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Nonselective cation channels were found in single channel recordings from cell-attached patches on human T lymphocytes. These channels were active under conditions that should lead to cell swelling (hypotonic bath solutions with NaCl or KCl); however, a definite dependence of activity on cell swelling has not been proven. Under these conditions similar channels were found in 20 of 23 patches from 11 different blood donors. The current-voltage relation was approximately linear for outward current (11-14 pS) and inwardly rectifying (to 23 pS) when the intact cells were depolarized with high KCl in the bath. The voltage dependence of channel activity is consistent with closing at hyperpolarized membrane potentials (Vm less than or equal to -50 mV) and block of open channels at strongly depolarized membrane potentials (Vm greater than 0 mV). Reversal potentials under all ionic gradients tested are consistent with a channel that is poorly selective between Na+ and K+ ions. Active channels in cell-attached patches were rapidly blocked by bath addition of the membrane-permeant inhibitor quinine. Channels that were active in cell-attached became quiescent after patch excision; however, two patches remained active long enough to obtain current-voltage relations. These were linear with a slope conductance for outward current of 8-11 pS. Because of the clustering of single-channel openings, detailed voltage dependence of kinetics and probability of opening were not studied.  相似文献   

J H Widdicombe 《Biorheology》1987,24(6):551-555
Airway epithelia possess transepithelial ion transport processes which may help to regulate the fluid content of airway secretions. Chloride secretion promotes fluid movement from blood to airway lumen. Active absorption of Na favours fluid movement in the opposite direction. The balance between these two processes can be altered by a number of agents which stimulate Cl secretion. The importance of ion transport for normal mucociliary clearance is suggested by the finding that airway epithelia in patients with cystic fibrosis are unable to secrete chloride. This defect may cause the characteristically sticky and tenacious mucous secretions which are the major cause of death in this disease.  相似文献   

Summary A nonselective cation channel activated by patch excision was characterized in inside-out patches from spiny lobster olfactory receptor neurons. The channel, which was permeable to Na+, K+ and Cs+, had a conductance of 320 pS and was weakly voltage dependent in the presence of micromolar divalent cations. Millimolar internal divalent cations caused a voltage-and concentration-dependent block of Na+ permeation. Analysis of the voltage dependence indicated that the proportion of the membrane's electric field sensed by Mg2+ was >1, suggesting that the channel contains a multi-ion pore. Internal divalent cations also reduced the frequency of channel opening in a concentration-dependent, but not voltage-dependent, manner, indicating that different cation binding sites affect gating and conductance. While block of gating prevented determining if internal divalent cations permeate the channel, a channel highly permeable to external divalent cations was observed upon patch excision to the inside-out configuration. The monovalent and divalent cation conductances shared activation by patch excision, weak voltage dependence, and steady-state activity, suggesting that they are the same channel. These data extend our understanding of this type of channel by demonstrating permeation by monovalent cations, detailing Mg2+ block of Na permeation, and demonstrating the channel's presence in arthropods.  相似文献   

The present studycharacterizes the ionic conductances activated by acetylcholine (ACh)and ATP, two candidate neuromodulators, in isolated spiral ganglionneurons (SGNs). Brief application (1 s) of ACh evoked in adose-dependent manner (EC50 = 4.1 µM) a reversibleinward current with a long latency (average 1.3 s), at holdingpotential (Vh) = 50 mV. This current wasreversibly blocked by atropine and mimicked by muscarine. Applicationof ATP also evoked a reversible inward current atVh = 50 mV, but the current showed twocomponents. A fast component with a short latency was largely reducedwhen N-methyl-D-glucamine (NMDG) replaced extracellular sodium, implying a P2X-like ionotropic conductance. Thesecond component had a longer latency (average 1.1 s) and waspresumably activated by metabotropic P2Y-like receptors. The secondcomponent of ATP-evoked current shared similar characteristics with theresponses evoked by ACh: the current reversed near 0 mV, displayedinward rectification, could be carried by NMDG, and was insensitive toextracellular and intracellular calcium. This ACh-/ATP-evokedconductance was reversibly inhibited by preapplication of ionomycin.These results suggest that muscarinic receptors and purinergicmetabotropic receptors activate a similar large nonselective cationconductance via a common intracellular pathway in SGNs, a candidatemechanism to regulate neuronal excitability of SGNs.


Standing-gradient model of fluid transport in epithelia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Anion-dependent cation transport in erythrocytes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A selective survey of the literature reveals at least three major anion-dependent cation transport systems, defined as Na+ + Cl-, K+ + Cl- and Na+ + K+ + Cl- respectively. In human red cells, kinetic data on the fraction of K+ and Na+ influx inhibitable by bumetanide are presented to indicate an Na+:K+ stoichiometry of 1:2. For LK sheep red cells the large Cl- -dependent K+ leak induced by swelling is shown to share many characteristics with that induced by N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) treatment. NEM has complex effects, both inhibiting and then activating Cl- -dependent K+ fluxes dependent on NEM concentration. The alloantibody anti-L can prevent the action of NEM. In human red cells NEM induces a large Cl- -dependent specific K+ flux, which shows saturation kinetics. Its anion preference is Cl- greater than Br- greater than SCN- greater than I- greater than NO3- greater than MeSO4-. This transport pathway is not inhibited by oligomycin or SITS, although phloretin and high concentrations of furosemide and bumetanide (over 0.3 mM) do inhibit. Quinine (0.5 mM) is also an inhibitor. It is concluded that at least two distinct Cl- -dependent transport pathways for K+ are inducible in mammalian red cells, although the evidence for their separation is not absolute.  相似文献   

1. When dog semen is stored at 5 degrees for 24hr., K(+) is lost from the spermatozoa and Na(+) accumulates in the cells. 2. If at the end of the cold-storage period the semen is incubated at 37 degrees in the presence of added glucose there is a rapid uptake of K(+) and extrusion of Na(+) from the spermatozoa, the intracellular K(+) reaching a maximum within 30min. 3. When the semen is incubated at 20 degrees after cold storage there is an uptake of K(+) by the spermatozoa over 3hr. but no change in intracellular Na(+) concentration. 4. The extrusion of Na(+) and uptake of K(+) by dog spermatozoa has been shown to be inhibited by fluoride, iodoacetate, 2,4-dinitrophenol, and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide. 5. Uptake of K(+) is inhibited by ouabain and half maximum inhibition is obtained with a concentration of 50mmum. There is a slight stimulation of K(+) uptake in the presence of ouabain at about 0.3% of the concentration required for half maximum inhibition.  相似文献   

The transport of nucleosides by LLC-PK1 cells, a continuous epithelial cell line derived from pig kidney, was characterised. Uridine influx was saturable (apparent Km approximately 34 microM at 22 degrees C) and inhibited by greater than 95% by nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBMPR), dilazep and a variety of purine and pyrimidine nucleosides. In contrast to other cultured animal cells, the NBMPR-sensitive nucleoside transporter in LLC-PK1 cells exhibited both a high affinity for cytidine (apparent Ki approximately 65 microM for influx) and differential 'mobility' of the carrier (the kinetic parameters of equilibrium exchange of formycin B are greater than those for formycin B influx). An additional minor component of sodium-dependent uridine influx in LLC-PK1 cells became detectable when the NBMPR-sensitive nucleoside transporter was blocked by the presence of 10 microM NBMPR. This active transport system was inhibited by adenosine, inosine and guanosine but thymidine and cytidine were without effect, inhibition properties identical to the N1 sodium-dependent nucleoside carrier in bovine renal outer cortical brush-border membrane vesicles (Williams and Jarvis (1991) Biochem. J. 274, 27-33). Late proximal tubule brush-border membrane vesicles of porcine kidney were shown to have a much reduced Na(+)-dependent uridine uptake activity compared to early proximal tubule porcine brush-border membrane vesicles. These results, together with the recent suggestion of the late proximal tubular origin of LLC-PK1 cells, suggest that in vivo nucleoside transport across the late proximal tubule cell may proceed mainly via a facilitated-diffusion process.  相似文献   

Summary Patch-clamp recording from the apical surface of the epithelium of frog lens reveals a cation-selective channel after pressure (about ±30 mm Hg) is applied to the pipette. The open state of this channel has a conductance of some 50 pS near the resting potential (–56.1±2.3 mV) when 107mm NaCl and 10 HEPES (pH 7.3) is outside the channel. The probability of the channel being open depends strongly on pressure but the current-voltage relation of the open state does not. With minimal Ca2+ (55±2 m) outside the channel, the current-voltage relation is nonlinear even in symmetrical salt solutions, allowing more current to flow into the cell than out. The channel, in minimal Ca2+ solution, is selective among the monovalent cations in the following sequence K+>Rb+>Cs+>Na+>Li+. The conductance depends monotonically on the mole fraction of K+ when the other ion present is Li+ or Na+. The single-channel current is a saturating function of [K+] when K+ is the permeant ion, for [K+]214mm. When [Ca2+]=2mm, the currentvoltage relation is linearized and the channel cannot distinguish Na+ and K+.  相似文献   

Mechanisms which determine sodium and potassium content and volume of rat thymic and human chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) lymphocytes have been studied. The deleterious effect of cell isolation on monovalent cation content was proven by comparing thymus sodium and potassium concentration to that of thymocytes prepared from autologous hemithymus. In vivo distribution ratios of sodium-24 and potassium-42 between thymus water and plasma water were very similar to the distribution ratios of non-radioactive isotopes (sodium-23 and potassium-39). The similar lymphocyte: thymocyte ratio of (a) cell volume (1.48), (b) cell sodium plus potassium (1.47) and (c) cell water (1.50) demonstrated the close correlation of lymphocyte volume with monovalent cation content and water content. Steady-state CLL lymphocyte sodium (32 ± 1.9 mM) and potassium (131 ± 5.1 mM) and thymocyte sodium (31 ± 1.2 mM) and potassium (136 ± 3.9 mM) were similar; however, these steady-state levels were maintained by quantitatively different membrane functions. Radiopotassium and radiosodium uptake by thymocytes was more rapid than by CLL lymphocytes. Ouabain-sensitive potassium influx was 2.4 times greater in thymic (8.70 ± 2.28 mmoles/cm2/min × 10?8) than in CLL (3.24 ± 0.45 mmoles/cm2/min × 10?8) lymphocytes. Potassium exodus was also slower in CLL lymphocytes as compared to thymocytes. Ouabain-sensitive sodium accumulation and ouabain-insensitive sodium accumulation were also slower in CLL lymphocytes than in rat thymocytes. Half-maximal ouabain inhibition of sodium entry was 7.5 × 10?3 M in thymic and CLL lymphocytes. The inhibitory effect of ouabain on sodium and potassium transport was easily reversible. Oligomycin inhibited ouabain-sensitive potassium accumulation in both lymphocyte types. Four lines of evidence indicate the presence in the lymphocyte of a system of leaks and pumps, the latter subserved by a ouabain and oligomycin-sensitive (sodium-potassium) ATPase: (a) steady-state monovalent cation gradient (K ~ 20:1, Na ~ 5:1), (b) the inability to maintain normal sodium and potassium gradients at cold temperature and in the presence of ouabain, (c) the effect of ouabain and oligomycin on active potassium influx and (d) the restitution of steady-state sodium and potassium concentration after cell isolation, ouabain treatment and cold exposure. CLL lymphocytes as compared to rat thymocytes have a decreased rate of ouabain-insensitive sodium uptake and potassium exodus requiring a reduced rate of active sodium extrusion and potassium accumulation to maintain steady-state cation content. Ouabain-sensitive ATPase is difficult to locate in lymphocytes in vitro possibly because it comprises a very small proportion of membrane ATPase since magnesium activated ecto-ATPase in intact lymphocytes is 1500 to 2500 times that of the intact erythrocyte. The inhibition by ouabain of blast transformation, mitosis, amino acid accumulation and nucleic acid synthesis in vitro, may reflect the importance of ouabain-sensitive ATPase and monovalent cation transport in the function of lymphoid cells.  相似文献   

Cultured A6 epithelial cells from toad kidney form confluent monolayers with tight junctions separating the apical and basolateral membranes. These two membrane domains have distinct compositions and functions. Thus, sodium is actively transported across the epithelia from the apical to basolateral surface via amiloride-inhibitable sodium channels located in the apical membrane. Sodium transport is stimulated by vasopressin, cholera toxin, and 8-bromo-cAMP applied to the basolateral surface where the receptors, adenylate cyclase, and Na+/K+-ATPase are located. In a previous study (Spiegel, S., Blumenthal, R., Fishman, P.H., and Handler, J.S. (1985) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 821, 310-318), we demonstrated that exogenous gangliosides inserted into the apical membrane of A6 epithelia do not redistribute to the basolateral membrane. With the ability to vary selectively the ganglioside composition of the apical membrane, we examined the effects of gangliosides on sodium transport in A6 epithelia. When the apical surface of A6 epithelia were exposed to exogenous gangliosides, sodium transport in response to vasopressin, cholera toxin, and 8-bromo-cAMP was enhanced compared to epithelia not exposed to gangliosides. The effect was observed with bovine brain gangliosides, NeuAc alpha 2----3Gal beta 1----3GalNAc beta 1----4[NeuAc alpha 2----3]Gal beta 1----4Glc beta 1----Cer (GD1a) and Gal beta-1----3GalNAc beta 1----4[NeuAc alpha 2----3]Gal beta 1----4Glc beta 1----Cer (GM1), but not with the less complex ganglioside, Neu-Ac alpha 2----3Gal beta 1----4Glc beta 1----Cer (GM3). We examined A6 cells for endogenous gangliosides and found that, whereas GM3 was a major ganglioside, only trace amounts of GM1 and GD1a were present. Based on cell surface and metabolic labeling studies, these gangliosides were synthesized by the cells and were present on the apical as well as the basolateral surface. Bacterial sialidase, which hydrolyzes more complex gangliosides to GM1, was used to modify the endogenous gangliosides on the apical surface; after sialidase treatment, the epithelia were more responsive to vasopressin, cholera toxin, and 8-bromo-cAMP. Thus, gangliosides may be modulators of sodium channels present in the apical membrane of epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - A FLIP device gives cross-sectional area along the length of the esophagus and one pressure measurement, both as a function of time. Deducing...  相似文献   

Millimolar concentrations of manganese are required for maximal activation of purified galactosyltransferase (lactose synthase, EC, the enzyme that catalyzes addition of galactosyl groups to proteins and, in lactose synthesis, to glucose. To examine manganese activation of this enzyme under in vivo conditions, we studied intact, partially purified Golgi membranes from mouse mammary glands. In intact vesicles treated with the divalent cation ionophore, A23187, activation followed Michaelis-Menton kinetics with a Km of 3 microM; maximal activation was achieved below 10 microM manganese. In both detergent-solubilized and leaky vesicles the kinetics of manganese activation were consistent with the presence of two manganese-binding sites with dissociation constants about 40 microM and 20 mM. The difference is consistent with the presence in intact vesicles of an endogenous activator too large to traverse the membrane via A23187; this activator could bind to the low affinity manganese site allowing manganese or another divalent cation such as zinc to activate the enzyme at micromolar concentrations. The Km for UDP-galactose was found to be similar in the vesicular and solubilized preparations at micromolar and millimolar manganese concentrations, respectively, providing additional evidence for this hypothesis.  相似文献   

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