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The trematode Schistosoma mansoni is a causative agent of schistosomiasis, the second most common parasitic disease of humans after malaria. Calcium homeostasis and calcium-mediated signalling pathways are of particular interest in this species. The drug of choice for treating schistosomiasis, praziquantel, disrupts the regulation of calcium uptake and there is interest in exploiting calcium-mediated processes for future drug discovery. Calmodulin is a calcium sensing protein, present in most eukaryotes. It is a critical regulator of processes as diverse as muscle contraction, cell division and, partly through interaction with voltage-gated calcium channels, intra-cellular calcium concentrations. S. mansoni expresses two highly similar calmodulins – SmCaM1 and SmCaM2. Both proteins interact with calcium, manganese, cadmium (II), iron (II) and lead ions in native gel electrophoresis. These ions also cause conformational changes in the proteins resulting in the exposure of a more hydrophobic surface (as demonstrated by anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate fluorescence assays). The proteins are primarily dimeric in the absence of calcium ions, but monomeric in the presence of this ion. Both SmCaM1 and SmCaM2 interact with a peptide corresponding to an IQ-motif derived from the α-subunit of the voltage-gated calcium channel SmCav1B (residues 1923–1945). Both proteins bound with slightly higher affinity in the presence of calcium ions. However, there was no difference between the affinities of the two proteins for the peptide. This interaction could be antagonised by chlorpromazine and trifluoperazine, but not praziquantel or thiamylal. Interestingly no interaction could be detected with the other three IQ-motifs identified in S. mansoni voltage-gated ion calcium channels.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated ion channels (VGCs) mediate selective diffusion of ions across cell membranes to enable many vital cellular processes. Three-dimensional structure data are lacking for VGC proteins; hence, to better understand their function, there is a need to identify the conserved motifs using sequence analysis methods. In this study, we have used a profile-to-profile alignment method to identify several new conserved motifs specific to each transmembrane segment (TMS) of the voltage-sensing and the pore-forming modules of Ca2+, Na+, and K+ channel subfamilies. For Ca2+ and Na+, the functional theme of motif conservation is similar in all segments while they differ with those of the K+ channel proteins. Nevertheless, the conservation is strikingly similar in the S4 segment of the voltage-sensing module across all subfamilies. In each subfamily and for each TMS, we have identified conserved motifs/residues and correlated their functional significance and disease associations in human, using mutational data from the literature.  相似文献   

To identify sequence-specific motifs associated with the formation of an ionic pore, we systematically evaluated the channel-forming activity of synthetic peptides with sequence of predicted transmembrane segments of the voltage-gated calcium channel. The amino acid sequence of voltage-gated, dihydropyridine (DHP)-sensitive calcium channels suggests the presence in each of four homologous repeats (I-IV) of six segments (S1-S6) predicted to form membrane-spanning, alpha-helical structures. Only peptides representing amphipathic segments S2 or S3 form channels in lipid bilayers. To generate a functional calcium channel based on a four-helix bundle motif, four-helix bundle proteins representing IVS2 (T4CaIVS2) or IVS3 (T4CaIVS3) were synthesized. Both proteins form cation-selective channels, but with distinct characteristics: the single-channel conductance in 50 mM BaCl2 is 3 pS and 10 pS. For T4CaIVS3, the conductance saturates with increasing concentration of divalent cation. The dissociation constants for Ba2+, Ca2+, and Sr2+ are 13.6 mM, 17.7 mM, and 15.0 mM, respectively. The conductance of T4CaIVS2 does not saturate up to 150 mM salt. Whereas T4CaIVS3 is blocked by microM Ca2+ and Cd2+, T4CaIVS2 is not blocked by divalent cations. Only T4CaIVS3 is modulated by enantiomers of the DHP derivative BayK 8644, demonstrating sequence requirement for specific drug action. Thus, only T4CaIVS3 exhibits pore properties characteristic also of authentic calcium channels. The designed functional calcium channel may provide insights into fundamental mechanisms of ionic permeation and drug action, information that may in turn further our understanding of molecular determinants underlying authentic pore structures.  相似文献   

Calcium-binding protein 1 (CaBP1) regulates inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (InsP3Rs) and a variety of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in the brain. We report complete NMR chemical shift assignments of Ca2+-free CaBP1 (residues 1–167, BMRB no. 15197).  相似文献   

Calcium-binding protein 1 (CaBP1) regulates inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (InsP3Rs) and a variety of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in the brain. We report complete NMR chemical shift assignments of Ca2+-bound CaBP1 (residues 1–167, BMRB no. 15623).  相似文献   

The parasitic flatworm ion channel, TRPMPZQ, is a non-selective cation channel that mediates Ca2+ entry and membrane depolarization when activated by the anthelmintic drug, praziquantel (PZQ). TRPMPZQ is conserved in all platyhelminth genomes scrutinized to date, with the sensitivity of TRPMPZQ in any particular flatworm correlating with the overall sensitivity of the worm to PZQ. Conservation of this channel suggests it plays a role in flatworm physiology, but the nature of the endogenous cues that activate this channel are currently unknown. Here, we demonstrate that TRPMPZQ is activated in a ligand-independent manner by membrane stretch, with the electrophysiological signature of channel opening events being identical whether evoked by negative pressure, or by PZQ. TRPMPZQ is therefore a multimodal ion channel gated by both physical and chemical cues. The mechanosensitivity of TRPMPZQ is one route for endogenous activation of this ion channel that holds relevance for schistosome physiology given the persistent pressures and mechanical cues experienced throughout the parasite life cycle.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM), the primary intracellular Ca2+ receptor, regulates a large number of key enzymes and controls a wide spectrum of important biological responses. Recognition between CaM and its target sequence in rat olfactory cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel (OLFp) was investigated by circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence, and NMR spectroscopy. Fluorescence data showed the OLFp tightly bound to CaM with a dissociation constant of 12?nM in a 1:1 stoichiometry. Far-UV CD data showed that approximately 60% of OLFp residues formed α-helical structures when associated with CaM. NMR data showed that most of the 15N–1H HSQC cross-peaks of the 15N-labeled CaM not only shifted but also split into two sets of peaks upon association with the OLFp. Our data indicated that the two distinct CaM/OLFp complexes existed simultaneously with stable structures that were not interexchangeable within the NMR time scale. In light of the palindromic sequence of OLFp (FQRIVRLVGVIRDW) for CaM targeting, we proposed that the helical OLFp with C2 symmetry may bind to CaM in two orientations. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that only one set of 15N–1H HSQC cross-peaks of the 15N-labeled CaM was detected upon association with OLFp-M13 chimeric peptide (OLFMp), a mutated OLFp lacking the palindromic feature. The binding specificity of OLFMp to CaM was restored when the palindromic feature was destroyed. Binding modes of CaM/OLFp and CaM/OLFMp simulated by molecular docking were in accord with their distinct patterns observed in HSQC spectra. Our studies suggest that the palindromic residues in OLFp are crucial for the orientation-specific recognition by CaM.  相似文献   

The newly discovered human voltage-gated proton channel Hv1 is essential for proton transfer, which contains a voltage sensor domain (VSD) without a pore domain. We report here for the first time that Hv1 is specifically expressed in the highly metastatic human breast tumor tissues, but not in poorly metastatic breast cancer tissues, detected by immunohistochemistry. Meanwhile, real-time RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry showed that the expression levels of Hv1 have significant differences among breast cancer cell lines, MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-468, MDA-MB-453, T-47D and SK-BR-3, in which Hv1 is expressed at a high level in highly metastatic human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231, but at a very low level in poorly metastatic human breast cancer cell line MCF-7. Inhibition of Hv1 expression in the highly metastatic MDA-MB-231 cells by small interfering RNA (siRNA) significantly decreases the invasion and migration of the cells. The intracellular pH of MDA-MB-231 cells down-regulated Hv1 expression by siRNA is obviously decreased compared with MDA-MB-231 with the scrambled siRNA. The expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and gelatinase activity in MDA-MB-231 cells suppressed Hv1 by siRNA were reduced. Our results strongly suggest that Hv1 regulates breast cancer intracellular pH and exacerbates the migratory ability of metastatic cells.  相似文献   

Elicitor-triggered transient membrane potential changes and Ca2+ influx through the plasma membrane are thought to be important during defense signaling in plants. However, the molecular bases for the Ca2+ influx and its regulation remain largely unknown. Here we tested effects of overexpression as well as retrotransposon (Tos17)-insertional mutagenesis of the rice two-pore channel 1 (OsTPC1), a putative voltage-gated Ca(2+)-permeable channel, on a proteinaceous fungal elicitor-induced defense responses in rice cells. The overexpressor showed enhanced sensitivity to the elicitor to induce oxidative burst, activation of a mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), OsMPK2, as well as hypersensitive cell death. On the contrary, a series of defense responses including the cell death and activation of the MAPK were severely suppressed in the insertional mutant, which was complemented by overexpression of the wild-type gene. These results suggest that the putative Ca(2+)-permeable channel determines sensitivity to the elicitor and plays a role as a key regulator of elicitor-induced defense responses, activation of MAPK cascade and hypersensitive cell death.  相似文献   

The tetraspanins (TSPs) are a family of integral membrane proteins that are ubiquitously expressed at the surface of eukaryotic cells. TSPs mediate a range of processes at the surface of the plasma membrane by providing a scaffold for the assembly of protein complexes known as tetraspanin-enriched microdomains (TEMs). We report here the structure of the surface-exposed EC2 domain from Sm-TSP-2, a TSP from Schistosoma mansoni and one of the better prospects for the development of a vaccine against schistosomiasis. This is the first solution structure of this domain, and our investigations of its interactions with lipid micelles provide a general model for interactions between TSPs, membranes, and other proteins. Using chemical cross-linking, eight potential protein constituents of Sm-TSP-2-mediated TEMs were also identified. These include proteins important for membrane maintenance and repair, providing further evidence for the functional role of Sm-TSP-2- and Sm-TSP-2-mediated TEMs. The identification of calpain, Sm29, and fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, themselves potential vaccine antigens, suggests that the Sm-TSP-2-mediated TEMs could be disrupted via multiple targets. The identification of further Sm-TSP-2-mediated TEM proteins increases the available candidates for multiplex vaccines and/or novel drugs targeting TEMs in the schistosome tegument.  相似文献   

David T. Yue was a renowned biophysicist who dedicated his life to the study of Ca2+ signaling in cells. In the wake of his passing, we are left not only with a feeling of great loss, but with a tremendous and impactful body of work contributed by a remarkable man. David's research spanned the spectrum from atomic structure to organ systems, with a quantitative rigor aimed at understanding the fundamental mechanisms underlying biological function. Along the way he developed new tools and approaches, enabling not only his own research but that of his contemporaries and those who will come after him. While we cannot hope to replicate the eloquence and style we are accustomed to in David's writing, we nonetheless undertake a review of David's chosen field of study with a focus on many of his contributions to the calcium channel field.  相似文献   

Calcium flux through store-operated calcium entry is a central regulator of intracellular calcium signaling. The two key components of the store-operated calcium release-activated calcium channel are the Ca2+-sensing protein stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) and the channel pore-forming protein Orai1. During store-operated calcium entry activation, calcium depletion from the endoplasmic reticulum triggers a series of conformational changes in STIM1 that unmask a minimal Orai1-activating domain (CRAC activation region (CAD)). To gate Orai1 channels, the exposed STIM1-activating domain binds to two sites in Orai1, one in the N terminus and one in the C terminus. Whether the two sites operate as distinct binding domains or cooperate in CAD binding is unknown. In this study, we show that the N and C-terminal domains of Orai1 synergistically contribute to the interaction with STIM1 and couple STIM1 binding with channel gating and modulation of ion selectivity.  相似文献   

The Orai family of calcium channels includes the store-operated CRAC channels and store-independent, arachidonic acid (AA)-regulated ARC channels. Both depend on STIM1 for their activation but, whereas CRAC channel activation involves sensing the depletion of intracellular calcium stores via a luminal N terminal EF-hand of STIM1 in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane, ARC channels are exclusively activated by the pool of STIM1 that constitutively resides in the plasma membrane (PM). Here, the EF-hand is extracellular and unlikely to ever lose its bound calcium, suggesting that STIM1-dependent activation of ARC channels is very different from that of CRAC channels. We now show that attachment of the cytosolic portion of STIM1 to the inner face of the PM via an N terminal Lck-domain sequence is sufficient to enable normal AA-dependent activation of ARC channels, while failing to allow activation of store-operated CRAC channels. Introduction of a point mutation within the Lck-domain resulted in the loss of both PM localization and ARC channel activation. Reversing the orientation of the PM-anchored STIM1 C terminus via a C-terminal CAAX-box fails to support either CRAC or ARC channel activation. Finally, the Lck-anchored STIM1 C-terminal domain also enabled the exclusive activation of the ARC channels following physiological agonist addition. These data demonstrate that simple tethering of the cytosolic C-terminal domain of STIM1 to the inner face of the PM is sufficient to allow the full, normal and exclusive activation of ARC channels, and that the N-terminal regions of STIM1 (including the EF-hand domain) play no significant role in this activation.  相似文献   

Y W Kwon  D J Triggle 《Chirality》1991,3(5):393-404
Ion channels may be considered as pharmacological receptors possessing specific drug binding sites with defined structure-activity relationships. Accordingly drug binding to ion channels is stereoselective. Interpretation of this stereoselectivity may be complex because of the existence of differences in affinity and access to different channel states. Such state-dependent interactions may give rise to quantitative and qualitative differences in stereoselectivity. The implications of such differences are reviewed for drug action at Na+, K+ and Ca2+ channels. Detailed attention is paid to the actions of verapamil enantiomers in the cardiovascular system where activities differ in vascular and cardiac tissues because of state-dependent interactions and stereoselective first-oass metabolism.  相似文献   

Sphingomonas sp. A1 possesses a high molecular mass (average 25,700 Da) alginate uptake system mediated by a novel pit-dependent ABC transporter. The X-ray crystallographic structure of AlgQ2 (57,200 Da), an alginate-binding protein in the system, was determined by the multiple isomorphous replacement method and refined at 2.0 A resolution with a final R-factor of 18.3% for 15 to 2.0 A resolution data. The refined structure of AlgQ2 was comprised of 492 amino acid residues, 172 water molecules, and one calcium ion. AlgQ2 was composed of two globular domains with a deep cleft between them, which is expected to be the alginate-binding site. The overall structure is basically similar to that of maltose/maltodextrin-binding protein, except for the presence of an N2-subdomain. The entire calcium ion-binding site is similar to the site in the EF-hand motif, but comprises a ten residue loop. This calcium ion-binding site is about 40 A away from the alginate-binding site.  相似文献   

When male Schistosoma mansoni were incubated in a Ca2+-free medium their responsiveness to the contracture inducing agents, praziquantel (PZ), dinitrophenol (DNP), 60 mM K+ (high K+), ouabain, and low temperature, was rapidly attenuated. After 5 min in a zero Ca2+ medium the responsiveness to PZ was reduced by 60% but a residual response of 20% remained even after 40 min in a calcium-free medium. The contracture induced by ouabain or low temperature was totally lost within 1 min exposure to a zero Ca2+ medium. The efflux of 45Ca2+ from parasites incubated in a medium containing no Ca2+ closely parallels the drop in responsiveness of their musculature to high K+, DNP, and PZ. The total amount of Ca2+ in the parasite was reduced by only 30% after 60 min in zero Ca2+ medium. A relatively rapid exponential decline in muscle tension was noted when parasites, previously treated with PZ, high K+, or DNP, were transferred to a medium containing these agents but with no Ca2+. Parasites that had been contracted with ouabain or low temperature showed no significant relaxation 16 min after transfer to a zero Ca2+ medium. The 45Ca2+ efflux from worms bathed in zero Ca2+ medium was not significantly altered by the presence of ouabain. These results suggest the presence of active Ca2+ transport at the level of the parasites' muscle membranes.  相似文献   

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