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The taxonomic status of bent‐winged bats (Miniopterus) in the Western Palaearctic and adjacent regions is unclear, particularly in some areas of the eastern Mediterranean, Middle East and Arabia. To address this, we analysed an extensive collection of museum materials from all principal parts of this distribution range, i.e. North Africa, Europe and southwest Asia, using morphological (skull) and genetic approaches (mitochondrial DNA). Linear and geometric morphometric analysis of cranial and dental characteristics, together with molecular phylogeny, suggested that Miniopterus populations comprise four separate species: (1) M. schreibersii sensu strictissimo (s.str.) – occurring in Europe, coastal Anatolia, Levant, Cyprus, western Transcaucasia, and North Africa; (2) M. pallidus – occurring in inland Anatolia, Jordan, eastern Transcaucasia, Turkmenistan, Iran and southern Afghanistan (Kandahar); (3) a Miniopterus sp. – recorded from Nangarhar province in eastern Afghanistan, which we tentatively assign to M. cf. fuliginosus; and (4) a Miniopterus sp. with Afro‐tropic affinities confirmed from south‐western Arabia and Ethiopia, which we tentatively name M. cf. arenarius. The latter two species are well differentiated by skull morphology, while M. pallidus possesses very similar skull morphology to M. schreibersii. The results also suggest the existence of a possible new taxon (subspecies) within M. schreibersii s.str. inhabiting the Atlas Mountains of Morocco. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

To elucidate the human colonization process of northern Asia and human dispersals to the Americas, a diverse subset of 71 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages was chosen for complete genome sequencing from the collection of 1,432 control-region sequences sampled from 18 autochthonous populations of northern, central, eastern, and southwestern Asia. On the basis of complete mtDNA sequencing, we have revised the classification of haplogroups A, D2, G1, M7, and I; identified six new subhaplogroups (I4, N1e, G1c, M7d, M7e, and J1b2a); and fully characterized haplogroups N1a and G1b, which were previously described only by the first hypervariable segment (HVS1) sequencing and coding-region restriction-fragment-length polymorphism analysis. Our findings indicate that the southern Siberian mtDNA pool harbors several lineages associated with the Late Upper Paleolithic and/or early Neolithic dispersals from both eastern Asia and southwestern Asia/southern Caucasus. Moreover, the phylogeography of the D2 lineages suggests that southern Siberia is likely to be a geographical source for the last postglacial maximum spread of this subhaplogroup to northern Siberia and that the expansion of the D2b branch occurred in Beringia ~7,000 years ago. In general, a detailed analysis of mtDNA gene pools of northern Asians provides the additional evidence to rule out the existence of a northern Asian route for the initial human colonization of Asia.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean Basin is typified by a high degree of species rarity and endemicity that reflects its position, geomorphology, and history. Although the composition and cryptic variation of the bat faunas from the Iberian and Balkan Peninsulas are relatively well studied, data from the Apennine Peninsula are still incomplete. This is a significant shortfall, given the presumed refugial role of this region in the context of Europe's Pleistocene phylogeography. It was thus our aim to supplement the phylogeographical information from the region, generating mitochondrial sequences and reviewing published data, with a focus on the dispersal and diversification patterns characterizing taxa with different life strategies. Site‐specific lineages were ascertained, especially in the genera Myotis and Plecotus and amongst the pipistrelloid bats, representing speciose radiations. It was possible to observe disjunct ranges with patches isolated south of the Alps in several species, corresponding with evolution of elevated genetic distance. The genetic subdivision within the continuous Italian range into northern and southern lineages in several taxa indicated the possible past substructure of the refugium. Several shared lineages between the Apennine and Ibero‐Maghrebian regions were observed, indicating connectivity between the Adriatic and Atlantic?Mediterranean refuges, and raising questions as to which region these clades originated from and what was the direction of faunal exchange between them. In contrast to Europe's other two main refugia, the Apennine Peninsula is a smaller region with simpler phylogeographical patterns. Nevertheless, our results support the idea that the region generated novel lineages. Whereas diversification in sedentary bats may have been driven through the generation of in situ adaptations, specialization, and niche differentiation, the emergence of species with a tramp strategy could have entailed the utilization of faunal drift and the taxon cycle. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

In order to illuminate the phylogeography of brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations in the Balkan state of Serbia, the 561 bp 5''-end of mtDNA control region of 101 individuals originating from upland tributaries of the Danubian, Aegean and Adriatic drainages were sequenced and compared to corresponding brown trout sequences obtained in previous studies. Among 15 haplotypes found, 14 were considered native, representing the Danubian and Adriatic lineages of the brown trout, while one haplotype (ATcs1), found only in two individuals originating from two stocked rivers, corresponded to the Atlantic lineage and was considered introduced. Native haplotypes exhibited a strong geographic pattern of distribution: the Danubian haplotypes were strictly confined to the Danubian drainage, while the Adriatic haplotypes dominated in the Aegean and Adriatic drainages; most of the total molecular variance (69%) was attributed to differences among the drainages. Phylogenetic reconstruction, supplemented with seven haplotypes newly described in this study, suggested a sister position of the Atlantic-Danubian and Adriatic-Mediterranean-marmoratus ("southern") phylogenetic group, and pointed to the existence of a distinct clade, detected within the "southern" group. The data obtained confirmed our expectation of the existence of high genetic diversity in Balkan trout populations, and we recommend more widespread surveys covering trout stocks from the region.  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】从蛹虫草线粒体DNA中寻找适于遗传多样性研究的分子标记。【方法】通过PCR扩增和序列分析,比较了20个蛹虫草菌株在12个线粒体DNA片段和3个细胞核DNA片段上的序列变异。【结果】蛹虫草在线粒体DNA上的变异水平高于核DNA,主要表现为线粒体基因内含子的插入缺失多样性和较多的碱基变异位点。不同线粒体DNA片段的变异水平也有差异,而且内含子蛋白比外显子编码的蛋白质更易发生氨基酸的改变。增加使用的分子标记数目,其所揭示的遗传多样性程度也在逐渐提高。【结论】我们依 次推荐nad3-cox2、cox2-nad5、cox2、cox3、cob和cox1这6个线粒体DNA位点用于今后蛹虫草遗传多样性或群体遗传结构的分析。  相似文献   

Coronaviruses can infect a variety of animals including poultry, livestock, and humans and are currently classified into three groups. The interspecies transmissions of coronaviruses between different hosts form a complex ecosystem of which little is known. The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the recent identification of new coronaviruses have highlighted the necessity for further investigation of coronavirus ecology, in particular the role of bats and other wild animals. In this study, we sampled bat populations in 15 provinces of China and reveal that approximately 6.5% of the bats, from diverse species distributed throughout the region, harbor coronaviruses. Full genomes of four coronavirues from bats were sequenced and analyzed. Phylogenetic analyses of the spike, envelope, membrane, and nucleoprotein structural proteins and the two conserved replicase domains, putative RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and RNA helicase, revealed that bat coronaviruses cluster in three different groups: group 1, another group that includes all SARS and SARS-like coronaviruses (putative group 4), and an independent bat coronavirus group (putative group 5). Further genetic analyses showed that different species of bats maintain coronaviruses from different groups and that a single bat species from different geographic locations supports similar coronaviruses. Thus, the findings of this study suggest that bats may play an integral role in the ecology and evolution of coronaviruses.  相似文献   

The horse has been a food source, but more importantly, it has been a means for transport. Its domestication was one of the crucial steps in the history of human civilization. Despite the archaeological and molecular studies carried out on the history of horse domestication, which would contribute to conservation of the breeds, the details of the domestication of horses still remain to be resolved. We employed 21 microsatellite loci and mitochondrial control region partial sequences to analyse genetic variability within and among four Anatolian native horse breeds, Ayvac?k Pony, Malakan Horse, H?n?s Horse and Canik Horse, as well as samples from indigenous horses of unknown breed ancestry. The aims of the study were twofold: first, to produce data from the prehistorically and historically important land bridge, Anatolia, in order to assess its role in horse domestication and second, to analyse the data from a conservation perspective to help the ministry improve conservation and management strategies regarding native horse breeds. Even though the microsatellite data revealed a high allelic diversity, 98% of the genetic variation partitioned within groups. Genetic structure did not correlate with a breed or geographic origin. High diversity was also detected in mtDNA control region sequence analysis. Frequencies of two haplogroups (HC and HF) revealed a cline between Asia and Europe, suggesting Anatolia as a probable connection route between the two continents. This first detailed genetic study on Anatolian horse breeds revealed high diversity among horse mtDNA haplogroups in Anatolia and suggested Anatolia’s role as a conduit between the two continents. The study also provides an important basis for conservation practices in Turkey.  相似文献   

Determination of mitochondrial genetic diversity in mammals   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is one of the most popular population genetic markers. Its relevance as an indicator of population size and history has recently been questioned by several large-scale studies in animals reporting evidence for recurrent adaptive evolution, at least in invertebrates. Here we focus on mammals, a more restricted taxonomic group for which the issue of mtDNA near neutrality is crucial. By analyzing the distribution of mtDNA diversity across species and relating it to allozyme diversity, life-history traits, and taxonomy, we show that (i) mtDNA in mammals does not reject the nearly neutral model; (ii) mtDNA diversity, however, is unrelated to any of the 14 life-history and ecological variables that we analyzed, including body mass, geographic range, and The World Conservation Union (IUCN) categorization; (iii) mtDNA diversity is highly variable between mammalian orders and families; (iv) this taxonomic effect is most likely explained by variations of mutation rate between lineages. These results are indicative of a strong stochasticity of effective population size in mammalian species. They suggest that, even in the absence of selection, mtDNA genetic diversity is essentially unpredictable, knowing species biology, and probably uncorrelated to species abundance.  相似文献   

The Western Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.) is a grouse species of open boreal or high altitude forests of Eurasia. It is endangered throughout most mountain range habitat areas in Europe. Two major genetically identifiable lineages of Western Capercaillie have been described to date: the southern lineage at the species' southernmost range of distribution in Europe, and the boreal lineage. We address the question of genetic differentiation of capercaillie populations from the Rhodope and Rila Mountains in Bulgaria, across the Dinaric Mountains to the Slovenian Alps. The two lineages' contact zone and resulting conservation strategies in this so-far understudied area of distribution have not been previously determined. The results of analysis of mitochondrial DNA control region sequences of 319 samples from the studied populations show that Alpine populations were composed exclusively of boreal lineage; Dinaric populations of both, but predominantly (96%) of boreal lineage; and Rhodope-Rila populations predominantly (>90%) of southern lineage individuals. The Bulgarian mountains were identified as the core area of the southern lineage, and the Dinaric Mountains as the western contact zone between both lineages in the Balkans. Bulgarian populations appeared genetically distinct from Alpine and Dinaric populations and exhibited characteristics of a long-term stationary population, suggesting that they should be considered as a glacial relict and probably a distinct subspecies. Although all of the studied populations suffered a decline in the past, the significantly lower level of genetic diversity when compared with the neighbouring Alpine and Bulgarian populations suggests that the isolated Dinaric capercaillie is particularly vulnerable to continuing population decline. The results are discussed in the context of conservation of the species in the Balkans, its principal threats and legal protection status. Potential conservation strategies should consider the existence of the two lineages and their vulnerable Dinaric contact zone and support the specificities of the populations.  相似文献   

The koala, Phascolarctos cinereus, is a geographically widespread species endemic to Australia, with three currently recognized subspecies: P.c. adustus, P.c. cinereus, and P.c. victor. Intraspecific variation in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region was examined in over 200 animals from 16 representative populations throughout the species’ range. Eighteen different haplotypes were defined in the ≈ 860 bp mtDNA control region, as determined by heteroduplex analysis/temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (HDA/TGGE). Any single population typically possessed only one or two haplotypes yielding an average within-population haplotypic diversity of 0.180 ± 0.003, and nucleotide diversity of 0.16%. Overall, mtDNA control region sequence diversity between populations averaged 0.67%, and ranged from 0% to 1.56%. Nucleotide divergence between populations averaged 0.51%, and ranged from 0% to 1.53%. Neighbour-joining methods revealed limited phylogenetic distinction between geographically distant populations of koalas, and tentative support for a single evolutionarily significant unit (ESU). This is consistent with previous suggestions that the morphological differences formalized by subspecific taxonomy may be interpreted as clinal variation. Significant differentiation in mtDNA-haplotype frequencies between localities suggested that little gene flow currently exists among populations. When combined with microsatellite analysis, which has revealed substantial differentiation among koala populations, we conclude that the appropriate short-term management unit (MU) for koalas is the local population.  相似文献   

冯慧  黄原  任轶  冯成利  刘晓农 《生态学报》2014,34(20):5887-5895
林麝(Moschus berezovskii)曾广泛分布于中国,由于盗猎和栖息地缩小,秦岭地区野生种群数量迅速下降,圈养繁殖种群已成立了几十年,但大多数圈养种群的遗传背景不清,种群规模增长非常缓慢。为了给这一物种的保护和管理提供有用的信息,调查了陕西省林麝1个圈养种群3个野生种群线粒体DNA(mt DNA)D-Loop 632 bp片段的遗传多样性和种群结构。在69个个体中其碱基组成为A+T的平均含量63.2%高于G+C含量36.8%,共检测到变异位点171个(约占总位点数的27.05%)。核苷酸多样性(Pi)为0.04424,平均核苷酸差异数(K)为19.908。69个个体分属32个单倍型,单倍型间的平均遗传距离(P)为0.070。32个单倍型构建的NJ系统树聚为3个分支,4个林麝群体中的单倍型是随机分布的。4个群体的平均遗传距离为0.043(标准误SE为0.005),凤县养殖场群体与留坝和陇县群体的亲缘关系较远。单倍型间的平均遗传距离为0.043,可见其遗传分化尚未达到种群分化的水平。结果表明,陕西省林麝群体mt DNA D-loop区序列存在着较丰富的变异和遗传多样性,凤县野生群体和凤县养殖场群体的核苷酸多样性和单倍型多样较高,养殖场种群没有出现近亲繁殖及遗传多样性下降的情况。凤县野生群体和凤县养殖场群体两者遗传分化较小,存在着较高的基因流水平。  相似文献   

Plethodon shermani comprises a series of geographically disjunct populations occupying high-elevation mountain isolates. These populations hybridize at their borders with salamanders of the Plethodon glutinosus species complex, and past range expansions inferred from Pleistocene climatic cycles may have increased the possible genetic interactions between P. shermani and species of the P. glutinosus complex. Because mitochondrial DNA haplotypes often show introgression across species borders, we survey mtDNA variation for evidence of past and ongoing genetic interactions between P. shermani, its close relative Plethodon cheoah, and species of the P. glutinosus complex. Ongoing hybridization with the P. glutinosus-complex species Plethodon teyahalee is accompanied by extensive mitochondrial introgression in some Unicoi populations of P. shermani, but it has little genetic impact on P. shermani populations outside hybrid zones at three other isolates (Tusquitee, Wayah Bald, Standing Indian). Some Unicoi populations of P. shermani exhibit mtDNA evidence of past hybridization with diverse lineages from P. aureolus and P. glutinosus. The Tusquitee isolate of P. shermani is also characterized by mtDNA haplotypes most closely related to Plethodon aureolus and P. glutinosus, presumably introduced by past genetic contact with these species or with introgressed populations of Unicoi P. shermani. The mtDNA variation in sampled populations of the Wayah Bald and Standing Indian isolates of P. shermani appears largely unaffected by ongoing hybridization. Principal components analyses of allozymic data indicate that P. shermani isolates collectively form a genetically homogeneous unit clearly demarcated from species with which they have had current or past genetic interactions. Rapid mtDNA introgression associated with transient contacts between P. shermani and other species permits a fine-level resolution of evolutionary lineages not evident from allozymic data.  相似文献   

Green pythons, which are regionally variable in colour patterns, are found throughout the lowland rainforest of New Guinea and adjacent far northeastern Australia. The species is popular in commercial trade and management of this trade and its impacts on natural populations could be assisted by molecular identification tools. We used mitochondrial nucleotide sequences and a limited allozyme data to test whether significantly differentiated populations occur within the species range. Phylogenetic analysis of mtDNA sequences revealed hierarchal phylogeographic structure both within New Guinea and between New Guinea and Australia. Strongly supported reciprocally monophyletic mitochondrial lineages, northern and southern, were found either side of the central mountain range that runs nearly the length of New Guinea. Limited allozyme data suggest that population differentiation is reflected in the nuclear as well as the mitochondrial genome. A previous morphological analysis did not find any phenotypic concordance with the pattern of differentiation observed in the molecular data. The southern mitochondrial lineage includes all of the Australian haplotypes, which form a single lineage, nested among the southern New Guinean haplotypes.  相似文献   

Aim Climatic changes have strongly reshaped the Western Palaearctic biota throughout the Late Pleistocene. For animals, most studies so far have focused on species having low to moderate dispersal abilities, while strong dispersers have remained understudied, despite their abundance. With the aim of contributing to filling this gap, we here investigate the Late Pleistocene evolutionary history of one such species, the mosquito Aedes caspius. Location Western Palaearctic. Methods Sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase subunits I and II mitochondrial DNA genes were analysed in individuals from 16 sampling localities. The phylogeographic structure was investigated using phylogenetic network analysis, permutational contingency tests, spatial analysis of molecular variance, and correlation of genetic and geographic distances between populations. Historical demographic changes were investigated by analysing the mismatch distributions, the Bayesian skyline plot method and Fu’s FS statistic. Results We observed 67 haplotypes over all 112 individuals analysed (haplotype diversity = 0.971; nucleotide diversity = 0.0067). Despite the substantial genetic diversity, we found neither strong phylogenetic divergence among haplotypes (uncorrected mean sequence divergence 0.8%) nor any phylogeographic structure across the study area. The historical demographic analyses suggested that the species maintained a stable population size until roughly 25,000 years ago, when it underwent a sudden demographic expansion. Main conclusions Our data suggest that during the last glacial stage, A. caspius did not undergo dramatic range fragmentation in separate glacial refugia. Rather, the species is likely to have persisted in largely interconnected populations throughout most of the region, in areas with suitable environmental conditions. This scenario adds to similar patterns emerging for other temperate regions of the world, suggesting that an important component of the evolutionary history of temperate biotas has hitherto been largely overlooked.  相似文献   

Juan L. Bouzat 《Genetica》2000,110(2):109-115
A fundamental criterion for recognizing species or populations as potentially endangered is the presence/absence of genetic diversity. However, the lack of control populations in many studies of natural systems deprives one from unambiguous criteria for evaluating the genetic effects of small population size and its potential effects on fitness. In this study, I present an example of how the lack of adequate controls may lead to erroneous conclusions for understanding the role that population size may play in the preservation of genetic diversity and fitness of natural populations. The genetic analysis of a population of greater prairie chickens from Illinois, USA, between two time periods (1974–1987 and 1988–1993) in which the studied population experienced a substantial reduction in size and fitness showed no apparent associations between population size and genetic diversity. However, genetic analysis of museum specimens from early this century indicated that Illinois prairie chickens had originally higher levels of genetic diversity, which suggest the Illinois population was already bottlenecked by the 1970s. This study emphasizes the importance of using historical controls to evaluate the temporal dynamics of genetic variability in natural populations. The large number of museum collections worldwide may provide a valuable source of genetic information from past populations, particularly in species currently endangered as a result of human activities. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sixteen mit- mutations in the OXI3 region which specifies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae the subunit I of cytochrome oxidase, were ordered by means of deletion mapping and recombination frequency procedures. These results allowed to distinguish a group of mutants with large overlapping deletions. In one of the analyzed mutants the whole investigated segments is deleted.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Anatolia is a biologically diverse, but phylogeographically under-explored region. It is described as either a centre of origin and long-term Pleistocene refugium, or as a centre for genetic amalgamation, fed from distinct neighbouring refugia. These contrasting hypotheses are tested through a global phylogeographic analysis of the arctic–alpine herb, Arabis alpina.


Herbarium and field collections were used to sample comprehensively the entire global range, with special focus on Anatolia and Levant. Sequence variation in the chloroplast DNA trnL-trnF region was examined in 483 accessions. A haplotype genealogy was constructed and phylogeographic methods, demographic analysis and divergence time estimations were used to identify the centres of diversity and to infer colonization history.

Key Results

Fifty-seven haplotypes were recovered, belonging to three haplogroups with non-overlapping distributions in (1) North America/Europe/northern Africa, (2) the Caucuses/Iranian Plateau/Arabian Peninsula and (3) Ethiopia–eastern Africa. All haplogroups occur within Anatolia, and all intermediate haplotypes linking the three haplogroups are endemic to central Anatolia and Levant, where haplotypic and nucleotide diversities exceeded all other regions. The local pattern of haplotype distribution strongly resembles the global pattern, and the haplotypes began to diverge approx. 2·7 Mya, coinciding with the climate cooling of the early Middle Pleistocene.


The phylogeographic structure of Arabis alpina is consistent with Anatolia being the cradle of origin for global genetic diversification. The highly structured landscape in combination with the Pleistocene climate fluctuations has created a network of mountain refugia and the accumulation of spatially arranged genotypes. This local Pleistocene population history has subsequently left a genetic imprint at the global scale, through four range expansions from the Anatolian diversity centre into Europe, the Near East, Arabia and Africa. Hence this study also illustrates the importance of sampling and scaling effects when translating global from local diversity patterns during phylogeographic analyses.  相似文献   

Arabian oryx (Oryx leucoryx) had faced extinction in the wild more than three decades ago and was saved by the prudent efforts of captive breeding programs. A clear understanding of the molecular diversity of contemporary Arabian oryx population is important for the long term success of captive breeding and reintroduction of this potentially endangered species. We have sequenced the segments of mitochondrial DNA including12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, cytochrome b (Cyt-b) and control region (CR) genes of 24 captive-bred and reintroduced animals. Although the sequences of 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA and Cyt-b were found to be identical for all the samples, typical sequence variations in the CR gene were observed in the form of 7 haplotypes. One of these haplotypes has been reported earlier while the remaining 6 haplotypes are novel and represent different lineages from the founders. The haplotype and nucleotide diversities were found to be 0.789 and 0.009 respectively. The genetic distances among the 7 mtDNA haplotypes varied from 0.001 to 0.017. These findings are of potential relevance to the management of captive breeding programs for the conservation of Arabian oryx.  相似文献   

We assessed the spatial distribution of the genetic variability of Melanosuchus niger from 11 localities in South America using 1,027 base pairs of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Screening 132 animals, we found 41 haplotypes, high values of genetic diversity, low values of nucleotide diversity and significant deviations from neutral expectation of allelic frequencies in some localities. Mantel test and nested-clade analysis indicated that isolation-by-distance was an important population dynamic for the species as a whole. Wright's fixation indexes analyses showed that hydrogeographically separated populations from French Guiana together with Amapá state population in Brazil are genetically differentiated from all other populations that are found in the Amazon drainage basin. These indexes also disclosed that the population from Ecuador is genetically differentiated in relation to the populations from Brazil, Peru and French Guiana. Within the Amazon Basin little differentiation exists, and genetic and geographic distances are not correlated. Demographic data as well as population genetic data suggest that M. niger is recovering in some protected regions. However, part of this apparent recovery may be owing to the movement of animals into protected regions.  相似文献   

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