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Osteochondral allograft transplantation can treat full thickness cartilage and bone lesions in the knee and other joints, but the lack of widespread articular cartilage banking limits the quantity of cartilage available for size and contour matching. To address the limited availability of cartilage, vitrification can be used to store harvested joint tissues indefinitely. Our group's reported vitrification protocol [Biomaterials 33 (2012) 6061–6068] takes 9.5 h to load cryoprotectants into intact articular cartilage on bone and achieves high cell viability, but further optimization is needed to shorten this protocol for clinical use. Herein, we use engineering models to calculate the spatial and temporal distributions of cryoprotectant concentration, solution vitrifiability, and freezing point for each step of the 9.5-h protocol. We then incorporate the following major design choices for developing a new shorter protocol: (i) all cryoprotectant loading solution concentrations are reduced, (ii) glycerol is removed as a cryoprotectant, and (iii) an equilibration step is introduced to flatten the final cryoprotectant concentration profiles. We also use a new criterion—the spatially and temporally resolved prediction of solution vitrifiability—to assess whether a protocol will be successful instead of requiring that each cryoprotectant individually reaches a certain concentration. A total cryoprotectant loading time of 7 h is targeted, and our new 7-h protocol is predicted to achieve a level of vitrifiability comparable to the proven 9.5-h protocol throughout the cartilage thickness.  相似文献   



Osteochondral allografting is an effective method to treat large osteochondral defects but difficulties in tissue preservation have significantly limited the application of this technique. Successful cryopreservation of articular cartilage (AC) could improve the clinical availability of osteochondral tissue and enhance clinical outcomes but cryopreservation of large tissues is hampered by a lack of knowledge of permeation kinetics within these tissues. This study describes the refinement and extension of a recently published technique to measure the permeation kinetics of cryoprotectant agents (CPAs) within porcine AC.


Dowels of porcine AC (10 mm diameter) were immersed in solutions containing 6.5 M concentrations of four commonly used CPAs [dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), propylene glycol (PG), ethylene glycol (EG) and glycerol] for different times (1 s, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 180 min , 24 h) at three different temperatures (4, 22, and 37 °C). The cartilage was isolated and the amount of CPA within the matrix was determined.


Diffusion coefficients (DMSO = 2.4-6.2 × 10−6 cm2/s; PG = 0.8-2.7 × 10−6 cm2/s; EG = 1.7-4.2 × 10−6 cm2/s; and glycerol = 0.8-2.4 × 10−6 cm2/s) and activation energies (DMSO = 4.33 kcal/mol, PG = 6.29 kcal/mol, EG = 3.77 kcal/mol, and glycerol = 5.56 kcal/mol) were determined for each CPA.


The results of this experiment provide accurate permeation kinetics of four commonly used CPAs in porcine articular cartilage. This information will be useful for developing effective vitrification protocols for cryopreservation of AC.  相似文献   

Osteochondral defects can degenerate into osteoarthritis and currently there are no good treatment alternatives available to most Orthopaedic surgeons. Osteochondral allografting can restore damaged joint surfaces but its clinical use is limited by poor access to high quality tissue. Vitrification of osteochondral tissue would allow the banking of this tissue but requires high concentrations of cryoprotective agents. This study was designed to ascertain dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) toxicity kinetics to chondrocytes in situ after exposure to DMSO at different temperatures recorded as a function of time. Porcine osteochondral dowels were exposed to 1, 3, 5, and 6M DMSO at 4, 22, and 37°C for 0.5 min to 120 min. Chondrocyte recovery was determined by membrane integrity (Syto 13 and ethidium bromide) and mitochondrial (WST-1) assays. Results demonstrated that cell recovery was concentration, temperature and time dependent. At higher concentrations and temperatures, significant cell loss occurred within minutes. A rate constant calculated for chondrocyte death was dependent on temperature. 1 M DMSO appeared relatively non-toxic. This experiment established a method to examine systematically toxicity parameters for chondrocytes in situ and this data can be used to tailor vitrification protocols by limiting exposure temperature and time or lowering DMSO concentrations below toxic levels recorded.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of cryopreservation on the components of articular cartilage (AC) matrix by utilizing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and biochemical assessments. Porcine AC (10mm osteochondral dowels) was collected into four groups - (1) phosphate buffered saline (PBS) control, (2) PBS snap frozen in liquid nitrogen, (3) slow-cooled in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), and (4) slow cooled in PBS (in absence of DMSO). MRI results demonstrated three distinct zones in the cartilage. After exposure to ice formation during cryopreservation procedures, alterations in MRI determined matrix fixed charged density and magnetization transfer rate were noted. In addition, biochemical assays demonstrated significant alterations in chondroitin sulfate and hydroxyproline content over time without differences in hydration or DNA content. In conclusion, MRI was able to detect some changes in the intact cartilage matrix structure consistent with biochemical assessments after ice formation during cryopreservation of intact porcine AC. Furthermore, biochemical assessments supported some of these findings and changed significantly after incubating the cartilage matrix for 36-72 h in PBS in terms of chondroitin sulfate and hydroxyproline content.  相似文献   

Large articular cartilage defects have proven difficult to treat and often result in osteoarthritis of the affected joint. Cryopreservation of articular cartilage can provide an increased supply of tissues for osteochondral allograft but cryoprotective agents are required; however, few studies have been performed on the toxicity of these agents. This study was designed to determine the order of toxicity of five commonly used cryoprotectant agents as well as interactions that occur between them. Isolated porcine articular chondrocytes were exposed to individual cryoprotectant agents and combinations of these agents at 1 M and 3 M concentrations for 5 min and 120 min. Cell viability was determined using membrane integrity dyes and a metabolic activity assay. Subsequently, a regression analysis based study was undertaken to extract the maximum amount of information from this data. Results of this study demonstrated that all 1 M solutions were minimally toxic. The 3 M solutions demonstrated varying toxicity after 120 min. Ethylene glycol and glycerol were less toxic than propylene glycol, dimethyl sulfoxide, and formamide. Combinations of cryoprotectant agents were less toxic than single cryoprotectant agents at the same concentration. This is the most comprehensive study investigating cryoprotectant agent toxicity in articular chondrocytes and has resulted in important information regarding the order of toxicity and interactions that occur between these agents.  相似文献   

The limited availability of fresh osteochondral allograft tissues necessitates the use of banking for long-term storage. A vitrification solution containing a 55% cryoprotectant formulation, VS55, previously studied using rabbit articular cartilage, was evaluated using porcine articular cartilage. Specimens ranging from 2 to 6 mm in thickness were obtained from 6 mm distal femoral cartilage cores and cryopreserved by vitrification or freezing. The results of post-rewarming viability assessments employing alamarBlue demonstrated a large decrease (p < 0.001) in viability in all three sizes of cartilage specimen vitrified with VS55. This is in marked contrast with prior experience with full thickness, 0.6 mm rabbit cartilage. Microscopic examination following cryosubstitution confirmed ice formation in the chondrocytes of porcine cartilage vitrified using VS55. Experiments using a more concentrated vitrification formulation (83%), VS83, showed a significant treatment benefit for larger segments of articular cartilage. Differences between the VS55 and the VS83 treatment groups were significant at p < 0.001 for 2 mm and 4 mm plugs, and at p < 0.01 for full thickness, 6 mm plugs. The percentage viability in fresh controls, compared to VS55 and VS83, was 24.7% and 80.7% in the 2 mm size group, 18.2% and 55.5% in the 4 mm size group, and 5.2% and 43.6% in the 6 mm group, respectively. The results of this study continue to indicate that vitrification is superior to conventional cryopreservation with low concentrations of dimethyl sulfoxide by freezing for cartilage. The vitrification technology presented here may, with further process development, enable the long-term storage and transportation of living cartilage for repair of human articular surfaces.  相似文献   

Experiments on articular cartilage have shown nonlinear stress-strain curves under finite deformations as well as intrinsic viscous effects of the solid phase. The aim of this study was to propose a nonlinear biphasic viscohyperelastic model that combines the intrinsic viscous effects of the proteoglycan matrix with a nonlinear hyperelastic constitutive equation. The proposed equation satisfies objectivity and reduces for uniaxial loading to a solid type viscous model in which the actions of the springs are represented by the hyperelastic function proposed by Holmes and Mow [1990. J. Biomechanics 23, 1145-1156.]. Results of the model, that were efficiently implemented in an updated Lagrangian algorithm, were compared with experimental infinitesimal data reported by DiSilverstro and Suh [2001. J. Biomechanics 34, 519-525.] and showed acceptable fitting for the axial force (R(2)=0.991) and lateral displacement (R(2)=0.914) curves in unconfined compression as well as a good fitting of the axial indentation force curve (R(2)=0.982). In addition, the model showed an excellent fitting of finite-deformation confined compression stress relaxation data reported by Ateshian et al. [1997. J. Biomechanics 30, 1157-1164.] and Huang et al. [2005. J. Biomechanics 38, 799-809.] (R(2)=0.993 and R(2)=0.995, respectively). The constitutive equation may be used to represent the mechanical behavior of the proteoglycan matrix in a fiber reinforced model of articular cartilage.  相似文献   

Nonlinear, linear and failure properties of articular cartilage and meniscus in opposing contact surfaces are poorly known in tension. Relationships between the tensile properties of articular cartilage and meniscus in contact with each other within knee joints are also not known. In the present study, rectangular samples were prepared from the superficial lateral femoral condyle cartilage and lateral meniscus of bovine knee joints. Tensile tests were carried out with a loading rate of 5 mm/min until the tissue rupture. Nonlinear properties of the toe region, linear properties in larger strains, and failure properties of both tissues were analysed. The strain-dependent tensile modulus of the toe region, Young's modulus of the linear region, ultimate tensile stress and toughness were on average 98.2, 8.3, 4.0 and 1.9 times greater (p<0.05) for meniscus than for articular cartilage. In contrast, the toe region strain, yield strain and failure strain were on average 9.4, 3.1 and 2.3 times greater (p<0.05) for cartilage than for meniscus. There was a significant negative correlation between the strain-dependent tensile moduli of meniscus and articular cartilage samples within the same joints (r=−0.690, p=0.014). In conclusion, the meniscus possesses higher nonlinear and linear elastic stiffness and energy absorption capability before rupture than contacting articular cartilage, while cartilage has longer nonlinear region and can withstand greater strains before failure. These findings point out different load carrying demands that both articular cartilage and meniscus have to fulfil during normal physiological loading activities of knee joints.  相似文献   

The deformational behavior of articular cartilage has been investigated in confined and unconfined compression experiments and indentation tests, but to date there exist no reliable data on the in situ deformation of the cartilage during static loading. The objective of the current study was to perform a systematic study into cartilage compression of intact human femoro-patellar joints under short- and long-term static loading with MR imaging. A non-metallic pneumatic pressure device was used to apply loads of 150% body weight to six joints within the extremity coil of an MRI scanner. The cartilage was delineated during the compression experiment with previously validated 2D and 3D fat-suppressed gradient echo sequences. We observed a mean (maximal) in situ deformation of 44% (57%) in patellar cartilage after 32 h of loading (mean contact pressure 3.6 MPa), the femoral cartilage showing a smaller amount of deformation than the patella. However, only around 7% of the final deformation (3% absolute deformation) occurred during the first minute of loading. A 43% fluid loss from the interstitial patellar matrix was recorded, the initial fluid flux being 0.217 +/- 0.083 microm/s, and a high inter-individual variability of the deformational behavior (coefficients of variation 11-38%). In conjunction with finite-element analyses, these data may be used to compute the load partitioning between the solid matrix and fluid phase, and to elucidate the etiologic factors relevant in mechanically induced osteoarthritis. They can also provide direct estimates of the mechanical strain to be encountered by cartilage transplants.  相似文献   

Current operative and non-operative treatments for articular cartilage (AC) defect repair still fail to meet clinical expectations. These treatment options and challenges will be reviewed from a clinical perspective. Various polymeric and naturally occurring materials serving as scaffolds have shown promising neocartilage formation, but few studies are able to draw good clinical correlations. While tissue and organ engineering have generated public demand and expectations that engineered tissues will soon be available, there are still several critical hurdles that need to be overcome. There is a general preference for (1) avoiding the harvesting of normal tissues, (2) a single minimally invasive operative procedure for material insertion, and (3) a durable material that reproduces normal hyaline cartilage and will provide a good lifetime warranty. To avoid harvesting normal tissues, alternative cell sourcing is considered. On the materials front, there is a demand for molecular diversity and synthetic flexibility. For minimally invasive surgery, injectable materials have been actively researched. While initial studies are promising, there still remain a few challenges to overcome before injectable scaffolds will become clinically relevant. Key considerations are reviewed in this article. Advances in nanotechnology have enabled us to employ bottom-up approaches to scaffold design, fabrication, and characterization to better mimic the biological dimensions of matter. One approach involves self-assembly of small DNA-like molecules into larger superaggregates with nanoscale dimensions. One such self-assembling organic system is the rosette nanotubes. The design and properties are highlighted as they are related to solving orthopedic problems.  相似文献   

Enzymic heterogeneity of normal canine articular cartilage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Articular cartilage is generally considered to be an homogeneous tissue. It has now been shown that, although different regions of the medial tibial cartilage of the dog have very similar oxidative enzymic activities, each region is heterogeneous with respect to these activities. The conventional histological delineation of this cartilage has been modified, to take into account a narrow band (designated zone 2a), just below the most superficial spindle-shaped cells, that has higher oxidative enzymic activity than any other. Changes in the activity in this zone might be diluted by the lack of change in other zones if measured by conventional biochemical procedures which could not measure the activities of the different zones separately.  相似文献   

Two types of sialic acid-containing component are released from articular cartilage proteoglycan monomer (D1) treated with 0.05 M NaOH containing 1 M NaBH4. The smaller component, which has not been described before, contains galactosamine, glucosamine, galactose and sialic acid (Molar ratio 1:1:1:2). It is eluted from ECTEOLA-cellulose with low molarity (0.4 M) sodium formate and has a Kav of 0.70 on Bio-gel P30. Its presence on the proteoglycan monomer was demonstrated at all stages of foetal and adult life.  相似文献   

Wu WT  Lyu SR  Hsieh WH 《Cryobiology》2005,51(3):330-338
In order to successfully cryopreserve articular cartilage chondrocytes, it is important to characterize their osmotic response during the cryopreservation process, as the ice forms and the solutes concentrate. In this study, experimental work was undertaken to determine the osmotic parameters of articular cartilage chondrocytes. The osmotically inactive volume of articular cartilage chondrocytes was determined to be 44% of the isotonic volume. The membrane hydraulic conductivity parameters for water were determined by fitting a theoretical water transport model to the experimentally obtained volumetric shrinkage data; the membrane hydraulic conductivity parameter L(Pg) was found to be 0.0633 microm/min/atm, and the activation energy E, 8.23 kcal/mol. The simulated cooling process, using the osmotic parameters obtained in this study, suggests a cooling rate of 80 degrees C/min for the cryopreservation of the articular cartilage chondrocytes of hogs. The data obtained in this study could serve as a starting point for those interested in cryopreservation of chondrocytes from articular cartilage in other species in which there is clinical interest and there are no parameters for prediction of responses.  相似文献   

Successful cryopreservation of articular cartilage (AC) could improve clinical results of osteochondral allografting and provide a useful treatment alternative for large cartilage defects. However, successful cartilage cryopreservation is limited by the time required for cryoprotective agent (CPA) permeation into the matrix and high CPA toxicity. This study describes a novel, practical method to examine the time-dependent permeation of CPAs [dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and propylene glycol (PG)] into intact porcine AC. Dowels of porcine AC (10 mm diameter) were immersed in solutions containing high concentrations of each CPA for different times (0, 15, 30, 60 min, 3, 6, and 24 h) at three temperatures (4, 22, and 37 degrees C), with and without cartilage attachment to bone. The cartilage was isolated and the amount of cryoprotective agent within the matrix was determined. The results demonstrated a sharp rise in the CPA concentration within 15-30 min exposure to DMSO and PG. The concentration plateaued between 3 and 6 h of exposure at a concentration approximately 88-99% of the external concentration (6.8 M). This observation was temperature-dependent with slower permeation at lower temperatures. This study demonstrated the effectiveness of a novel technique to measure CPA permeation into intact AC, and describes permeation kinetics of two common CPAs into intact porcine AC.  相似文献   

A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motif (adamalysin–thrombospondins, ADAMTS) degrades aggrecan, one of the major extracellular matrix (ECM) components in cartilage. Mandibular condylar cartilage differs from primary cartilage, such as articular and growth plate cartilage, in its metabolism of ECM, proliferation, and differentiation. Mandibular condylar cartilage acts as both articular and growth plate cartilage in the growing period, while it remains as articular cartilage after growth. We hypothesized that functional and ECM differences between condylar and primary cartilages give rise to differences in gene expression patterns and levels of aggrecan and ADAMTS-1, -4, and -5 during growth and aging. We employed in situ hybridization and semiquantitative RT-PCR to identify mRNA expression for these molecules in condylar cartilage and primary cartilages during growth and aging. All of the ADAMTSs presented characteristic, age-dependent expression patterns and levels among the cartilages tested in this study. ADAMTS-5 mainly contributed to ECM metabolism in growth plate and condylar cartilage during growth. ADAMTS-1 and ADAMTS-4 may be involved in ECM turn over in articular cartilage. The results of the present study reveal that ECM metabolism and expression of related proteolytic enzymes in primary and secondary cartilages may be differentially regulated during growth and aging.  相似文献   

The content and the biosynthesis of fibronectin was examined in disease-free articular cartilage and in articular cartilage from osteoarthritic canine joints. Fibronectin content was increased in extracts of cartilage from osteoarthritic joints. Incubation of cartilage in vitro with [3H]phenylalanine and subsequent isolation of [3H]fibronectin from a gelatin affinity column and characterization by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by immunoprecipitation indicated that disease-free and osteoarthritic cartilage explants synthesized fibronectin. About 50% of the [3H]fibronectin was recovered in the incubation medium. The osteoarthritic cartilage synthesized and accumulated up to 5-fold more [3H]fibronectin than disease-free cartilage.  相似文献   

In attempts to better understand the etiology of osteoarthritis, a debilitating joint disease that results in the degeneration of articular cartilage (AC) in synovial joints, researchers have focused on joint tribology, the study of joint friction, lubrication, and wear. Several different approaches have been used to investigate the frictional properties of articular cartilage. In this study, we examined two analysis methods for calculating the coefficient of friction (μ) using a simple pendulum system and BL6 murine knee joints (n=10) as the fulcrum. A Stanton linear decay model (Lin μ) and an exponential model that accounts for viscous damping (Exp μ) were fit to the decaying pendulum oscillations. Root mean square error (RMSE), asymptotic standard error (ASE), and coefficient of variation (CV) were calculated to evaluate the fit and measurement precision of each model. This investigation demonstrated that while Lin μ was more repeatable, based on CV (5.0% for Lin μ; 18% for Exp μ), Exp μ provided a better fitting model, based on RMSE (0.165° for Exp μ; 0.391° for Lin μ) and ASE (0.033 for Exp μ; 0.185 for Lin μ), and had a significantly lower coefficient of friction value (0.022±0.007 for Exp μ; 0.042±0.016 for Lin μ) (p=0.001). This study details the use of a simple pendulum for examining cartilage properties in situ that will have applications investigating cartilage mechanics in a variety of species. The Exp μ model provided a more accurate fit to the experimental data for predicting the frictional properties of intact joints in pendulum systems.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop an in vitro cartilage degradation model that emulates the damage seen in early-stage osteoarthritis. To this end, cartilage explants were collagenase-treated to induce enzymatic degradation of collagen fibers and proteoglycans at the articular surface. To assess changes in mechanical properties, intact and degraded cartilage explants were subjected to a series of confined compression creep tests. Changes in extracellular matrix structure and composition were determined using biochemical and histological approaches. Our results show that collagenase-induced degradation increased the amount of deformation experienced by the cartilage explants under compression. An increase in apparent permeability as well as a decrease in instantaneous and aggregate moduli was measured following collagenase treatment. Histological analysis of degraded explants revealed the presence of surface fibrillation, proteoglycan depletion in the superficial and intermediate zones and loss of the lamina splendens. Collagen cleavage was confirmed by the Col II–3/4Cshort antibody. Degraded specimens experienced a significant decrease in proteoglycan content but maintained total collagen content. Repetitive testing of degraded samples resulted in the gradual collapse of the articular surface and the compaction of the superficial zone. Taken together, our data demonstrates that enzymatic degradation with collagenase can be used to emulate changes seen in early-stage osteoarthritis. Further, our in vitro model provides information on cartilage mechanics and insights on how matrix changes can affect cartilage's functional properties. More importantly, our model can be applied to develop and test treatment options for tissue repair.  相似文献   

Since articular cartilage possesses only a weak capac-ity for repair, its regeneration potential is considered one of the most important challenges for orthopedic surgeons. The treatment options, such as marrow stimulation techniques, fail to induce a repair tissue with the same functional and mechanical properties of native hyaline cartilage. Osteochondral transplantation is considered an effective treatment option but is as-sociated with some disadvantages, including donor-site morbidity, tissue supply limitation, unsuitable mechani-cal properties and thickness of the obtained tissue. Although autologous chondrocyte implantation results in reasonable repair, it requires a two-step surgical pro-cedure. Moreover, chondrocytes expanded in culture gradually undergo dedifferentiation, so lose morpho-logical features and specialized functions. In the search for alternative cells, scientists have found mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs) to be an appropriate cellular mate-rial for articular cartilage repair. These cells were origi-nally isolated from bone marrow samples and further investigations have revealed the presence of the cells in many other tissues. Furthermore, chondrogenic dif-ferentiation is an inherent property of MSCs noticedat the time of the cell discovery. MSCs are known to exhibit homing potential to the damaged site at which they differentiate into the tissue cells or secrete a wide spectrum of bioactive factors with regenerative proper-ties. Moreover, these cells possess a considerable im-munomodulatory potential that make them the general donor for therapeutic applications. All of these topics will be discussed in this review.  相似文献   

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