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The Pacific whiting (Merluccius productus) is a highly migratory fish occupying the continental shelf and slope off the west coast of North America. The species spawns in January off southern California and northern Mexico. During spring and summer the older and larger fish will migrate as far north as central Vancouver Island. Recruitment is highlys variable, with strong year classes often supporting the commercial fishery during several years of low recruitment. The level of recruitment appears to be independent of the size of the spawning population. A simple bioeconomic model of the Pacific whiting is constructed with independent recruitment. Fishery production functions are estimated from data on U.S. catch, average annual biomass and the number of vessels in the U.S. fleet. A stochastic optimization problem, seeking to maximize the expected value of industry profit, is formulated. Its solution would require a joint distribution on future recruiment and other bioeconomic parameters. Such a distribution is problematic. As an alternative, the certainty-equivalent problem is solved yielding solution values for the stochastic equilibrium and an approximately-optimal rule that sets allowable catch based on an estimate of current-year biomass. Adaptive management can result in large changes in fleet size and allowable catch from year to year. The whiting fishery might be characterized as an opportunistic fishery, requiring a generalist fleet to expand or contract as bioeconomic conditions warrant. It is possible that longrun conditions would not support a profitable fishery, but that short-run fishing is profitable based on previous years of strong recruitment. The situation is not dissimilar to that facing the owner of a marginal gold mine that opens or closes depending on the price of gold. In the case of the whiting fishery, the optimal level of short-run fishing will depend not only on price, but on current biomass, the annual cost of fishing, the discount rate and vessel productivity. A simple interactive program is provided for would-be managers. This paper was written in July 1990 while the author was a Summer Faculty Fellow at the Southwest Fisheries Center, La Jolla, California. The author gratefully acknowledges the support of the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service.  相似文献   

Pascoe S  Wilcox C  Donlan CJ 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e25762
The concept of biodiversity offsets is well established as an approach to environmental management. The concept has been suggested for environmental management in fisheries, particularly in relation to the substantial numbers of non-target species--seabirds in particular--caught and killed as incidental bycatch during fishing activities. Substantial areas of fisheries are being closed to protect these species at great cost to the fishing industry. However, other actions may be taken to offset the impact of fishing on these populations at lower cost to the fishing industry. This idea, however, has attracted severe criticism largely as it does not address the underlying externality problems created by the fishing sector, namely seabird fishing mortality. In this paper, we re-examine the potential role of compensatory mitigation as a fisheries management tool, although from the perspective of being an interim management measure while more long-lasting solutions to the problem are found. We re-model an example previously examined by both proponents and opponents of the approach, namely the cost effectiveness of rodent control relative to fishery area closures for the conservation of a seabird population adversely affected by an Australian tuna fishery. We find that, in the example being examined, invasive rodent eradication is at least 10 times more cost effective than area closures. We conclude that, while this does not solve the actual bycatch problem, it may provide breathing space for both the seabird species and the industry to find longer term means of reducing bycatch.  相似文献   

The Isostichopus fuscus fishery in Mexico was heavily exploited until 1994, when it was closed due to overfishing. However, no information existed on the status of the populations. The fishery was evaluated through an age structured simulation model, and according to our analysis of the stock, the fishery can be feasible and sustainable as long as fishing mortality and age of first catch are optimized. In order to evaluate exploitation strategies, several scenarios were simulated considering different combinations of fishing intensities and ages of first catch. Input data for the model included population parameters, commercial catch and costs and benefits of the fishing operations. Yield production was strongly influenced by the fishing pressure and by the age of first capture. When the first one increased, significant decreases in yield and profits occurred. The best exploitation strategy was these parameters: fishing mortality level F = 0.15, age at first capture t(c) = 4 years, and yielding of approximately 430 tons. However, since the species reproduces for the first time at 5 years, extracting younger specimens would collapse the population. The critical value of fishing mortality was detected at Fc = 0.25. If exceeded, the population tends to exhaustion and the fishery is no longer profitable. In conclusion, I. fuscus fishery is highly vulnerable to overfishing and age of catch. It must be taken into account that the management policies should be considered as pilot and used on a regional basis. Continuous monitoring of the stock, control of the number of fishing licenses and extracting only specimens 5 yeasr-old and older (around 20 cm and >400 g), will allow the populations to recover from fishing activities. Rev. Biol. Trop.  相似文献   

Despite achievements in dolphin conservation for the tuna purse‐seine fishery of the eastern Pacific Ocean, debate continues about the magnitude and importance of dolphin mortality caused by small (unobserved) vessels. In‐port sampling of tuna catch size composition is a potentially cost‐effective means of identifying unobserved vessels that may be catching tunas associated with dolphins because yellowfin tuna caught in association with dolphins are larger, on average, than those caught in other types of purse‐seine sets. A classification algorithm to predict purse‐seine set type (“dolphin” vs. “nondolphin”) was built from port‐sampling data on yellowfin tuna length‐frequencies and the date and location of fishing of large (observed) vessels. This classification algorithm was used to screen the port‐sampling data of small vessels collected during 2006‐2009, assuming the fishing practices of the two groups resulted in similar catch characteristics. From these results, hypothetical time series of dolphin mortality for small vessels were constructed and incorporated into a population dynamics model, along with mortalities of large vessels. Results suggest that any dolphin mortality of small vessels is unlikely to be substantially affecting trends in dolphin abundance. These results underscore the importance of in‐port sampling, in combination with at‐sea observation and fishery‐independent surveys, to effective management.  相似文献   

The dynamics of fish populations in two African rivers are being investigated with a view to developing fishery management models for tropical non-floodplain rivers. Preliminary work was carried out in the Rufiji River, East Africa, to establish growth and mortality rates along with L and K for six species in a river where fishing mortality is zero. These parameters, derived from scale-reading and length frequency analysis, also allowed the development of phased management plans for the fishery resulting from impoundment.
A subsequent investigation has begun on a West African river, the Taia in Sierra Leone, to pursue observations over four seasons, two of which are now complete. A systematic daily sampling programme is being carried out of the whole community, to accumulate similar but more extensive data to those obtained previously. In the Taia, however, fishing mortality must also be estimated from catch surveys, and analysis is carried out using the recently developed ELEFAN programs which can be compared with results obtained by other methods such as scale-reading.  相似文献   

Artisanal fisheries are a key source of food and income for millions of people, but if poorly managed, fishing can have declining returns as well as impacts on biodiversity. Management interventions such as spatial and temporal closures can improve fishery sustainability and reduce environmental degradation, but may carry substantial short-term costs for fishers. The Lake Alaotra wetland in Madagascar supports a commercially important artisanal fishery and provides habitat for a Critically Endangered primate and other endemic wildlife of conservation importance. Using detailed data from more than 1,600 fisher catches, we used linear mixed effects models to explore and quantify relationships between catch weight, effort, and spatial and temporal restrictions to identify drivers of fisher behaviour and quantify the potential effect of fishing restrictions on catch. We found that restricted area interventions and fishery closures would generate direct short-term costs through reduced catch and income, and these costs vary between groups of fishers using different gear. Our results show that conservation interventions can have uneven impacts on local people with different fishing strategies. This information can be used to formulate management strategies that minimise the adverse impacts of interventions, increase local support and compliance, and therefore maximise conservation effectiveness.  相似文献   

A new approach of fitting biomass dynamics models to data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A non-traditional approach of fitting dynamic resource biomass models to data is developed in this paper. A variational adjoint technique is used for dynamic parameter estimation. In the variational formulation, a cost function measuring the distance between the model solution and the observations is minimized. The data assimilation method provides a novel and computationally efficient procedure for combining all available information, i.e., the data and the model in the analysis of a resource system. This technique will be used to analyze data for the North-east Arctic cod stock. Two alternative population growth models: the logistic and the Gompertz model are used for estimating parameters of simple bioeconomic models by the method of constrained least squares. Estimates of the parameters of the models dynamics are reasonable and can be accepted. The main inference from the work is that the average fishing mortality is found to be significantly above the maximum sustainable yield value.  相似文献   

An integrated socioecological model was developed to evaluate the potential for stock enhancement with hatchery fishes to achieve socioeconomic and conservation objectives in recreational fisheries. As a case study, this model was applied to the red drum Sciaenops ocellatus recreational fishery in the Tampa Bay estuary, Florida, U.S.A. The results suggest that stocking of juvenile fish larger than the size at which the strongest density dependence in mortality occurs can help increase angler satisfaction and total fishing effort (socioeconomic objectives) but are likely to result in decreases to the abundance of wild fishes (a conservation objective). Stocking of small juveniles that are susceptible to density‐dependent mortality after release does not achieve socioeconomic objectives (or only at excessive cost) but still leads to a reduction of wild fish abundance. The intensity and type of socioeconomic gains depended on assumptions of dynamic angler‐effort responses and importance of catch‐related satisfaction, with greatest gains possible if aggregate effort is responsive to increases in abundance and satisfaction that are greatly related to catch rates. These results emphasize the view of stock enhancement, not as a panacea but rather as a management tool with inherent costs that is best applied to recreational fisheries under certain conditions.  相似文献   

Incidental capture of seabirds in longline fishing gear is a central issue in the conservation of many long-lived marine species. Despite growing evidence of climate-induced effects on population trends of long-lived species, climate change remains generally overlooked in most risk assessments of seabirds. Because variation in climate may interact with the detrimental effects of bycatch, considering climate is of great importance, especially in the context of ongoing global warming. This paper examines the combined effects of bycatch and climate change on the persistence of one of the world's rarest birds, the Amsterdam Albatross Diomedea amsterdamensis , which has a single population in the upland plateau of Amsterdam Island (Southeast Indian Ocean). Using continuous monitoring from 1983 onwards, we first estimated the relationship between climate and the species' demographic parameters. We then built a stochastic matrix population model to estimate the population growth rate and the probability that the population declines below the level recorded in 1983 of nine breeding pairs under different scenarios involving the joint effects of additional mortality caused by longline fisheries and climate change. The results suggest that the demography of the Amsterdam Albatross is influenced by climate in both breeding and wintering grounds and that these relationships may to some extent compensate for the impact of additive bycatch mortality. However, these compensatory effects would be negligible if the annual additional mortality exceeds around six individuals per year, suggesting that the resumption of longline fishery in the foraging range of the Amsterdam Albatross would rapidly put this species at risk of extinction.  相似文献   

Mechanisms that might compensate for changes in mortality are well known but documentation of their operation and determination of their relative capacities is difficult. In this study the potential of lake whitefish to compensate for fishing mortality is quantified using a conventional fishery stock assessment model. The mechanisms examined are proportion of females, fecundity, survival of eggs and larvae, decrease in age at maturity and growth. The change in each of these parameters necessary to maintain constant recruitment with increasing fishing pressure is determined. Decrease in age of maturity and increased survival of larvae and eggs have the greatest potential for compensation. The total capacity for compensation appears large even when the mechanisms are considered alone. A review of several lake whitefish population studies indicates a large variation in the vital statistics. There is a close relation between total mortality and growth. There is also a close relation between growth and age at maturity. The analyses indicate that increased fishing results in increased growth which then results in a lower age at maturity. This feedback mechanism enables lake whitefish to respond to changes in environmental conditions and on average to maintain a birth rate in balance with mortality.  相似文献   

Sex change is widespread among tropical marine fishes, many of which are targeted by fisheries. Conservation concerns have been raised that sex-changing species may be particularly prone to overexploitation by size-selective fishing. In the case of male-first sex-changers, populations may become egg limited if large females are disproportionately killed. However, if males reduce the size at which they change sex in response to higher female mortality, the population may still be sufficiently productive. We develop an age-based model to explore the effects of fishing on two types of male-first sex-changing fish: one with flexibility in size-at-sex-change and one without. These effects were compared with those of non-sex-changing populations with similar life-history and population characteristics. The model predicts that if male-first sex-changers cannot respond to elevated female mortality by adjusting their size-at-sex-change, the population will be more prone to recruitment limitation and extinction than non-sex-changers. These effects will be amplified as smaller individuals become susceptible to fishing mortality. However, if size-at-sex-change is flexible, sex-changers may be as resilient to fishing as non-sex-changers. Knowledge of a species' size-at-sex-change, and the mechanisms controlling it, should be fundamental to the selection of fisheries conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Pollution from lost, abandoned, or discarded fishing gear is recognized as a global nature conservation concern. Longlining with hooks is a commonly applied fishing method in fisheries around the world. The longline gear consists of a mainline with a number of baited hooks that are attached to it by thinner twine (snoods) which are often made of plastic material such as polyamide (nylon) or polyester that degrades very slowly in the marine environment. During longline fishing, some of the snoods are lost at sea contributing to marine macro- and micro-plastic pollution. The extent of the snood loss is often unknown and can vary between different longline fisheries and fishing grounds. In this study, we estimated and compared the risk for the biodegradable and nylon snood loss in an Adriatic small scale longline fishery. Further, we compared the catch composition and estimated catch efficiency between biodegradable and nylon snoods for capture of common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus), two-banded seabream (Diplodus vulgaris) and axillary seabream (Pagellus acarne). The risk for nylon snood loss in this longline fishery (3 % for each snood for each deployment), demonstrate that the use of more environmentally friendly materials is necessary for nature conservation. No significant differences between the performance of the two materials regarding snood loss rate, hook loss rate, catch efficiency and catch composition were found during short-term usage in the fishery. Based on these results, future long-term testing is encouraged to investigate whether this promising performance of the biodegradable snood material is persistent over longer fishing periods.  相似文献   

Marine reserves (no-take zones) are widely recommended asconservation and fishery management tools. One potential benefitof marine reserves is that they can reduce fishing mortality.This can lead to increases in the abundance of spawners,providing insurance against recruitment failure and maintainingor enhancing yields in fished areas. This paper considers thefactors that influence recovery following marine reserveprotection, describes patterns of recovery in numbers andbiomass, and suggests how recovery rates can be predicted.Population recovery is determined by initial population size, theintrinsic rate of population increase r, and the degree ofcompensation (increases in recruits per spawner as spawnerabundance falls) or depensation (lower than expected recruitmentat low abundance, Allee effect) in the spawner-recruitrelationship. Within a reserve, theoretical recovery rates arefurther modified by metapopulation structure and the success ofindividual recruitment events. Recovery also depends on theextent of reductions in fishing mortality (F) as determined bythe relationship between patterns of movement, migration, anddensity-dependent habitat use (buffer effect) in relation to thesize, shape and location of the reserve. The effects ofreductions in F on population abundance have been calculatedusing a variety of models that incorporate transfer rates betweenthe reserve and fished areas, fishing mortality outside thereserve and life history parameters of the population. Thesemodels give useful indications of increases in production andbiomass (as yield per recruit and spawners per recruitrespectively) due to protection, but do not address recruitment.Many reserves are very small in relation to the geographicalrange of fish or invertebrate populations. In these reserves itmay be impossible to distinguish recovery due to populationgrowth from that due to redistribution. Mean rates of recoverycan be predicted from r, but the methods are data intensive. Thisis ironic when marine reserves are often favoured for managementor conservation in data-poor situations where conventional stockassessment is impossible. In these data-poor situations, it maybe possible to predict recovery rates from very low populationsizes by using maximum body size or age at maturity as simplecorrelates of the intrinsic rate of natural increase.  相似文献   

The effects of size-selective fishing mortality on the growth of Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhuu L.) in the southern Gulf of St Lawrence were investigated and compared between: (1) a period when fishing mortality was relatively high, growth was relatively rapid, and abundance low (1967–1972 year classes): and (2) a period when fishing mortality was lower, growth was slow, and density high (1977–1982 year classes). Cod first entered the fishery at age 3 during both periods. The 1967–1972 year classes (fast growing) were fully recruited to the fishery by age 5 or 6 and the fishery removed over twice as many fish from the lower than upper quartiles of length-at-age distributions for cod 4 to 10 years old (disproportionately high exploitation of slow-growing fish). In contrast. the 1977–1982 year classes (slow growing) did not fully recruit to the fishery until age 9 or 10 and the fishery removed four times as many fish from the upper than lower quartiles of the length-at-age distributions for 4- to 10-year-old cod (disproportionately high exploitation of fast-growing fish). The reduced mean lengths-at-age of the 1977–1982 year classes compared with the 1967–I972 year-classes is consistent with the different patterns of exploitation of fast- and slow-growing fish for the two periods.  相似文献   

2015年7月至2016年6月采用银鱼拖网对洪泽湖大银鱼和太湖新银鱼进行周年逐月采样, 确定单位水体面积(1 km2)捕捞渔获量, 估算种群生长和死亡相关参数; 利用平衡产量模型评估获得最高单位补充量渔产量时的最适开捕时间, 并设定为优化的管理方案; 构建单位补充量产卵群体生物量(Spawner biomass per-recruitment; SBR)模型, 评估洪泽湖银鱼资源在当前和优化管理方案下的捕捞利用状况, 为其资源管理提供指导。研究结果表明, 大银鱼体长和体重分别为29.0—182.6 mm和0.10—34.79 g, 世代周期中存在2个快速生长阶段, 即4—6月和8—11月; 最适生长方程为von Bertalanffy方程, Lt=173.35×[1–e–1.972(t–0.092)]; 捕捞死亡系数和自然死亡系数分别为8.583/year和3.292/year。太湖新银鱼体长和体重分别为20.4—82.7 mm和0.04—3.40 g, 整个世代周期持续生长, 最适生长方程为Logistic方程, Lt=66.82/[1+e–5.386(t–0.124)]; 捕捞死亡系数和自然死亡系数分别为7.006/year和1.146/year。平衡产量模型结果显示, 当大银鱼开捕年龄为0.593 year, 太湖新银鱼开捕年龄为0.420 year时, 即将银鱼开捕时间由现行的8月9日, 推迟20d, 并取消现行的5月一周捕捞, 可以获得最大总渔产量。SBR模型评估结果显示, 在当前管理模式下, 大银鱼SBR残存量相当于未开发状态的20.23%, 优化管理方式后可达到36.72%, 能有效缓解大银鱼的捕捞压力; 在优化管理方式后, 大湖新银鱼的SBR残存量从现行管理方式下相当于未开发状态的7.50%, 提升至12.86%, 但仍低于20%。  相似文献   

Numerous threats impact coral reefs and conservation actions are urgently needed. Fast production of marine habitat maps promotes the use of habitat-only conservation plans, where a given percentage of the area of each habitat is set as conservation objectives. However, marine reserves can impact access to fishing grounds and generate opportunity costs for fishers that need to be minimized. In New Caledonia (Southwest Pacific), we used fine-scale fishery catch maps to define nineteen opportunity costs layers (expressed as biomass catch loss) considering i) total catches, ii) target fish families, iii) local marine tenure, and iv) gear type. The expected lower impacts on fishery catch when using the different cost constraints were ranked according to effectiveness in decreasing the costs generated by the habitat-only scenarios. The exercise was done for two habitat maps with different thematic richness. In most cases, habitat conservation objectives remained achievable, but effectiveness varied widely between scenarios and between habitat maps. The results provide practical guidelines for coral reef conservation and management. Habitat-only scenarios can be used to initiate conservation projects with stakeholders but the costs induced by such scenarios can be lowered by up to 50–60% when detailed exhaustive fishery data are used. When using partial data, the gain would be only in the 15–25% range. The best compromises are achieved when using local data.  相似文献   

Bycatch: from emotion to effective natural resource management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although bycatch has been an acknowledged component of fishery management for many years, its explosive growth as a major management issue has occurred over the past decade. Emergence of the bycatch issue can be traced to increasing world competition for the ocean's fishery resources and the rapid rise of the conservation and environmental movement in recent years. Bycatch has in the past several years been equated to waste, non-selective fishing methods that threaten non-target species and degradation of ocean ecosystems. Although some important steps have been taken to abate bycatch, frequently the problem is not perceived as a component of fishery management, e.g. establishing bycatch mortality rates and evaluating their consequences upon affected populations. Fishery scientists often estimate levels of bycatch, but the overall consequences of discard mortality resulting from the complex of fisheries operating in a region are frequently unknown and speculative. The sum of fishery-induced mortalities occurring as a result of harvesting often involves a significant number of fish in addition to catch and discard. An ICES study group has characterized fishing mortality as the aggregate of all catch mortalities including discard, illegal fishing and misreporting. It is unlikely that managers will, in the near future, have a full accounting of unobserved fishing mortality. Progress toward identifying and measuring such mortalities is receiving increasing attention.The authors suggest and provide an example of a matrix-type analysis for recording bycatch and other fishing mortalities. The matrix presentation would allow managers to evaluate various fishery-related mortality factors and their importance in developing management strategies.  相似文献   

Many fishery management tools currently in use have conservation value. They are designed to maintain stocks of commercially important species above target levels. However, their limitations are evident from continuing declines in fish stocks throughout the world. We make the case that to reverse fishery declines, safeguard marine life and sustain ecosystem processes, extensive marine reserves that are off limits to fishing must become part of the management strategy. Marine reserves should be incorporated into modern fishery management because they can achieve many things that conventional tools cannot. Only complete and permanent protection from fishing can protect the most sensitive habitats and vulnerable species. Only reserves will allow the development of natural, extended age structures of target species, maintain their genetic variability and prevent deleterious evolutionary change from the effects of fishing. Species with natural age structures will sustain higher rates of reproduction and will be more resilient to environmental variability. Higher stock levels maintained by reserves will provide insurance against management failure, including risk-prone quota setting, provided the broader conservation role of reserves is firmly established and legislatively protected. Fishery management measures outside protected areas are necessary to complement the protection offered by marine reserves, but cannot substitute for it.  相似文献   

The short life span of cephalopods suggests a potential for high sensitivity to the artificial selective effects of human exploitation. To explore the effects of such selection life-history optimisation was applied using data for a semelparous squid, Illex argentinus with a life span of one year. Survival and fecundity functions were combined to generate a life time reproductive potential function. The maximum reproductive potential identified the optimum age for the squid to mature. In a situation of a constant mortality rate the maximum reproductive potential was achieved at an earlier age of maturation as mortality rate increased. The exact age when the optimum maturation occurs is sensitive to the rate of mortality and the form of the assumed growth curve but covers the age range when maturation is known to occur in this species. A more realistic seasonal fishing mortality function produced a more complex fitness curve with a temporally more restricted optimal age of maturity. The selection effects will be stronger in a seasonal fishery suggesting potentially very rapid evolutionary rates. Developing analyses specifically considering frequency-dependence and environmental-feedbacks will be valuable to clarify the potential of squid to show rapid evolutionary responses to selection. Strong selection for early age of maturation could affect the yield from the fishery but more importantly, could also make the migratory strategy, on which the fishery is based, an unviable option, resulting in collapse of the fishery that exploits the migratory component of the species. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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