results Species richness declines with altitude and follows a hump‐shaped pattern. The activity pattern of the family, as a whole, is not correlated with altitude and is highly species‐specific. In the highest zone, both species richness and activity decline dramatically. The altitudinal range of species distribution increases with altitude. On the Cretan summits live highly tolerant lowland species and isolated residents of the high mountains of Crete. Two different patterns of community structure are recorded. Main conclusions Communities of Gnaphosidae on Crete present two distinct structures following the altitudinal gradient, these being separated by a transitional zone between 1600 and 2000 m. This study supports previous results which show a hump‐shaped decline in species richness of Gnaphosidae along altitudinal gradients, leading to a peak at 400–700 m, where an optimum of environmental factors exists. This makes this zone the meeting point of the often opportunistic lowland species with the older and most permanent residents of the island. Rapoport's rule on the positive correlation of the altitudinal range of species distributions with altitude is also supported. The high activity recorded for the species that persist on the high mountains of Crete is indicative of a tolerant arachnofauna, and is considered to result from relaxation of competitive interactions with other species. This is related to a reduction in species numbers, shortening of the activity period on high mountains and the unique presence of high mountain species that thrive only there. As shown in our study, strategies to cope with altitude are species‐specific. Therefore, there cannot exist one single model to describe how animals react to the change in altitude, even under the same environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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