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Two subtilisin-like proteases from soybean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two subtilisin-like proteases (SLP) were identified in soybean ( Glycine max [L.] Merr.). The first, SLP-1, was localized in seed coats early in seed development, but became undetectable with anti-SLP-1 antibodies as seed fill progressed. A partial purification of SLP-1 was achieved using a two step chromatographic procedure. NH2-terminal sequence analysis of the partially purified enzyme permitted primers to be designed that were used to amplify cDNA encoding SLP-1. A genomic clone encoding SLP-1 was also obtained. Characterization of the cDNA and partially purified SLP-1 revealed the initial translation product was an 82 694 MW precursor. After removal of a signal peptide, the mature protein was formed by removal of an NH2-terminal propeptide. A COOH-terminal peptide also appeared to be removed from some of the protease molecules. DNA blot analysis suggested that at least one additional SLP gene was present in soybean. The second gene, SLP-2, was subsequently cloned and characterized. Although the coding regions for SLP-1 and SLP-2 were homologous, their promoters were quite divergent. RT-PCR revealed that SLP-2 message was found in the mature plant and in cotyledons of germinating seeds. Although SLP-2 mRNA could be identified in developing seeds, the message was at least an order of magnitude less abundant than that for SLP-1, and it was mis-spliced such that a chain termination event would preclude obtaining a product. As with SLPs from other organisms, the functions of the soybean proteases are unknown. However, SLP-1 is one of only a few proteins from soybean seed coats that have been described.  相似文献   

Subtilases: the superfamily of subtilisin-like serine proteases.   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
Subtilases are members of the clan (or superfamily) of subtilisin-like serine proteases. Over 200 subtilases are presently known, more than 170 of which with their complete amino acid sequence. In this update of our previous overview (Siezen RJ, de Vos WM, Leunissen JAM, Dijkstra BW, 1991, Protein Eng 4:719-731), details of more than 100 new subtilases discovered in the past five years are summarized, and amino acid sequences of their catalytic domains are compared in a multiple sequence alignment. Based on sequence homology, a subdivision into six families is proposed. Highly conserved residues of the catalytic domain are identified, as are large or unusual deletions and insertions. Predictions have been updated for Ca(2+)-binding sites, disulfide bonds, and substrate specificity, based on both sequence alignment and three-dimensional homology modeling.  相似文献   

Proteases with an aspartate cleavage specificity are known to contribute to programmed cell death (PCD) in animals and plants. In animal cells this proteolytic activity belongs to caspases, a well-characterized family of cysteine-dependent death proteases. Plants, however, lack caspase homologs and thus the origin of this type of proteolytic activity in planta was poorly understood. Here, we review recent data demonstrating that a plant serine-dependent protease, phytaspase, shares cleavage specificity and a role in PCD analogous to that of caspases. However, unlike caspases, regulation of phytaspase-mediated cleavage of intracellular target proteins appears to be attained not at the level of proenzyme processing/activation, which occurs, in the case of phytaspase, autocatalytically and constitutively. Rather, the mature phytaspase is excluded from healthy cells into the apoplast and is allowed to re-enter cells upon the induction of PCD. Thus, PCD-related proteases in animals and plants display both common features and important distinctions.  相似文献   

Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae KEX2 gene previously isolated, was characterized as the gene encoding a calcium-dependent endopeptidase required for processing of precursors of alpha-factor and killer toxin. In this study, we report the amino acid sequence of the KEX2 gene product deduced from nucleotide sequencing. Our results indicate that the KEX2 gene contains a 2,442-bp open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 814 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence contains a region extensively homologous to the members of subtilisin-like serine protease family near the N-terminus. A putative membrane-spanning domain near the C-terminus was also detected. These facts indicate that the KEX2-encoded protein may function as a membrane-bound, subtilisin-like serine protease.  相似文献   

A single family of proteases, the caspases, has long been considered the pivotal executioner of all programmed cell death. However, recent findings of evolutionarily conserved, caspase-independent controlled death mechanisms have opened new perspectives on the biology of cell demise, with particular implications for neurobiology, cancer research and immunological processes.  相似文献   

Two novel subtilisin-like serine proteases (AS-E1 and -E2) that activate prothrombin have been identified in a culture of the fungus Acremonium sp. The enzymes were purified through repeated hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The N-terminal sequences of AS-E1 (34.4 kDa) and AS-E2 (32 kDa) showed high similarity to the internal sequences of two distinct subtilisin-like hypothetical proteins from Chaetomium globosum. Both enzymes proteolytically activated prothrombin to meizothrombin(desF1)-like molecules, while the activation cleavage seemed to occur at a site (Tyr(316)-Ile(317)) that is four residues proximal to the canonical Xa cleavage site (Arg(320)-Ile(321)). Both enzymes inhibited plasma clotting, possibly due to extensive degradation of fibrinogen and production of meizothrombin(desF1)-like molecule.  相似文献   

Plant proteases, characterized by the reduced sulphydryl group required for catalysis, can be produced from tropical plants. Crude or partially refined mixtures, including minor quantities of other enzymes, are used in a variety of food industries. Enzymes extracted from edible fruit should prove acceptable. In terms of value or volume papain is the major enzyme used, though stem bromelain and ficin also appear in commerce. Other enzymes such as fruit bromelain or calotropain are either less well known or not commercially available. Meat tenderization and beer chill-proofing, mostly with papain, are reviewed and the effects of plant proteases on flavour in foods noted. Fish waste and oilseed processing, especially to produce proteins or polypeptides with functional properties, are amongst the currently minor or potential uses considered. Immobilization on a solid support merits further investigation. Development has been slow because of problems arising from the macromolecular nature of the substrate, namely protein, which is actually attacked in foods. Competition from microbial and other enzymes necessitates more attention being given to production methods if usage is to be maintained or increased.  相似文献   

There is little information regarding the role of proteolysis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and no studies on the potential involvement of proteases in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis. We identified five M. tuberculosis genes (mycP1-5) that encode a family of serine proteases (mycosins-1 to 5), ranging from 36 to 47% identity. Each protein contains a catalytic triad (Asp, His, Ser) within highly conserved sequences, typical of proteases of the subtilisin family. These genes are also present in M. bovis BCG and other virulent mycobacteria, but only one homologue (mycP3) was detected in M. smegmatis. The mycosins have N-terminal signal sequences and C-terminal transmembrane anchors, and the localisation of the mycosins to the membrane/cell wall was verified by Western blot analysis of heterologously expressed proteins in cellular fractions of M. smegmatis. In M. tuberculosis, all the mycosins were expressed constitutively during growth in broth. Mycosins-2 and 3 were also expressed constitutively in M. bovis BCG, but no expression of mycosin-1 was detected. Mycosin-2 was modified by cleavage in all three mycobacterial species. The multiplicity and constitutive expression of these proteins suggests that they have an important role in the biology of M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

A serpin homologue (Tk-serpin) from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis was overproduced in E. coli, purified, and characterized. Tk-serpin irreversibly inhibits Tk-subtilisin (TKS) from the same organism with the second-order association rate constants (k(ass)) of 5.2×103 M?1 s?1 at 40°C and 3.1×10? M?1 s?1 at 80°C, indicating that Tk-serpin inhibits TKS more strongly at 80°C than at 40°C. It also irreversibly inhibits chymotrypsin, subtilisin Carlsberg, and proteinase K at 40°C with the k(ass) values comparable to that for TKS at 80°C. Casein zymography showed that Tk-serpin inhibits these proteases by forming a SDS-resistant complex, which is typical to inhibitory serpins. The ratio of moles of Tk-serpin needed to inhibit 1 mol of protease (stoichiometry of inhibition, SI) varies from 40 to 80 at 20°C, but decreases to the minimum values of 3-7 as the temperature increases. The inhibitory activities of Tk-serpin for these proteases increase as the stabilities of these proteases decrease, suggesting that a flexibility of the active-site of protease is one of the determinants for susceptibility of protease to inhibition by Tk-serpin. This report showed for the first time that Tk-serpin inhibits both chymotrypsin- and subtilisin-like serine proteases and its inhibitory activity increases as the temperature increases up to 100°C.  相似文献   

Roberts IN  Passeron S  Barneix AJ 《Planta》2006,224(6):1437-1447
We have previously reported the occurrence of two serine endoproteases (referred to as P1 and P2) in dark-induced senescent wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaves. P1 enzyme was already purified and identified as a subtilisin-like serine endoprotease (Roberts et al. in Physiol Plant 118:483–490, 2003). In this paper, we demonstrate by Western blot analysis of extracts obtained from dark-induced senescent leaves that an antiserum raised against P1 was able to recognise a second protein band of 78 kDa which corresponded to P2 activity. This result suggested that both enzymes must be structurally related. Therefore, we purified and characterised P2 activity. According to its biochemical and physical properties (inhibition by chymostatin and PMSF, broad pH range of activity, thermostability and ability to hydrolyse Suc-AAPF-pNA) P2 was classified as a serine protease with chymotrypsin-like activity. In addition, P2 was identified by mass spectrometry as a subtilisin-like protease distinct from P1. Western blot analysis demonstrated that P1 appeared in extracts from non-detached dark-induced senescent leaves but was undetectable in leaves senescing after nitrogen (N) deprivation. In contrast, P2 was already present in non-senescent leaves and showed increased levels in leaves senescing after N starvation or incubation in darkness. P1 signal was detected at late stages of ethephon or methyl jasmonate-induced senescence but was undetectable in senescent leaves from plants treated with abscisic acid. None of the three hormones have any effect on P2 protein levels. These results indicate that despite their biochemical and structural similarities, both enzymes are probably involved in different physiological roles.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

A cut above the rest: the regulatory function of plant proteases   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Schaller A 《Planta》2004,220(2):183-197
Proteolytic enzymes are intricately involved in many aspects of plant physiology and development. On the one hand, they are necessary for protein turnover. Degradation of damaged, misfolded and potentially harmful proteins provides free amino acids required for the synthesis of new proteins. Furthermore, the selective breakdown of regulatory proteins by the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway controls key aspects of plant growth, development, and defense. Proteases are, on the other hand, also responsible for the post-translational modification of proteins by limited proteolysis at highly specific sites. Limited proteolysis results in the maturation of enzymes, is necessary for protein assembly and subcellular targeting, and controls the activity of enzymes, regulatory proteins and peptides. Proteases are thus involved in all aspects of the plant life cycle ranging from the mobilization of storage proteins during seed germination to the initiation of cell death and senescence programs. This article reviews recent findings for the major catalytic classes, i.e. the serine, cysteine, aspartic, and metalloproteases, emphasizing the regulatory function of representative enzymes.  相似文献   

Analogous to caspases, serine (Ser) proteases are involved in protein degradation during apoptosis. It is unknown, however, whether Ser proteases are activated concurrently, sequentially, or as an alternative to the activation of caspases. Using fluorescent inhibitors of caspases (FLICA) and Ser proteases (FLISP), novel methods to detect activation of these enzymes in apoptotic cells, we demonstrate that two types of Ser protease sites become accessible to these inhibitors during apoptosis of HL-60 cells. The prior exposure to caspases inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK markedly diminished activation of both Ser protease sites. However, the unlabeled inhibitor of Ser-proteases TPCK had modest suppressive effect- while TICK had no effect- on the activation of caspases. Activation of caspases, thus, appears to be an upstream event and likely a prerequisite for activation of FLISP-reactive sites. Differential labeling with the red fluorescing sulforhodamine-tagged VAD-FMK and the green fluorescing FLISP allowed us to discriminate, within the same cell, between activation of caspases and Ser protease sites. Despite a certain degree of co-localization, the pattern of intracellular caspase- vs FLISP- reactive sites, was different. Also different were relative proportions of activated caspases vs Ser protease sites in individual cells. The observed induction of FLISP-binding sites we interpret as revealing activation of at least two different apoptotic Ser proteases; by analogy to caspases we denote them serpases. Their apparent molecular weight (62-65 kD) suggests that they are novel enzymes.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of a subtilisin-like serine protease VPR from the psychrophilic marine bacterium Vibrio sp. PA-44 and its mesophilic homologue, proteinase K (PRK), have been performed for 20 ns at four different temperatures (300, 373, 473, and 573 K). The comparative analyses of MD trajectories reveal that at almost all temperatures, VPR exhibits greater structural fluctuations/deviations, more unstable regular secondary structural elements, and higher global flexibility than PRK. Although these two proteases follow similar unfolding pathways at high temperatures, VPR initiates unfolding at a lower temperature and unfolds faster at the same high temperatures than PRK. These observations collectively indicate that VPR is less stable and more heat-labile than PRK. Analyses of the structural/geometrical properties reveal that, when compared to PRK, VPR has larger radius of gyration (Rg), less intramolecular contacts and hydrogen bonds (HBs), more protein-solvent HBs, and smaller burial of nonpolar area and larger exposure of polar area. These suggest that the increased flexibility of VPR would be most likely caused by its reduced intramolecular interactions and more favourable protein-solvent interactions arising from the larger exposure of the polar area, whereas the enhanced stability of PRK could be ascribed to its increased intramolecular interactions arising from the better optimized hydrophobicity. The factors responsible for the significant differences in local flexibility between these two proteases were also analyzed and ascertained. This study provides insights into molecular basis of thermostability of homologous serine proteases adapted to different temperatures.  相似文献   

This article reviews the use of an in vitro culture model for the maintenance and proliferation of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes and the formation of protoscoleces. This model has been used to identify and characterize parasite molecules involved in host-parasite interactions, and is a suitable tool to perform in vitro drug-screening assays. The development of a simple and easy-to-handle assay to determine the effects of drugs on parasite viability, without the need for time-consuming animal experimentation, has opened the way for larger-scale in vitro drug screening.  相似文献   

Structures and properties of the recently found aspartate-specific cell death-related plant proteases called phytaspases are reviewed and compared to those of caspases, animal apoptotic proteases. Caspases (cysteine-dependent proteases) and phytaspases (serine-dependent proteases) dramatically differ in structure, although manifest a similar substrate specificity and a play a similar role in the programmed cell death. Distinctions in the structural organization of animal and plant death proteases were shown to define differences in the regulation strategies of functioning of these proteolytic enzymes in the two kingdoms.  相似文献   

A report on the Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Genome Assisted Biology of Crops and Model Plant Systems Meeting, held in Suzhou, China, April 21–25, 2014.  相似文献   

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