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Summary Evidence is presented that bacteriophage P7 specifies an analog of the E. coli DNA replication protein, dnaB. As in the related bacteriophage P1 (D'Ari et al., 1975; Ogawa, 1975), in lysogens of P7, the production of the analog protein is repressed and constitutive mutants could be isolated. Such constitutive of several dnaB(ts) mutations and also rescue a strain carrying a dnaB amber mutation. While neither P7 nor the mutant P1bacban (defective in the structural gene ban) could suppress dnaB(ts) mutations efficiently, recombinants between these two phages could do so, indicating the presence of a functional dnaB analog gene (called sdb) on P7. In a dnaB amber strain suppressed by the presence of the constitutive mutant P7csb, bacteriophage failed to replicate which is a further similarity between P7 and P1. P7csb mutants or P7-P1bacban recombinants were found to be less thermoresistant than P1bac1 suggesting that the P7-specified dnaB analog protein or its production is relatively less tolerant of temperatures above 37°C.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage P1 is shown to determine a product that can substitute in DNA replication for the protein specified by cistron dnaB of Escherichia coli. The viral dnaB analog (ban) is repressed in the wild-type P1 prophage and expressed constitutively in plaque-forming mutants, P1bac, described here. A particular P1bac prophage allows lysogens of dnaBts bacteria to survive as colony-formers at temperatures that arrest DNA synthesis in the non-lysogens. The P1bac prophage furthermore permits construction of an otherwise inviable strain bearing the unsuppressed amber mutation dnaB266.P1bac prophages also suppress the groP character which is associated with certain dnaB mutations. The subclass of dnaB mutations called groP are those which prevent the growth of bacteriophage λ+ at temperatures permissive for bacterial DNA synthesis, but allow the growth of certain λ mutants (λπ); π mutations have been mapped in gene P. Thus, λ+ is enabled to grow in groP hosts by the presence of P1bac-1 prophage. When dnaB protein is absent, however, as in the case of the unsuppressed amber mutant, the ban protein furnished by the P1bac prophage does not support λ growth. Therefore, in the groP(P1bac-1) lysogens both the dnaB and ban products are needed for λ growth, suggesting interactions between these E. coli and P1 proteins or their subunits.Mutations (termed ban) that prevent the expression of the dnaB analog determined by P1 have been obtained. P1bac-1ban-1, unlike P1bac-1, fails to replicate in dnaBts hosts at temperatures non-permissive for bacterial DNA synthesis. Thus, the dnaB protein and its P1-determined analog can interchangeably fulfill an essential role in the replication of both the E. coli and P1 replicons. At permissive temperatures the lysogenization of certain dnaBts strains by P1bac-1ban-1 is very inefficient, probably as a result of negative complementation.Mutations bac-1 and ban-1 are closely linked on the P1 chromosome and their order relative to several amber mutations has been determined. Dominance studies of the alleles in transient diploids show that the ban-1 mutation is recessive to ban+. The bac-1 mutation, on the other hand, behaves in dominance tests as a DNA site mutation that permits constitutive expression in cis of the operon to which the ban gene belongs.  相似文献   

Summary Bacteriophage P1 has been shown previously to determine a product ban than can substitute in DNA replication for the protein specified by cistron dnaB of Escherichia coli. However, ban product furnished by P1 bac prophage (ban constitutive) substitutes only poorly for DNA replication in the absence of dnaB product in a strain bearing an unsuppressed amber mutation, dnaB266, as shown by the cryosensitivity of the dnaB266 (P1 bac) lysogen and its unability to support growth. An additional mutation (termed crr) in the P1 bac prophage has been obtained which confers cryoresistance to the sup + dnaB266 (P1 bac crr) lysogen and restores its ability to support growth. ban product produced in P1 bac crr lysogen fulfills all dnaB roles in vivo, especially in the various instances in which ban product expressed in P1 bac lysogens does not. The ban product is expressed constitutively in P1 crr prophage. The crr-1 mutation is tightly linked to the bac-1 and ban-1 mutations and is dominant over crr +. The nature of the crr mutation is discussed: two hypotheses are considered, that of a mutation in the ban gene rendering the ban product more active or that of a site mutation in the ban operon increasing the level of ban expression. Expression of ban product (wild type or altered) leads to interactions with the variously altered dnaB product. Both positive and negative interactions are described. Genetic results presented here suggest that ban and dnaB subunits interact to form hybrid dnaB-like molecules; the average composition of which depends on the relative quantities of ban and dnaB subunits in the cell.  相似文献   

The dnaB analog protein produced by the ban gene of bacteriophage P1 was shown to suppress several Escherichia coli dnaC alleles. Suppression of dnaC7 temperature sensitivity in P1 lysogens of a dnaC7 mutant was complete at all temperatures. For the dnaC2 and dnaC28 alleles, suppression was observed only at intermediate temperatures. Though these intermediate temperatures were sufficient to completely restrict the mutants, at higher temperatures the suppression was not observed. No suppression of the dnaC1 allele was detected. These results have implications concerning the requirement for the dnaB-dnaC complex at the various stages of deoxyribonucleic acid replication.  相似文献   

Plasmid R100 and a number of its derivatives were able to suppress the temperature sensitivity of strains carrying different alleles of the dnaB gene of Escherichia coli K-12. R100drd-l and pAR132 were able to rescue a strain carrying the dnaB266(Am) mutation in the absence of any known amber suppressors. This was taken as evidence for the existence of an R100drd-l dnaB analog function. The R100drd-l dnaB analog was different from those of bacteriophages P1 and P7 in that it was able to support the growth of bacteriophage lambda in a dnaB266(Am) background. The dnaB analog was also shown to be thermosensitive. The structural gene for this protein lies within the EcoRI fragment D of R100drd-l.  相似文献   

Abstract A type A Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin was chially purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation (0 to 15%) and was submitted to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (7%). A specific enterotoxin antiserum was obtained by inoculating a rabbit with the polyacrylamide gel strip containing the enterotoxin. This serum gave only one precipitin line with purified enterotoxin and cellular extract in immunodiffusion and immunoelectrophoresis. The titer (1:8) in counter-immunoelectrophoresis was sufficient to detect 0.39 μg/ml enterotoxin by this technique. This serum neutralized the mouse lethality, cytotoxicity and plating efficiency of Vero cells.  相似文献   

The dnaB function of Escherichia coli K12 was studied with a series of isogenic strains differing from each other only by a mutation in the dnaB gene. The strains showed different phenotypes depending on the particular dnaB mutation they carry. A clear example is provided by a strain carrying dnaB266 mutation which turned out to be an amber mutation. When the mutation was suppressed by different suppressors, the strains showed different phenotypes. Thus, dnaB proteins which differ from each other by only one amino acid at the mutation site give different phenotypes. Mutation dnaB266 is lethal to the host when not suppressed. Hence the dnaB protein is essential for bacterial growth.Three P1 mutants, P1mcb-4, P1mcb-5 and P1mcb-8, were isolated which converted the temperature-sensitive bacterial growth of dnaB266-supE to resistant growth. Lysogenization with P1mcb allowed growth of dnaB266su strain which was absolutely defective in the bacterial dnaB function, indicating that the dnaB-like function of P1 prophage can substitute for the bacterial dnaB function. However, lysogenization by P1mcb did not support the growth of λ and λπ phages on dnaB 266su. While P1mcb-4 and P1mcb-5 prophages altered the phenotypes of other dnaB strains to permit the growth of bacterial and λ phage at 32 °C and 42 °C, P1mcb-8 prophage supports the growth of λ phages and bacteria at 42 °C but not λ phage growth on groP-bacteria at 32 °C. The alteration of phenotypes of the P1mcb lysogens varied depending on the dnaB mutations they carried. Mutual interaction between the bacterial dnaB protein and the phage dnaB-like protein which results in different phenotypes of lysogens is suggested.  相似文献   

Stimulation of IS1 excision by bacteriophage P1 ref function.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
S D Lu  D Lu    M Gottesman 《Journal of bacteriology》1989,171(6):3427-3432
Lysogenization by a c1ts variant of coliphage P1, P1c1.100, markedly increased the frequency of reversion of a galT::IS1 mutation. The formation of Gal+ colonies presumably occurs by microhomologous recombination between the 9-base-pair repeats in galT (CGCCGCTAC) generated by the transposition of IS1. The responsible P1 gene, ref, has been cloned and sequenced. ref encodes a 22.8-kilodalton protein and is located near the P1 site-specific recombination function, cre. Expression of ref was repressed by P1 c+. The absence of a distinctive ribosome-binding site is consistent with a poor translation of ref from an expression vector in vivo. Placement of a ribosome-binding site before ref resulted in the extensive synthesis of the Ref protein. Ref stimulated precise excision in recB or himA cells, but not in recA mutants. Ref was active in lexA3 mutants, suggesting that the recombination activity of RecA was directly involved in the reaction. We have constructed a P1c1.100 ref::Tn10 mutant. The absence of Ref did not appear to restrict dramatically the ability of P1 to grow lytically or to form lysogens. Thus, the role of ref in the physiology of P1 remains to be determined.  相似文献   

R H Chesney  J R Scott 《Plasmid》1978,1(2):145-163
Like other plasmids, the P1 and P7 prophages suppress E. coli dnaA(Ts) mutations by integrating into the host chromosome. This conclusion is supported by three lines of evidence: (1) Alkaline sucrose gradients reveal the absence of plasmid DNA in suppressed lysogens; (2) the prophage is linked to host chromosomal markers in conjugation; and (3) auxotrophs whose defect is linked to the prophage are found among suppressed colonies. No phage or bacterial mutation is required for suppression. Integrative suppression by P1 and P7, unlike suppression by F, does not require the host recA+ function. Among suppressed P7 lysogens are some that do not produce phage; these contain defective prophages. The genetic extent of the deletions contained by these defective prophages delineates the prophage regions which are not necessary for suppression of dnaA(Ts). The possible mechanisms of integration and deletion formation are discussed.  相似文献   

A DNA endonuclease whose expression is under the control of the b region of bacteriophage lambda has been partially purified from an induced lambda lysogen. In a reaction that requires single-stranded DNA, ATP, and Mg2+, the lambda-induced endonuclease makes one double strand break in pBR322 and other covalently closed circular DNA molecules, converting these substrates into unit-length linear forms. The double strand break in pBR322 DNA occurs at one of several preferred sites. Linear DNA appears not to be a good substrate for the enzyme.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage P1 encodes a tripartite immunity system composed of the immC, immI, and immT region. Their basic genetic elements are the c1 repressor of lytic functions, the c4 repressor which negatively regulates antirepressor synthesis, and the bof gene, respectively. The function of the latter will be described here. We have cloned and sequenced the bof gene from P1 wild type and a P1 bof amber mutant. Based on the position of a TAG codon of the bof amber mutant the bof wild type gene was localized. It starts with a TTG codon, comprises 82 codons, and is preceded by a promoter structure. The bof protein (Mr = 7500) was overproduced in Escherichia coli from a bof recombinant plasmid and was purified to near homogeneity. The N-terminal amino acids predicted from the DNA sequence of the bof gene were confirmed by sequence analysis of the bof protein. Using a DNA mobility shift assay, we show that bof protein enhances the binding of c1 repressor to the operator of the c1 gene. In accordance with this result, in transformants of Escherichia coli, containing both a bof- and a c1-encoding plasmid, c1 expression is down-regulated. We conclude that bof acts as a modulator protein in the repression of a multitude of c1-controlled operators in the P1 genome.  相似文献   

Summary P1 transduces bacterial chromosomal markers with widely differing frequencies. We use quantitative Southern hybridisations here to show that, despite this, most markers are packaged at similar levels. Exceptions are a group of markers near 2 min and another at 90 min which seem to be packaged at levels two-to threefold higher. We thus conclude that certain marker frequency variations in transduction can be explained by differences in packaging level, but that most cannot. The limited range in packaging levels suggests that P1 can initiate the packaging of chromosomal DNA from many sites. This idea is supported by our failure to find any chromosomal sequences with homology to the phage pac site and by the occurrence of hybridising bands which seem to suggest sequential packaging from a large number of specific sites. We eliminate the possibility that chromosomal DNA packaging is the result of endonucleolytic cutting by the P1 res enzyme.  相似文献   

The dnaB protein of Escherichia coli, a multifunctional DNA-dependent ribonucleotide triphosphatase and dATPase, cross-links to ATP on ultraviolet irradiation under conditions that support rNTPase and dATPase activities of dnaB protein. The covalent cross-linking to ATP is specifically inhibited by ribonucleotides and dATP. Tryptic peptide mapping demonstrates that ATP cross-links to only the 33-kDa tryptic fragment (Fragment II) of dnaB protein. The presence of single-stranded DNA alters the covalent labeling of dnaB protein by ATP, suggesting a possible role of DNA on the mode of nucleotide binding by dnaB protein. Present studies demonstrate that the dnaC gene product binds ribonucleotides independent of dnaB protein. On dnaB-dnaC protein complex formation, covalent incorporation of ATP to dnaB protein decreases approximately 70% with a concomitant increase of ATP incorporation to dnaC protein by approximately 3-fold. The mechanism of this phenomenon has been analyzed in detail by titrating dnaB protein with increasing amounts of dnaC protein. The binding of dnaC protein to dnaB protein appears to be a noncooperative process. The lambda P protein, which interacts with dnaB protein in the bacteriophage lambda DNA replication, does not bind ATP in the presence or absence of dnaB protein. However, lambda P protein enhances the covalent incorporation of ATP to dnaB protein approximately 4-fold, suggesting a direct physical interaction between lambda P and dnaB proteins with a probable change in the modes of nucleotide binding to dnaB protein. The lambda P protein likely forms a lambda P-dnaB-ATP dead-end ternary complex. The implications of these results in the E. coli and bacteriophage lambda chromosomal DNA replication are discussed.  相似文献   

We have investigated the binding of the f1 single-stranded DNA-binding protein (gene V protein) to DNA oligonucleotides and RNA synthesized in vitro. The first 16 nucleotides of the f1 gene II mRNA leader sequence were previously identified as the gene II RNA-operator; the target to which the gene V protein binds to repress gene II translation. Using a gel retardation assay, we find that the preferential binding of gene V protein to an RNA carrying the gene II RNA-operator sequence is affected by mutations which abolish gene II translational repression in vivo. In vitro, gene V protein also binds preferentially to a DNA oligonucleotide whose sequence is the DNA analog of the wild-type gene II RNA-operator. Therefore, the gene V protein recognizes the gene II mRNA operator sequence when present in either an RNA or DNA context.  相似文献   

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