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In a survey of 461 women routinely attending family planning clinics those taking oral contraceptives had significantly higher mean systolic and diastolic blood pressures than those using non-hormonal contraception. There appeared to be a dose-response relation of blood pressure to the progestogen component of two oral contraceptives with an identical 30 μg ethinyloestradiol component. This supports the idea that the progestogen as well as the oestrogen component has an aetiological role in the rise in blood pressure. There was a significant correlation of blood pressure with duration of current use of oral contraceptive but not with total duration of use. There was also a significant negative correlation of blood pressure with time since oral contraceptives were last taken, and women who had stopped using oral contraceptives over a month previously had similar blood pressures to those who had never taken them. In women taking oral contraceptives those who had either a history of hypertension in pregnancy or a family history of hypertension had significantly higher mean blood pressures than those who did not. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressures correlated independently with weight and body mass index, but controlling for the effect of this and age did not affect the above relations. No significant differences in mean blood pressures were found between different ethnic groups, and there was no relation of blood pressure to reported marital state, social class, parity, smoking, or alcohol use.Any oral contraceptive that has a less adverse effect on blood pressure has implications for general prescribing policy; thus even small differences in the progestogen contents of low-dose oestrogen pills may be important.  相似文献   

Oral contraceptives have many advantages, but sometimes also have side effects which can cause users to switch appropriately or inappropriately to less effective methods or abandon contraception. In Brazil, 2/3 of married women of childbearing age were using contraception in 1981, and 1/2 of these were using orals. Contraceptive behavior following reported side effects in users of oral contraceptives in Southern Brazil is examined in this study, in relation to diverse factors. Among 2904 currently-married women, aged 15-44, almost 75% reported that they had used the pill at some time, and of these, 45.6% were still doing so. Data on perceived side effects were gathered for all women. There was no independent medical evaluation of the effects, so the data did not necessarily represent actual prevalence of pill related problems. Women who reported problems with the pill were less likely to be current users (25%) than women who did not (65%). However, overall contraceptive prevalence was about the same in both groups (66.2% and 67.0% respectively), indicating that women who stop using oral contraceptives usually switch to another method. However, they are more likely to be using traditional methods than women in the general population, especially if they want more children. Termination of pill use varies little according to the type of problem reported. Women with problems who sought medical attention were more likely to stop using the pill, and 82.4% of women advised to stop by their physician did so, but the major factor affecting discontinuation was the reported experience of a problem. The most frequently reported problems were headaches (38.1%), nausea (34.1%), nervousness (27.9%), and vertigo (18.3%). Physician intervention should help to avoid women's abandoning oral contraceptives unnecessarily.  相似文献   

Metabolic studies in 100 women developing hypertension on combined oestrogen-progestogen oral contraceptives have been compared with similar studies in normotensive women on oral contraceptives, matched for age and duration of contraceptive use, and in women not taking contraceptives.The metabolic changes known to be induced by oral contraceptives—impaired glucose tolerance, elevated blood pyruvate levels, and raised serum lipid concentrations—were found to be exaggerated in the matched hypertensive group, largely due to pronounced abnormalities in 33 subjects with diastolic blood pressures over 110 mm Hg.Women developing severe hypertension were older, more obese, and of higher parity than those with mild hypertension and there was a high incidence of previous toxaemia of pregnancy in the hypertensive group.The results show that in women on oral contraceptives changes in blood pressure and in metabolic functions tend to be correlated with one another, and are consistent with the hypothesis that oral contraception induces a primary biochemical effect whose expression in the individual is determined by intrinsic factors including genetic constitution, age, weight, and parity.  相似文献   

The use of contraceptives has become prevalent among females in Thailand in the past 20 years, and oral contraceptive use has been suggested to trigger changes in fat intake, energy expenditure, fat metabolism and blood pressure. Based on field investigations of 391 married women aged 20 years or over in Yasothon Province, North-east Thailand, this study aims to elucidate the effects of oral contraceptive use on body mass index (BMI: kg/m2) and blood pressure, taking into account reproductive histories and socioeconomic conditions. The proportion of obese (BMI > or = 25) subjects was high in the age groups 30-39, 40-49 and 50-59, accounting for, respectively, 39.4%, 51.1% and 48.5% of these populations. The proportion of women with hypertension (90/140 mmHg) was 23.7%, 18.5% and 26.2% in the 40-49, 50-59 and 60-69 age groups. Current contraceptive practices in the studied population included sterilization by operation, oral contraception and injection. These methods accounted for 43.0%, 12.8% and 8.2% of the population, respectively. Sociodemographic factors such as reproductive history, years of education and household income were not significantly related to BMI or to blood pressure (ANOVA with age adjustment). In contrast, oral contraceptive users had significantly higher BMIs and diastolic blood pressures (p<0.01, ANOVA with age adjustment). Multiple regression analysis also revealed that oral contraceptive use was a weak but significant contributing factor to both high BMI and blood pressure when sociodemographic factors were taken into account and controlled for statistically. It can thus be concluded that the use of contraceptive pills, which contain oestrogen and progestin and are provided free of charge to Thai women, tend to increase BMI and to elevate blood pressure.  相似文献   

Selected hemostasis parameters were assayed in 131 women ingesting different kinds of oral contraceptives and 36 control women. No differences were noted in the plasma levels of fibrinogen, antithrombin III, prekallikrein, alpha 2 antiplasmin, fibrinopeptide A, platelet factor 4 and beta-thromboglobulin. Protein C and plasminogen levels were significantly higher in pill users (p less than 0.001, p less than 0.01) and fibronectin levels were lower (p less than 0.05). Canonical correlation, performed between clinical parameters and hemostasis data, revealed a negative correlation between antithrombin III levels and family history for thromboembolic diseases. A positive correlation was noted between fibrinogen and fibronectin levels in obese OC users. The data suggest that women taking OCs are not in a state of "hypercoagulability."  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To describe the epidemiology of endometriosis in women attending family planning clinics with special reference to contraceptive methods. DESIGN--Non-randomised cohort study with follow up of subjects for up to 23 years. Disease was measured by first hospital admission rates since endometriosis can be diagnosed with accuracy only at laparotomy or laparoscopy. SETTING--17 family planning centres in England and Scotland. SUBJECTS--17,032 married white women aged 25-39 years at entry during 1968-74 who were taking oral contraceptives or using an intrauterine device or diaphragm. About 99% of the women approached agreed to participate and annual loss to follow up was about 0.3%. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Diagnosis of endometriosis, age, parity, and history of contraceptive use. RESULTS--Endometriosis was significantly related to age, peaking at ages 40-44 (chi 2 for heterogeneity = 30.9, p < 0.001). Endometriosis was not linked to duration of taking oral contraceptives. Nevertheless, the risk of endometriosis was low in women currently taking oral contraceptives (relative risk 0.4; 95% confidence interval 0.2 to 0.7), but higher in women who had formerly taken them (1.8; 1.0 to 3.1 in women who had stopped 25-48 months previously) compared with women who had never taken the pill. A similar pattern was seen for use of intrauterine devices (relative risk 0.4 (0.2 to 0.7) in current users and 1.4 (0.4 to 3.2) in users 49-72 months previously compared with never users). No association was found between endometriosis and use of the diaphragm. CONCLUSIONS--Oral contraceptives seem to temporarily suppress endometriosis. Endometriosis may be diagnosed late in women using intrauterine devices as pain and bleeding occur with both.  相似文献   

In a cross sectional study of 137 women of childbearing age (16-40) the effects of normal pregnancy, hypertensive pregnancy, and oral contraceptives on red cell electrolyte content and sodium efflux rates were examined and the results compared with values in a control group of normotensive, non-pregnant women. Efflux rate constants were significantly increased in normotensive pregnancy and in women taking oral contraceptives. This was associated with a significant increase in sodium permeability in the contraceptive group. A much larger increase in sodium permeability and efflux rate constant was seen in the hypertensive group. The results permit a hypothesis that the hormonal changes induced by pregnancy and oral contraceptives increase membrane permeability to sodium and stimulate sodium efflux. The rise in blood pressure associated with use of oral contraceptives may have a similar aetiology to that occurring in pregnancy induced hypertension.  相似文献   

To examine the involvement of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in the etiology of oral contraceptive induced hypertension, normal women (Group I), normotensive (Group II) and hypertensive (Group III) women taking Ovulen (R) were infused with a competitive angiotensin II (AII) antagonist, [1-sarcosine, 8-isoleucine] angiotensin II. The angiotensin II antagonist was infused at a rate of 600 ng/kg/min for 30 min 1.5 hrs after intravenous injection of 40 mg of furosemide. Blood pressure was monitored and pre-infusion and post-infusion plasma renin activity (PRA) and plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC) were determined. Pre-infusion PRA and PAC showed no significant differences among these three groups. In response to the AII antagonist infusion blood pressure rose in Groups I and II, but blood pressure responses in Group III were variable. Four out of the total 6 subjects had pressor responses and only one subject had a significant blood pressure reduction. In both Groups I and II, PRA decreased and PAC rose after infusion of the antagonist. In Group III, PRA decreased to a lesser degree and PAC showed no consistent change. These data suggest that the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in hypertensive women or oral contraceptives is different from that of the normotensive users. However, the pathophysiology of oral contraceptive induced hypertension is not homogenous and angiotensinogenic hypertension is uncommon.  相似文献   

To determine the effectiveness of contraceptive use a two year audit of pregnant women registered in one group practice was carried out. The methods of contraception used by women with unplanned pregnancies were studied and the rates of failure assessed. Of the 518 pregnancies during the study, 187 (36%) were unplanned. Unplanned pregnancies were most common in the 15-19 age group (54 out of 187), and women aged under 25 used contraceptives less reliably than women aged 25 and over. The combined pill was the most effective method of contraception in all age groups. The methods that resulted in most unplanned pregnancies were the sheath in women aged 25 and over and incorrect use of oral contraceptive or no contraception in those aged under 25. The fear of side effects was an important reason why women did not use the combined pill, being cited by 22 out of 134 women, and inappropriate medical advice was cited by a further 20 women. More discussion between doctors and patients and readily available information on the use of oral contraceptives might help to reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies.  相似文献   



To estimate the number of venous thromboembolic events and related-premature mortality (including immediate in-hospital lethality) attributable to the use of combined oral contraceptives in women aged 15 to 49 years-old between 2000 and 2011 in France.


French data on sales of combined oral contraceptives and on contraception behaviours from two national surveys conducted in 2000 and 2010 were combined to estimate the number of exposed women according to contraceptives generation and age. Absolute risk of first time venous thromboembolism in non-users of hormonal contraception and increased risk of thromboembolism in users vs. non-users of hormonal contraception were estimated on the basis of literature data. Finally, immediate in-hospital lethality due to pulmonary embolism and premature mortality due to recurrent venous thromboembolism were estimated from the French national database of hospitalisation and literature data.


In France, more than four million women are daily exposed to combined oral contraceptives. The mean annual number of venous thromboembolic events attributable to their use was 2,529 (778 associated to the use of first- and second-generation contraceptives and 1,751 to the use of third- and fourth-generation contraceptives), corresponding to 20 premature deaths (six with first- and second-generation contraceptives and fourteen with third- and fourth-generation contraceptives), of which there were eight to nine immediate in-hospital deaths. As compared to the use of first- and second-generation contraceptives, exposure to third- and fourth-generation contraceptives led to a mean annual excess of 1,167 venous thromboembolic events and nine premature deaths (including three immediate in-hospital deaths).


Corrective actions should be considered to limit exposure to third- and fourth-generation contraceptives, and thus optimise the benefit-risk ratio of combined oral contraception.  相似文献   

Previous studies in animals and humans show that genes in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) influence individual odours and that females often prefer odour of MHC-dissimilar males, perhaps to increase offspring heterozygosity or reduce inbreeding. Women using oral hormonal contraceptives have been reported to have the opposite preference, raising the possibility that oral contraceptives alter female preference towards MHC similarity, with possible fertility costs. Here we test directly whether contraceptive pill use alters odour preferences using a longitudinal design in which women were tested before and after initiating pill use; a control group of non-users were tested with a comparable interval between test sessions. In contrast to some previous studies, there was no significant difference in ratings between odours of MHC-dissimilar and MHC-similar men among women during the follicular cycle phase. However, single women preferred odours of MHC-similar men, while women in relationships preferred odours of MHC-dissimilar men, a result consistent with studies in other species, suggesting that paired females may seek to improve offspring quality through extra-pair partnerships. Across tests, we found a significant preference shift towards MHC similarity associated with pill use, which was not evident in the control group. If odour plays a role in human mate choice, our results suggest that contraceptive pill use could disrupt disassortative mate preferences.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to determine whether oral contraceptives affect carbohydrate metabolism as assessed by glucose tolerance curves. Glucose tolerance tests were carried out in seventy-six women. The women were divided into two groups. The first group constituted the control and the second group comprised women taking combination oral contraceptives. The glucose tolerance curves were correlated with: (1) the duration of thereapy; (2) the family history of diabetes; (3) the obstetric history; (4) age: (5) weight gain; (6) parity; and (7) changes in blood pressure. The combination type of oral contraceptives were observed to affect adversely the glucose tolerance test. A significant correlation was recorded between the familial diabetic history, intake of combination contraceptives and abnormal glucose tolerance tests. A history of birth of a large baby was found to be an important indicator of abnormal values of glucose tolerance in women taking a combination type of oral contraceptive. Such women showed an abnormal curve pattern at a much earlier age in life compared with controls. It was also observed that a high percentage of women who had gained excessive weight on combination contraceptives had an altered glucose tolerance test. Parity and blood pressure were two parameters which did not reveal any correlation with abnormal glucose tolerance curves.  相似文献   

This paper examines incorrect use of oral contraceptives (OCs) in rural Bangladesh by using data from an OC compliance survey. Of the 1031 current users of OCs interviewed, about 13% took their pills out of sequence, while 17% left incorrect intervals between pill packs. Forty per cent of the women reported missing one active pill during the 6 months prior to the survey, and 74% of them took correct action with the missed pill. Of the women who missed two active pills (16%), only 9% took correct action. Multivariate analyses revealed that women's education and their husbands' support helped protect against taking incorrect action with a missed pill. The fieldworker's contact was found to protect against leaving an incorrect interval between pill packs. Women who had membership of non-government organizations were less likely to interrupt their pill use, and more likely to take their pill out of sequence. The present study underscores the need for providing women with more support in their pill use, and advocates that service providers should be the focal point of efforts. Husbands' support is essential to improve the pill-taking behaviour of Bangladeshi women.  相似文献   

The incidence of ovarian neoplasms and functional ovarian cysts diagnosed at laparotomy or laparoscopy among the 17,000 women taking part in the Oxford Family Planning Association contraceptive study was investigated. Epithelial cancer of the ovary was only 25% as common among those who had ever taken oral contraceptives as those who had never done so (95% confidence interval 8% to 67%). There was little evidence of any important association between use of oral contraceptives and benign teratoma or cystadenoma. Functional cysts of the ovary occurred much less commonly in women who had recently (in the six months preceding diagnosis) taken combined oral contraceptives (but not in those who had taken progestogen only oral contraceptives) than in those who had never taken oral contraceptives or had taken them in the past. This protective effect was more pronounced for corpus luteum cysts (78% reduction; 95% confidence interval 47% to 93%) than for follicular cysts (49% reduction; 95% confidence interval 20% to 70%). It is estimated that about 28 (95% confidence interval 16 to 35) operations for functional ovarian cysts are avoided among every 100,000 women who take oral contraceptives each year.  相似文献   

The haemorheological profile of the menstrual cycle was determined in 12 women who did not take oral contraceptives and compared with that in two groups of women (n = 8 and n = 30) who had been taking oral contraceptives for at last six months. Packed cell volume, platelet count, erythrocyte deformability, plasma fibrinogen concentration, and plasma and whole-blood viscosity varied cyclically throughout the menstrual cycle in the 12 non-users. This variation was abolished by the use of oral contraceptives, and the values of these indices were raised by an amount likely to predispose to thrombosis.  相似文献   

Using retrospective data from Korea, multivariate log-linear analyses were used to determine if the sex of a child influences the probability of it being breastfed, or if it influences the number of months he/she was breastfed. In Korea the likelihood of a woman not breastfeeding a child is very small. The fact that a woman is without living sons increased the average odds of not breastfeeding by 1.55 times. The absence of living sons has the strongest effect of any of the predictor variables used. The highest predicted conditional odds of not breastfeeding are for women with female infants, who live in rural areas, have less than 3 children of which none are boys, and who do not use oral contraceptives. The lowest predicted conditional odds of a woman not breastfeeding are for a city dweller, with 3 or more children of which at least 1 is a boy, who uses the pill, and whose infant is a boy. Although oral contraceptive use is significant for deciding how long to breastfeed, the direction of its effect is not what was expected had it affected lactation physiologically. Apparently, social factors are operative which make pill users more likely to breast feed than non-users. 1 possible explanation for this is that Korean women are aware of the fertility-suppressing effects of lactation and are using breastfeeding as a deliberate form of birth control. The fact that the effect of pill use becomes progressively stronger the longer that women breastfeed lends further support to this explanation. The effect of sex of child is not significant in determining the duration he/she will be breastfed. This study indicates support for the contention that Korean women are aware of the contraceptive effects of lactation, and that their decisions of breastfeed are affected by their preference for sons.  相似文献   

In two Edmonton shopping centres 9591 people were screened for hypertension: 3.3% were found to be normotensive but taking antihypertensive medication and another 8.8% were found to have elevated blood pressure. Systolic hypertension alone accounted for 45.3% of the hypertensive cases and diastolic hypertension, with or without systolic, for 54%. Of the group with elevated blood pressure 34.5% had been previously unaware of their condition, 18.7% had never received medication for it, 18.2% had received medication in the past but had discontinued it, 26.1% were still on medication and 2.5% were not taking antihypertensive medication and were uncertain if they had ever done so in the past. Eighty-eight percent of the hypertensives who were receiving no medication went to their physician; 41% were prescribed antihypertensive medication, and 87% were still on treatment three months later and 74% one year after detection. Eighteen percent of those started on treatment had their medication discontinued by their doctor over the next year and 8% stopped treatment on their own. Of those hypertensives already receiving medication 88% went to their doctor and 33% had their medication altered.Physician measurements of blood pressure tended to be lower than those recorded at the screening. At least part of the explanation for this discrepancy is that physicians often used blood pressure cuffs that were too wide for the patient''s arm; 25% of the people screened required cuffs narrower than the standard cuff used by most physicians.The prevalence of hypertension was similar among women taking oral contraceptives and women not taking these agents.  相似文献   

A controlled prospective survey of women taking oestrogen-progestogen oral contraceptives showed increases in mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure of 14·2 mm Hg and 8·5 mm Hg respectively after four years. The largest increases in individual cases were 36 mm Hg systolic and 20 mm Hg diastolic. Blood pressure returned to pretreatment levels within three months after oral contraceptives had been stopped. These changes in blood pressure were unrelated to the progestogenic potencies of the preparations being taken.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the influence of menstrual cycle phase and oral contraceptive use on thermoregulation and tolerance during uncompensable heat stress. Eighteen women (18-35 years), who differed only with respect to oral contraceptive use (n = 9) or non-use (n = 9), performed light intermittent exercise at 40 degrees C and 30% relative humidity while wearing nuclear, biological and chemical protective clothing. Their responses were compared during the early follicular (EF, days 2-5) and mid-luteal (ML, days 19-22) phases of the menstrual cycle. Since oral contraceptives are presumed to inhibit ovulation, a quasi-early follicular (q-EF) and quasi-mid-luteal (q-ML) phase was assumed for the users. Estradiol and progesterone measurements verified that all subjects were tested during the desired phases of the menstrual cycle. Results demonstrated that rectal temperature (Tre) was elevated in ML compared with EF among the non-users at the beginning and throughout the heat-stress trial. For the users, Tre was higher in q-ML compared with q-EF at the beginning, and for 75 min of the heat-stress exposure. Tolerance times were significantly longer during EF [128.1 (13.4) min, mean (SD)] compared with ML [107.4 (8.6) min] for the nonusers, indicating that these women are at a thermoregulatory advantage during the EF phase of their menstrual cycle. For the users, tolerance times were similar in both the q-EF [113.0 (5.8) min] and q-ML [116.8 (11.2) min] phases and did not differ from those of the non-users. It was concluded that oral contraceptive use had little or no influence on tolerance to uncompensable heat stress, whereas tolerance was increased during EF for non-users of oral contraceptives.  相似文献   

The prevalence of use of oral contraception before the onset of disease was established in 100 consecutive women attending follow up clinics for inflammatory bowel disease. A significant excess of women with Crohn''s disease confined to the colon had taken oral contraceptives in the year before developing symptoms (10/16 (63%] compared with women with small-intestinal Crohn''s disease (12/49 (24%); p less than 0.02) and women with ulcerative colitis (3/35 (9%); p less than 0.0005). When the patient groups were matched for age and year of onset of disease usage of oral contraception before the onset of disease was still more common among women with isolated colonic Crohn''s disease (9/12, 75%) than among those with ulcerative colitis (2/12 (17%); p less than 0.02) and was also more common than would be expected from reported figures for oral contraception in England and Wales (31.4% of women aged under 41; p less than 0.005). A survey of current patient records showed that isolated colonic disease was at least twice as common among women with Crohn''s disease (63/218, 29%) compared with men (25/181, 14%; p less than 0.001). These data support the suggestion made previously that oral contraceptives may predispose to a colitis that resembles colonic Crohn''s disease.  相似文献   

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