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This study is an ethical reflection on the formulation and application of public policies regarding reproductive health in Brazil. The Integral Assistance Program for Women's Health (PAISM) can be considered advanced for a country in development. Universal access for family planning is foreseen in the Brazilian legislation, but the services do not offer contraceptive methods for the population in a regular and consistent manner. Abortion is restricted by law to two cases: risk to the woman's life and rape. This reality favors the practice of unsafe abortion, which is the third largest cause of maternal death in Brazil. Legal abortion is regulated by the State and the procedure is performed in public health centers. However, there is resistance on the part of professionals to attend these women. Prenatal care is a priority strategy for promoting the quality of life of these women and of future generations. Nonetheless, it is still difficult for these women to access the prenatal care services and to have the required number of consultations. Moreover, managers and health professionals need to be made aware of the importance of implementing the actions indicated by the public policies in the area of sexual and reproductive health, favoring respect for autonomy in a context of personal freedom.  相似文献   

As development organizations undertake thetask of improving the public health in formersocialist states, their interventions are shaped by aparticular cultural logic and predetermined frame ofpossible action. In the context of local encounters,however, they often confront competing interpretationsof a society's prevailing needs. How they managesuch differences may not only explain the outcomes ofa given project, but may also reveal the capacitiesand limitations of development agencies to engineerpost-socialist change. This article examines a recentWHO project in St. Petersburg, Russia, which definedwomen's ``social well-being' as a local health concern.While the project employed a discourse of ``democracy'to promote women's empowerment in the clinic, itsparameters of intervention neither incorporated localknowledge nor addressed the structural relationsunderlying clinic-level conflicts. Two kinds ofresults ensued: the ideology of democracy wasrejected, while WHO's recommendations were partiallyappropriated as profit-making strategies.  相似文献   

Unlike most pollinators, yucca moths are active pollinators of their host plants. Females lay their eggs in the flowers they pollinate, and their larvae feed solely on the resulting seeds. Previous evidence suggests that the yucca moth Tegeticula maculata avoids self-pollinating their host Yucca whipplei . Other yucca moths may self-pollinate more frequently. When pollinating, yucca moths are also reported to fly large distances between plants, bypassing neighbouring plants in the process. We experimentally verify the suggestion of Pellmyr et al . that yucca is more likely to retain fruits from self-pollination if overall fruit set is low. Thus, selection on moths to avoid self-pollinating should be density dependent. We found no evidence that mating with close neighbours resulted in inbreeding depression, thus the moth's long-distance flights between plants are yet to be explained.  相似文献   

Summary Few studies have examined the impact of parasitism on free-living social insects. We documented the association between an acanthocephalan parasite and survival, reproduction and growth of a Caribbean termite (Nasutitermes acajutlae). We measured these parameters yearly in 100 termite colonies for 4 years. In 2001 and 2002 we also compared the rate at which parasitized and unparasitized colonies rebuilt damaged foraging trails because trails protect foragers from predation as well as fluctuations in temperature and humidity. Although there were no significant differences in growth or survival between parasitized and unparasitized colonies, parasitized colonies reproduced significantly less often and rebuilt foraging trails significantly more slowly than unparasitized colonies. The average parasitized colony may sustain a loss of alate production =30% in the year in which it is parasitized, and a loss of up to 19% if it is parasitized once in a 5-year period. We conclude that the acanthocephalan parasite is associated with significant alteration of fitness parameters of individual N. acajutlae colonies. However, prevalence of parasitism is low (6.8%) and alate production by non-parasitized colonies is likely to compensate for losses due to parasitism. Therefore, it seems unlikely that this parasite affects N. acajutlae at the population level.Received 5 October 2003; revised 19 November 2003; accepted 3 December 2003.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: This study on reproductive biology examines the stigmatic morphology of 12 Brazilian Malpighiaceae species with regard to their pollination and breeding system. METHODS: The species were studied in natural populations of a semi-deciduous forest fragment. Style tips were processed for observation by SEM and pollen-tube growth was analyzed under fluorescence microscopy. The breeding system was investigated by isolating flowers within waterproof bags. Floral visitors were recorded through notes and photographs. KEY RESULTS: Flowers are yellow, pink or white, protogynous, herkogamous and sometimes lack oil glands. While Banisteriopsis pubipetala has functional female flowers (with indehiscent anthers), 11 species present hermaphrodite flowers. Stigmas of these species may be terminal, with a slightly concave surface, or internal, consisting of a circular cavity with a large orifice, and are covered with a thin, impermeable cuticle that prevents pollen from adhering, hydrating, or germinating. Malpighiaceae have a special type of 'wet' stigma, where a secretion accumulates under the cuticle and is released by mechanical means-mainly rupture by pollinators. Even though six species show a certain degree of self-compatibility, four of them present a form of late-acting self-incompatibility, and the individual of B. pubipetala is agamospermous. Species of Centris, Epicharis and Monoeca bees pollinate these flowers, mainly collecting oil. Some Epicharis and Monoeca species collected pollen by vibration. Paratetrapedia and Tetrapedia bees are pollen and oil thieves. CONCLUSIONS: The Malpiguiaceae species studied are pollinator-dependent, as spontaneous self-pollination is limited by herkogamy, protogyny and the stigmatic cuticle. Both the oil- and pollen-collecting behaviours of the pollinators favour the rupture of the stigmatic cuticle and the deposition of pollen on or inside the stigmas. As fruit-set rates in natural conditions are low, population fragmentation may have limited the sexual reproduction of these species.  相似文献   

Background The long‐term effect of a PVC pipe nest‐box on the reproductive efficiency and other life traits of an Aotus monkey‐breeding colony have not been characterized. Methods and Results We analyzed laboratory records of the Gorgas Memorial Institute (GMI) Aotus monkey colony in Panama for the period 1999–2010 and found a 273% increase in the annual mean life births in the following 7 years after the introduction of a PVC pipe nest‐box in 2002, as well as increases in the mean body mass and survival of laboratory‐bred monkeys. Other life traits such as inter‐birth interval, parity, birth sex distribution, mortality, and longevity were also determined. Conclusions The use of a PVC pipe nest‐box significantly improved the reproductive efficiency and other life traits of the GMI Aotus breeding colony.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary panel debated the role of screening mammography in fighting breast cancer during the Health and Medicine for Women continuing medical education (CME) conference at Yale Medical School in September 2010. Different guidelines from professional societies have presented conflicting recommendations for patients regarding both the benefits of mammography and the appropriate age and frequency of screening. In addition, a recent longitudinal study argues that screening mammography may only offer a modest benefit in terms of reducing cancer mortality. In light of these considerations, the panel debated whether mammography should be an informed decision that must be discussed and individualized for each patient based on the context of risk factors such as family history, age, and genetic dispositions.  相似文献   

Synopsis We identify fishery management implications from a long-term monitoring program focusing on spawning aggregations of high valued reef fish in Komodo National Park (KNP), Eastern Indonesia. Management objectives of KNP are not only to protect biodiversity, but also to conserve spawning stocks of high-valued commercial species for the replenishment of surrounding fishing grounds. We monitored two sites twice monthly over five years for two species of grouper, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus and Plectropomus areolatus. One site had an aggregation of both E. fuscoguttatus and P. areolatus, whereas the other site contained an aggregation of P. areolatus only. Over the five years monitoring period, aggregations typically formed during each full moon between September and February. Additionally, P. areolatus occasionally aggregated during new moons between April and July. We observed spawning only once, but because formation of aggregations were correlated to a higher incidence of behavior and signs indicative of reproduction and because most fish present were adults, it is likely that the formation of aggregations was associated with spawning. Over the five years monitoring period there was a reduction in mean fish size of up to 8 cm for P. areolatus, and a reduction in numbers of aggregating E. fuscoguttatus. Despite limited protection initiated in 2001, both sites are still heavily fished by local artisanal fishers. Because the observed reductions in size and in numbers could be caused by fishing pressure, managers should follow the precautionary principle by putting additional protective management in place. Since both species are relatively long-lived, at least five years of continued monitoring may be necessary to determine the outcome of management intervention. The variability in timing of aggregation in respect to season and moon phase in P. areolatus indicates that long-term monitoring must cover the entire year and both moon phases.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of predation risk on female association patterns in the live-bearing sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna). We tested two classes of females, with and without the risk of predation by a green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus): (1) postpartum females (maintained with males until visibly gravid, then isolated and tested within 24–48 h of dropping a brood); and (2) non-postpartum females (different females, isolated from males for >50 days). When there was no apparent risk of predation, postpartum females showed a significant preference for large over small males, whereas non-postpartum females showed no size preference at all. When there was an apparent risk of predation, postpartum females maintained their preference for larger males and non-postpartum females continued to show no preference for large or small males. These results suggest that reproductive status (receptivity) plays a greater role in mate preference than predation risk. For postpartum females, the cost of not choosing a preferred mate may outweigh the potential cost of predation. Non-postpartum females either do not benefit from mating or are being indecisive about mating and thus are less likely to be choosy whether or not a predator is present.Communicated by I. Schlupp  相似文献   

Sexual selection is believed to play a major role in speciation processes of cichlid fishes in the East African Great Lakes, in particular Lakes Malawi and Victoria, by driving diversification in male nuptial coloration. In Lake Tanganyika, a high rate of color pattern diversification is found in the genus Tropheus, where more than 100, mostly allopatric, color morphs have been described. Whether color pattern differentiation in Tropheus could follow from sexual selection as well, has not yet been conclusively shown. Unlike typical sexually selected species, Tropheus are sexually monomorphic, establish temporary pair bonds and spawn monogamously. Variance in mating success among individuals would still allow for sexual selection, but due to their high population census sizes, parentage data from natural populations are difficult to obtain. Simulations designed according to existing data on mating behavior in Tropheus suggested that variance in male reproductive success can be substantial and lead to levels of opportunity for selection, which are similar to values estimated, for example, from natural populations of sexually dimorphic songbirds. Variance in male success was mostly affected by the way females perceived and reacted to differences between males, and to a lesser extent by the duration of components of the reproductive cycles of males and females. These results indicate that future work on the importance of sexual selection in Tropheus should concentrate on mate choice cues and female mate choice behavior, but does not depend critically on the acquisition of more detailed life history data.  相似文献   

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