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V. Russo D. Harman K. Hayden A. Iwen T. Portle J. Spreenberg J. Stone A. Pappelis 《Mycopathologia》1980,72(2):107-110
Spore suspensions from young (10–14 da; young spores) and old (4 mo; old spores) colonies of PColletotrichum dematium var circinans were placed on slides. Coverslips were left off, placed on in the normal manner, or supported on shims. Slides were placed in moist chambers and incubated in light or dark for up to 48 hrs. Germination and post-germination development were studied. Shimming had some beneficial effect on germination, especially for old spores in dark. In general, more germ-tubes and appressoria were produced on spores under shims than spores with other coverslip treatments. By 48 hrs more old spores under shims germinated, and greater numbers of germ-tubes and appressoria were produced than on other old spores under different coverslip treatments. However, numbers produced were lower than those predicted for comparably treated young spores. Spore age, incubation regime, and placement of coverslips did not affect germ-tube initiation. For all treatments more germ-tubes were initiated from spore tops than bottoms or tips. Fewer germ-tubes were initiated from spore centers than other locations on tops and bottoms, and from both tips than one tip. Approximately 26 % of all appressoria were produced sessile. A higher percentage of sessile appressoria were produced on old spores (80 %) than on young spores (20%). 相似文献
Spores, harvested from 8 da old colonies ofColletotrichum dematium varcircinans (Berk.) v. Arx, were placed on slides under shimmed coverslips and subjected to 10 min irradiation with wavelengths of light ranging from 400 to 750 nm. Controls consisted of spores exposed to 10 min of fluorescent or tungsten light, or to continuous dark. Germination, and production of sessile and non-sessile appressoria, and germ-tubes was monitored. In addition position of germ-tubes on spores was noted and germination types were classified by numbers of germ-tubes and sessile and non-sessile appressoria produced. When compared to dark controls certain wavelengths, 400, 450, 600 and 650 nm, appeared to be inhibitory to germination and post-germination development, while others, 500, 550 and 750 nm, appeared to be stimulatory. Spores irradiated with some of the wavelengths (550, 700, 750 nm) that affected other responses produced the smallest percentage of sessile appressoria (approx. 10%). Placement of germ-tubes was not affected by treatment. More germ-tubes were produced from spore bottoms (53%) than tops (32%), and tips (15%). The fewest number of germ-tubes was produced from spore centers and from one tip. Thirteen germination types were noted. About 53% of spores germinated with one germ-tube, one non-sessile appressoria, and no sessile appressoria. The remaining 47% were distributed throughout the remaining 12 types, and ranged from 21% to less than 1% of the total. Treatments did not affect this distribution. 相似文献
Germination and post-germination development of Colletotrichum dematium f. circinans on Allium cepa 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
p6e production of aflatoxins by Aspergillus flavus SRRC-1000 growing on soybean (Forrest) and glandless cottonseed (Deltapine 16) meals was examined with respect to effects of zinc and phytate. Aflatoxins were not produced on unautoclaved soybean meal. Addition of zinc (as zinc sulfate) to autoclaved meal inhibited aflatoxin production and supplementation with sodium phytate relieved this inhibition. Addition of sodium phytate alone promoted production. When cottonseed meal was treated to release native phytate into the meal from phytate-sequestering globoids, aflatoxin production increased. However, the largest production on cottonseed meal occurred upon dialysis of the meal without releasing phytate, implying removal of a small molecular weight inhibitor. 相似文献
K.G. Somashekhara Achar 《Archives Of Phytopathology And Plant Protection》2013,46(8):990-1004
Clitorea ternatea L. finds extensive application in therapeutic medicine. Forest regions of the Western Ghats, India were surveyed for foliar disease(s) caused in C. ternatea. The incidence and severity of foliar disease were determined during August 2006 to July 2009. The distribution of foliar disease incidence was determined by Taylor’s power law. The pathogen was tested for its seed-borne nature and seed transmission. Fungicides, like Bavistin, Antrocol, Hyzeb M-45 and Captra, were used for managing seed-borne pathogens in C. ternatea. Diseased foliages were tested for secondary metabolite content. Results indicated that the foliar disease in C. ternatea is caused by Colletotrichum dematium. The disease incidence and severity was moderately high. The disease is distributed homogeneously and heterogeneously in two forest regions. The pathogen is seedborne and transmitted from seed to plant. Among fungicides, Antrocol and Bavistin reduced seed mycoflora incidence. The disease caused increased production of alkaloid, flavonoid, phenol and sterol in foliages. 相似文献
Halos were detected with epifluorescence microscopy around penetration sites of Colletotrichum dematium f. circinans and Botrytis allii in onion epidermal cell walls as areas of less intense fluorescence or negatively stained areas in fluorescing cell walls following treatments with berberin sulphate and acridine orange but not with brilliant sulphaflavine (which stained the cell wall), ninhydrin, dansylchloride, or analine blue. Since pectin, pectic acid, avacil (microcrystaline cellulose super fine), filter paper, and Sephadex G-100–120 fluoresced with acridine orange and berberin sulphate, it was inferred that the halos were negatively stained or appeared as areas with less intense fluorescence because enzymes from these pathogens degraded cell wall pectin and cellulose at the point of penetration. Spores of both pathogens fluoresced when stained with brilliant sulphaflavine, acridine orange, ninhydrin, and dansylchloride. These stains and berberin sulphate caused germ tubes, appressoria, and primary infection mycelia to fluoresce. Nuclei in these fungal structures fluoresced when stained with acridine orange and brilliant sulphaflavine. 相似文献
The inhibitory effect of a short red light pulse followed by prolonged dark incubation on chlorophyll accumulation in etiolated cucumber cotyledons ( Cucumis sativus L. cv. Elem) was reflected in the development of the internal membrane system of the mesophyll plastids. Dark incubation for 24 h after phytochrome activation produced the characteristic accelerating effect OB chlorophyll synthesis and chloroplast development. However, longer intervening dark periods (48, 72 and 96 h) before white light exposure resulted not only in a diminished capacity to concentrate chlorophyll, but also in an impaired ability to form grana. The absence of stacking was consistent with a high chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b ratio. 相似文献
A short period (15–30 min) at 30° C promotes germination of seeds of Lactuca sativa L. cv. Repolhuda in darkness. Far-red light reverses this stimulation, and the escape curves for phytochrome and high-temperature action are quite similar, indicating that the two factors act at a common point in the chain of events leading to germination. It is suggested that high temperature acts by decreasing the threshold of the active, far-red absorbing, form of phytochrome (Pfr) needed to promote germination.Abbreviations FR
far-red light
- Pfr
far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome
- R
red light 相似文献
The seeds ofMerremia aegyptia are indifferent to light conditions for germination, which becomes 100% in the first 24 hrs. On the contrary, inM. dissecta the highest percentage was found in red light within the first 24 hrs. This difference was lost later on except in far-red. The seedling growth of the two species was least in blue and red lights, respectively. However, the growth of hypocotyl in the former species was faster than the latter. 相似文献
Perithecial formation in Gelasinospora reticulispora II. Promotive effects of near-ultraviolet and blue light after dark incubation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Hyphae of Gelasinospora reticulispora growing on corn meal agarat 25?C required light of form perithecia. This response tolight was highly correlated to the length of the preliminarydark period, i.e. the photoinduction of perithecia never occurredin cultures grown in the dark for periods of 27 hr or less,whereas hyphae became photosensitive if incubated for 30 hror longer in the dark. The perithecia became simultaneouslyvisible with the 30 to 48 hr dark-grown hyphae irrespectiveof the different dark periods, but time courses for cultureshaving 54 hr or longer of darkness were dependent upon the timewhen light was given. Light induced perithecia only in the dark-grown portions ofthe hyphae. The longer the dark period, the more the sensitivityto light increased when the most effective range of wavelenghtswas shifted from near-ultraviolet to blue. Light of green andlonger wavelenghts was not at all effective irrespective ofthe duration of darkness. The photoinduced stimulus was notmovable from the irradiated to the unirradiated portions. (Received August 3, 1973; ) 相似文献
光照和温度对尖叶拟船叶藓孢子萌发及原丝体发育的影响 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
用组织培养法和光学显微镜技术初步研究了光照和温度对尖叶拟船叶藓孢子萌发及原丝体发育的影响。结果表明:(1)光照是影响孢子萌发的主要环境因子,20℃环境下,24h光照4d的孢子萌发率达83.3%;温度下黑暗培养的孢子30d也不能萌发,转光照后4d的萌发率可达84.6%;(2)温度是影响原丝体发育的主要环境因子,连续光照下,20℃的原丝体生长最快、分枝最多、分化最早,第31天可长达651.64μm;25℃次之,只有379.12μm;而自然光照下5-10℃环境下的孢子萌发率(18d为70.2%)和原丝体生长速度(127.44μm)均最慢;(3)原丝体发育到一定阶段,断裂为单个细胞,单个细胞再萌芽出新原丝体。 相似文献
近年来由于灭绝性采挖和生态环境的恶化,沼兰(Malaxis monophyllos)的自然资源遭到严重破坏,加上沼兰种子具有萌发缓慢和萌发率低的特性,已处于近危乃至易危的状态。为了繁殖和保护沼兰种质资源,利用添加2%蔗糖、3%活性炭和0.8%琼脂的Knudson C(KC)培养基,研究了萘乙酸(NAA)、6-苄基腺嘌呤(6-BA)、椰乳、香蕉泥、土豆泥和光照条件6种因素对沼兰种子非共生萌发的影响;同时通过光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察了种子的外部形态。结果显示,沼兰种皮细胞的平周壁方向结构平坦、没有纹络,但是沿着细胞垂周壁方向细胞壁较厚。通过正交试验设计和冗余分析,建立了沼兰种子非共生萌发的最佳方案,即在含有4.5mg·L–1NAA、10mg·L–16-BA、8%香蕉泥和3%土豆泥的KC培养基上光照条件(光照强度为20μmol·m–2·s–1,光周期为12h/12h)下萌发。该方案的种子萌发率在90%以上。 相似文献
Chlorella kessleri was cultivated in artificial wastewater using diurnal illumination of 12 h light/12 h dark (L/D) cycles. The inoculum density
was 105 cells/mL and the irradiance in light cycle was 45 μmol m2 s−1 at the culture surface. As a control culture, another set of flasks was cultivated under continuous illumination. Regardless
of the illumination scheme, the total organic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) was reduced below 20% of the initial
concentration within a day. However, cell concentration under the L/D lighting scheme was lower than that under the continuous
illuminating scheme. Thus the specific removal rate of organic carbon under L/D cycles was higher than that under continuous
This result suggested thatC. kessleri grew chemoorganotrophically in the dark periods. After 3 days, nitrate was reduced to 136.5 and 154.1 mg NO3
−-N/L from 168.1 mg NO3
−-N/L under continuous illumination and under diurnal cycles, respectively. These results indicate nitrate removal efficiency
under continuous light was better than that under diurnal cycles. High-density algal cultures using optimized photobioreactors
with diurnal cycles will save energy and improve organic carbon sources removal. 相似文献
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In wetland plant communities, species-specific responses to pulses of white light and to red : far-red light ratios can vary widely and influence plant emergence from the seed bank. Carex species are the characteristic plants of sedge meadows of natural prairie wetlands in mid-continental USA but are not returning to restored wetlands. Little is known about how light affects seed germination in these species-information which is necessary to predict seed bank emergence and to develop optimal revegetation practices. The effects of light on germination in eight Carex species from prairie wetlands were investigated. METHODS: Non-dormant seeds of eight Carex species were used to determine the influence of light on germination by examining: (a) the ability of Carex seeds to germinate in the dark; (b) the effect of different lengths of exposures to white light on germination; (c) whether the effect of white light can be replaced by red light; and (d) whether the germination response of Carex seeds to white or red light is photoreversible by far-red light. KEY RESULTS: Seeds of C. brevior and C. stipata germinated >25 % in continuous darkness. Germination responses after exposure to different lengths of white light varied widely across the eight species. Carex brevior required <15 min of white light for > or =50 % germination, while C. hystericina, C. comosa, C. granularis and C. vulpinoidea required > or =8 h. The effect of white light was replaced by red light in all species. The induction of germination after exposure to white or red light was reversed by far-red light in all species, except C. stipata. CONCLUSIONS: The species-specific responses to simulated field light conditions suggest that (a) the light requirements for germination contribute to the formation of persistent seed banks in these species and (b) in revegetation efforts, timing seed sowing to plant community development and avoiding cover crops will improve Carex seed germination. 相似文献
Effect of light on the germination of forest trees in Ghana 总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18
The effect of temperatures and exogenous supply of different carbon and nitrogen sources on the conidial germination and appresoria formation inC. capsici has been studied. 25 °C was observed to be the best temperature for conidial germination. At 18 °C, conidia germinated only in hanging drops and did not germinate on 2 % agar. Amongst carbon sources, 1-rhamnose supported maximum conidial germination and appresoria formation. Potassium nitrate supported very good conidial germination and appresoria formation. Ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulphate and ammonium chloride were found to be inhibitory. A few aminoacids stimulated conidial germination but dl-alanine, dl-methionine, tyrosine and l-glutamine were found to be inhibitory. 相似文献
Several confounding factors may influence the outcome of an experiment and the extent of inter-individual variation. The aim of this study was to investigate if cage enrichment induces an effect on experimental mean values and on inter-individual variation in the light/dark paradigm using diazepam as the anxiolytic drug. The behaviour of 216 naive adult male mice of two different strains (BALB/c and C57BL/6) was studied. The animals were housed in groups of four in 'non-enriched', 'enriched' (nesting material) or 'super-enriched' (nest-box, nesting material, wooden gnawing stick and PVC tube) cages. After 5 weeks the animals were assigned to one of three treatments: control (no injection), sham (saline injection i.p.) or diazepam (1 mg/kg bw i.p.) and tested in the light/dark test for 5 min. Variation data were analysed using three different methods (mean absolute deviation, coefficient of variation and power analysis). The C57BL/6 mice scored higher than BALB/c mice in activity related measurements and showed a less 'emotional' behaviour profile in the pharmacological control situation of the light/dark test. In this study the anxiolytic effect of diazepam was clear in BALB/c mice but absent in C57BL/6 mice. Mice housed in enriched and super-enriched cages gained more weight than mice in non-enriched cages, although food intake was not affected. Generally, the strain of mouse had the greatest impact on both mean values and variation. However, there was no consistent increase for one particular strain. The choice of statistical method for analysing variation may influence the interpretation of within-group variability, but none of the methods showed any significant differences between standard and enriched conditions on variability in any of the parameters measured. 相似文献
D. F. Cole 《Economic botany》1974,28(2):155-159
The effect of light and temperature on germination of two accessions ofLimnanthes alba Benth. seed, a potential source of seed oil, were determined. Seed were germinated on a two-way thermogradient plate and in plastic dishes. Temperatures on the thermogradient plate ranged from 5 to 25 C and the temperature gradients were changed on an 8–16 hr cycle. Germination occurred over all treatments when averaged over a constant temperature range of 5 to 17 C. However, maximum germination at constant temperatures occurred at 9 to 13 C. Light suppressed germination on the thermogradient plate at temperatures which were not optimum for germination. Maximum germination and seedling growth were observed at an alternating temperature of 10 C for 16 hr and 15 C for 8 hr in continuous dark conditions. 相似文献
The presence of rusts of daylily and geranium caused respectively by Puccinia hemerocallidis and P. pelargoniizonalis can result in reduced value of these ornamental crops. Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of fluorescent light and sunlight on urediniospore germination, germ tube elongation, lesion development and sporulation of the two fungal pathogens on detached leaves and whole plants. Exposure of dry or hydrated urediniospores of P. hemerocallidis to cool white fluorescent light (600 μmol s(-1) m(-2)) or to sunlight (950-1910 μmol s(-1) m(-2)) for 2 h or 4 h significantly reduced germination and germ tube elongation on detached daylily leaves. Germination but not germ tube elongation of hydrated urediniospores of P. pelargoniizonalis on detached geranium leaves was significantly reduced when exposed to fluorescent light for 2 h or 4 h. A 4 h exposure to either light source significantly reduced lesion development of P. hemerocallidis on detached daylily leaves with fewer lesions developing from hydrated compared to dry urediniospores. Sunlight exposures of 1 h and 2 h of hydrated and dry urediniospores respectively significantly reduced lesion development by either fungus on whole plants. Increasing exposure to fluorescent light negatively affected sporulation of P. hemerocallidis and P. pelargoniizonalis. Complete suppression of sporulation was not observed for either fungus with up to a 24 h exposure to fluorescent light. Light exposure negatively affected disease development by P. hemerocallidis and P. pelargoniizonalis. Exposure to high light intensities may affect spread of rust diseases on ornamental plants. 相似文献