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Thirteen X-ray crystal structures containing various non-covalent interactions such as halogen bonds, halogen–halogen contacts and hydrogen bonds (I?N, I?F, I?I, F?F, I?H and F?H) were considered and investigated using the DFT-D3 method (B97D/def2-QZVP). The interaction energies were calculated at MO62X/def2-QZVP and MP2/aug-cc-pvDZ level of theories. The higher interaction and dispersion energies (2nd crystal) of ?9.58 kcal mol?1 and ?7.10 kcal mol?1 observed for 1,4-di-iodotetrafluorobenzene bis [bis (2-phenylethyl) sulfoxide] structure indicates the most stable geometrical arrangement in the crystal packing. The electrostatic potential values calculated for all crystal structures have a positive σ-hole, which aids understanding of the nature of σ-hole bonds. The significance of the existence of halogen bonds in crystal packing environments was authenticated by replacing iodine atoms by bromine and chlorine atoms. Nucleus independent chemical shift analysis reported on the resonance contribution to the interaction energies of halogen bonds and halogen–halogen contacts. Hirshfeld surface analysis and topological analysis (atoms in molecules) were carried out to analyze the occurrence and strength of all non-covalent interactions. These analyses revealed that halogen bond interactions were more dominant than hydrogen bonding interactions in these crystal structures.
Graphical Abstract Molecluar structure of 1,4-Di-iodotetrafluorobenzene bis(thianthrene 5-oxide) moelcule and its corresponding molecular electrostatic potential map for the view of σ-hole.

Calculation predicted the interacting forms of halopentafluorobenzene C6F5X (X=F, Cl, Br, I) with triethylphosphine oxide which is biologically interested and easily detected by 31P NMR. The interaction energy and geometric parameters of resultant halogen or π-hole bonding complexes were estimated and compared. Moreover, the bonding constants were determined by 31P NMR. Both theory and experiments indicated the C6F6 and C6F5Cl interact with triethylphosphine oxide by π-hole bonding pattern, while C6F5I by halogen/σ-hole bonding form. For C6F5Br, two interactions are comparative and should coexist competitively. The calculated interaction energies of σ-hole bonding complexes, ?5.07 kcal mol?1 for C6F5Br?O=P and ?8.25 kcal mol?1 for C6F5I?O=P, and π-hole bonding complexes, ?7.29 kcal mol?1 for C6F6?O=P and ?7.24 kcal mol?1 for C6F5Cl?O=P, are consistent with the changing tendency of bonding constants measured by 31P NMR, 4.37, 19.7, 2.42 and 2.23 M?1, respectively.
The competitive σ-hole···O=P and π-hole···O=P bonds between C6F5X (X=F, Cl, Br, I) and O=PEt3  相似文献   

The character of the cooperativity between the HOX···OH/SH halogen bond (XB) and the Y―H···(H)OX hydrogen bond (HB) in OH/SH···HOX···HY (X = Cl, Br; Y = F, Cl, Br) complexes has been investigated by means of second-order Møller?Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) calculations and “quantum theory of atoms in molecules” (QTAIM) studies. The geometries of the complexes have been determined from the most negative electrostatic potentials (V S,min) and the most positive electrostatic potentials (V S,max) on the electron density contours of the individual species. The greater the V S,max values of HY, the larger the interaction energies of halogen-bonded HOX···OH/SH in the termolecular complexes, indicating that the ability of cooperative effect of hydrogen bond on halogen bond are determined by V S,max of HY. The interaction energies, binding distances, infrared vibrational frequencies, and electron densities ρ at the BCPs of the hydrogen bonds and halogen bonds prove that there is positive cooperativity between these bonds. The potentiation of hydrogen bonds on halogen bonds is greater than that of halogen bonds on hydrogen bonds. QTAIM studies have shown that the halogen bonds and hydrogen bonds are closed-shell noncovalent interactions, and both have greater electrostatic character in the termolecular species compared with the bimolecular species.
The character of the cooperativity between the X···O/S halogen bond (XB) and the Y―H···O hydrogen bond (HB) in OH/SH···HOX···HY (X=Cl, Br; Y=F, Cl, Br) complexes has been investigated by means of second-order Møller—Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) calculations and “quantum theory of atoms in molecules” (QTAIM) studies.  相似文献   

The H···π and X (X = F, Cl, Br, I)···π interactions between hypohalous acids and benzene are investigated at the MP2/6-311++G(2d,2p) level. Four hydrogen-bonded and three halogen-bonded complexes were obtained. Ab initio calculations indicate that the X···π interaction between HOX and C6H6 is mainly electrostatically driven, and there is nearly an equal contribution from both electrostatic and dispersive energies in the case of XOH–C6H6 complexes. Natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis reveals that there exists charge transfer from benzene to hypohalous acids. Atom in molecules (AIM) analysis locates bond critical points (BCP) linking the hydrogen or halogen atom and carbon atom in benzene.  相似文献   

The insertion reactions of the silylene H2Si with H2BXHn-1 (X?=?F, Cl, Br, O, N; n?=?1, 1, 1, 2, 3) have been studied by DFT and MP2 methods. The calculations show that the insertions occur in a concerted manner, forming H2Si(BH2)(XHn-1). The essences of H2Si insertions with H2BXHn-1 are the transfers of the σ electrons on the Si atom to the positive BH2 group and the electrons of X into the empty p orbital on the Si atom in H2Si. The order of reactivity in vacuum shows the barrier heights increase for the same-family element X from up to down and the same-row element X from right to left in the periodic table. The energies relating to the B-X bond in H2BXHn-1, and the bond energies of Si-X and Si-B in H2Si(BH2)(XHn-1) may determine the preference of insertions of H2Si into B-X bonds for the same-column element X or for the same-row element X. The insertion reactions in vacuum are similar to those in solvents, acetone, ether, and THF. The barriers in vacuum are lower than those in solvents and the larger polarities of solvents make the insertions more difficult to take place. Both in vacuum and in solvents, the silylene insertions are thermodynamically exothermic.
Graphical Abstract The insertion process of H2Si and H2BXHn-1(X?=?F, Cl, Br, O, and N; n?=?1, 1 , 1, 2, 3).

CCSD(T) calculations were performed to investigate the stabilities and interaction mechanisms of the AgRnX and XAgRn (X?=?F – I) series. Dissociation energies and frontier orbital properties demonstrate an increased trend of stabilities. Ag spd hybrids and Rn/X sp hybrids come into the σAg-Rn and σAg-X bonding orbital. The nature of Ag-Rn, Ag-X and Rn-X interactions were investigated by atoms in molecules (AIM) theory. The negative energy density and positive Laplacian values, as well as small electron densities at bond critical points (BCPs), characterize the moderate strength with partial covalence of interactions. BCP properties (?G/V and G/ρ), electron density deformations and natural resonance theory (NRT) results display increased covalence down the periodic table.  相似文献   

Detailed electrostatic potential (ESP) analyses were performed to compare the directionality of halogen bonds with those of hydrogen bonds and lithium bonds. To do this, the interactions of HOOOH with the molecules XF (X?=?Cl, Br, H, Li) were investigated. For each molecule, the percentage of the van der Waals (vdW) molecular surface that intersected with the ESP surface was used to roughly quantify the directionality of the halogen/hydrogen/lithium bond associated with the molecule. The size of the region of intersection was found to increase in the following order: ClF?<?BrF?<?HF?<?LiF. The maximum ESP in the region of intersection, V S, max, was observed to become more positive according to the sequence ClF?<?BrF?<?HF?<?LiF. For ClF and BrF, the positive electrostatic potential was concentrated in a very small region of the vdW molecular surface. On the other hand, for HF and LiF, the positive electrostatic potential was more diffusely scattered across the vdW surface than for ClF and BrF. Also, the optimized geometries of the dipolymers HOOOH···?XF (X?=?Cl, Br, H, Li) indicated that halogen bonds are more directional than hydrogen bonds and lithium bonds, consistent with the results of ESP analyses.
Graphical abstract Electrostatic potential (ESP) contour maps in the xz plane of ClF and BrF

The ternary complexes X- · 1 · YF (1 = triazine, X = Cl, Br and I, Y = H, Cl, Br, I, PH2 and AsH2) have been investigated by MP2 calculations to understand the noncovalently electron-withdrawing effects on anion-arene interactions. The results indicate that in binary complexes (1 · X-), both weak σ-type and anion-π complexes can be formed for Cl- and Br-, but only anion-π complex can be formed for I-. Moreover, the hydrogen-bonding complex is the global minimum for all three halides in binary complexes. However, in ternary complexes, anion-π complex become unstable and only σ complex can retain in many cases for Cl- and Br-. Anion-π complex keeps stable only when YF = HF. In contrast with binary complexes, σ complex become the global minimum for Cl- and Br- in ternary complexes. These changes in binding mode and strength are consistent with the results of covalently electron-withdrawing effects. However, in contrast with the covalently electron-withdrawing substituents, Cl- and Br- can attack the aromatic carbon atom to form a strong σ complex when the noncovalently electron-withdrawing effect is induced by halogen bonding. The binding behavior for I- is different from that for Cl- and Br- in two aspects. First, the anion-π complex for I- can also keep stable when the noncovalent interaction is halogen bonding. Second, the anion-π complex for I- is the global minimum when it can retain as a stable structure.  相似文献   

The cooperativity between hydrogen and halogen bonds in XY···HNC···XY (X, Y = F, Cl, Br) complexes was studied at the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ level. Two hydrogen-bonded dimers, five hydrogen-bonded dimers, and ten trimers were obtained. The hydrogen- and halogen-bonded interaction energies in the trimers were larger than those in the dimers, indicating that both the hydrogen bonding interaction and the halogen bonding interaction are enhanced. The binary halogen bonding interaction plays the most important role in the ternary system. The hydrogen donor molecule influences the magnitude of the halogen bonding interaction much more than the hydrogen bonding interaction in the trimers with respect to the dimers. Our calculations are consistent with the conclusion that the stronger noncovalent interaction has a bigger effect on the weaker one. The variation in the vibrational frequency in the HNC molecule was considered. The NH antisymmetry vibration frequency has a blue shift, whereas the symmetry vibration frequency has a red shift. A dipole moment enhancement is observed upon formation of the trimers. The variation in topological properties at bond critical points was obtained using the atoms in molecules method, and was consistent with the results of the interaction energy analysis.  相似文献   

Several noble-gas-containing molecules XNgY were observed experimentally. However, the bonding in such systems is still not understood. Using natural bond orbital and natural resonance theory (NBO/NRT) methods, the present work investigated bonding of the title molecules. The results show that each of the studied XNgY molecules should be better described as a resonance hybrid of ω-bonding and \( \widehat{\sigma} \)-type long-bonding structures: X:? Ng+???Y, X???Ng+: Y?, and X^Y. The ω-bonding and long-bonding make competing contributions to the composite resonance hybrid due to the accurately preserved bond order conservation principle. We find that the resonance bonding is highly tunable for these noble-gas-containing molecules due to its dependence on the nature of the halogen X or the central noble-gas atoms Ng. When the molecule XNgY consists of a relatively lighter Ng atom, a relatively low-electronegative X atom, and the CN fragment rather than NC, the long-bonding structure X^Y tends to be highlighted. In contrast, the heavy Ng atom and high-electronegative X atom will enhance the ω-bonding structure. Overall, the present work provides electronic principles and chemical insights that help understand the bonding in these XNgY species.  相似文献   

The structure and conformational stability of vinyl selenonyl fluoride, chloride and bromide CH2=CH–SeO2X (X is F, Cl and Br) were investigated using density functional B3LYP/6-311+G** and ab initio MP2/6-311+G** calculations. From the calculations the molecules were predicted to exist only in the non-planar gauche conformation with the vinyl C=C group almost eclipsing one of the selenonyl Se=O bonds as a result of conjugation between the two moieties. Single-minimum potential scans were calculated at the DFT level for the molecules. The vibrational frequencies were computed using B3LYP/6-311+G**. Normal coordinate calculations were then carried out and potential energy distributions were calculated for the three molecules in the gauche conformation.Figure Potential function for the asymmetric torsion in vinyl selenonyl fluoride (dotted line), chloride (dashed line) and bromide (solid line) as determined at the DFT-B3LYP/6-311+G** level  相似文献   

Ab initio calculations have been carried out to study the substitution effect on the π pnicogen bond in ZH(2)P-C(2)HM (Z?=?H, H(3)C, NC, F; M?=?H, CH(3), Li) dimer, cooperative effect of the π pnicogen bond and hydrogen bond in XH-FH(2)Y-C(2)H(4) (X?=?HO, NC, F; Y?=?P and As) trimer, and solvent effect on the π pnicogen bond in FH(2)P-C(2)H(2), FH(2)P-C(2)H(4), FH(2)As-C(2)H(2), and FH(2)As-C(2)H(4) dimers. The interaction energy of π pnicogen bond increases in magnitude from -1.51?kcal?mol(-1) in H(3)P-C(2)H(2) dimer to -7.53?kcal?mol(-1) in FH(2)P-C(2)HLi dimer at the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ level. The π pnicogen bond is enhanced by 12-30?% due to the presence of hydrogen bond in the trimer. The π pnicogen bond is also enhanced in solvents. The natural bond orbital analysis and symmetry adapted perturbation theory (SAPT) were used to unveil the source of substitution, cooperative, and solvent effects.  相似文献   

A combined density functional and ab initio quantum chemical study of the insertion reactions of the germylenoid H2GeLiF with SiH3X (X?=?F, Cl, Br) was carried out. The geometries of all the stationary points of the reactions were optimized using the DFT B3LYP method and then the QCISD method was used to calculate the single-point energies. The theoretical calculations indicated that along the potential energy surface, there were one precursor complex (Q), one transition state (TS), and one intermediate (IM) which connected the reactants and the products. The calculated barrier heights relative to the respective precursors are 102.26 (X?=?F), 95.28 (X?=?Cl), and 84.42 (X?=?Br) kJ mol-1 for the three different insertion reactions, respectively, indicating the insertion reactions should occur easily according to the following order: SiH3-Br?>?SiH3-Cl?>?SiH3-F under the same situation. The solvent effects on the insertion reactions were also calculated and it was found that the larger the dielectric constant, the easier the insertion reactions. The elucidations of the mechanism of these insertion reactions provided a new reaction model of germanium-silicon bond formation.  相似文献   

The study of spin-spin coupling constants across hydrogen bond provides useful information about configuration of complexes. The interesting case of such interactions was observed as a coupling across an intramolecular hydrogen bond in 8-bromo-2′,3′-O-isopropylideneadenosine between the -CH2OH (at 5″ proton) group and the nitrogen atom of adenine. In this paper we report theoretical investigations on the 4h J NH coupling across the H″-C-O-H···N hydrogen bond in adenosine derivatives in various solvent models. Figure Coupling constants in 8-bromo-2′,3′-O-isopropylideneadenosine Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The organogold complexes of LAuCCH? (L?=?F, Cl, Br, I, CCH) were investigated using natural bond orbital/natural resonance theory (NBO/NRT) methods. The NBO/NRT results strongly support the general resonance-type three-center-four-electron (3c/4e) picture of LAuCCH: L?: Au–CCH ? L–Au :CCH?, arising from hyperconjugation interactions. The sums of ionic and covalent contributions to both L–Au and Au–CCH bonds are all slightly larger than that due to the additional π-back bonding within the 3c/4e hyperbonded triad. This complementary relationship between L–Au and Au–CCH bond orders implies a competing relationship between the ancillary ligand and CCH around the gold atom. We discuss the ligand effects in the LAuCCH? series on the basis of this competing relationship.  相似文献   

The substitution reactions of H2GeLiF (G) with SiH3X (X = F, Cl, Br) were investigated using calculations performed at the QCISD/6-311++G (d, p)//B3LYP/6-311+G (d, p) level of theory. The results led to the following conclusions. (i) The substitutions are nucleophilic reactions. There are two substitution paths, I and II, which both lead to the germane H2GeFSiH3. The enantiomers of this germane are obtained via these two paths if an H in SiH3X is replaced with a different group or atom. (ii) Both substitution pathways show the same order of barrier heights (SiH3F > SiH3Cl > SiH3Br). The difference between the bond energies of Li–X and Si–X may explain the precedence among the substitution reactions of G with SiH3X. Path I has a lower activation barrier than path II, indicating that path I is more favorable. (iii) Comparison between the relevant insertion and substitution reactions shows that substitutions are more favorable and that the substitution product H2GeFSiH3 predominates over the insertion product. (iv) The substitution reactions of H2GeLiF with SiH3X are exothermic.  相似文献   

Noncovalent interactions in XCN···YO2H (X = F, Cl, Br, I; Y = P, As, Sb) complexes were investigated using ab initio calculations at the MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ level of theory. There are four different configurations of these complexes, and the complexes are formed via hydrogen bonds, halogen bonds, π-hole interactions, or dual interactions. An examination of binding distances and interaction energies suggested that π-hole bonds are more stable than the other interactions. Molecular electrostatic potentials, electron densities, second-order stabilization energies, and electron density differences were computed to study the character of these interactions.  相似文献   

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