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Varicocele is considered to be responsible for male infertility by several authors, while varicocele may also exist in fertile men. Hyperthermia or “raised” testicular temperature is one of the pathophysiological mechanisms proposed to explain impaired spermatogenesis when a varicocele is present in infertile men. The reported clinical data in humans and experimental results of surgically-induced varicocele in animals indicate the following findings. In most studies, mean testicular and scrotal temperatures are bilaterally increased in populations of men with unilateral left varicocele compared to control populations. Similar results are observed following surgical induction of experimental left varicocele in animals. In the case of bilateral varicocele, the increase in mean temperature is similar to that observed in unilateral varicocele. Data concerning the effects of varicocelectomy on testicular or scrotal temperatures are still inconclusive in humans because of the discordant results in the small number of studies dealing with this topic. However, experimental data indicate that varicocelectomy results in recovery of normal mean temperature in animals submitted to surgically-induced varicocele, but experimental animal models of varicocele have failed to provide any explanation for the increase in temperature. In conclusion, although there is a relationship between varicocele and testicular temperature, testicular temperature is not increased in every case of varicocele.  相似文献   

Summary The regeneration (organogenesis was studied by Emig, 1972 a, b) of Phoronida can be divided into three phases: the first one, cicatrisation, is characterized by a provisional mesodermal scar-tissue, later the old epidermis cover this scar-tissue. The regenerating blastema, second phase, takes place by cellular dedifferentiation processes; each germ layer (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm) regenerates itself from its own elements. One exception only seems to be oesophagel regeneration by metaplasia of the prestomacal cells during the asexual reproduction. The differentiation of the amputated structures (third phase) appears submitted to the inductive influence of the mesoderm and to the trophic action of the nervous system (especially the epithelial plexus). The polarity in regeneration sets a problem in Phoronida.

Ce travail a été effectué dans le cadre du contrat L. A. n 41 au C. N. R. S.  相似文献   

Résumé Des micro-organismes présentant les caractères des mycoplasmes ont été observés dans les tissus adipeux et cardiaques de larves du Coléoptère ScarabeideMelolontha melolontha, soit sur des tissus prélevés directement sur larves, soit maintenus en culture d'organes pendant 15 jours à 3 semaines.
Summary Microorganisms with characteristics usually observed in mycoplasms when examined under the electron microscope have been seen in fat and cardiac cells from larvae ofMelolontha melolontha, [Scarabaeidae Coleoptera]. These observations have been made either on tissues taken directly from larvae or kept in organotypic culture for 15 days to 3 weeks.

Résumé L'étude de la sensibilité des 4 espèces de noctuelles,Mamestra brassicae L.,Spodoptera littoralis Boisduval,Spodoptera frugiperda Smith etScotia ipsilon Hübner, aux hyphomycètes a été conduite avec 10 souches dePaecilomyces fumoro-roseus (Wize) Brown & Smith, 6 deNomuraea rileyi (Farlow) Samson, 1 deBeauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. et 1 deMetarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) Sor. Les chenilles nouvelles-nées agées de moins de 16 h ont été exposées pendant 24 h sur des rondelles de feuilles contaminées par aspersion des inoculums, puis élevées individuellement à 25±1°C. A la dose de 3.105 conidiospores/cm2, l'activité pathogène des germes sur les chenilles varie dans de larges proportions suivant l'espèce-h?te et suivant l'isolat considérés. L'espèce la plus sensible à la plupart des souches estM. brassicae et la plus résistanteS. littoralis. Les germes les plus performants présentent des temps létaux 50% compris entre 2 et 3,5 j (à la dose de 3.105 spores/cm2) et des doses létales 50% de 103 à 104 conidiospores/cm2 (mortalités cumulées le 6e j après traitement); ce sont les isolats:P. fumoso-roseus no 13, 32, 39, 40 et 45 pourM. brassicae, N. rileyi no 5 pourS. littoralis; P. fumoso-roseus no 32 pourS. frugiperda etM. anisopliae no 139 pourS. ipsilon. La virulence élevée du pathotypeN. rileyi no 5 pourS. littoralis et son agressivité à l'égard des 3 autres noctuelles, confirment l'intérêt de cet hyphomycète en dehors de son aire d'origine (Sud-Est des Etats-Unis). Par ailleurs, les aptitudes des souches européennes deP. fumoso-roseus montrent que cette espèce présente des potentialités pour la lutte biologique contre divers noctuides.
Summary Bioassays were carried out on 1st instar larvae to determine the relative susceptibility of 4 noctuid species,Mamestra brassicae L.,Spodoptera littoralis Boisduval,Spodoptera exigua Smith andScotia ipsilon Hübner to 10Paecilomyces fumoso-roseus, 6Nomuraea rileyi, 1Metarhizium anisopliae and 1Beauveria bassiana isolates. Neonate larvae, 2 to 16 h old, were exposed for 24 h to leaf pieces treated with conidial suspensions of each fungal strain and then transferred to untreated foliage at 25±1°C. When tested at 3×105 conidia/cm2, pathogenic activity of hyphomycetes towards noctuids showed high variability depending on both host-species and fungal isolate.M. brassicae was more susceptible to tested isolates than the other 3 noctuids. In contrast,S. littoralis was the most resistant species. The most active pathotypes had LT 50 values ranging from 2 to 3,5 days at the concentration of 3×105 conidia/cm2 and LD 50 values ranging from 103 to 104 conidia/cm2 (mortality recorded at 6 days post exposure). According to these data, there were 5P. fumoso-roseus isolates (nos 13, 32, 39, 40 and 45) highly active againstM. brassicae, oneN. rileyi isolate (no 5) againstS. littoralis, oneP. fumoso-roseus isolate (no 32) againstS. frugiperda and oneM. anisopliae isolate (no 139) againstS. ipsilon. Bioassays establishing the high virulence of the FloridaN. rileyi isolate (no 5) to the Egyptian cottonworm and its pathogenic activity against the other tested noctuids, confirmed the interest for this fungal entomopathogen which has been demonstrated on noctuid populations in the southeastern United States. Moreover results of the host range assays of European isolates ofP. fumoso-roseus showed that this species appears to be an other potentially valuable microbial control agent against noctuid pests.

Résumé 1. Cette communication a pour but de montrer l'avantage de la «suceuse hydraulique» deBrett (1964) par rapport à une benne de type classique.2. Voici les rultats globaux obtenus pour 4 stations différentes prospectées simultanement à la benne et à la «suceuse hydraulique». (a) Station Prado 1: Biomasse à la benne «Orange-Peel» 1,3 g/m2, à la «suceuse hydraulique» 4,6 g/m2. (b) Station Bandol: Biomasse à la benne «Orange-Peel» 0,5 g/m2, à la «suceuse hydraulique» 5,7 g/m2. (c) Station Vernon: Biomasse à la benne «Orange-Peel» 0,7 g/m2, à la «suceuse hydraulique» 6,5 g/m2. (d) Station Prado 2: Biomasse à la benne «Orange-Peel» 3,4 g/m2, à la «suceuse hydraulique» 8,7 g/m2. Les biomasses sont exprimées en poids sec d'animaux décalcifiés en gramme par métre carré.
Use of a transformed hydraulic dredge for quantitative sampling in the loose infralittoral substrate
Brett (1964) has constructed a new apparatus for sampling macrofauna of the marine benthos. This apparatus is derived from the gold sucker employed byScuba divers for underwater work. It was used from 1965 for research on the productivity of some sand bottom communities (Venus gallina community ofPetersen). Some improvements have been made to obtain a good quantitative sampler. A comparison has been made between the biomasses obtained with an Orange-Peel grab and the hydraulic aspirator ofBrett, respectively; advantages and disadvantages are discussed.

The workers of Myrmica rubra aggregate around a source of one of their secretions, which can be called ‘alarm pheromone’, and also around workers of Lasius flavus. The mechanism of these aggregations differ.Both L. flavus workers and a solution in liquid paraffin of 3-octanol, one of the mandibular gland compounds, act as an arrestant for the workers of M. rubra. Both Dufour's gland secretion and a source of 3-octanone, the major compound of the mandibular gland secretion, are true attractants.The poison gland secretion, a mixture of 3-octanone and 3-octanol in liquid paraffin and a solution in liquid paraffin of 3-nonanone, a minor mandibular gland compound, all induce klinokinesis. The secretion of the mandibular glands and the secretion of the venom apparatus both cause positive klinokinesis and taxis. These locomotory reactions increase the probability that an object, marked by nest mates with these secretions, will be detected by several workers.When presented alone, 3-octanone is the only attractive compound in the mandibular gland secretion. However, a mixture of 3-octanone and 3-octanol (15 per cent of 3-octanol in the vapour phase) is detected more easily by the ants. The diffusion coefficients of the two compounds are different, and a mixture of these substances creates not only a quantitative but also a qualitative odour gradient. This may explain the synergy of the mixture.  相似文献   

Résumé Les cellules du tissu glandulaire du testicule et de la glande interrénale de pleurodèle montrent les caractères généralement observés dans les cellules stéroïdogènes. Des différences existent entre les deux tissus. Le reticulum endoplasmique du tissu glandulaire est très développé et présent dans toutes les cellules qui sont d'aspect homogène. Au contraire, le tissu interrénal montre deux aspects cellulaires différents. Le premier se caractérise par un reticulum endoplasmique lisse relativement peu développé par rapport au tissu glandulaire, par des mitochondries petites et nombreuses, enfin par des liposomes denses et petits. Le deuxième aspect au contraire, se distingue par le petit nombre de mitochondries souvent géantes et à crêtes plus fréquemment organisées en faisceaux, par des liposomes nombreux de grandes dimensions et peu denses aux électrons.Le tissu glandulaire est très peu touché par l'hypophysectomie. Le reticulum persiste plusieurs mois comme d'ailleurs l'activité 5-3 -hydroxystéroïde deshydrogénase. Dans le tissu interrénal, la proportion des cellules d'aspects différents varie au profit des cellules à lipides abondants et à grandes mitochondries. L'activité 5-3 -hydroxystéroïde deshydrogénase est longtemps décelable.Le rôle du reticulum endoplasmique du tissu glandulaire est discuté en fonction des observations réalisées dans d'autres cellules stéroïdogènes à reticulum abondant. La signification des deux aspects cellulaires observés dans l'interrénale est discutée en relation avec les résultats expérimentaux obtenus en particulier chez le rat.Cette étude révèle que les critères d'activité d'une cellule stéroïdogène sont délicats à établir et doivent être différents d'un tissu à l'autre.
Tissues secreting steroid hormones in urodele amphibians
Summary The fine structure of testis glandular tissue and interrenal gland cells of Pleurodeles shows the general features observed in other steroïdogenic cells. Certain differences exist between the two tissues. The agranular endoplasmic reticulum of the glandular tissue cells is well developed and present in all cells of similar appearance. On the contrary, the interrenal tissue cells show two different features. The first is characterised by a poorly developed smooth endoplasmic reticulum, compared with that of the glandular tissue, by small and numerous mitochondria, and finally by small electron dense lipid droplets. The second feature is the small number of mitochondria often giant and with fascicles of straight tubular cristae and numerous large lipid droplets of low electron density.The effect of hypophysectomy on the glandular tissue cells seem very slight. The endoplasmic reticulum and the 5-3 -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity persists for several months. In the interrenal tissue, the proportions of the two different cellular features are modified. Cells rich in lipids and with large mitochondria are more abundant. It is possible to demonstrate a 5-3 -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity for a long time after hypophysectomy. The functional significance of the agranular endoplasmic reticulum is discussed in relation to some other observations on different steroidogenic cells with a well developed agranular endoplasmic reticulum. The significance of the two cellular features observed in the interrenal gland is discussed in connection with experimental data obtained in the frog and the rat.This study shows that it is difficult to define criteria of cellular activity, which probably differ from one tissue to another.
Equipe de Recherche associée au C. N. R. S. Cytologie Ultrastructurale n 129.  相似文献   

At a depth of 1 150 m in the northwest Mediterranean, amino acid uptake and bacterial biomass production rates increased, in a 12-day time interval, 5- and 30-fold, respectively. Simultaneously, bacterial response to pressure changes evolved from barophilic to barotolerant. During the same period, scanning electron microscope observations and in situ observations using Underwater Video Profiler showed a 2-fold increase in particle concentrations, mainly due to faecal pellet production by zooplankton. This input, nutrient rich and largely colonized with bacteria unaffected by pressure variations since they originated from organisms that regularly migrate up and down through the water column, could produce such microbial activity peaking in the deep water masses.  相似文献   

Conclusions Il n'est pas impossible, en toute première approximation, d'assimiler une société d'insectes à un système multistable (Ashby) et les individus qui la composent à un ensemble d'organes de base (von Neuman).Ce sont là, en effet, deux façons de raisonner qui permettent de retrouver par la théorie de nombreauses formes de comportement observées dans la nature et, surtout, d'aborder de manières complémentaires l'important problème des interactions sociales et de la transmission de l'information entre insectes sociaux.Il est clair, à la lumière des travaux d'Ashby, qu'un certain bruit de fond est nécessaire à l'intérieur d'une société d'insectes, afin de réaliser l'indépendance relative des différents sous-systèmes, dont l'ensemble est susceptible de s'adapter, dans des délais convenables, à toute modification d'environnement. Quant aux théories devon Neuman, elles permettent de comprendre comment l'existence de ce bruit de fond, si elle est cause du caractère aléatoire et plus ou moins incorrect de la transmission de l'information, n'entrave pas pour autant le fonctionnement correct et fidèle de l'ensemble de la société.Il est, par ailleurs, curieux de constater que l'étude des systèmes cybernétiques auxquels nous nous sommes constamment référé ici,visait à l'origine la mise en évidence des analogies qu'ils présentent avec le cerveau. Or, si l'on veut bien admettre le bien-fondé des considérations développées dans cet article, il existe des rapports relativement étroits entre ces systèmes et ceux que constituent les insectes sociaux. Il semble, dès lors, que l'application de la cybernétique à l'étude des sociétés d'insectes constitue une méthode d'investigation qui devrait se révéler fructueuse et conduire, en particulier, à un renouveau de la théorie du superorganisme.  相似文献   

Living beings are inventing, testing, improving new concepts, solutions and devices from hundred millions years. These living systems are able of self-feeding, they take their energy for the environment and also, they are able of reproduction, adaptation and self-repairing. Living beings as birds, butterflies, sharks and dolphins have optimized flight and swimming and their surface for moving with the lowest energy cost. The golf ball, the wings of aircraft, ships and submarines… are now inspired by the Nature's aero- and hydrodynamism. Our organs and tissues are under the control of millions of microsensors, which measure physical, chemical, mechanical… parameters and are associated to microactuators. This distributed intelligence is present even in the structure of living beings. The wing of fly or dragon fly and also bones have extraordinary characteristics of mechanical resistance and lightness and their complex structure is designed so that at any place there is exactly and appropriate quantities of matter with the good orientation and the smallest weight. The new materials, micro- and nanotechnologies, signal processing, the progress in chemistry and optics… allow us to understand and also to design and build at the scale and size of Nature, using its concepts and taking advantage of the human technologies. It is not always possible to copy directly living beings and their solutions; nature does not give us blue print “ready to copy”. We have to analyze the content of the “huge data bank” of living beings for the adaptation of our technologies. Miniaturization, intelligence, low energy, recycling, low cost, high reliability are the main qualities of “bioinspired devices”. They fit exactly with the needs of modern users. The multidisciplinary and the bioinspired approach have to link engineers, scientists and industrials for taking real benefits.  相似文献   

After the dating, by means of planktonic Foraminifera, of post-metamorphic marine breccias, Upper Danian–Lower Selandian in age, associated to hemipelagites and unconformably overlying the Cretaceous tectogenic axis of the Pyrenees from Roussillon to Bigorre, was it possible to extend westwards the breccia-filled Palaeocene ‘trough’ as far as the ‘Zone des Chaı̂nons béarnais’? This later unit, which belonged to the North-Iberian palaeomargin during Lower Cretaceous, was previously considered by several authors as characterized by an important halokinesis generating, during Aptian/?Albian, collapses of the Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous carbonate cover above dissolved salt domes and spectacular accumulations of breccias. In fact, we have everywhere identified Palaeocene planktonic microfauna within the matrix of these breccias (and within the associated hemipelagites), particularly of the reference ‘diapiric’ breccias of Etchebar, Lauriolle, Layens and Bosmendiette/Beloscare. Deposited into intra- ‘trough’ sub-marine canyons, after karstification and erosion of intermediate mountains with a steep topography previously induced by Uppermost Cretaceous compressions, the herein studied Palaeocene marine breccias should not be hereafter regarded as linked to any Lower Cretaceous diapirism on the North-Iberian palaeomargin. To cite this article: B. Peybernès et al., C. R. Palevol 1 (2002) 3–10.  相似文献   

The chromosome complement of the sloth Choloepus hoffmanni Peters has been investigated in mitosis and also in male meiosis. The karyotype for both males and females is characterized by a diploid number of 49 chromosomes. In the male the Y-material is translocated on an autosome but the meiotic behavior of the gonosomes is normal and therefore the sex determining mechanism may be normal too, despite the translocation. The females have an XO sex-chromosome constitution in somatic cells. An hypothesis, based on a slight deviation of a normal phenomenon is proposed to explain as regular such a formula in normal animals. — Relating to these conclusions, other known deviations of the standard XX/XY sex chromosome constitution in placental mammals are discussed (multiple sexchromosomes, composite gonosomes and XO female formula). The general conclusion is that despite an apparent variability of sex chromosome morphology, all placental mammals seem to retain a truly XX/XY sex constitution.  相似文献   

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