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Strzeleckia major n. g., n. sp. and S. minor n. sp. are described from the dusky antechinus Antechinus swainsonii (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) from the Kosciusko National Park in southern New South Wales, Australia. The two species were found together in the same individual host animals but occupy different sites in the intestine. The new genus is placed within the Hasstilesiidae, where it differs from the only other genus, Hasstilesia, by being more elongate and in having larger suckers, tandem testes, the ovary between rather than opposite the testes, and in having the caeca not reaching the posterior end of the body. It is suggested that the life-cycles of these species are similar to those of other hasstilesiids. Pupillid snails may act as sole intermediate hosts.  相似文献   

Three new genera of trypanorhynch cestodes are described from Australian elasmobranchs: Cetorhinicola acanthocapax n. g., n. sp. from Cetorhinus maximus (Gunner, 1765), with four bothridia joined by avelum, a typical heteroacanthous armature with the ends of the hook rows not meeting on the external surface, and enlarged hooks on the base of the tentacle; Shirleyrhynchus butlerae n. g., n. sp., from Dasyatis fluviorum Ogilby, 1908 and D. sephen (Forsskal, 1775), with four bothridia, typical heteroacanthous armature, enlarged basal hooks, testes in linear rows, and lacking seminal vesicles; Stragulorhynchus orectologi n. g., n. sp., from Orectolobus tentaculatus (Peters, 1864) (type-host), O. maculatus (Bonnaterre, 1788) and O. ornatus (de Vis, 1882), with four bothridia, poeciloacanthous armature, with a band of hooklets on the external surface of the tentacle, external seminal vesicle, hermaphroditic duct, accessory seminal vesicle and post-ovarian testes. None of the new genera is readily accommodated by the existing classification of the Trypanorhyncha: the first two genera are tentatively allocated to the Gilquiniidae and the last to the Gymnorhynchidae.  相似文献   

Calicobenedenia polyprioni n. sp. (Capsalidae) is described from the external surfaces (skin and eye) of wreckfish, Polyprion americanus (Teleostei, Perciformes, Polyprionidae), from the north Atlantic Ocean. The monotypic Calicobenedenia n. gen. is proposed for this species and is characterized, in part, by its members possessing an aseptate haptor armed with 14 submarginal hooks and 1 pair of anchors, a common genital pore opening marginally immediately posterior to the left cephalic lobe, 2 testes juxtaposed near the body midlength, and by lacking cephalic suckers or adhesive discs, accessory haptoral sclerites, and a uterine valve. The new genus most closely resembles Entobdella, which differs from Calicobenedenia by having an aseptate haptor armed with 14 submarginal hooks, 2 pairs of anchors, and a pair of accessary sclerites.  相似文献   

A previously unrecognised species of hymenolepidid cestode attributable to Vampirolepis Spassky, 1954 is described based on specimens from the common noctule bat Nyctalus noctula (Schreber) (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from southeastern Kazakhstan (Dzungarian Alatau). Specimens of Vampirolepis kulkinae n. sp. differ from the morphologically similar congeners based on the number, size and shape of the rostellar hooks. The new species is further distinguished from additional cestodes attributed to Vampirolepis (sensu lato) by the arrangement of the testes in one row, egg structure (i.e. thin outer coat and emryophore without polar filaments) and the relative position and length of the cirrus-sac. This is the first species of the genus Vampirolepis described from Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

McVicar A. H. 1977. The bothridial hooks of Acanthobothrium quadripartitum Williams, 1968 (Cestoda: Tetraphyllidea): their growth and use in taxonomy. International Journal for Parasitology7: 439–442. Bothridial hooks are absent from juvenile Acanthobothrium quadripartitum in Raja naevus but develop to full size before there is much growth of the bothridia and strobila. There is a linear relationship between the lengths of the different components of the hooks during their development and it is suggested that the ratios of these lengths to the total hook length may be useful parameters in dstinguishing between species of Acanthobothrium. Principal component analysis of published hook dimensions gave good separation of most species of Acanthobothrium.  相似文献   

The genus Eutetrarhynchus Pintner, 1913 is revised. Eutetrarhynchus beveridgei n. sp. is described from the spiral intestine of the dwarf whipray, Himantura walga (Müller & Henle) (Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae), from the South China Sea off the Malaysian part of Borneo. The new species is characterised by a slender, elongate scolex, two oval bothria, muscular bulbs, retractor muscles inserting at the base of the bulbs, and the presence of gland-cells and prebulbar organs. The tentacular armature is typical heteroacanthous with heteromorphous hooks. Eutetrarhynchus beveridgei n. sp. is allocated to the genus due to its distinct segment morphology featuring two internal seminal vesicles and scattered testes occupying the complete intervascular space. It differs from congeners in its relatively small size, much smaller scolex regions and in the presence of a basal armature with a distinct basal swelling. Eutetrarhynchus cortezensis Friggens & Duszynski, 2005 is transferred to Dollfusiella Campbell & Beveridge, 1994, as D. cortezensis n. comb., on the basis of its segment morphology, with testes in a linear arrangement and the absence of internal seminal vesicles. A new generic diagnosis and a key for the identification of species of Eutetrarhynchus is provided.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of tetraphyllidean cestode, Caulopatera pagei n. g., n. sp., is described from the grey carpetshark Chiloscyllium punctatum Müller & Henle in Moreton Bay, Australia. The new genus is placed in the Phyllobothriidae, subfamily Phyllobothriinae. Caulopatera n. g. is distinct from all other phyllobothriine genera in having stalked, circular, non-loculate bothridia that lack an apical sucker, testes that are restricted to the region anterior to the cirrus-sac and circum-medullary vitelline follicles. The new genus most closely resembles Carpobothrium Shipley & Hornell, 1906, with which it shares non-loculate, stalked, unhooked bothridia without an accessory sucker and testes that are entirely anterior to the cirrus-sac, but differs from it in that it lacks a slit-like opening in each bothridium and flaps surrounding the opening. The possession of bothridial stalks is consistent with two cestode orders, the Tetraphyllidea and the Rhinebothriidea. The morphology of the bothridial stalks is consistent with other tetraphyllidean genera, in that Caulopatera possesses triangular bothridial stalks surrounding the back of the bothridia, indicating that it belongs in the Tetraphyllidea senso stricto, rather than in the recently recognised Rhinebothriidea.  相似文献   

A benedeniine monogenean, Benedenia rohdei n. sp., is reported from the gills of the stripey Lutjanus carponotatus (Richardson, 1842) (Lutjanidae) from Heron Island and Lizard Island, Queensland, Australia. The oncomiracidium of the new species is also illustrated. B. rohdei n. sp. differs from all known species of the genus in the possession of a sclerite at the tip of the penis. Examination of type-specimens of B. jaliscana Bravo-Hollis, 1952 has shown that the three penis ‘hooks’ described by Bravo-Hollis are unsclerotised conical papillae.  相似文献   

Anthobothrium galeorhini n. sp. (Eucestoda: Phyllobothriidae) collected from the spiral intestine of Galeorhinus galeus (Linnaeus, 1758) at the Puerto Madryn (Atlantic coastal region) is described. The new species differs from A. cornucopia as described by Euzet (1959) by the size of body, bothridia, gravid proglottids and eggs; by the neck length and by the different number of testes and proglottids. The size of bothridia and the gravid proglottids, the cirrus length and the number of testes allow differentiating the species here proposed from A. laciniatum Linton, 1890 as described by Euzel (1959). The body and cirrus sac size, the bothridia shape and the number of testes separate the species here described from A. parvum Stossich, 1895 as described by Yamaguti (1952). The anatomic differences between the cestode described by Arandas Rego (1977) and located laxonomycally under the name Anthobothrium laciniatum are listed and the systematic position of the cestode is discussed. Species parasitic of skates listed in scientific literature must be taxonomically reaccommodated, since their characteristics are not consistent with the diagnosis of Anthobothrium.  相似文献   

The parasites of hosts of conservation concern are often poorly known. This is the case with the iconic group of elasmobranchs known as the sawfish of the genus Pristis, all four species of which are considered as Endangered or Critically Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN, Switzerland). Examination of cestodes from three species of sawfish (Pristis pristis, Pristis clavata, and Pristis zijsron) in Australia and one of their close relatives, the also critically endangered widenose guitarfish, Glaucostegus obtusus, in India, collected over the past 25 years, yielded four new species of tapeworms which are described herein. All four belong to the previously monotypic Mixobothrium; the diagnosis of the genus is revised to accommodate the new species. Among the new taxa is a species that had been included in previous molecular phylogenies but whose identity and affinities within the order Rhinebothriidea, and thus also its familial placement, were unclear. This species exhibits the morphological features of Mixobothrium and thus its identity is, at long last, revealed. Sequence data generated for the 28S rDNA gene for three of the new species, as well as an additional new but yet undescribed species from Pristis pectinata from Florida (USA), confirms the uniqueness of this group among the rhinebothriideans. The new family Mixobothriidae is established to house these taxa. The members of this family differ from all but one of the five other families of rhinebothriideans in lacking apical suckers on their bothridia. They are also distinctive in that their bothridia are divided into three regions. The anterior and posterior regions have similar locular configurations to one another and differ from the locular configuration of the middle region. As a consequence, the bothridia are symmetrical along both their vertical and horizontal axes. We predict that a focus on species of guitarfish in the genus Glaucostegus will be the most productive approach for discovering additional diversity in this family of cestodes.  相似文献   

Nine specimens of Apus affinis (J.E. Gray) were studied at Franceville, Haut-Ogooué Province, Republic of Gabon, for the presence of helminth parasites. Two cestode species of the family Dilepididae were recorded. Pseudangularia gonzalezi n. sp. is distinguished from the most similar species P. europaea Georgiev & Murai, 1993 by having elliptical cirrus-sac, longer vagina, longer rostellar sheath and greater diameter of suckers. An identification key to the species of the genus Pseudangularia Burt, 1938 is proposed. The present study is the first record of the genus Pseudangularia in the Afrotropical Region. Our study confirms that, in dilepidids with vaginal sclerites from swifts, breaking off the cirrus after copulation is a frequent phenomenon. The genus Gibsonilepis n. g. is erected as monotypic for Vitta swifti Singh, 1952 (originally described from the same host species in India) and Gibsonilepis swifti n. comb. is proposed. Gibsonilepis n. g. is distinguished from Vitta Burt, 1938 by its highly elongate rostellum, rostellar sheath much bigger than rostellum, relatively small rostellar hooks possessing strongly developed guard, disc-shaped suckers with weak peripheral musculature and flat or convex central part, long and well-expressed neck, highly lobed two-winged ovary (lobes rounded) and presence of a band consisting of rows of spine-like microtriches along posterior margin of each proglottis. This is the first record of G. swifti in the Afrotropical Region. The separation of G. swifti from the genus Vitta (parasites of swallows) suggests that, contrary to previous opinions, no dilepidid genera are shared by Apodidae (swifts) and Hirundinidae (swallows).  相似文献   

Two new species, Heteraphorura koreana sp. nov. and Psyllaphorura jirisana sp. nov., of the tribe Hymenaphorurini are described and illustrated based on materials from South Korea. Heteraphorura koreana sp. nov. belongs to the oriental species-group of the genus Heteraphorura, because of compound vesicles in the postantennal organ. This new species shares the same number of PAO with Heteraphorura pseudoseolagensis (Martynova, 1981) from Russia, but differs in pso dorsal formula and lateral teeth of claw. Psyllaphorura jirisana sp. nov. is similar to Psyllaphorura sensillifera.(Martynova, 1981) from the Russian Far East, but can be distinguished by shape of vesicles in PAO, dorsal s-chaetae on head and ratio AS/unguis. www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F854CBFD-06D0-4396-B8D9-62468B427111.  相似文献   

Macrobothridium rhynchobati n. g., n. sp. from the guitarfish Rhynchobatus granulatus in Kuwaiti waters in the Arabian Gulf is described and figured. The new genus differs from Echinobothrium in having a short unarmed peduncle and a posterior sucker-like structure in the terminal proglottid. It differs from Ditrachybothridium in having a powerful rostellum with dorsal and ventral groups of hooks and in having unarmed bothridia. A new family, the Macrobothridiidae, assigned to the order Diphyllidea is erected. Larval forms are described and figured.  相似文献   

Chimaerarhynchus rougetae n. g., n. sp. is described fromSqualus acanthias andCentrophorus sp. from the coast of Senegal, and differs from all other trypanorhynch genera in having a chainette composed of dissimilar elements, that is, double-winged hooks alternating with pairs of hooks each with a single lateral wing. The new genus is allocated to the Gymnorhynchidae Dollfus, 1935.Patellobothrium quinquecatenatum n.g., n. sp. is described from the spiral intestine ofSphyrna mokarran from Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia and plerocerci fromRachycentron canadus from Queensland, Australia. The genus is distinguished from all others in possessing five chainettes. It is allocated to the family Mustelicolidae Dollfus, 1969. The relationships of all genera of trypanorhynchs possessing chainettes are discussed, and they are divided into three groups: (1) Dasyrhynchidae Dollfus, 1935, Lacistorhynchidae Guiart, 1927, Mustelicolidae and Hornelliellidae Yamaguti, 1954 are considered closely related since all genera possess two bothridia, a hermaphroditic duct and have hollow hooks; (2) Gymnorhynchidae, amended to contain onlyGymnorhynchus Rudolphi, 1819 andChimaerarhynchus n.g., is distinct in possessing four bothridia, an accessory seminal vesicle and hollow hooks; (3) Mixodigmatidae Dailey & Vogelbein, 1982, amended to includeMixodigma Dailey & Vogelbein, 1982 andHalysiorhynchus Pintner, 1913 has four bothridia, lacks seminal vesicles and a hermaphroditic duct and has solid hooks.A new family Molicolidae n. fam. is erected forMolicola Dollfus, 1935 andStragulorhynchus Beveridge & Campbell, 1988. The new family has a poeciloacanthous armature, and is distinguished by possessing a band of hooks on the external surface of the tentacle, four sessile bothridia and an acessory seminal vesicle.Myrmillorhynchus Bilqees, 1980 is suppressed as a synonym ofPterobothrium Diesing, 1850.Neogymnorhynchus Bilquees & Shah, 1982, is suppressed as a synonym ofPterobothrium, with the type species,N. platycephali becoming a synonym ofP. heteracanthum Diesing, 1850.Eulacistorhynchus Subhapradha, 1957 is considered agenus inquirendum;Gymnorhynchus cymbiumi Chincholikar & Shinde, 1977 is also a synonym ofPterobothrium heteracanthum Diesing, 1850.  相似文献   

Nine compounds (19) including one norisoprenoid (1), one polyol-glycoside (2), three sterols (35), three phenols (6, 8, and 9), and one fatty acid (7) were isolated from Chlamydomonas sp. KSF108. Their chemical structures were established using NMR spectroscopic techniques and compared with published data. None of the compounds have been previously reported from the genus Chlamydomonas and they may therefore serve as chemotaxonomic markers for Chlamydomonas sp. KSF108 within the genus.  相似文献   

Allocreadium pichi n. sp. (Trematoda: Allocreadiidae) is described from the intestine of Galaxias maculatus (Osteichthyes: Galaxiidae) from Moreno Lake in Patagonia, `Argentina. This species is distinguished from A. patagonicum Shimazu, Urawa &; Coria, 2000, the other species recorded in the area, by its smaller body size, the diagonal position of the testes and different ratios of the suckers, testes and cirrus-sac in relation to body size. In addition, the synonymy of A. patagonicum withPolylekithum percai Ostrowski de Núñez, Brugni &; Viozzi, 2000 is proposed herein.  相似文献   

Two new species of pterobothriid trypanorhynch cestodes representing a new genus are described from dasyatid stingrays taken in Pacific coastal waters off Mexico and Costa Rica and from Atlantic waters off Senegal, West Africa. Pterobothrioides carvajali n. g., n. sp. is described from Dasyatis longus (Garman) from Pacific coastal waters off Mexico and Costa Rica. P. petterae n. g., n. sp. is described from Gymnura altavela (Linnaeus) from Atlantic coastal waters off West Africa. Both species resemble other pterobothriids in their possession of four pedicellate bothridia in a cruciform arrangement, elongated scolex and bulbs, heteroacanthous armature with five hooks per principal row, one or more intercalary rows and a band consisting of irregular files of microhooks on the external tentacular surface. Both new species are unique in the possession of a simple chainette of hooks in addition to a band of microhooks in the tentacle armature. The chainette hooks of P. carvajali are robust, rose-thorn-shaped hooks with large rounded bases. The chainette of P. petterae consists of smaller uncinate hooks that are most distinct in the basal region of the tentacle armature and progressively decrease in size until they become almost indistinguishable from the band microhooks in the distal metabasal region. A new genus, Pterobothrioides, is proposed to accommodate these two new species, combining a chainette, considered characteristic of poeciloacanths, with the band of hooks characteristic of atypical heteroacanths. It is suggested that through changes in hook number and arrangement the typical heteroacanths, having bands of hooks, evolved into poeciloacanths with chainettes and that clades are now apparent in the family Pterobothriidae.  相似文献   

Two new species of Pseudohaploporinae, Pseudohaploporus pusitestis sp. n. and Parahaploporus elegantus n. g., sp. n., are described from intestines of the Vietnamese mullet fish Moolgarda seheli and Osteomugil cunnesius, respectively. Pseudohaploporus pusitestis sp. n. differs from two known Pseudohaploporus species, P. vietnamensis and P. planiliza, by the absence of a diverticulate hermaphroditic duct and muscular sphincters at the proximal end of the hermaphroditic sac. Metrically, P. pusitestis sp. n. is close to P. vietnamensis and differs from this species and from P. planilizum by lower maximum sizes of most parameters. Parahaploporus elegantus n. g., sp. differs from representatives of Pseudohaploporus by the presence of a single testis and the armament of hermaphroditic duct and is morphologically close to trematodes of the genus Haploporus. However, P. elegantus n. g differs from all known Haploporus species from mugilids of the Indo-West Pacific by the structure of the armament of the hermaphroditic duct and also by size of body, organs and eggs. The validity of designating two new species and a new genus of trematodes is supported by ITS and 28S rDNA sequence data. Phylogenetic reconstructions showed that the new trematodes belong to the Pseudohaploporinae, which formed a well-supported cluster within the monophyletic Haploporidae.  相似文献   

Chemical analysis of the secondary metabolite pattern of the aeolid nudibranch Phyllodesmium magnum collected from the South China sea resulted in the isolation of eight sesquiterpenes, exhibiting very different structural features, which included one asteriscane (1), two africanane (2, 3), one elemane (4), two selinane (5, 6), and two furano- (7, 8) sesquiterpenes. Among them, compound 1, a new molecule, represents the fourth example of a rare asteriscane skeleton from a natural source, and the seven known sesquiterpenes (2-8) are new for P. magnum. The occurrence of the metabolites possessed by Phyllodesmium guamensis supports recent chemecological studies that it preys on the soft coral Sinularia sp., and uses these dietary chemicals as its defensive weapon.  相似文献   

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