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A method for testing antibacterial substances in whole blood is described. The test agent for the method was actinospectacin which reportedly has good in vivo activity, approximately in the range with chloramphenicol, but relatively poor in vitro activity in the common media. In human whole blood, however, the in vitro activity compares favorably with chloramphenicol thus indicating that whole blood may predict in vivo activity better than the usual bacteriological media.  相似文献   

Acute lung injury (ALI) is a clinical manifestation of respiratory failure, caused by lung inflammation and the disruption of the alveolar-capillary barrier. Preservation of the physical integrity of the alveolar epithelial monolayer is of critical importance to prevent alveolar edema. Barrier integrity depends largely on the balance between physical forces on cell-cell and cell-matrix contacts, and this balance might be affected by alterations in the coagulation cascade in patients with ALI. We aimed to study the effects of activated protein C (APC) on mechanical tension and barrier integrity in human alveolar epithelial cells (A549) exposed to thrombin. Cells were pretreated for 3 h with APC (50 µg/ml) or vehicle (control). Subsequently, thrombin (50 nM) or medium was added to the cell culture. APC significantly reduced thrombin-induced cell monolayer permeability, cell stiffening, and cell contraction, measured by electrical impedance, optical magnetic twisting cytometry, and traction microscopy, respectively, suggesting a barrier-protective response. The dynamics of the barrier integrity was also assessed by western blotting and immunofluorescence analysis of the tight junction ZO-1. Thrombin resulted in more elongated ZO-1 aggregates at cell-cell interface areas and induced an increase in ZO-1 membrane protein content. APC attenuated the length of these ZO-1 aggregates and reduced the ZO-1 membrane protein levels induced by thrombin. In conclusion, pretreatment with APC reduced the disruption of barrier integrity induced by thrombin, thus contributing to alveolar epithelial barrier protection.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) is a multigene family of at least 12 isoforms involved in the transduction of extracellular signals. We investigated whether PKC-α, a major isoform known to be relatively abundant in brain tissue, is increased in human melanocytes relative to keratinocytes in vitro and in situ. Immunohistochemical staining for PKC-α in frozen neonatal human foreskin exhibited intermittent 2–3+ staining along the basal cell layer consistent with melanocytes, and 0–1+ staining of keratinocytes (on a scale of 0–3). Microscopic densitometry of the intermittent cellular staining was at least 3-fold greater than that of adjacent keratinocyte cell cytoplasm. Sequential frozen sections revealed similar intermittent cell staining with PKC-α and Mel-5 (tyrosinase related protein-1), known to specifically react with melanocytes. Northern blot analysis with a specific cDNA probe for PKC-α showed strong PKC-α mRNA expression in cultured melanocytes, whereas PKC-α mRNA in cultured non-stratifying keratinocytes was expressed at low levels. Western blot analysis revealed a prominent PKC-α band at approximately 80 kDa in melanocytes as opposed to a weak band in keratinocytes. Densitometry of the northern and western blots revealed that melanocytes had at least 10-fold more PKC-α mRNA and approximately 6-fold more PKC-α protein expression than keratinocytes. Total PKC activity measured in vitro revealed that melanocytes had 5-fold more activity than keratinocytes. The marked difference in melanocyte and keratinocyte expression of PKC-α provides further evidence for cell type specificity in the balance of PKC-α expression and may implicate differential PKC isoform signaling pathways in neuro-ectodermally derived cells.  相似文献   



Whole Body Vibration (WBV) is a passive exercise method known to have beneficial effects on various physical measures. Studies on adults furthermore demonstrated beneficial effects of WBV treatment on cognition (e.g. inhibition). The present study replicated these findings in healthy children and examined acute effects of WBV treatment on inhibition.


Fifty-five healthy children (aged 8–13) participated in this within-subject design study. WBV treatment was applied by having the children sit on a chair mounted to a vibrating platform. After each condition (vibration vs. non-vibration), inhibition was measured by using the Stroop Color-Word Interference Test. Repeated measures analyses were applied in order to explore the effects of WBV treatment on inhibition, and correlations were computed between the treatment effect and participant characteristics in order to explore individual differences in treatment sensitivity.


Three-minute WBV treatments had significant beneficial effects on inhibition in this sample of healthy children. Especially the repeated application (three times) of WBV treatment appeared beneficial for cognition. Stronger WBV treatment effects were correlated with higher intelligence and younger age, but not with symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).


This study demonstrates that especially repeated WBV treatment improves inhibition in healthy children. As this cognitive function is often impaired in children with developmental disorders (e.g. ADHD), future studies should further explore the effects, working mechanism and potential applicability of WBV treatment for this target group.  相似文献   

Therapeutic oligonucleotides including siRNA and immunostimulatory ligands of Toll-like receptors (TLR) or RIG-I like helicases (RLH) are a promising novel class of drugs. They are in clinical development for a broad spectrum of applications, e.g. as adjuvants in vaccines and for the immunotherapy of cancer. Species-specific immune activation leading to cytokine release is characteristic for therapeutic oligonucleotides either as an unwanted side effect or intended pharmacology. Reliable in vitro tests designed for therapeutic oligonucleotides are therefore urgently needed in order to predict clinical efficacy and to prevent unexpected harmful effects in clinical development. To serve this purpose, we here established a human whole blood assay (WBA) that is fast and easy to perform. Its response to synthetic TLR ligands (R848: TLR7/8, LPS: TLR4) was on a comparable threshold to the more time consuming peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) based assay. By contrast, the type I IFN profile provoked by intravenous CpG-DNA (TLR9 ligand) in humans in vivo was more precisely replicated in the WBA than in stimulated PBMC. Since Heparin and EDTA, but not Hirudin, displaced oligonucleotides from their delivery agent, only Hirudin qualified as the anticoagulant to be used in the WBA. The Hirudin WBA exhibited a similar capacity as the PBMC assay to distinguish between TLR7-activating and modified non-stimulatory siRNA sequences. RNA-based immunoactivating TLR7/8- and RIG-I-ligands induced substantial amounts of IFN-α in the Hirudin-WBA dependent on delivery agent used. In conclusion, we present a human Hirudin WBA to determine therapeutic oligonucleotide-induced cytokine release during preclinical development that can readily be performed and offers a close reflection of human cytokine response in vivo.  相似文献   

In Vitro Stimulation of Protein Kinase C by Melatonin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It has been shown that melatonin through binding to calmodulin acts both in vitro and in vivo as a potent calmodulin antagonist. It is known that calmodulin antagonists both bind to the hydrophobic domain of Ca2+ activated calmodulin, and inhibit protein kinase C activity. In this work we explored the effects of melatonin on Ca2+ dependent protein kinase C activity in vitro using both a pure commercial rat brain protein kinase C, and a partially purified enzyme from MDCK and N1E-115 cell homogenates. The results showed that melatonin directly activated protein kinase C with a half stimulatory concentration of 1 nM. In addition the hormone augmented by 30% the phorbol ester stimulated protein kinase C activity and increased [3H] PDBu binding to the kinase. In contrast, calmodulin antagonists (500 M) and protein kinase C inhibitors (100 M) abolished the enzyme activity. Melatonin analogs tested were ineffective in increasing either protein kinase C activity or [3H] PDBu binding. Moreover, the hormone stimulated protein kinase C autophosphorylation directly and in the presence of phorbol ester and phosphatidylserine. The results show that besides the melatonin binding to calmodulin, the hormone also interacts with protein kinase C only in the presence of Ca2+. They also suggest that the melatonin mechanism of action may involve interactions with other intracellular hydrophobic and Ca2+ dependent proteins.  相似文献   


Background & Aims

After years of experiments and clinical studies, parathyroid hormone-related protein(PTHrP) has been shown to be a bone formation promoter that elicits rapid effects with limited adverse reaction. Recently, PTHrP was reported to promote fibrosis in rat kidney in conjunction with transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-β1), which is also a fibrosis promoter in liver. However, the effect of PTHrP in liver has not been determined. In this study, the promoting actions of PTHrP were first investigated in human normal hepatic stellate cells (HSC) and LX-2 cell lines.


TGF-β1, alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2), and collagen I mRNA were quantified by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) after HSCs or LX-2 cells were treated with PTHrP(1–36) or TGF-β1. Protein levels were also assessed by western-blot analysis. Alpha-SMA were also detected by immunofluorescence, and TGF-β1 secretion was measured with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of HSC cell culture media.


In cultured human HSCs, mRNA and protein levels of α-SMA, collagen I, MMP-2, and TGF-β1 were increased by PTHrP treatment. A similar increasing pattern was also observed in LX-2 cells. Moreover, PTHrP significantly increased TGF-β1 secretion in cultured media from HSCs.


PTHrP activated HSCs and promoted the fibrosis process in LX-2 cells. These procedures were probably mediated via TGF-β1, highlighting the potential effects of PTHrP in the liver.  相似文献   

Limited information is available on the potential risk of degradation products of metal-on-metal bearings in joint arthroplasty. The aim of this study was to investigate the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of orthopedic-related cobalt nanoparticles on human T cells in vitro. T cells were collected using magnetic CD3 microbeads and exposed to different concentrations of cobalt nanoparticles and cobalt chloride. Cytotoxicity was evaluated by methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium and lactate dehydrogenase release assay. Cobalt nanoparticles dissolution in culture medium was determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. To study the probable mechanism of cobalt nanoparticles effects on T cells, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase level was measured. Cobalt nanoparticles and cobalt ions could inhibit cell viability and enhance lactate dehydrogenase release in a concentration- and time-dependent manner (P < 0.05). The levels of cobalt ion released from cobalt nanoparticles in the culture medium were less than 40% and increased with cobalt nanoparticles concentration. Cobalt nanoparticles could induce primary DNA damage in a concentration-dependent manner, and the DNA damage caused by cobalt nanoparticles was heavier than that caused by cobalt ions. Cobalt nanoparticles exposure could significantly decrease superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase activities at subtoxic concentrations (6 μM, <CC50). These findings suggested that cobalt nanoparticles could generate potential risks to the T cells of patients suffer from metal-on-metal total hip arthroplasty, and the inhibition of antioxidant capacity may play important role in cobalt nanoparticles effects on T cells.  相似文献   

Discovery of naturally occurring boron complexes with organic compounds containing hydroxyl groups, sugars, and polysaccharides, adenosine-5-phosphate, pyridoxine, riboflavin, dehydroascorbic acid, and pyridine nucleotides led to the reassessment of the biochemical role of boron. Boron’s anti-inflammatory actions were claimed but not yet demonstrated. This study investigated the effects of calcium fructoborate (CF) on the human polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) that play a central role in the inflammatory response. Our results demonstrated that CF exposure induced a dose-dependent decrease in cell viability. Treatment of PMN cells, for 24 h, with 22,500 μM CF led to a decrease in cell viability by 61.1%, an inhibition of respiratory burst by 92.9% in the case of fMLP-stimulated cells, a diminution of intracellular level of superoxide anion with 59.3%, and a stimulation of superoxide dismutase activity by 72% in unstimulated PMN cells. Altogether, these results suggest the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of CF.  相似文献   

Thimerosal (THI, ethyl-mercury thiosalicylate) is added to vaccines as a preservative; as a consequence, infants may have been exposed to bolus doses of Hg that collectively added up to nominally 200 µg Hg during the first 6 months of life. While several studies report an association between THI-containing vaccines and neurological disorders, other studies do not support the causal relation between THI and autism. With the purpose to understand the molecular mechanisms of the toxic effect of THI it was assayed on human red cells and in bilayers built-up of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DMPE), classes of phospholipids found in the outer and inner monolayers of the human erythrocyte membrane, respectively. The capacity of THI to interact with DMPC and DMPE was determined by X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry, whereas intact human erythrocytes were observed by optical, defocusing and scanning electron microscopy. The experimental findings of this study demonstrated that THI interacted in a concentration-dependent manner with DMPC and DMPE bilayers, and in vitro interacted with erythrocytes inducing morphological changes. However, concentrations were considerable higher than those present in vaccines.  相似文献   

探讨脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(DON)对人外周血单个核细胞参与抗原呈递的低分子量蛋白酶体-2(LMP-2)表达的影响。采用流式细胞术(FCM)和半定量RT-PCR方法从蛋白质和mRNA水平分析了不同剂量DON对体外培养人外周血单个核细胞LMP-2分子表达的影响及其量效关系。FCM定量检测结果表明,不同浓度DON处理均可一定程度抑制人外周血单个核细胞LMP-2的表达,50ng/mlDON组、100ng/mlDON组、1000ng/mlDON组和2000ng/mlDON组LMP-2平均荧光强度分别为6.99±0.72、6.21±0.55、5.34±0.56和5.03±0.43,在50~2000ng/mL范围内随着DON浓度增加,外周血单个核细胞LMP-2表达降低,与DON浓度呈显著负相关(r=0.824,P<0.01)。半定量RT-PCR结果显示,不同浓度DON处理均可抑制人外周血单个核细胞LMP-2mRNA表达。DON在蛋白质和mRNA水平可剂量依赖地抑制体外培养的人外周血单个核细胞LMP-2的表达。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is toinvestigate the genotoxic effect of THzradiation in human peripheral bloodlymphocytes following 20 minutes exposureto 1 mW average power Free Electron Laserradiation in the frequency range 120–140GHz. For this purpose 9 healthy donors wereemployed and cytokinesis block techniquewas applied to study micronucleusfrequency and cell proliferation. Theresults obtained indicate that all theelectromagnetic conditions adopted so far do not alter the investigated parameters,suggesting absence of direct chromosomaldamage and alteration of cell cyclekinetics (two tailed paired Student's test:p> 0.05 in all cases).  相似文献   

Patients with disorders of hemostasis who undergo surgical procedures are in danger of hemorrhage. While the careful medical history remains the most sensitive test of a bleeding tendency, some such patients can give no suggestive history. In three patients with coagulopathy—one with mild classical hemophilia, one with Christmas disease, and one with warfarin toxicity—the abnormality was missed by routine preoperative history but promptly detected by the routine preoperative use of the activated coagulation time (act). Either this test or the activated partial thromboplastin time should be included in the routine preoperative work-up, along with appropriate additional tests of the hemostatic mechanism.  相似文献   

目的:探讨可用于临床治疗功能成熟的DC体外扩增的优化培养方案。方法:胎牛血清培养基联合细胞因子rhGM-CSF(100ng/mL)和rhIL-4(50 ng/mL)扩增人外周血分离的单个核细胞,细胞培养分别按5×106/mL、6×106/mL和7×106/mL的密度,加入6孔培养板。第6d加入rhTNF-a(100 ng/mL)联合培养,分别于第6 d,第9 d和12 d收获细胞。从形态学、细胞表面标志方面进行鉴定。结果:显微镜观察,经过9 d诱导后,培养细胞具有典型树突细胞外形。流式细胞仪分析,6×106/mL密度的细胞培养组培养到第9天最宜。结论:细胞具有典型的DC的形态特征,细胞表型及功能实验证实其DC的特性,说明建立的血清培养基联合细胞因子rhGM-CSF、rhIL-4和rhTNF-a体外诱导DC的方法是切实可行的。  相似文献   

Filarial parasites modulate effective immune response of their host by releasing a variety of immunomodulatory molecules, which help in the long persistence of the parasite within the host. The present study was aimed to characterize an immunomodulatory protein of Brugia malayi and its interaction with the host immune component at the structural and functional level. Our findings showed that Brugia malayi Calreticulin (BmCRT) is responsible for the prevention of classical complement pathway activation via its interaction with the first component C1q of the human host. This was confirmed by inhibition of C1q dependent lysis of immunoglobulin-sensitized Red Blood Cells (S-RBCs). This is possibly the first report which predicts CRT-C1q interaction on the structural content of proteins to explain how BmCRT inhibits this pathway. The molecular docking of BmCRT-C1q complex indicated that C1qB chain (IgG/M and CRP binding sites on C1q) played a major role in the interaction with conserved and non-conserved regions of N and P domain of BmCRT. Out of 37 amino acids of BmCRT involved in the interaction, nine amino acids (Pro126, Glu132, His147, Arg151, His153, Met154, Lys156, Ala196 and Lys212) are absent in human CRT. Both ELISA and in silico analysis showed the significant role of Ca+2 in BmCRT-HuC1q complex formation and deactivation of C1r2–C1s2. Molecular dynamics studies of BmCRT-HuC1q complex showed a deviation from ∼0.4 nm to ∼1.0 nm. CD analyses indicated that BmCRT is composed of 49.6% α helix, 9.6% β sheet and 43.6% random coil. These findings provided valuable information on the architecture and chemistry of BmCRT-C1q interaction and supported the hypothesis that BmCRT binds with huC1q at their targets (IgG/M, CRP) binding sites. This interaction enables the parasite to interfere with the initial stage of host complement activation, which might be helpful in parasites establishment. These results might be utilized for help in blocking the C1q/CRT interaction and preventing parasite infection.  相似文献   

Microtubules purified from brain tissue contain endogenous cyclic AMP (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase activity, and microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) is the major substrate. Beef brain microtubules were prepared and used as a model system to study the differential effects of rationally selected cyclic nucleotide analogues on microtubule receptor protein kinase. Data are presented to indicate that the following molecular interactions are essential for activation of the phosphorylation of MAP2: (a) hydrogen bond formation toward the 2', 3', or 5' position, (b) interaction with phosphorus, and (c) no hydrogen bonds but hydrophobic interactions at the base moiety. Thus, the activation mechanism of the type II protein kinase associated with brain microtubules resembles the mechanism found in protein kinases of other systems. In addition, we have studied the effect of the two diastereomers of adenosine 3',5'-monophosphorothioate (cAMPS). The (Sp)-cAMPS isomer was found to activate MAP2 protein kinase, whereas the (Rp)-cAMPS isomer had no activating effect. In contrast, this compound was able to inhibit cAMP-stimulated MAP2 phosphorylation and thus acts as an antagonist of the Sp diastereomer and cAMP. Hence, this analogue provides a useful means to clarify further the effect of cAMP-dependent phosphorylation on functional properties in microtubules in general.  相似文献   

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