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Compared with other organisms, plants have an extraordinary capacity for self-repair. Even if the entire tissues, including the stem cells, are resected, most plant species are able to completely regenerate whole tissues. However, the mechanism by which plants efficiently regenerate the stem cell niche during tissue reorganization is still largely unknown. Here, we found that the signaling mediated by plant steroid hormones brassinosteroids is activated during stem cell formation after root tip excision in Arabidopsis. Treatment with brassinazole, an inhibitor of brassinosteroid biosynthesis, delayed the recovery of stem cell niche after root tip excision. Regeneration of root tip after resection was also delayed in a brassinosteroid receptor mutant. Therefore, we propose that brassinosteroids participate in efficient root tip regeneration, thereby enabling efficient tissue regeneration to ensure continuous root growth after resection.  相似文献   

Root hair initiation involves the formation of a bulge at the basal end of the trichoblast by localized diffuse growth. Tip growth occurs subsequently at this initiation site and is accompanied by the establishment of a polarized cytoplasmic organization. Arabidopsis plants homozygous for a complete loss-of-function tiny root hair 1 (trh1) mutation were generated by means of the T-DNA-tagging method. Trichoblasts of trh1 plants form initiation sites but fail to undergo tip growth. A predicted primary structure of TRH1 indicates that it belongs to the AtKT/AtKUP/HAK K(+) transporter family. The proposed function of TRH1 as a K(+) transporter was confirmed in (86)Rb uptake experiments, which demonstrated that trh1 plants are partially impaired in K(+) transport. In line with these results, TRH1 was able to complement the trk1 potassium transporter mutant of Saccharomyces, which is defective in high-affinity K(+) uptake. Surprisingly, the trh1 phenotype was not restored when mutant seedlings were grown at high external potassium concentrations. These data demonstrate that TRH1 mediates K(+) transport in Arabidopsis roots and is responsible for specific K(+) translocation, which is essential for root hair elongation.  相似文献   

After initiation, leaves first undergo rapid cell proliferation. During subsequent development, leaf cells gradually exit the proliferation phase and enter the expansion stage, following a basipetally ordered pattern starting at the leaf tip. The molecular mechanism directing this pattern of leaf development is as yet poorly understood. By genetic screening and characterization of Arabidopsis mutants defective in exit from cell proliferation, we show that the product of the CINNAMOYL CoA REDUCTASE (CCR1) gene, which is required for lignin biosynthesis, participates in the process of cell proliferation exit in leaves. CCR1 is expressed basipetally in the leaf, and ccr1 mutants exhibited multiple abnormalities, including increased cell proliferation. The ccr1 phenotypes are not due to the reduced lignin content, but instead are due to the dramatically increased level of ferulic acid (FeA), an intermediate in lignin biosynthesis. FeA is known to have antioxidant activity, and the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in ccr1 were markedly reduced. We also characterized another double mutant in CAFFEIC ACID OMETHYLTRANSFERASE (comt) and CAFFEOYL CoA 3OMETHYLTRANSFERASE (ccoaomt), in which the FeA level was dramatically reduced. Cell proliferation in comt ccoaomt leaves was decreased, accompanied by elevated ROS levels, and the mutant phenotypes were partially rescued by treatment with FeA or another antioxidant (N‐acetyl‐l ‐cysteine). Taken together, our results suggest that CCR1, FeA and ROS coordinate cell proliferation exit in normal leaf development.  相似文献   

In contrast with other cells generated by the root apical meristem in Arabidopsis, pericycle cells adjacent to the protoxylem poles of the vascular cylinder continue to cycle without interruption during passage through the elongation and differentiation zones. However, only some of the dividing pericycle cells are committed to the asymmetric, formative divisions that give rise to lateral root primordia (LRPs). This was demonstrated by direct observation and mapping of mitotic figures, cell-length measurements, and the histochemical analysis of a cyclin-GUS fusion protein in pericycle cells. The estimated duration of a pericycle cell cycle in the root apical meristem was similar to the interval between cell displacement from the meristem and the initiation of LRP formation. Developmentally controlled LRP initiation occurs early, 3 to 8 mm from the root tip. Thus the first growth control point in lateral root formation is defined by the initiation of primordia in stochastic patterns by cells passing through the elongation and young differentiation zones, up to where lateral roots begin to emerge from the primary root. Therefore, the first growth control point is not restricted to a narrow developmental window. We propose that late LRP initiation is developmentally unrelated to the root apical meristem and is operated by a second growth control point that can be activated by environmental cues. The observation that pericycle cells divide and lateral root primordia form without intervening mitotic quiescence suggests that lateral organ formation in roots and shoots might not be as fundamentally different as previously thought.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis root tips cultured in medium containing sufficient nutrients and the membrane-permeable protease inhibitor E-64d, parts of the cytoplasm accumulated in the vacuoles of the cells from the meristematic zone to the elongation zone. Also in barley root tips treated with E-64, parts of the cytoplasm accumulated in autolysosomes and pre-existing central vacuoles. These results suggest that vacuolar and/or lysosomal autophagy occurs constitutively in these regions of cells. 3-Methyladenine, an inhibitor of autophagy, inhibited the accumulation of such inclusions in Arabidopsis root tip cells. Such inclusions were also not observed in root tips prepared from Arabidopsis T-DNA mutants in which AtATG2 or AtATG5, an Arabidopsis homolog of yeast ATG genes essential for autophagy, is disrupted. In contrast, an atatg9 mutant, in which another homolog of ATG is disrupted, accumulated a significant number of vacuolar inclusions in the presence of E-64d. These results suggest that both AtAtg2 and AtAtg5 proteins are essential for autophagy whereas AtAtg9 protein contributes to, but is not essential for, autophagy in Arabidopsis root tip cells. Autophagy that is sensitive to 3-methyladenine and dependent on Atg proteins constitutively occurs in the root tip cells of Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The cell layers of the Arabidopsis primary root are arranged in a simple radial pattern. The outermost layer is the lateral root cap and lies outside the epidermis that surrounds the ground tissue. The files of epidermal and lateral root cap cells converge on a ring of initials (lateral root cap/epidermis initial) from which the epidermal and lateral root cap tissues of the seedling are derived, once root growth is initiated after germination. Each initial gives rise to a clone of epidermal cells and a clone of lateral root cap cells. These initial divisions in the epidermal/lateral root cap initial are defective in tornado1 (trn1) and trn2 plants indicating a requirement for TRN1 and TRN2 for initial cell function. Furthermore, lateral root cap cells develop in the epidermal position in trn1 and trn2 roots indicating that TRN1 and TRN2 are required for the maintenance of the radial pattern of cell specification in the root. The death of these ectopic lateral root cap cells in the elongation zone (where lateral root cap cells normally die) results in the development of gaps in the epidermis. These observations indicate that TRN1 and TRN2 are required to maintain the distinction between the lateral root cap and epidermis and suggest that lateral root cap fate is the default state. It also suggests that TRN1 and TRN2 repress lateral root cap fate in cells in the epidermal location. Furthermore, the position-dependent pattern of root hair and non-root hair cell differentiation in the epidermis is defective in trn1 and trn2 mutants. Together these results indicate that TRN1 and TRN2 are required for the maintenance of both the radial pattern of tissue differentiation in the root and for the subsequent circumferential pattern within the epidermis.  相似文献   

Plants have diversified their leaf morphologies to adapt to diverse ecological niches. The molecular components responsible for regulating leaf morphology, however, have not been fully elucidated. By screening Arabidopsis activation-tagging lines, we identified a dominant mutant, which we designated longifolia1-1D (lng1-1D). lng1-1D plants were characterized by long petioles, narrow but extremely long leaf blades with serrated margins, elongated floral organs, and elongated siliques. The elongated leaves of the mutant were due to increased polar cell elongation rather than increased cell proliferation. Molecular characterization revealed that this phenotype was caused by overexpression of the novel gene LNG1, which was found to have a homolog, LNG2,in Arabidopsis. To further examine the role of the LNG genes, we characterized lng1 and lng2 loss-of-function mutant lines. In contrast to the elongated leaves of lng1-1D plants, the lng1 and lng2 mutants showed slightly decreased leaf length. Furthermore, the lng1-3 lng2-1 double mutant showed further decreased leaf length associated with less longitudinal polar cell elongation. The leaf widths in lng1-3 lng2-1 mutant plants were similar to those in wild type, implying that the role of LNG1 and LNG2 on polar cell elongation is similar to that of ROTUNDIFOLIA3 (ROT3). However, analysis of a lng1-3 lng2-1 rot3-1 triple mutant and of a lng1-1D rot3-1 double mutant indicated that LNG1 and LNG2 promote longitudinal cell elongation independently of ROT3. Taken together, these findings indicate that LNG1 and LNG2 are new components that regulate leaf morphology by positively promoting longitudinal polar cell elongation independently of ROT3 in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

AKT1 and TRH1 are required during root hair elongation in Arabidopsis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
TRH1 is a member of the AtKT/AtKUP/AtHAK family of potassium carriers that is required for root hair elongation and AKT1 is an inward rectifying potassium channel expressed in the root epidermis, endodermis and cortex of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plants homozygous for the trh1-1 mutation form short root hairs. The Trh1(-) phenotype cannot be suppressed by growing plants homozygous for the trh1-1 mutation in the presence of high external KCl concentration. This indicates an absolute requirement for TRH1 in root hair tip growth. Plants homozygous for the akt1-1 mutation develop longer root hairs than the wild type when grown in 0 mM external potassium, but develop shorter hairs than the wild type when grown in higher concentrations [>10 mM] of potassium. These data indicate that both TRH1 and AKT1 are active in the root hair over a wide range of external potassium concentrations, but suggest they have different functions in the growing hair cell.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylglycerol (PG) is an indispensable lipid class in photosynthetic activity. However, the importance of PG biosynthesis in non-photosynthetic organs remains elusive. We previously identified phosphatidylglycerophosphate phosphatase 1 (PGPP1), which catalyzes the last step of PG biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. In the present report, we noted considerably shorter roots of the pgpp1-1 mutant compared to the wild type. We observed defective order of columella cells in the root apices, which was complemented by introducing the wild-type PGPP1 gene. Although PGPP1 is chloroplast-localized in leaf mesophyll cells, we observed mitochondrial localization of PGPP1 in root cells, suggesting possible dual targeting of PGPP1. Moreover, we identified previously uncharacterized 2 protein tyrosine phosphatase-like proteins as functional PGPPs. These proteins, designated PTPMT1 and PTPMT2, complemented growth and lipid phenotypes of Δgep4, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant of PGPP. The ptpmt1-1 ptpmt2-1 exhibited no visible phenotype; however, the pgpp1-1 ptpmt1-1 ptpmt2-1 significantly enhanced the root phenotype of pgpp1-1 without further affecting the photosynthesis, suggesting that these newly found PGPPs are involved in the root phenotype. Radiolabeling experiment of mutant roots showed that decreased PG biosynthesis is associated with the mutation of PGPP1. These results suggest that PG biosynthesis is required for the root growth.  相似文献   

Yang SL  Xie LF  Mao HZ  Puah CS  Yang WC  Jiang L  Sundaresan V  Ye D 《The Plant cell》2003,15(12):2792-2804
In flowering plants, pollen formation depends on the differentiation and interaction of two cell types in the anther: the reproductive cells, called microsporocytes, and somatic cells that form the tapetum. The microsporocytes generate microspores, whereas the tapetal cells support the development of microspores into mature pollen grains. Despite their importance to plant reproduction, little is known about the underlying genetic mechanisms that regulate the differentiation and interaction of these highly specialized cells in the anther. Here, we report the identification and characterization of a novel tapetum determinant1 (TPD1) gene that is required for the specialization of tapetal cells in the Arabidopsis anther. Analysis of the male-sterile mutant, tpd1, showed that functional interruption of TPD1 caused the precursors of tapetal cells to differentiate and develop into microsporocytes instead of tapetum. As a results, extra microsporocytes were formed and tapetum was absent in developing tpd1 anthers. Molecular cloning of TPD1 revealed that it encodes a small protein of 176 amino acids. In addition, tpd1 was phenotypically similar to excess microsporocytes1/extra sporogenous cells (ems1/exs) single and tpd1 ems1/exs double mutants. These data suggest that the TPD1 product plays an important role in the differentiation of tapetal cells, possibly in coordination with the EMS1/EXS gene product, a Leu-rich repeat receptor protein kinase.  相似文献   

LRR-extensins (LRX) form a family of structural cell wall proteins containing a receptor-like domain. The functional analysis of Arabidopsis LRX1 has shown that it is involved in cell morphogenesis of root hairs. In this work, we have studied LRX2, a paralog of LRX1. LRX2 expression is mainly found in roots and is responsive to factors promoting or repressing root hair formation. The function of LRX1 and LRX2 was tested by the expression of a truncated LRX2 and different LRX1/LRX2 chimaeric proteins. Using complementation of the lrx1 phenotype as the parameter for protein function, our experiments indicate that LRX1 and LRX2 are functionally similar but show differences in their activity. Genetic analysis revealed that single lrx2 mutants do not show any defect in root hair morphogenesis, but synergistically interact with the lrx1 mutation. lrx1/lrx2 double mutants have a significantly enhanced lrx1 phenotype, resulting in frequent rupture of the root hairs soon after their initiation. Analysis of the root hair cell wall ultrastructure by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed the formation of osmophilic aggregates within the wall, as well as local disintegration of the wall structure in the double mutant, but not in wild-type plants. Our results indicate that LRX1 and LRX2 have overlapping functions in root hair formation, and that they likely regulate cell morphogenesis by promoting proper development of the cell wall.  相似文献   

Although the columella cells of the root cap have been identified as the site of gravity perception, the cellular events that mediate gravity signaling remain poorly understood. To determine if cytoplasmic and/or wall pH mediates the initial stages of root gravitropism, we combined a novel cell wall pH sensor (a cellulose binding domain peptide-Oregon green conjugate) and a cytoplasmic pH sensor (plants expressing pH-sensitive green fluorescent protein) to monitor pH dynamics throughout the graviresponding Arabidopsis root. The root cap apoplast acidified from pH 5.5 to 4.5 within 2 min of gravistimulation. Concomitantly, cytoplasmic pH increased in columella cells from 7.2 to 7.6 but was unchanged elsewhere in the root. These changes in cap pH preceded detectable tropic growth or growth-related pH changes in the elongation zone cell wall by 10 min. Altering the gravity-related columella cytoplasmic pH shift with caged protons delayed the gravitropic response. Together, these results suggest that alterations in root cap pH likely are involved in the initial events that mediate root gravity perception or signal transduction.  相似文献   

The DEFECTIVE EMBRYO AND MERISTEMS 1 (DEM1) gene encodes a protein of unknown biochemical function required for meristem formation and seedling development in tomato, but it was unclear whether DEM1’s primary role was in cell division or alternatively, in defining the identity of meristematic cells. Genome sequence analysis indicates that flowering plants possess at least two DEM genes. Arabidopsis has two DEM genes, DEM1 and DEM2, which we show are expressed in developing embryos and meristems in a punctate pattern that is typical of genes involved in cell division. Homozygous dem1 dem2 double mutants were not recovered, and plants carrying a single functional DEM1 allele and no functional copies of DEM2, i.e. DEM1/dem1 dem2/dem2 plants, exhibit normal development through to the time of flowering but during male reproductive development, chromosomes fail to align on the metaphase plate at meiosis II and result in abnormal numbers of daughter cells following meiosis. Additionally, these plants show defects in both pollen and embryo sac development, and produce defective male and female gametes. In contrast, dem1/dem1 DEM2/dem2 plants showed normal levels of fertility, indicating that DEM2 plays a more important role than DEM1 in gamete viability. The increased importance of DEM2 in gamete viability correlated with higher mRNA levels of DEM2 compared to DEM1 in most tissues examined and particularly in the vegetative shoot apex, developing siliques, pollen and sperm. We also demonstrate that gamete viability depends not only on the number of functional DEM alleles inherited following meiosis, but also on the number of functional DEM alleles in the parent plant that undergoes meiosis. Furthermore, DEM1 interacts with RAS-RELATED NUCLEAR PROTEIN 1 (RAN1) in yeast two-hybrid and pull-down binding assays, and we show that fluorescent proteins fused to DEM1 and RAN1 co-localize transiently during male meiosis and pollen development. In eukaryotes, RAN is a highly conserved GTPase that plays key roles in cell cycle progression, spindle assembly during cell division, reformation of the nuclear envelope following cell division, and nucleocytoplasmic transport. Our results demonstrate that DEM proteins play an essential role in cell division in plants, most likely through an interaction with RAN1.  相似文献   

The purpose of this project was to identify large numbers of Arabidopsis genes with essential functions during seed development. More than 120,000 T-DNA insertion lines were generated following Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Transgenic plants were screened for defective seeds and putative mutants were subjected to detailed analysis in subsequent generations. Plasmid rescue and TAIL-PCR were used to recover plant sequences flanking insertion sites in tagged mutants. More than 4200 mutants with a wide range of seed phenotypes were identified. Over 1700 of these mutants were analyzed in detail. The 350 tagged embryo-defective (emb) mutants identified to date represent a significant advance toward saturation mutagenesis of EMB genes in Arabidopsis. Plant sequences adjacent to T-DNA borders in mutants with confirmed insertion sites were used to map genome locations and establish tentative identities for 167 EMB genes with diverse biological functions. The frequency of duplicate mutant alleles recovered is consistent with a relatively small number of essential (EMB) genes with nonredundant functions during seed development. Other functions critical to seed development in Arabidopsis may be protected from deleterious mutations by extensive genome duplications.  相似文献   

Little is known about the molecular processes that govern female gametophyte (FG) development and function, and few FG-expressed genes have been identified. We report the identification and phenotypic analysis of 31 new FG mutants in Arabidopsis. These mutants have defects throughout development, indicating that FG-expressed genes govern essentially every step of FG development. To identify genes involved in cell death during FG development, we analyzed this mutant collection for lines with cell death defects. From this analysis, we identified one mutant, gfa2, with a defect in synergid cell death. Additionally, the gfa2 mutant has a defect in fusion of the polar nuclei. We isolated the GFA2 gene and show that it encodes a J-domain-containing protein. Of the J-domain-containing proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (budding yeast), GFA2 is most similar to Mdj1p, which functions as a chaperone in the mitochondrial matrix. GFA2 is targeted to mitochondria in Arabidopsis and partially complements a yeast mdj1 mutant, suggesting that GFA2 is the Arabidopsis ortholog of yeast Mdj1p. These data suggest a role for mitochondria in cell death in plants.  相似文献   

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