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The International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy (ISCT®) Mesenchymal Stromal Cell (ISCT MSC) committee offers a position statement to clarify the nomenclature of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). The ISCT MSC committee continues to support the use of the acronym “MSCs” but recommends this be (i) supplemented by tissue-source origin of the cells, which would highlight tissue-specific properties; (ii) intended as MSCs unless rigorous evidence for stemness exists that can be supported by both in vitro and in vivo data; and (iii) associated with robust matrix of functional assays to demonstrate MSC properties, which are not generically defined but informed by the intended therapeutic mode of actions.  相似文献   

The Cellular Therapy Coding and Labeling Advisory Group of the International Council for Commonality in Blood Banking Automation and the International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC) committee are providing specific recommendations on abbreviating tissue sources of culture-adapted MSCs. These recommendations include using abbreviations based on the ISBT 128 terminology model that specifies standard class names to distinguish cell types and tissue sources for culture-adapted MSCs. Thus, MSCs from bone marrow are MSC(M), MSCs from cord blood are MSC(CB), MSCs from adipose tissue are MSC(AT) and MSCs from Wharton's jelly are MSC(WJ). Additional recommendations include using these abbreviations through the full spectrum of pre-clinical, translational and clinical research for the development of culture-adapted MSC products. This does not apply to basic research focused on investigating the developmental origins, identity or functionalities of endogenous progenitor cells in different tissues. These recommendations will serve to harmonize nomenclature in describing research and development surrounding culture-adapted MSCs, many of which are destined for clinical and/or commercial translation. These recommendations will also serve to align research and development efforts on culture-adapted MSCs with other cell therapy products.  相似文献   

The ISCT Scientific Signature Series Symposium “Advances in Cell and Gene Therapies for Lung Diseases and Critical Illnesses” was held as an independent symposium in conjunction with the biennial meeting, “Stem Cells, Cell Therapies, and Bioengineering in Lung Biology and Diseases,” which took place July 12–15, 2021, at the University of Vermont. This is the third Respiratory System–based Signature Series event; the first 2, “Tracheal Bioengineering, the Next Steps” and “Cellular Therapies for Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Illnesses: State of the Art of European Science,” took place in 2014 and 2015, respectively. Cell- and gene-based therapies for respiratory diseases and critical illnesses continue to be a source of great promise and opportunity. This reflects ongoing advancements in understanding of the mechanisms by which cell-based therapies, particularly those using mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), can mitigate different lung injuries and the increasing sophistication with which preclinical data is translated into clinical investigations. This also reflects continuing evolution in gene transfer vectors, including those designed for in situ gene editing in parallel with those targeting gene or cell replacement. Therefore, this symposium convened global thought leaders in a forum designed to catalyze communication and collaboration to bring the greatest possible innovation and value of cell- and gene-based therapies for patients with respiratory diseases and critical illnesses.  相似文献   

As part of the International Society of Cell Therapy (ISCT) 2018 Annual Meeting, the Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cell (MSC) committee organized a pre-conference, which covered methods of improving MSC engraftment and potency in vivo and clinical efficacy using MSC potency assays. The speakers examined methods to improve clinical efficacy using MSC potency assays and methods to improve MSC engraftment/homing/potency in vivo. Discussion of patient “responders” versus “non-responders” in clinical trials and working toward ways to identify them were also included.  相似文献   

The genus Zamia (Zamiaceae: Cycadales) exhibits its greatest diversity in Colombia and is highly threatened by habitat loss, extraction for ornamental plant trade, and mining, among other factors. One of the most important considerations for the effective conservation of Zamia is its highly specialized reproductive biology. Despite the importance of pollination for the populations’ viability, no studies have examined the pollination process of cycads in Colombia. Herein, we describe the pollination process of Zamia incognita A. Lindstr. & Idárraga, in a natural population. Exclusion experiments were performed by selectively excluding wind, beetles, both, or neither, which demonstrated that Pharaxonotha beetles are effective pollinators of Zamia incognita and that wind does not play any role as pollen vector. By following beetles marked with fluorescent dyes and directly observing beetle movements on and into female cones and micropyles, we confirmed that Pharaxonotha sp. is the effective pollinator of Z. incognita. The beetles traveled a maximum dispersal distance from a male to female cone of nearly 22 m and a minimum distance of 5 m. We found Pharaxonotha beetles in male cones, where they complete their life cycle. Cones produce heat in a circadian pattern associated with the elongation of the cones and pollen shedding. The increase in cones’ temperature appears to play an important role in beetle attraction. We suggest that pollination droplets on the micropyles would be a reward to pollinators. We also discuss the relationship of this Zamia species with other insects, which have important consequences for the conservation of web interactions.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - The new species Crinoniscus stroembergi n. sp. belonging to the parasitic isopod family Crinoniscidae Bonnier, 1900, is described from a pedunculate barnacle host...  相似文献   

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