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We have studied the adsorption of atomic and molecular fluorines on a BC3 nanotube by using density functional calculations. It was found that the adsorption of atomic fluorine on a C atom of the tube surface is energetically more favorable than that on a B atom by about 0.97 eV. The adsorption of atomic fluorine on both C and B atoms significantly affects the electronic properties of the BC3 tube. The HOMO-LUMO energy gap is considerably reduced from 2.37 to 1.50 and 1.14 eV upon atomic F adsorption on B and C atoms, respectively. Molecular fluorine energetically tends to be dissociated on B atoms of the tube surface. The associative and dissociative adsorption energies of F2 were calculated to be about ?0.42 and ?4.79 eV, respectively. Electron emission density from BC3 nanotube surface will be increased upon both atomic and molecular fluorine adsorptions due to work function decrement.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of substituents on the computed electrostatic potentials VS(r) and average local ionization energies on the surfaces of model carbon nanotubes of the types (5,5), (6,1) and (6,0). For the (5,5) and the (6,1), the effects upon both VS(r) and of substituting a hydroxyl group at one end are primarily localized to that part of the system. For the (6,0) tube, however, a remarkable change is observed over its entire length, with VS(r) showing a marked gradation from strongly positive at the substituted end to strongly negative at the other; correspondingly goes from higher to lower values. Replacing OH by another resonance- donor, NH2, produces similar results in the (6,0) system, while the resonance withdrawing NO2 does the opposite, but in equally striking fashion. We explain these observations by noting that the arrangement of the C–C bonds in the (6,0) tube facilitates charge delocalization over the full length and entire surface of the tube. Substituting NH2 and NO2 at opposite ends of the (6,0) tube greatly strengthens the gradations in both VS(r) and The first hyperpolarizability of this system was found to be nine times that of para-nitroaniline, suggesting possible nonlinear optical applications.Figure HF/STO-5G electrostatic potential on outer surface of open (6,0) C72H10NH2NO2. The nitro group is at the right end of the tube, the amino group at the left. In eV: purple is less than 14, blue is between 14 and 15, green is between 15 and 16.5, yellow is between 16.5 and 17.5, and red is more than 17.5.   相似文献   

Spiro[2,4]hepta-4,6-diene and spiro[4,4]nona-1,3-diene react with [Mo(CO)2Cp’(NCCH3)2][BF4] (Cp’ = Cp, Ind; Ind = η5-C9H7) to afford the corresponding diene complex [Mo(diene)(CO)2Cp′]+. When Cp’ = Ind, the reaction proceeded forward leading to ring opening in the case of the small spiro ring. Although this and another product resulting from migration of the side arm to the carbonyl were detected when Cp’ = Cp, they did not form from the diene complex. A DFT/PBE1PBE study was carried out and showed a kinetically controlled reaction pathway leading from the [Mo(diene)(CO)2Ind]+ to the reaction product, with an activation barrier of 21.3 kcal mol−1. The thermodynamic preferred species was the non-observed complex (insertion), and its formation required higher barriers. In the presence of Cp, all the barriers increased significantly, explaining the inertness of the initial diene complex. The interpretation of this behaviour is associated with the ease of the η5 → η3 haptotropic rearrangement of the indenyl, which helps to lower some relevant barriers. This route is not available for the Cp analogue.  相似文献   

We investigated the viability of using a BC2N nanotube to detect formaldehyde (H2CO) molecule by means of B3LYP and M06 density functionals. The results indicate that the molecule is weakly adsorbed on the intrinsic BC2N nanotube releasing energy of 0.8 kcal mol-1 (at B3LYP/6-31G(d)) without significant effect on the HOMO-LUMO energy gap and electrical conductivity of the tube. Thus, H2CO cannot be detected using this intrinsic nanotube. To overcome this problem, a carbon atom of the tube wall was substituted by a Si atom. It was demonstrated that the Si-doped tube cannot only strongly adsorb the H2CO molecule, but also may effectively detect its presence because of the increase in the electric conductivity of the tube.  相似文献   

The reaction mechanism for selective oxidation of propylamine on oxygen-covered gold has been studied by the density functional theory (DFT) and generalized gradient approximation (GGA) with slab model. Our calculation results indicated that the adsorption energy of propylamine decreases with the increasing oxygen coverage, that is -0.38, -0.20 and -0.10 eV on clean, 2/9 monolayer (ML) and 2/3 monolayer (ML) oxygen, respectively. The adsorption energies of the intermediates also have the trend of the gradual lower. The present work also indicated that the final product distribution depends on the oxygen coverage: propylamine undergoes N-H bond and C-H bond cleavage to produce propionitrile and water at low-oxygen-coverage (θ(o)?=?2/9 ML), and to yield propionitrile, propionaldehyde and water at high-oxygen-coverage (θ(o)?=?2/3 ML). The energy barrier of the first step of propyamine oxidation (CH(3)CH(2)CH(2)NH(2)?→?CH(3)CH(2)CH(2)NH) is 0.16 eV (θ(o)?=?2/9 ML) and 0.38 eV (θ(o)?=?2/3 ML). On the second step, the barrier energy is 0.16 (θ(o)?=?2/9 ML) and 0.25 (θ(o)?=?2/3 ML) eV of CH(3)CH(2)CH(2)NH?→?CH(3)CH(2)CH(2)N, next both C-H breakage and the barrier energy is 0.20 eV (CH(3)CH(2)CH(2)N?→?CH(3)CH(2)CHN) and 0.25 eV (CH(3)CH(2)CHN?→?CH(3)CH(2)CN) on low oxygen coverage, and 0.15 eV (CH(3)CH(2)CH(2)N?→?CH(3)CH(2)CHN) and 0.26 eV(CH(3)CH(2)CHN?→?CH(3)CH(2)CN) on the high oxygen coverage. The additional reaction step of CH(3)CH(2)CHN?→?CH(3)CH(2)CHO occurs on the high oxygen coverage, and the associated barrier is 0.41 eV. The calculation results show that the oxidation of propylamine can occur at room temperature due to the lower energy barrier. Furthermore, it was found that the energy barrier for the possible reaction steps at the low oxygen coverage is generally smaller than that on high oxygen coverage, which agrees with the experimental results.  相似文献   

A recombinant clone of an expression-linked extra copy (ELC) gene of a trypanosome-variable surface glycoprotein was sequenced. In addition the sequences of the corresponding cDNA and portions of the two basic copy genes were determined. Comparison of these sequences reveals that the 5' boundary of the ELC-transposed segment (2.2 kb) occurs within a repetitive sequence about 700 bp upstream from the start codon of the coding sequence. This sequence does not contain internal symmetries and is not homologous with the repetitive sequence at the 3' boundary. The first 35 nucleotides of the cDNA are different than the corresponding ELC sequence and presumably were transcribed from another genomic location. A restriction fragment containing predominantly sequences outside of the 5' boundary hybridizes to a Pst I fragment whose length is variable in different trypanosome clones. This hybridization pattern is similar to that observed using probes for surface glycoprotein genes that are expressed via the nonduplication-associated (NDA) mechanism rather than the ELC mechanism. This indicates that there is a sequence correlation between these two DNA rearrangement mechanism.  相似文献   

The interaction between lanthanum atom (La) and C74 (D 3h) was investigated by all-electron relativistic density function theory (DFT). With the aid of the representative patch of C74 (D 3h), we studied the interaction between C74 (D 3h) and La and obtained the interaction potential. Optimized structures show that there are three equivalent stable isomers, with La located about 1.7 Å off center. There is one transition state between every two stable isomers. According to the minimum energy pathway, the possible movement trajectory of La atoms in the C74 (D 3h) cage was explored. The calculated energy barrier for La atoms moving from the stable isomer to the transition state is 18.4 kcal mol?1. In addition, the dynamic NMR spectra of La@C74 according to the trajectory was calculated.
Optimized structure of La@C74, the ring trajectory of La in C74, and the dynamic 13C NMR spectrum as investigated by all-electron relativistic density function theory  相似文献   

The promoting effect of heterocyclic ring and heteroatom on the antioxidant properties of vitamin E has been investigated systemically by using density functional theory. The calculated results show that the heteroatom plays a more important role in promoting the antioxidant properties than the heterocyclic ring, indicating that replacing O atom by S or Se is impossible to synthesize the novel better antioxidants. Furthermore, the bond dissociation enthalpy (BDE) and ionization potential (IP) of the corresponding molecules are decreased dramatically when the O atom is replaced by NH. In addition, the calculated results also reveal that reducing the atom number of heterocyclic ring is an ideal way to synthesize novel antioxidants with better antioxidant activity than vitamin E.  相似文献   

Ruthenium complexes [Ru(mpy)2(DMSO)2] (1) and [Ru(mbtz)2(DMSO)2] (2) containing 2-mercaptopyridine (mpy) and 2-mercaptobenzothiazole (mbtz) have been synthesized. Reactivity of 1 have been examined with 2,2′-bipyridine (bipy), 1,10-phenanthroline (phen), EPh3 (E = P, As) and 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)-methane (dppm). It reacted with bipy or phen in DMF to afford [Ru(mpy)2(bipy)] (3) and [Ru(mpy)2(phen)] (4) while, its reaction with EPh3 or dppm in common organic solvents failed to afford products containing EPh3 or dppm. Complexes under investigation have been characterized by elemental analyses, spectral, electrochemical studies and structures of 1-4 have been determined crystallographically. Density functional theory calculations have been performed on 1-4 and the model complex [Ru(mpy)(PMe3)2] (5) using exchange correlation functionals BP86. Optimized bond length and angles are in good agreement with the structural data. The Ru-N and Ru-S bond distances in [Ru(mpy)2]-moiety of 1 are relatively shorter than 5, indicating higher stability of 1 in comparison to 5. The WBI values of Ru-N1, Ru-N2, Ru-S1 and Ru-S2 bonds indicate Ru-mpy bonding trend as 3 > 4 > 1 > 5. There is an overall charge flow in the direction L → [Ru(mpy)2] (L = DMSO, bipy, phen and PMe3). Due to greater ionic character and Pauli repulsive interactions for Ru-PMe3 bond in comparison to Ru-DMSO, the DMSO ligands in 1 may not be substituted by phosphine ligands experimentally.  相似文献   

基于密度泛函理论(DFT)研究腺嘌呤、胸腺嘧啶、鸟嘌呤、胞嘧啶以及腺嘌呤胸腺嘧啶碱基对、鸟嘌呤胞嘧啶碱基对。在DFT-B3LYP/6-31G**水平上利用自然键轨道理论分析研究结果显示,互补碱基对的结构和电子特征有利于氢键的形成。本文中讨论几何结构、电子结构、分子轨道和能量对于氢键形成的影响。此研究结果将有助于更好的理解AT和GC碱基对中氢键与它们的结构特性之间的关系。  相似文献   

The adsorption and decomposition of hexogen (RDX) molecule on the Mg(0001) surface were investigated by the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) of density functional theory (DFT). The calculations employed a supercell (4?×?4?×?4) slab model and three-dimensional periodic boundary conditions. The strong attractive forces between RDX molecule and magnesium atoms induce the RDX’s N???O bond breaking. Subsequently, the dissociated oxygen atoms and radical fragment of RDX oxidize the Mg surface. The largest adsorption energy is ?2104.0 kJ mol-1. We also investigated the decomposition mechanism of RDX molecule on the Mg(0001) surface. The activation energy for the dissociation step of configuration V4 is as small as 2.5 kJ mol-1, while activation energies of other configurations are much larger, in the range of 964.9–1375.1 kJ mol-1. Mg powder is more active than Al powder, and Mg powder performs better in increasing the combustion exothermicity of RDX as well.  相似文献   

Dioxo and oxoperoxo molybdenum(VI) complexes, IIII, containing the non-labile bidentated oxazolinyl-pyridine ligand 1, were used as catalytic precursors in the epoxidation of cyclooctene and (R)-limonene, to explore the nature of the catalytic species. The high diastereoselectivity showed by I and II towards limonene epoxide formation (trans/cis-8 = 4/1) could be justified by the kinetic resolution observed to give the double epoxide (9), but also by the olefin coordination to the metal centre due to the presence of a labile ligand (isothiocyanate).95Mo NMR monitoring experiments of complex II in the presence of (R)-limonene, together with conductivity measurements, showed the formation of an ionic metallic species (1:1 electrolyte). These results point to a bimetallic species where one of the metal atoms is coordinated to the olefin by the dissociation of the isothiocyanate group, remaining coordinated the spectator chiral ligand, which is the responsible of the selectivity observed.  相似文献   

陆海BC_4F_3和BC_4F_(3:4)代换系纤维产量与品质的表型评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对陆海BC4F3和BC4F3:4代换系群体的纤维产量与品质的表型性状进行初步评价分析,结果表明,群体代换系各性状平均值与轮回亲本中棉所45相近,但群体内部个体间仍存在丰富的遗传变异,其中不乏超越中棉所45的材料。从中筛选20个纤维品质突出单株(株行),2年的上半部平均长度高于30.00 mm,断裂比强度高于31.0 c N/tex,表现较好的一致性和稳定性,为进一步棉花纤维品质育种提供了选择材料。  相似文献   

The interaction between M (M?=?Ca, Yb) atom and C74 (D 3h) has been investigated by all electron relativistic density function theory. With the aid of the representative patch of C74 (D 3h), we studied the interaction between C74 (D 3h) and M (M?=?Ca, Yb) atom and obtained the interaction potential. Optimized structures show that there are three equivalent stable isomers and there is one transition state between every two stable isomers. According to the minimum energy pathway, the possible movement trajectory of M (M?=?Ca, Yb) atom in the C74 (D 3h) cage is explored. The calculated energy barrier for Yb atoms moving from the stable isomer to the transition state is 10.4 kcal mol?1 and the energy barrier for Ca atoms is 6.1 kcal mol?1. The calculated NMR spectra of M@C74 (M?=?Ca, Yb) are in good agreement with the experimental data. There are nine lines in the spectra: one 1/6 intensity signal, four half intensity signals and four full intensity signals.  相似文献   

Using ab initio methods, we have studied conformations of the de(sidechain)de(dioxy)difluoroepothilone model to quantify the effect of stability change between the exo and endo conformers of the epoxy ring. The DFT minimization of the macrolactone ring reveals four low energy conformers, although MP2 predicted five stable structures. The model tested with DFT hybride functional (B3LYP/6–31+G(d,p)) exhibits the global minimum for one of the exo forms (C), experimentally observed in the solid state, but unexpectedly with the MP2 electron correlation method for the virtual endo form (W). Using the QST3 technique, several pathways were found for the conversion of the low energy conformers to the other low energy exo representatives, as well as within the endo analog subset. The potential energy relationships obtained for several exo forms suggest a high conformational mobility between three, experimentally observed, conformers. The high rotational barrier, however, excludes direct equilibrium with experimental EC-derived endo form S. The highest calculated transition state for the conversion of the most stable exo M interligand to the endo S form is approximately a 28 kcal/mol above the energy of the former. The two-step interconversion of the exo H conformer to the endo S requires at least 28 kcal/mol. Surprisingly, we found that the transition state energy of the H form to the virtual endo W has the acceptable value of about 9 kcal/mol and the next energy barrier for free interconversion of endo W to endo S is 13 kcal/mol. Figure DFT Model of Epothilone Interconversions Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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