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A new benthic freshwater diatom, Achnanthidium dolomiticum sp. nov., was identified from light and scanning electron micrographs. The most characteristic morphological features are a narrow, but distinctive fascia; a filiform raphe with narrowly spaced central ends and a very narrow and straight axial area on the raphe valve; a convex‐shaped rapheless valve; the length/width ratio; and valve outline. The new species, has been found so far to be mainly epiphytic on bryophytes and aquatic vascular plants in carbonate springs and lakes of the Italian Alps. The environmental preferences of the new species, as assessed by the comparative analysis of these sites, appear to be quite distinctive. These freshwater habitats are fed by drainage basins dominated by dolomite lithology with medium mineralization, are oligotrophic, and are affected by seasonal desiccation.  相似文献   

Littoral benthic macroinvertebrates were studied in three alpine lakes in the High Tatra Mountains (Slovakia) located at different elevations: 2157, 1940 (alpine zone) and 1725 m (sub-alpine zone). The study sites were selected in order to obtain a gradient in thermal regimes and particular organic matter (POM). Differences in the faunal composition of lakes were tested for the ability of these differences to indicate climatic changes, and species/taxa were identified that could be used for the purposes of monitoring and climate change assessment. Macroinvertebrates were sampled quantitatively during the ice-free seasons of 2000 and 2001, and lake surface water temperature (LSWT) and POM were measured. LSWT and POM were negatively correlated with elevation, whereas ice cover was positively correlated with elevation. A total of 60 oligostenothermic macroinvertebrate species/taxa were collected belonging to ten higher taxonomic groups. Statistical analysis showed trends in several biotic metrics with altitude. More specifically, there was a clear increase in the number of species/taxa, genera, and higher taxonomic groups, as well as an increase in the Shannon–Wiener diversity with decreasing altitude. On the contrary, evenness and density of benthic macroinvertebrates did not show any clear relationship with altitude. Gatherers of detrital particles dominated the assemblages’ trophic structures, but no distinct changes in the proportion of functional feeding groups along the altitudinal gradient were found. While the non-insect fauna of the lakes was rather uniform across the elevational gradient, the insect fauna composition was highly correlated with altitude, as confirmed by Detrended Correspondence Analysis. Aquatic insects, in particular chironomids and caddisflies, can therefore be used as good indicators of temperature changes. Our results suggest that under warmer conditions, non-insect benthic macroinvertebrates will remain more or less stable, while aquatic insects will undergo an increase in the number of thermophilic species typical for lower altitudes. These colonizers will increase the diversity of alpine lakes, while the extinction of cold stenothermal species will lead to impoverishment of the native fauna. An indirect impact on benthic macroinvertebrates through changes in food sources is likely, and changes in trophic structure of the littoral assemblages can be expected.  相似文献   

Many rivers and wetlands in south-western Australia are threatened by salinisation due to rising saline watertables, which have resulted from land clearing and the replacement of deep-rooted perennial species with shallow-rooted annual species. A four to six weekly sampling program of water quality, submerged macrophytes and macroinvertebrates was undertaken at six wetlands, from September 2002 to February 2004, to investigate seasonal variation in a range of primary and secondary saline systems. The wetlands dried and filled at different times in response to local rainfall patterns, and salinities varied accordingly with evapoconcentration and dilution. Two types of clear-water wetlands were recognised; those dominated by submerged aquatic macrophytes (Ruppia, Lepilaena and Lamprothamnium) and those dominated by benthic microbial communities. Two types of turbid wetlands were also recognised; those with high concentrations of phytoplankton and those with high concentrations of suspended sediments. A primary saline lake and two lakes that have only recently been affected by secondary salinisation persisted in a clear, macrophyte-dominated regime throughout most of the study period, except during drying and filling. Two lakes with a long history of secondary salinisation (70 years) moved between regimes over the study period. A clear, benthic microbial community – dominated regime only persisted at the wetland which contained permanent water throughout the study period. The turbid regimes were only present during drying and refilling phases. A richer and more abundant macroinvertebrate fauna was associated with the clear, macrophyte- dominated wetlands. Our results suggest that the development of management guidelines that recognise the presence of different ecological regimes and that consider the interactions between water regime, salinity, and primary and secondary production will be more useful in protecting biodiversity and ecological function in these systems than managing salinity as a single factor.  相似文献   

Introduced fish reduce the abundance and diversity of native aquatic fauna, but the effect can be reduced in complex habitats. We manipulated fish populations in forested mountain lakes to determine whether or not fish affected benthic macroinvertebrate composition across lakes with differing habitat complexity. We compared abundance, biomass, body-length, and community structure of benthic macroinvertebrates from 16 lakes with three treatments (fish stocked, suspended stocking, fish removed) and unstocked fishless “controls”. Over 4 years, we assessed the relative importance of fish and environmental variables influencing the composition of benthic macroinvertebrates. Control lakes had the greatest overall abundance of macroinvertebrates when chironomid midges were excluded. Abundances of insects in the clinger/swimmer functional group and caddisflies were greatest in the control lakes but were primarily influenced by habitat variables including the availability of aquatic vegetation and wood. Total biomass and mean body length of macroinvertebrates were not affected by treatment. Taxon richness of macroinvertebrates was about 40% greater in the control lakes compared to the treatment lakes but did not differ among treatments. Our results suggest that fish reduce susceptible macroinvertebrate richness and abundances, but that changes associated with alterations of fish composition are confounded by other factors in complex lake habitats.  相似文献   

The aquatic macroinvertebrates in two freshwater biotopes,viz. aNymphoides peltata-dominated site and a macrophyte-free site, were studied quantitatively in a shallow alkaline oxbow lake of the river Waal, the main branch of the river Rhine in The Netherlands. The research comprised the analysis of water, sediment and macrophyte samples.In the macrophyte-free site Oligochaeta and Nematocera, particularly of the collector gatherer functional feeding group, dominated the prevailing benthic community. The total macroinvertebrate biomass ranged here from 0.3 to 0.9 g ash-free dry weight per m2 of biotope.Species richness, densities, and biomass of macroinvertebrates were considerably higher in the biotope dominated byNymphoides peltata. Many taxa were found associated with the aboveground macrophyte. The sediment compartment, however, contributed most to the total density and biomass of macroinvertebrates. Nematocera and Oligochaeta were the most abundant fauna groups, whereas the largest share in total biomass was provided by clams (Mollusca). The biomass of the total macroinvertebrate community in theNymphoides-dominated site ranged from 6.2 to 7.5 g ash-free dry weight per m2 of biotope. The biomass of the aboveground phytophilous fauna ranged from 0.1 to 0.6 g ash-free dry weight per m2 of biotope. In September, when theNymphoides peltata vegetation was in its senescent phase, the largest numbers and the highest biomass of phytophilous macroinvertebrates were observed. The contribution of the shredder functional feeding group was high in this period. This, and the overall high abundance of fauna with a detritivorous mode of life, indicates the importance of macrophyte detritus as input to food chains.  相似文献   

Abstract Shorebirds migrating through the Southern Great Plains of North America use saline lakes as stopovers to rest and replenish energy reserves. To understand how availability of invertebrates, salinity, freshwater springs, vegetation, and water influence the value of saline lakes as migration stopovers, we compared lakes used and not used by migrant shorebirds. Shorebirds used lakes that had freshwater springs, mudflats and standing water, sparse vegetation (≤1% cover), low to moderate salinities (x = 30.87 g/L), and mean invertebrate biomass of 0.79 g/m2. Lakes that were not used were generally dry or had hypersaline water (x = 82.56 g/L), lacked flowing springs and vegetation, and had few or no invertebrates (x = 0.007 g/m2). Our results suggest that reduced spring flows and increased salinity negatively affect availability of shorebird habitats and aquatic invertebrates. We recommend preservation of the freshwater springs discharging in the saline lakes. Because the springs are discharged from the Ogallala aquifer, which is recharged through the playa wetlands, the entire complex of wetlands in the Great Plains and the Ogallala aquifer should be managed as an integral system.  相似文献   

An 18-month-study of 40 saline wetlands, ranging from 6 to 336 g l−1, on the west and southern coasts of Eyre Peninsula yielded 88 species of invertebrates, some aquatic plants and a fish. The invertebrates are taxonomically diverse and include 38 crustaceans, 28 insects, 12 molluscs and significantly an aquatic spider, a nemertean, two polychaetes, two sea anemones, a sponge and a bryzoan. Most were tolerant of wide fluctuations in salinity, there being 51 halobionts, 21 halophils and only 16 salt-tolerant freshwater species. Many invertebrates are restricted to the thalassic springs where marine molluscs dominated. Athalassic wetlands were dominated by crustaceans and were of two basic types—coastal and continental. There is evidence of the former evolving biologically into the later, and for some lakes to be still in transition. There is also evidence of increasing salinity in recent decades and already two lakes exhibit severe secondary salinity. Like other salt lakes in Australia the fauna is regionally distinctive. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest Editors: J. John & B. Timms Salt Lake Research: Biodiversity and Conservation—Selected papers from the 9th Conference of the International Society for Salt Lake Research  相似文献   

Tropical Pacific island streams have poorly understood communities that deserve scientific attention. We examined benthic macroinvertebrates and fishes of the Inem River on Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia. Larval chironomids, lepidopterans, odonates, and freshwater shrimps dominated the benthos and drift. Diel periodicity in drift was not evident. Nine fishes, two shrimps, and one snail species were identified. Kosrae's stream fauna appears even more depauperate than other Pacific high islands, possible due to its extreme isolation.  相似文献   

Significantly higher concentrations of suspended inorganic matter were observed in the outflows than the inflows of three impoundments along an urban stream in southern Ontario during baseflow conditions. This pattern was observed during two summers at two of the reservoirs. After carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) were eliminated (490 kg ha–1) from the third reservoir, significantly less suspended sediment was found in the outflow. Burrowing benthic invertebrates (Chironomus sp. and Tubificidae) which dominated the benthic fauna were replaced by less tolerant, more lithophilic taxa after carp removal. Tubifids dominated the fauna again after carp recolonized the impoundment. These data suggest that carp removal can have a significant positive effect on water quality.  相似文献   

The invertebrate fauna of many Antarctic ice-free areas, even those close to permanent research stations, can be poorly known. Here we describe some nematodes from freshwater and saline, marine-derived lakes of the Vestfold Hills, East Antarctica. The freshwater lakes contained the widespread East Antarctic endemic species, Plectus frigophilus Kirjanova, 1958. The saline lakes were inhabited by two recently described species, Halomonhystera halophila Andrássy, 2006 and Halomonhystera continentalis Andrássy, 2006, and by a new species described in this report, Hypodontolaimus antarcticus sp. n. Originally marine but now brackish Highway Lake contained a nematode fauna with both freshwater and marine-derived components. The nematode fauna of Antarctica now consists of 54 named species, 22 of which are found in East Antarctica.  相似文献   

Inland salt waters of southern Africa   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
Inland salt lakes are widely distributed in southern Africa: they are particularly common in South Africa, but many occur in Namibia and Botswana. All are shallow, and most are ephemeral with salinities that are not very high (mostly < 50 g l−1). Fringing zones of halophytes or submerged macrophytes are neither well-developed nor taxonomically diverse. The Cyanobacteria, especially Nodularia spumigena, often dominate the phytoplankton. The fauna of the Makgadikgadi area (northeast Botswana) is diverse and is similar to that of East African salt lakes. The aquatic fauna of salt water south of the Makgadikgadi Basin, on the other hand, is extremely depauperate, has no well-defined assemblage confined to saline waters, and appears mostly to comprise tolerant freshwater forms. Lovenula falcifera and Metadiaptomus transvaalensis (diaptomid copepods), Moina micrura (Cladocera) and Brachionus plicatilis (Rotifera) are frequently encountered zooplankton species, a few species of insects (Anisops sp., beetles, chironomids and ephydrids) are the principal non-planktonic macroinvertebrates. Artemia ‘salina’ is occasionally present, but may be an introduced form. The avifauna, in contrast to the aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna, is rich, with the greater and lesser flamingo often common.  相似文献   

Habitat restoration that improves the ecological status of a target ecosystem may have undesired effects in adjoining ecosystems. We assessed how restoration of a mire influenced benthic macroinvertebrates in associated freshwater springs. We included springs affected by restoration and compared these to remote control springs. We collected pre-restoration samples in May 2001 and post-restoration samples in May 2003, 2005 and 2010. Following restoration, water table rose in the whole mire. Restoration also caused profound changes to groundwater quality but, for the most part, water quality returned close to pre-restoration conditions within two years. Reflecting these chemical and hydrological changes, restoration altered spring invertebrate communities, especially the relative abundances of species, but had only weak effect on species richness. The proportional abundance of spring-dependent macroinvertebrates decreased in the restoration area, whereas their proportion remained stable in the remote control sites. Macroinvertebrate community structure at the remote control sites remained almost unchanged throughout the study, whereas communities in the restoration-area springs showed profound changes after restoration, followed by a slow recovery toward the initial conditions. Our results suggest that restoration planning and monitoring should be extended to adjoining ecosystems, and not only species richness but more complete compositional analysis of communities and species abundances should be used to indicate restoration impacts.  相似文献   

Pollution and tidal benthic communities of the James River Estuary,Virginia   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Robert J. Diaz 《Hydrobiologia》1989,180(1):195-211
Distribution of benthic communities in the estuarine portion of the James River was controlled mainly by salinity. Pollution effects were localized and difficult to assess because of a rigorous physical environment. Mesohaline and oligohaline communities were very similar to those in other estuaries of the eastern United States. Macrobenthic densities were most severely depressed in tidal freshwater habitats near Richmond & Hopewell, where the major portion of the pollution load enters the river. Cluster analysis of species distributional patterns and ordination of pollution and physical parameters produced similar results, dividing the river into mesohaline, oligohaline, and upper and lower tidal freshwater zones. Further analysis of only the tidal freshwater portion indicated the distribution of benthic communities reflected the location and concentration of pollution sources along the river. Tidal freshwater communities were dominated by the Asiatic clam, Corbicula fluminea, tubificid oligochaetes of the genus Limnodrilus and the chironomid insect larva Coelotanypus scapularis. The fauna of the freshwater zones was very eurytopic with respect to sediment type and has a great resemblance to the fauna of eutrophic lakes. The classical concept of a sharp increase in number of species occurring from oligohaline to freshwater zones was found to be misleading. This increase does not occur until free flowing (or lotic) freshwater areas of greater habitat diversity are reached.  相似文献   

Lakes are common features of alpine landscapes, and the attention given to alpine lakes has increased recently in response to increased recognition of the important role that these freshwaters play as sensible indicators of climate change. Despite this general research interest, there is nevertheless a general lack of information about zoobenthos especially of lakes in the Alps, and only few published data are available, which has made it nearly impossible to draw general conclusions in respect to benthic community structure, profundal and/or littoral food webs. This paper aims to explore the relationships between main environmental/catchment properties of 55 lakes and their littoral benthic fauna across three regions of the Alps. We provide updated information on relative abundance, species richness, distribution and ecology of macroinvertebrates which occur and are typical in the littoral of high-mountain lakes of the Alps. These lakes were located in the Lago-Maggiore Watershed (Italy and Switzerland), in South Tyrol (Italy) and in North/East Tyrol (Austria), between 1840 and 2796 m a.s.l., in catchments undisturbed by human activities. As the studied lakes are situated above the tree line, they were characterised by low nutrient levels indicating an oligotrophic status. Lake water chemistry corresponded closely to the geo-lithology of the catchment and some parameters (especially nutrient concentrations) differed between the regions. The macroinvertebrates were dominated by insects which to a high degree were chironomid larvae and pupae. Other insect orders were typical cold stenotherm species of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera. Non-insect macroinvertebrates contributed to the 144 taxa found. Other than lake size and catchment area, the faunal parameters exhibited a clearer pattern along altitude. Macroinvertebrates per sample increased with higher elevation, reached their maximum in lakes between 2400 and 2600 m a.s.l., but decreased strongly above 2600 m. The altitudinal pattern of species richness and Shannon diversity resembled each other being highest between 2001 and 2200 m a.s.l., but decreased when going lower and higher, respectively. Various patterns and trends along altitude were also evident when individual groups were analysed within the individual sampling regions. The somewhat conflicting trends of various biocoenotic indices let assume that factors other than altitude are also responsible for the structure of faunal assemblages in the littoral of alpine lakes. Six variables (“bare rocks” and “nitrate”, “alkalinity”, “ammonia” and “peat bog”) were selected by the CCA analysis where these three groups of lakes were identified: (1) lakes with a higher alkalinity (higher pH, conductivity, ion concentration), a higher relative vegetation cover (compared to the “bare rocks” on the opposite side) and lower nitrate levels; (2) lakes with a higher portion of “bare rocks” in their catchments and higher nitrate levels; and (3) a smaller group of lakes with higher ammonia levels and a boggy environment. Geographical patterns seemed to have weak effects on the presence of taxa while catchment properties had evident impacts on macroinvertebrate communities in these lakes. In this way, the present study contributes to the overall understanding of environmental settings and effects on high mountain lake ecosystems and assists in refining research and conservation strategies for an important landscape aspect in the Alps.  相似文献   

Viruses in the plankton of freshwater and saline Antarctic lakes   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
1. Virus‐like particle (VLP) abundances in nine freshwater to saline lakes in the Vestfold Hills, Eastern Antarctica (68° S) were determined in December 1999. In the ultra‐oligotrophic to oligotrophic freshwater lakes, VLP abundances ranged from 1.01 to 3.28 × 106 mL–1 in the top 6 m of the water column. In the saline lakes the range was between 6.76 and 36.5 × 106 mL–1. The lowest value was found in meromictic Ace Lake and the highest value in hypersaline Lake Williams. Virus to bacteria ratios (VBR) were lowest in the freshwater lakes and highest in the saline lakes, with a maximum of 23.4 in the former and 50.3 in the latter. 2. A range of morphologies among VLP was observed, including phages with short (Podoviridae) and long tails, icosahedric viruses of up to 300 nm and star‐like particles of about 80 nm diameter. 3. In these microbially dominated ecosystems there was no correlation between VLP and either bacterial numbers or chlorophyll a. There was a significant correlation between VLP abundances and dissolved organic carbon concentration (r=0.845, P < 0.01). 4. The data suggested that viruses probably attack a spectrum of bacteria and protozoan species. Virus‐like particle numbers in the freshwater lakes were lower than values reported for lower latitude systems. Those in the saline lakes were comparable with abundances reported from other Antarctic lakes, and were higher than most values published for lower latitude lakes and many marine systems. Across the salinity spectrum from freshwater through brackish to hypersaline, VLP concentrations increased roughly in relation to increasing trophy. 5. Given that Antarctic lakes have a plankton almost entirely made up of bacteria and protists, and that VLP abundances are high, it is likely that viruses play a pivotal role in carbon cycling in these extreme ecosystems.  相似文献   

Leaf litter is a major basal resource to stream ecosystems, but few studies addressed their role in karst systems, mainly in intermittent springs and lakes. Patterns of resource use in perennial rivers are poorly known, although the input of leaf litter strongly influences macroinvertebrate assemblage structure. In this study, we evaluated the structure of macroinvertebrate assemblages along the decomposition of leaf litter in a tropical karst river, using leaf litter cages made of coarse nylon mesh (25 mm) to allow colonization by macroinvertebrates. The experiment was followed weekly for 10 weeks. The assemblages were dominated by snails (90.5% of total fauna), hyalellid amphipods, and larval chironomid midges, with highest abundances in the intermediate stages of the experiment, resulting in a gradient in assemblage structure. The large abundance of snails, which are common in other karst systems, suggest that this group may have an important role in decomposer food webs, facilitating or directly contributing to leaf breakdown. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis was used to examine the food sources and trophic structure of 17 fish species and six groups of benthic macroinvertebrates in a seagrass meadow in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The seagrass, their associated epiphytes, sediment organic matter (SOM) and particulate organic matter (POM) were identified to be the food sources, with δ13C values ranging from ?19.49 (POM) to ?9.66‰ (seagrass). The δ13C of the 23 fauna taxa were between ?18.57 (Arothron manilensis) and ?11.62‰ (Protoreaster sp.). For five of the six groups of benthic macroinvertebrates, seagrass and their epiphytes contributed more than 69.4%. For 14 of the 17 fish species, seagrass and their epiphytes are the main contributors. For 15 of the 17 fishes, the trophic levels inferred from SIA are lower than those from the previously reported diet composition analysis. These findings show that seagrass and their epiphytes are consumed by most of the fish and benthic macroinvertebrates, and are important for a large portion of the food web in seagrass meadows in the Coral Triangle area.  相似文献   

The assumption that water pollution causes a depression in the diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates as measured by the Shannon index and similar diversity indices is questioned. An interpretation of the community response of benthic macroinvertebrates to pollution in the Millers River, Massachusetts is developed from species presence-absence and abundance data in conjunction with published information on the species' environmental tolerances as compared to chemical water quality data. This interpretation is compared with one derived solely from diversity index values. The interpretations are quite different; the differences may be attributed to other environmental factors such as impoundments and flow reductions which influence the fauna and thus the diversity index value, but which are not related to pollution. In addition, several intrinsic features of the diversity indices increase their bias.Contribution No. 47 of the Massachusetts Cooperative Fishery Unit jointly supported by the U.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Game, the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, and the University of Massachusetts.  相似文献   

A comparison of the benthic fauna found in two shallow lakes in the New Jersey Pinelands (USA) illustrated the impact of elevated pH and nutrients caused by residential and agricultural disturbance on a naturally acidic, poorly buffered aquatic environment. Detailed community analysis suggested that change in community composition was a better indicator of response to disturbance than biological diversity indices. Chironomidae (insecta) were the predominant components of the benthic macroinvertebrate assemblage of both undisturbed Oswego Lake (low pH, low nutrients) and Nescochague Lake (fluctuating pH, elevated nutrients). The genera Procladius, Tribelos, and Pagastiella dominated Oswego Lake, where as Zalutschia zalutschicola, Procladius, Dicrotendipes, and Tanytarsus dominated Nescochague Lake. Glyptotendipes was a common and unique member of the Nescochague Lake assemblage. Cluster analysis indicated that the chemical differences between lakes were the most important community determinants, although, within each lake, depth and substrate affected the local communities. Oswego Lake exhibited a depauperate nonchironomid benthic fauna typical of low nutrient, acid lakes. In turn, Nescochague Lake exhibited an enriched nonchironomid fauna including mollusks and planaria which were not found in Oswego Lake.  相似文献   

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