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Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) has been reported to induce apoptosis in various tumor cells but not in nontransformed, normal cells. Preclinical studies in mice and nonhuman primates have shown that administration of TRAIL can induce apoptosis in human tumors, but that no cytotoxicity to normal organs or tissues is found. The susceptibility of tumor cells to TRAIL and an apparent lack of activity in normal cells has lead to a proposal to use TRAIL in cancer therapy. Here, we assessed the sensitivity of hepatocytes from rat, mouse, rhesus monkey and human livers to TRAIL-induced apoptosis. TRAIL induced apoptosis in normal human hepatocytes in culture but not in hepatocytes isolated from the other species. Human hepatocytes showed characteristic features of apoptosis, including cytoplasmic shrinkage, the activation of caspases and DNA fragmentation. Apoptosis and cell death in human hepatocytes was massive and rapid, occurring in more than 60% of the cells exposed to TRAIL within 10 hours. These results indicate that there are species differences in sensitivity to TRAIL, and that substantial liver toxicity might result if TRAIL were used in human cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) induces apoptosis in various tumor cells in vitro, but its physiological role in tumor surveillance remains unknown. Here, we report that TRAIL is constitutively expressed on murine natural killer (NK) cells in the liver and plays a substantial role in suppressing tumor metastasis. Freshly isolated NK cells, but not natural killer T cells or ordinary T cells, from the liver expressed cell surface TRAIL, which was responsible for spontaneous cytotoxicity against TRAIL-sensitive tumor cells in vitro along with perforin and Fas ligand (FasL). Administration of neutralizing monoclonal antibody against TRAIL significantly increased experimental liver metastases of several TRAIL-sensitive tumor cell lines. Such an anti-metastatic effect of TRAIL was not observed in NK cell-depleted mice or interferon-gamma-deficient mice, the latter of which lacked TRAIL on liver NK cells. These findings provide the first evidence for the physiological function of TRAIL as a tumor suppressor.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) induces apoptosis in tumor but not normal cells, thus providing therapeutic possibilities for human cancers. However, it is not fully clear how widespread TRAIL receptors are, or how TRAIL signaling is modulated in normal cells. We characterized cell surface expression of TRAIL receptors in normal healthy donor peripheral blood and report that each of the TRAIL receptors are characteristically expressed on restricted cell populations. TRAIL-R1 is distinctively expressed on B-lymphocytes, TRAIL-R2 on monocytes, TRAIL-R3 on neutrophils and most impressively, CD8+ lymphocytes and NKT lymphocytes but not CD4+ lymphocytes express TRAIL-R4.  相似文献   

Hypoxia is a common environmental stress. Particularly, the center of rapidly growing solid tumors is easily exposed to hypoxic conditions. Thus, tumor cell response to hypoxia plays an important role in tumor progression as well as tumor therapy. However, little is known about hypoxic effect on apoptotic cell death. To examine the effects of hypoxia on TRAIL-induced apoptosis, human lung carcinoma A549 cells were exposed to hypoxia and treated with TRAIL protein. Hypoxia significantly protected A549 cells from apoptosis induced by TRAIL. Western blotting analysis demonstrated that hypoxia increased expression of antiapoptotic proteins such as Bcl-2, Bcl-XL, and IAP family members. The increase of these antiapoptotic molecules is believed to play an hypoxia-mediated protective role in TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Our findings suggest that an increase of antiapoptotic proteins induced by hypoxia may regulate the therapeutic activity of TRAIL protein in cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is a new member of the TNF superfamily. Here, a recombinant form of the extracellular domain of the TRAIL (sTRAIL) was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) under the control of a T7 promoter. The resulting insoluble bodies were separated from cellular debris by centrifugation and solubilized with 8 M urea. A rapid and simple on-column refolding procedure was developed. It was applied and then the refolded sTRAIL was purified by anion-exchange chromatography. The purified final product was >98% pure by SDS-PAGE stained with Coomassie brilliant blue R-250. Mass spectroscopic analysis indicated the protein to be 19.2 kDa, which equalled the theoretically expected mass. N-terminal sequencing of refolding sTRAIL showed the sequence which corresponded to the designed protein. The renatured protein displayed its immunoreactivity with the antibodies to TRAIL protein by Western blotting. The purified sTRAIL had a strong cytotoxic activity against human cervical cancer HeLa cells with ED50 about 1.5 mg/L. Circular dichroism and fluorescence spectrum analysis showed that the refolded sTRAIL had a structure similar to that of native protein with beta-sheet secondary structure. This efficient procedure of sTRAIL renaturation may be useful for the mass production of this therapeutically important protein.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is a potential anticancer agent that selectively induces apoptosis in a variety of cancer cells by interacting with death receptors DR4 and DR5. TRAIL can also bind to decoy receptors (DcR1, DcR2, and osteoprotegerin receptor) that cannot induce apoptosis. Different tumor types respond either to DR4 or to DR5 activation, and chemotherapeutic drugs can increase the expression of DR4 or DR5 in cancer cells. Thus, DR4 or DR5 receptor-specific TRAIL variants would permit new and tumor-selective therapies. Previous success in generating a DR5-selective TRAIL mutant using computer-assisted protein design prompted us to make a DR4-selective TRAIL variant. Technically, the design of DR4 receptor-selective TRAIL variants is considerably more challenging compared with DR5 receptor-selective variants, because of the lack of a crystal structure of the TRAIL-DR4 complex. A single amino acid substitution of Asp at residue position 218 of TRAIL to His or Tyr was predicted to have a favorable effect on DR4 binding specificity. Surface plasmon resonance-based receptor binding tests showed a lowered DR5 affinity in concert with increased DR4 specificity for the designed variants, D218H and D218Y. Binding to DcR1, DcR2, and osteoprotegerin was also decreased. Cell line assays confirmed that the variants could not induce apoptosis in DR5-responsive Jurkat and A2780 cells but were able to induce apoptosis in DR4-responsive EM-2 and ML-1 cells.  相似文献   

Carotenoids are compounds contained in foods and possess anticarcinogenic activity. Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is a promising candidate for cancer therapeutics due to its ability to induce apoptosis selectively in cancer cells. However, some tumors remain tolerant to TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Therefore, it is important to develop agents that overcome this resistance. We show, for the first time, that certain carotenoids sensitize cancer cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Combined treatment with halocynthiaxanthin, a dietary carotenoid contained in oysters and sea squirts, and TRAIL drastically induced apoptosis in colon cancer DLD-1 cells, whereas each agent alone only slightly induced apoptosis. The combination induced nuclear condensation and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage, which are major features of apoptosis. Various caspase inhibitors could attenuate the apoptosis induced by this combination. Furthermore, the dominant-negative form of a TRAIL receptor could block the apoptosis, suggesting that halocynthiaxanthin specifically facilitated the TRAIL signaling pathway. To examine the molecular mechanism of the synergistic effect of the combined treatment, we did an RNase protection assay. Halocynthiaxanthin markedly up-regulated a TRAIL receptor, death receptor 5 (DR5), among the death receptor-related genes, suggesting a possible mechanism for the combined effects. Moreover, we examined whether other carotenoids also possess the same effects. Peridinin, but not alloxanthin, diadinochrome, and pyrrhoxanthin, induced DR5 expression and sensitized DLD-1 cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis. These results indicate that the combination of certain carotenoids and TRAIL is a new strategy to overcome TRAIL resistance in cancer cells.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells and interferon- (IFN) gamma have been implicated in immune surveillance against tumor development. Here we show tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), which is a type II membrane protein belonging to the TNF family and plays a critical role in the NK cell-mediated and IFN-gamma-dependent suppression of subcutaneous growth of TRAIL-sensitive tumors. Administration of a neutralizing monoclonal antibody against TRAIL promoted outgrowth of subcutaneously inoculated TRAIL-sensitive tumors (L929, LB27.4, and Renca) but not TRAIL-resistant tumors (P815 and B16). Such a protective effect of TRAIL against TRAIL-sensitive tumors was abrogated in NK cell-depleted or IFN-gamma-deficient mice. These results suggested a substantial role of TRAIL as the effector molecule that eliminates subcutaneously developing TRAIL-sensitive tumors.  相似文献   

Tumour cells are often sensitized by interferons to the effects of tumour necrosis factor-alpha-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL). We have demonstrated previously that TRAIL has an inhibitory effect on protein synthesis [Jeffrey IW, Bushell M, Tilleray VJ, Morley S & Clemens MJ (2002) Cancer Res62, 2272-2280] and we have therefore examined the consequences of prior interferon-alpha treatment for the sensitivity of translation to inhibition by TRAIL. Interferon treatment alone has only a minor effect on protein synthesis but it sensitizes both MCF-7 cells and HeLa cells to the downregulation of translation by TRAIL. The inhibition of translation is characterized by increased phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor eIF2 and dephosphorylation of the eIF4E-binding protein 4E-BP1. Both of these effects, as well as the decrease in overall protein synthesis, require caspase-8 activity, although they precede overt apoptosis by several hours. Interferon-alpha enhances the level and/or the extent of activation of caspase-8 by TRAIL, thus providing a likely explanation for the sensitization of cells to the inhibition of translation.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - The tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand, TRAIL, an apoptosis-inducing cytokine, has attracted much attention in the treatment of cancer for its...  相似文献   

Employing fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) imaging, we previously demonstrated that effector caspase activation is often an all-or-none response independent of drug choice or dose administered. We here investigated the signaling dynamics during apoptosis initiation via the tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptor pathway to investigate how variability in drug exposure can be translated into largely kinetically invariant cell death execution pathways. FRET-based microscopy demonstrated dose-dependent responses of caspase-8 activation and activity within individual living HeLa cells. Caspase-8 on average was activated 45-600 min after TRAIL/cycloheximide addition. Caspase-8-like activities persisted for 15-60 min before eventually inducing mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization. Independent of the TRAIL concentrations used or the resulting caspase-8-like activities, mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization was induced when 10% of the FRET substrate was cleaved. In contrast, in Bid-depleted cells, caspase-8-like activity persisted for hours without causing immediate cell death. Our findings provide detailed insight into the intracellular signaling kinetics during apoptosis initiation and describe a threshold mechanism controlling the induction of apoptosis execution.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) induces apoptosis of various tumor cells but not normal cells. However, various cytokines and virus infection differentially regulate TRAIL and TRAIL receptor expression. It has been demonstrated that virus infection changes the pattern of human TRAIL-receptor expression on normal cells, which were resistant to TRAIL-mediated apoptosis, and makes them susceptible to TRAIL-mediated apoptosis. Since previous studies on the function of TRAIL have been performed mainly in vitro, its physiological role in the immune response to virus infection remains unknown. In the present study, we investigated the expression of TRAIL in the lungs of influenza virus-infected mice and the function of TRAIL in the immune response to infection. Influenza virus infection increased TRAIL mRNA expression in the lung. TRAIL protein expression was induced on NK cells in the lung 4 days after infection. At 7 days after infection, TRAIL protein expression was also detected on CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. However, NK cells and T cells in the lungs of uninfected mice did not express a detectable level of TRAIL on their cell surfaces. DR5, which is a mouse TRAIL receptor, was also induced to express after virus infection. Expression of both TRAIL and DR5 mRNAs was reduced to normal level at 6 weeks after virus infection. Administration of anti-TRAIL monoclonal antibody, which blocks TRAIL without killing TRAIL-expressing cells, to mice during influenza virus infection significantly delayed virus clearance in the lung. These results suggest that TRAIL plays an important role in the immune response to virus infection.  相似文献   

Aberrant promoter methylation and resultant silencing of TRAIL decoy receptors were reported in a variety of cancers, but to date little is known about the relevance of this epigenetic modification in melanoma. In this study, we examined the methylation and the expression status of TRAIL receptor genes in cutaneous and uveal melanoma cell lines and specimens and their interaction with DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) DNMT1, DNMT3a, and DNMT3b. DR4 and DR5 methylation was not frequent in cutaneous melanoma but on the contrary it was very frequent in uveal melanoma. No correlation between methylation status of DR4 and DR5 and gene expression was found. DcR1 and DcR2 were hypermethylated with very high frequency in both cutaneous and uveal melanoma. The concordance between methylation and loss of gene expression ranged from 91% to 97%. Here we showed that DNMT1 was crucial for DcR2 hypermethylation and that DNMT1 and DNMT3a coregulate the methylation status of DcR1. Our work also revealed the critical relevance of DcR1 and DcR2 expression in cell growth and apoptosis either in cutaneous or uveal melanoma. In conclusion, the results presented here claim for a relevant impact of aberrant methylation of decoy receptors in melanoma and allow to understand how the silencing of DcR1 and DcR2 is related to melanomagenesis.  相似文献   

Endothelial cell survival and antiapoptotic pathways, including those stimulated by extracellular matrix, are critical regulators of vasculogenesis, angiogenesis, endothelial repair, and shear-stress-induced endothelial activation. One of these pathways is mediated by alpha(v)beta(3) integrin ligation, downstream activation of nuclear factor-kappaB, and subsequent up-regulation of osteoprotegerin (OPG). In this study, the mechanism by which OPG protects endothelial cells from death was examined. Serum-starved human microvascular endothelial cells (HMECs) plated on the alpha(v)beta(3) ligand osteopontin were protected from cell death. Immunoprecipitation experiments indicated that OPG formed a complex with tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) in HMECs under these conditions. Furthermore, inhibitors of TRAIL, including recombinant soluble TRAIL receptors and a neutralizing antibody against TRAIL, blocked apoptosis of serum-starved HMECs plated on the nonintegrin attachment factor poly-d-lysine. Whereas TRAIL was unable to induce apoptosis in HMECs plated on osteopontin, the addition of recombinant TRAIL did increase the percentage of apoptotic HMECs plated on poly-d-lysine. This evidence indicates that OPG blocks endothelial cell apoptosis through binding TRAIL and preventing its interaction with death-inducing TRAIL-receptors  相似文献   

The death ligand, TRAIL (tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand), has shown great promise for inducing apoptosis selectively in tumors. Although many tumor cells are resistant to TRAIL-induced apoptosis alone, they can often be sensitized by co-treatment with DNA-damaging agents such as etoposide. However, the molecular mechanism underlying this therapeutically important synergy is unknown. We explored the mechanism mediating TRAIL-DNA damage apoptotic synergy in human mesothelioma cells, a tumor type particularly refractory to existing therapies. We show that Bid, a cytoplasmic Bcl-2 homology domain 3-containing protein activated by caspase 8 in response to TRAIL ligation, is essential for TRAIL-etoposide apo-ptotic synergy and, furthermore, that exposure to DNA damage primes cells to induction of apoptosis by otherwise sublethal levels of activated Bid. Finally, we show that the extensive caspase 8 cleavage seen during TRAIL-etoposide synergy is a consequence and not a cause of the apoptotic cascade activated downstream of Bid. These data indicate that TRAIL-etoposide apoptotic synergy arises because DNA damage increases the inherent sensitivity of cells to levels of TRAIL-activated Bid that would otherwise be insufficient for apoptosis. Such studies indicate how the adroit combination of differing proapoptotic and sublethal signals can provide an effective strategy for treating refractory tumors.  相似文献   

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