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Blastocystis is a common enteric protist that inhabits the gastrointestinal tract of approximately 1 billion people worldwide. In this study, a total of 1,070 patients from two hospitals in Zhengzhou, Central China were enrolled to know molecular characteristics of Blastocystis sp. The microorganism was identified and subtyped with a PCR amplification and sequencing of the small subunit ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (SSU-rDNA). The overall minimum prevalence of Blastocystis sp. in participants was 3.1% (33/1070). Although there were no significant differences on Blastocystis sp. infections among study sites, age groups, and gender, the higher infection was observed in the patients with gastrointestinal diseases (8.8%, 15/170). Sequence analysis of the 33 isolates revealed three known subtypes, such as ST1 (n = 7), ST3 (n = 23), and ST7 (n = 3). Among them, ST3 was the dominant subtype being detected in 23 isolates (69.7%), followed by ST1 (21.2%, 7/33) and ST7 (9.1%, 3/33). The phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that three subtypes (ST1, ST3 and ST7) were clustered with their reference sequences with good bootstrap support. The subtype determination of Blastocystis sp. isolates by the phylogenetic analysis was well supported by online platform. The present study provides the first molecular report of Blastocystis sp. infections in hospital patients in Central China.  相似文献   

The Wanggu tribe, which contributed significantly to the foundation of the Yuan Dynasty, was one of the groups living on the Mongolian steppes during the Jin-Yuan period (AD 1127-1368) of Chinese history. However, there has been both archaeological and historical dispute regarding the origin of the ancient tribe. Recently, we discovered human remains of the Wanggu tribe in the Chengbozi cemetery in the Siziwang Banner of Inner Mongolia, China. To investigate the genetic structure of the Wanggu tribe and to trace the origins of the tribe at a molecular level, we analyzed the control-region sequences and coding regions of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from the remains by direct sequencing and restriction-fragment length polymorphism analysis. In combination with mtDNA data of 15 extant Eurasian populations, we performed phylogenetic analysis and multidimensional scaling analysis. Our results show that the genetic structure of the Wanggu tribe in the Jin-Yuan period is a complex matriline, containing admixture from both Asian and European populations. In addition, we reveal that on the basis of mtDNA data, the ancient tribe may share a recent common ancestor with the Turkic-speaking Uzbeks and Uighurs.  相似文献   

Anaplasma species are obligate intracellular rickettsial pathogens that impact the health of humans and animals. Few studies have been carried out on Anaplasma infections in central and southern China. This study was conducted to determine the coinfection rates of Anaplasma ovis, A. bovis, and A. phagocytophilum from 262 field blood samples of goats in these regions. The average prevalences of single infection of A. ovis, A. bovis, and A. phagocytophilum were 15.3, 16.0, and 6.1%, respectively. Coinfection of A. ovis and A. bovis was dominant, with an infection rate of 27.1%. Coinfection of A. ovis and A. phagocytophilum was 1.9% and that of A. bovis and A. phagocytophilum was 4.2%. Three-pathogen coinfection was found in three of four investigated provinces with a prevalence between 0 and 5.3%. The accuracy of the PCR results was corroborated by sequencing. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences of A. bovis and A. phagocytophilum confirmed the presence of these pathogens at the investigated sites and indicated the possible genetic diversity of A. phagocytophilum. Field blood inoculation of experimental animals led to successful identification and observation of the morphological shapes of A. bovis in the infected monocytes of sheep. Phylogenetic study with msp4 sequences of A. ovis indicated that the A. ovis genotypes from sheep in the north differed from the genotypes of goats in the investigated sites.  相似文献   

报道了内蒙古1个新分布记录属:粟草属(Milium L.);2个新分布记录种:翅柄车前(Plantago komaroviiPavl.)和粟草(Milium effusum L.)。  相似文献   

Three novel isolates of haloalkaliphilic archaea, strains IHC-005T, IHC-010, and N-1311T, from soda lakes in Inner Mongolia, China, were characterized to elucidate their taxonomic positions. The three strains were aerobic, Gram-negative chemoorganotrophs growing optimally at 37–45°C, pH 9.0–9.5, and 15–20% NaCl. Cells of strains IHC-005T/IHC-010 were motile rods, while those of strain N-1311T were non-motile pleomorphic flats or cocci. The three strains contained diphytanyl and phytanyl-sesterterpanyl diether derivatives of phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylglycerophosphate methyl ester. No glycolipids were detected. On phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences, they formed an independent cluster in the Natro group of the family Halobacteriaceae. Comparison of their morphological, physiological, and biochemical properties, DNA G+C content and 16S rRNA gene sequences, and DNA-DNA hybridization study support the view that strains IHC-005T/IHC-010 and strain N-1311T represent separate species. Therefore, we propose Natronolimnobius baerhuensis gen. nov., sp. nov. for strains IHC-005T (=CGMCC 1.3597T =JCM 12253T)/IHC-010 (=CGMCC 1.3598=JCM 12254) and Natronolimnobius innermongolicus sp. nov. for N-1311T (=CGMCC 1.2124T =JCM 12255T).  相似文献   

Scolecopteris libera n. sp. is established on partial three-dimensionally preserved materials containing both sterile and fertile fronds collected from the volcanic tuff at the top of the Taiyuan Formation at the Wuda Coalfield, Inner Mongolia, China. It is characterized by tripinnate fronds with rachises over 200 mm in diameter; and long lanceolate or falciform pinnules with thick veins. Pinnules are of the pecopterid-type, with those at the base of the ultimate pinnae usually divided into small lobes. Eight to twelve circular synangia are arranged in two rows along the midvein. Synangia are borne on a short pedicel attached to the middle of lateral veins. A synangium is composed of 7–10 fusiform exannulate sporangia with pointed apices. The sporangia are free among each other beyond the base of synangia. In situ microspores of the Cyclogranisporites leopoldii type differ from all other in situ Paleozoic marattialean spores.  相似文献   

The effects of age, sex, age of dam, year of production, herd, and type of birth on cashmere weight, fiber diameter, fiber length, body weight at birth, weaning and yearling in goats, were based on 12 years data from an Inner Mongolia Albas cashmere goat stock farm. The year of production had significant influence on cashmere weight, fiber diameter and length, and body weight of yearlings and adult goats. Year had no significant effect on weaning weight. In the yearling, males produced more cashmere and were heavier in body weights at birth, weaning and 1 year of age than the females. Adult males were significantly heavier than adult females in cashmere weight, fiber diameter and length, and body weight. In the yearling, age of dam had a significant effect on cashmere weight, fiber diameter and length, body weights at birth, weaning and 1 year of age. In the adult, age of dam also had a significant effect on fiber diameter and body weight. Dams aged 2–4 years produced offsprings with a higher cashmere production than those at older ages. In the yearling, type of birth had significant effects on body weight at birth, weaning and 1 year of age, and fiber length. The herd-within-year effects were significant for all traits studied whereas sex×year effects were significant for cashmere weight and body weights at birth, weaning and 1 year of age. These results indicate that the estimation of breeding value in a selection scheme for cashmere production would be more precise following adjustment for age structures, age of dam, sex, type of birth, herd and significant interactions.  相似文献   

分别采用rRNA基因内转录间隔区(ITS)和基因间隔区(IGS1)测序,ITS和IGS1区PCR限制性片段长度多态性分析(PCR-RFLP)和基因组DNA的随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)等方法,对三株因肯毛孢子菌Trichosporon inkin进行分子特征及种内分型研究。结果显示,不同菌株的rRNA基因ITS区和IGS1区的序列相似性均高达100%,RFLP酶切图谱具有较理想的种内一致性,而不同菌株的RAPD图谱不尽相同。研究表明:rRNA基因IGS1区测序及RFLP酶切可考虑用于因肯毛孢子菌的菌种分子鉴定,而基因组DNA的RAPD则较适合于菌种的种内分型。  相似文献   

The mtDNA hypervariable region I (HVR-I) of 10 ancient individuals from Dongzhou-period ancient human populations in Helingeer county of Inner Mongolia were amplified and sequenced to investigate the genetic structure. The relationships between the ancient population and related extant populations, as well as its possible origin at the molecular level, were also studied. Moreover, phylogenetic analysis and multi-dimensional scaling analysis were also performed based on the mtDNA data of the ancient population in Helingeer and the related Eurasian population. The results showed that the ancient population in Helingeer were closer to the northern Asian populations than to the other compared populations in matrilineal lineage. Combining the research results of archaeology and anthropology as well as molecular biology, we inferred that they were nomads who migrated from Mongolia plateau and cis-Baikal region to Helingeer in Inner Mongolia, China.  相似文献   

The mtDNA hypervariable region I (HVR-I) of 10 ancient individuals from Dongzhou-period ancient human populations in Helingeer county of Inner Mongolia were amplified and sequenced to investigate the genetic structure. The relationships between the ancient population and related extant populations, as well as its possible origin at the molecular level, were also studied. Moreover, phylogenetic analysis and multidimensional scaling analysis were also performed based on the mtDNA data of the ancient population in Helingeer and the related Eurasian population. The results showed that the ancient population in Helingeer were closer to the northern Asian populations than to the other compared populations in matrilineal lineage. Combining the research results of archaeology and anthropology as well as molecular biology, we inferred that they were nomads who migrated from Mongolia plateau and cis-Baikal region to Helingeer in Inner Mongolia, China. __________ Translated from Journal of Jilin University (Science Edition), 2006, 44 (5): 824–828 [译自: 吉林大学学报(理学版)]  相似文献   

Fourteen strains of catalase-positive, Gram-positive and coagulase-negative cocci that were sensitive to 20 micrograms/ml of furazolidone were isolated from goats and sheep. Two of the strains had glycerol with glucose teichoic acids whilst another possessed glycerol, glucose, glucosamine and acetylglucosamine teichoic acids. Six strains had peptidoglycan type L-Lys-Ala-Gly4 peculiar to Staphylococcus sciuri and Staph. lentus but other phenotypic characters were different from those of Staph. sciuri and Staph. lentus. The guanine plus cytosine (G + C) content of the DNA determined for three of the strains examined ranged from 32.9-34.6 mol %. The coagulase-positive staphylococcal strain of caprine origin examined had glycerol and glucosamine teichoic acids in addition to peptidoglycan type L-Lys-Gly5-6. The characteristics of the strains of staphylococci described herein are different from those already described in the literature.  相似文献   

The eyelids of goats in Kenya contained several, conspicuous white cysts which were up to 1.5 mm in size. By histological and electron microscopical studies it was confirmed that these cysts belong to the genus Besnoitia.  相似文献   

一个产木质素酶的嗜碱细菌新种   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从内蒙古盐碱湖分离到一株产木质素酶的嗜盐碱菌F10。其形态为杆状或短杆状 ,革兰氏染色阳性 ,最适生长pH为 9 5 ,最适生长温度为 37℃。通过生理生化特征、胞壁氨基酸成分、基于 16SrDNA序列的系统发育学分析和DNA DNA杂交同源性比较发现菌株F10是双芽孢杆菌 (Amphibacillus)属中一个与其它成员不同的新种 ,命名为好纪双芽孢杆菌Amphibacillushaojiensissp .nov .  相似文献   

A degoke , G.O. 1985. Characteristics of some unclassifiable strains of staphylococci isolated from goats and sheep. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 59 , 257–262.
Fourteen strains of catalase-positive, Gram-positive and coagulase-negative cocci that were sensitive to 20 μg/ml of furazolidone were isolated from goats and sheep. Two of the strains had glycerol with glucose teichoic acids whilst another possessed glycerol, glucose, glucosamine and acetylglucosamine teichoic acids. Six strains had peptidoglycan type L-Lys-Ala-Gly4 peculiar to Staphylococcus sciuri and Staph. lentus but other phenotypic characters were different from those of Staph. sciuri and Staph. lentus . The guanine plus cytosine (G + C) content of the DNA determined for three of the strains examined ranged from 32.9–34.6 mol %. The coagulase-positive staphylococcal strain of caprine origin examined had glycerol and glucosarnine teichoic acids in addition to peptidogylcan type L-Lys-Gly5–6. The characteristics of the strains of staphylococci described herein are different from those already described in the literature.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify and characterize 97 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates. Two conventional multiplex PCR assays, a real-time PCR assay and two PCR-based genotyping techniques including the spa - and hypervariable region (HVR)-typing methods were used to identify and characterize 97 MRSA strains isolated between April 2006 to September 2007 from the Steve Biko Academic Hospital. All MRSA isolates were positive for 16S rRNA gene, 99% were positive for the mec A gene and 4% positive for the Panton–Valentine leukocidin (PVL) gene. Staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCC mec ) typing showed 67% of isolates were SCC mec II [health-care-associated MRSA (HA-MRSA)], 14% were SCC mec III (HA-MRSA) and 4% were SCC mec IVd [community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA)]. These CA-MRSA isolates showed a prevalence of 100% for the PVL gene. Using spa typing, three distinct clusters could be identified while HVR typing revealed six different clusters. CA-MRSA isolates were clustered together using spa and HVR typing. This study showed the prevalence of the CA-MRSA strains, PVL genes, the SCC mec types and the clonality of the MRSA strains. The high prevalence of the PVL gene in CA-MRSA isolates already residing in intensive care units was alarming and indicated the emergence of new MRSA lineages with a particular fitness for community and hospital transmission.  相似文献   

从内蒙古高原及河套地区不同生境中,采集混合土样52份。分离获得51个暗色丝孢菌菌株,经鉴定分隶于18属27种。其中包括1个新种,贺兰山小镰孢Fusariella helanshanensis和1个中国新记录种,葫芦细基格孢Ulocladium cucurbitae。除新种具拉丁文特征集要和图示、对中国新记录种作简要描述和绘图外,25个国内已报道种附有分布和生境的引证。所有供研究标本(干制培养物)与活菌种,均保存于山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

Drought and shortages of soil water are becoming extremely severe due to global climate change. A better understanding of the relationship between vegetation type and soil-moisture conditions is crucial for conserving soil water in forests and for maintaining a favorable hydrological balance in semiarid areas, such as the Saihanwula National Nature Reserve in Inner Mongolia, China. We investigated the temporal dynamics of soil moisture in this reserve to a depth of 40 cm under three types of vegetation during a period of rainwater recharge. Rainwater from most rainfalls recharged the soil water poorly below 40 cm, and the rainfall threshold for increasing the moisture content of surface soil for the three vegetations was in the order: artificial Larix spp. (AL) > Quercus mongolica (QM) > unused grassland (UG). QM had the highest mean soil moisture content (21.13%) during the monitoring period, followed by UG (16.52%) and AL (14.55%); and the lowest coefficient of variation (CV 9.6-12.5%), followed by UG (CV 10.9-18.7%) and AL (CV 13.9-21.0%). QM soil had a higher nutrient content and higher soil porosities, which were likely responsible for the higher ability of this cover to retain soil water. The relatively smaller QM trees were able to maintain soil moisture better in the study area.  相似文献   

In addition to the new fragments of the Omo I skeleton, renewed fieldwork in the Kibish Formation along the lower reaches of the Omo River in southwestern Ethiopia has yielded new hominin finds from the Kibish Formation. The new finds include four heavily mineralized specimens: a partial left tibia and a fragment of a distal fibular diaphysis from Awoke's Hominid Site (AHS), a parietal fragment, and a portion of a juvenile occipital bone. The AHS tibia and fibula derive from Member I and are contemporaneous with Omo I and II. The other specimens derive from Chad's Hominid Site (CHS), and derive from either Member III or IV, which constrains their age between approximately 8.6 and approximately 104ka.  相似文献   

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