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Current research into the evolution and adaptive function of avian eggshell pigmentation, including maculation, has focused mostly on signalling‐based and structural function hypotheses but ignored the potential consequences of shell pigmentation for the developing avian embryo, especially in moderating the embryo's interaction with its light environment. The exposure of the eggs to sunlight that frequently accompanies avian incubation behaviour is one of the major evolutionary steps setting apart birds and reptiles, and coincides with the appearance of eggshell pigmentation. This suggests that shell pigments could play a major role in ensuring the successful development of the avian embryo. We propose that the effects of shell pigments on the egg contents should be considered in addition to established hypotheses of shell pigmentation such as crypsis, egg recognition or a possible structural function. This approach has the potential to identify trade‐offs between different pigment functions and to resolve some of the long standing paradoxa in the evolution of eggshell colour, such as the occurrence of conspicuous blue eggs in passerines or the secondary evolution of white eggshells in cavity nesters. In particular, we identify seven hypotheses, which address how the interaction of eggshell pigments and the light environment may influence embryonic development. These hypotheses are the: thermo‐regulation; UV‐B protection; photo‐acceleration; lateralization; circadian rhythm; photo‐reactivation; and antimicrobial defence. We believe that the understanding of eggshell pigmentation will greatly benefit from taking these hypotheses into consideration when studying the functional significance of eggshell pigmentation and suggest a number of promising directions for future experimental and comparative research.  相似文献   

There is no doubt that visual impressions of body form and color are important in the interactions within and between human communities. Remarkably, it is the levels of just one chemically inert and stable visual pigment known as melanin that is responsible for producing all shades of humankind. Major human genes involved in its formation have been identified largely using a comparative genomics approach and through the molecular analysis of the pigmentary process that occurs within the melanocyte. Three classes of genes have been examined for their contribution to normal human color variation through the production of hypopigmented phenotypes or by genetic association with skin type and hair color. The MSH cell surface receptor and the melanosomal P-protein are the two most obvious candidate genes influencing variation in pigmentation phenotype, and may do so by regulating the levels and activities of the melanogenic enzymes tyrosinase, TRP-1 and TRP-2. BioEssays 20 :712–721, 1998.© 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Pigment cells of the iris, pecten, retinal pigment epithelium, and choroid of the wild-type jungle fowl (JF) and the barred Plymouth rock (BPR) breeds of adult chickens were studied at both light and electron microscopic levels. BPR choroidal tissues had 2.8 times fewer melanophores than the JF choroid, and BPR melanophores also contained 2.4 times fewer melanosomes, which tended to clump together in variously sized clusters. The melanosomes were often irregular in shape, smaller in diameter, and less mature (stage III) than those granules in the JF. The retinal pigment epithelium of both JF and BPR breeds contained a single epithelial layer of columnar cells. Rod-shaped melanosomes were present in the more apical regions of this cell type in both breeds. Both JF and BPR irides contained a multilayered posterior pigmented epithelium of columnar shaped cells that were densely filled with large spherical granules. Intercellular spaces with interdigitating cytoplasmic projections were present between pigment cells of both breeds. The pecten melanophores of both breeds were dendritic with melanosomes that were larger and fewer in numbers than those pigment cells of the iris and choroid. Intercellular spaces were present between cells in both breeds, with numerous villous-like pigment cell extensions. Choroid melanophores contained very little, if any, acid phosphatase activity. Approximately one-half of the retinal pigment epithelial cells observed contained small amounts of diffuse acid phosphatase activity in both breeds. The iris and pecten melanophores of both breeds contained profuse acid phosphatase activity scattered throughout their cytoplasms. Sparse tyrosinase activity was seen in iris and pecten pigment cells, whereas no tyrosine activity was observed in choroid melanophores or in retinal pigment epithelial cells in the two breeds, indicating that little new melanogenesis occurs in adult pigmented eye tissues. The results show that the barring gene reduces the number and melanin content of the choroidal melanophores in homozygous male BPR chickens as compared to the wild-type JF chickens. Whether this gene prevents the initial migration of embryonic neural crest cells (future melanophores) to the choroid or whether some of the choroidal melanophores prematurely degenerate in the embryo of young birds is yet to be determined. If the latter is the case, this choroid system may serve as a model for a genetic hypomelanotic disease such as vitiligo.  相似文献   

Deep orange and carnation are two of the classic eye color genes in Drosophila. Here, we demonstrate that Deep orange is part of a protein complex that localizes to endosomal compartments. A second component of this complex is Carnation, a homolog of Sec1p-like regulators of membrane fusion. Because complete loss of deep orange function is lethal, the role of this complex in intracellular trafficking was analyzed in deep orange mutant clones. Retinal cells devoid of deep orange function completely lacked pigmentation and exhibited exaggerated multivesicular structures. Furthermore, a defect in endocytic trafficking was visualized in developing photoreceptor cells. These results provide direct evidence that eye color mutations of the granule group also disrupt vesicular trafficking to lysosomes.  相似文献   

Summary In contrast to the wild-type eye color seen when Drosophila melanogaster heterozygous for mal 1/mal F1 are cultured at 25 C, a mutant eye color is observed in heterozygotes cultured at 29–30 C throughout development. Furthermore, heterozygotes have wild-type eyes upon emergence provided development proceeds at 25 C during either of two critical periods: 1) The third quarter of the 3rd larval instar or 2) an imprecisely defined pupal period beginning less than 12 hours before the visual appearance of brown eye pigment and terminating about the time pigment appears in the wings.  相似文献   

M. D. Ochando 《Genetica》1981,55(2):117-121
Mating in the dark between individuals carrying different eye color mutants extracted from the same natural population is shown to be random. (Previous experiments had shown that darker-eye males mate more successfully under alternating light-dark conditions). Extraction of pigments and quantitative analysis by absorption curves show that all mutants have less pigmentation than wild-type individuals; unexpectedly, darker-eye mutants do not resemble the wild-type level of pigmentation any more than light-eye single mutants. The results suggest that (1) eye pigmentation is not neccessarily related to visual ability; (2) some kind of pleiotropic effect affecting the central nervous system may be involved in the sexual behaviour of male mutants.  相似文献   

Pole cell transplantations were used to determine the tissue specificity of maternal effects in Drosophila. The deep orange maternal effect is shown to be germ line autonomous. A cytoplasmic injection assay was used to determine when the dor+ substance could be detected in the developing oocyte. The dor+ substance is present during the early stages of vitellogenesis but could not be detected in the yolk of the embryo after blastoderm cellularization.  相似文献   

The visible portion of spectrum covers the wavelength range from approximately 380nm to 780nm and the eye discriminates between different wavelengths in this range by the sensation of colour.  相似文献   

Like many animals, humans are sensitive to the polarization of light. We can detect the angle of polarization using an entoptic phenomenon called Haidinger''s brushes, which is mediated by dichroic carotenoids in the macula lutea. While previous studies have characterized the spectral sensitivity of Haidinger''s brushes, other aspects remain unexplored. We developed a novel methodology for presenting gratings in polarization-only contrast at varying degrees of polarization in order to measure the lower limits of human polarized light detection. Participants were, on average, able to perform the task down to a threshold of 56%, with some able to go as low as 23%. This makes humans the most sensitive vertebrate tested to date. Additionally, we quantified a nonlinear relationship between presented and perceived polarization angle when an observer is presented with a rotatable polarized light field. This result confirms a previous theoretical prediction of how uniaxial corneal birefringence impacts the perception of Haidinger''s brushes. The rotational dynamics of Haidinger''s brushes were then used to calculate corneal retardance. We suggest that psychophysical experiments, based upon the perception of polarized light, are amenable to the production of affordable technologies for self-assessment and longitudinal monitoring of visual dysfunctions such as age-related macular degeneration.  相似文献   

The effects of two methods of preservation (fixation and storage in 10% formalin, and fixation in 10% formalin followed by storage in 95% alcohol) on pigmentation and morphometric features used for identification of larval Ichthyomyzon lampreys were analysed. Both short‐term (3 weeks) and long‐term (6 months) studies were conducted using digital analysis of images of fresh and preserved lampreys. Six standard morphometric lengths and 10 areas of pigmentation were analysed. All measurements were significantly affected by preservation. Preservative type affected pigmentation and morphometric characteristics differently, and characters were affected to different degrees. Multiple measurements over time showed that almost all changes occurred within 3 weeks of preservation. Regression equations allowed for accurate correction of preservation effects on morphometric measurements, but the effects on pigmentation levels were less predictable. Effects of preservation on larval lampreys need to be considered when comparing fresh and preserved specimens because they influence critical identification features.  相似文献   

Summary The present study is a morphological, biochemical and spectrophotometric characterization of the eye lens pigmentation in 45 specimens (11–88 mm in standard length) of the deep-sea hatchetfish,Argyropelecus affinis (Stomiiformes: Sternoptychidae). For comparison, we also examined available lenses of other members of the family Sternoptychidae, including three other species of the genusArgyropelecus, and two species of the genusSternoptyx. Lens pigmentation was observed in all specimens ofArgyropelecus spp. larger than about 36 mm in standard length, but was absent in allArgyropelecus spp. individuals less than 36 mm. However, lens pigmentation was not observed inSternoptyx specimens of any size. Detailed studies ofA. affinis indicated that (1) at 36 mm the nascent lens fiber cells, which are continually laid down over preexisting, unpigmented cells, begin incorporating pigment, and (2) the pigment concentration increases steadily as pigmented cells are added during lens growth. Spectrophotometric and biochemical data suggested that the pigment is a carotenoprotein complex, the carotenoid-like chromophore being strongly associated with a specific soluble lens protein, alpha crystallin. While the lens coloration in these fishes is age-related, analyses of the retinal visual pigment revealed no concomitant age-related change in the peak wavelength of retinal sensitivity in these fishes. Our data on the spectral absorbance of the lens and visual pigment of these fishes suggest that the lens pigmentation acts as a short-wave filter to improve acuity of the visual system.  相似文献   

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