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The Buchta Nakhodka settlement is the only archaeological site in the northern part of Western Siberia that has been fully excavated. This well-preserved settlement on Russia’s Yamal Peninsula around 67° N and 72° E, however, has not yet been calendar dated, and the cultural identity of its inhabitants still remains unknown. Here we apply, for the first time, dendrochronological techniques to absolutely date 13 of the most important archaeological timbers from the Buchta Nakhodka settlement. Statistical robust cross-dating results place the construction into the second quarter of the 13th century. The Buchta Nakhodka settlement reveals no obvious connection with the modern, nomadic population of Yamal, the Nenets. Together with a careful literature review, this study indicates that the closest construction techniques and subsequent settlement forms can be found on Iceland and across northern Fennoscandia, where Sami people are building their houses in a similar way. Our combined archaeological, dendrochronological, ethnographical and (archaeo)zoological evidence suggests that the ancient inhabitants of Buchta Nakhodka were closely related to the Sihirtya people that were often mentioned in ancient Nenets folklore as legendary people who inhabited the Yamal Peninsula previously. In providing unique insights into the medieval settlement history of the northern part of Western Siberia, we hope to encourage further interdisciplinary research projects to be launched at Eurasia’s high-northern latitudes.  相似文献   

The adaptations which allowed the Siberian salamander (Salamandrella keyserlingii Dybowski, 1870) to form its exceptionally large, polyzonal range (forest-steppe, forests, and southern tundras of Siberia and part of European Russia) remain insufficiently studied. We checked the hypothesis that S. keyserlingii was able to colonize the northern territories, characterized by a short and cold summer and therefore unsuitable for other amphibians, due to multiyear maturation of its spermatozoa and eggs which was described in the southern part of Western Siberia. For this purpose, the male reproductive cycle of S. keyserlingii was studied during the entire 4-month active season in the Sea of Okhotsk coastal tundras. The complete development of gametes there took only 3 months: proliferation of spermatogonia started already in the spawning pond soon after spermiation in May and ended by the time the males left the water; spermatocytes were formed at the end of June, and spermatozoa, by the second half of August. Spermatogenesis occurred synchronously in all the maturing lobules along the entire length of the testis. Mature spermatozoa were stored in the testes until spring when external fertilization took place in the pond. Morphological and histological changes in the testes and vasa deferentia, the mode of fertilization, and annual reproduction of S. keyserlingii were similar to those of other studied species of the family. Our data disprove the previous conclusion about multiyear spermatogenesis of S. keyserlingii, which, therefore, cannot be considered among the possible adaptations which facilitated colonization of the northern territories by this species.  相似文献   

The genetic variability of burbot (Lota lota L., 1758) inhabiting the Ob-Irtysh and Taz river basins in Western Siberia has been studied based on the polymorphism of the hypervariable fragment of mtDNA control region (407 bp). The analysis of 134 fish samples revealed 30 haplotypes, 23 of which were new. Among haplotypes, previously detected in Eurasia and North America, EB30 was the most frequently found in Western Siberia (45.5% frequency). The results of our study are in agreement with previous research pointing to the genetic differentiation of two burbot subspecies, L. l. lota and L. l. maculosa, and indicate that burbot inhabiting the Ob-Irtysh and Taz river basins belong to the Eurasian-Beringian clade (nominative subspecies L. l. lota). However, a high genetic diversity of burbot in Western Siberia, along with a relatively high differentiation of burbot groups within studied territory, points to a regional specificity of burbot population.  相似文献   

Opisthorchiasis, a risk factor for cholangiocarcinoma in humans, is of public health importance in Thailand. The Annual Surveillance Reports from Nan and Lampang Provinces, Thailand, for the year 2011 showed an opisthorchiasis prevalence of over 70% by recovery of eggs in the feces. This study investigated whether most cases are actually due to minute intestinal flukes (MIF) rather than Opisthorchis viverrini, as the eggs of both can hardly be differentiated by morphology. Fifty and 100 cases from residents in Nan and Lampang, respectively, had stools positive for eggs initially assumed to be those of O. viverrini. Each patient was given praziquantel at 40 mg/kg in a single dose. After 2 hr, 30-45 ml of the purgative magnesium sulfate was given, and stools were collected up to 4 times sequentially. The stools were examined for adult worms by simple sedimentation. It was found that 39 of 50 cases (78.0%) from Nan Province had Haplorchis taichui, with intensities ranging from 5 to 1,250 with an average of 62 worms/case. Taenia saginata (7 cases) and Enterobius vermicularis (1 case) were other helminths recovered as the co-infectants. In Lampang Province, H. taichui was recovered from 69 cases (69.0%). The number of flukes recovered ranged from 1 to 4,277, with an average of 326 worms/case. Four cases had Phaneropsolus bonnei, and 10 T. saginata as the co-infectants. Adult specimens of O. viverrini were not recovered from any stool. Clearly, MIF infection, especially haplorchiasis, is more common in northern Thailand. These findings should encourage the Public Health Office to employ more specific tools than Kato''s method for surveillance of opisthorchiasis in Thailand.  相似文献   

All species of Daphnia (Cladocera) produce, at some stage in their life cycle, diapausing eggs, which can remain viable for decades or centuries forming a “seed bank” in lake sediments. Because of their often good preservation in lake sediment, they are useful in paleolimnology and microevolutionary studies. The focus of this study was the analysis of cladoceran resting eggs stored in the sediment in order to examine the ephippial eggs bank of Daphnia pulicaria Forbes in six mountain lakes in the High Tatra Mountains, the Western Carpathians (northern Slovakia and southern Poland). Firstly, we analyzed distribution, abundance and physical condition of resting eggs in the sediment for their later used in historical reconstruction of Daphnia populations by genetic methods. To assess changes in the genetic composition of the population through time, we used two microsatellite markers. Although DNA from resting eggs preserved in the High Tatra Mountain lake sediments was extracted by various protocols modified for small amounts of ancient DNA, DNA from eggs was not of sufficient quality for microsatellite analyses. Distribution curves of resting eggs from sediment cores correspond to the environmental changes that have occurred in the High Tatra Mountains area during last two centuries (atmospheric acid deposition, fish introduction) and demonstrate their influence on natural populations. Evaluation of ephippia physical condition (the most common category was empty ephippial covers) suggests that the majority of resting eggs hatched to produce a new generation of Daphnia or may be due to failed deposition of resting eggs by Daphnia to the chitinous case. In conclusion, age, low quantity and poor physical condition of resting eggs from these Tatra lake sediments proved to be unsuitable not just for use in genetic analyses, but also the possibilities of autogenous restoration of Daphnia populations from the resting egg banks in the Tatra sediments are negligible.  相似文献   

An analysis of polymorphism of the fragment of the control region of mitochondrial DNA of 53 tissue samples of the brown bear Ursus arctos from several regions of the eastern part of Russia was carried out. It was found that most of the described haplotypes belong to cluster 3a, the most common in Eurasia, and do not form regionally specific haplogroups. However, among the bears from Western and Eastern Siberia, as well as the island of Kunashir, three haplotypes were identified, which are close to the haplogroup typical of Eastern Hokkaido bears. The assumption was made of the existence in Siberia and the Far East of one or more Pleistocene refugia.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of the dynamics of the range of Artemisia genus was carried out with the help of palynoareological method on the basis of the data of 97 pollen diagrams from the territory of Western Siberia and the Altai-Sayan mountainous region over the millennial time sections since the Late Glacial time till the present time. It was revealed that the maximal spread of the Artemisia steppe communities (probably of the cryoarid pattern) occurred at the territory under examination at 13–10 ka yr BP. After the time point of 9 ka yr BP a fundamental change in landscapes of Western Siberia occurred which resulted in the disintegration of previously continuous Artemisia steppe cover into separate blocks. Since 8 ka yr BP the Artemisia steppe communities of modern appearance occupied the zones of modern steppe and forest-steppe of Western Siberia and Northern Kazakhstan while over the taiga zone the Artemisia plant communities were spread occasionally under the extra zonal conditions and as the pioneering plant groupings on naturally disturbed soils. Since the time point of 4 ka yr BP till the present time the northern boundary of the steppe zone under-went pulsing shifts to the north and back and also broadening and narrowing of isolated insular steppes in Altai-Sayan mountain region took place. At present time we observe an increase in the role of plants of Artemisia genus in the tundra zone of Western Siberia and in the Altai mountains.  相似文献   

Khon Kaen, a northeastern province of Thailand, has been considered as one of the human opisthorchiasis endemic areas with continuing high prevalence. Unsuccessful eradication of the disease is probably from the culture of eating raw and undercooked fish of local residence and the parasitic persistency in animal reservoir hosts, such as cats and dogs. In cooperation with the other human opisthorchiasis control programs in an endemic area of 29 villages in Ban Haet, Ban Phai, Chonnabot and Muncha Khiri Districts, Khon Kaen, this study investigated the prevalence of Opisthorchis viverrini infection using a formalin-ether sedimentation method as the gold standard, and hematology and blood chemistry of the reservoir hosts in this endemic area. The results showed that cats had much higher prevalence (76 of 214, 35.51%) than dogs (3 of 821, 0.37%). Hematology between the infected and uninfected cats was not different. Complete blood count and biochemistry reflected some altered hepatic functions. However, only severely infected cats showed apparent clinical signs, including lethargy, diarrhea, ocular and nasal discharges. Moreover, the ultrasonogram of infected cats with very high egg per gram (> 1500 EPG) showed apparent thickening of the gall bladder wall with hyperechoicity of hepatic parenchyma. This study suggests that cat is the most important animal reservoir of human opisthorchiasis, especially in this endemic area. It is also interesting that villages with infection are mostly located in the vicinity of Chi River and two large water reservoirs (Lawa and Nong Kongkaew Lakes), but people without infection were away from Chi River, on the south of Kudkhow Lake. Further investigation on this particular geofactor is essential for effective opisthorchiasis control programs.  相似文献   

The suggestion that saponins in eggs and larvae of Acanthaster planci (L.) serve as chemical defences was tested by feeding groups of planktivorous pomacentrid fish with random series of gelatin food particles, some with and some without crude saponin extract from A. planci. The four fish species discriminated at statistically significant levels against food particles with crude saponin extract at 1× 10?3 and 1× 10?5 parts of wet weight. Three species also discriminated at significant levels against particles with 1× 10?7 parts crude saponin extract per wet weight. Degree of discrimination was strongly influenced by the state of hunger of the fish. Tastiness of particles containing saponins also influenced acceptability. The lower two concentrations of saponins used in these feeding trials were respectively two and four magnitudes less than in A. planci eggs and larvae. Thus, the saponins in eggs and larvae of A. planci are at levels detectable by, and unpalatable to, planktivorous fish and they account, at least in part, for the observed rejection of these early developmental stages by planktivorous fish.  相似文献   

Five hundred and four stone loach 63–202 mm in total length, of I + to 8 + age groups, were sampled in two rivers of East Siberia from April to October 1989–90. This paper presents data on the seasonal dynamics of fecundity, ripening, fatness and feeding intensity. A second spawning from the end of August to October has been identified for the first time for this species. The absolute fecundity ranged from 1710 to 27600, and the relative fecundity varied from 216 to 833 eggs g−1: (fish weight). Stone loach in the River Olkha grew faster than those in the River Goloustnaya and, according to this index, are closer to stone loach from streams of northern England.  相似文献   

Data on the species composition and abundance of the ichthyoplankton obtained in 2012, 2014, and 2015 in the waters of northeast Sakhalin are presented; these data were collected during the standard accounting surveys to estimate the egg concentration and breeders of Alaska pollock Theragra chalcogramma. The areas of the main concentrations of eggs and larvae of a number of commercial fish species have been determined, interannual variations in their abundance have been analyzed, and the distribution of ichthyoplankton with some parameters of the environment, such as depth, temperature, and main currents, has been linked. During the study period, 30 species representing 11 families were recorded in the ichthyoplankton. The average concentration of ichthyoplankton varies within the range of 113–201 ind./m2. The pollock eggs absolutely dominated by 78–89%; followed by the eggs of the Bering flounder Hippoglossoides robustus (5–8%). It was found that the number of eggs and larvae of flounders and of a number of the other fish species in the northern part of the study area increases during the years characterized by a large volume of runoff of Amur River.  相似文献   

Latitudinal variation in fitness-related traits has often been attributed to local adaptation to climates. In poikilotherms including fishes, lower temperatures and shorter reproductive seasons at high latitudes would be expected to cause a reduction in annual reproductive output of an individual. Theories of latitudinal compensation predict that organisms at high latitudes should evolve compensatory responses for these climatic effects. Therefore, latitudinal compensation in female reproductive rate (egg production rate), that individuals from high latitudes produce eggs at higher rates than those from lower latitudes, is likely to occur. I tested this hypothesis with a latitudinally widespread reef fish Pomacentrus coelestis that is a multiple batch spawner, from three different localities, from temperate to subtropical waters, within Japan. I used common-environment experiments at three different temperatures to compare reproductive capacity among local populations. In the experiments, average inter-spawning intervals were the shortest and average size-specific clutch weight was the heaviest in fish from the most northern locality across all temperatures, showing clear latitudinal clines. Thus, the northern fish can achieve higher reproductive output per unit time both by shortening inter-spawning intervals and increasing size-specific clutch weight. Additionally, faster egg production rate of the northern fish did not result from increased food consumption. This finding suggests that gross egg production efficiency was higher in the northern fish and that northern fish had a superior capacity for reproduction within a season. These results support the prediction that latitudinal compensation occurs in the female reproductive rate of P. coelestis. As the reproductive season of this species decreases drastically with increasing latitude, the observed cline in the reproductive rate must be an adaptive response to the local selective regime, i.e., length of the reproductive season. Such latitudinal compensation in female reproductive rates may be a common pattern in latitudinally widespread fishes.  相似文献   

The mean body size of limnetic cladocerans decreases from cold temperate to tropical regions, in both the northern and the southern hemisphere. This size shift has been attributed to both direct (e.g. physiological) or indirect (especially increased predation) impacts. To provide further information on the role of predation, we compiled results from several studies of subtropical Uruguayan lakes using three different approaches: (i) field observations from two lakes with contrasting fish abundance, Lakes Rivera and Rodó, (ii) fish exclusion experiments conducted in in-lake mesocosms in three lakes, and (iii) analyses of the Daphnia egg bank in the surface sediment of eighteen lakes. When fish predation pressure was low due to fish kills in Lake Rivera, large-bodied Daphnia appeared. In contrast, small-sized cladocerans were abundant in Lake Rodó, which exhibited a typical high abundance of fish. Likewise, relatively large cladocerans (e.g. Daphnia and Simocephalus) appeared in fishless mesocosms after only 2 weeks, most likely hatched from resting egg banks stored in the surface sediment, but their abundance declined again after fish stocking. Moreover, field studies showed that 9 out of 18 Uruguayan shallow lakes had resting eggs of Daphnia in their surface sediment despite that this genus was only recorded in three of the lakes in summer water samples, indicating that Daphnia might be able to build up populations at low risk of predation. Our results show that medium and large-sized zooplankton can occur in subtropical lakes when fish predation is removed. The evidence provided here collectively confirms the hypothesis that predation, rather than high-temperature induced physiological constraints, is the key factor determining the dominance of small-sized zooplankton in warm lakes.  相似文献   

Many straits in the Japanese archipelago have been proposed as biogeographical boundaries, but there is disagreement regarding their importance as historic barriers against dispersal of terrestrial and freshwater taxa. Mitochondrial DNA haplotype and phylogenetic analyses of Lefua nikkonis, a primary freshwater fish inhabiting northern Japan and descendent from Siberia, revealed that the species is genetically structured within its geographic range, but that two major haplotypes are widely distributed across the Ishikari Lowland of Hokkaido Island as well as across the Tsugaru Strait between Hokkaido and Honshu Islands, two well-known biogeographical boundaries of northern Japan. The two major haplotypes were separated from each other by only one mutational step, and many other haplotypes, including those endemic to the region south of these barriers, have diverged from the major haplotypes, suggesting rapid range expansion and local differentiation. Divergence-time estimates, based on vicariance of the Honshu endemic congener L. echigonia via uplift of the Central Highlands, demonstrated that the southward dispersal of L. nikkonis from Hokkaido Island to Honshu Island occurred less than 0.08–0.19 Mya, suggesting that a land bridge emerged at the Tsugaru Strait during the Riss glaciation. Given that other freshwater taxa crossed the strait earlier (during the Middle Pleistocene), it is likely that land bridges in the strait have repeatedly emerged. The fact that L. nikkonis invaded only the northern part of Honshu, and that many other freshwater species also have the limit of their distribution ranges in this area as well, indicates that a faunal transition zone might persist even without the Tsugaru Strait. Thus, straits and lowlands in northern Japan are likely to have been less important as dispersal barriers to freshwater taxa than is currently thought.  相似文献   

Animals and plants are increasingly suffering from diseases caused by fungi and oomycetes. These emerging pathogens are now recognized as a global threat to biodiversity and food security. Among oomycetes, Saprolegnia species cause significant declines in fish and amphibian populations. Fish eggs have an immature adaptive immune system and depend on nonspecific innate defences to ward off pathogens. Here, meta-taxonomic analyses revealed that Atlantic salmon eggs are home to diverse fungal, oomycete and bacterial communities. Although virulent Saprolegnia isolates were found in all salmon egg samples, a low incidence of Saprolegniosis was strongly correlated with a high richness and abundance of specific commensal Actinobacteria, with the genus Frondihabitans (Microbacteriaceae) effectively inhibiting attachment of Saprolegniato salmon eggs. These results highlight that fundamental insights into microbial landscapes of fish eggs may provide new sustainable means to mitigate emerging diseases.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic ribosome assembly involves a plethora of factors, which ensure that a correctly folded ribosome contains all ribosomal protein components. Among these assembly factors, Yar1 has recently emerged as a molecular chaperone for ribosomal protein rpS3 of the small ribosomal subunit (40S) in yeast. In complex with its chaperone, rpS3 is imported into the nucleus and protected from aggregation. How rpS3 and other ribosomal proteins are initially sequestered and subsequently integrated into pre-ribosomal particles is currently poorly understood. Here, we present the crystal structure of yeast rpS3 in complex with its chaperone Yar1 at 2.8 Å resolution. The crystal structure rationalizes how Yar1 can protect rpS3 from aggregation while facilitating nuclear import and suggests a mechanism for a stepwise exchange of molecular partners that ribosomal proteins interact with during ribosome assembly.  相似文献   

Fatty acid composition of eggs affects development, growth and ecological performance of fish embryos and larvae, with potential consequences for recruitment success. Essential fatty acids in eggs derive from the maternal diet, and the time between ingestion and deposition in eggs is ecologically important but unknown. We examined the dynamics of diet–egg transfer of arachidonic acid (ARA) in the batch-spawning fish, red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), by measuring ARA concentrations in eggs after a single diet shift and during a period of irregular variations in diet. ARA concentrations in eggs changed within 2–16 days of a diet shift. The rate of change was proportional to the magnitude of the shift, with no evidence of equilibration. These results are not consistent with eggs being assembled entirely from accumulated body stores. The immediate source of ARA in eggs appears to be the recent diet. We propose that batch spawning produces rapid diet–egg transfer of ARA because it removes large amounts of fatty acids from the body and prevents equilibration. The immediacy of the diet–egg connection suggests that spawning migration combined with short-interval batch spawning may have evolved to take advantage of nutrients critical for offspring survival that are available at the spawning site.  相似文献   

The analysis of data collected in December 1996 and 1998 on the reproduction of cod Gadus macrocephalus in Pacific waters of the northern Kuril Islands and the southern part of Kamchatka was performed. It was shown that the individual absolute fecundity of the cod varies within 0.197–9.729 million eggs and the relative fecundity, in the range of 24-1386 eggs. The fecundity of 1000 mature females comprises 2179–2449 million eggs. The low individual fecundity of fish is related to pseudobranchial tumor growth. The main role in cod reproduction is played by females of two-three size groups characterized by the highest numbers of mature females. It is suggested that different fecundity within the range of Pacific cod is related to environmental conditions, in particular, water temperature in the spawning grounds during spawning rather than to the habitation latitude.  相似文献   

The size distribution and numbers of oocytes were examined in samples of ovaries from two sites and in fish in tanks whose past spawning activities were known. In an upland stream in northern England Cottus gobio would seem to be an annual spawner, maturing a single batch of eggs each year. In a more productive stream in southern England, where the reproductive life is short, fish mature and lay a succession of batches of eggs during a long spawning season. The physiological and ecological implications of these characteristics are discussed.  相似文献   

The most abundant ice fish species observed in catches off the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula in the last 25–30 years has been the spiny ice fish Chaenodraco wilsoni Regan 1914. C. wilsoni has been exploited on a commercial scale from the late 1970s to the end of the 1980s off Joinville–D’Urville Islands (CCAMLR Statistical Subarea 48.1) and in the Cosmonauts and Cooperation Seas and Prydz Bay in the Indian Ocean sector (CCAMLR Statistical Division 58.4.2). This paper presents new information on biological features and life history characteristics of C. wilsoni, based on research survey collections along the northern Antarctic Peninsula in 2006 and 2007 and samples taken in the commercial fishery in 1987. Length frequency compositions from the research surveys demonstrated that fish 21–34 cm long predominated in the catches. Sexual maturity is attained at 24–25 cm. Absolute fecundity and relative fecundity is low (1,000–2,500 eggs; 6–12 eggs). Oocyte diameter varied from 4.0 to 4.9 mm very close to spawning. Spawning at the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula is likely to occur in October–November. Remotely operated vehicle deployments in the northern Weddell Sea demonstrated that C. wilsoni exhibit parental nest guarding where males protect the eggs. The incubation period is likely to be 8 months long. Fish feed primarily on Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Antarctic Peninsula region and in the Cosmonauts and Cooperation Seas while fish take ice krill (Euphausia crystallorophias), Pleuragramma antarcticum and myctophids to some extent in other areas. Age determination still awaits validation. Preliminary ageing attempts suggested a maximum age of about 8–10 years.  相似文献   

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