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12-day cultures of the diatom Chaetoceros simplex calcitrans Paulsen in sea water have been analysed under different conditions of light. With a 12 h24 h photophase the primary production is 106 % higher than under continuous light but the unsaponifiable fraction is lower (?42 %) and the sterols increase by 100 %. When ultra-violet irradiation is added to the 12 h24 h photophase the primary production is lowered (?56 %) but the unsaponifiable fraction increases by 191 %, and the sterols by 110 %. When ultra-violet irradiation is added to the continuous light there is an increase in primary production (+30 %) and a decrease in the unsaponifiable fraction (?16%).Modifications of the sterol composition are reported. C26 sterols have never been detected in these experiments.  相似文献   

El Cierro Cave (Ribadesella, Asturias, Spain), located near the mouth of the River Sella, has yielded one of the most important Upper Palaeolithic sequences in northern Spain. To date, three major occupation periods at the cave have been identified and dated. The first was at the beginning of the Holocene (ca. 8500 BP; ca. 9000 cal BP); the second at the end of the Upper Palaeolithic, in the Younger Dryas (YD) or Greenland Stadial 1 (GS1) (ca. 11.200 BP; 12.700 cal BP) and the third during Greenland Stadial 2 (GS2) (ca. 16.300–15.500 BP; ca. 19.200–18.700 cal BP). This paper describes the stratigraphy documented in the excavations performed by F. Jordá Cerdá and A. Gómez-Fuentes between 1977 and 1979 and presents the first radiocarbon determinations for the first two occupation periods, together with the study of the archaeological materials found in Level F. This level, dated to 15.500 BP (ca. 18.700 cal BP) is characterised by specialised red deer hunting and the gathering of marine resources (winkles). Various artefacts made from animal raw materials have been documented; both finished products and items in the process of being manufactured, as well as portable art objects. The lithic assemblage, consisting mainly of local raw materials with a small proportion of allochthonous flint, is characterised by an abundance of small bladelet cores and backed bladelets. These archaeological remains and the radiocarbon date mean Level F can be attributed to the so-called “Cantabrian Lower Magdalenian”. This period has been documented archaeologically and dated to a similar time at other sites in the River Sella valley and in the rest of northern Spain.  相似文献   

In the Western Algerian area, the Ouled Mimoun and El Rhoraf sections are particularly appropriate for the study concerning the berriasian formations.From tha lithostratigraphical point of view, the upper section of the carbonated platform corresponds to the lower Berriasian and a part of the middle Berriasian. The «Argiles de Lamoricière which dominate it belong to the middle and upper Berriasian. The subjacent detritic formation known as «Grès de Berthelot probably begins with the lower Valanginian. The stratigraphical results are based on an abundant fauna (ammonites, ostracods) collected in situ, the main species of which have been the subject of a paleontological review and abondantly illustrated.The studied series offer a good example of the evolution of sedimentary conditions which accompany the temporary opening of a carbonated platform towards the open sea.The variations in fauna composition are closely related to changes in environment. In particular, the presence of ammonites in the Boissieri zone can be connected to the highest point of marine advance, although the depth remained relatively shallow (an upper infratidal zone being likely). It is to note that during this period the low level of sedimentary activity favored the settling of some remarkable epilithic fauna.Above the «Argiles de Lamoricière, the massive detritic sedimentation (grès de Berthelot) could indicate an important paleogeographical change in the interior. In the area studied, the ostracods encountered in the basal section of the last formation still mean a shallow marine environment.  相似文献   

Evolutionary lineages of several limnic gastropod genera (Viviparus, Melanopsis, Theodoxus) from the Neogene of Kos island (Dodecanese, Greece) are described and interpreted. The attempt is made to analyse the paleoecological development of a limnic sedimentary basin in the eastern portion of Kos by means of Diatoms. Obviously, there is no relation between the chemical parameters of the water of the former lake and the morphological development of the gastropods. The lineages of Viviparus brevis, Theodoxus doricus and Melanopsis gorceixi are suggested to be caused by phyletic transformations and not by changing environmental conditions. It is, thus, possible to establish a local biostratigraphy based on subspecies, and moreover, a more regional one based on longer ranging species.  相似文献   

Sami Lakkis 《Hydrobiologia》1973,43(1-2):235-252
2275 samples have been collected with the Continuous Plankton Recorder of Hardy at a standard depth of 10 meteres in the English Channel and the Bay of Biscay between 1958–1965. Biological as well as statistical analyses have been carried out to provide data on annual fluctuations of 34 species of copepods and phytoplankton. Methods of analysis of variance and the correlation coefficient analysis were used for this purpose. The results are presented in the form of triangular matrices showing the annual fluctuations of species in the different areas considered and the relationship between different species in each area. These methods allowed us to define separate groups of species that could be called annual communities.

Extrait d'une thèse de Doctorat en Oceanographie biologique, soutenue à la faculté des Sciences de Paris le 19 décembre 1967. Ce travail a été subventionné par the Office of Naval Research, Department of the United States Navy en vertu du contrat No 62558-3612.

Extrait d'une thèse de Doctorat en Oceanographie biologique, soutenue à la faculté des Sciences de Paris le 19 décembre 1967. Ce travail a été subventionné par the Office of Naval Research, Department of the United States Navy en vertu du contrat No 62558-3612.  相似文献   


On the culture of spores and the development of the thallus of Botryocladia chiajeana (Menegh.) Kylin (Rhodymeniales, Rhodymeniaceae). - The complete development of Botryocladia chiajeana has been studied in culture. Spore germination and sporeling development is of the discalis mediatus type described by Inoh (1947). The hollow vesiculous branches filled with a mucilage derive from the spacing of the erect filaments which form the stipe. The authors compare this development of the thallus with that described for other Rhodymeniales.  相似文献   

André Lavagne 《Plant Ecology》1963,11(5-6):353-371
Summary The study of the saxatile vegetation of the alpine zone in the Upper Ubaye Valley shows a very sharp demarcation from a phytogeographical point of view.The saxatile groupings on limestone show septentrional affinities. It is interesting to note that the associations described have at least as much relationship to the Swiss Alp groups as to those of The Maritime Alps in fact closer.In our opinion, the explanation is not to be found in very different climatical or ecological considerations but in the presence of important barrier-mountains which have deprived the Upper Ubaye Valley of alien postglacial immigrants.There endemism is apparent but less important than in the neighbouring zone of The Maritime Alps; here it concerns surviving endemic species proceeding from an old native preglacial or interglacial element.These characters are to be found more in the northern areas of Queyras, Embrunais and Briançonnais, regions which have an incontestable relationship with our district.  相似文献   

We present a first evaluation of the results of the GRECO project which aims to conceive and realise an innovative device for ocular surgery by ultrafast pulse laser optimised for corneal grafting.  相似文献   

Résumé Dans le but de modifier la composition électrolytique du plasma, des Tritons à crête (Triturus cristatus) sont placés dans une solution de chlorure de potassium (KCl 5). D'autres Tritons (témoins) sont placés dans de l'eau du robinet. Tous les animaux ont été préalablement hypophysectomisés.8 jours après le début de l'expérience, les cellules interrénales des Tritons hypophysectomisés placés dans la solution de KCl présentent une activité stéroidogénique élevée, se traduisant notamment par une forte déplétion lipidique, une augmentation du nombre des mitochondries et un développement important du réticulum endoplasmique agranulaire et tubulaire; d'autre part, la réaction 5-3-hydroxystéroide deshydrogénasique est intense. Toutes les cellules du tissu interrénal sont fortement stimulées dans ces conditions.Les cellules interrénales des Tritons témoins présentent par contre une activité stéroidogénique très réduite, comme en témoignent leur structure et la faible intensité de la réaction 5-3-hydroxystéroide deshydrogénasique.Les mécanismes précis pouvant être à l'origine de la stimulation des cellules interrénales de Tritons hypophysectomisés placés dans la solution de KCl sont discutés.
Effects of modifications of plasma electrolyte composition on the structure and function of the interrenal (adrenocortical) cells of the newt, Triturus cristatus
Summary In order to induce a modification of the plasmatic electrolyte composition, newts (Triturus cristatus) are placed into a potassium chloride solution (KCl 5), while controls are kept in tap water. All animals are previously hypophysectomized.8 days after the beginning of the experiment, the interrenal cells of the hypophysectomized newts kept in KCl solution exhibit a very strong steroidogenic activity, as evidenced by a striking lipid depletion, an increase in the number of mitochondria and a considerable development of the agranular tubular endoplasmic reticulum. On the other hand, the 5-3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase reaction is notably intensified. All the cells of the interrenal tissue are affected by the stimulatory effect of the KCl solution.Control animals show only reduced steroidogenic activity of their interrenal cells, as demonstrated both by the morphology of these cells and the weak 5-3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase reaction.The mechanisms involved in the stimulatory effect on steroidogenesis of the variation of the electrolyte composition of the plasma are discussed.

《Médecine Nucléaire》2017,41(6):442-446
The authors report the cases of two patients followed up for Hodgkin lymphoma, whose control PET/CT during chemotherapy revealed incidental papillary thyroid carcinoma as hypermetabolic thyroid foci. These incidental uptakes of 18F-FDG in the thyroid gland are rarely encountered in day-to-day practice of oncological PET/CT. However, they deserve an exploration to determine their etiology.  相似文献   

The optical luminescence dating (OSL) method has been applied to loess deposits associated with a “Late” Aurignacian industry already dated by 14C. Both dating results are in good agreement. This study demonstrates that lithic industries with some aurignacian tools are still present few thousand years before the Last Maximum Glacial in the Romanian Danube Plain.  相似文献   

Résumé La consommation du sucre, mesurée par la disparition du fructose des filtrats, est beaucoup plus rapide dans les cultures de Neurospora crassa sur milieu ammoniacal (mycéliennes, M) que sur nitrate (conidiennes, C). Cette disparition est ralentie au rythme de celle des filtrats C dans les cultures ammoniacales enrichies de glycine exerçant un effet conidiogène. De même, les cultures ammoniacales dans lesquelles de d-xylose est substitué au saccharose en tant que source de carbone sont couvertes de conidies et le pentose disparaît en 5 jours des filtrats. Divers agents antiglycolytiques tels que l'iodoacétate et le phthiocol sont fortement conidiogènes dans le milieu M. Dans les filtrats de toutes les cultures induites en C, l'éthanol n'a été trouvé qu'en traces en comparaison des filtrats M.Une haute teneur en éthanol ainsi que des concentrations relativement élevées d'acétaldéhyde ont été mesurées dans les filtrats de cultures du type sauvage sur milieu M seul alors que les taux d'éthanol et d'acétaldéhyde sont élevés tant dans les filtrats de cultures M que de C avec la souche «fluffy», incapable de former des macroconidies. Une haute activité glycolytique a aussi été détectée dans les cultures de la souche «amyc» et de quelques autres mutants morpho-biochimiques.Une déficience en Zn dans le milieu M réduit aussi la production alcoolique, abaisse le quotient respiratoire CO2/O2, tout en favorisant une conidiation modérée; des effets inverses sont obtenus en présence d'un excès d'ions Zn dans le milieu C. Dans les cultures M, l'ammoniaque disparaît en 5 jours des filtrats, comme d'ailleurs le nitrate du milieu C.Les extraits de mycélias M contiennent de deux à trois fois plus d'-alanine libre que ceux de mycélias conidiogènes C. La synthèse des caroténoïdes est lente et reste relativement faible dans les mycélias végétatifs mais est importante dans les microconidies et surtout dans les macroconidies.Les effets de «conversion» MC par addition d'iodoacétate sont limités aux premières 36 heures après l'inoculation du milieu M. L'induction conidienne peut être empêchée par le 5-fluorouracil. Des effets inverses CM sont produits par complexion de l'acétaldéhyde par le bisulfite ou par addition de NH4Cl (premières 8 heures).L'étude au microscope électronique de l'appareil microconidien de la souche «fluffy» a révélé la structure lamellée de la collerette placée au sommet de la cellulemère phialiforme; parmi les caractéristiques des microconidies, relevons les mitochondries peu abondantes et peu organisées par comparaison avec celles des macroconidies, la densité du cytoplasme entouré d'une paroi externe membraneuse et foncée (chitineuse et mélanique). L'ultrastructure cytoplasmique est similaire chez le mutant «amyc» (apophragmique et surtout aschizogène), à l'exception du réticulum endoplasmique appliqué le long de parois particulièrement épaisses contribuant au maintien des unités conidiales incomplètes en une structure pseudomycélienne.
Metabolic control and ultrastructural aspects of the conidiation (macro-microconidia) of Neurospora crassa
Summary Sugar consumption as measured by fructose disappearance from culture filtrates is much quicker in ammonium, mycelial (M) than in nitrate, conidial (C) cultures of Neurospora crassa. This disappearance rate is slowed down to that of C filtrates in ammonium cultures enriched with glycine acting as conidiating agent. Similarly, ammonium cultures in which d-xylose is substituted to sucrose as carbone source are fully conidiated and the pentose is removed in 5 days from the filtrates. Various antiglycolytic agents such as iodoacetate and phtiocol are highly conidiogenous in the M medium. In filtrates of all C-induced cultures, ethanol is found in traces only comparatively to M filtrates.High ethanol as well as relatively elevated concentrations of acetaldehyde are measured in filtrates of wild type cultures on M medium only while ethanol and acetaldehyde are high in filtrates of both M and C cultures of the macroconidialess fluffy strain. A high glycolytic activity is also detected in cultures of amyc and a few other morpho-biochemical mutants.Zn deficiency in the M medium also leads to less alcohol production, lower CO2/O2 respiratory quotient and fair conidiation while reverse effects can be obtained with excess of Zn ions in the C medium.In M cultures, ammonium disappearance is practically achieved in 5 days like nitrate from C medium. M extracts contain two to three times more free -alanine than those of C. Carotenoids synthesis is slow and remains relatively low in the vegetative mycelia; it is higher in the microconidia and especially the macroconidia.MC conversion effects through iodoacetate addition is restricted to the first 36 hours after inoculation of the M medium. Conidial induction can be prevented with 5-fluorouracil. Inverse effects CM are obtained with bisulfite trapping acetaldehyde or with addition of NH4Cl (first 8 hours only).Electron microscopy of microconidiating apparatus in the fluffy strain has revealed lamellated structure of collerette terminating the phialide-like mother cell; scarcity of poorly organized mitochondria contrasting with their development in control, macroconidial cultures, density of the cytoplasm surrounded by a membranous and dark external wall (chitinous and melanic) are striking features of microconidia. Cytoplasmic ultrastructure is similar in the mutant amyc (apophragmous and especially aschizogenous) except for the additional feature of an endoplasmic reticulum narrowly lining up exceptionally thick walls which maintain successive, incomplete conidia united in a pseudomycelial structure.

In the Sorbas basin, the diatomites represent one of the main sedimentary components of the Messinian together with its two marginal carbonate platforms and the central gypsum deposits. Several vertical sections were taken in the infra-gypsum diatomites from successively more distal paleogeographic areas, ranging from the reef slopes (Cariatiz) to the basin (Los Yesos, Los Molinos). A total of 88 diatom species were determined: 50 centric and 38 pennate. Characteristic assemblages were defined for each category type, revealing ecological variations. In the three sections, plankton forms represent 90 % of the diatoms, with oceanic forms dominating the meroplanktonic and neritic. Nevertheless, some levels clearly indicate a coastal environment, attesting to the carbonate platform influence which progrades toward the basin. The diatom assemblages are relatively homogeneous throughout the three sections, indicating that, before gypsum deposition, the basin was still substantially open to the ocean, with waters sufficiently warm to allow coral reef development. Nevertheless, the basin might also have experienced episodes of colder Atlantic influences.  相似文献   

In order to reduce the failure rate due to a poor understanding of mechanical causes, the new diagnostics and pretreatments of osteoarticular pathologies are turning increasingly to methods assessing the 3D morphology of the joints, its kinematics and its impact on the adjacent joints. The goal of the TecSan HIPEOS project is to provide, in combination with the EOS? system, a set of clinical tools to better understand the structural and kinematic 3D consequences of musculoskeletal diseases in order to optimize the decision, the surgery and functional recovery. The TecSan HIPEOS project has led to clinically validated applications (sterEOS?), that integrate the 3D approach in clinical practice for the diagnosis, the post-operative control and follow-up of the hip joint based on a static and/or a functional approach of the joint. Other prototype tools have been developed and used to establish proofs of concept and to open interesting perspectives for future applications including surgical planning and pseudokinematic studies. The article summarizes the results obtained both in terms of product innovation and clinical validation.  相似文献   

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