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Although modeling the four-chambered heart as a constant-volume pump successfully predicts causal physiological relationships between cardiac indexes previously deemed unrelated, the real four-chambered heart slightly deviates from the constant-volume state by ventricular end systole. This deviation has consequences that affect chamber function, specifically, left atrial (LA) function. LA attributes have been characterized as booster pump, reservoir, and conduit functions, yet characterization of their temporal occurrence or their causal relationship to global heart function has been lacking. We investigated LA function in the context of the constant-volume attribute of the left heart in 10 normal subjects using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and contemporaneous Doppler echocardiography synchronized via ECG. Left ventricular (LV) and LA volumes as a function of time were determined via MRI. Transmitral flow, pulmonary vein (PV) flow, and lateral mitral annular velocity were recorded via echocardiography. The relationship between the MRI-determined diastolic LA conduit-volume (LACV) filling rate and systolic LA filling rate correlate well with the relationship between the echocardiographically determined average flow rate during the early portion of the PV D wave and the average flow rate during the PV S wave (r = 0.76). We conclude that the end-systolic deviation from constant volume for the left heart requires the generation of the LACV during diastole. Because early rapid filling of the left ventricle is the driving force for LACV generation while the left atrium remains passive, it may be more appropriate to consider LACV to be a property of ventricular diastolic rather than atrial function.  相似文献   

The major gap junction protein expressed in the heart, connexin43 (Cx43), is highly remodeled in the diseased heart. Usually, Cx43 is down-regulated and heterogeneously redistributed to the lateral sides of cardiomyocytes. Reverse remodeling of the impaired Cx43 expression could restore normal cardiac function and normalize electrical stability. In this review, the reduced and heterogeneous Cx43 expression in the heart will be addressed in hypertrophic, dilated and ischemic cardiomyopathy together with its functional consequences of conduction velocity slowing, dispersed impulse conduction, its interaction with fibrosis and propensity to generate arrhythmias. Finally, different therapies are discussed. Treatments aimed to improve the Cx43 expression levels show new potentially anti-arrhythmic therapies during heart failure, but those in the context of acute ischemia can be anti-arrhythmogenic at the cost of larger infarct sizes. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: The Communicating junctions, composition, structure and characteristics.  相似文献   

A constant-volume ultrafiltration technique is described, and details of its assessment presented. The retention characteristics of two membranes were evaluated using molecules of known molecular weight.The technique is rapid, precise, economical of material and yields equilibrium data. In these respects, it compares favourably with conventional techniques such as equilibrium dialysis.  相似文献   

The cardiac functional and metabolic consequences of pyridoxine deficiency were studied in rats maintained on a pyridoxine-deficient diet for 10 weeks. Because food intake was diminished in the pyridoxine-deficient rats, a second group of animals was fed a diet restricted to the intake of the pyridoxine-deficient animals. The inotropic response (developed pressure) to an isoproterenol or Ca2+ concentration response curve was measured simultaneously with high energy phosphate levels using a modified Langendorf apparatus and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The inotropic response to Ca2+ and isoproterenol was significantly decreased relative to controls in both the food-deprived and the pyridoxine-deficient groups. Developed pressure after adrenergic stimulation was significantly less in the pyridoxine-deficient than in the food-deprived animals. Phosphocreatine and ATP levels were maintained and did not differ among the control, pyridoxine-deficient, and food-deprived groups during isoproterenol and Ca2+ stress, implying that the diminished inotropy was not due to an abnormality in generation of high energy phosphate levels.  相似文献   

The application of macrophytes in freshwater monitoring is still relatively limited and studies on their intercalibration and sources of variation are required. Therefore, the aim of the study was to compare selected indices and metrics based on macrophytes and to quantify their variability. During the STAR project, several aspects influencing uncertainty in estimation of the ecological quality of river were assessed. Results showed that several metrics based on the indicative value of plant species can be used in evaluation of the ecological status of rivers. Among estimated sources of variance in metric values the inter-surveyor differences had the lowest effect and slightly stronger were the influences of temporal variation (years and seasons) and shading. The impact of habitat modification was the most important factor. Analysis showed that some of macrophyte-based metrics (notably MTR and IBMR) are of sufficient precision in terms of sampling uncertainty, that they could be useful for estimating the ecological status of rivers in accordance with the aims of the Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

Perturbations of the development of preimplantation embryos may have long-term consequences for the health of progeny. There are no standardized methods for assessing such risks. The OECD/OCDE 416 Guideline for Testing of Chemicals (Two-Generation Reproduction Toxicity Study) is a standardized assay for detecting potential toxic effects of chemicals. The present study assessed the utility of this guideline for identifying long-term consequences of perturbing preimplantation development. Extended culturing of mammalian zygotes commonly results in retarded preimplantation development. Mouse zygotes were cultured in vitro for 96 h until the blastocyst stage (cultured blastocysts) or blastocysts were collected from the Day-3.5 uterus (in vivo blastocysts). The resulting blastocysts were transferred to the uteri of pseudopregnant recipients (P generation). Progeny from both treatments were mated for a further two generations (F1 and F2 generations). There was no effect of treatment group on gross fertility across the generations tested. Progeny of the cultured blastocysts had lower body weights to the time of weaning compared to in vivo blastocysts in the P and F1 generations, but not in the F2 generation. At maturity, there was no effect of treatment group on body weight, although thyroid weight was higher in the in vivo blastocyst group in the P generation, while the brain, pituitary, and kidneys were larger in the progeny of the cultured blastocysts of the F1 generation. The OECD/OCDE 416 assessment may have a role as a standardized test for the assessment of the biological consequences of perturbing the growth environment of the preimplantation embryo. Embryo culture influenced the somatometric parameters of the resulting progeny, some of which were maintained across a generation.  相似文献   

Netherlands Heart Journal - To compare early clinical outcomes after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) with three consecutive generations of self-expanding valves (SEVs). Clinical...  相似文献   

There is an emerging consensus that pharmacological opening of the mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K(+) (K(ATP)) channel protects the heart against ischemia-reperfusion damage; however, there are widely divergent views on the effects of openers on isolated heart mitochondria. We have examined the effects of diazoxide and pinacidil on the bioenergetic properties of rat heart mitochondria. As expected of hydrophobic compounds, these drugs have toxic, as well as pharmacological, effects on mitochondria. Both drugs inhibit respiration and increase membrane proton permeability as a function of concentration, causing a decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential and a consequent decrease in Ca(2+) uptake, but these effects are not caused by opening mitochondrial K(ATP) channels. In pharmacological doses (<50 microM), both drugs open mitochondrial K(ATP) channels, and resulting changes in membrane potential and respiration are minimal. The increased K(+) influx associated with mitochondrial K(ATP) channel opening is approximately 30 nmol. min(-1). mg(-1), a very low rate that will depolarize by only 1-2 mV. However, this increase in K(+) influx causes a significant increase in matrix volume. The volume increase is sufficient to reverse matrix contraction caused by oxidative phosphorylation and can be observed even when respiration is inhibited and the membrane potential is supported by ATP hydrolysis, conditions expected during ischemia. Thus opening mitochondrial K(ATP) channels has little direct effect on respiration, membrane potential, or Ca(2+) uptake but has important effects on matrix and intermembrane space volumes.  相似文献   

南海北部生态系统食物网结构、能量流动及系统特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈作志  邱永松 《生态学报》2010,30(18):4855-4865
根据20072008年在南海北部(107°00'120°00'E、17°00'23°30'N)进行的海洋生态综合调查数据,应用Ecopath with Ecosim软件构建了南海北部生态系统的生态通道模型,并通过模型分析了南海北部海洋生态系统的食物网结构、能量流动和系统的总体特征,并简要总结过度捕捞生态系统的基本特征。结果表明,南海北部海洋生态系统以捕食食物链为主要能流通道,初级生产者是系统能量的主要来源。各功能群的营养级范围为13.99,哺乳动物占据了最高的营养层,平均渔获物营养级为2.93。利用生态网络分析,系统的能量流动主要有6级,来自初级生产者的能流效率为12.6%,来自碎屑的转换效率为10.4%,平均能量转换效率为11.5%。系统连接指数(Connectance Index,CI)和系统杂食指数(System Omnivory Index,SOI)分别为0.290和0.239;Finn’s循环指数(Finn’scy cling index,FCI)和系统平均路径长度(Finn’s mean path length,MPL)分别为4.380和2.476;总初级生产力/总呼吸为2.596,综合研究表明当前南海北部海洋生态系统处于不成熟阶段。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Folic acid is essential for the synthesis of nucleotides and methyl transfer reactions. Folic acid-binding protein one (Folbp1) is the primary mediator of folic acid transport into murine cells. Folbp1 knockout mouse embryos die in utero with multiple malformations, including severe congenital heart defects (CHDs). Although maternal folate supplementation is believed to prevent human conotruncal heart defects, its precise role during cardiac morphogenesis remains unclear. In this study, we examined the role of folic acid on the phenotypic expression of heart defects in Folbp1 mice, mindful of the importance of neural crest cells to the formation of the conotruncus. METHODS: To determine if the Folbp1 gene participates in the commitment and differentiation of the cardiomyocytes, relative levels of dead and proliferating precursor cells in the heart were examined by flow cytometry, Western blot, and immunohistostaining. RESULTS: Our studies revealed that impaired folic acid transport results in extensive apoptosis-mediated cell death, which concentrated in the interventricular septum and truncus arteriosus, thus being anatomically restricted to the two regions of congenital heart defects. Together with a reduced proliferative capacity of the cardiomyocytes, the limited size of the available precursor cell pool may contribute to the observed cardiac defects. Notably, there is a substantial reduction in Pax-3 expression in the region of the presumptive migrating cardiac neural crest, suggesting that this cell population may be the most severely affected by the massive cell death. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate for the first time a prominent role of the Folbp1 gene in mediating susceptibility to heart defects.  相似文献   

We expressed human delayed rectifier K(+) cardiac current (I(Ks)) channels in the murine heart, which lacks native I(Ks), to determine their electrophysiological role. Mice expressing human I(Ks) channels were anesthetized, and an electrocardiogram and monophasic action potentials (MAP) recorded from the left ventricle. Sinus rate was not different between wild-type mice (WT) and transgenic mice (TG). Infusion of isoproterenol accelerated WT heart rate but not TG. Lack of TG sinus rate responsiveness may have resulted from accumulated outward current in I(Ks) channels in sinus node. Ventricular MAP duration of TG mice to 50% repolarization (APD(50)) during ventricular pacing was shorter than WT, likely resulting from outward current through I(Ks) channels. TG APD(50) showed enhanced responsiveness (shortening) to isoproterenol compared with WT. Ventricular tachyarrhythmias were initiated in TG mice by programmed stimulation but not in WT and were accelerated by isoproterenol. I(Ks) channels impart beta-adrenergic sensitivity to the ventricles and may be responsible for ventricular tachyarrhythmias.  相似文献   

Treatment of perfused rat hearts with 0.5 mM iodoacetamide (IAAm) for 15 min at different workloads resulting in a nearly complete inhibition of creatine kinase (CK, 99%) was followed by a rapid decline of the phosphocreatine (PCr) level (30%) and a 2-fold increase of the P(i) level which then stabilized. Conversely, the ATP content started to drop monotonously at the beginning of the IAAm washout and reached 30% 90 min after the IAAm removal under medium load. Under low workload the ATP decay occurred at later periods. Neither the ADP-stimulated mitochondrial respiration in skinned fibers, nor the Ca(2+)-stimulated ATPase activity of myofibrils was affected by IAAm treatment. The sensitivity of the resting tension of skinned fibers to Ca2+ tended to a slight increase. The cardiac work index (PRP-pressure-rate product) decreased by 25%, while the end diastolic pressure (EDP) rose by 15 mm Hg when IAAm acted under medium load. In contrast, under low work these parameters were practically stable. The hearts poisoned with IAAm performed a two times lower maximal work and had reduced (by 35%) oxygen consumption rates. The efficiency of energy utilization for mechanical work decreased by 40%. The changes in PRP and EDP correlated with the cytosolic [ATP]/[ADP] ratio in such a way that the decrease in the latter was associated with a decrease in PRP and the elevation of EDP. These data suggest that the creatine kinase system is necessary for the effective translation of a high [ATP]/[ADP] ratio from the intermembrane space of mitochondria to the cytoplasm, myofibrils and ionic pumps. This provides a high level of mechanical work and good relaxation of the left ventricle and protects cytosolic adenine nucleotides from the breakdown.  相似文献   

Creatine kinase (CK) exists as a family of isoenzymes in excitable tissue. We studied isolated perfused hearts from mice lacking genes for either the main muscle isoform of CK (M-CK) or both M-CK and the main mitochondrial isoform (Mt-CK) to determine 1) the biological significance of CK isoenzyme shifts, 2) the necessity of maintaining a high CK reaction rate, and 3) the role of CK isoenzymes in establishing the thermodynamics of ATP hydrolysis. (31)P NMR was used to measure [ATP], [PCr], [P(i)], [ADP], pH, as well as the unidirectional reaction rate of PCr--> [gamma-P]ATP. Developmental changes in the main fetal isoform of CK (BB-CK) were unaffected by loss of other CK isoenzymes. In hearts lacking both M- and Mt-CK, the rate of ATP synthesis from PCr was only 9% of the rate of ATP synthesis from oxidative phosphorylation demonstrating a lack of any high energy phosphate shuttle. We also found that the intrinsic activities of the BB-CK and the MM-CK isoenzymes were equivalent. Finally, combined loss of M- and Mt-CK (but not loss of only M-CK) prevented the amount of free energy released from ATP hydrolysis from increasing when pyruvate was provided as a substrate for oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Abnormalities in cardiac gap junction expression have been postulated to contribute to arrhythmias and ventricular dysfunction. We investigated the role of cardiac gap junctions by generating a heart-specific conditional knock-out (CKO) of connexin43 (Cx43), the major cardiac gap junction protein. While the Cx43 CKO mice have normal heart structure and contractile function, they die suddenly from spontaneous ventricular arrhythmias. Because abnormalities in gap junction expression in the diseased heart can be focal, we also generated chimeric mice formed from Cx43-null embryonic stem (ES) cells and wildtype recipient blastocysts. Heterogeneous Cx43 expression in the chimeric mice resulted in conduction defects and depressed contractile function. These novel genetic murine models of Cx43 loss of function in the adult mouse heart define gap junctional abnormalities as a key molecular feature of the arrhythmogenic substrate and an important factor in heart dysfunction.  相似文献   

Pre‐clinical studies aimed at treating ischemic heart disease (i.e. stem cell‐ and growth factor therapy) often consider restoration of the impaired microvascular circulation as an important treatment goal. However, serial in vivo measurement hereof is often lacking. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the applicability of intracoronary pressure and flow velocity as a measure of microvascular resistance in a large animal model of chronic myocardial infarction (MI). Myocardial infarction was induced in Dalland Landrace pigs (n = 13; 68.9 ± 4.1 kg) by a 75‐min. balloon occlusion of the left circumflex artery (LCX). Intracoronary pressure and flow velocity parameters were measured simultaneously at rest and during adenosine‐induced hyperemia, using the Combowire (Volcano) before and 4 weeks after MI. Various pressure‐ and/or flow‐derived indices were evaluated. Hyperemic microvascular resistance (HMR) was significantly increased by 28% in the infarct‐related artery, based on a significantly decreased peak average peak flow velocity (pAPV) by 20% at 4 weeks post‐MI (P = 0.03). Capillary density in the infarct zone was decreased compared to the remote area (658 ± 207/mm2 versus 1650 ± 304/mm2, P = 0.017). In addition, arterioles in the infarct zone showed excessive thickening of the alpha smooth muscle actin (αSMA) positive cell layer compared to the remote area (33.55 ± 4.25 μm versus 14.64 ± 1.39 μm, P = 0.002). Intracoronary measurement of HMR successfully detected increased microvascular resistance that might be caused by the loss of capillaries and arteriolar remodelling in the chronic infarcted pig heart. Thus, HMR may serve as a novel outcome measure in pre‐clinical studies for serial assessment of microvascular circulation.  相似文献   

In this paper, some final results of 25-year investigations carried out in Scientific Centre for Radiation Medicine and Burns MH RA (SCRMB) on the Armenian cohort of the Chernobyl accident consequences liquidators are shown. These results show that health conditions of the liquidators became worse during the whole observation period. A considerable development of both pathological states atypical of radiation damages and diseases, which may be considered as radiation-induced ones, was determined. Rise of the sickness rate of almost all organism systems, first of all, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive ones, was observed. In 70% of liquidators the main disease was primarily detected after working on CNPP. In the intervening years, the average number of diagnoses per 1 liquidator increased from 1.5 in 1987 to 7-8 in the recent time. In addition to the detected diseases, particular functional shifts in neuropsychological and vegetative status of the liquidators were observed. The overwhelming majority of them have increased tonicity of the sympathetic vegetative nervous system, asthenic and depressive syndromes occurring in the form of weakness, somnolence, mood instability, mental capacity decrease, and memory defects. In the paper, the results of investigations aimed at clarification of changes in biological aging processes of the liquidators and assessment of their "life quality" features in terms of physical, psychical and social welfare are considered. Biological aged-related passportization in a definite part of liquidators elucidated an accelerated aging rate. The studies were performed with the help of SF-36 inquirer and indicated that health status aggravation of the liquidators also affected their life satisfaction. The "life quality" indices of the liquidators significantly concede the overall average standards by both physical health and psychical and social welfare scales.  相似文献   

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