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Why some lineages have diversified into larger numbers of species than others is a fundamental but still relatively poorly understood aspect of the evolutionary process. Coevolution has been recognized as a potentially important engine of speciation, but has rarely been tested in a comparative framework. We use a comparative approach based on a complete phylogeny of all living cuckoos to test whether parasite–host coevolution is associated with patterns of cuckoo species richness. There are no clear differences between parental and parasitic cuckoos in the number of species per genus. However, a cladogenesis test shows that brood parasitism is associated with both significantly higher speciation and extinction rates. Furthermore, subspecies diversification rate estimates were over twice as high in parasitic cuckoos as in parental cuckoos. Among parasitic cuckoos, there is marked variation in the severity of the detrimental effects on host fitness; chicks of some cuckoo species are raised alongside the young of the host and others are more virulent, with the cuckoo chick ejecting or killing the eggs/young of the host. We show that cuckoos with a more virulent parasitic strategy have more recognized subspecies. In addition, cuckoo species with more recognized subspecies have more hosts. These results hold after controlling for confounding geographical effects such as range size and isolation in archipelagos. Although the power of our analyses is limited by the fact that brood parasitism evolved independently only three times in cuckoos, our results suggest that coevolutionary arms races with hosts have contributed to higher speciation and extinction rates in parasitic cuckoos.  相似文献   

Brood parasitic birds, their foster species and their ectoparasites form a complex coevolving system composed of three hierarchical levels. However, effects of hosts’ brood parasitic life‐style on the evolution of their louse (Phthiraptera: Amblycera, Ischnocera) lineages have never been tested. We present two phylogenetic analyses of ectoparasite richness of brood parasitic clades. Our hypothesis was that brood parasitic life‐style affects louse richness negatively across all avian clades due to the lack of vertical transmission routes. Then, narrowing our scope to brood parasitic cuckoos, we explored macroevolutionary factors responsible for the variability of their louse richness. Our results show that taxonomic richness of lice is lower on brood parasitic clades than on their nonparasitic sister clades. However, we found a positive covariation between the richness of cuckoos’ Ischnoceran lice and the number of their foster species, possibly due to the complex and dynamic subpopulation structure of cuckoo species that utilize several host species. We documented diversity interactions across a three‐level host parasite system and we found evidence that brood parasitism has opposing effects on louse richness at two slightly differing macroevolutionary scales, namely the species richness and the genera richness.  相似文献   

Cuckoo–hawk mimicry? An experimental test   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The similarity between many Old World parasitic cuckoos (Cuculinae) and Accipiter hawks, in size, shape and plumage, has been noted since ancient times. In particular, hawk-like underpart barring is more prevalent in parasitic than in non-parasitic cuckoos. Cuckoo-hawk resemblance may reflect convergent evolution of cryptic plumage that reduces detection by hosts and prey, or evolved mimicry of hawks by parasitic cuckoos, either for protection against hawk attacks or to facilitate brood parasitism by influencing host behaviour. Here, we provide the first evidence that some small birds respond to common cuckoos Cuculus canorus as if they were sparrowhawks Accipiter nisus. Great tits and blue tits were equally alarmed and reduced attendance at feeders during and after the presentation of mounted specimens of common cuckoos and sparrowhawks, but not in response to control presentations of collared doves or teal. Plumage manipulations revealed that the strong alarm response to cuckoos depended on their resemblance to hawks; cuckoos with barred underparts were treated like hawks, while those with unbarred underparts were treated like doves. However, barring was not the only feature inducing alarm because tits showed similarly strong alarm to barred and unbarred hawks, and little alarm to barred doves. These responses of tits, unsuitable as hosts and hence with no history of cuckoo parasitism, suggest that naive small birds can mistake cuckoos for hawks. Thus, any cuckoo-hawk discrimination by host species is likely to be an evolved response to brood parasitism.  相似文献   

Many bird species can reject foreign eggs from their nests. This behaviour is thought to have evolved in response to brood parasites, birds that lay their eggs in the nest of other species. However, not all hosts of brood parasites evict parasitic eggs. In this study, we collate data from egg rejection experiments on 198 species, and perform comparative analyses to understand the conditions under which egg rejection evolves. We found evidence, we believe for the first time in a large-scale comparative analysis, that (i) non-current host species have rejection rates as high as current hosts, (ii) egg rejection is more likely to evolve when the parasite is relatively large compared with its host and (iii) egg rejection is more likely to evolve when the parasite chick evicts all the host eggs from the nest, such as in cuckoos. Our results suggest that the interactions between brood parasites and their hosts have driven the evolution of egg rejection and that variation in the costs inflicted by parasites is fundamental to explaining why only some host species evolve egg rejection.  相似文献   

How do potential hosts escape detrimental interactions with brood parasites? Current consensus is that hole‐nesting and granivorous birds avoid brood parasites, like common cuckoos Cuculus canorus, by their inaccessible nest‐sites and food unsuitable for parasites, respectively. Any open‐nesting insectivorous hosts are believed to remain open to brood parasite exploitation which leads to the evolution of costly host defences like egg or chick discrimination. In contrast to this coevolutionary scenario, we show for the first time that a previously not studied but seemingly suitable host species escapes brood parasites. The Asian verditer flycatcher Eumyias thalassinus, feed newly hatched chicks entirely with beetles and grasshoppers. These are poor quality and hard to digest diet items that are rarely fed to own or cuckoo chicks by regular hosts. Indeed, chick cross‐fostering experiments showed that these food items remained undigested by either cuckoos or other sympatric passerines causing them to die quickly. Egg discrimination experiments showed that the flycatcher accepts any foreign eggs. Although most but not all other potential explanations can be safely excluded at present, the most parsimonious historical explanation for these patterns is that the flycatcher exploits a trophic niche that no other sympatric bird can exploit, and that any cuckoo lineages that switch from their original hosts to the flycatcher have no possibilities for establishing viable populations. Thus, the current classification of host suitability based on diet composition may need revision, raising an important cautionary tale for comparative studies and the interpretation of apparent host rejection of parasitic chicks.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is ubiquitous in animals and can result from selection pressure on one or both sexes. Sexual selection has become the predominant explanation for the evolution of sexual dimorphism, with strong selection on size-related mating success in males being the most common situation. The cuckoos (family Cuculidae) provide an exceptional case in which both sexes of many species are freed from the burden of parental care but where coevolution between parasitic cuckoos and their hosts also results in intense selection. Here, we show that size and plumage differences between the sexes in parasitic cuckoos are more likely the result of coevolution than sexual selection. While both sexes changed in size as brood parasitism evolved, we find no evidence for selection on males to become larger. Rather, our analysis indicates stronger selection on parasitic females to become smaller, resulting in a shift from dimorphism with larger females in cuckoos with parental care to dimorphism with larger males in parasitic species. In addition, the evolution of brood parasitism was associated with more cryptic plumage in both sexes, but especially in females, a result that contrasts with the strong plumage dimorphism seen in some other parasitic birds. Examination of the three independent origins of brood parasitism suggests that different parasitic cuckoo lineages followed divergent evolutionary pathways to successful brood parasitism. These results argue for the powerful role of parasite-host coevolution in shaping cuckoo life histories in general and sexual dimorphism in particular.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic perspectives on avian brood parasitism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Advances in molecular genetic techniques have provided new approachesfor addressing evolutionary questions about brood parasiticbirds. We review recent studies that apply genetic data to thesystematics, population biology, and social systems of avianbrood parasites and suggest directions for future research.Recent molecular systematics studies indicate that obligatebrood parasitism has evolved independently in seven differentavian lineages, a tally that has increased by one in cuckoos(Cuculiformes) and decreased by one in passeriforms (Passeriformes)as compared to conventional taxonomy. Genetic parentage analysessuggest that brood parasitic birds are less promiscuous thanmight be expected given their lack of nesting and parental carebehavior. Host-specificity in brood parasites, which has importantimplications for host-parasite coevolution, has been evaluatedusing both population genetic and parentage analyses. Femalelineages are faithful to particular host species over evolutionarilysignificant time scales in both common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus)and indigobirds (Vidua spp.), but differences in the host-specificityof male parasites has resulted in different patterns of diversificationin these two lineages. Future research on brood parasitism willbenefit from the availability of comprehensive molecular phylogeniesfor brood parasites and their hosts and from advances in functionalgenomics.  相似文献   

A fundamental question in biology is how diversity evolves and why some clades are more diverse than others. Phenotypic diversity has often been shown to result from morphological adaptation to different habitats. The role of behavioral interactions as a driver of broadscale phenotypic diversity has received comparatively less attention. Behavioral interactions, however, are a key agent of natural selection. Antagonistic behavioral interactions with predators or with parasites can have significant fitness consequences, and hence act as strong evolutionary forces on the phenotype of species, ultimately generating diversity between species of both victims and exploiters. Avian obligate brood parasites lay their eggs in the nests of other species, their hosts, and this behavioral interaction between hosts and parasites is often considered one of the best examples of coevolution in the natural world. In this review, we use the coevolution between brood parasites and their hosts to illustrate the potential of behavioral interactions to drive evolution of phenotypic diversity at different taxonomic scales. We provide a bridge between behavioral ecology and macroevolution by describing how this interaction has increased avian phenotypic diversity not only in the brood parasitic clades but also in their hosts.  相似文献   

In coevolutionary arms-races, reciprocal ecological interactions and their fitness impacts shape the course of phenotypic evolution. The classic example of avian host–brood parasite interactions selects for host recognition and rejection of increasingly mimetic foreign eggs. An essential component of perceptual mimicry is that parasitic eggs escape detection by host sensory systems, yet there is no direct evidence that the avian visual system covaries with parasitic egg recognition or mimicry. Here, we used eye size measurements collected from preserved museum specimens as a metric of the avian visual system for species involved in host–brood parasite interactions. We discovered that (i) hosts had smaller eyes compared with non-hosts, (ii) parasites had larger eyes compared with hosts before but not after phylogenetic corrections, perhaps owing to the limited number of independent evolutionary origins of obligate brood parasitism, (iii) egg rejection in hosts with non-mimetic parasitic eggs positively correlated with eye size, and (iv) eye size was positively associated with increased avian-perceived host–parasite eggshell similarity. These results imply that both host-use by parasites and anti-parasitic responses by hosts covary with a metric of the visual system across relevant bird species, providing comparative evidence for coevolutionary patterns of host and brood parasite sensory systems.  相似文献   

Brood parasitic birds impose variable fitness costs upon their hosts by causing the partial or complete loss of the hosts' own brood. Growing evidence from multiple avian host-parasite taxa indicates that exposure of individual hosts to parasitism is not necessarily random and varies with habitat use, nest-site selection, age or other phenotypic attributes. For instance, nonrandom patterns of brood parasitism had similar evolutionary consequences to those of limited horizontal transmission of parasites and pathogens across space and time and altered the dynamics of both population productivity and co-evolutionary interactions of hosts and parasites. We report that brood parasitism status of hosts of brown-headed cowbirds Molothrus ater is also transmitted across generations in individually colour-banded female prothonotary warblers Protonotaria citrea. Warbler daughters were more likely to share their mothers' parasitism status when showing natal philopatry at the scale of habitat patch. Females never bred in their natal nestboxes but daughters of parasitized mothers had shorter natal dispersal distances than daughters of nonparasitized mothers. Daughters of parasitized mothers were more likely to use nestboxes that had been parasitized by cowbirds in both the previous and current years. Although difficult to document in avian systems, different propensities of vertical transmission of parasitism status within host lineages will have critical implications both for the evolution of parasite tolerance in hosts and, if found to be mediated by lineages of parasites themselves, for the difference in virulence between such extremes as the nestmate-tolerant and nestmate-eliminator strategies of different avian brood parasite species.  相似文献   

Interactions between parasitic cuckoos and their songbird hosts form a classical reciprocal “arms race,” and are an excellent model for understanding the process of coevolution. Changes in host egg coloration via the evolution of interclutch variation in egg color or intraclutch consistency in egg color are hypothesized counter adaptations that facilitate egg recognition and thus limit brood parasitism. Whether these antiparasitism strategies are maintained when the selective pressure of parasitism is relaxed remains debated. However, introduced species provide unique opportunities for testing the direction and extent of natural selection on phenotypic trait maintenance and variation. Here, we investigated egg rejection behavior and egg color polymorphism in the red‐billed leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea), a common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) host, in a population introduced to Hawaii 100 years ago (breeding without cuckoos) and a native population in China (breeding with cuckoos). We found that egg rejection ability was equally strong in both the native and the introduced populations, but levels of interclutch variation and intraclutch consistency in egg color in the native population were higher than in the introduced population. This suggests that egg rejection behavior in hosts can be maintained in the absence of brood parasitism and that egg appearance is maintained by natural selection as a counter adaptation to brood parasitism. This study provides rare evidence that host antiparasitism strategies can change under parasite‐relaxed conditions and reduced selection pressure.  相似文献   

Although egg color polymorphism has evolved as an effective defensive adaptation to brood parasitism, spatial variations in egg color polymorphism remain poorly characterized. Here, we investigated egg polymorphism in 647 host species (68 families and 231 genera) parasitized by 41 species of Old Word cuckoos (1 family and 11 genera) across Asia, Europe, Africa, and Australia. The diversity of parasitic cuckoos differs among continents, reflecting the continent-specific intensities of parasitic selection pressure on hosts. Therefore, host egg polymorphism is expected to evolve more frequently on continents with higher cuckoo diversity. We identified egg polymorphism in 24.1% of all host species and 47.6% of all host families. The common cuckoo Cuculus canorus utilized 184 hosts (28.4% of all host species). Hosts of the common cuckoo and of Chrysococcyx species were more likely to have polymorphic eggs than hosts parasitized by other cuckoos. Both the number of host species and the host families targeted by the cuckoo species were positively correlated with the frequency of host egg polymorphism. Most host species and most hosts exhibiting egg color polymorphism were located in Asia and Africa. Host egg polymorphism was observed less frequently in Australia and Europe. Our results also suggested that egg polymorphism tends to occur more frequently in hosts that are utilized by several cuckoo species or by generalist cuckoo species. We suggest that selection pressure on hosts from a given continent increases proportionally to the number of cuckoo species, and that this selection pressure may, in turn, favor the evolution of host egg polymorphism.  相似文献   

We present a model to investigate why some bird species rearthe nestlings of brood parasites in spite of suffering largereductions in their own immediate fitness. Of particular interestis the case in which hosts rear only the parasite's young, allof their own offspring having been ejected or destroyed by theparasite. We investigate the conditions for the evolution ofretaliation by brood parasites against hosts that eject theiryoung, as well as the evolution of nonejection by hosts. Retaliationby cuckoos can evolve, despite potentially benefiting otherbrood parasites, if rates of ejection by hosts are neither toohigh nor too low, and if depredated nests are reparasitizedat a high rate by the depredating cuckoo. The presence of aretaliatory cuckoo then eases the conditions for the evolutionof hosts to accept and rear cuckoo offspring. A key conditionfavoring the evolution of non-ejection is that nonejectors enjoylower rates of parasitism in later clutches compared to ejectors.This requires that cuckoos reparasitize the clutches of ejectorsat relatively high rates and that nonejectors can rear a clutchof their own following the rearing of a cuckoo nestling. Ifthese conditions are not met, it pays hosts to eject cuckoonestlings even if the cuckoo retaliates. The model can explainwhy nonejection is relatively easy to evolve in cases in whichthe host young are reared alongside those of the cuckoo, suchas in cowbirds, and shows how hosts can resist invasion by parasiticcuckoos. The model predicts that retaliatory brood parasitessuch as the cuckoo have good memory for the location and statusof nests in their territory. Hosts of retaliatory cuckoos whosenestlings destroy the host clutch are predicted to have longbreeding seasons or the ability to attempt more than one clutchper season. Our model of retaliation may have wider applicationsto host-parasite relationships, virulence, and immunity.  相似文献   

The evolution of brood parasitism should affect adult phenotypic traits due to sexual selection as well as the parasite–host interactions, although it is rarely focused on. Sexual selection theory predicts extravagant secondary sexual characteristics in brood parasites whereas immature‐like modest sexual characteristics in parental species. This is because juvenile‐like immature traits can attract mates by exploiting parental care for young (i.e. attraction to young), and because the good parent process, which favours traits that signal parental care ability, would constrain the evolution of costly secondary sexual characteristics due to evolutionary trade‐offs between parental investment and sexually selected traits. Using a phylogenetic comparative approach, we studied plumage and bare‐part characteristics of adults in relation to brood parasitism in cuckoos (family Cuculidae), in which brood parasitism together with loss of parental care has evolved three times. As predicted, we found that nonparasitic cuckoos had plumage more similar to the juveniles than did brood parasitic cuckoos. Furthermore, nonparasitic cuckoos had a higher probability of having additional bare skin, that is a seemingly less costly, hatchling‐like trait, than did brood parasitic cuckoos. This finding further supports the link between parental care and sexual selection, although the influence of a parasite–host interaction cannot be excluded. The analysis of evolutionary pathways suggested interdependent evolution of additional bare skin and brood parasitism. Brood parasitism together with the loss of parental care may prevent the maintenance of a modest phenotype similar to the young, and vice versa in some cases.  相似文献   

Coevolutionary interactions between avian brood parasites and their hosts often lead to the evolution of discrimination and rejection of parasite eggs or chicks by hosts based on visual cues, and the evolution of visual mimicry of host eggs or chicks by brood parasites. Hosts may also base rejection of brood parasite nestlings on vocal cues, which would in turn select for mimicry of host begging calls in brood parasite chicks. In cuckoos that exploit multiple hosts with different begging calls, call structure may be plastic, allowing nestlings to modify their calls to match those of their various hosts, or fixed, in which case we would predict either imperfect mimicry or divergence of the species into host-specific lineages. In our study of the little bronze-cuckoo (LBC) Chalcites minutillus and its primary host, the large-billed gerygone Gerygone magnirostris, we tested whether: (1) hosts use nestling vocalizations as a cue to discriminate cuckoo chicks; (2) cuckoo nestlings mimic the host begging calls throughout the nestling period; and (3) the cuckoo begging calls are plastic, thereby facilitating mimicry of the calls of different hosts. We found that the begging calls of LBCs are most similar to their gerygone hosts shortly after hatching (when rejection by hosts typically occurs) but become less similar as cuckoo chicks get older. Begging call structure may be used as a cue for rejection by hosts, and these results are consistent with gerygone defenses selecting for age-specific vocal mimicry in cuckoo chicks. We found no evidence that LBC begging calls were plastic.  相似文献   

Brood parasitic birds offer a unique opportunity to examine the ecological and evolutionary determinants of host associations in avian feather lice (Phthiraptera). Brood parasitic behaviour effectively eliminates vertical transfer of lice between parasitic parents and offspring at the nest, while at the same time providing an opportunity for lice associated with the hosts of brood parasites to colonize the brood parasites as well. Thus, the biology of brood parasitism allows a test of the relative roles of host specialization and dispersal ecology in determining the host-parasite associations of birds and lice. If the opportunity for dispersal is the primary determinant of louse distributions, then brood parasites and their hosts should have similar louse faunas. In contrast, if host-specific adaptations limit colonization ability, lice associated with the hosts of brood parasites may be unable to persist on the brood parasites despite having an opportunity for colonization. We surveyed lice on four brood parasitic finch species (genus Vidua), their estrildid finch host species, and a few ploceid finches. While Brueelia lice were found on both parasitic and estrildid finches, a molecular phylogeny showed that lice infesting the two avian groups belong to two distinct clades within Brueelia. Likewise, distinct louse lineages within the amblyceran genus Myrsidea were found on estrildid finches and the parasitic pin-tailed whydah (Vidua macroura), respectively. Although common on estrildid finches, Myrsidea lice were entirely absent from the brood parasitic indigobirds. The distribution and relationships of louse species on brood parasitic finches and their hosts suggest that host-specific adaptations constrain the ability of lice to colonize new hosts, at least those that are distantly related.  相似文献   

Why should the hosts of brood parasites accept and raise parasitic offspring that differ dramatically in appearance from their own? There are two solutions to this evolutionary enigma. (1) Hosts may not yet have evolved the capability to discriminate against the parasite, or (2) parasite-host systems have reached an evolutionary equilibrium. Avian brood parasites may either gain renesting opportunities or force their hosts to raise parasitic offspring by destroying or preying upon host eggs or nestlings following host ejection of parasite offspring. These hypotheses may explain why hosts do not remove parasite offspring because only then will hosts avoid clutch destruction by the cuckoo. Here we show experimentally that if the egg of the parasitic great spotted cuckoo Clamator glandarius is removed from nests of its magpie Pica pica host, nests suffer significantly higher predation rates than control nests in which parasite eggs have not been removed. Using plasticine model eggs resembling those of magpies and observations of parasites, we also confirm that great spotted cuckoos that have laid an ejected egg are indeed responsible for destruction of magpie nests with experimentally ejected parasite eggs. Cuckoos benefit from destroying host offspring because they thereby induce some magpies to renest and subsequently accept a cuckoo egg.  相似文献   

Robust phylogenies for brood-parasitic birds, their hosts, and nearest nesting relatives provide the framework to address historical questions about host-parasite coevolution and the origins of parasitic behavior. We tested phylogenetic hypotheses for the two genera of African brood-parasitic finches, Anomalospiza and Vidua, using mitochondrial DNA sequence data from 43 passeriform species. Our analyses strongly support a sister relationship between Vidua and Anomalospiza, leading to the conclusion that obligate brood parasitism evolved only once in African finches rather than twice, as has been the conventional view. In addition, the parasitic finches (Viduidae) are not recently derived from either weavers (Ploceidae) or grassfinches (Estrildidae), but represent a third distinct lineage. Among these three groups, the parasitic finches and estrildids, which includes the hosts of all 19 Vidua species, are sister taxa in all analyses of our full dataset. Many characters shared by Vidua and estrildids, including elaborate mouth markings in nestlings, unusual begging behavior, and immaculate white eggs, can therefore be attributed to common ancestry rather than convergent evolution. The host-specificity of mouth mimicry in Vidua species, however, is clearly the product of subsequent host-parasite coevolution. The lineage leading to Anomalospiza switched to parasitizing more distantly related Old World warblers (Sylviidae) and subsequently lost these characteristics. Substantial sequence divergence between Vidua and Anomalospiza indicates that the origin of parasitic behavior in this clade is ancient (approximately 20 million years ago), a striking contrast to the recent radiation of extant Vidua. We suggest that the parasitic finch lineage has experienced repeated cycles of host colonization, speciation, and extinction through their long history as brood parasites and that extant Vidua species represent only the latest iterations of this process. This dynamic process may account for a significantly faster rate of DNA sequence evolution in parasitic finches as compared to estrildids and other passerines. Our study reduces by one the tally of avian lineages in which obligate brood parasitism has evolved and suggests an origin of parasitism that involved relatively closely related species likely to accept and provide appropriate care to parasitic young. Given the ancient origin of parasitism in African finches, ancestral estrildids must have been parasitized well before the diversification of extant Vidua, suggesting a long history of coevolution between these lineages preceding more recent interactions between specific hosts and parasites.  相似文献   

The evolution of brood parasitism has long attracted considerable attention among behavioural ecologists, especially in the common cuckoo system. Common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) are obligatory brood parasites, laying eggs in nests of passerines and specializing on specific host species. Specialized races of cuckoos are genetically distinct. Often in a given area, cuckoos encounter multiple hosts showing substantial variation in egg morphology. Exploiting different hosts should lead to egg-phenotype specialization in cuckoos to match egg phenotypes of the hosts. Here we test this assumption using a wild population of two sympatrically occurring host species: the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) and reed warbler (A. scirpaceus). Using colour spectrophotometry, egg shell dynamometry and egg size measurements, we studied egg morphologies of cuckoos parasitizing these two hosts. In spite of observing clear differences between host egg phenotypes, we found no clear differences in cuckoo egg morphologies. Interestingly, although chromatically cuckoo eggs were more similar to reed warbler eggs, after taking into account achromatic differences, cuckoo eggs seemed to be equally similar to both host species. We hypothesize that such pattern may represent an initial stage of an averaging strategy of cuckoos, that – instead of specializing for specific hosts or exploiting only one host – adapt to multiple hosts.  相似文献   

Brood parasites dramatically reduce the reproductive successof their hosts, which therefore have developed defenses againstbrood parasites. The first line of defense is protecting thenest against adult parasites. When the parasite has successfullyparasitized a host nest, some hosts are able to recognize andreject the eggs of the brood parasite, which constitutes the secondline of defense. Both defense tactics are costly and would be counteractedby brood parasites. While a failure in nest defense implies successfulparasitism and therefore great reduction of reproductive successof hosts, a host that recognizes parasitic eggs has the opportunityto reduce the effect of parasitism by removing the parasiticegg. We hypothesized that, when nest defense is counteractedby the brood parasite, hosts that recognize cuckoo eggs shoulddefend their nests at a lower level than nonrecognizers becausethe former also recognize adult cuckoos. Magpie (Pica pica) hoststhat rejected model eggs of the brood parasitic great spottedcuckoo (Clamator glandarius) showed lower levels of nest defensewhen exposed to a great spotted cuckoo than when exposed toa nest predator (a carrion crow Corvus corone). Moreover, magpiesrejecting cuckoo eggs showed lower levels of nest defense againstgreat spotted cuckoos than nonrecognizer magpies, whereas differencesin levels of defense disappeared when exposed to a carrion crow.These results suggest that hosts specialize in antiparasitedefense and that different kinds of defense are antagonistically expressed.We suggest that nest-defense mechanisms are ancestral, whereasegg recognition and rejection is a subsequent stage in the coevolutionaryprocess. However, host recognition ability will not be expressedwhen brood parasites break this second line of defense.  相似文献   

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