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Biogeography of the phoracanthine beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Six biogeographic subregions of the phoracanthine beetles are proposed on the basis of 136 valid species in all eleven genera of this Australasian group of insects: the Kosciuskan, Western, Eyrean, Torresian, Timorian and New Guinean. Both phenetic and cladistic approaches are employed in the biogeographic study of these beetles. Phenetically, the Kosciuskan and Torresian fauna are the most similar and the least faunal similarity occurs between the New Guinean subregion and all others. Cladistically, two distinct peripheral faunas are divided: the southern Western+Kosciuskan and the northern New Guinean+Torresian+Timorian. The Eyrean fauna in the central Australian continent is more distantly related to the remainder than the latter are to each other. Biogeographic history of the phoracanthine beetles is discussed extensively.  相似文献   

对分布于北京的10种脊虎天牛属甲虫开展了分类研究,恢复了北京脊虎天牛Xylotrechus pekingensis Pic,1939的地位,不再是宽带脊虎天牛Xylotrechus yanoi Gressitt,1934的异名,报道了本种在河北和陕西的新分布记录.提出双带脊虎天牛Xylotrechus bifenestratus Pic,1916是四带脊虎天牛Xylotrechus polyzonus (Fairmaire,1888)的新异名,两者的模式标本均产自北京.本文还报道了3种北京新记录种:显纹脊虎天牛X.ibex (Gebler,1825)、葡脊虎天牛X.pyrrhoderus Bates,1873和黑胸脊虎天牛X.robusticollis (Pic,1936).通过检视标本,很多新的分布信息被加入到相关的种类.最后本文提供了分布于北京的10种脊虎天牛属甲虫的分种检索表.  相似文献   

研究测定了天牛科3亚科9种昆虫线粒体16S rDNA基因约500bp的序列,对序列的碱基组成和遗传距离进行分析。并基于16S rDNA基因序列数据,采用邻接法(NJ)和最大简约法(MP)分析天牛科3亚科分子系统发育关系。研究结果表明,2种方法得到的分子系统树其分支结果一致,可将内群分为2个分支,第1个分支包括沟胫天牛亚科和天牛亚科;第2个分支包括花天牛亚科。16SrDNA基因对天牛科亚科间系统发育的研究是有价值的。  相似文献   

本记述锐顶天牛属一新种,即墨脱锐颚天牛Cleptometopus motuoensis sp.nov.。模式标本保存于西南农业大学植保系昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

Abstract The dung beetle genus Phanaeus as currently recognized by Edmonds (1994) consists of 51 species placed in 13 species groups and two subgenera. Here, I examine the phylogeny and biogeography of this genus by analysing the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (530 bp), nuclear large subunit ribosomal RNA (28S, D2 region), and 67 morphological characters for 28 species of Phanaeus. Both maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses from the combined data yielded well‐resolved trees, although low bootstrap and posterior probability support were found for basal nodes. The phylogenetic hypotheses presented here suggest that the subgenera Phanaeus s.str. and Notiophanaeus should each be elevated to the status of full genus. With the exception of the eucraniine outgroups, the paleano species group of the genus Phanaeus is recovered as sister to all other taxa, including the outgroups Oxysternon, Sulcophanaeus and Coprophanaeus. High bootstrap values and posterior probabilities supported the species groups endymion, tridens and vindex. Biogeographical analyses suggest an ancestral distribution for Phanaeus in the Andes in South America, although numerous dispersal events evidently have produced a complicated biogeographical history.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the genus Aleochara was previously poorly understood due to difficulties with phylogenetic reconstruction by morphological characters. We present here a phylogeny based on the sequences of a 2022-bp fragment of the COI/II genes; 50 Aleochara and 10 outgroup species were included in the analysis. We used parsimony, minimum-evolution, and maximum-likelihood analyses to infer the phylogeny of the group. Our data do not support the commonly assumed sister group relationship between Aleocharini and Hoplandriini. Aleochara is resolved as a monophylum, although A. clavicornis might not belong to the genus. Within Aleochara, there are two large monophyletic clades. Many of the existing subgenera are shown to be para- or polyphyletic; others are likely to be monophyletic. Tinotus morion, previously assigned to the Hoplandriini, is strongly supported as belonging to Aleochara. According to our data, the mesosternal carina that has been used as an important character for classification has arisen and been reduced independently in several clades within Aleochara.  相似文献   

记述天牛亚科Cerambycinae虎天牛族Clytini刺虎天牛属Demonax1中国新记录种:卵纹刺虎天牛Demonax pseudopsilomerus Gressitt & Rondon。  相似文献   

Niisato T  Han CD 《ZooKeys》2011,(118):19-52
The clytine genus Amamiclytus Ohbayashi, 1964, from Taiwan and the Ryukyu Islands is revised. Seven species and one subspecies are recognized as follows: Amamiclytus nobuoi nobuoi Ohbayashi, 1964, (Amami Islands); Amamiclytus nobuoi akusekianus Niisato, 2005, (Tokara Islands); Amamiclytus subnitidus Holzschuh, 1984, (Taiwan); Amamiclytus setigersp. n. (Taiwan), Amamiclytus nubilussp. n. (Taiwan), Amamiclytus junisp. n. (Taiwan), Amamiclytus yulongisp. n. (Taiwan) and Amamiclytus hirtipes (Matsushita, 1940), comb. n. (Taiwan). All of them are described or redescribed and a key to species is presented. The generic features of Amamiclytus, including male and female genitalia from these taxa, are presented. The systematic position of Amamiclytus within the tribe Clytini is discussed.  相似文献   

记述了中国短翅天牛属1新记录亚种,即柴田短翅天牛Glaphyra shibatai shibatai(Hayashi,1961)。柴田短翅天牛描述:体长8.1 mm宽2.0 mm。身体呈亮黑色。腿节亮棕黑色,后足腿节基部至中部浅黄色。鞘翅中部近中缝处有1对半透明深黄褐色区域。前胸长约1.23倍于宽,最宽广的部位在收缩之前,前足基节窝后方关闭。鞘翅基部宽约与前胸背板长相等,鞘翅长为鞘翅基部宽度的1.20倍,肩角略呈圆形,两侧向端部逐渐收缩,表面具有细而稀疏的小刻点,翅缝在基部3/5处分裂,缝角圆形。前胸腹板具有粗糙的刻点。后胸腹板具有细刻点。腹部刻点比后胸腹板更浅,更细。后足第1跗节1.50倍于2、3节之和。  相似文献   

A comparative morphological research was done based on the morphological characters of 21 species from Leptura in this paper. The results indicated that 18 morphological characters, such as the ratio of the lower eye lobe to genae, the relative length of antennae segments, the shape of maxillary palpi apex, prothorax, elytra apex and elytral maculae can be used to identify species in the genus. Meanwhile, the color of elytra and the size of elytral maculae could not be used to identify species from Leptura. In addition, the shape of 7th abdominally sternal apex, the length of antennae and the ratio of the first hind tarsal segment to the second can be used to distinguish the male and the female.  相似文献   

记述中国瘦棍腿天牛属1新记录种:白腹瘦棍腿天牛Stenodryas ventralis(Gahan, 1906)。简述了该种的形态特征,提供了瘦棍腿天牛属中国已知记录种的检索表。研究标本保存在西南大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

The history of the genus Trichocnemis LeConte, 1851 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae) is discussed. Its taxonomic status in relation to the genera Ergates Audinet-Serville, 1832 and Callergates Lameere, 1904 is clarified. The synonymy of Macrotoma californica White, 1853, Macrotoma spiculigera White, 1853, and Trichocnemis spiculatus LeConte, 1851 is confirmed. A key to all three genera and their species is provided.  相似文献   

The leaf beetle genus Trirhabda contains 26 described species from the United States and Canada, feeding on host plants from the families Asteraceae and Hydrophyllaceae. In this study, we present a phylogeny for the genus that was reconstructed from mitochondrial COI and 12S rRNA fragments, nuclear ITS2 rRNA, and morphological characters. Both parsimony and mixed-model Bayesian likelihood analyses were performed. Under both methods, the mitochondrial and nuclear partitions support the same backbone phylogeny, as do the combined data. The utility of the molecular data is contrasted with the low phylogenetic signal among morphological characters. The phylogeny was used to trace the evolution of the host-plant association in Trirhabda. The recovered phylogeny shows that although the host-plant association is phylogenetically conservative, Trirhabda experienced one shift to a distantly related host-plant family, 6 shifts between host-plant tribes, and 6 between genera within tribes. The phylogeny reveals that Trirhabda were plesiomorphically adapted to tolerate complex secondary compounds of its host plants and this adaptation is retained in Trirhabda species, as evidenced by multiple shifts from chemically simpler host plants back to the more complex host plants.  相似文献   

栗山天牛Massicus raddei(Blessig)是我国东北林区栎树的主要蛀干害虫,严重危害蒙古栎和辽东栎,已给发生地造成的重大的经济损失和生态灾害。触角是天牛与外界进行信息沟通的重要器官,触角上的感器类型与分布数量直接影响天牛对外界化学刺激的识别。本文采用扫描电镜观察的方法,对栗山天牛雄、雌虫的触角分别进行了观察。结果显示,栗山天牛雌、雄性触角的感器分布略有不同,但都着生有大量的毛形感器、锥形感器和耳形感器,以及少量的板形感器、指形感器和钟形感器等。鞭节端部各节的感器数量较多,基部各节的感器数量较少,可能与各节所行使的功能有关。  相似文献   

中国花天牛亚科三新种记述(鞘翅目:天牛科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
训国花天牛亚科3新种--黑角瘤花天牛Gaurotina nigroantenata,sp.nov.,青海皮花一在牛Rhagium qinghaiensis,sp.nov.,四面山华花天牛Sinostrangalissimianshana,sp.nov.。模式标本存西南农业大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

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