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Female rats injected with organophosphate inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase chlorophose at doses of 10 mg/kg and 360 mg/kg showed less considerable decrease in blood acetylcholinesterase activity than did male animals. Females compared with males also demonstrated less expressed clinical symptoms of poisoning (salivation, convulsion) after injection of chlorophose at dose of 360 mg/kg. The value of LD50 in female rats was 860 mg/kg, whereas the comparable value in male animals was 700 mg/kg. Following the injection of atropine at doses of 0.1, 0.3, 0.6 mg/100 g female rats showed 2-3 fold increases in basal adrenal and plasma corticosterone levels, but significant decreases in stress-induced corticosterone levels. As for males, the basal and stress-induced values of corticosterone were not significantly affected by atropine administration. These results suggest that functional reserves of cholinergic system and responsiveness of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to cholinergic influence are greater in females than in males. It is concluded that cholinergic status is significantly higher in female rats than in male ones.  相似文献   

Adrenal and plasma corticosterone levels under conditions of preoperative stress (removal from animal to experimental rooms, removal from a home cage, handling, weighing and injecting with saline) were more than 2-fold higher in female rats than in male ones. Females, compared with males, showed more pronounced decrease in corticosterone responses to preoperative stress and laparotomy under nembutal anesthesia, which blocked stress-induced emotional activation. One hour after recovery from anesthesia laparotomized females but not males, demonstrated a significant (5-fold) increase in plasma corticosterone level. The absolute values of plasma corticosterone in laparotomized females, compared with males, were 2-fold lower under anesthesia but 2-fold higher after recovery from anesthesia. It is supposed that in females, compared with males, stress-induced emotional tension plays more considerable role in endocrine stress responses. This provides higher adrenocortical sensitivity to stress in conscious female rats than in male animals.  相似文献   

The administration of diazepam 1.0 mg/kg decreased the level of plasma corticosterone in female but not in male Wistar rats. Picrotoxin, another drug affecting GABAergic transmission, also brought about an increase of plasma corticosterone in both sexes. However, in order to achieve a plasma corticosterone increase of similar magnitude (more than 500%) a threefold higher dose of picrotoxin had to be given to males. When the convulsive properties of picrotoxin were tested, it became evident that the dose of picrotoxin (2.5 mg/kg) which was subconvulsive in male was almost 100% convulsive in female rats. The existing sex differences in the response of rats to drugs affecting GABAergic transmission might have possible implications in the treatment of GABA system dysfunction.  相似文献   

Chronic stress has been related to multiple diseases. Inflammation is proposed strongly to link stress to stress-related diseases in different organs, such as small intestine, colon, and brain. However, stress cellular effect on the pancreatic tissue, especially the exocrine one, had received relatively little attention. This work aimed to evaluate the cellular effect of chronic immobilization stress on the pancreatic tissue function and structure along with evaluating the sex role in this type of pancreatic injury. Thirty rats were equally divided into 5 groups: control male, control female, stressed male, stressed female, and stressed female with bilateral ovariectomy. Stressed rats were exposed to immobilization for 1 h/day, 6 days/week, for 3 weeks. Rats were then decapitated for further biochemical, histological, histo-morphometric, and immunohistochemical study. The results showed that, in male and female rats, chronic immobilization stress produced hypoinsulinemia and hyperglycemia, with increasing exocrine pancreatic injury markers by increasing oxidative and inflammatory status of the pancreatic tissue, and exhibited a degenerative effect on the pancreatic tissue. However, the stress-induced pancreatic effects were more obvious in male rats and female rats with bilateral ovariectomy than that in female rats. It could be concluded that male animals were more susceptible to stress-induced pancreatic damage than females. The ovarian hormones are responsible, at least partly, for pancreatic tissue protection since the stress-induced pancreatic injury in females was exacerbated by ovariectomy. In this study, inflammatory and oxidative stress differences in both sexes could provide a plausible explanation for sex differences.  相似文献   

Intergroup conflict poses a different kind of threat for men and women — a difference that can be expected to have implications for cognitive as well as behavioral processes. Participants were primed with a threat from a rival coalition vs. a control condition. Reaction times were measured on a lexical-decision task in response to ideation consistent with coalitions or with friendship/protective care. When primed for coalitional threat, men showed fast access to positive coalitional ideation (suggesting facilitation). In contrast, women showed exceptionally fast access to positive friendship/protective care ideation. Findings were interpreted as reflecting sexually dimorphic responses to coalitional threat that are consistent with differential advertising of their assets to others.  相似文献   

In conscious animals, the response to hemorrhage is biphasic. During phase 1, arterial pressure is maintained. Phase 2 is characterized by profound hypotension. Despite allied roles, less is known about the integrated cardiovascular and respiratory response to blood loss in conscious animals. We evaluated cardiorespiratory changes during hemorrhage to test the hypotheses that 1) respiratory rate (RR) and blood gases do not change during phase 1; 2) RR increases during phase 2; and 3) RR and blood gas changes during hemorrhage are similar in males and females. We measured mean arterial pressure, RR, and blood gases during hemorrhage in 16 conscious, chronically prepared, male and female New Zealand white rabbits. We removed venous blood until mean arterial pressure was < or =40 mmHg. Sex did not affect mean arterial pressure, heart rate, Pa(O(2)), Pa(CO(2)), or pH during hemorrhage or the blood loss required to induce phase 2. Pa(CO(2)) decreased significantly from 37 +/- 1 to 33 +/- 1 and 29 +/- 1 mmHg (P < 0.001) during phase 1 and 2, respectively. Before hemorrhage, Pa(O(2)) was 87 +/- 2 mmHg. Pa(O(2)) was unchanged in phase 1 (92 +/- 2 mmHg) but increased in phase 2 (101 +/- 2 mmHg; P < 0.001). Body temperature, Pv(CO(2)) (thoracic vena cava), and ventilation-perfusion mismatch (A-a gradient) were unchanged during phases 1 and 2. Neither sex increased RR during phase 1. While males doubled RR during phase 2, RR in females did not change (P < 0.001). Thus, while Pa(CO(2)) decreases in phase 1 and phase 2, the decreases are achieved in different ways across the two phases and in the two sexes.  相似文献   

Sex differences in response to discrete estradiol injections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Developmental effects of perinatal androgens render adult male rats refractory to the activation of feminine sexual behavior by estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P). Recent evidence suggested that fluctuating levels of systemic E2, which are thought to approximate the ovarian secretion under physiological conditions, may reverse this insensitivity to E2 and, particularly, to the synergistic effects of P in male rats of the Wistar strain. We examined whether this hormonal regimen would reverse this insensitivity in Sprague-Dawley rats. Gonadectomized animals received two injections of E2 (1 microgram per injection) 12 hr apart at 0900 and 2100 hr followed by P (0.5 mg) or oil, at 35 hr, and a mating behavior test, at 38 hr, subsequent to the initial E2 administration. This treatment was repeated four times at 4-day intervals. The inability of Sprague-Dawley male rats to respond to E2 and P was unaffected by this pattern of exposure to exogenous E2. Receptivity scores, lordosis quotients, and proceptivity were negligible in males, and significantly less than that displayed by females. In addition, the levels of sexual receptivity and proceptivity were facilitated by the availability of P following E2 in females, but not in males. The present findings fail to support a general hypothesis that "discontinuous" E2 stimulation, achieved by two spaced injections of this hormone, reverses developmental determinants of sex differences in responsiveness to hormones mediating female sexual behaviors.  相似文献   

Dynamics of changes in adrenal and plasma corticosterone and the development of cerebrovascular lesions were studied in both male and female rats, exposed to strong stress (combined immobilization and intermittent found sound for 2 hours). Plasma corticosterone levels in stressed females were 460% and 660% of the control values when measured on stress minute 10 and 120. The corresponding values in male rats were 220% and 360%. The stress-induced dilatation of brain vessels and the increases in vascular permeability were less pronounced in females than in males, when studied 0.1 and 24 hours after termination of stress. The number of brain perivascular haemorrhages was markedly reduced in females compared with males. It is supposed that higher resistance to stress-induced cerebrovascular lesions in females may be attributed to higher functional reserves of steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

D Perici?  H Manev  J Geber 《Life sciences》1986,38(10):905-913
Picrotoxin, 2.5 mg/kg, which was subconvulsive in male rats was 92% convulsive in female rats. Four mg/kg of picrotoxin, a dose which did not produce death in the male rats, was 75% lethal in the female rats. Picrotoxin also produced a significantly greater increase in the frequency of the spinal motoneurons discharge in the female than in male rats (444% of control compared to 222% of control). A similar significant difference to the analogous treatment was obtained in the female and male cats (439% of control compared to 368% of control). To counteract the picrotoxin-induced increased frequency of the spinal motoneurons discharge a double dose of diazepam had to be given to females of both species. A sex related difference in the occurrence of convulsions, latency and death following picrotoxin administration was also present in mice. However, mice responded in an opposite direction to rats and cats. Three mg/kg of picrotoxin was 100% convulsive and 27% lethal in male mice, while only 40% convulsive and 0% lethal in female mice. In male mice treated with a 100% lethal dose of picrotoxin, diazepam, 3.0 mg/kg, did not diminish the occurrence of convulsions but reduced the incidence of death to 70%. In equally treated female mice the same dose of diazepam reduced the occurrence of convulsions from 100 to 70% and the incidence of death to 10%. The existence of sex related differences in the response of mice, rats and cats to administration of picrotoxin might have its origin in the dimorphisms of the GABA system in these animal species.  相似文献   

The myocardium generates inflammatory mediators during ischemia-reperfusion (I/R), and these mediators contribute to cardiac functional depression and apoptosis. The great majority of these data have been derived from male animals and humans. Sex has a profound effect over many inflammatory responses; however, it is unknown whether sex affects the cardiac inflammatory response to acute myocardial I/R. We hypothesized the existence of inherent sex differences in myocardial function, expression of inflammatory cytokines, and activation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway after I/R. Isolated rat hearts from age-matched adult males and females were perfused (Langendorff), and myocardial contractile function was continuously recorded. After I/R, myocardium was assessed for expression of TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, and IL-6 (RT-PCR, ELISA); IL-1alpha and IL-10 mRNA (RT-PCR); and activation of p38 MAPK (Western blot). All indexes of postischemic myocardial function [left ventricular developed pressure, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure, and maximal positive (+dP/dt) and negative (-dP/dt) values of the first derivative of pressure] were significantly improved in females compared with males. Compared with males, females had decreased myocardial TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, and IL-6 (mRNA, protein) and decreased activation of p38 MAPK pathway. These data demonstrate that hearts from age-matched adult females are relatively protected against I/R injury, possibly due to a diminished inflammatory response.  相似文献   



Numerous neurological and psychiatric disorders show sex differences in incidence, age of onset, symptomatology or outcome. Astrocytes, one of the glial cell types of the brain, show sex differences in number, differentiation and function. Since astrocytes are involved in the response of neural tissue to injury and inflammation, these cells may participate in the generation of sex differences in the response of the brain to pathological insults. To explore this hypothesis, we have examined whether male and female astrocytes show a different response to an inflammatory challenge and whether perinatal testosterone influences this response.


Cortical astrocyte cultures were prepared from postnatal day 1 (one day after birth) male or female CD1 mice pups. In addition, cortical astrocyte cultures were also prepared from female pups that were injected at birth with 100 μg of testosterone propionate or vehicle. Cultures were treated for 5 hours with medium containing lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or with control medium. The mRNA levels of IL6, interferon-inducible protein 10 (IP10), TNFα, IL1β, Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), steroidogenic acute regulatory protein and translocator protein were assessed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Statistical significance was assessed by unpaired t-test or by one-way analysis of variance followed by the Tukey post hoc test.


The mRNA levels of IL6, TNFα and IL1β after LPS treatment were significantly higher in astrocytes derived from male or androgenized females compared to astrocytes derived from control or vehicle-injected females. In contrast, IP10 mRNA levels after LPS treatment were higher in astrocytes derived from control or vehicle-injected females than in those obtained from males or androgenized females. The different response of male and female astrocytes to LPS was due neither to differences in the basal expression of the inflammatory molecules nor to differences in the expression of the LPS receptor TLR4. In contrast, the different inflammatory response was associated with increased mRNA levels of translocator protein, a key steroidogenic regulator, in female astrocytes that were treated with LPS.


Male and female cortical astrocytes respond differentially to an inflammatory challenge and this may be predetermined by perinatal testosterone exposure.

To explore sex differences in the response of seven brain regions to an aversive pelvic visceral stimulus, functional magnetic resonance images were acquired from 13 healthy adults (6 women) during 15 s of cued rectal distension at two pressures: 25 mmHg (uncomfortable), and 45 mmHg (mild pain), as well as during an expectation condition (no distension). Random-effects analyses combining subject data voxelwise found 45-mmHg pressure significantly activated the insular and anterior cingulate cortices in both sexes. In men only, the left thalamus and ventral striatum were also activated. Although all activations appeared more extensive in men, no sex difference attained significance. To explore the presence of deactivations, which are generally cancelled by more numerous activations when subjects are combined for each voxel, the number of activated voxels, number of deactivated voxels, and ratio of deactivated voxels to total voxels affected were assessed via random-effects, mixed-model analyses combining subject data at the region level. Greater insula activation in men compared with women was seen during the expectation condition and during the 25-mmHg distension. Greater deactivations in women were seen in the amygdala (25-mmHg distension) and midcingulate (45-mmHg distension). Women had a significantly higher proportion of deactivated voxels than men in all four subcortical structures during 25-mmHg distension. Greater familiarity of females with physiological pelvic visceral discomfort may have enhanced brain systems that dampen arousal networks during lower levels of discomfort.  相似文献   

Esterification of free cholesterol was investigated after incubation at 37 degrees C of plasma from immature and adult rats of both sexes kept on stock, fat-free, or cholesterol-supplemented diets. According to measurements of the decrease in free cholesterol, plasma from the fat-deficient rats showed the highest cholesterol-esterifying activity. Esterification was higher in the mature female rats than in the mature males on stock or cholesterol-containing diets, although no sex differences were observed in the sexually immature young or in the fat-free animals. There were no sex differences in the fatty acid composition of the plasma sterol esters, phospholipids, and triglycerides in the immature animals, but arachidonic acid increased at the expense of linoleic acid in the sterol ester fraction in the adult female (not, however, in the adult male). In the phospholipid fraction the higher ratio of palmitic to stearic acids in the male was confirmed. There was an increase in linoleic acid in all three plasma lipid fractions of the mature male after cholesterol feeding. It is suggested that cholesterol may inhibit the conversion of linoleate to arachidonate. During the incubation of plasma, there was little change in the distribution of fatty acids except for a decrease in palmitoleate, and increases in C(20) tri- and tetraenoic acids, in the sterol esters of mature female rats on the stock ration and the fat-free diet. These C(20) acids decreased concomitantly in the phospholipid fraction, as the transesterification reaction mechanism proposed by earlier workers would predict.  相似文献   

Host susceptibility and patterns of infection are predicted to differ between males and females due to sex-based tradeoffs between the demands of reproduction and costly immune defenses. In this study, we examined immune defenses and the response to experimental infection by a protozoan parasite, Ophryocystis elektroscirrha, in male and female monarch butterflies, Danaus plexippus. We quantified two measures of immunity in late instar larvae: the concentration of circulating hemocytes and mid-gut phenoloxidase activity, and also quantified final parasite loads, body size, longevity, and wing melanism of adult butterflies. Results showed that females had greater average hemocyte counts than males in the absence of infection; males, but not females, showed an increased concentration of hemocytes in the presence of infection. However, higher hemocyte concentrations in larvae were not significantly correlated with lower adult parasite loads, and mid-gut phenoloxidase activity was not significantly associated with hemocyte counts or parasite treatments. Among unparasitized females, greater hemocyte concentrations were costly in terms of reduced body size, but for parasite-treated females, hemocyte concentrations and body size were positively associated. Across all monarchs, unparasitized butterflies showed greater wing melanism (darker forewings) than parasitized monarchs. Overall, this study provides support for differential costs of immune defenses in male and female monarch butterflies, and a negative association between parasite infection and monarch wing melanism.  相似文献   

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