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C T Amemiya  L I Zon 《Genomics》1999,58(2):211-213
We have constructed a genomic P1 artificial chromosome library from the zebrafish. The library has been arrayed and archived in two hundred seventy-one 384-well microtiter dishes. It encompasses four to five genome equivalents with an average insert size of approximately 115 kb and is readily accessible to the scientific community. The library has been used by numerous investigators in the community and shown to be a useful reagent for chromosomal walking and positional cloning.  相似文献   

Generation of a P1 artificial chromosome library of the Southern pufferfish   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We describe the generation of a P1 artificial chromosome genomic library from the Southern pufferfish, Spheroides nephelus. The arrayed library consists of approximately 30,000 clones and has an average insert size of 125-150 kb. The coverage is estimated to encompass seven to eight genome equivalents. The library has been used for isolating numerous genomic clones and for establishing contigs of several multigene families. Analysis of several of the clones from this library suggests a preponderance of CA repeat tracts relative to their abundance in humans. The library and high-density filters have been made available to the scientific public through genomics distribution companies.  相似文献   

We describe the construction of a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) library from the Arabidopsis thaliana genome. Randomly sheared high molecular weight source DNA was extracted from frozen, ground leaf tissue and blunt-end-ligated to the vector pYAC3. By size-fractionating the ligation products, we achieved an average clone size of 150 kb. Approximately 6% of the YACs contained inserts from the chloroplast genome. We screened clones equivalent to greater than four A. thaliana haploid nuclear genomes and isolated YACs homologous to five single-copy-sequence probes. The library should be useful chromosome walking and genome mapping experiments. In addition, the approach used for its construction should be applicable to other higher plant species.  相似文献   

Full-length cDNAs play an essential role in identifying genes and determining their promoter regions. Here we describe a simple method for constructing a full-length cDNA library, which has the following advantages: (i) it consists of only three steps including direct ligation between a vector and a cDNA strand using T4 RNA ligase, (ii) it contains neither a PCR process generating mutations nor restriction enzyme treatment causing truncation of cDNA, (iii) the intactness of cDNA is assured due to the presence of an additional dGMP at its 5' end, (iv) approximately 95% of cDNA clones are full-length when cultured cells or fresh tissues are used, (v) several micrograms of total RNA without mRNA purification is sufficient for preparation of a library containing >10(5) independent clones, and (vi) a long-sized full-length cDNA up to 9.5 kbp can be cloned. This method will accelerate comprehensive gene analysis in a variety of eukaryotes.  相似文献   

A genomic DNA library was produced from flow-sorted rabbit chromosome 1 and enriched for fragments containing CA-repeats. Clones containing CA-repeats were identified and primers for amplification of the microsatellite were developed after sequencing the clone. The degree of polymorphism was tested in rabbits from different breeds. This approach identified 12 microsatellite markers which could be used for studying linkage relationships in the progeny of an F(2)-intercross: (AX/JUxIIIVO/JU) F(2), and two backcrosses: (OS/JxX/J)X/J and (WH/JxX/J)X/J. Seven of these markers were mapped on chromosome 1.  相似文献   

PCR amplification techniques for chromosome walking.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

A cosmid vector for systematic chromosome walking   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
S H Cross  P F Little 《Gene》1986,49(1):9-22
We describe the construction of a cosmid, LoristB, that contains SP6 and T7 phage-encoded RNA polymerase promoter sequences that are oriented towards and immediately adjacent to HindIII and BamHI cloning sites. We describe techniques for rapidly generating RNA probes from these promoters that must be complementary to the extreme left or right ends of the cloned DNA and can be used for library screening. Probe preparation requires neither prior knowledge of restriction sites nor fragment isolation. We also make extensive use of cos mapping restriction-mapping protocols that we have devised for our cosmid vectors for generation and alignment of steps in a cosmid walk.  相似文献   

酵母被广泛用于分子生物学中基因功能的检测。为扩大酵母株系UCC419在抑制基因活性检测方面的应用,本研究通过向UCC419株系中导入用特殊引物扩增出的包含标记基因TRP1的PCR片段,利用同源重组将UCC419中的筛选标记基因LEU2敲除,并同时插入TRP1,新建立的株系命名为UCC419m(m:modi-fied)。UCC419m为TRP1筛选、leu2突变型菌株,其它基因型均同UCC419。给UCC419m中转入携带LEU2的质粒pDEST32检测是否能恢复其表现型,同时转入不携带LEU2的质粒pDEST22作为阴性对照,将转化子在不含LEU2与URA3的培养基中培养,结果显示,携带LEU2质粒pDEST32的转化子能够在LEU2与URA3缺陷型培养基上正常生长,而不携带LEU2质粒pDEST22的转化子不能生长。本研究结果表明,成功建立了一种适用于基于Invitrogen载体的抑制基因活性检测或从文库中筛选抑制基因的酵母菌株。  相似文献   

A new Arabidopsis thaliana (ecotype Columbia) genomic library has been constructed in Yeast Artificial Chromosomes: the CIC library (for CEPH, INRA and CNRS). Optimization of plant culture conditions and protoplast preparation allowed the recovery of large amounts of viable protoplasts. Mechanical shearing of DNA was minimized by isolation of DNA from protoplasts embedded in agarose. Cloning of large inserts was favored by including two successive size fractionation steps (after partial Eco RI digestion and after ligation with the vector arms), which selected DNA fragments larger than 350 kb. The library consists of 1152 clones with an average insert size of 420 kb. Clones carrying chloroplast DNA and various nuclear repeated sequences have been identified. Twenty-one per cent of the clones are found to contain chloroplast DNA. Therefore, the library represents around four nuclear genome equivalents. The clones containing 5S rDNA genes, 18S-25S rDNA sequences and the 180 bp paracentromeric repeated element account for 3.6%, 8.9% and 5.8%, respectively. Only one clone was found to carry the 160 bp paracentromeric repeated element. Given the smaller size of clones carrying Arabidopsis repeated DNA, the average size of remaining clones is around 480 kb. The library was screened by PCR amplification using pairs of primers corresponding to sequences dispersed in the genome. Seventy out of 76 pairs of primers identified from one to seven YAC clones. Thus at least 92% of the genome is represented in the CIC library. The survey of the library for clones containing unlinked DNA sequences indicates that the proportion of chimeric clones is lower than 10%.  相似文献   

SiteFinding-PCR: a simple and efficient PCR method for chromosome walking   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Tan G  Gao Y  Shi M  Zhang X  He S  Chen Z  An C 《Nucleic acids research》2005,33(13):e122
In this paper, we present a novel PCR method, termed SiteFinding-PCR, for gene or chromosome walking. The PCR was primed by a SiteFinder at a low temperature, and then the target molecules were amplified exponentially with gene-specific and SiteFinder primers, and screened out by another gene-specific primer and a vector primer. However, non-target molecules could not be amplified exponentially owing to the suppression effect of stem–loop structure and could not be screened out. This simple method proved to be efficient, reliable, inexpensive and time-saving, and may be suitable for the molecules for which gene-specific primers are available. More importantly, large DNA fragments can be obtained easily using this method. To demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of SiteFinding-PCR, we employed this method to do chromosome walking and obtained 16 positive results from 17 samples.  相似文献   

A bacterial artificial chromosome library for sugarcane   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Modern cultivated sugarcane is a complex aneuploid polyploid with an estimated genome size of 3000 Mb. Although most traits in sugarcane show complex inheritance, a rust locus showing monogenic inheritance has been documented. In order to facilitate cloning of the rust locus, we have constructed a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library for the cultivar R570. The library contains 103,296 clones providing 4.5 sugarcane genome equivalents. A random sampling of 240 clones indicated an average insert size of 130 kb allowing a 98% probability of recovering any specific sequence of interest. High-density filters were gridded robotically using a Genetix Q-BOT in a 4 × 4 double-spotted array on 22.5-cm2 filters. Each set of five filters provides a genome coverage of 4x with 18,432 clones represented per filter. Screening of the library with three different barley chloroplast gene probes indicated an exceptionally low chloroplast DNA content of less than 1%. To demonstrate the library’s potential for map-based cloning, single-copy RFLP sugarcane mapping probes anchored to nine different linkage groups and three different gene probes were used to screen the library. The number of positive hybridization signals resulting from each probe ranged from 8 to 60. After determining addresses of the signals, clones were evaluated for insert size and HindIII-fingerprinted. The fingerprints were then used to determine clone relationships and assemble contigs. For comparison with other monocot genomes, sugarcane RFLP probes were also used to screen a Sorghum bicolor BAC library and two rice BAC libraries. The rice and sorghum BAC clones were characterized for insert size and fingerprinted, and the results compared to sugarcane. The library was screened with a rust resistance RFLP marker and candidate BAC clones were subjected to RFLP fragment matching to identify those corresponding to the same genomic region as the rust gene. Received: 12 September 1998 / Accepted: 12 March 1999  相似文献   

We developed a self-formed adaptor PCR (termed SEFA PCR) which can be used for chromosome walking. Most of the amplified flanking sequences were longer than 2.0 kb, and some were as long as 6.0 kb. SEFA PCR is simple and efficient and should have broad applications in the isolation of unknown sequences in complex genomes.  相似文献   

A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of Phytophthora infestans was constructed in a derivative of pBELOBACII that had been modified by adding a npt selectable marker gene for transforming P. infestans. A total library of 8 genome equivalents was generated and 16,128 clones with inserts averaging 75 kb (4.9 genome equivalents) were individually picked and stored as an arrayed library in microtiter plates. This coverage was confirmed by screening the library for 11 DNA loci by colony hybridization and by polymerase chain reaction of DNA pools. Transformation of P. infestans with BAC clones containing inserts of 93 to 135 kb was demonstrated. The efficiency of transformation with most BACs was noticeably higher than that with smaller plasmids. Detailed analyses of transformants obtained with a 102-kb BAC indicated that entire inserts were present in about one-quarter of the transformants.  相似文献   

Common wheat (Triticum aestivum L., 2n = 6x = 42) is a polyploid species possessing one of the largest genomes among the cultivated crops (1C is approximately 17 000 Mb). The presence of three homoeologous genomes (A, B and D), and the prevalence of repetitive DNA make sequencing the wheat genome a daunting task. We have developed a novel 'chromosome arm-based' strategy for wheat genome sequencing to simplify this task; this relies on sub-genomic libraries of large DNA inserts. In this paper, we used a di-telosomic line of wheat to isolate six million copies of the short arm of chromosome 1B (1BS) by flow sorting. Chromosomal DNA was partially digested with HindIII and used to construct an arm-specific BAC library. The library consists of 65 280 clones with an average insert size of 82 kb. Almost half of the library (45%) has inserts larger than 100 kb, while 18% of the inserts range in size between 75 and 100 kb, and 37% are shorter than 75 kb. We estimated the chromosome arm coverage to be 14.5-fold, giving a 99.9% probability of identifying a clone corresponding to any sequence on the short arm of 1B. Each chromosome arm in wheat can be flow sorted from an appropriate cytogenetic stock, and we envisage that the availability of chromosome arm-specific BAC resources in wheat will greatly facilitate the development of ready-to-sequence physical maps and map-based gene cloning.  相似文献   

Bovine gene mapping is progressing rapidly using syntenic group mapping based on somatic cell hybrids and linkage, and to a lesser extent on in situ hybridization. Single chromosome DNA libraries are a logical next step, and this was, therefore, the aim of our laboratory. Since we have access to several cattle with t(1;29) and this chromosome is readily distinguishable, we chose this as our first target—recognizing that we would not produce a single chromosome library in the strict sense because two autosomes are represented. We utilized an inverted microscope and a micromanipulator fitted with glass instruments pulled specifically to dissect off approximately 100 t(1:29) chromosomes per microdrop. A glass chamber made to accommodate a hanging drop was used to extract the DNA under a dissecting microscope. The DNA was then cleaved with EcoRI and inserted in gtwes arms. Host cells were then infected with these phage and positive clones obtained. The first clone, isolated from this library by hybridization with a human collagen 6A1 cDNA, was mapped by in situ hybridization to bovine Chromosome (Chr) 1q12–q14, near the centromere. The second clone, an anonymous DNA fragment (D1S11), was mapped to 1q43–q46, near the terminal end.  相似文献   

A method for the solid-phase synthesis of P1 arginine containing peptides via attachment of the arginine side-chain guanidine group is described. This procedure is applied to the preparation of a tetrapeptide, P1 arginine aminocoumarin PS-SCL. This library was validated by using it to determine the P4-P2 specificity for thrombin and comparing the results to the known thrombin subsite specificity. This is the first reported example of a PS-SCL library containing a P1 arginine.  相似文献   

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