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《Cell calcium》2014,55(5):252-260
Cardiac fibrosis is involved in a lot of cardiovascular pathological processes. Cardiac fibrosis can block conduction, cause hypoxia, strengthen myocardial stiffness, create electrical heterogeneity, and hamper systolic ejection, which is associated with the development of arrhythmia, heart failure and sudden cardiac death. Besides the initial stimulating factors, the cardiac fibroblasts (CFs) are the principal responsible cells in the fibrogenesis cascade of events. TRPM7, a member of the TRPM (Melastatin) subfamily, is a non-selective cation channel, which permeates both Ca2+ and Mg2+. Here we demonstrated TRPM7 expression in CFs, and 2-APB (TRPM7 inhibitor), inhibited Ang II-induced CTGF, α-SMA expression and CFs proliferation. Besides, knocking down TRPM7 by shRNA, we proved that TRPM7 mediated both calcium and magnesium changes in cardiac fibroblasts which contribute to fibrosis progress. This study suggested that TRPM7 should play a pivotal role in cardiac fibroblast functions associated to cardiac fibrosis development.  相似文献   

Human neutrophils constitutively express a unique combination of FcγRs, namely FcγRIIa and FcγRIIIb. Numerous lines of evidence support the concept that these FcγRs generate only partially characterized intracellular signals. However, despite the fact that both receptors are likely to be engaged simultaneously in a physiological setting, no recent publications have investigated the distinct, although partially convergent, results of their joint activation in IgG-dependent responses. To examine the significance of the co-expression of FcγRIIa and FcγRIIIb on human neutrophils, we analyzed the neutrophil responses to stimuli that engage these FcγRs, namely the phagocytosis of human IgG-opsonized zymosan and the responses to heat-aggregated IgGs. Blocking antibodies to either FcγR significantly decreased the phagocytic index and the stimulated production of superoxide anions. Both receptors are required for optimal IgG-dependent responses by human neutrophils. On the other hand, only blocking antibodies to FcγRIIIb, but not to FcγRIIa, inhibited the mobilization of calcium in response to heat-aggregated IgGs. Furthermore, phagocytosis of IgG-opsonized zymosan by human neutrophils required an extracellular influx of calcium that was blocked only by antibodies against FcγRIIIb. We also observed that this calcium influx as well as the IgG-dependent phagocytosis were dependent on the integrity of the plasma membrane detergent-resistant microdomains to which both isoforms were recruited following stimulation by heat-aggregated IgGs. These data clarify the mechanisms that regulate the FcγRs constitutively expressed on human neutrophils, describe a specific contribution of FcγRIIIb at the level of the mobilization of calcium, and provide evidence for a crucial role of detergent-resistant microdomains in this process.  相似文献   

Ca2+ oscillations are a hallmark of mammalian fertilization and play a central role in the activation of development. The calcium required for these oscillations is primarily derived from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), which accumulates in clusters at the microvillar subcortex during oocyte maturation. The migration of the ER to the cortex during maturation is thought to play an important role in rendering the ER competent to generate the calcium transients, and the redistribution of ER is believed to be primarily mediated by microtubules and microfilaments. We have previously shown that the oocyte- and early embryo-restricted maternal effect gene Mater (Nlrp5) localizes to, and is required for, formation of the oocyte cytoplasmic lattices, a tubulin-containing structure that appears to play an important role in organelle positioning and distribution during oocyte maturation. Given these observations, we hypothesized that Mater may also be required for ER redistribution and Ca2+ homeostasis in oocytes. To test this hypothesis, we first investigated ER localization in metaphase-II Matertm/tm (hypomorph) oocytes and found ER clusters to be less abundant at the microvillar cortex when compared to wild type oocytes. To examine the potential mechanisms by which MATER mediates ER redistribution, we tested whether tubulin expression levels and localization were affected in the mutant oocytes and found that the Triton-insoluble fraction of tubulin was significantly decreased in Matertm/tm oocytes. To identify potential functional defects associated with these ER abnormalities, we next set out to investigate if the pattern of Ca2+ oscillations was altered in Matertm/tm oocytes after fertilization in vitro. Intriguingly, Ca2+ oscillations in Matertm/tm oocytes exhibited a significantly lower first peak amplitude and a higher frequency when compared to wild type oocytes. We then found that the Ca2+ oscillation defect in Matertm/tm oocytes was likely caused by a reduced amount of Ca2+ in the ER stores. Taken together, these observations support the hypothesis that MATER is required for ER distribution and Ca2+ homeostasis in oocytes, likely due to defects in lattice-mediated ER positioning and/or redistribution.  相似文献   

Development of metastasis causes the most serious clinical consequences of cancer and is responsible for over 90 % of cancer-related deaths. Hence, a better understanding of the mechanisms that drive metastasis formation appears critical for drug development designed to prevent the spread of cancer and related mortality. Metastasis dissemination is a multistep process supported by the increased motility and invasiveness capacities of tumor cells. To succeed in overcoming the mechanical constraints imposed by the basement membrane and surrounding tissues, cancer cells reorganize their focal adhesions or extend acto-adhesive cellular protrusions, called invadosomes, that can both contact the extracellular matrix and tune its degradation through metalloprotease activity. Over the last decade, accumulating evidence has demonstrated that altered Ca2+ channel activities and/or expression promote tumor cell-specific phenotypic changes, such as exacerbated migration and invasion capacities, leading to metastasis formation. While several studies have addressed the molecular basis of Ca2+ channel-dependent cancer cell migration, we are still far from having a comprehensive vision of the Ca2+ channel-regulated mechanisms of migration/invasion. This is especially true regarding the specific context of invadosome-driven invasion. This review aims to provide an overview of the current evidence supporting a central role for Ca2+ channel-dependent signaling in the regulation of these dynamic degradative structures. It will present available data on the few Ca2+ channels that have been studied in that specific context and discuss some potential interesting actors that have not been fully explored yet.  相似文献   

It is often observed in intracellular Ca2+ imaging experiments that the amplitudes of the Ca2+ signals elicited by newly characterized TRP agonists do not correlate with the amplitudes of the responses evoked subsequently by a specific potent agonist. We investigated this rather controversial phenomenon by first testing whether it is inherent to the comparison of the effects of weak and strong stimuli. Using five well-characterized TRP channel agonists in commonly used heterologous expression systems we found that the correlation between the amplitudes of the Ca2+ signals triggered by two sequentially applied stimuli is only high when both stimuli are strong. Using mathematical simulations of intracellular Ca2+ dynamics we illustrate that the innate heterogeneity in expression and functional properties of Ca2+ extrusion (e.g. plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase) and influx (TRP channels) pathways across a cellular population is a sufficient condition for low correlation between the amplitude of Ca2+ signals elicited by weak and strong stimuli. Taken together, our data demonstrate that this phenomenon is an expected outcome of intracellular Ca2+ imaging experiments that cannot be taken as evidence for lack of specificity of low-efficacy stimuli, or as an indicator of the need of other cellular components for channel stimulation.  相似文献   

The control of microtubule and actin-mediated events that direct the physical arrangement and separation of chromosomes during meiosis is critical since failure to maintain chromosome organization can lead to germ cell aneuploidy. Our previous studies demonstrated a role for FYN tyrosine kinase in chromosome and spindle organization and in cortical polarity of the mature mammalian oocyte. In addition to Fyn, mammalian oocytes express the protein tyrosine kinase Fer at high levels relative to other tissues. The objective of the present study was to determine the function of this kinase in the oocyte. Feline encephalitis virus (FES)-related kinase (FER) protein was uniformly distributed in the ooplasm of small oocytes, but became concentrated in the germinal vesicle (GV) during oocyte growth. After germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), FER associated with the metaphase-I (MI) and metaphase-II (MII) spindles. Suppression of Fer expression by siRNA knockdown in GV stage oocytes did not prevent activation of cyclin dependent kinase 1 activity or chromosome condensation during in vitro maturation, but did arrest oocytes prior to GVBD or during MI. The resultant phenotype displayed condensed chromosomes trapped in the GV, or condensed chromosomes poorly arranged in a metaphase plate but with an underdeveloped spindle microtubule structure or chromosomes compacted into a tight sphere. The results demonstrate that FER kinase plays a critical role in oocyte meiotic spindle microtubule dynamics and may have an additional function in GVBD.  相似文献   

In the oocytes of many animals, the germinal vesicle (GV) relocates from the center to the periphery of the oocyte upon meiosis reinitiation, which is a prerequisite to the formation of meiotic spindles beneath the cell surface in order for meiosis to succeed. In the present study, we have investigated nuclear positioning using sea-cucumber oocytes. Upon meiosis reinitiation, the GV relocates to the cell periphery beneath a surface protuberance. After GV breakdown, polar bodies were extruded from the top of the protuberance, which we therefore called the animal pole process. The GV relocation was inhibited by nocodazole but not by cytochalasin. Immunofluorescent staining and electron microscopy of microtubular arrays revealed that: (i) in immature oocytes, two centrosomes were situated beneath the animal pole process far apart from the GV, anchoring to the cortex via astral microtubules; (ii) upon meiosis reinitiation, microtubular bundles were newly formed between the centrosomes and the GV; and (iii) the microtubular bundles became short as GV migration proceeded. These observations suggest that microtubules and centrosomes participate in GV relocation. A very large mass of annulate lamellae, having a 20-microm diameter, was found in the vegetal pole of the oocytes.  相似文献   

Oocyte cryopreservation in carnivores can significantly improve assisted reproductive technologies in animal breeding and preservation programs for endangered species. However, the cooling process severely affects the integrity and the survival of the oocyte after thawing and may irreversibly compromise its subsequent developmental capability.In the present study, two different methods of oocyte cryopreservation, slow freezing and vitrification, were evaluated in order to assess which of them proved more suitable for preserving the functional coupling with cumulus cells as well as nuclear and cytoplasmic competence after warming of immature feline oocytes.From a total of 422 cumulus enclosed oocytes (COCs) obtained from queens after ovariectomy, 137 were stored by vitrification in open pulled straws, 147 by slow freezing and 138 untreated oocytes were used as controls. Immediately after collection and then after warming, functional coupling was assessed by lucifer yellow injection and groups of fresh and cryopreserved oocytes were fixed to analyze tubulin and actin distribution, and chromatin organization. Finally, COCs cryopreserved with both treatments were matured in vitro after warming. In most cases, oocytes cryopreserved by slow freezing showed a cytoskeletal distribution similar to control oocytes, while the process of vitrification induced a loss of organization of cytoskeletal elements. The slow freezing protocol ensured a significantly higher percentage of COCs with functionally open and partially open communications (37.2 vs. 19.0) and higher maturational capability (32.5 vs. 14.1) compared to vitrified oocytes. We conclude that although both protocols impaired intercellular junctions, slow freezing represents a suitable method of GV stage cat oocytes banking since it more efficiently preserves the functional coupling with cumulus cells after thawing as well as nuclear and cytoplasmic competence. Further studies are needed to technically overcome the damage induced by the cryopreservation procedures on immature mammalian oocytes.  相似文献   

During meiotic maturation, mammalian oocytes undergo a series of morphological and physiological changes that prepare them for fertilization. Calcium-initiated signaling is thought to trigger these processes. In this study, we examine the spatio-temporal pattern of calcium and calmodulin (CaM), its downstream receptor, in order to investigate their association with meiotic maturation. Intracellular free calcium and activated CaM levels were measured using the fluorescent probes Calcium Green-1 and TA-CaM, respectively. The distribution patterns were examined using confocal microscopy. Both calcium and activated CaM showed a dynamic spatiotemporal distribution during meiotic maturation. After release from IBMX buffer, calcium was found to periodically translocate from the perinuclear region to the germinal vesicle (GV) in 90 s intervals. After 90 min, calcium stopped oscillating and became concentrated within the GV. After a further 60 min, the GV broke down and calcium dispersed into the ooplasm, but calcium levels were slightly lower here than in the original nuclear region. Activated CaM also showed a dynamic patterning process similar to calcium. Taking the data from calcium chelation and CaM inhibition together, our results suggest that the dynamic distribution patterns of calcium and activated CaM are crucial for oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

Specific changes in the two-dimensional gel electrophoretic pattern of mouse oocyte phosphoproteins precede germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). We report that changes in the relative abundance of phosphoamino acids occurred prior to GVBD. We also report data that further strengthen the close association of the changes in phosphoprotein patterns with resumption of meiosis. The calmodulin antagonist W7, which transiently inhibits GVBD, inhibited partially at least two of the maturation-associated phosphoprotein changes, the dephosphorylation of a 60,000 Mr phosphoprotein and the phosphorylation of a 36,000 Mr protein. In oocytes from juvenile mice that were incompetent to resume meiosis, neither these changes nor the phosphorylation of proteins of Mr 24,000 and 28,000 occurred; all these changes occurred, however, in oocytes from juvenile mice that were competent to resume meiosis. The microinjection of the heat-stable inhibitor of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase (PKI), which induces GVBD in fully grown oocytes, did not induce GVBD in meiotically incompetent oocytes. Microinjected PKI did not induce the increased protein phosphorylations associated with maturation, but it did induce the dephosphorylation of the 60,000 Mr phosphoprotein. These results provide molecular markers for commitment to resume meiosis in GV-intact oocytes and indicate a potential basis for meiotic incompetence.  相似文献   

Phenothiazines (PTZ) such as chlorpromazine (CPZ) or trifluoperazine (TPZ) induced a sustained divalent cation-permeable channel activity when applied on either side of inside-out patches or on external side of cell-attached patches of adult rat ventricular myocytes. The percentage of active patches was 20%. In the case of CPZ, the K dof the dose-response curve was 160 m. CPZ-activated channels were potential-independent in the physiological range of membrane potential and were permeable to several divalent ions (Ba2+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+). At least three levels of currents were usually detected with conductances of 23, 50 and 80 pS in symmetrical 96 mm Ba2+ solution and 17, 36 and 61 pS in symmetrical 96 mm Ca2+ solution. Saturation curves corresponding to the three main conductances determined in Ba2+ symmetrical solutions (tonicity compensated with choline-Cl) gave maximum conductances of 36, 81 and 116 pS (with corresponding half-saturating concentration constants of 31.5, 38 and 34.5 mm). The corresponding conductance values were estimated to 1.7, 3.3 and 5.2 pS in symmetrical 1.8 mm Ba2+ and to 1.1, 2.4 and 3.7 pS in symmetrical 1.8 mm Ca2+ (the value in normal Tyrode solution). Channels were poorly permeable to monovalent cations, such as Na, with a P Ba/P Na ratio of 10. A PTZ-induced channel activity similar to that described in cardiac cells was also observed in cultured rat aortic smooth muscle cells but not in cultured neuroblastoma cells.PTZ-activated channels described in cardiac cells appear very similar to the sporadically active divalent ion permeable channels described in a previous paper (Coulombe et al., 1989). Surprisingly, when 100 m CPZ were applied to myocytes studied in the whole-cell configuration, and maintained at a holding potential of –80 mV in the presence of 24 mm external Ca2+ or Ba2+, no detectable macroscopic inward current could be observed, whereas the L-type Ca2+ current triggered by depolarizing pulses was markedly and reversibly reduced. The possible reasons are discussed.  相似文献   

Aging decreases the fertility of mammalian females. In old oocytes at metaphase II stage (MII) there are alterations of the chromatin configuration and chromatin modifications such as histone acetylation. Recent data indicate that alterations of histone acetylation at MII initially arise at germinal vesicle stage (GV). Therefore, we hypothesized that the chromatin configuration and histone methylation could also change in old GV oocytes. In agreement with our hypothesis, young GV oocytes had non-surrounded nucleolus (NSN) and surrounded nucleolus (SN) chromatin configurations, while old GV oocytes also had chromatin configurations that could not be classified as NSN or SN. Regarding histone methylation, young GV and MII oocytes showed dimethylation of lysines 4, 9, 36 and 79 in histone 3 (H3K4me2, H3K9me2, H3K36me2, H3K79me2), lysine 20 in histone H4 (H4K20me2) and trimethylation of lysine 9 in histone 3 (H3K9me3) while a significant percentage of old GV and MII oocytes lacked H3K9me3, H3K36me2, H3K79me2 and H4K20me2. The percentage of old oocytes lacking histone methylation was similar at GV and MII suggesting that alterations of histone methylation in old MII oocytes initially arise at GV. Besides, the expression of the histone methylation-related factors Cbx1 and Sirt1 was also found to change in old GV oocytes. In conclusion, our study reports changes of chromatin configuration and histone methylation in old GV oocytes, which could be very useful for further understanding of human infertility caused by aging.  相似文献   

Pathogen/microbe- or plant-derived signaling molecules (PAMPs/MAMPs/DAMPs) or elicitors induce increases in the cytosolic concentration of free Ca(2+) followed by a series of defense responses including biosynthesis of antimicrobial secondary metabolites called phytoalexins; however, the molecular links and regulatory mechanisms of the phytoalexin biosynthesis remains largely unknown. A putative voltage-gated cation channel, OsTPC1 has been shown to play a critical role in hypersensitive cell death induced by a fungal xylanase protein (TvX) in suspension-cultured rice cells. Here we show that TvX induced a prolonged increase in cytosolic Ca(2+), mainly due to a Ca(2+) influx through the plasma membrane. Membrane fractionation by two-phase partitioning and immunoblot analyses revealed that OsTPC1 is localized predominantly at the plasma membrane. In retrotransposon-insertional Ostpc1 knock-out cell lines harboring a Ca(2+)-sensitive photoprotein, aequorin, TvX-induced Ca(2+) elevation was significantly impaired, which was restored by expression of OsTPC1. TvX-induced production of major diterpenoid phytoalexins and the expression of a series of diterpene cyclase genes involved in phytoalexin biosynthesis were also impaired in the Ostpc1 cells. Whole cell patch clamp analyses of OsTPC1 heterologously expressed in HEK293T cells showed its voltage-dependent Ca(2+)-permeability. These results suggest that OsTPC1 plays a crucial role in TvX-induced Ca(2+) influx as a plasma membrane Ca(2+)-permeable channel consequently required for the regulation of phytoalexin biosynthesis in cultured rice cells.  相似文献   

Gastric cancer is a multifactorial disease associated with a combination of and environmental factors. Each year, one million new gastric cancer cases are diagnosed worldwide and two-thirds end up losing the battle with this devastating disease. Currently, surgery represents the only effective treatment option for patients with early stage tumors. However, the asymptomatic phenotype of this disease during the early stages poses as a significant limiting factor to diagnosis and often renders treatments ineffective. To address these issues, scientists are focusing on personalized medicine and discovering new ways to treat cancer patients. Emerging therapeutic options include the transient receptor potential (TRP) channels. Since their discovery, TRP channels have been shown to contribute significantly to the pathophysiology of various cancers, including gastric cancer. This review will summarize the current knowledge about gastric cancer and provide a synopsis of recent advancements on the role and involvement of TRP channels in gastric cancer as well as a discussion of the benefits of targeting TPR channel in the clinical management of gastric cancer.  相似文献   

Kobayashi M  Sato K 《Human cell》2008,21(1):7-11
We investigated the mitochondrial behavior, localization and heteroplasmy in reconstituted oocytes derived from germinal vesicle (GV) transfers. The karyoplast containing the GV nucleus and the ooplast (enucleated oocyte) were prepared from GV oocytes derived from B6D2F1 mice. Mitochondria in the karyoplast and ooplast were labeled with MitoRed (Dojindo Laboratories, Kummoto, Japan) and MitoTracker Green (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR, USA), respectively. After labeling the mitochondria, the karyoplast and ooplast were paired and fused. The mitochondrial behavior in fused (reconstituted) oocytes during in vitro maturation and preimplantation development were observed using confocal laser-scanning microscopy. In reconstituted oocytes that had reached to the M-II stage, mitochondria localized and concentrated in the hemispherical area of oocytes containing the M-II spindle. We showed that the two types of mitochondria derived from the GV donor and the recipient in reconstituted oocytes exhibit similar behavior to the normal oocyte during meiosis, and that the mitochondrial heteroplasmy of these oocytes did not influence their in vitro maturation and preimplantation development.  相似文献   

Mouse oocytes were cultured in the presence of dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbcAMP) and various agents that affect cytoplasmic calcium concentrations. Treatment that inhibited calcium uptake potentiated the inhibitory effect of dbcAMP and treatments which stimulated cellular calcium uptake overcame the effect of dbcAMP. Elevated extracellular calcium (greater than 10 mM) significantly decreased the inhibitory effect of concentrations of dbcAMP up to 150 microM when compared to control levels of calcium (1.7 mM). In addition, the calcium ionophore A23187 (greater than 1 microM) significantly overcame the effect of dbcAMP in media that contained 1.7 or 20 mM calcium. In the presence of 41 microM-dbcAMP the calcium antagonist verapamil increased (in a dose-dependent fashion) the percentage of oocytes blocked at the germinal vesicle stage, from 21% with 10 microM-verapamil to 99% with 200 microM. A similar dose-dependent, reversible potentiation of the effect of dbcAMP was found with tetracaine, which also lowers cytoplasmic calcium concentrations. These results suggest that a minimum level of cytoplasm calcium is required for the initiation of germinal vesicle breakdown and that the action of dbcAMP is mediated by its effect upon this calcium.  相似文献   

The TRPV4 Ca(2+)-permeable channel is sensitive to mechanical stimuli. In the current study we have employed immunocytochemical staining in kidney slices and functional assessments (Ca(2+) imaging) in isolated, split-opened, tubule segments to define TRPV4 sites of expression and flow-dependent function in the collecting duct system. Staining patterns revealed strong expression of TRPV4 along the entire collecting duct system with highest levels at the apical (luminal)/subapical region of the principal cells (PCs), the dominant cell type, with more diffuse staining in intercalated cells (ICs). Using fluorescence Ca(2+) imaging and the selective TRPV4 agonist, GSK1016790A, we demonstrated functional TRPV4 channels in PCs and ICs of split-opened cortical collecting ducts and connecting tubules. The agonist was ineffective in inducing a rise in [Ca(2+)](i) in the absence of extracellular Ca(2+) or in tubules from TRPV4-deficient animals. Most importantly, a 10-fold elevation in luminal (apical) fluid flow induced a rapid and sustained influx of Ca(2+) that was abolished by the TRPV channel inhibitor, ruthenium red, or in tubules isolated from TRPV4 deficient animals. We concluded that TRPV4 is highly expressed along the entire collecting duct system where it appears to function as a sensor/transducer of flow-induce mechanical stresses.  相似文献   

Mature limpet oocytes arrested at the first metaphase (MI) of meiosis are activated by the stimulation of fertilizing sperm. The aim of the present study was to clarify the spatiotemporal property and mechanism of intracellular Ca2+ increase in limpet oocytes, which is a prerequisite signal for initiation of development at fertilization. In all of the five limpet species tested, the initial Ca2+ rising phase just after fertilization took the form of a centripetal Ca2+ wave spreading from the whole cortex to the center (cortical flash), yielding a homogeneous Ca2+ elevation throughout the oocyte. The Ca2+ level remained high during the subsequent plateau phase lasting for several minutes and then returned nearly to the original value. No additional Ca2+ increase followed the plateau phase at least by the time of first cleavage. Both rising and plateau phases of Ca2+ increase at fertilization were inhibited by removal of external Ca2+, suggesting that continuous Ca2+ entry occurs throughout the Ca2+ increase. Injection of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) was effective in generating a Ca2+ increase in mature limpet oocytes arrested at MI; however, their ability to show an IP3-induced Ca2+ increase was extremely low, as compared with other animals. Responsiveness to IP3 injection in immature oocytes arrested at the first prophase (PI) was similar to that in the mature oocytes, suggesting that the IP3-induced Ca2+ release system does not develop during the process of meiotic maturation in limpet oocytes. Caffeine, cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose (cADPR), and nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP), the agents known to stimulate internal Ca2+ release mechanisms distinct from an IP3-dependent pathway, had no effect on intracellular Ca2+ changes in mature limpet oocytes. Labeling of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) with DiI revealed that cortical ER clusters are only present in the localized region around meiotic chromosomes in mature oocytes. These data strongly suggest that Ca2+ release and its propagating mechanisms are undeveloped in limpet oocytes and that Ca2+ influx is the only Ca2+-mobilizing system available and functioning at fertilization.  相似文献   

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