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Stem cells are present in developing embryos and adult tissues of multicellular organisms. Owing to their unique features, stem cells provide excellent opportunities for experimental analyses of basic developmental processes such as pluripotency control and cell fate decision and for regenerative medicine by stem cell-based therapy. Stem cell cultures have been best studied in 3 vertebrate organisms. These are the mouse, human and a small laboratory fish called medaka. Specifically, medaka has given rise to...  相似文献   

Reprogramming of adult somatic cell nuclei to pluripotency has been unsuccessful in non-mammalian animals, primarily because of chromosomal aberrations in nuclear transplants, which are considered to be caused by asynchrony between the cell cycles of the recipient egg and donor nucleus. In order to normalize the chromosomal status, we used diploidized eggs by retention of second polar body release, instead of enucleated eggs, as recipients in nuclear transfer of primary culture cells from the caudal fin of adult green fluorescent protein gene (GFP) transgenic medaka fish (Oryzias latipes). We found that 2.7% of the reconstructed embryos grew into adults that expressed GFP in various tissues in the same pattern as in the donor fish. Moreover, these fish were diploid, fertile and capable of passing the marker gene to the next generation in Mendelian fashion. We hesitate to call these fish 'clones' because we used non-enucleated eggs as recipients; in effect, they may be chimeras consisting of cells derived from diploid recipient nuclei and donor nuclei. In either case, fish adult somatic cell nuclei were reprogrammed to pluripotency and differentiated into a variety of cell types including germ cells via the use of diploidized recipient eggs.  相似文献   

Chromosomal abnormalities such as ploidy mosaicism have constituted a major obstacle to the successful nuclear transfer of adult somatic cell nuclei in lower vertebrates to date. Euploid mosaicism has been reported previously in well-developed amphibian transplants. Here, we investigated ploidy mosaicisms in well-developed transplants of adult somatic cell nuclei in medaka fish (Oryzias latipes). Donor nuclei from primary cultured cells from the adult caudal fin of a transgenic strain carrying the green fluorescent protein gene (GFP) were transferred to recipient nonenucleated eggs of a wild-type strain to produce 662 transplants. While some of the transplants developed beyond the body formation stage and several hatched, all exhibited varying degrees of abnormal morphology, limited growth and subsequent death. Twenty-one transplants, 19 embryos and two larvae, were selected for chromosomal analysis; all were well-developed 6-day-old or later embryonic stages exhibiting slight morphological abnormalities and the same pattern of GFP expression as that of the donor strain. In addition, all exhibited various levels of euploid mosaicism with haploid-diploid, haploid-triploid or haploid-diploid-triploid chromosome sets. No visible chromosomal abnormalities were observed. Thus, euploid mosaicism similar to that observed in amphibians was confirmed in well-developed nuclear transplants of fish.  相似文献   

Until recently, the nuclear transfer of adult somatic cell nuclei in fish has been unsuccessful. This is primarily because of chromosomal aberrations in nuclear transplants, which are thought to arise due to asynchrony between the cell cycles of the recipient egg and donor nucleus. We recently succeeded in circumventing this difficulty by using a new nuclear transfer method in medaka fish ( Oryzias latipes ). Instead of enucleated eggs, the method uses non-enucleated and diploidized eggs, obtained by retention of the second polar body release, as recipients in the nuclear transfer of primary culture cells from the caudal fin of an adult green fluorescent protein gene ( GFP )-transgenic strain. We found that 2.7% of the reconstructed embryos grew into diploid and fertile adults exhibiting donor expression characteristics and transmission of the GFP marker gene to progeny. The mechanism underlying the generation of nuclear transplants using this method is unknown at present; however, analyses of donor and recipient nuclei behavior and the cytoskeletal mechanisms involved in the early developmental stages, as well as the special ability of diploidized eggs to facilitate reprogramming of the donor nuclei will result in elucidation of the mechanism.  相似文献   

Sperm nuclear transfer or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a powerful assisted reproductive technology (ART) for treating human male infertility. Controversial reports of increased birth defects have raised concerns about the ART's safety. The cause for birth defects, however, has remained elusive for analysis in human because of the sample size, male infertility genetics, physiological heterogeneity and associated procedures such as embryo manipulations. Animal models are required to evaluate factors leading to the increased birth defects. Here we report the establishment of medakafish model for ICSI and transgenic production. This small laboratory fish has high fecundity and easy embryology. We show that ICSI produced a 5% high percentage of fertile animals that exhibited both paternal and maternal contribution as evidenced by the pigmentation marker. Furthermore, when sperm were pre-incubated with a plasmid ubiquitously expressing RFP and subjected to ICSI, 50% of sperm nuclear transplants showed germline transmission. We conclude that medaka is an excellent model for ICSI to evaluate birth defects and that sperm nuclear transfer can mediate stable gene transfer at high efficiency. Although more demanding for experimentation, sperm-mediated transgenesis should be particularly applicable for aquaculture species with a lengthy generation time and/or a large adult body size.  相似文献   

To solve the problem of immune incompatibility, nuclear transplantation has been envisaged as a means to produce cells or tissues for human autologous transplantation. Here we have derived embryonic stem cells by the transfer of human somatic nuclei into rabbit oocytes. The number of blastocysts that developed from the fused nuclear transfer was comparable among nuclear donors at ages of 5, 42, 52 and fi0 years, and nuclear transfer (NT) embryonic stem cells (ntES cells) were subsequently derived from each of the four age groups. These results suggest that human somatic nuclei can form ntES cells independent of the age of thedonor. The derived ntES cells are human based on karyotype, isogenicity, in situ hybridization, PCR and immunocytochemistry with probes that distinguish between the various species. The ntES ceils maintainthe capability of sustained growth in an undifferen tiated state, and form embryoid bodies, which, on furtherinduction, give rise to cell types such as neuron and muscle, as well as mixed cell populations that expressmarkers representative of all three germ layers. Thus, ntES cells derived from human somatic cells by NTto rabbit eggs retain phenotypes similar to those of conventional human ES ceils, including the ability toundergo multilineage cellular differentiation.  相似文献   

Nuclear transfer embryonic stem cells (ntESCs) show stem cell characteristics such as pluripotency but cause no immunological disorders. Although ntESCs are able to differentiate into somatic cells, the ability of ntESCs to differentiate into primordial germ cells (PGCs) has not been examined. In this work, we examined the capacity of mouse ntESCs to differentiate into PGCs in vitro. ntESCs aggregated to form embryoid bodies (EB) in EB culture medium supplemented with bone morphogenetic protein 4(BMP4) as the differentiation factor. The expression level of specific PGC genes was compared at days 4 and 8 using real time PCR. Flow cytometry and immunocytochemical staining were used to detect Mvh as a specific PGC marker. ntESCs expressed particular genes related to different stages of PGC development. Flow cytometry and immunocytochemical staining confirmed the presence of Mvh protein in a small number of cells. There were significant differences between cells that differentiated into PGCs in the group treated with Bmp4 compared to non-treated cells. These findings indicate that ntESCs can differentiate into putative PGCs. Improvement of ntESC differentiation into PGCs may be a reliable means of producing mature germ cells.  相似文献   

Fennel JA 《Bioethics》2008,22(2):84-91
Recent developments allow for the creation of human stem cells without the creation of human embryos, a process called alternate nuclear transfer ('ANT'). Pursuing this method of stem cell research makes sense for pro-lifers if arguments for the sanctity of the human embryo do not apply to ANT. However, the technology that makes ANT possible undermines the erstwhile technical barrier between human embryos and somatic cell DNA. These advances bring home the force of hypothetical arguments about the potential of the DNA in somatic cells, showing that there is not a morally relevant difference between the potential of an embryo and the potential of the DNA in a somatic cell. Therefore, the supposed distinction between entities that are potential human life and entities that are human life does not give any support to arguments for the sanctity of the human embryo because those arguments extend value to too many entities.  相似文献   

To develop nuclear transplantation techniques for the medaka Oryzias latipes, nuclei of cultured cells from transgenic fish were transplanted into unfertilized eggs of the orange-red variety of O. latipes, without enucleation, in two experimental series. In the first experimental series, fibroblast cells cultured from the adult caudal fin were used as donors, which carried the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene driven by the promoter of the medaka elongation factor 1alpha-A gene. Wild-type body color was another donor genetic marker used in this experimental series. In the second experimental series, cells cultured from 6-day-old embryos were used as donors, which carried the GFP genetic marker driven by the promoter of the medaka beta-actin gene. From more than 1000 eggs transplanted in each experiment, a considerable number of nuclear transplants developed to various embryonic stages showing stage- and tissue-specific expression of the donor genetic markers, although the expression was mosaic in many cases. Three and six of the transplanted eggs in the first and second experimental series (0.3 and 0.5%, respectively) hatched, and the hatchlings expressing the genetic markers survived for up to 3 weeks. The chromosome number varied among cells in a single transplant embryo. The results obtained in these experiments may help future cloning efforts in fish.  相似文献   

The concept of regenerating diseased myocardium by implanting engineered heart tissue (EHT) is intriguing. Yet it was limited by immune rejection and difficulties to be generated at a size with contractile properties. Somatic cell nuclear transfer is proposed as a practical strategy for generating autologous histocompatible stem (nuclear transferred embryonic stem [NT‐ES]) cells to treat diseases. Nevertheless, it is controversial as NT‐ES cells may pose risks in their therapeutic application. EHT from NT‐ES cell‐derived cardiomyocytes was generated through a series of improved techniques in a self‐made mould to keep the EHTs from contraction and provide static stretch simultaneously. After 7 days of static and mechanical stretching, respectively, the EHTs were implanted to the infarcted rat heart. Four weeks after transplantation, the suitability of EHT in heart muscle repair after myocardial infarction was evaluated by histological examination, echocardiography and multielectrode array measurement. The results showed that large (thickness/diameter, 2–4 mm/10 mm) spontaneously contracting EHTs was generated successfully. The EHTs, which were derived from NT‐ES cells, inte grated and electrically coupled to host myocardium and exerted beneficial effects on the left ventricular function of infarcted rat heart. No teratoma formation was observed in the rat heart implanted with EHTs for 4 weeks. NT‐ES cells can be used as a source of seeding cells for cardiac tissue engineering. Large contractile EHT grafts can be constructed in vitro with the ability to survive after implantation and improve myocardial performance of infarcted rat hearts.  相似文献   

To examine the spermatogenesis (and spermiogenesis) cell population kinetics after gamma-irradiation, the frequency and fate of BrdU-labeled pre-meiotic spermatogenic cells (spermatogonia and pre-leptotene spermatocytes) and spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) of the medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) were examined immunohistochemically and by BrdU-labeling. After 4.75 Gy of gamma-irradiation, a statistically significant decrease in the frequency of BrdU-labeled cells was detected in the SSCs, but not in pre-meiotic spermatogenic cells. The time necessary for differentiation of surviving pre-meiotic spermatogenic cells without delay of germ cell development was shortened. More than 90% of surviving pre-meiotic spermatogenic cells differentiated into haploid cells within 5 days after irradiation, followed by a temporal spermatozoa exhaust in the testis. Next, spermatogenesis began in the surviving SSCs. However, the outcome was abnormal spermatozoa, indicating that accelerated maturation process led to morphological abnormalities. Moreover, 35% of the morphologically normal spermatozoa were dead at day 6. Based on these results, we suggest a reset system; after irradiation most surviving spermatogenic cells, except for the SSCs, are prematurely eliminated from the testis by spermatogenesis (and spermiogenesis) acceleration, and subsequent spermatogenesis begins with the surviving SSCs, a possible safeguard against male germ cell mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Zhao C  Yao R  Hao J  Ding C  Fan Y  Dai X  Li W  Hai T  Liu Z  Yu Y  Wang Y  Hou X  Ji W  Zhou Q  Jouneau A  Zeng F  Wang L 《Cell research》2007,17(1):80-87
Therapeutic cloning, whereby embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are derived from nuclear transfer (NT) embryos, may play a major role in the new era of regenerative medicine. In this study we established forty nuclear transfer-ESC (NTESC) lines that were derived from NT embryos of different donor cell types or passages. We found that NT-ESCs were capable of forming embryoid bodies. In addition, NT-ESCs expressed pluripotency stem cell markers in vitro and could differentiate into embryonic tissues in vivo. NT embryos from early passage RI donor cells were able to form full term developed pups, whereas those from late passage RI ES donor cells lost the potential for reprogramming that is essential for live birth. We subsequently established sequential NT-RI-ESC lines that were developed from NT blastocyst of late passage R 1 ESC donors. However, these NT-R I-ESC lines, when used as nuclear transfer donors at their early passages, failed to result in live pups. This indicates that the therapeutic cloning process using sequential NT-ESCs may not rescue the developmental deficiencies that resided in previous donor generations.  相似文献   

Experimental animal models are extremely valuable for the study of human diseases, especially those with underlying genetic components. The exploitation of various animal models, from fruitflies to mice, has led to major advances in our understanding of the etiologies of many diseases, including cancer. Cutaneous malignant melanoma is a form of cancer for which both environmental insult (i.e., UV) and hereditary predisposition are major causative factors. Fish melanoma models have been used in studies of both spontaneous and induced melanoma formation. Genetic hybrids between platyfish and swordtails, different species of the genus Xiphophorus, have been studied since the 1920s to identify genetic determinants of pigmentation and melanoma formation. Recently, transgenesis has been used to develop zebrafish and medaka models for melanoma research. This review will provide a historical perspective on the use of fish models in melanoma research, and an updated summary of current and prospective studies using these unique experimental systems.  相似文献   

王学耕  朱作言  孙永华  赵珏 《遗传》2013,35(4):433-440
鱼类核移植是动物克隆研究的一个重要领域, 我国学者在上世纪60年代首创了鱼类的核移植研究。以斑马鱼为模式动物, 进行核移植与再程序化研究具有独特的优势。文章总结了鱼类细胞核移植研究的历史、斑马鱼核移植研究概况、以及影响核移植胚胎发育的因素, 特别是核移植胚胎基因组的表观遗传修饰, 如基因组DNA甲基化及组蛋白乙酰化和甲基化等的研究, 将有助于完善克隆技术并提高克隆的成功率, 推动克隆技术的广泛开展和应用。  相似文献   

人胚胎干细胞的研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
来自着床前的囊胚和早期人胚胎的人胚胎干细胞是未分化的多能干细胞,具有无限增殖和分化的潜力,这种特性使之在基础研究和移植治疗中具有广泛的应用。尤其是胚胎干细胞可以产生任何类型的可供临床使用的细胞、组织和器官的潜力,将会带来一场医学革命。  相似文献   

In the mammalian testis germline stem cells keep producing many sperms, while there is no direct evidence for the presence of germline stem cells in the ovary. It is widely accepted in mammals that the mature oocytes are supplied from a pool of primordial follicles in the adult ovary. In other vertebrates, such as fish, however, there has been no investigation on the mechanism underlying the high egg-producing ability. In this review, we introduce the recently identified ovarian germline stem cells and the surrounding unique structure in teleost fish, medaka (Oryzias latipes) [Nakamura S et al. Science. 2010; 328: 1561-1563]. We also discuss about the expression and function of sox9 that characterizes this unique structure.  相似文献   

Two constituent proteases of the hatching enzyme of the medaka ( Oryzias latipes ), choriolysin H (HCE) and choriolysin L (LCE), belong to the astacin protease family. Astacin family proteases have a consensus amino acid sequence of HExxHxxGFxHExxRxDR motif in their active site region. In addition, HCE and LCE have a consensus sequence, SIMHYGR, in the downstream of the active site. Oligonucleotide primers were constructed that corresponded to the above-mentioned amino acid sequences and polymerase chain reactions were performed in zebrafish ( Brachydanio rerio ) and masu salmon ( Oncorynchus masou ) embryos. Using the amplified fragments as probes, two full-length cDNA were isolated from each cDNA library of the zebrafish and the masu salmon. The predicted amino acid sequences of the cDNA were similar to that of the medaka enzymes, more similar to HCE than to LCE, and it was conjectured that hatching enzymes of zebrafish and masu salmon also belonged to the astacin protease family. The final location of hatching gland cells in the three fish species: medaka, zebrafish and masu salmon, is different. The hatching gland cells of medaka are finally located in the epithelium of the pharyngeal cavity, those of zebrafish are in the epidermis of the yolk sac, and those of masu salmon are both in the epithelium of the pharyngeal cavity and the lateral epidermis of the head. However, in the present study, it was found that the hatching gland cells of zebrafish and masu salmon originated from the anterior end of the hypoblast, the Polster, as did those of medaka by in situ hybridization. It was clarified, therefore, that such difference in the final location of hatching gland cells among these species resulted from the difference in the migratory route of the hatching gland cells after the Polster region.  相似文献   

蒋婧  李劲松 《生命科学》2009,(5):608-613
体细胞重编程是指分化的体细胞在特定的条件下被逆转后恢复到多能性或全能性状态,或者形成多能干细胞系,或者形成早期胚胎然后发育成一个新的个体的过程。诱导体细胞重编程的方法有许多,如核移植(nuclear transfer,NT)、细胞融合、细胞培养和通过导入特定因子获得诱导多能干(induced pluripotent stem,iPS)细胞的方法等。其中核移植和iPS技术是到目前为止诱导体细胞为多能干细胞最为完全、最具有运用于临床再生医学潜能的方法。然而,它们的效率都很低,机制也不清楚,如何将两个方法结合在一起,提高重编程的效率,揭示重编程的机制,进而促进其在患者特异性治疗中的运用将是下阶段的努力方向。  相似文献   

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