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Protein biosynthesis in bacteria is controlled by a number of translation factors. Recent data based on comparison of sequence and structure data of translation factors have established a novel hypothesis for their interaction with the ribosome: initiation, elongation, and termination factors may use a common or partly overlapping binding site on the ribosome in a process of macromolecular mimicry of an A-site-bound tRNA. This paper reviews structural knowledge and tRNA macromolecular mimicry involvement of translation initiation factor IF2. Furthermore, a model is proposed for the factor and its interaction with the ribosome during the formation of the translation initiation complex.  相似文献   

Membrane fusion is a key step in the virus mediated cell fusion. The vesicular dispersion serves as a model system to study the membrane fusion. We employed dynamic and static light scattering to study the fusion of phosphatidylcholine vesicles in the presence of model fusion peptide fragments from the hemagglutinin HA2 protein. The fusion-induced aggregation under the present experimental setup exhibited strong pH dependence, similar to the parental viral protein. Replacement of the glycine residue at the extreme amino terminus by glutamic acid (G1E) abolished fusion activity. The average molecular mass and diameter of vesicular dispersion obtained from static and dynamic light scattering measurements respectively at neutral and acidic pH showed about three fold increase in acidic solution containing wild type fusion peptide. The light scattering data are consistent with lipid mixing results. The present work demonstrates the utility of light scattering as a facile means to monitor the fusion process.  相似文献   

Poliovirus translation: a paradigm for a novel initiation mechanism   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
All eukaryotic cellular mRNAs, and most viral mRNAs, are blocked at their 5' ends with a cap structure (m7GpppX, where X is any nucleotide). Poliovirus, along with a small number of other animal and plant viral mRNAs, does not contain a 5' cap structure. Since the cap structure functions to facilitate ribosome binding to mRNA, translation of polio-virus must proceed by a cap-independent mechanism. Consistent with this, recent studies have shown that ribosomes can bind to an internal region within the long 5' noncoding sequence of poliovirus RNA. Possible mechanisms for cap-independent translation are discussed. Cap-independent translation of poliovirus RNA is of major importance to the mechanism of shut-off of host protein synthesis after infection. Moreover, it is likely to play a role in determining poliovirus neurovirulence and attenuation.  相似文献   

eIF3: a versatile scaffold for translation initiation complexes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Translation initiation in eukaryotes depends on many eukaryotic initiation factors (eIFs) that stimulate both recruitment of the initiator tRNA, Met-tRNA(i)(Met), and mRNA to the 40S ribosomal subunit and subsequent scanning of the mRNA for the AUG start codon. The largest of these initiation factors, the eIF3 complex, organizes a web of interactions among several eIFs that assemble on the 40S subunit and participate in the different reactions involved in translation. Structural analysis suggests that eIF3 performs this scaffolding function by binding to the 40S subunit on its solvent-exposed surface rather than on its interface with the 60S subunit, where the decoding sites exist. This location of eIF3 seems ideally suited for its other proposed regulatory functions, including reinitiating translation on polycistronic mRNAs and acting as a receptor for protein kinases that control protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Translation initiation in bacteria involves a stochastic binding mechanism in which the 30S ribosomal subunit first binds either to mRNA or to initiator tRNA, fMet-tRNA(f)(Met). Leaderless lambda cI mRNA did not form a binary complex with 30S ribosomes, which argues against the view that ribosomal recruitment signals other than a 5'-terminal start codon are essential for translation initiation of these mRNAs. We show that, in Escherichia coli, translation initiation factor 2 (IF2) selectively stimulates translation of lambda cI mRNA in vivo and in vitro. These experiments suggest that the start codon of leaderless mRNAs is recognized by a 30S-fMet-tRNA(f)(Met)-IF2 complex, an intermediate equivalent to that obligatorily formed during translation initiation in eukaryotes. We further show that leaderless lambda cI mRNA is faithfully translated in vitro in both archaebacterial and eukaryotic translation systems. This suggests that translation of leaderless mRNAs reflects a fundamental capability of the translational apparatus of all three domains of life and lends support to the hypothesis that the translation initiation pathway is universally conserved.  相似文献   

Summary Culture of cells in hormonally defined media has allowed (a) the demonstration of physiological responses from cells usually unable to express them in vitro and (b) the study of the effects on growth and differentiation of diffusible factors and attachment factors. The embryonal carcinoma line 1003 forms multidifferentiated tumors in vivo but is unable to differentiate in vitro when grown in serum-containing medium. In a defined medium containing insulin, transferrin, selenium, and fibronectin as attachment factors, 1003 cells grow for several generations and differentiate into neurons and embryonic mesenchyme (Darmon et al., 1981, Dev. Biol. 85: 463–473). In the present work the effects of fibronectin and laminin were compared. In the presence of laminin the cells attached and spread better, grew faster, and could be plated at lower densities. Neurite extension was also better under these conditions and most importantly, it was found that laminin induced an important formation of muscular tissue when the cells had been seeded at low densities. Multinucleated myotubes could be stained with antibodies directed against embryonic muscular myosin. Coating the dishes with polylysine or adding FGF or serum-spreading factor to the medium allowed growth of low-density cultures with fibronectin instead of laminin but muscular differentiation was not detected under these conditions. Addition of fibronectin to laminin-containing medium did not inhibit muscular differentiation. Presented in the symposium on Plant and Animal Physiology in Vitro at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, San Diego, California, June 6–10, 1982. This research was supported in part by grants from the “Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique” (LA 269), the “Délégation Générale à la Recherche Scientifique et Technique,” the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale Fran?aise,” the “Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Medicale,” the “Ligue Nationale Fran?aise centre le Cancer,” and the “Fondation André Meyer.” This symposium was supported in part by the following organizations: Bellco Glass, Inc., California Branch of the Tissue Culture Association, Collaborative Research, Hana Media, Hybridtech, K C Biological, Inc., and Millipore Corporation.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: We provide the tool 'TICO' (Translation Initiation site COrrection) for improving the results of conventional gene finders for prokaryotic genomes with regard to exact localization of the translation initiation site (TIS). At the current state TICO provides an interface for direct post processing of the predictions obtained from the widely used program GLIMMER. Our program is based on a clustering algorithm for completely unsupervised scoring of potential TIS locations. AVAILABILITY: Our tool can be freely accessed through a web interface at http://tico.gobics.de/ CONTACT: maike@gobics.de  相似文献   



Computational prediction methods are currently used to identify genes in prokaryote genomes. However, identification of the correct translation initiation sites remains a difficult task. Accurate translation initiation sites (TISs) are important not only for the annotation of unknown proteins but also for the prediction of operons, promoters, and small non-coding RNA genes, as this typically makes use of the intergenic distance. A further problem is that most existing methods are optimized for Escherichia coli data sets; applying these methods to newly sequenced bacterial genomes may not result in an equivalent level of accuracy.  相似文献   

The NeIF-4A10 gene belongs to a family of at least ten genes, all of which encode closely related isoforms of translation initiation factor 4A. The promoter region of NeIF-4A10 was sequenced, and four mRNA 5 ends were determined. Deletions containing 2750, 689 and 188 bp of untranscribed upstream DNA were fused to the GUS reporter gene and introduced into transgenic tobacco. The three constructs mediated GUS expression in all cells of the leaf, stem and shoot apical meristem. Control experiments using in situ hybridization and tissue printing indicated that the observed GUS expression matches the expression patterns of NeIF-4A mRNA and protein. This detailed analysis at the level of mRNA, protein and reporter gene expression shows that NeIF-4A10 is an ideal constitutively expressed control gene. We argue that inclusion of such a control gene in experiments dealing with specifically expressed genes is in many cases essential for the correct interpretation of observed expression patterns.  相似文献   

Turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV) RNA directs the translation of two overlapping open reading frames. Competing models have been previously published to explain ribosome access to the downstream polyprotein cistron. The Trojan horse model, based on cell-free experiments, proposes noncanonical cap-independent initiation in which the 3'-terminal tRNA-like structure (TLS) functionally replaces initiator tRNA, and the valine bound to the TLS becomes cis-incorporated into viral protein. The initiation coupling model, based on in vivo expression and ribosome toe-printing studies, proposes a variation of canonical leaky scanning. Here, we have re-examined the wheat germ extract experiments that led to the Trojan horse model, incorporating a variety of controls. We report that (1) translation in vitro from the polyprotein AUG of TYMV RNA is unchanged after removal of the 3' TLS but is stimulated by the presence of a 5'-cap; (2) the presence of free cap analog or edeine (which interferes with initiation at the ribosomal P site and its tRNA(i) (Met) involvement) inhibits translation from the polyprotein AUG; (3) the toe-prints of immediately post-initiation ribosomes on TYMV RNA are similar with and without an intact TLS; and (4) significant deacylation of valyl-TYMV RNA in wheat germ extract can complicate the detection of cis-incorporation. These results favor the initiation coupling model.  相似文献   

Regulation of protein synthesis is increasingly being recognized as an important determinant of cell proliferation and senescence. In particular, recent evidence indicates that eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF-A) plays a pivotal role in this determination. Separate isoforms of eIF-5A appear to facilitate the translation of mRNAs required for cell division and cell death. This raises the possibility that eIF-5A isoforms are elements of a biological switch that is in one position in dividing cells and in another position in dying cells. Changes in the position of this putative switch in response to physiological and environmental cues are likely to have a significant impact on plant growth and development.  相似文献   

Chemoradiotherapy can induce immunogenic cell death, triggering danger signals such as high-mobility group box 1 protein, and resulting in T-cell immunity. This concept can potentially be harnessed for clinical therapy to enhance tumor-specific immunity. There is however limited information to translate this theory directly in a clinical setting. In this review, we will discuss and summarize molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying immunogenic tumor cell death induced by chemoradiotherapy, with emphasis on a clinical translation.  相似文献   

Adaptation of eucaryotic cDNA to heterologous expression was studied by mutating the translation initiation (TI) region upstream (mTI) and downstream (MTI) of the start codon. In the mTI subregion the 8 bases flanking the invariant Shine-Dalgarno motif GG-AG were mutagenized exhaustively, while the MTI subregion was subjected to random silent mutations at the wobble positions. The quality of a given TI sequence was judged on the basis of expressed enzyme activity. Low-yield and high-yield mutants of both TI subregions were selected and recombined systematically. The analysis of these double cartridges gave the following results: 1. As a rule, an unfavourable MTI subregion can be compensated for by mutations in the mTI subregion and vice versa. 2. The compatibility between mTI and MTI subregion is explainable at least in part by a low interaction tendency; a delta G(o)'-value of -10.7 kcal/mol appears to be a physical threshold for heterologous cDNA expression. 3. On the basis of periShine-Dalgarno mutations, the expression yield for different cDNA sequences could be increased by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude. One of these sequences encoded delta(1-15)human glutathione reductase, a mutant lacking the flexible N-terminal extension of the protein. In conclusion, to study and overcome TI region-based expression problems it is worthwhile to start out with a versatile vector containing exhaustive mutations in the periShine-Dalgarno sequences; as a rule the coding MTI subregion can be kept unchanged.  相似文献   

Odor and lateralization (irritation) thresholds (LTs) for ammonia vapor were measured using static and dynamic olfactometry. The purpose of the study was to explore the test-retest reliability and comparability of dynamic olfactometry methodology, generally used to determine odor thresholds following European Committee for Standardization guidelines in the context of odor regulations to outside emissions, with static olfactometry. Within a 2-week period, odor and LTs for ammonia were obtained twice for each method for 24 females. No significant differences between methods were found: mean odor detection thresholds (ODTs) were 2.6 parts per million (ppm) for either method (P = 0.96), and mean LTs were 31.7 and 60.9 ppm for the static and dynamic method, respectively (P = 0.07). Test-retest reliability was higher for the dynamic than for the static method (r = 0.61 vs. 0.14 for ODTs and r = 0.86 vs. 0.45 for LTs). The choice of optimal method for any application, however, depends not only on psychometric factors but also on practical factors such as physicochemical properties of the compound, availability of equipment and expertise, task efficiency, and costs.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of the central nervous system has been widely used for decades for either fundamental research purposes or clinical treatment applications. Yet, very little is known regarding the spatial extent of an electrical stimulation. If pioneering experimental studies reported that activation threshold currents (TCs) increase with the square of the neuron-to-electrode distance over a few hundreds of microns, there is no evidence that this quadratic law remains valid for larger distances. Moreover, nowadays, numerical simulation approaches have supplanted experimental studies for estimating TCs. However, model predictions have not yet been validated directly with experiments within a common paradigm. Here, we present a direct comparison between experimental determination and modeling prediction of TCs up to distances of several millimeters. First, we combined patch-clamp recording and microelectrode array stimulation in whole embryonic mouse spinal cords to determine TCs. Experimental thresholds did not follow a quadratic law beyond 1 millimeter, but rather tended to remain constant for distances larger than 1 millimeter. We next built a combined finite element - compartment model of the same experimental paradigm to predict TCs. While theoretical TCs closely matched experimental TCs for distances <250 microns, they were highly overestimated for larger distances. This discrepancy remained even after modifications of the finite element model of the potential field, taking into account anisotropic, heterogeneous or dielectric properties of the tissue. In conclusion, these results show that quadratic evolution of TCs does not always hold for large distances between the electrode and the neuron and that classical models may underestimate volumes of tissue activated by electrical stimulation.  相似文献   

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