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Abstract:  A new species of chimaeroid, Ischyodus rayhaasi sp. nov., is described based primarily upon the number and configuration of tritors on palatine and mandibular tooth plates. This new species is named in honour of Mr Raymond Haas. Fossils of I. rayhaasi have been recovered from the Upper Maastrichtian Fox Hills Formation and the Breien Member and an unnamed member of the Hell Creek Formation at sites in south-central North Dakota and north-central South Dakota, USA. Ischyodus rayhaasi inhabited shallow marine waters in the central part of the Western Interior Seaway during the latest Cretaceous. Apparently it was also present in similar habitats at that time in the Volga region of Russia. Ischyodus rayhaasi is the youngest Cretaceous species of Ischyodus known to exist before the Cretaceous/Tertiary extinction, and the species apparently did not survive that event. It was replaced by Ischyodus dolloi , which is found in the Paleocene Cannonball Formation of the Williston Basin region of North Dakota and is widely distributed elsewhere.  相似文献   

A new mobergellan genus and species,Tateltella ranoculata, is described from the early Middle Cambrian (Agdzian Stage) of Morocco. The new taxon is characterized by only four pairs of muscle scars and is furthermore distinguished from other mobergellans by its strongly concave shape and its distally rising muscle scars. The individual specimens ofTateltella ranoculata distinctly vary in size and display different ontogenetic stages. Juvenile, intermediate, and adult stages can be distinguished by means of the development of the muscle scars that differ in Position relative to the apex, size, and distinctness between individual stages. The shell ofT. ranoculata is composed of a succession of thin phosphatic lamellae separated by interlamellar gaps, presumably originally filled by organic material. The interlamellar gaps may be divided by septum-like structures producing discrete cavities. The specimens are the youngest mobergellans known so far and correlation of their stratigraphic position suggests a correspondence with the lower part of the Amgan stage of the Siberian Platform. In addition, they are the first reported mobergellans from the present day continent Africa. Other mobergellan taxa and mobergellan-like species are briefly reviewed and the genusHippoklosma Missarzhevsky, previously assigned to the Mobergellidae, is excluded from the family due to its different shell structure. An evolutionary trend of reduction in the number of muscle scars from 14 in the early Early Cambrian to only eight in the early Middle Cambrian is apparent among mobergellans.   相似文献   

This study is the first to report a trend of predation intensity on scaphitid ammonoids from the Turonian to the Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) on the basis of analysis of ventral shell breakage in large samples from the US Western Interior Province. Analysis of 835 adult specimens revealed ventral shell breakage in 50 specimens. In most of the damaged specimens, the breakage occurred in a preferred position at the rear part of the body chamber. Ventral breakage is rare in the Turonian specimens, whereas it is common in the Campanian and Maastrichtian specimens. The shell diameter of adult scaphitid ammonoids tends to increase with time. The position of the breakage and the absence of repairs indicate that the ventral breakage resulted from lethal predation. Based on the incidence of breakage and the size and shape of the breaks, possible predators include fish, reptiles and cephalopods such as Placenticeras, Eutrephoceras and coleoids. Our statistical analysis of ventral shell breakage indicates that the incidence of lethal predation increased in conjunction with an increase in adult shell size, suggesting that the body size of the prey was an important factor in predator–prey interactions. In addition, the predatory damage is more extensive in larger adults.  相似文献   

Scaphitid ammonites (scaphites) are among the most common ammonites in the Upper Cretaceous of the U.S. Western Interior. We have examined species of Hoploscaphites from the Campanian and Maastrichtian Pierre Shale and Bearpaw Shale for clues about their mode of life and habitat. Like most other ammonites, scaphites exhibit determinate growth. The “morphogenetic countdown” begins at the point at which the shell departs from the spiral coil and develops into a shaft and recurved hook. This is accompanied by a reduction in the spacing of ribs and tubercles on the hook and the formation of a constriction and varix at the aperture. Internally, this coincides with a decrease in septal spacing. The common association of scaphites and benthic fossils (e.g., Inoceramus) is interpreted as reflecting oxygen-rich episodes in the history of the Western Interior Seaway. Habitat depths are estimated at less than 100 m, based on faunal associations and studies of the mechanical strength of the septa and siphuncle. Analyses of the isotopic composition of the shells suggest that the animals lived near the sea floor. The high angle of orientation of the aperture at maturity (approximately 100°) seems incompatible with a nektobenthic mode of life. The constricted aperture ending in a thin lip may also have restricted unimpeded movement of long, muscular arms protruding from the aperture. Adults were probably poor swimmers, based on a comparison of their musculature (as inferred from their muscle scars) with that of nautilus (assuming that such a comparison is valid). The lack of a hyponomic sinus on the midventer would have prevented the animal from extending its hyponome below the shell in order to swim forward. As a consequence, scaphites may have been limited in their movement to swimming backward or downward, and may have exploited a low-energy lifestyle, remaining at a single site for an extended period of time. They may have consumed small prey in the water column, which is consistent with the presence of an aptychus-type lower jaw.  相似文献   

The palynological study and palynofacies analysis supported by size analysis of opaque phytoclasts and diversity indexes for particulate organic matter in stratigraphically well-constrained (inoceramid biostratigraphy) sections is applied in monotonous Upper Cretaceous carbonate-siliciclastic sediments of southern Poland. Integrated data allow for the estimation of the proximity of an uplifted area from the studied sections. For the first time in palynofacies analysis, both Simpson’s Index of Diversity (1 ? D) and Shannon’s index are used for organic matter distribution providing a comprehensive understanding of a proximal–distal trend in a sedimentary basin. Cluster analysis allowed grouping the samples within proximal to distal shelf zones. The size analysis of opaque woody phytoclasts is used to extrapolate the distance from the source area. Palynofacies analysis indicates the existence of an uplifted area (probably connected with “Kukernitz Island”) in the Holy Cross part of the Danish-Polish Trough during the Maastrichtian. The presented results improve contemporary paleogeographical interpretations for this part of the Late Cretaceous central European Basin. The youngest Maastrichtian deposits of the Miechów Synclinorium are described, based on inoceramids which are of early Late Maastrichtian age.  相似文献   

The study of the global mass extinction event at the Cretaceous–Palaeogene (K/Pg) boundary can aid in understanding patterns of selective extinction, and survival and dynamics of ecosystem recovery. Outcrops in the Maastrichtian type area (south-east Netherlands, north-east Belgium) comprise a stratigraphically expanded K/Pg boundary succession that offers a unique opportunity to study marine ecosystem recovery within the first few thousand years following the mass extinction event. A quantitative analysis was performed on systematically sampled macrofossils of the topmost Maastrichtian and lowermost Danian strata at the former Ankerpoort-Curfs quarry (Geulhem), which represent ‘snapshots’ of the latest Cretaceous and earliest Palaeogene marine ecosystems, respectively. Molluscs in particular are diverse and abundant in the studied succession. Regional ecosystem changes across the K/Pg boundary are relatively minor, showing a decline in suspension feeders, accompanied by an ecological shift to endobenthic molluscs. The earliest Paleocene gastropod assemblage retains many ‘Maastrichtian’ features and documents a fauna that temporarily survived into the Danian. The shallow, oligotrophic carbonate platform in this area was inhabited by taxa that were adapted to low nutrient levels and resistant to starvation. As a result, the local taxa were less affected by the short-lived detrimental conditions related to K/Pg boundary perturbations, such as darkness, cooling, starvation and ocean acidification. This resulted in relatively high survival rates, which enabled rapid recolonization and recovery of marine faunas in the Maastrichtian type area.  相似文献   

Venezuelan red howler monkeys in a semideciduous habitat typically survive injuries and disabilities. Intraspecific physical aggression was the most frequently observed and inferred cause of injury. Thirty-eight percent of 119 howlers of all ages examined during capture had scars or other evidence of “damage.” Overall, the sexes did not differ significantly in total number of injuries or number of individuals classified as “damaged.” The incidence of injury was not independent of age-sex class. The subadult male class had the highest percentage of “damaged” individuals. However, when total injuries per age class were examined for each sex separately, only females showed a pattern that was significantly different than expected based on age (i.e., exposure to injury factors). Subadult females experienced more injuries than expected, whereas adult females had fewer injuries. Troop status (resident troop, natal troop, or extratroop) was not significantly related to the number of injuries in adult and subadult males. Thin finding was not surprising, because adult and subadult males of all status classes are involved in aggression related to breeding competition. Extratroop females had more injuries than expected, and natal females had the fewest injuries. The higher incidence of injuries on subadult females and extratroop females is consistent with aggression-mediated emigration of some females and observed resistance to female immigration by resident females. Overall, 74% of injuries were located on anterior-ventral portions of the body, consistent with the face-to-face fighting observed in howlers. Sociobiological costs of aggression in red howlers are difficult to assess because many howlers, despite frequent and severe injury, subsequently survive and reproduce. We recommend caution in inferring mortality from injuries, especially when social mobility and emigration out of the study area are common.  相似文献   

Geometric design in the barnacle genus Balanus has been studied in relation to variation in adult shell form, that includes differences among species, and size-related changes in shape. The genus comprises 40 Recent species, and as a group these display a more or less constant morphology over an extraordinary size range (10 to 200 mm in basal length).
Linear and volumetric measurements were collected from 232 adult individuals of 14 species representing the variation in size, shell form and shell design thought to occur in the genus. Specimens were chosen to represent the size ranges of the species. Only isolated individuals growing on planar surfaces were used; shells were complete, undamaged and undistorted.
Shell form differs among taxa, and no two species scale alike; intraspecific variation for five ratio variables shows strong allometry over the adult size range of each species. As size increases, there is a trend for the basis and orifice to maintain their shapes or to become slightly more elliptical, and for shells to become more conical and proportionately taller.
Throughout their size ranges, species can be described by these geometries: paraboloid (6 species), frustum of an ellipsoidal cone (5 species), frustum of a cone (2 species) and a cone (1 species). Shell geometry is not a function of species size, but there does appear to be a correlation between shell geometry and shell volume. Species with relatively small shell volumes are described by a frustum of an ellipsoidal cone, or by a cone, while those with a relatively large shell volume are described by a paraboloid, or by the frustum of a cone.  相似文献   

Well-preserved fossils of the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway (WIS) of North America have been analyzed for Sr concentration and Sr and O isotopes in order to decipher paleosalinities and paleotemperatures. The samples are from four biofacies within the Seaway (late Maastrichtian): offshore Interior (Pierre Shale), nearshore Interior (Fox Hills Formation), brackish (reduced salinity; Fox Hills Formation) and freshwater (Hell Creek Formation). Samples were also obtained from the Severn Formation of Maryland (considered to be representative of the open ocean). All biofacies (except the freshwater) are demonstrably within the Jeletzkytes nebrascensis ammonite zone (<1 Ma duration). The 87Sr/86Sr ratios show significant and systematic decreases from marine (mean±1 S.D.=0.707839±0.000024) to brackish facies (mean±1 S.D.=0.707677±0.000036), consistent with dilution by freshwater with a lower 87Sr/86Sr ratio than seawater. Such variation disallows using the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of fossil shell material to assign ages to fossils from the Late Cretaceous WIS without knowledge of the salinity in which the organism grew. The Sr isotope ratios for scaphitid ammonites within a single biofacies are similar to each other and different from those for scaphites in other biofacies, implying that these organisms are restricted in their distribution during life. The 87Sr/86Sr values of freshwater unionid mussels range widely and are not compatible with the freshwater endmember 87Sr/86Sr ratio required by the trend in 87Sr/86Sr vs. biofacies established from the other samples. Paleosalinities for the biofacies are estimated to range from 35‰ in the open marine to a minimum of 20‰ in the brackish, based on the presence of cephalopods in all four facies and the known salinity tolerance of modern cephalopods. Producing reasonable 87Sr/86Sr values for the freshwater endmember of a 87Sr/86Sr vs. 1/[Sr] plot requires a Sr concentration 0.2-0.5 that of seawater for the dominant freshwater input to the WIS. Such high Sr concentrations (relative to seawater) are not observed in modern rivers, and we suggest that the brackish environment in the WIS arose through the mixing of freshwater and seawater in a nearshore aquifer system. Reactions of the solution with aquifer solids in this ‘subterranean estuary’ [Moore, Mar. Chem. 65 (1999) 111-125] produced brackish water with the Sr concentration and isotopic composition recorded in the brackish biofacies. δ18O values of the fossils show decreases from the marine to brackish biofacies consistent with increasing temperatures (from ∼13 to 23°C) or, if temperatures were relatively constant, to a decrease in the δ18O of the water in which the shell formed. The latter interpretation is consistent with less-than-fully marine salinities in the nearshore biofacies, but both changes in temperature and the isotopic composition of the water may have occurred in this environment.  相似文献   

Morphology and aestivation behaviour in some Madagascan acavid land snails   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nine species of Madagascan acavid land snails were compared in a phylogenetic context. The two most plesiomorphic, Clauator johnsoni and C. moreleti, differ from the others by their high-spired shells, short tentacles, short tails, long necks, and crawling mode of hitching the shell along the ground. In the seven more apomorphic species, the crawling mode is smooth, with the shell resting on the tail, and the relative lengths of tail and shell correlate significantly. Among these seven species, three pairs of closest relatives (Helicophanta petiti and H. uesicalis, H. farafanga and H. souuerbiana, Ampeltta decaryi and A. julii) show evidence of phylogenetic constraints on ranked shell size. Aestivation site (as tentatively inferred from rare data) does not correlate with shell shape or size: burrowers have H/D = 2.7 to 0.6 and D = 70 to 25 mm; arboreals have H/D = 0.8 to 0.5 and D = 70 to 30 mm; the species with both the highest spire and the smallest diameter (C. moreleti) is neither a burrower or an arboreal, but stays on the ground surface. Inferred aestivation sites are randomly distributed phylogenetically. Climate shows no correlation, except that the arborcals are only from humid to wet regimes. Uniform shell colouration occurs only in burrowers (C. johnsoni, H. petiti, H. uestcalis), but disruptive shell colouration occurs in all others, including burrowers (H. farafanga, A. decaryt), ground-surface aestivators (C. moreleti), arboreals (H. souuerbiana, A. julii), and semi-arboreals (Ampefita subfunebris). Among all nine species, burrowers have significantly thicker shells (than their close relatives of similar size), wider bodies, and longer snouts than non-burrowers (H. souuerbiana is exceptional in being arboreal despite its huge size and in having the broad foot and snout of a burrower). Thus, although there is some evidence for phylogenetic constraints, natural selection for aestivation and crawling behaviours seems to have dominated the evolution of external body morphology and of shell thickness (but not shell size and shape) in these snails.  相似文献   

An examination of the shell microstructure and mineralogy of species from 30 of the 32 genera and subgenera of the gastropod family Littorinidae shows that most species have a shell consisting of layers of aragonitic crossed-lamellar structure, with minor variations in some taxa. However, Pellilitorina, Risellopsis and most species of Littorina have partly or entirely calcitic shells. In Pellilitorina the shell is made entirely of calcitic crossed-foliated structure, while in the other two genera there is only an outer calcitic layer of irregular-prismatic structure. A cladistic analysis shows that the calcitic layers have been independently evolved in at least three clades. The calcite is found only in the outermost layers of the shell and in species inhabiting cooler waters of both northern and southern hemispheres. Calcium carbonate is more soluble in cold than warm water and, of the two polymorphs, calcite is about 35% less soluble than aragonite. We suggest that calcitic shell layers are an adaptation of high latitude littorinids to resist shell dissolution.  相似文献   

Among Late Ordovician brachiopods from southeastern Indiana. strophomenids display a ratio of 4:1 parabolic to linear repaired fractures in contrast to the 1:2 ratio found for orthids and rhynchonellids. Additionally, only strophomenids display repaired elliptical fractures. The weakest parts of strophomenid and orthid-rhynchonellid shells are the regions of the adductor muscle scars and the sulcus, respectively. Fractured biplanate shells of strophomenids are commonly cleaved anteriorly to posteriorly, whereas fractures are localized on the anterior of strongly curved to geniculate conspecific specimens. Rugae on leptaenids, thickened anterior margins of the brachial valve of rafinesquinids, and the dense distribution of pseudopunctate in all strophomenids, functioned to localize anteriorly the (un)repaired linear and parabolic fractures. No sublethal fracture occurs on any biconvex shell where the height is greater than 14 mm, despite the fact that numerous specimens of certain species attained shell heights of 20 mm or more, an observation suggesting the upper limit in the gape of the crushing elements of the predator. Crushing experiments on valve 'models' reveal that the inflated equibiconvex, plicate shape of the shells of Plarysfrophia is the strongest. However, the architecture of the concave strophomenid valves is relatively stronger than the corresponding valves of many orthids and rhynchonellids when normalized for valve thickness.  相似文献   

目的:通过对某部新入伍官兵训练中膝关节损伤发生原因、特点进行流行性病学调查和分析,为合理训练,预防损伤发生和 治疗相关伤病提供指导依据。方法:对某部2013 年度450 名新入伍官兵的训练伤发病情况进行统计分析,重点分析膝关节损伤 发生率、伤病类型和致伤原因,并对其严重者进行关节镜治疗,观察和分析术后随访效果。结果:某部新兵的训练伤发生率为 20.0%。以关节急性扭伤最为多见,占81.1%。其中膝关节损伤共发生32 例,占训练伤发病率为7.1%,占训练伤发病率43.8%,其 中膝关节周围肌肉损伤20 例、交叉韧带损伤1 例、半月板损伤9 例、侧副韧带损伤2 例。致伤率最高的前3 位科目是5000 米负 重跑、跨越障碍训练、格斗训练,共27 例,占膝关节训练伤总数的84.4%。所有受伤患者中,12 例行手术治疗,20 例给予石膏、支具 固定、休息等保守治疗。经随访所有患者均得到较好的功能恢复。结论:对于新兵膝关节训练伤预防工作非常重要,避免致残;关 节镜手术技术的进步对于膝关节军事训练伤治疗有良好的效果。  相似文献   

Several examples of progenetic species among Mesozoic ammonites are investigated. The ammonites are Middle Jurassic kosmoceratids, Upper Jurassic oppeliids, and Upper Cretaceous scaphites. As assessed through outgroup comparison, the progenetic species in each of these examples is characterized by small size at maturity and the presence of morphological features typical of those of the juveniles of more primitive species. However, in none of these examples is the progenetic species a duplicate form of the juvenile stage of more primitive species. There are at least three kinds of features of progenetic species that differ from those of the juveniles of more primitive species: (1) symplesiomorphous features associated with maturation, (2) unique features whose presence is not clearly related to progenetic processes, and (3) unique features that may represent epigenetic outgrowths of juvenile morphology. This novel combination of juvenile. adult. and unique features may endow progenetic species with the evolutionary potential to play a role in the origin of higher taxa. □ Progenesis, heterochrony, Ammon-oidea. Jurassic, Cretaceous.  相似文献   

While it is well established that the shapes and sizes of shells are strongly phylogenetically controlled, little is known about the phylogenetic constraints on shell thickness. Yet, shell thickness is likely to be sensitive to environmental fluctuations and has the potential to illuminate environmental perturbations through deep time. Here we systematically quantify the thickness of the anterior brachiopod shell which protects the filtration chamber and is thus considered functionally homologous across higher taxa of brachiopods. Our data come from 66 genera and 10 different orders and shows well-defined upper and lower boundaries of anterior shell thickness. For Ordovician and Silurian brachiopods we find significant order-level differences and a trend of increasing shell thickness with water depth. Modern (Cenozoic) brachiopods, by comparison, fall into the lower half of observed shell thicknesses. Among Ordovician–Silurian brachiopods, older stocks commonly have thicker shells, and thick-shelled taxa contributed more prominently to the Great Ordovician Biodiversification but suffered more severely during the Late Ordovician Mass Extinction. Our data highlight a significant reduction in maximum and minimum shell thickness following the Late Ordovician mass extinction. This points towards stronger selection pressure for energy-efficient shell secretion during times of crisis.  相似文献   

In the study of gastropod shell morphology, determination of comparable ontogenetic stages is crucial, because all the states that various shell features go through during ontogeny are preserved on the shell. The protoconch/teleoconch transition and marks of episodic growth are among the few ways of defining discrete, comparable, growth stages. In gastropods with determinate growth the attainment of adulthood may provide additional shell markers permitting comparison among individuals and taxa. Adulthood is reflected in shell morphology in ways as diverse as shell deposition covering all the previous whorls and radically changing the shape of the shell through to slight changes in the trajectory of the suture. While the very prominent adulthood‐related changes of shell morphology have been used as systematic characters, the more moderate changes have not been studied in detail and their potential systematic value has been ignored. In this paper we give a detailed account of adult modifications of the shell appearing with cessation of growth. Our study group comprises eight closely related species of Lavigeria from Lake Tanganyika. We show that the ways adulthood is manifested are quite diverse. We describe eight characters of the aperture, the suture and the sculptural ornamentation. Character occurrence varies greatly among species. We show that characters appear in suites and that in many cases their appearance is connected to size. We use size as a proxy for adulthood and test whether character occurrence alone or its connection to size can help resolve species relationships. In both cases our characters confirm the monophyly of our ingroup and yield cladograms with various degrees of resolution of ingroup relationships. The coding method that yields the greater character congruence is the one that takes into consideration the connection between appearance of a character and size. This study demonstrates that ontogenetically correlated character transformations may nevertheless be phylogenetically independent. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 140 , 223?240.  相似文献   

Studies on the population and community dynamics of scleractinian corals typically focus on catastrophic mortality associated with acute disturbances (e.g., coral bleaching and outbreaks of crown-of-thorns starfish), though corals are subject to high levels of background mortality and injuries caused by routine and chronic processes. This study quantified prevalence (proportion of colonies with injuries) and severity (areal extent of injuries on individual colonies) of background mortality and injuries for four common coral taxa (massive Porites, encrusting Montipora, Acropora hyacinthus and branching Pocillopora) on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Sampling was conducted over three consecutive years during which there were no major acute disturbances. A total of 2276 adult colonies were surveyed across 27 sites, within nine reefs and three distinct latitudinal sectors. The prevalence of injuries was very high (>83%) across all four taxa, but highest for Porites (91%) and Montipora (85%). For these taxa (Montipora and Pocillopora), there was also significant temporal and spatial variation in prevalence of partial mortality. The severity of injuries ranged from 3% to more than 80% and varied among coral taxa, but was fairly constant spatially and temporally. This shows that some injuries have considerable longevity and that corals may invest relatively little in regenerating tissue over sites of previous injuries. Inter-colony variation in the severity of injury also had no apparent effect on the realized growth of individual colonies, suggesting that energy diverted to regeneration has a limited bearing on overall energetic allocation, or impacts on other life-history processes (e.g., reproduction) rather than growth. Establishing background levels of injury and regeneration is important for understanding energy investment and life-history consequences for reef-building corals as well as for predicting susceptibility to, and capacity to recover from, acute disturbances.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to estimate the incidence and describe the pattern and severity of training injuries in taekwondo, and to compare pattern and severity of training injuries with competition injuries. One hundred and fifty-two active Australian amateur taekwondo athletes, aged 12 years or over, completed an online survey comprising questions on training exposure and injury history over the preceding 12 months. The main outcome measures were: overall injury incidence rate per athlete-year; training injury incidence rate per athlete-year, per 1000 athlete-training-sessions, and per 1000 athlete-hours of training; injury severity; and injury proportions by anatomical region and by type of injury. Injury incidence rates were calculated with 95% confidence intervals using standard methods, while injury proportions were compared using Fisher''s exact test. The vast majority (81.5%) of taekwondo injuries in an average athlete-year occurred during training. The training injury incidence rate was estimated to be 1.6 (95% CI: 1.4, 1.9) per athlete-year, 11.8 (95% CI: 10.4, 13.4) per 1000 athlete-training-sessions, and 7.0 (95% CI: 6.1, 7.9) per 1000 athlete-hours of training. Among athletes with five or fewer injuries, the severity and injury pattern of training injuries were, by and large, the same as for competition injuries. Approximately sixty percent (60.3%) of training injuries required treatment by a health professional. Considering the burden of training injuries exceeds that of competition injuries, taekwondo governing bodies and stakeholders are encouraged to devote more efforts towards the identification of risk factors for, and prevention of, training injuries in the sport of taekwondo.  相似文献   

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