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To examine the spermatogenesis (and spermiogenesis) cell population kinetics after gamma-irradiation, the frequency and fate of BrdU-labeled pre-meiotic spermatogenic cells (spermatogonia and pre-leptotene spermatocytes) and spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) of the medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) were examined immunohistochemically and by BrdU-labeling. After 4.75 Gy of gamma-irradiation, a statistically significant decrease in the frequency of BrdU-labeled cells was detected in the SSCs, but not in pre-meiotic spermatogenic cells. The time necessary for differentiation of surviving pre-meiotic spermatogenic cells without delay of germ cell development was shortened. More than 90% of surviving pre-meiotic spermatogenic cells differentiated into haploid cells within 5 days after irradiation, followed by a temporal spermatozoa exhaust in the testis. Next, spermatogenesis began in the surviving SSCs. However, the outcome was abnormal spermatozoa, indicating that accelerated maturation process led to morphological abnormalities. Moreover, 35% of the morphologically normal spermatozoa were dead at day 6. Based on these results, we suggest a reset system; after irradiation most surviving spermatogenic cells, except for the SSCs, are prematurely eliminated from the testis by spermatogenesis (and spermiogenesis) acceleration, and subsequent spermatogenesis begins with the surviving SSCs, a possible safeguard against male germ cell mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Pentachlorophenol (PCP) is widely used to control termites and protect wood from fungal-rot and wood-boring insects, and is often detected in the aquatic environment. Few studies have evaluated PCP as an environmental endocrine disruptor. In the present work, Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) was exposed to PCP for 28 days (F0 generation) with subsequent measurements of vitellogenin (VTG), hepatic 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD), and reproductive endpoints. Plasma VTG significantly increased in male fish treated with PCP concentrations lower than 200 microg/l and decreased in male and female animals exposed to 200 microg/l. Hepatic EROD from female fish increased when PCP exposure concentrations exceeded 20 microg/l, but decreased in the 200 microg/l PCP treatment group. Fecundity and mean fertility of female medaka decreased significantly in the second and third week following exposure concentrations greater than 100 microg/l, and testis-ova of male medaka was observed at PCP concentrations greater than 50 microg/l. Histological lesions of liver and kidney occurred when exposure concentrations exceeded 50 microg/l. In F1 generations, the hatching rates and time to hatch of offspring were significantly affected in fish exposed to 200 microg/l. These results indicated that PCP exposure caused responses consistent with estrogen and aryl hydrocarbon receptor activation as well as reproductive impairment at environmentally relevant concentrations.  相似文献   

To evaluate the possible role of germ cells on sex differentiation of the gonads in vertebrates, the teleost fish, medaka ( Oryzias latipes ), was used to generate a gonad without germ cells. The germ cell-deficient medaka reveals multiple effects of germ cells on the process of sex differentiation. The previously isolated mutant medaka, hotei , with the excessive number of germ cells may support the contention that the proliferation of germ cells is related to feminization of the gonad. Futhermore, we show that two modes of proliferation for either maintenance of germ cells or commitment to gametogenesis are important components of the sex differentiation of medaka developing gonads. An intimate cross talk between germ cells and gonadal somatic cells during the sex differentiation will be discussed.  相似文献   

Although sex determination systems in animals are diverse, sex-determining genes have been identified only in mammals and some invertebrates. Recently, DMY (DM domain gene on the Y chromosome) has been found in the sex-determining region on the Y chromosome of the teleost medaka fish, Oryzias latipes. Functional and expression analyses of DMY show it to be the leading candidate for the male-determining master gene of the medaka. Although some work is required to define DMY as the master sex-determining gene, medaka is expected to be a good experimental animal for investigating the precise mechanisms involved in primary sex determination in non-mammalian vertebrates. In this article, the process of identification of DMY and is summarized and the origins of DMY and sexual development of the medaka's gonads are reviewed. In addition, putative functions of DMY are discussed.  相似文献   

The Japanese medaka, Oryzias latipes, is a vertebrate teleost model with a long history of genetic research. A number of unique features and established resources distinguish medaka from other vertebrate model systems. A large number of laboratory strains from different locations are available. Due to a high tolerance to inbreeding, many highly inbred strains have been established, thus providing a rich resource for genetic studies. Furthermore, closely related species native to different habitats in Southeast Asia permit comparative evolutionary studies. The transparency of embryos, larvae, and juveniles allows a detailed in vivo analysis of development. New tools to study diverse aspects of medaka biology are constantly being generated. Thus, medaka has become an important vertebrate model organism to study development, behavior, and physiology. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of established genetic and molecular-genetic tools that render medaka fish a full-fledged vertebrate system.  相似文献   

To determine whether gravity influences the plane of bilateral symmetry in medaka embryos, zygotes were placed with their animal-vegetal axis orientated vertically and with their vegetal pole elevated. Then, at regular intervals during the first cell cycle, the zygotes were tilted 90° for about 10 min and subsequently returned to their original orientation. In embryos tilted during the first half of the first cell cycle, the embryonic shield formed on the side that had been lowermost when the zygote was tilted. In embryos that were tilted twice, first in one direction and then in the opposite direction, the embryonic shield formed on the side that was lowermost the first time. When zygotes were centrifuged at 5 g , the embryonic shield formed on the outwardly radial (centrifugal) side of the embryo. The orientation of the array of parallel microtubules in the vegetal pole region was also influenced by tilting or centrifuging zygotes. No correlation was found between the positions of the polar body and the micropyle and the plane of bilateral symmetry. It was concluded that gravity influences both the plane of bilateral symmetry and the orientation of microtubules in the vegetal pole region of medaka embryos.  相似文献   

Until recently, the nuclear transfer of adult somatic cell nuclei in fish has been unsuccessful. This is primarily because of chromosomal aberrations in nuclear transplants, which are thought to arise due to asynchrony between the cell cycles of the recipient egg and donor nucleus. We recently succeeded in circumventing this difficulty by using a new nuclear transfer method in medaka fish ( Oryzias latipes ). Instead of enucleated eggs, the method uses non-enucleated and diploidized eggs, obtained by retention of the second polar body release, as recipients in the nuclear transfer of primary culture cells from the caudal fin of an adult green fluorescent protein gene ( GFP )-transgenic strain. We found that 2.7% of the reconstructed embryos grew into diploid and fertile adults exhibiting donor expression characteristics and transmission of the GFP marker gene to progeny. The mechanism underlying the generation of nuclear transplants using this method is unknown at present; however, analyses of donor and recipient nuclei behavior and the cytoskeletal mechanisms involved in the early developmental stages, as well as the special ability of diploidized eggs to facilitate reprogramming of the donor nuclei will result in elucidation of the mechanism.  相似文献   

Mesodermal metamerism in the teleost, Oryzias latipes (the medaka)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies of the metameric pattern in mesodermal tissues of chick, mouse, turtle, and amphibian embryos have indicated that segmental characteristics exist along the entire length of the embryo. This paper describes this phenomenon in a fish embryo, for some differences in the cranial segmental plan exist between the anamniote and the amniote embryos hitherto studied. Embryos of the cyprinodont, Oryzias latipes, were fixed at various times, the examined by means of stereo scanning electron microscopy. As in other vertebrate embryos, the first indication of mesodermal metamerism in this fish embryo is the occurrence of somitomeres, which are orderly, tandemly arranged units of uncondensed mesenchymal cells in the paraxial mesoderm. As many as ten somitomeres can be observed caudal to the last formed somite to the elongating tail region. In addition, 7 somitomeres are present rostral to the first definitive somite, which is segment number eight. As in other vertebrate embryos examined, somitomeres in Oryzias embryos are circular, bilaminar arrays of paraxial mesoderm that form before any indications of segmentation can be seen with the light microscope. In the trunk region these mesodermal units condense to give rise to definitive somites, but in the head they eventually disperse. Despite a fundamentally different mode of gastrulation and a relatively small number of cells in the newly formed somitomeres, cranial segmentation in Oryzias embryos was found to be more similar in number to the metameric pattern of the embryos of the bird, reptile, and mammal than to the situation found in the two amphibians studied thus far.  相似文献   

We performed an extensive analysis of endodermal development and gut tube morphogenesis in the medaka embryo by histology and in situ hybridization. The markers used in these analyses included sox17, sox32, foxA2, gata-4, -5, -6 and shh. sox17, sox32, foxA2, and gata-5 and -6 are expressed in the early endoderm to the onset of gut tube formation. Sections of medaka embryos hybridized with foxA2, a pan-endodermal marker during gut morphogenesis, demonstrated that gut tube formation is initiated in the anterior portion and that the anterior and mid/posterior gut undergo distinct morphogenetic processes. Tube formation in the anterior endoderm that is fated to the pharynx and esophagus is much delayed and appears to be independent of gut morphogenesis. The overall aspects of medaka gut development are similar to those of zebrafish, except that zebrafish tube formation initiates at both the anterior and posterior portions. Our results therefore describe both molecular and morphological aspects of medaka digestive system development that will be necessary for the characterization of medaka mutants.  相似文献   

The CRISPR/Cas system offers new opportunities for targeted gene modifications in a wide range of organisms. In medaka (Oryzias latipes), a vertebrate model organism, a wild-type Cas9-based approach is commonly used to establish desired strains, however, its use in lethal genes is still challenging due to excess gene disruptions triggered by DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). To overcome this problem, we aimed to develop a new knock-in system using Cas9 nickase (Cas9n) that can reduce DNA DSBs. We revealed that Cas9n allowed reduction of the DSB-induced unwanted mutagenesis via non-homologous end-joining at both on- and off- target sites. Further, with a new donor plasmid (p2BaitD) that provides a linear template through Cas9n-mediated nicks, we successfully integrated reporter cassettes via homology-directed repair (HDR) into all three loci tested, including a lethal gene. In the experiment targeting the lethal gene, the combination of p2BaitD and Cas9n achieved higher survival rates than the Cas9-based approach, which enabled the desired knock-in founders. Additionally, through a technical blend of our knock-in system with a recently developed One-step mating protocol, we successfully established a homozygous knock-in strain in one generation period. This study presents evidence of an effective method to generate an HDR-mediated gene knock-in in medaka and other organisms, which is useful for establishing screening platforms for genes or drugs toxicity or other applications.  相似文献   

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a technique that has been successfully used for assisting reproduction in mammals. However, this method is still not reliable in nonmammalian species, including teleosts. We succeeded in producing medaka individuals by ICSI with a rate of 13.4% (28 hatched embryos out of 209 eggs fertilized by ICSI), the best value reported so far in teleosts, including zebrafish and Nile tilapia. Although the technique was based on that developed for mammalian eggs, some critical modifications were made to adjust it to the medaka egg, which has a thick and hard envelope (the chorion) and a single sperm entry site (the micropyle). Medaka ICSI was performed by injecting a demembranated spermatozoon into an egg cytoplasm through the micropyle 10-15 sec after egg activation induced by a piezo-actuated vibration, the site and timing of sperm penetration being consistent with those in normal fertilization in medaka. To increase the efficiency of ICSI in medaka, we found that the fertilization by ICSI should precisely mimic the fertilization by insemination with intact sperm, both spatially and temporally. The success rate of ICSI was highly variable in batches of eggs (ranging from 0% to 56%), suggesting that the conditions of eggs are important factors in stabilizing the production of individuals by ICSI. The success in medaka ICSI provides a basis for future research to understand the basic mechanisms in gamete biology of teleosts as well as for development of new technology that can yield valuable applications in fisheries science.  相似文献   

Reprogramming of adult somatic cell nuclei to pluripotency has been unsuccessful in non-mammalian animals, primarily because of chromosomal aberrations in nuclear transplants, which are considered to be caused by asynchrony between the cell cycles of the recipient egg and donor nucleus. In order to normalize the chromosomal status, we used diploidized eggs by retention of second polar body release, instead of enucleated eggs, as recipients in nuclear transfer of primary culture cells from the caudal fin of adult green fluorescent protein gene (GFP) transgenic medaka fish (Oryzias latipes). We found that 2.7% of the reconstructed embryos grew into adults that expressed GFP in various tissues in the same pattern as in the donor fish. Moreover, these fish were diploid, fertile and capable of passing the marker gene to the next generation in Mendelian fashion. We hesitate to call these fish 'clones' because we used non-enucleated eggs as recipients; in effect, they may be chimeras consisting of cells derived from diploid recipient nuclei and donor nuclei. In either case, fish adult somatic cell nuclei were reprogrammed to pluripotency and differentiated into a variety of cell types including germ cells via the use of diploidized recipient eggs.  相似文献   

The ethical issues and public concerns regarding the use of embryonic stem (ES) cells in human therapy have motivated considerable research into the generation of pluripotent stem cell lines from non-embryonic sources. Numerous reports have shown that pluripotent cells can be generated and derived from germline stem cells (GSCs) in mouse and human testes during in vitro cultivation. The gene expression patterns of these cells are similar to those of ES cells and show the typical self-renewal and differentiation patterns of pluripotent cells in vivo and in vitro. However, the mechanisms underlying the spontaneous dedifferentiation of GSCs remain to be elucidated. Studies to identify master regulators in this reprogramming process are of critical importance for understanding the gene regulatory networks that sustain the cellular status of these cells. The results of such studies would provide a theoretical background for the practical use of these cells in regenerative medicine. Such studies would also help elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying certain diseases, such as testicular germ cell tumors.  相似文献   

The medaka, Oryzias latipes, like other fish, have two distinct aromatase genes, the ovarian (cyp19a1) and brain (cyp19a2) forms. We previously reported that Ad4BP/SF-1, a member of the NR5A subfamily, plays an important role in the regulation of cyp19a1 expression in medaka ovarian follicles during vitellogenesis. In the present study, we investigated whether liver receptor homologue-1 (LRH-1), another NR5A subfamily member, is involved in the regulation of cyp19a2 expression in the medaka brain. In situ hybridization analysis revealed that LRH-1 was expressed in the hypothalamus, where it colocalized with aromatase (cyp19a2). We then showed by transient transfection assays that LRH-1 was able to increase expression of a cyp19a2 reporter gene in various mammalian cell lines, and that mutation of a putative LRH-1 binding site within the cyp19a2 promoter abolished this effect. Taken together, these findings suggest that LRH-1 plays a role in regulating cyp19a2 expression in the medaka brain. This is the first to demonstrate in vitro the activation of brain aromatase by LRH-1 in the vertebrate brain.  相似文献   

MAM domain containing glycosilphosphatidilinositol anchor 1 (MDGA1) is an IgCAM protein present in many vertebrate species including humans. In mammals, MDGA1 is expressed by a subset of neurons in the developing brain and thought to function in neural cell migration. We identified a fish ortholog of mdga1 by a gene‐trap screen utilizing the Frog Prince transposon in medaka (Japanese killifish, Oryzias latipes). The gene‐trap vector was inserted into an intronic region of mdga1 to form a chimeric protein with green fluorescent protein, allowing us to monitor mdga1 expression in vivo. Expression of medaka mdga1 was seen in various types of embryonic brain neurons, and specifically in neurons migrating toward their target sites, supporting the proposed function of MDGA1. We also isolated the closely related mdga2 gene, whose expression partially overlapped with that of mdga1. Despite the fact that the gene‐trap event eliminated most of the functional domains of the Mdga1 protein, homozygous embryos developed normally without any morphological abnormality, suggesting a functional redundancy of Mdga1 with other related proteins. High sequential homology of MDGA proteins between medaka and other vertebrate species suggests an essential role of the MDGA gene family in brain development among the vertebrate phylum. genesis 47:505–513, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the estrogenic effect of the phytoestrogen genistein on several measures of endocrine function in adult Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) relative to 17-beta-estradiol. Adult animals of both sexes were exposed to 75, 750 and 30,000 ng/fish (average fish weight equals 0.26 g) of genistein by i.p. injection, with a positive control group treated with 300 ng/fish of 17-beta-estradiol, while a negative control group received a vehicle-only (corn oil) injection. Content of vitellogenin, the yolk glycoprotein made in the liver in response to estradiol stimulation, was measured using Western blots. Circulating estradiol and testosterone levels were measured using a steroid-enzyme immunosorbant assay. The ability of ovaries and testes to synthesize and release estradiol and testosterone was determined by ex vivo incubation of gonads with 25-hydroxycholesterol. Vitellogenin, while induced by 17-beta-estradiol, was not increased in the liver of individuals treated with genistein. In females, genistein treatment at 750 and 30,000 ng increased the estradiol production of ovaries more than the 17-beta-estradiol treatment. In males, genistein treatment resulted in decreased testosterone production from ex vivo testis and a comparable reduction in circulating testosterone level. The changes in vitellogenin, circulating steroids and ex vivo steroidogenesis in medaka in response to genistein are similar to that of 17-beta-estradiol. However, some endpoints are more sensitive to estradiol treatment (vitellogenin), while others are more sensitive to genistein (male testosterone and ovarian estrogenesis).  相似文献   

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