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In conscious pigs, intravenous infusion of serial doses of cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK8; 2.9-232.3 pmol.kg-1.min-1) upon a background of secretin resulted in a linear increase of plasma CCK-like immunoreactivity (CCK-LI) concentration and evoked a dose-related increase of pancreatic volume and bicarbonate and protein outputs. The threshold plasma CCK-LI concentration for significant pancreatic response was 103.8 +/- 10.2 pM using a CCK8 dose of 8.8 pmol.kg-1.min-1. The maximum pancreatic response was observed for a plasma CCK-LI level of 498.0 +/- 15.3 pM using 77.2 pmol CCK8.kg-1.min-1. In anesthetized pigs, the threshold plasma CCK-LI concentration for pancreatic response was 1500 pM (actual CCK8 dose of 60.3 pmol.kg-1.min-1). The physiological relevance of this finding was assessed by comparing the food-induced increase of pancreatic secretion with that of plasma CCK-LI. Food ingestion was followed by a sharp pancreatic response and by a progressive increase of plasma CCK-LI to a peak increment of about 15 pM. Gel chromatography of portal and peripheral plasma from fed animals revealed three major peaks in the volumes of CCK33/39 and CCK8, and in a volume intermediate between CCK33/39 and CCK8. An additional minor component eluted ahead of CCK33/39. CCK8, which is one of the CCK components released after food intake, appears to be a fairly weak pancreatic stimulant in pigs.  相似文献   

The effects of intravenous parathyroid hormone (PTH) on steady state Secretin-induced pancreatic secretion were studied in seven dogs before and after parathyroidectomy. Free flow of pancreatic juice was obtained by direct cannulation of the main pancreatic duct (the minor duct being ligated) : a gastric fistula prevented the entry of gastric acid into the duodenum. In the normal dog PTH caused a significant increase in volume and bicarbonate concentration, reciprocal change in chloride and no change in total protein concentration. The stimulatory effect of PTH was dose-dependent. In the parathyroidectomized dog, the basic Secretin-induced secretion was lower than the preoperative values, but PTH infusion caused a significant increase in volume of fluids and bicarbonate concentration, reciprocal change in chloride and no change in protein concentration. These results were not dependent on calcium blood level, and did not change after calcium injection to the hypocalcemic parathyroidectomized dog. It is suggested, that PTH may have a direct effect on pancreatic exocrine secretion.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of atrial natriuretic polypeptide (hANP) on exocrine function in the isolated and blood-perfused dog pancreas in situ. Intra-arterial injection of hANP (1-10 micrograms) resulted in the dose-dependent increases of the pancreatic juice secretion. The secretory activity of 3 micrograms of hANP was approximately equal to one third of the secretory activity of 0.1 units of secretin. The use of hANP increased the concentration of bicarbonate but not that of sodium and protein in the pancreatic juice as compared with the basal values. These secretory responses to hANP were not inhibited by treatment with haloperidol, sulpiride, phentolamine, propranolol, atropine, cimetidine or ethacrynic acid. These results suggest that hANP acts directly on the pancreatic exocrine gland to stimulate pancreatic secretion; without, however, increasing sodium excretion. The mechanism of this effect remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Recent synthesis of specific, potent bombesin receptor antagonists allows examination of the role of bombesin-like peptides in physiological processes in vivo. We characterized effects of [D-Phe6]bombesin(6-13)-methyl-ester (BME) on pancreatic enzyme secretion stimulated by the C-terminal decapeptide of gastrin releasing peptide (GRP-10), food intake, and diversion of bile-pancreatic juice in rats. In isolated pancreatic acini, BME had no agonistic effects on amylase secretion but competitively inhibited responses to GRP-10, yielding a pA2 value of 8.89 +/- 0.19. In conscious rats with gastric, jugular vein, bile-pancreatic, and duodenal cannulas, basal enzyme secretion (bile-pancreatic juice recirculated) was not affected by the antagonist. Maximal amylase response to GRP-10 (0.5 nmol/kg/h) was inhibited dose dependently by BME, reaching 97% inhibition at a dose of 400 nmol/kg/h. The dose response curve of amylase secretion stimulated by GRP-10 was shifted to the right by 40 nmol/kg/h BME, but maximal amylase response was unaltered, suggesting competitive inhibition in vivo. Liquid food intake and bile-pancreatic juice diversion caused substantial increases in amylase secretion; neither response was altered during administration of 400 pmol/kg/h BME. These results demonstrate that BME is a potent, competitive antagonist of pancreatic responses to bombesin-like peptides in vitro and in vivo. Lack of effect of BME on basal pancreatic secretion or responses to liquid food intake or diversion of bile-pancreatic juice in rats suggests that endogenous bombesin-like peptides do not act either directly or indirectly to mediate these responses.  相似文献   

Action of phenylephrine (35 micrograms/Kg/min) alone or previously blocked by phentolamine (100 micrograms/Kg/min) on exocrine pancreatic secretion of anaesthetized rabbits has been studied, in basal state or under stimulation by secretin (1 C.U./Kg/h) or by the octapeptide of cholecystokinin (OP-CCK) (0.15 Ivy dog units/Kg/h). Phenylephrine increased arterial pressure. This effect was blocked by phentolamine. However no variations were seen in pancreatic blood flow in any of the experimental conditions assayed. Phenylephrine produced a secretin-like effect on hydroelectrolytic secretion in basal conditions. This action was maintained after the infusion of secretin but not after OP-CCK. This effect was not blocked by phentolamine. Phenylephrine increased protein secretion in the basal state, an action that was blocked by phentolamine. After secretin or OP-CCK stimulation phenylephrine did not increase protein secretion. It is concluded that phentolamine blocks the effects of phenylephrine on acinar cells but not on ductular cells.  相似文献   

Bombesin is a potent stimulus of both pancreatic protein secretion and plasma pancreatic polypeptide (PP) release in dogs. Physiological plasma levels of PP have been shown to inhibit pancreatic exocrine secretion in dogs. We examined the question whether the concomitant release of PP exerts a suppressive action on the pancreatic exocrine response to bombesin in dogs by measuring pancreatic exocrine secretion with and without in vivo immunoneutralization of PP with a high affinity PP-antiserum. Bombesin was infused in a dose of 150 ng/kg·hr, resulting in a rise of plasma PP from 24±5 to 224±25 pM (p<0.01). Before this bombesin infusion, 7 ml of normal rabbit serum had been administered to the dogs (n=8). At a later stage, the study was repeated after administration of 7 ml of PP-antiserum to the same animals. The bombesin induced increase in pancreatic exocrine secretion during administration of PP-antiserum (flow rate 24±10 ml/hr, protein output 1.35±0.43 g/hr, and bicarbonate output 3.25±1.42 mmol/hr) was not significantly different from that during control rabbit serum (flow rate 21±7 ml/hr, protein output 1.26±0.38 g/hr, and bicarbonate output 3.18±1.10 mmol/hr). It is therefore concluded that the pancreatic exocrine response to bombesin is not affected by the concomitant secretion of PP.  相似文献   

The tachykinins, including substance P, neurokinin A and neurokinin B, are a mammalian peptide family that have documented motor, sensory and circulatory neurotransmitter functions in the gut. Little is known about their action on the exocrine pancreas. In this study we investigated the effects of PG-KII, a natural NK3-tachykinin receptor agonist, and senktide, a synthetic NK3-tachykinin receptor agonist, on amylase release from isolated pancreatic lobules of the guinea pig in comparison with the secretagogues carbachol, caerulein and substance P and the depolarizing agent KCl. When added to incubation flasks at various concentrations (from 10(-10) to 10(-6)M), PG-KII and senktide both caused a dose-dependent increase in amylase release from pancreatic lobules. PG-KII and senktide elicited a lower maximal response (7.5+/-0.8 and 8.1+/-0.6% of the total lobular amylase content) than carbachol (34.4+/-3.9%), caerulein (26.5+/-2.8%) and KCl (22.5+/-3.8%). Whereas atropine left PG-KII and senktide-stimulated secretion unaffected, the non peptide NK3 receptor antagonist SR 142801 significantly reduced the stimulant effect of PG-KII and senktide. PG-KII (10(-7)M) also slightly though significantly increased the response to lower concentrations of caerulein (10(-11) and 10(-10)M) and carbachol (10(-7) and 10(-6)M). These findings show that PG-KII and senktide are weak stimulants of exocrine pancreatic secretion that act directly on the acinar cells through NK3 receptors, without cholinergic involvement. We suggest also that the tachykininergic NK3 receptor system cooperates with the other known secretagogues in the control of pancreatic exocrine secretion.  相似文献   

Fourteen castrated male Large White pigs, weighing 42.5 +/- 1.0 kg, were fitted with pancreatic and duodenal fistulae for pancreatic secretion studies. Moreover, catheters were placed in a carotid artery for blood sampling and in a jugular vein for peptide infusion. Pancreatic juice was automatically restituted to the animals and continuously sampled for analysis on experimental days. Following an 8-day recovery period, perfusion studies were performed after an overnight fast. After a 30-min basal period, sustained pancreatic flow and protein output were obtained and maintained throughout the assay with secretin (36 pmol/kg/h) and CCK-8 (600 pmol/kg/h) infusion. Then, 200, 400, 600, 800 or 1200 pmol/kg/h of porcine pancreatic polypeptide (PP) were infused for 60 min. Secretin + CCK infusion was continued for 1 h after PP infusion was stopped. Each dose of PP was given on a separate day. Neither pancreatic flow nor bicarbonate output were affected whatever the dose of infused PP. On the contrary, protein concentration and output decreased with the lowest dose of PP (200 pmol/kg/h) and the diminution was more pronounced with the other doses. With 600 pmol/kg/h as well as with 800 and 1200 pmol/kg/h of PP, pancreatic protein output fell to about 20% of values obtained with secretin + CCK. Plasma levels of PP were below or similar to postprandial values for 200, 400 and 600 pmol/kg/h and they were significantly larger with 800 and 1200 pmol/kg/h. Protein concentration and output returned to values obtained with secretin + CCK infusion after cessation of PP infusion. In conclusion, porcine PP given in physiological doses to the pig decreases pancreatic protein output whereas pancreatic flow remains unaffected.  相似文献   

Neurotensin (NT) stimulates pancreatic exocrine secretion in dogs and humans. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of exogenous neurotensin on pancreatic exocrine secretion in rats. Five Sprague-Dawley male rats were prepared with pancreatic, gastric and duodenal fistulas. Bile was shunted into the duodenum in order to collect pure pancreatic juice. 24 h later, neurotensin (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 1.0 nmol/kg) was infused intravenously in a random fashion. Pancreatic juice was collected every 10 min, and the volume was recorded and protein and bicarbonate were measured. Neurotensin stimulated, in a dose-related manner, the pancreatic secretion of water, protein and bicarbonate. Neurotensin may be involved in the physiologic control of pancreatic secretion in rats.  相似文献   

1. The effects of intravenous injection of n-butyrate, iso-butyrate, n-valerate and iso-valerate on insulin and glucagon secretion was examined in conscious sheep. 2. Each sodium salt of the short chain fatty acids increased plasma insulin and glucagon concentrations in a dose-dependent manner (312-1250 mumol/kg body wt). 3. Both butyrate and valerate isomers with branched carbon chains had larger insulin releasing activity than isomers with straight carbon chains. 4. The glucagon responses to butyrate or valerate did not differ between the isomers with straight carbon chains and those with branched carbon chains. 5. Our results suggest that the receptive mechanism to short chain fatty acids, which may involve the nervous system, differs between the A cell and the B cell in sheep in vivo.  相似文献   

The effects of experimentally induced hypothermia on exocrine pancreatic secretion in rabbits were investigated. During hypothermia the flow of pancreatic juice decreased to 50% of basal values and recovered after rewarming. Hypothermia scarcely affected HCO-3, Cl- and Na+ concentrations but did cause significant alterations in K+ concentrations. During hypothermia and later normothermia a parallel secretion in the enzymes amylase, chymotrypsin and trypsin was seen to take place. Enzyme secretion decreased throughout the experimental period in the rabbits undergoing hypothermia and later normothermia, as in the case of the control animals.  相似文献   

Acute assays were carried out using broiler chickens in which a reentry catheter had previously been placed chronically in the main pancreatic duct. Samples of pancreatic juice were collected after manoeuvres of blockage and stimulation with different neurotransmitters and blocking agents, both cholinergic and adrenergic, as well as electrical stimulation of the left vagosympathetic trunk. Stimulation of the vagus nerve induced a marked increase in the pancreatic flow but with no changes in the enzyme content. Acetylcholine was seen to cause a slight but significant increase in pancreatic flow and a non-significant increase in amylase activity. The drop in the flow of pancreatic juice in response to adrenaline was not very sensitive to adrenergic blockers. The effect of adrenaline on pancreatic secretion cannot be attributed to vascular changes.  相似文献   

The effect of newly discovered pancreastatin on pancreatic secretion stimulated by a diversion of bile-pancreatic juice (BPJ) from the intestine was examined in the conscious rat. Exogenous pancreastatin infusion (20, 100 and 200 pmol/kg.h) inhibited pancreatic protein and fluid outputs during BPJ diversion in a dose-dependent manner. Pancreastatin did not affect plasma cholecystokinin (CCK) concentrations. Pancreastatin (100 pmol/kg.h) inhibited CCK-stimulated pancreatic secretion, but did not inhibit secretin-stimulated pancreatic secretion. Pancreastatin alone, however, did not affect basal pancreatic secretion. In contrast, pancreastatin (10(-10)-10(-7)M) did not suppress CCK-stimulated amylase release from isolated rat pancreatic acini. These results indicate that pancreastatin has an inhibitory action on exocrine function of the pancreas. This action may not be mediated by direct mechanisms and nor via an inhibition of CCK release. It is suggested that pancreastatin may play a role in the regulation of the intestinal phase of exocrine pancreatic secretion.  相似文献   

The effect of caseinomacropeptide (CMP) (the [106-169] fragment of kappa-casein produced during digestion of milk protein), was studied in anesthetized rats using bile diversion for a pure pancreatic juice collection system. Intraduodenal administration of CMP induced a dose-related specific stimulation of pancreatic secretion which was nearly abolished by devazepide, atropine, hexamethonium, vagotomy or perivagal capsaicin pretreatment. Moreover, CMP did not inhibit in vitro trypsin activity. These results demonstrate that CMP is more likely to stimulate pancreatic secretion specifically through cholecystokinin release and activation of a vago-vagal cholinergic reflex loop than by inhibition of luminal trypsin, in anesthetized rats.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The effects which experimental hypothermia induces on rabbit pancreatic exocrine secretion have been investigated.
  • 2.2. The flow of juice and the output of total protein and amylase were lowered during hypothermia.
  • 3.3. After rewarming, flow recovered but amylase output remained low.
  • 4.4. During hypothermia the sensitivity of the pancreas to secretin and PZ-CCK diminished.

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