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In this overview to a new thematic series on the immune system and atherogenesis, I provide a very brief summary of current conceptions of atherogenesis, of the innate and adaptive immune systems, and of the participation of the latter in atherogenesis, with particular emphasis on studies of the involvement of the immune system in atherosclerosis reported in the last 2 years. This is followed by a short outline of the eight reviews that will make up this thematic series. The overview is concluded with some caveats that should be considered in the analysis of atherosclerosis in experimental animals.  相似文献   

Immune memory has traditionally been the domain of the adaptive immune system, present only in antigen‐specific T and B cells. The purpose of this review is to summarize the evidence for immunological memory in lower organisms (which are not thought to possess adaptive immunity) and within specific cell subsets of the innate immune system. A special focus will be given to recent findings in both mouse and humans for specificity and memory in natural killer (NK) cells, which have resided under the umbrella of innate immunity for decades. The surprising longevity and enhanced responses of previously primed NK cells will be discussed in the context of several immunization settings.  相似文献   

The social, health, and economic challenges of a steadily increasing aging population demand the use of appropriate translational animal models to address questions like healthy aging, vaccination strategies, or potential interventions during the aging process. Due to their genetic proximity to humans, especially nonhuman primates (NHPs) with a relatively short generation period compared to humans, qualify as excellent animal models for these purposes. The use of common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) in gerontology research steadily increased over the last decades, yet important information about their aging parameters are still missing. We therefore aimed to characterize their aging immune system by comprehensive flow cytometric phenotyping of blood immune cells from juvenile, adult, aging, and geriatric animals. Aged and geriatric animals displayed clear signs of immunosenescence. A decline in CD4/CD8 ratio, increased expression of HLA-DR and PD-1, higher frequencies of CD95+ memory cells, alterations in cytokine secretion, and a decline in the proliferative capacity proved T cell senescence in aging marmosets. Also, the B cell compartment was affected by age-related changes: while overall B cell numbers remained stable with advancing age, expression of the activation marker CD80 increased and immunoglobulin M expression decreased. Interestingly, marmoset B cell memory subset distribution rather mirrored the human situation than that of other NHP. CD21+ CD27 naïve B cell frequencies decreased while those of CD21 CD27 tissue memory B cells increased with age. Furthermore, frequencies and numbers of NK cells as part of the innate immune system declined with advancing age. Thus, the observed immunological changes in common marmosets over their life span revealed several similarities to age-related changes in humans and encourages further studies to strengthen the common marmoset as a potential aging model.  相似文献   

禽坦布苏病毒(Avian Tembusu virus,ATMUV)是近年来在我国新发现的一种病毒,可感染多种蛋禽,感染动物临床特征为采食量下降,产蛋量骤减,甚至停产,感染后期呈神经症状,如腿和翅膀麻痹、共济失调等。ATMUV在我国多个省市地区流行,给我国甚至世界养禽业带来严重影响。固有免疫是机体抵抗病原感染的第一道重要防线,是机体与生俱来的抵御病原微生物的能力。适应性免疫是机体免疫系统在抗原刺激下产生特异性抗体及免疫效应细胞的过程,以建立针对某种病原微生物的抵抗力,是机体免疫系统的重要部分。本文将从禽坦布苏病毒诱导宿主固有免疫应答和适应性免疫应答两方面进行综述。  相似文献   

Shi D  Das J  Das G 《Cell research》2006,16(1):70-74
Inflammatory bowl disease (IBD) is a type 1 T helper cell (Th1)-mediated autoimmune disease. Various studies have revealed that environmental pathogens also play a significant role in the initiation and progression of this disease. Interestingly, the pathogenesis of IBD has been shown to be related to nitric oxide (NO) released from innate immune cells. Although NO is known to be highly toxic to the gut epithelia, there is very little information about the regulation of NO production, One major question in the etiology of IBD is how Thl cells and pathogens interact in the induction of IBD. In present study, we focused on the regulation of NO. We show that macrophages require both interferon-γ, (IFN-γ)-mediated and TLR4-mediated signals for the production of NO, which causes inflammation in the intestine and subsequently IBD. Thus, IBD is the result of concerted actions of innate immune signals, such as the binding of LPS to TLR-4, and adaptive immune signals, such as IFN-γ produced by Thl cells.  相似文献   

Plasma lipoproteins (VLDL, LDL, Lp[a] and HDL) function primarily in lipid transport among tissues and organs. However, cumulative evidence suggests that lipoproteins may also prevent bacterial, viral and parasitic infections and are therefore a component of innate immunity. Lipoproteins can also detoxify lipopolysaccharide and lipoteichoic acid. Infections can induce oxidation of LDL, and oxLDL in turn plays important anti‐infective roles and protects against endotoxin‐induced tissue damage. There is also evidence that apo(a) is protective against pathogens. Taken together, the evidence suggests that it might be valuable to introduce the concept that plasma lipoproteins belong in the realm of host immune response.  相似文献   

The barrier defences and acellular innate immune proteins play critical roles during the early‐stage fish embryos prior to the development of functional organ systems. The innate immune proteins in the yolk of embryos are of maternal origin. Maternal stress affects the maternal‐to‐embryo transfer of these proteins and, therefore, environmental stressors may change the course of embryo development, including embryonic immunocompetency, via their deleterious effect on maternal physiology. This review focuses on the associations that exist between maternal stress, maternal endocrine disturbance and the responses of the acellular innate immune proteins of early‐stage fish embryos. Early‐stage teleostean embryos are dependent upon the adult female for the formation of the zona pellucida as an essential barrier defence, for their supply of nutrients, and for the innate immunity proteins and antibodies that are transferred from the maternal circulation to the oocytes; maternally derived hormones are also transferred, some of which (such as cortisol) are known to exert a suppressive action on some aspects of the immune defences. This review summarizes what is known about the effects of oocyte cortisol content on the immune system components in early embryos. The review also examines recent evidence that embryonic cells during early cleavage have the capacity to respond to increased maternal cortisol transfer; this emphasizes the importance of maternal and early immune competence on the later life of fishes, both in the wild and in intensive culture.  相似文献   

核型多角体病毒(Nucleopolyhedrovirus,NPV)应用广泛,已被开发成微生物杀虫剂和用于重组蛋白表达等.NPV具有两种病毒颗粒:包埋型病毒粒子(occlusion-derived virus,ODV)和芽生型病毒粒子(budded virus,BV),两者的构成和组装存在差异.病毒包涵体在肠道中溶解后释...  相似文献   

Scavenger receptors were originally defined by their ability to bind and internalize modified lipoproteins. Macrophages express at least six structurally different cell surface receptors for modified forms of LDL that contribute to foam cell formation in atherosclerosis. In addition to their role in the pathology of atherosclerosis, macrophage scavenger receptors, especially SR-A, play critical roles in innate immunity, apoptotic cell clearance, and tissue homeostasis. In this review, we highlight recent advances in understanding the biology of macrophage scavenger receptors as pattern recognition receptors for both infectious nonself (pathogens) and modified self (apoptotic cells and modified LDL). We critically evaluate the potential of scavenger receptors and their ligands as targets for therapeutic intervention in human disease.  相似文献   

戴静雯  周萍萍  李素  仇华吉 《微生物学报》2022,62(10):3709-3721
天然免疫是机体通过识别自身或外部危险信号后,为维持体内稳态而逐步建立起来的一系列防御反应,当宿主细胞内的模式识别受体识别胞内病原相关分子模式后激活干扰素(interferon, IFN)、核因子-kappa B (nuclear factor-kappa B, NF-κB)和炎性小体等信号通路。IFNs在天然免疫应答中发挥重要作用,它诱导的抗病毒基因能够通过多种方式抵御病毒的感染,炎症反应则是机体自动的防御反应,能够在病毒感染机体时释放促炎性细胞因子以调控机体的免疫反应,进而发挥抗病毒作用。在病毒感染过程中,IFN信号通路与炎症反应调控网络中的关键分子如NF-κB/RelA、PKR等存在一定的交互作用,此外,IFN信号通路及其产生的细胞因子又影响其他信号通路的活化,进而调控机体的免疫应答以维持自身稳态,它们之间的交互调控失衡将会引起过度炎症反应,导致组织器官的免疫病理损伤,例如SARS-CoV-2感染机体时产生的过度炎症反应。本文综述了机体抗病毒免疫过程中干扰素信号通路与炎症反应之间的交互调控,为研发抗病毒策略提供新思路。  相似文献   

昆虫天然免疫反应分子机制研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张明明  初源  赵章武  安春菊 《昆虫学报》2012,55(10):1221-1229
昆虫体内缺乏高等脊椎动物所具有的获得性免疫系统, 只能依赖发达的天然免疫系统抵抗细菌、 真菌、 病毒等外源病原物的侵染。本文概括了昆虫天然免疫反应发生和作用的分子机制相关进展, 重点阐述了重要免疫相关因子在昆虫天然免疫反应中的功能和作用机制。昆虫天然免疫反应分为体液免疫和细胞免疫两种, 二者共同作用完成对病原物的吞噬 (phagocytosis)、 集结 (nodulation)、 包囊 (encapsulation)、 凝结 (coagulation)和黑化(melanization)等。当昆虫受到外界病原物的侵染时, 首先通过体内的模式识别蛋白(pattern recognition proteins/receptor, PRPs)识别并结合病原物表面特有的模式分子(pathogen-associated molecular pattern, PAMPs), 继而一系列包括丝氨酸蛋白酶和丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂在内的级联激活反应被激活和调控, 产生抗菌肽、 黑色素等免疫效应分子, 清除或杀灭外源物。抗菌肽是一类小分子量的阳离子肽, 具有广谱抗菌活性, 针对不同类型的病原物, 抗菌肽的产生机制也不尽相同。昆虫体内存在着两种信号转导途径调节抗菌肽的产生: 一是由真菌和大部分革兰氏阳性菌激活的Toll途径; 二是由革兰氏阴性菌激活的Imd途径(immune deficiency pathway)。这两个途径通过激活不同转录因子调控不同抗菌肽基因的表达参与昆虫体内的天然免疫反应。  相似文献   

Immune‐mediated responses are consistently observed in progressing vitiligo at the edge of depigmenting patches. Besides the role of the adaptive immune system, the profile of the innate immune response is now at the center of the stage. We report that plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC), which are the major interferon (IFN)‐alpha‐producing cells, are part of the infiltrate of progressive vitiligo with local production of MxA (a protein induced by IFNα). MxA was associated with expression of the type I IFN‐inducible ligand CXCL9 and correlated with the recruitment of CXCR3+ immune cells. Interestingly, strong MxA expression was observed in perilesional skin in close apposition to remaining melanocytes, surrounded by a prominent T‐cell infiltrate. In contrast, MxA was not detectable in lesional skin, suggesting that IFN‐α production is an early event in the progression of the disease. Our data highlight a new innate immune pathway leading to progression of vitiligo.  相似文献   

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