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Although some populations remain stable, moose (Alces alces) density and distribution have been declining in many areas along the southern edge of their North American distribution. During 2006–2009, we deployed 99 vaginal implant transmitters (VITs) in 86 adult female moose in central Ontario, Canada to assist in locating and radiocollaring neonatal moose calves. We monitored radiocollared calves to estimate calf survival and assess the relative importance of specific causes of death. Calves in the western portion of our study area (WMU49) were exposed to a 6-day general hunting season, whereas calves in the eastern portion of our study area (Algonquin Provincial Park [APP]) were not exposed to hunting. Annual survival for 87 collared calves was greater in the protected area than the harvested area (72.4 ± 6.8% and 55.8 ± 8.3%, respectively) and averaged 63.7 ± 7.1% overall. Predation by wolves (Canis sp.) and American black bears (Ursus americanus) was the dominant cause of death but occurred predominately in APP, whereas other natural mortality agents were 4× more common in WMU49. Only 16% of the collared calves in WMU49 were harvested each year despite a high proportion (approx. 50%) of accessible, public land. Most natural mortality occurred prior to the autumn hunting season such that reductions in natural mortality had little potential to compensate for calf harvest. Overall, calf survival in our study area was moderate to high and our findings suggest predator control or further restrictions of calf hunting in this area is not justified. © The Wildlife Society, 2013  相似文献   

Using field, molecular and histological methods, an epizootic, systemic disease causing death within wood frog Rana sylvatica tadpoles and leopard frog Rana pipiens metamorphs at 3 different locations within Southern Ontario, Canada, has been investigated. Our results demonstrated that the probable cause of this disease was a ranavirus. Affected amphibians were found to exhibit necrosis within the hematopoietic cells. Liver tissue samples were found positive for the virus by PCR amplification of the ranavirus (Family: Iridoviridae) major capsid protein (MCP). Positive samples were confirmed by sequence analysis. Clinically normal, laboratory-raised wood frog egg broods were also found to test weakly positive for ranavirus. The population effects of disease on these amphibian communities have not yet been conclusively associated with population declines, but warrant more focused consideration.  相似文献   

With the recent introduction of polysaccharide-protein conjugated vaccines for the control of serogroup C meningococcal disease and the emergence of different variants of serogroup C meningococci, it is likely the epidemiology of meningococcal disease in many countries may be affected. We have therefore analysed and reported the characteristics of Neisseria meningitidis strains collected in 2001 from the Canadian surveillance program on invasive meningococcal disease. Only strains collected from normally sterile clinical sites of patients were studied. Of the 289 isolates obtained from individual patients, 173 (59.9%) were serogroup C, 76 (26.3%) were serogroup B, 30 (10.4%) were serogroup Y, and 10 (3.5%) were serogroup W135. Ninety-six percent of the serogroup C isolates belonged to the ET-15 clone, with an additional 2.3% belonging to other electrophoretic types within the ET-37 clonal complex. Different antigenic variants of the endemic serogroup C ET-15 clone were responsible for localized outbreaks in different parts of the country. One novel variant with the antigenic composition of C:2a:P1.1,7 was reported in two provinces, Quebec and Ontario. Eighteen percent of the meningococci isolated from patients in Ontario belonged to serogroup Y, compared with only 8% in the rest of Canada. The current data highlight the importance of strain characterization by serogroup, serotype, and serosubtype antigens in providing useful information for the surveillance of meningococcal disease in Canada.  相似文献   

Populations of many perennial plants intermittently produce large seed crops—a phenomenon referred to as mast seeding or masting. Masting may be a response to spatially correlated environmental conditions (the Moran effect), an adaptive reproductive strategy reflecting economies of scale, or a consequence of the internal resource budgets of individual plants. Fruit production by endozoochorous plants representing eight genera varied synchronously over much of central Ontario, Canada, 1998–2009. We tested for effects of weather and prior reproduction on fruit production by comparing AICc values among regression models fit to time series of fruit production scores and partitioning contributions by different predictors to multiple R 2 into independent and joint contributions. Fruit production by mountain ash (Sorbus spp.), juneberry (Amelanchier spp.), dogwoods (Cornus spp.), nannyberry (Viburnum lentago), and possibly cherries (Prunus spp.) was inversely related to production in the previous year. These effects were independent of weather conditions, suggesting that intrinsic factors such as internal resource budgets or an adaptive strategy of variable reproductive output influenced fruit production. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence of masting in members of the genera Cornus, Viburnum, and Amelanchier, and in members of Prunus and Sorbus in North America. All species produced fewer fruits when weather conditions were dry, so the Moran effect could have synchronized fruit production both within and among species. Patterns and causes of variation in berry crops have implications for ecosystem dynamics, particularly in boreal and subArctic environments where berry crops are important wildlife foods.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND:New case-mix tools from the Canadian Institute for Health Information offer a novel way of exploring the prevalence of chronic disease and multimorbidity using diagnostic data. We took a comprehensive approach to determine whether the prevalence of chronic disease and multimorbidity has been rising in Ontario, Canada.METHODS:In this observational study, we applied case-mix methodology to a population-based cohort. We used 10 years of patient-level data (fiscal years 2008/09 to 2017/18) from multiple care settings to compute the rolling 5-year prevalence of 85 chronic diseases and multimorbidity (i.e., the co-occurrence of 2 or more diagnoses). Diseases were further classified based on type and severity. We report both crude and age- and sex-standardized trends.RESULTS:The number of patients with chronic disease increased by 11.0% over the 10-year study period to 9.8 million in 2017/18, and the number with multimorbidity increased 12.2% to 6.5 million. Overall increases from 2008/09 to 2017/18 in the crude prevalence of chronic conditions and multimorbidity were driven by population aging. After adjustments for age and sex, the prevalence of patients with ≥ 1 chronic conditions decreased from 70.2% to 69.1%, and the prevalence of multimorbidity decreased from 47.1% to 45.6%. This downward trend was concentrated in minor and moderate diseases, whereas the prevalence of many major chronic diseases rose, along with instances of extreme multimorbidity (≥ 8 conditions). Age- and sex-standardized resource intensity weights, which reflect relative expected costs associated with patient diagnostic profiles, increased 4.6%.INTERPRETATION:Evidence of an upward trend in the prevalence of chronic disease was mixed. However, the change in case mix toward more serious conditions, along with increasing patient resource intensity weights overall, may portend a future need for population health management and increased health system spending above that predicted by population aging.

Multimorbidity exists when a patient is diagnosed with 2 or more chronic diseases. Patients with multimorbidity present challenges for physicians managing their care and, as the proportion of these patients in the population increases, for health care system planning. The prevalence of multimorbidity and chronic disease has been strongly associated with primary care use, specialist consultations, number and intensity of inpatient hospital admissions and other types of care.17 Among beneficiaries of fee-for-service Medicare in the United States, expenditures for those with 4 or more chronic diseases were reported to be 66 times higher than for those with none.8 One study found that most health spending growth (77.6%) in the US between 1987 and 2011 could be attributed to patients with 4 or more diseases.9Several recent studies have estimated the prevalence of chronic disease and multimorbidity in Canada.3,1013 Rates of multimorbidity ranged from 10% to 25%, owing to differences in classification systems used to identify chronic disease, including the choice of conditions, and variations in study population. Lack of standardization in measures of chronic disease prevalence and multimorbidity has hampered the evaluation of trends over time and across settings.Ontario provides an ideal setting to evaluate trends in the prevalence of chronic disease because patients have access to a comprehensive set of publicly funded services. The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) has created a system that maps patient diagnosis data from all health care settings to a set of 226 clinically meaningful health conditions, covering the full spectrum of acute and chronic morbidity (Jeffrey Hatcher, Canadian Institute for Health Information, Ottawa: personal communication, 2017). CIHI’s system has been independently compared with the Johns Hopkins ACG System; CIHI’s system was deemed to be more specific and less sensitive in classifying diagnoses, making it more conservative in identifying health conditions (S. Cheng, ICES, unpublished data, 2016). The purpose of this study was to evaluate trends in the prevalence of chronic disease and multimorbidity in Ontario using CIHI’s comprehensive disease classification system.  相似文献   

  • 1 Microprofiles of oxygen concentration were made in soft sediments of Lake Baikal, along three transects near the Selenga delta. This is the first time the available oxygen in the sediment has been measured in this lake.
  • 2 The microprofiles had a similar and typical shape (a single exception was possibly caused by bioturbation). A positive correlation was found between the sediment oxygen penetration depth (SOP) and the bathymetric depth of the epilimnion, probably caused by a decrease in oxygen sediment consumption with increasing depth.
  • 3 The observed SOP values are generally very high, which is an indication of oligotrophy. A single low SOP value, observed in the northern transect, appears to be linked to organic pollution caused by the Selenga River.

Four hundred and forty-two serogroup C Neisseria meningitidis isolates from individual invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) patients in Canada during the period 1999 to 2003 were analyzed. The majority (84%) of the serogroup C meningococci were characterized by the serotype antigen 2a and belonged to the clonal complex of electrophoretic type ET-15. However, after more than a decade of endemic disease as well as a number of outbreaks and many vaccination campaigns, both genetic and antigenic variants of the serogroup C serotype 2a meningococci were noted. Such variants include strains characterized as C:2a:P1.5 and C:2a:P1.7,1 as well as a non-serotypeable phenotype due to a mutational hot spot on the serotype 2a PorB outer-membrane protein. Meningococci characterized by the antigen formula B:2a:P1.5,2 and B:2a:P1.7,1 have also been found, which suggests capsule switching. Besides the clonal group of ET-15/ET-37, small numbers of serogroup C isolates were found to belong to the clonal complexes of ST-8 (Cluster A4), ST-41/44 (Lineage 3), ST-35, and ST-269.  相似文献   

Sylvatic trichinosis in Ontario, Canada   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Samples of muscle from 4,773 specimens of 18 species of wild mammals from Ontario were examined for Trichinella. One of 12 mink (Mustela vison), 83 of 1,821 fisher (Martes pennanti) and 68 of 1,980 marten (Martes americana) had T. spiralis. Prevalences of infections by Trichinella were determined for fisher and marten from the Algonquin region, over a 10-yr period. Prevalences ranged from 0.9-9.2% in fisher and 1.3-8.7% in marten indicating that the parasite is well-established in the region. Prevalences of Trichinella increased with age of both fisher and marten. Intensities determined for the 1981-1982 sample ranged from 0.4-15.8 larvae/g for fisher and 22.4-159.7 larvae/g for marten. Higher intensities were not correlated with older hosts. Fisher and marten appeared to be the key hosts maintaining Trichinella in the Algonquin region, but transmission dynamics were unclear. Transmission may include an unidentified small rodent or other host and natural carrion-feeding.  相似文献   

Frog erythrocytic virus (FEV), one of the largest icosahedral viruses, is enveloped, measures up to 450 nm in diameter, and contains double stranded DNA. The virus is found in the cytoplasm of erythrocytes of Rana catesbeiana, Rana septentrionalis, and Rana clamitans from Algonquin Park, Ontario (Canada). Acidophilic inclusions in infected erythrocytes stained with Giemsa's stain correspond to viroplasms from which FEV buds and forms aggregates of virus particles as seen in the electron microscope. Frog erythrocytic virus appears to acquire its envelope from lamellar membranes which surround the virus particles. The virus is structurally sensitive to cesium chloride, potassium tartrate and glycerol. It is also sensitive at pH 1 to 5 and a temperature of 56 C for 15 min. The virus contains at least 16 proteins which range in relative molecular mass from 19.5 to 91.0 kilodaltons (kDa), with two major proteins of 31.0 and 43.0 kDa. The viral DNA has a buoyant density of 1.690 +/- 0.005 g/ml, guanine plus cytosine ratio of 25 to 36%, and a melting temperature of 82 to 86 C. Data from this study indicate that FEV should be included in the family Iridoviridae.  相似文献   

Citizens’ observations of wildlife offer a wealth of information. Such data, however, may be prone to biases or inaccuracies — in particular, the over-reporting of novel species and under-reporting of common or mundane species. Few studies have assessed the relationship between unstructured and structured observations using long-term data. We compared 69 years of voluntary bird sightings, recorded in the regular publication of Peterborough Field Naturalists (PFN), 1948–2016, to systematic Christmas Bird Counts (CBC; during winter) and Breeding Bird Surveys (BBS; during spring) in central Ontario, Canada. We focused on seven species that had expanded their ranges into the area: Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis), House Finch (Haemorhous mexicanus), Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus), Red-bellied Woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus), Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), Canada Goose (Branta canadensis), and American Robin (Turdus migratorius). For each species, we compared the first record, the annual number of sightings, and the annual relative abundance from the PFN to the first record and annual relative abundance in the CBC and BBS. We anticipated that naturalists’ accounts would be more sensitive to the arrival of novel species but would underestimate abundance as the species became common.In general, our results agreed with these predictions. In 11 of 12 cases, the naturalists detected a species well in advance of the CBC and BBS — on average by 1½ decades (range: 5–33 years). The correlations in bird abundance between unstructured (PFN) and structured (CBC and BBS) data were variable; most were weak and negative. We found significant negative correlations for the two most common species, Northern Cardinal (winter) and House Finch (spring), as well as for Wild Turkey (winter), and a positive correlation for the rarest species, the Red-bellied Woodpecker (spring). We surmise that novelty underlies these results — that rarity increases the likelihood of reporting by non-professionals. We conclude that unstructured observations are valuable in detecting novel species, but they may be inconsistent, even inverse, indicators of the abundance of expanding species, once established.  相似文献   

Using quantitative PCR, the abundances of six phytoplankton viruses DNA polymerase (polB) gene fragments were estimated in water samples collected from Lake Ontario, Canada over 26 months. Four of the polB fragments were most related to marine prasinoviruses, while the other two were most closely related to cultivated chloroviruses. Two Prasinovirus-related genes reached peak abundances of >1000 copies ml−1 and were considered ‘high abundance'', whereas the other two Prasinovirus-related genes peaked at abundances <1000 copies ml−1 and were considered ‘low abundance''. Of the genes related to chloroviruses, one peaked at ca 1600 copies ml−1, whereas the other reached only ca 300 copies ml−1. Despite these differences in peak abundance, the abundances of all genes monitored were lowest during the late fall, winter and early spring; during these months the high abundance genes persisted at 100–1000 copies ml−1 while the low abundance Prasinovirus- and Chlorovirus-related genes persisted at fewer than ca 100 copies ml−1. Clone libraries of psbA genes from Lake Ontario revealed numerous Chlorella-like algae and two prasinophytes demonstrating the presence of candidate hosts for all types of viruses monitored. Our results corroborate recent metagenomic analyses that suggest that aquatic virus communities are composed of only a few abundant populations and many low abundance populations. Thus, we speculate that an ecologically important characteristic of phycodnavirus communities is seed-bank populations with members that can become numerically dominant when their host abundances reach appropriate levels.  相似文献   

From 1999 to 2006, 132 cases of raccoon rabies, caused by the raccoon variant of rabies virus, were confirmed in eastern Ontario, Canada. Trap-vaccinate-release (TVR) and point infection control (PIC) programs were implemented to control the disease; 43,014 raccoons (Procyon lotor) were vaccinated against rabies by injection (Imrab3) during that period. Two vaccinated raccoons were diagnosed with rabies at 6 mo and at 2 wk postvaccination. One may have been due to a vaccination failure. The other was likely due to the animal being in the late stages of incubation for rabies at the time of vaccination. This information will be useful to wildlife rehabilitators and agencies that hold raccoons in captivity in that a vaccinated raccoon is not necessarily immune to rabies.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus infection in anti-mu-treated mice.   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
BALB/c mice were depleted of B cells by anti-mu treatment to investigate the pathogenesis of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in the absence of antibody. Termination of RSV replication after primary infection occurred with the same kinetics in anti-mu-treated mice as in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)-treated controls. Yet, when rechallenged, anti-mu-treated mice were more permissive to RSV replication than PBS-treated controls. Anti-mu-treated mice also experienced greater illness than PBS-treated controls during both primary infection and rechallenge. Passive transfer of RSV-specific immune serum to anti-mu-treated mice before rechallenge reconstituted complete protection from RSV replication and diminished illness. Thus, RSV-specific antibody is not required to terminate RSV replication in primary infection, but without antibody, only partial immunity against rechallenge is induced. While it is unknown whether the mechanism is a direct effect on RSV titer or modulation of the illness-causing cellular immune response, the presence of RSV-specific antibody reduces illness in both primary RSV infection and rechallenge of mice.  相似文献   

Abstract Aim An analysis is presented to examine whether variation in breeding waterfowl estimates can be explained by weather patterns prior to annual surveys. Location The location of the study is north‐western Ontario, Canada. Methods Annual, systematic survey data for breeding waterfowl are available from the 1950s to the present for north‐western Ontario. Regional monthly climate data for this area were compiled using weather data derived from interpolated annual climate surfaces. These data were analysed using stepwise multiple linear regression for each species and for waterfowl functional groups to assess whether monthly climate data accounted for some of the variation in waterfowl numbers. Results For all dabbling ducks pooled, 12% of the variation in annual abundance was explained by April temperatures, with more dabbling ducks observed in years when April was relatively cool. For diving ducks, 23% of the variation in pooled abundance was explained by April temperatures and February precipitation, where more diving ducks were observed in years when February had relatively less precipitation and April was cool. Patterns for individual species varied. Main conclusions Mean monthly weather data for months prior to surveys explained some of the variation in numbers of waterfowl observed in annual surveys. This suggests that future incorporation of weather data into waterfowl population models may help refine population estimates.  相似文献   



Quinolone-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae has swiftly emerged in Canada. We sought to determine its prevalence in the province of Ontario and to investigate risk factors for quinolone-resistant N. gonorrhoeae infection in a Canadian setting.


We used records from the Public Health Laboratory of the Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion in Toronto, Ontario, and the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Manitoba, to generate epidemic curves for N. gonorrhoeae infection. We extracted limited demographic data from 2006 quinolone-resistant N. gonorrhoeae isolates and from a random sample of quinolone-susceptible isolates. We also extracted minimum inhibitory concentrations for commonly tested antibiotics.


Between 2002 and 2006, the number of N. gonorrhoeae infections detected by culture decreased by 26% and the number of cases detected by nucleic acid amplification testing increased 6-fold. The proportion of N. gonorrhoeae isolates with resistance to quinolones increased from 4% to 28% over the same period. Analysis of 695 quinolone-resistant N. gonorrhoeae isolates and 688 quinolone-susceptible control isolates from 2006 showed a higher proportion of men (odds ratio [OR] 3.1, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.3–4.1) and patients over 30 years of age (OR 3.1, 95% CI 2.4–3.8) in the quinolone-resistant group. The proportion of men who have sex with men appeared to be relatively similar in both groups (OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.1–1.8). Quinolone-resistant strains were more resistant to penicillin (p < 0.001), tetracycline (p < 0.001) and erythromycin (p < 0.001). All isolates were susceptible to cefixime, ceftriaxone, azithromycin and spectinomycin.


During 2006 in Ontario, 28% of N. gonorrhoeae isolates were resistant to quinolones. Infections in heterosexual men appear to have contributed significantly to the quinolone resistance rate. Medical practitioners should be aware of the widespread prevalence of quinolone-resistant N. gonorrhoeae and avoid quinolone use for empiric therapy.After declining for a number of years, Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections are once more on the rise in Canada. Between 1997 and 2007, reported incidence of the disease more than doubled, from 15 to 35 cases per 100 000.1 To address the emergence of quinolone-resistant N. gonorrhoeae strains, the empiric treatment regimens for N. gonorrhoeae infection were recently revised in the 2006 Canadian Guidelines on Sexually Transmitted Infections.2,3 Quinolones are no longer recommended for empiric therapy for N. gonorrhoeae infection.3In Canada, quinolone resistance in N. gonorrhoeae isolates increased from an estimated 2% in 2001 to 16% in 2005.4 Demographic risk factors for quinolone-resistant N. gonorrhoeae infection have not been studied. American studies have associated quinolone-resistant N. gonorrhoeae infection with men who have sex with men,5,6 antibiotic use,5,7 age above 35 years,5 HIV infection5 and travel to Asia.6 Public health data from the provinces of Quebec8 and Alberta2 have also suggested an association between quinolone-resistant infection and men who have sex with men. In this study we generated epidemic curves for N. gonorrhoeae and quinolone-resistant N. gonorrhoeae infection in the province of Ontario. We also investigated demographic risk factors for quinolone-resistant N. gonorrhoeae infection.  相似文献   

West Nile virus (WNV), a category B pathogen endemic in parts of Africa, Asia and Europe, emerged in North America in 1999, and spread rapidly across the continental U.S. Outcomes of infection with WNV range from asymptomatic to severe neuroinvasive disease manifested as encephalitis, paralysis, and/or death. Neuroinvasive WNV disease occurs in less than one percent of cases, and although host genetic factors are thought to influence risk for symptomatic disease, the identity of these factors remains largely unknown. We tested 360 common haplotype tagging and/or functional SNPs in 86 genes that encode key regulators of immune function in 753 individuals infected with WNV including: 422 symptomatic WNV cases and 331 cases with asymptomatic infections. After applying a Bonferroni correction for multiple tests and controlling for population stratification, SNPs in IRF3 (OR 0.54, p?=?0.035) and MX1, (OR 0.19, p?=?0.014) were associated with symptomatic WNV infection and a single SNP in OAS1 (OR 9.79, p?=?0.003) was associated with increased risk for West Nile encephalitis and paralysis (WNE/P). Together, these results suggest that genetic variation in the interferon response pathway is associated with both risk for symptomatic WNV infection and WNV disease progression.  相似文献   

Typing of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B disease isolates was carried out using a panel of serotype-and subtype-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Three hundred and sixty-two strains isolated from 1977 to 1986 were typed using five serotyping and seven subtyping reagents and outer membrane vesicles as antigens. Serotype 2b accounted for 30% of the disease isolates. The most common subtype was P1.2, which occurred on 18.5% of all strains or 48.6% of the serotype 2b strains. Of the 362 strains typed, 135 (37.3%) were serotyped and 122 (33.7%) were subtyped. Overall, 185 (51.1%) of the strains could be assigned a serotype and (or) subtype. Strains (221) isolated during the years 1987-1989 were typed using a panel of 6 serotyping and 12 subtyping reagents by whole-cell ELISA. Strains of serotypes 4 (21.7%) and 15 (20.8%) were the most common and carried a wide variety of subtypes. The most common subtypes were P1.2 (11.8%) and P1.16 (9.5%). Of the 221 strains analyzed, 132 (59.7%) were assigned a serotype and 123 (55.7%) a subtype and with all 18 MAbs, 192 (86.9%) of the strains were serotyped and (or) subtyped. Two different MAbs to the four epitopes 2a, 15, P1.2, and P1.16 gave discordant reactions of 0.3, 6.6, 2.6, and 2.2%, respectively, when used to analyze over 300 strains of N. meningitidis.  相似文献   

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