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The morphology, infraciliature, and silverline system of two new peritrichous ciliates, Pseudovorticella clampi n. sp. and Zoothamnium pararbuscula n. sp., have been investigated based on both living and silver-impregnated specimens. Partial sequence of 18S-ITS1-5.8S rDNA of Z. pararbuscula is also determined in order to compare it with the closely related congener, Zoothamnium arbuscula. Zoothamnium pararbuscula can be distinguished from its close form Z. arbuscula by the different habitats, the appearance of the main stalk, the position of the contractile vacuole, and the information derived from 18S-ITS1-5.8S rDNA sequence analysis. Pseudovorticella clampi n. sp. is distinguished from its congeners by its body shape and size, pellicle granules, habitat, and number of transverse silverlines.  相似文献   

The morphology, infraciliature and silverline system of three marine peritrichous ciliates, Pseudovorticella zhengae n. sp., P. difficilis (Kahl, 1933) Jankowski, 1976 and P. punctata (Dons, 1918) Warren, 1987, were investigated by observation in vivo and silver-staining methods. The new species is characterized by its body shape, the appearance of the peristomial lip, the number of transverse silverlines, and the configuration of infundibular polykinety 3; P. difficilis by its body shape, the configuration of infundibular polykinety 3, and unusual annular swellings on the stalk; and P. punctata by the appearance of the pellicle, the configuration of infundibular polykinety 3, and the number of transverse silverlines.  相似文献   

A new marine peritrich ciliate, Pseudovorticella sinensis n. sp. was isolated from a shrimp-farming pond in the littoral area of Qingdao, China. The morphology, infraciliature, and silverline system were studied based on living and silver-impregnated specimens. This species is characterized by (1) an elongated bell-shaped body that measures 50-60 x 35-45 microm in vivo, (2) one large, ventrally located contractile vacuole, and (3) a pellicle covered by a layer of transparent, cortical vesicles. The number of transverse silverlines from the peristomial area to the aboral ciliary wreath is 26-32, and from the aboral ciliary wreath to the scopula is 12-15. The stalk measures about 160-250 microm long x 5-6 microm wide. The spasmoneme has one row of conspicuous thecoplasmic granules, which are about 0.8 microm in diameter.  相似文献   

Two new marine peritrich ciliates, Epicarchesium corlissi n. sp. and Pseudovorticella jiangi n. sp., were discovered in mariculture waters on the coast of northern China near Qingdao. Their morphology, infraciliature and silverline system were investigated based on both living and silver-impregnated specimens. E. corlissi is characterized as follows: marine Epicarchesium with dichotomously branched stalk; zooids elongate, approximately 60–70×25–35 μm in vivo; peristomial collar double-folded; macronucleus J-shaped; single, small contractile vacuole ventrally positioned; more than 60 striations between peristome and aboral trochal band, 13–18 from aboral trochal band to scopula; abstomal end of row 1 of infundibular polykinety 3 terminating at same level as rows 2 and 3 of infundibular polykinety 3; rows 2 and 3 of infundibular polykinety 3 much longer than row 1 and converging adstomally with infundibular polykinety 1. The new species P. jiangi is diagnosed as follows: marine Pseudovorticella; zooid inverted bell-shaped, approximately 80×60 μm in vivo and with a broad, flat, thin peristomial collar that measures approximately 90 μm across; pellicle with transparent cortical vesicles; macronucleus J-shaped; number of silverlines between peristome and aboral trochal band 20–24, from aboral trochal band to scopula 9–11; abstomal end of row 1 of infundibular polykinety 3 diverges from the other two rows of this polykinety and ends alongside row 3 of infundibular polykinety 2.  相似文献   

Korotnevella (Amoebozoa, Dactylopodida) is a genus of naked lobose amoebae with a dactylopodial morphotype. The cell membrane of these amoebae is covered with a monolayer of scales. The structure and size of scales are considered as species-specific features. Here, we describe a new marine species, Korotnevella mutabilis n. sp., isolated from the bottom sediment sample of Nivå Bay (Baltic Sea, The Sound) and studied with light and electron microscopy as well as with molecular phylogenetic analysis. This species has a number of morphological similarities with Korotnevella monacantholepis, such as size of the cell, L/B ratio, the nucleus structure and the type of a biotope from which both species were isolated. At the same time, Korotnevella mutabilis n. sp. differs from K. monacantholepis in the structure of basket-shaped scales: Korotnevella mutabilis n. sp. has an enclosed hammock-shaped latticework basket and up to two spines while K. monacantholepis has an opened two-row latticework basket and never has two spines. According to molecular phylogenetic analyses based on the sequences of the mitochondrial COI gene, Korotnevella mutabilis n. sp. is a distinct species, highly divergent from other Korotnevella species.  相似文献   

In alveolate evolution, dinoflagellates have developed many unique features, including the cell that has epicone and hypocone, the undulating transverse flagellum. However, it remains unclear how these features evolved. The early branching dinoflagellates so far investigated such as Hematodinium, Amoebophrya and Oxyrrhis marina differ in many ways from of core dinoflagellates, or dinokaryotes. Except those handful of well studied taxa, the vast majority of early branching dinoflagellates are known only by environmental sequences, and remain enigmatic. In this study we describe two new species of the early branching dinoflagellates, Psammosa pacifica n. g., n. sp. and P. atlantica n. sp. from marine intertidal sandy beach. Molecular phylogeny of the small subunit (SSU) ribosomal RNA and Hsp90 gene places Psammosa spp. as an early branch among the dinoflagellates. Morphologically (1) they lack the typical dinoflagellate epicone-hypocone structure, and (2) undulation in either flagella. Instead they display a mosa?c of dinokaryotes traits, i.e. (3) presence of bi-partite trychocysts; Oxyrrhis marina-like traits, i.e. (4) presence of flagellar hairs, (5) presence of two-dimensional cobweb scales ornamenting both flagella (6) transversal cell division; a trait shared with some syndineansand Parvilucifera spp. i.e. (7) a nucleus with a conspicuous nucleolus and condensed chromatin distributed beneath the nuclear envelope; as well as Perkinsus marinus -like features i.e. (8) separate ventral grooves where flagella emerge and (9) lacking dinoflagellate-type undulating flagellum. Notably Psammosa retains an apical complex structure, which is shared between perkinsids, colpodellids, chromerids and apicomplexans, but is not found in dinokaryotic dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The morphology and infraciliature of two new marine urostylid ciliates, Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae n. sp. and Thigmokeronopsis stoecki n. sp., collected from the coastal waters off Qingdao (Tsingtao), China, have been investigated. Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae n. sp. is characterized by the slender body shape, small size, rose-reddish cell colour, and having two kinds of pigment-like granules. The larger pigment-like granules are yellow–green or grass-green in colour, oval in shape, and flattened, whereas the smaller ones are wine-reddish. Infraciliature and nuclear apparatus are similar to the well-known Metaurostylopsis marina. Thigmokeronopsis stoecki n. sp. is characterized by its large size with dark brown cell colour and grass-green cortical granules, which are large, blood-cell shaped, and sparsely distributed. The thigmotactic ciliature is conspicuous: 11–14 rows of densely arranged cirri occupy the most postoral area. Keys are provided for all the known species in both genera.  相似文献   

During faunistic study on psammophilic ciliates along the coast of Qingdao, China, a population of Trachelocerca arenicola Kahl, 1933 was found and then investigated using silver staining and gene sequencing methods. The results indicated that it represented a new genus Apotrachelocerca characterized by uninterrupted circumoral kineties composed of two rows of dikinetids and no brosse or ciliary tuft in the oral cavity. This new genus should be assigned to the family Prototrachelocercidae Foissner, 1996. Based on the small subunit rRNA gene sequence, phylogenetic trees revealed that Apotrachelocerca arenicola occupied a basal position to other trachelocercids.  相似文献   

In a study of marine ciliate diversity, we collected an Anteholosticha monilata-like population from Vietnam. To identify this population, we analyzed its morphology, some morphogenetic stages, and molecular phylogeny. Based on these data, we conclude that the Vietnamese population is new to science. Anteholosticha foissneri n. sp. resembles Anteholosticha monilata-like species considering (1) the number and arrangement of macronuclear nodules and micronuclei; (2) the presence of cortical granules; and (3) the saline habitat. However, the new species can be easily distinguished from these species by the arrangement, color, and shape of the cortical granules. The divisional morphogenesis commences with the de novo proliferation of basal bodies as a single longitudinal patch left of the posteriormost midventral cirral pair. This character state has not been reported before in Anteholosticha (based on check of the available data) and probably reflects a distinct clade within the nuclear small subunit ribosomal RNA gene tree.  相似文献   

Two new urostylid ciliates, Metaurostylopsis songi n. sp. and Metaurostylopsis salina n. sp. and Metaurostylopsis marina (Kahl 1932) are investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. These species were isolated in Korea from intertidal sediments, saline ponds, and coastal waters. Metaurostylopsis songi is in vivo about 120 microm x 25 microm, has a slenderly ellipsoidal body, colorless cortical granules in rows on ventral and dorsal body sides, about 54 macronuclear nodules, 28-47 adoral membranelles, five frontal, two or three frontoterminal and six or seven transverse cirri, and 9-12 midventral cirral pairs followed posteriorly by 1-3 single cirri. In vivo M. salina is about 60 microm x 25 microm, has a pyriform body, colorless cortical granules irregularly arranged, about 45 macronuclear nodules, 18-23 adoral membranelles, three frontal, three to five frontoterminal and two to five transverse cirri, and four or five midventral cirral pairs followed posteriorly by five to seven single cirri. Both species have three marginal cirral rows on each body side and 3 long dorsal kineties. The Korean specimens of M. marina match the Chinese population in all main features. Metaurostylopsis songi differs from M. marina by the more slender body, the number of frontal cirri (invariably five vs. four), and the arrangement of cortical granules (in rows on dorsal and ventral cortex vs. only along dorsal kineties and anterior body margin). Metaurostylopsis salina differs from its congeners by the distinctly smaller size, the pyriform body shape, the scattered cortical granules (vs. in rows), and number of frontal cirri. It differs from M. marina also by the number of midventral cirral pairs (four or five vs. seven to 11).  相似文献   

We describe Rhynchopus euleeides n. sp., using light and electron microscopy. This free-living flagellate, which was isolated earlier from a marine habitat, can be grown axenically in a rich medium based on modified seawater. In the trophic stage, cells are predominantly elliptical and laterally flattened, but frequently change their shape (metaboly). Gliding is the predominant manner of locomotion. The two flagella, which are typically concealed in their pocket, are short stubs of unequal length, have conventional axonemes, but apparently lack a paraxonemal rod. Swarmer cells, which form only occasionally, are smaller in size and carry two conspicuous flagella of more than 2 times the body length. Cells are decorated with a prominent apical papillum. Both the flagellar pocket and the adjacent feeding apparatus seem to merge together into a single sub-apical opening. The mitochondrion, which is most likely single, is located peripherally. It is reticulated in shape and contains only a few lamellar cristae. Mitochondrial DNA is abundant and evenly distributed throughout the organelle. Morphological synapomorphies confirm the affiliation of the species with the genus Rhynchopus (Diplonemea, Euglenozoa). We discuss the characters that distinguish Rhynchopus from Diplonema corroborating the validity of the two genera.  相似文献   

Although it is widely recognized that oligotrich ciliates are the dominant constituent of microzooplankton communities and perform key functions in energy flow and material cycling in marine microbial food webs, knowledge of their diversity is scant. In the present study, we investigate the oligotrich genera, Cyrtostrombidium and Apostrombidium, with emphasis on their morphology and evolutionary relationships. Three isolates were collected from coastal waters of northern and southern China including two new species, viz., Cyrtostrombidium paraboreale sp. n., Apostrombidium orientale sp. n., and Apostrombidium pseudokielum Xu et al., 2009. Cyrtostrombidium paraboreale sp. n. is characterized by possessing 64–98 cytopharyngeal rods and two macronuclear nodules. Apostrombidium orientale sp. n. is characterized by its somatic kinety consisting of five fragments including a horizontally orientated subterminal fragment and possessing conspicuously long dorsal cilia. Apostrombidium pseudokielum is redescribed based on the new population and a re-examination of the type material. Phylogenetic analyses were performed for the subclass Oligotrichia, incorporating SSU rRNA gene sequences of the three species investigated here. The results indicate that the genus Cyrtostrombidium is monophyletic with C. paraboreale sp. n. occupying the basal position. The genus Apostrombidium is not monophyletic as Varistrombidium kielum is nested within it.  相似文献   

The morphology and infraciliature of three soil gymnostome ciliates, Spathidium seppelti foissneri nov. subspec., Spathidium simplinucleatum nov. stat., and Dileptus americanus, collected from Slovakia, were investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. S. seppelti foissneri is distinguished from its congeners by a combination of characters including: distinctly spatulate shape with convex oral bulge; 25 ellipsoidal, scattered macronuclear nodules; an average of 23 ciliary rows, 3 anteriorly differentiated to form a dorsal brush occupying 25% of the body length; and rod-shaped to slightly ellipsoidal extrusomes measuring about 5 x 0.5 microm. S. simplinucleatum is about 110 x 50 microm in vivo, characterized by solid, concave oral bulge, with the impression of doubled oral bulge in right side, macronuclear tortuous strand, usually 30 ciliary rows, 3 anteriorly differentiated to form a dorsal brush, and about 7 microm long rod-shaped extrusomes. S. simplinucleatum is highly variable in body size and length of monokinetidal bristle tail. Dileptus americanus is about 300 x 50 microm in vivo and differs from its congeners by a combination of characters including two macronuclear segments with a single micronucleus in between, two contractile vacuoles in dorsal side of trunk, two size types of rod-shaped extrusomes, a proboscis which occupies about 37% of body length, circular oral opening, and an average of 22 ciliary rows, of which up to 4 are differentiated to form a dorsal brush.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed that the “lower” marine ciliates are far more diverse than previously suspected. During a survey on the ciliate fauna in coastal waters of Qingdao, northern China, we have isolated about 30 new or poorly known taxa. In the present study two colepid species are investigated, Nolandia orientalis spec. nov. and Pinacocoleps similis (Kahl, 1933) comb. nov. (basionym: Coleps similis Kahl, 1933). Their morphology and infraciliature are documented based on living observations and silver impregnations. The new species Nolandia orientalis differs from the type species N. nolandi mainly in the structure of tier plates. The structure of the tier plates was also the basis for transferring Coleps similis Kahl, 1933 to the genus Pinacocoleps and for three further new combinations: Pinacocoleps heteracanthus (Noland, 1937) comb. nov. (basionym: Coleps heteracanthus Noland, 1937), P. spiralis (Noland, 1937) comb. nov. (basionym Coleps spiralis Noland, 1937) and Pinacocoleps arenarius (Bock, 1952) comb. nov. (basionym: Coleps arenarius Bock, 1952).  相似文献   

Z. Moubayed 《Hydrobiologia》1989,185(2):91-94
The author describes the male imago and pupa of Chaetocladius algericus sp.n. from Algeria and the male imago of Smittia durandae sp.n. from Lebanon.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Crassolabium, Crassolabium persicumsp. n., collected from Arasbaran rangelands of Iran, is described and illustrated. It is characterized by its body 1.92-2.40 mm long, lip region offset by constriction and 17-19 μm wide, odontostyle 16-19 μm long with aperture occupying less than one-third (27-30%) its length, neck 428-690 μm long, pharyngeal expansion 369-390 μm long or occupying 54-56% of total neck length, female genital system amphidelphic, uterus bipartite and 162-218 μm long or 2.3-3.5 times as long as body diameter, pars refringens vaginae well developed, V = 54-57.5, vulva longitudinal, prerectum bearing a blind sac, tail conical with rounded tip to conoid (25-36 μm, c=60-69, c'=0.5-0.9), spicules 68-72 μm long, precloacal pair of supplements far (22-27 μm) from cloacal aperture, and 13-17 shortly spaced ventromedian supplements with hiatus. The new taxon is compared in depth to its relatives in Crassolabium as well as other similar species of Aporcelaimellus and Amblydorylaimus.  相似文献   

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