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Details of inflorescence, floral, and fruit morphology have been studied in more than 120 species of Asiatic and American Quercus. Of the two subgenera, subgenus Cyclobalanopsis has fewer species but greater diversity of reproductive morphology than subgenus Quercus. Some character states of subgenus Cyclobalanopsis, such as more numerous stamens, male flowers sometimes grouped in dichasia, abortive ovules well developed, prominent intrusive septae in the nut, and lamellate cupules, are shared with Lithocarpus. The diversity of cupular sizes, coverage, and ornamentation raises questions about the adaptive nature, ecological function, and phylogeny of the cupule, which clearly has by now evolved as a structure with its own qualities.  相似文献   

Fagus (beech) is among the most abundant and economically important genera of broad-leaved trees in northern hemisphere temperate forests. The number of modern taxa present in Europe and Asia Minor has long been a matter of debate and up to five species have been recognised. To resolve taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships we conducted morphological and molecular genetic analyses in western Eurasiatic taxa and evaluated palaeontological evidence. To place our findings from western Eurasiatic populations in a broader context additional East Asiatic and North American species of the same subgenus Fagus as well as two species of the subgenus Engleriana were included in our study. The morphological features exhibited in western Eurasiatic populations of Fagus show a west-east gradient that is characterised by strongly overlapping variability between geographical races. Fagus populations from Asia Minor exhibit an even higher variability that is also reflected in their genetic variability of nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. The intraspecific genetic variability recorded here is in conflict with previous ITS studies in Fagus. The high amount of ITS polymorphism within Fagus from western Eurasia along with the clinal variation observed for morphological characters suggest the presence of only a single species, Fagus sylvatica L., in Europe and Asia Minor. Previously recognised taxa such as F. orientalis Lipsky and Fagus moesiaca (Maly) Czeczott should therefore be treated as synonyms of Fagus sylvatica. Although species belonging to the subgenus Engleriana were genetically distinct from species of the subgenus Fagus, relationships within the subgenus Fagus could not be clearly resolved. A reason for this could be the low rate of diversification in Fagus during the early phase of range expansion of the genus in the Oligocene period as indicated by the uniformity of leaf and cupule/nut fossils. This may account for the low overall ITS divergence and the high degree of polymorphism encountered in the subgenus Fagus and points to a late differentiation of western Eurasiatic and eastern Asiatic species. Area disruptions during the Pleistocene and the post-glacial recolonisation of western Europe appear to have caused the west-east gradient that is apparent in modern Fagus of western Eurasia but absent in Late Tertiary ancestors of Fagus sylvatica. Received June 22, 2001 Accepted February 25, 2002  相似文献   

The inflorescence of Fagus is generally considered to be a determinate one, i.e., an axillary dichasium, in contrast to those of most genera in the family, which are indeterminate, dichasial, or simple catkins. To understand the relationship between the two types, ontogenetic development of the inflorescence of Fagus crenata was investigated. The early developmental stages are similar in both the male and the female inflorescences. At first, the inflorescence is oval-shaped, then a swelling forms at the distal side of it. Subsequently, another swelling forms at the proximal side. The more or less conspicuous residual part of the primary inflorescence axis remains between the two swellings. The inflorescence becomes heart-shaped and the first flower forms at the summit of each swelling. Subsequently, higher-ordered flowers form dichasially in the male inflorescence, and the cupule valves differentiate in the female one. This organogenetic manner suggests that the inflorescence of Fagus is an indeterminate one, consisting of two dichasia arranged alternately on the primary axis. The scale leaves surrounding the inflorescence were also given a new interpretation. They were considered to be stipules of the bracts, because sometimes they constitute a continuous structure, together with an inconspicuous swelling between them. A proliferous-type monstrous cupule was interpreted as supporting evidence for the hypothesis.  相似文献   

The fagaceous genus Trigonobalanus as recently treated includes 3 species, two in Malaysia and Southeast Asia and a single species in Colombia, South America. Character analysis suggests that the genus as currently circumscribed is paraphyletic, without synapomorphies to unite the three species. Each of the three species is a morphologically distinct relict of a group that probably was ancestral to the modern genera Quercus and Fagus. Each of the three species also has at least one autapomorphy which is unique within Fagaceae. Analysis of cupule morphology in Fagaceae provides an interpretation of evolution in cupules which differs substantially from Forman's interpretation. We interpret trigonobalanoid cupules as indicative of an ancestral type of inflorescence within Fagaceae. This inflorescence type is a dichasial structure in which the outermost axes are cupular valves, but the degree of branching and subsequent number of fruits are variable. Following this model, a strict relationship exists between valve number and fruit number as seen in cupules of Trigonobalanus (valves = fruits + 1). Fossil evidence is consistent with our interpretation of the phylogenetic position of the trigonobalanoids. We propose to segregate the three species of Trigonobalanus as three monotypic genera; two of these require names which we provide here: Formanodendron and Colombobalanus.  相似文献   

The circumtropical but preponderantly American genus Dalechampia, comprising nearly 100 species of twining vines (or rarely subshrubs), is strikingly isolated within the Euphorbiaceae because of its distinctive bibracteate inflorescences. There has been considerable taxonomic controversy with regard to the relationships of the genus, and it has been suggested that Dalechampia is allied to the tribe Euphorbieae because of a supposed analogy between its inflorescence and the cyathium in the Euphorbieae. Field and laboratory investigations of the common American species D. scandens, together with a comparative survey of related species, have thrown some light on these problems. The Dalechampia inflorescence seems best interpreted as consisting of a terminal staminate pleiochasium (with part of the lateral branches transformed for nectar production), juxtaposed to a 3-flowered pistillate cyme. The lips of the conspicuous bilabiate involucre are formed by the hypertrophied bracts which subtend the staminate and pistillate cymes. The bisexual inflorescences appear to be distinctly proterogynous, rather than proterandrous, as has been previously suggested. The configuration of the inflorescence—a bilaterally symmetrical pseudanthium—suggests adaptation for crosspollination, but the closing movement of the bracts makes self-pollination probable in the absence of visits by pollinators. The similarity of the Dalechampia inflorescence to the cyathium of the Euphorbieae appears to be entirely superficial, and both reproductive and vegetative data suggest that Dalechampia is related to taxa of tribe Plukenetieae.  相似文献   

Sex differential nectar production, floral longevity and pollinator foraging were examined in Lobelia cardinalis, a self-compatible, protandrous species that is hummingbird pollinated. The staminate phase of the flowers lasts significantly longer and produces significantly more nectar (total sugar) per day than the pistillate phase of the flowers. Additional pollen is presented throughout the staminate phase. Because inflorescences of L. cardinalis mature acropetally, the nectar reward on any given day is greatest at the top of the inflorescence (where staminate phase flowers are located). Hummingbirds appear to be sensitive to this pattern of nectar presentation as they most commonly began foraging in the middle of an inflorescence and proceeded upward. This foraging pattern tends to promote outcrossing and suggests that staminate phase flowers are visited more often than pistillate phase flowers. We conclude that L. cardinalis emphasizes the male function at anthesis. Others have hypothesized that the features of this species are a logical consequence of intrasexual selection, but further research is needed before we place great confidence in a sexual selection interpretation of our data.  相似文献   

Ledermanniella (c. 44 species) is the largest podostemoid genus in Africa. This paper deals with the structure and development of the Ghanaian species Ledermanniella bowlingii (J.B. Hall) C. Cusset (subgenus Ledermanniella). Characters typical for L. bowlingii include: green ribbon-like roots with exogenous lateral roots and endogenous shoots up to 120 cm; most leaves 3–7 times forked, with intrapetiolar stipules; flowers solitary or in clusters, borne on elongate stems or directly on roots; each flower bud inverted within a spathella; flowers unistaminate; tricolpate pollen in dyads; ovary mainly unilocular but bilocular at the base due to a rudimentary septum; mature capsule with eight ribs, 1.0–1.8 mm long, containing 12–34 seeds, dehiscing by two equal valves; capsule stalk with pedicel (10 mm) and gynophore (2 mm); silica bodies absent in all plant parts. Several characters of L. bowlingii are described here for the first time. The paper shows that accurate morphological analyses of African Podostemaceae are badly needed. Received September 30, 2002; accepted November 20, 2002 Published online: March 24, 2003  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):207-208
该文描述了自缅甸北部发现的荨麻科楼梯草属一新种,克钦楼梯草。此种在体态上与骤尖楼梯草甚为相似,与后者的区别在于本种的每一茎节具正常叶和一退化叶,托叶狭披针状条形和无脉,雌总苞苞片无角状突起,雌小苞片较大,呈楔状长圆形,雌花具一小花被片,以及雌蕊具一宽倒卵球形柱头。  相似文献   

 DNA fingerprinting verified hybrid plants obtained by crossing Eastern gamagrass, Tripsacum dactyloides L., and perennial teosinte, Zea diploperennis Iltis, Doebley & R. Guzmán. Pistillate inflorescences on these hybrids exhibit characteristics intermediate to the key morphological traits that differentiate domesticated maize from its wild relatives: (1) a pair of female spikelets in each cupule; (2) exposed kernels not completely covered by the cupule and outer glumes; (3) a rigid, non-shattering rachis; (4) a polystichous ear. RFLP analysis was employed to investigate the possibility that traits of domesticated maize were derived from hybridization between perennial teosinte and Tripsacum. Southern blots of restriction digested genomic DNA of parent plants, F1, and F2 progeny from two different crosses were probed with RFLP markers specifically associated with changes in pistillate inflorescence architecture that signal maize domestication. Pairwise analysis of restriction patterns showed traits considered missing links in the origin of maize correlate with alleles derived from Tripsacum, and the same alleles are stably inherited in second generation progeny from crosses between Tripsacum and perennial teosinte. Received: 11 October 1996/Accepted:8 November 1996  相似文献   

Manning , Wayne E. (Bucknell U., Lewisburg, Pa.) Branched pistillate inflorescences in Juglans and Carya. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(9): 975–977. Illus. 1962.—One or 2 clusters of abortive pistillate flowers or of short, slender branches of abortive perfect flowers are occasionally found at the base of the terminal pistillate spike in certain species of Juglans and Carya. These make the pistillate inflorescence a branched one, essentially a small panicle. These flower clusters and special branches are considered to be due to the retention of a primitive condition, probably a pre-juglandaceous one.  相似文献   

小叶桦花序生长物候及其生态适应意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄刚  阎平  杜珍珠  曹婷  徐文斌 《西北植物学报》2014,34(12):2569-2575
小叶桦(Betula microphylla)是一种典型的荒漠和山地乔木植物,在中国仅分布于新疆。为了明确小叶桦花序生长物候规律及发育特征,该研究对小叶桦进行了花序物候观测,分析其生长规律及果实结籽情况。结果显示:小叶桦雄花序为越年生殖器官,物候周期为345d,其中营养生长期154d、休眠期158d、开花生长期33d;雌花序与果序为当年生殖器官,物候期为105d,其中雌花序生长期24d、果序生长期90d。虽然雄花序比雌花序的生长周期明显较长,但开花授粉均在4月中下旬,雄花序散粉期和雌花序可授粉期之间具有较高的同步性和协调性,表现出集中开花授粉模式,同时这种开花模式在自然条件下,果序的结籽数和结籽率分别为220和76.7%,种子库中具有活力的种子约每平米4万粒,表明小叶桦在荒漠极端环境中能顺利完成有性生殖过程。  相似文献   

The morphology, inflorescence phenology, and insect visitors of Cyclanthus were observed during two reproductive seasons at Finca La Selva in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica. The inflorescence of Cyclanthus is an elongate spadix that is subtended and enclosed by four large, cymbiform bracts. Staminate and pistillate flowers are arranged in separate cycles along the length of the spadix and show marked dichogamy. Pollinators of Cyclanthus are beetles of the genus Cyclocephala (Scarabaeidae). The beetles arrive at the inflorescence while it is in the pistillate phase, during the first evening of the 2-day flowering period. They remain in the inflorescence for 24 hrs, until the end of staminate anthesis. The bracts of the inflorescence produce specialized tissue that the beetles consume along with pollen. Chemical analysis of the food tissue indicates that it is almost 50% lipid by dry weight. The scarabs use the inflorescence as an aggregation site for mating. Experiments with bagged inflorescences showed that no seeds are produced in the absence of pollinators, which suggests that Cyclanthus is obligately allogamous.  相似文献   

We examined the developmental morphology of the tropical Asian one-leaf plant Monophyllaea glabra, which is believed to have diverged first in the phylogenetic tree of the genus. The embryo within the seed consists of two cotyledons and a hypocotyl with no shoot or root apical meristems. The endogenous root meristem is formed nearer the hypocotyl end than in other examined Monophyllaea species. One of the cotyledons grows to form the macrocotyledon by means of the basal meristem. The groove meristem arises between the anisocotyledons, shifts toward the macrocotyledon, and is transformed to the inflorescence apex, which produces inflorescence axes in the axils of all ventral bracts of two rows, and secondary inflorescences in the axils of the lower dorsal bracts of the other two rows. The macrocotyledon may act as a ventral bract for the first inflorescence axis at the reproductive stage. This organization suggests that a common ancestor of Monophyllaea and Whytockia with decussate inflorescences diverged in one direction to become Monophyllaea and in another to become Whytockia.  相似文献   

A total of 21 Colocasiomyia species, including 17 undescribed species, are reported from Sabah (Mt. Kinabalu and neighboring areas), Malaysia, based on samples collected from inflorescences of 14 or 15 Araceae species. This number of species is the largest as a local fauna of this genus in the world. The high species diversity is attributed to 12 undescribed species belonging to the Colocasiomyia baechlii species group. A particular breeding habit of Colocasiomyia is sharing of the same inflorescence by a pair of species, with partial niche separation between them: one species uses exclusively the pistillate (lower female‐flower) section of the spadix for oviposition and larval development, whereas the other mostly uses the staminate (upper male‐flower) section. However, the baechlii group species show quite different patterns of host plant use: many (up to eight) species cohabit on the same inflorescence. It is unlikely that they separate their breeding niches micro‐allopatrically within an inflorescence. Instead, species composition and their proportions of individual numbers vary among different localities, seasons and host plants, with partial overlap among them. Such partial separations in local distribution, phenology and host selection would in combination contribute to their coexistence and promote the species diversity of this group.  相似文献   

 The inflorescence development in Whytockia has been studied in order to explore the developmental basis for inflorescence architecture. The developmental pattern of the pair-flowered cyme in Whytockia basically conforms to that of most members in Gesneriaceae. However, the additional flower beside the terminal one in Whytockia is not equivalent to the frontal flower as in other Gesneriaceae because the former is located in the front-lateral position while the latter is in the front-median position. Also, the zigzag monochasial branching system in Whytockia represents the consecutive front-lateral branches rather than the lateral branches as in other Gesneriaceae. The inflorescence in Whytockia is flowering in a basipetal sequence, and its seemingly acropetal flowering sequence is due to the vigorous development of the consecutive front-lateral branches. In addition, the inflorescence of Whytockia does not represent the basic unit of the inflorescence in Epithemateae, and it is derived as compared to that of Rhynchoglossum. The development relationships of the inflorescence between Whytockia and its allies in Epithemateae are discussed on the basis of developmental and comparative evidence. Received February 15, 2002; accepted September 17, 2002 Published online: December 11, 2002  相似文献   

Initial molecular phylogenetic studies established the monophylly of the large genus Croton (Euphorbiaceae s.s.) and suggested that the group originated in the New World. A denser and more targeted sampling of Croton species points to a South American origin for the genus. The nuclear and chloroplast genomes indicate a different rooting for the phylogeny of Croton. Although we favor the rooting indicated by the chloroplast data our conclusions are also consistent with the topology inferred from the nuclear data. The satellite genera Cubacroton and Moacroton are embedded within Croton. These two genera are synonimized into Croton and a new subgenus, Croton subgenus Moacroton, is circumscribed to include them and their allied Croton species. Croton subgenus Moacroton is morphologically characterized by a primarily lepidote indumentum, bifid or simple styles, and pistillate flowers with sepals that are connate at the base. This newly circumscribed subgenus is found from North America to South America, and in contrast to the majority of Croton species most of its members are found in mesic habitats. The group is most diverse in the greater Caribbean basin. A molecular clock was calibrated to the phylogeny using the available Euphorbiaceae fossils. The timing and pattern of diversification of Croton is consistent with both the GAARlandia and Laurasian migration hypotheses. A single species, Croton poecilanthus from Puerto Rico, is placed incongruently by its nuclear and chloroplast genomes. The possibility of this species being of hybrid origin is discussed.   相似文献   

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