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An nmr spectral comparison of a model cyclic pentapeptide cyclo(Gly-Pro-Gly-D-Phe-Pro) with an analogous pseudopeptide has been made. The pseudopeptide contains a ψ[CH2S] amide bond replacement at the only amide linkage that, in the model, is not involved in an intramolecular hydrogen bond. Both proton and carbon-13 nmr spectral evidence confirms the retention of β- and γ-turns in the pseudopeptide in chloroform. Characteristic chemical shifts, temperature dependence, and glycine α-resonances support this interpretation. However, evidence of a more flexible conformation involving cistrans proline isomerism is seen on addition of dimethylsulfoxide.  相似文献   

Recent site‐resolved hydrogen exchange measurements have uncovered significant discrepancies between simulations and experimental data during protein folding, including the excessive intramolecular hydrogen bonds in simulations. This finding indicates a possibility that intramolecular charge–charge interactions have not included sufficient dielectric screening effect of the electronic polarization. Scaling down peptide atomic charges according to the optical dielectric constant is tested in this study. As a result, the number of intramolecular hydrogen bonds is lower than using unscaled atomic charges while reaching the same levels of helical contents or β‐hairpin backbone hydrogen bonds, because van der Waals interactions contribute substantially to peptide folding in water. Reducing intramolecular charge–charge interactions and hydrogen bonding increases conformational search efficiency. In particular, it reduces the equilibrium helical content in simulations using AMBER force field and the energy barrier in folding simulations using CHARMM force field.  相似文献   

Oxytocin (OT) is a peptide hormone agonist of the OT receptor (OTR) that plays an important role in social behaviors such as pair bonding, maternal bonding and trust. The pharmaceutical development of OT as an oral peptide therapeutic has been hindered historically by its unfavorable physicochemical properties, including molecular weight, polarity and number of hydrogen bond donors, which determines poor cell permeability. Here we describe the first systematic study of single and multiple N-methylations of OT and their effect on physicochemical properties as well as potency at the OT receptor. The agonist EC50 and percent effect for OTR are reported and show that most N-methylations are tolerated but with some loss in potency compared to OT. The effect of N-methylation on exposed polarity is assessed through the EPSA chromatographic method and the results validated against NMR temperature coefficient experiments and the determination of NMR solution structures. We found that backbone methylation of residues not involved in IMHB and removal of the N-terminal amine can significantly reduce the exposed polarity of peptides, and yet retain a significant OTR agonist activity. The results of this study also expose the potential challenge of using the N-methylation strategy for the OT system; while exposed polarity is reduced, in some cases backbone methylation produces a significant conformational change that compromises agonist activity. The data presented provides useful insights on the SAR of OT and suggests future design strategies that can be used to develop more permeable OTR agonists based on the OT framework.  相似文献   

Empirical intramolecular energy calculations were carried out on molecular fragments related to phosphatides in order to find the preferred conformations. The energy was mapped as a function of several pairs of torsional angles in progressively larger molecular fragments, with energy minimization being carried out at each map point with respect to other significant variables. The energy mapping results were used as starting points for energy minimization on diheptanoyl L-α-phosphatidic acid-C, which consisted of the named molecule plus a carbon atom attached to one of the phosphate oxygens. It was found that there are 6 pairs of values for 2 of the torsional angles at the 3-way branch point in the glyceryl group which give sterically acceptable conformations; only 4 of these are compatible with lipid bilayer structure in that they can give a parallel arrangement of the acyl chains. The several acceptable conformations of the phosphate and acyl ester groups within each of these conformational classes are enumerated. The results obtained may be used as a guide for further experimental and theoretical work on phosphatide structures.  相似文献   

Besombes S  Mazeau K 《Biopolymers》2004,73(3):301-315
The dynamical conformational behavior of a guaiacyl beta-O-4 lignin model compound has been investigated by molecular simulations. The potential energy surface of the molecule in vacuum has been examined by means of an adiabatic map, showing a large accessible conformational space with multiple energy minima separated by low barriers. Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed in vacuum and with explicit solvent molecules for 10 and 2.1 ns, respectively. Molecular dynamics trajectories recorded in vacuum have shown the molecule to be flexible and to visit a large number of conformations. Many intramolecular H-bonds have been observed, existing for more than 90% of the total simulation time. The presence of explicit solvent molecules induces a significant broadening of some regions of the accessible conformational space and also largely reduces the statistical significance of intramolecular H-bonding. Intramolecular H-bonds observed in vacuum do not persist significantly and are preferentially exchanged with intermolecular H-bonds to the surrounding solvent molecules. The theoretical results are in good agreement with experimental NMR data that do not support the existence of strong and persistent intramolecular H-bonds in solution but instead indicate that H-bonds to solvent predominate. Finally, both molecular modeling and NMR approaches predict the guaiacyl beta-O-4 structure to be flexible and indicate that intramolecular H-bonds are not strong and persistent enough to confer rigidity to the molecule in solution.  相似文献   

Energetics of hydrogen bonding in proteins: a model compound study.   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Differences in the energetics of amide-amide and amide-hydroxyl hydrogen bonds in proteins have been explored from the effect of hydroxyl groups on the structure and dissolution energetics of a series of crystalline cyclic dipeptides. The calorimetrically determined energetics are interpreted in light of the crystal structures of the studied compounds. Our results indicate that the amide-amide and amide-hydroxyl hydrogen bonds both provide considerable enthalpic stability, but that the amide-amide hydrogen bond is about twice that of the amide-hydroxyl. Additionally, the interaction of the hydroxyl group with water is seen most readily in its contributions to entropy and heat capacity changes. Surprisingly, the hydroxyl group shows weakly hydrophobic behavior in terms of these contributions. These results can be used to understand the effects of mutations on the stability of globular proteins.  相似文献   

The mechanism of protein synthesis is still unknown due to inability to detect the so-called enzyme "peptidyl transferase" even after elucidation of high-resolution crystal structure of ribosome. We have recently shown by model building and semi-empirical energy calculation that the tRNA molecule at P-site of ribosome may act as peptidyl transferase (Das et al. (1999) J. Theor. Biol. 200, 193-205). We proposed that the tetrahedral intermediate formed from nucleophylic attack of CO of P-site amino-acylated tRNA by NH2 of A-site amino-acylated tRNA is converted to a six-member ring intermediate by conformational change. This ring intermediate produces a free tRNA and a tRNA covalently linked to a peptide. However, energy of the six-member ring intermediate was calculated to be quite high. We show here that the energy values of all the reactants, intermediates and products are within the expected range when they are calculated using high level ab initio quantum chemical methods.  相似文献   

Extensive DFT and ab initio calculations were performed to characterize the conformational space of pamidronate, a typical pharmaceutical for bone diseases. Mono-, di- and tri-protic states of molecule, relevant for physiological pH range, were investigated for both canonical and zwitterionic tautomers. Semiempirical PM6 method were used for prescreening of the single bond rotamers followed by geometry optimizations at the B3LYP/6-31++G(d,p) and B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) levels. For numerous identified low energy conformers the final electronic energies were determined at the MP2/6-311++G(2df,2p) level and corrected for thermal effects at B3LYP level. Solvation effects were also considered via the COSMO and C-PCM implicit models. Reasonable agreement was found between bond lengths and angle values in comparison with X-ray crystal structures. Relative equilibrium populations of different conformers were determined from molecular partition functions and the role of electronic, vibrational and rotational degrees of freedom on the stability of conformers were analyzed. For no level of theory is a zwitterionic structure stable in the gas-phase while solvation makes them available depending on the protonation state. Geometrically identified intramolecular hydrogen bonds were analyzed by QTAIM approach. All conformers exhibit strong inter-phosphonate hydrogen bonds and in most of them the alkyl-amine side chain is folded on the P-C-P backbone for further hydrogen bond formation.
The most stable conformers of pamidronate at different protonation states in gas-phase and solution.  相似文献   

This study shows that intramolecular hydrogen bonding in proteins depends on the accessibility of donors and acceptors to water molecules. The frequency of occurrence of H-bonded side chains in proteins is inversely proportional to the solvent accessibility of their donors and acceptors. Estimates of the notional free energy of hydrogen bonding suggest that intramolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions of buried and half-buried donors and acceptors can contribute favorably to the stability of a protein, whereas those of solvent-exposed polar atoms become less favorable or unfavorable.  相似文献   

Journal of Molecular Modeling - Soft spot analysis helps evaluate the site of the metabolic lability that impacts the bio-availability of the drug. However, given its laborious and time consuming...  相似文献   

The existence of an HO-3...O-5' intramolecular hydrogen bond in methyl beta-cellobioside in solution in Me2SO-d6 and H2O-CD3OD (4:1 w/w) was studied by 500-MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy and MD simulations. Temperature coefficients for the chemical shift of the hydroxyl resonances in these solvents were determined and the rates of proton exchange in the latter solvent were obtained from NOE data. With H2O-CD3OD as the solvent, the HO-3...O-5' hydrogen bond was insignificant, but its presence in Me2SO-d6 was confirmed.  相似文献   

For the first time tripeptides, Z-AA(1)-Xaa-AA(3)-OMe (AA(1) and AA(3) = Gly or Aib, Xaa = 2Pmg and 2Pyg) were prepared containing alpha-methyl-alpha-(2-pyridyl)glycine (2Pmg) and alpha-(2-pyridyl)glycine (2Pyg) by solid-phase Ugi reaction. These results clearly indicate that for the preparation of tripeptides containing an amino acid with a pyridine ring, the solid-phase Ugi reaction is very useful.NMR analysis clarified that 2Pmg-containing tripeptides adopt a unique conformation with an intramolecular hydrogen bond between 2Pmg-NH and the pyridine nitrogen. However, in the case of Z-Gly-2Pyg-Gly-OMe, the intramolecular hydrogen bonding between 2Pyg-NH and the pyridine nitrogen was not observed, whereas Z-Aib-2Pyg-Aib-OMe adopts a unique conformation with an intramolecular hydrogen bond between 2Pyg-NH and a pyridine nitrogen. Conformational analysis of the tripeptides, Z-AA(1)-Xaa-AA(3)-OMe (AA(1), AA(3) = Gly or Aib, Xaa = alpha,alpha-di(2-pyridyl)glycine (2Dpy), alpha-phenyl-alpha-(2-pyridyl)glycine (2Ppg), 2Pmg and 2Pyg), clarified that when an alpha,alpha-disubstituted glycine with a 2-pyridyl group at an alpha-carbon atom is introduced into any peptide, an intramolecular hydrogen bond between a pyridine nitrogen and an amide proton is formed and conformational mobility of the peptide backbone is restricted.  相似文献   

Alternative substrates and site-directed mutations of active-site residues are used to probe factors controlling the catalytic efficacy of scytalone dehydratase. In the E1cb-like, syn-elimination reactions catalyzed, efficient catalysis requires distortion of the substrate ring system to facilitate proton abstraction from its C2 methylene and elimination of its C3 hydroxyl group. Theoretical calculations indicate that such distortions are more readily achieved in the substrate 2,3-dihydro-2,5-dihydroxy-4H-benzopyran-4-one (DDBO) than in the physiological substrates vermelone and scytalone by approximately 2 kcal/mol. A survey of 12 active-site amino acid residues reveals 4 site-directed mutants (H110N, N131A, F53A, and F53L) have higher relative values of k(cat) and k(cat)/K(m) for DDBO over scytalone and for DDBO over vermelone than the wild-type enzyme, thus suggesting substrate-distortion roles for the native residues in catalysis. A structural link for this function is in the modeled enzyme-substrate complex where F53 and H110 are positioned above and below the substrate's C3 hydroxyl group, respectively, for pushing and pulling the leaving group into the axial orientation of a pseudo-boat conformation; N131 hydrogen-bonds to the C8 hydroxyl group at the opposite end of the substrate, serving as a pivot for the actions of F53 and H110. Deshydroxyvermelone lacks the phenolic hydroxyl group and the intramolecular hydrogen bond of vermelone. The relative values of k(cat) (95) and k(cat)/K(m) (1800) for vermelone over deshydroxyvermelone for the wild-type enzyme indicate the importance of the hydroxyl group for substrate recognition and catalysis. Off the enzyme, the much slower rates for the solvolytic dehydration of deshydroxyvermelone and vermelone are similar, thus specifying the importance of the hydroxyl group of vermelone for enzyme catalysis.  相似文献   

The synthesis, structure–activity relationship (SAR) studies and intramolecular hydrogen bonding pattern of 1,3,5-trisubstituted 4,5-dihydropyrazoles are described. The target compounds 618 represent a novel class of potent and selective CB1 receptor antagonists. Based on X-ray diffraction data, the orally active 17 is shown to elicit a different intramolecular H-bonding mode as compared to ibipinabant (3) and SLV330 (4).  相似文献   

Using the all-valence electron, semiempirical molecular orbital method, MNDO, properties have been identified and calculated for eight chloroethanes which can serve as indicators of their extent of transformation to alcohols by cytochrome P450 and the subsequent formation of aldehydes by loss of HCl from these alcohols. The assumption was made that these aldehydes are the active carcinogens of the chloroethanes and that they act as electrophiles in adduct formation with DNA bases. Electrophilic properties of these putative ultimate carcinogens have been calculated which are indicators of the rank order of carcinogenic activity of the parent compounds in susceptible species. Particularly relevant in this respect are (a) the electron affinity of aldehydes as measured by the energy of their electron accepting (lowest energy virtual) orbital, and (b) the net charge on the C alpha carbon, adjacent to the carbonyl carbon, which can participate in electrophilic attack on nucleophilic sites of DNA bases. The molecular properties identified in this study as indicators of rank order or carcinogenic activity of the parent chloroethanes are consistent with the importance of cytochrome P450 in transforming halohydrocarbons to active carcinogens and of acylchlorides and chloroaldehydes as the active form. Their validity and usefulness can be further tested in screening unknown and more complex chlorohydrocarbons for carcinogenic activity.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that some enzymes catalyze reactions through the formation of short-strong hydrogen bonds as first suggested by Gerlt and Gassman. Support comes from several experimental and quantum chemical studies that include correlation energies on model systems. In the present study, the process of proton transfer between hydroxyl and imidazole groups, a model of the crucial step in the hydrolysis of RNA by the enzymes of the RNase A family, is investigated at the quantum mechanical level of density functional theory and perturbation theory at the MP2 level. The model focuses on the nature of the formation of a complex between the important residues of the protein and the hydroxyl group of the substrate. We have also investigated different configurations of the ground state that are important in the proton transfer reaction. The nature of bonding between the catalytic unit of the enzyme and the substrate in the model is investigated by Bader's atoms in molecule theory. The contributions of solvation and vibrational energies corresponding to the reactant, the transition state and the product configurations are also evaluated. Furthermore, the effect of protein environment is investigated by considering the catalytic unit surrounded by complete proteins--RNase A and Angiogenin. The results, in general, indicate the formation of a short-strong hydrogen bond and the formation of a low barrier transition state for the proton transfer model of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Comprehensive conformational analysis of the biologically active nucleoside 2',3'-didehydro-2',3'-dideoxyadenosine (d4A) has been performed at the MP2/6-311++G(d,p)//DFT B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level of theory. The energetic, geometrical and polar characteristics of twenty one d4A conformers as well as their conformational equilibrium were investigated. The electron density topological analysis allowed us to establish that the d4A molecule is stabilized by eight types of intramolecular interactions: O5'H...N3, O5'H...C8, C8H...O5', C2'H...N3, C5'H1...N3, C5'H2...N3 Ta C8H...H1/2C5'. The obtained results of conformational analysis lead us to think that d4A may be a terminator of the DNA chain sythesis in the 5'-3' direction. Thus it can be inferred that d4A competes with canonical 2'-deoxyadenosine in binding an active site of the corresponding enzyme.  相似文献   

The conformational behaviour of deltaZPhe has been investigated in the model dipeptide Ac-deltaZPhe-NHMe and in the model tripeptides Ac-X-deltaZPhe-NHMe with X=Gly,Ala,Val,Leu,Abu,Aib and Phe and is found to be quite different. In the model tripeptides with X=Ala,Val,Leu,Abu,Phe the most stable structure corresponds to phi1=-30 degrees, psi1=120 degrees and phi2=psi2=30 degrees. This structure is stabilized by the hydrogen bond formation between C=O of acetyl group and the NH of the amide group, resulting in the formation of a 10-membered ring but not a 3(10) helical structure. In the peptides Ac-Aib-deltaZPhe-NHMe and Ac-(Aib-deltaZPhe)3-NHMe, the helical conformers with phi = +/-30 degrees, psi = +/-60 degrees for Aib residue and phi=psi= +/-30 degrees for deltaZPhe are predicted to be most stable. The computational studies for the positional preferences of deltaZPhe residue in the peptide containing one deltaZPhe and nine Ala residues reveal the formation of a 3(10) helical structure in all the cases with terminal preferences for deltaZPhe. The conformational behaviour of Ac-(deltaZPhe)n-NHMe with n< or =4 is predicted to be very labile. With n > 4, degenerate conformational states with phi,psi values of 0 degrees +/- 90 degrees adopt helical structures which are stabilized by carbonyl-carbonyl interactions and the N-H-pi interactions between the amino group of every deltaZPhe residue with one C-C edge of its own phenyl ring. The results are in agreement with the experimental finding that screw sense of helix for peptides containing deltaZPhe residues is ambiguous in solution. The helical structures stabilized by hydrogen bond formation are found to be at least 3kCalmol(-1) less stable. Conformational studies have also been carried out for the peptide Ac-(deltaEPhe)6-NHMe and the peptide Ac-deltaAla-(deltaZPhe)6-NHMe containing deltaAla residue at the N-terminal. The N-H-pi interactions are absent in peptide Ac-(deltaEPhe)6-NHMe.  相似文献   

Starting from in-house capped tripeptide libraries, we have developed two series of compounds as potent antagonists of the hNK2 receptor with a reduced peptide character. These two series maintained a crucial amide bond, which could not be methylated or substituted with classical isostere without a dramatic loss in binding affinity, very likely due conformational changes.We report here the planning, synthesis and evaluation of molecules belonging to the selected chemical series, which contain a strategically placed hydrogen bond acceptor. The aim of the work was to improve membrane permeability via the formation of an intramolecular hydrogen bonding, and at the same time to maintain the structural characteristics geometry and polarity of the amide linkage so as to retain a relevant binding affinity for the biological target.  相似文献   

M Nina  B Roux    J C Smith 《Biophysical journal》1995,68(1):25-39
The light-driven proton pump, bacteriorhodopsin (bR) contains a retinal molecule with a Schiff base moiety that can participate in hydrogen-bonding interactions in an internal, water-containing channel. Here we combine quantum chemistry and molecular mechanics techniques to determine the geometries and energetics of retinal Schiff base-water interactions. Ab initio molecular orbital calculations are used to determine potential surfaces for water-Schiff base hydrogen-bonding and to characterize the energetics of rotation of the C-C single bond distal and adjacent to the Schiff base NH group. The ab initio results are combined with semiempirical quantum chemistry calculations to produce a data set used for the parameterization of a molecular mechanics energy function for retinal. Using the molecular mechanics force field the hydrated retinal and associated bR protein environment are energy-minimized and the resulting geometries examined. Two distinct sites are found in which water molecules can have hydrogen-bonding interactions with the Schiff base: one near the NH group of the Schiff base in a polar region directed towards the extracellular side, and the other near a retinal CH group in a relatively nonpolar region, directed towards the cytoplasmic side.  相似文献   

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