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Spironucleus salmonicida is a diplomonad flagellate known to cause systemic infections in farmed salmonids. In northern Norway, outbreaks of spironucleosis in farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar have been a recurring problem. Common to all these outbreaks was the origin of smolts: all came from the same farm. In the present study, wild Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus and brown trout Salmo trutta were sampled from the lakes used as a water source for the smolt supplier. In addition, smolt and three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus were sampled from the smolt farm. Bile and intestinal contents from the sampled fish were examined by light microscopy and PCR. Spironucleus salmonicida was identified in both wild Arctic char and brown trout from the lakes used as water sources by the smolt farm, suggesting that the farmed fish were exposed to this pathogen before transfer to the sea. Spironucleus barkhanus and Spironucleus salmonis were also identified in the sampled fish. The present study also demonstrated that infections with multiple Spironucleus species are present in wild salmonids. No indications of disease related to diplomonad infections were observed in the wild fish, suggesting that wild salmonids are reservoir hosts of Spironucleus salmonicida.  相似文献   

B. Czeczuga 《Hydrobiologia》1979,64(3):251-259
The author investigated the presence of various carotenoids in Salmo gairdneri Rich. and Salmo trutta morpha fario L. from the trout fish farm (artificial food) and from the river as the natural conditions (natural food).The findings of these investigations indicate that the trout bred in natural conditions are richer in carotenoids, provitamins of vitamin A, than are trout from the trout fish farm. In all probability the variety of food available in natural conditions provides better facilities for the accumulation of carotenoids in the body of trout in their natural habitat.  相似文献   

Movement of live animals is a key contributor to disease spread. Farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, rainbow trout Onchorynchus mykiss and brown/sea trout Salmo trutta are initially raised in freshwater (FW) farms; all the salmon and some of the trout are subsequently moved to seawater (SW) farms. Frequently, fish are moved between farms during their FW stage and sometimes during their SW stage. Seasonality and differences in contact patterns across production phases have been shown to influence the course of an epidemic in livestock; however, these parameters have not been included in previous network models studying disease transmission in salmonids. In Scotland, farmers are required to register fish movements onto and off their farms; these records were used in the present study to investigate seasonality and heterogeneity of movements for each production phase separately for farmed salmon, rainbow trout and brown/sea trout. Salmon FW-FW and FW-SW movements showed a higher degree of heterogeneity in number of contacts and different seasonal patterns compared with SW-SW movements. FW-FW movements peaked from May to July and FW-SW movements peaked from March to April and from October to November. Salmon SW-SW movements occurred more consistently over the year and showed fewer connections and number of repeated connections between farms. Therefore, the salmon SW-SW network might be treated as homogeneous regarding the number of connections between farms and without seasonality. However, seasonality and production phase should be included in simulation models concerning FW-FW and FW-SW movements specifically. The number of rainbow trout FW-FW and brown/sea trout FW-FW movements were different from random. However, movements from other production phases were too low to discern a seasonal pattern or differences in contact pattern.  相似文献   

Epizootic haematopoietic necrosis virus (EHNV) is an iridovirus confined to Australia and is known only from rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and redfin perch Perca fluviatilis. Outbreaks of disease caused by EHNV in trout populations have invariably been of low severity, affecting only 0+ post-hatchery phase fingerlings < 125 mm in length. To date the virus has been demonstrated in very few live in-contact fish, and anti-EHNV antibodies have not been found in survivors of outbreaks, suggesting low infectivity but high case fatality rates in trout. During an on-going study on an endemically infected farm (Farm A) in the Murrumbidgee River catchment of southeastern New South Wales, EHNV infection was demonstrated in 4 to 6 wk old trout fingerlings in the hatchery as well as in 1+ to 2+ grower fish. During a separate investigation of mortalities in 1+ to 2+ trout on Farm B in the Shoalhaven River catchment in southeastern New South Wales, EHNV infection was demonstrated in both fingerlings and adult fish in association with nocardiosis. A 0.7% prevalence of antibodies against EHNV was detected by ELISA in the serum of grower fish at this time, providing the first evidence that EHNV might not kill all infected trout. EHNV infection on Farm B occurred after transfer of fingerlings from Farm C in the Murrumbidgee river catchment. When investigated, there were no obvious signs of diseases on Farm C. 'Routine' mortalities were collected over 10 d on Farm C and EHNV was detected in 2.1% of 190 fish. Tracing investigations of sources of supply of fingerlings to Farm B also led to investigation of Farm D in Victoria, where the prevalence of anti-EHNV antibodies in 3+ to 4+ fish was 1.3%. The results of this study indicate that EHNV may be found in trout in all age classes, need not be associated with clinically detectable disease in the population, can be transferred with shipments of live fish, can be detected in a small proportion of 'routine' mortalities and may be associated with specific antibodies in a small proportion of older fish. Sampling to detect EHNV for certification purposes should be based on examination of 'routine' mortalities rather than random samples of live fish. Antigen-capture ELISA can be used as a cost effective screening test to detect EHNV on a farm provided that sampling rates conform with statistical principles.  相似文献   

Gyrodactylus salaris is a freshwater, monogenean ectoparasite of Baltic strains of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar on which it generally causes no clinical disease. Infection of other strains of Atlantic salmon in Norway has resulted in high levels of juvenile salmon mortality and highly significant reductions in the population. The parasite is a major exotic disease threat to wild Atlantic salmon in the UK. This paper qualitatively assesses the risk of introduction and establishment of G. salaris into the UK. The current UK fish health regime prevents the importation of live salmonids from freshwater in territories that have not substantiated freedom from G. salaris. The importation of other species, e.g. eels Anguilla anguilla and non-salmonid fish, represents a low risk because the likelihood of infection is very low and the parasite can only survive on these hosts for less than 50 d. Importation of salmon carcasses presents a negligible risk because harvested fish originate from seawater sites and the parasite cannot survive full strength salinity. The importation of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss carcasses from G. salaris infected freshwater sites might introduce the parasite, but establishment is only likely if carcasses are processed on a salmonid farm in the UK. A number of mechanical transmission routes were considered (e.g. angling equipment, canoes, ballast water) and the most important was judged to be the movement of live fish transporters from farms on mainland Europe direct to UK fish farms. In the future, territories may have to substantiate freedom from G. salaris and economic drivers for live salmonid imports may strengthen. Under these circumstances, legal or illegal live salmonid imports would become the most significant risk of introduction.  相似文献   

Management of multiple exploited stocks of anadromous salmonids in large catchments requires understanding of movement and catchment use by the migrating fish and of their harvesting. The spawning migration of sea trout (Salmo trutta) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was studied in the River Tweed, UK, using acoustic telemetry to complement exploitation rate data and to quantify catchment penetration. Salmon (n = 79) and sea trout (n = 65) were tagged in the tidal-influenced Tweed in summer–autumn. No tagged salmon left the river before spawning, but 3% (2010) and 8% (2011) of pre-spawning sea trout dropped out. Combined tag regurgitation/fish mortality in salmon was 12.5%, while trout mortality was 6% (2010) and 0% (2011). The estimated spawning positions of salmon and sea trout differed; tagged salmon were mostly in the main channel while trout occurred mostly in the upper Tweed and tributaries. Early fish migrated upstream slower than later fish, but sea trout moved through the lower-middle river more quickly than salmon, partly supporting the hypothesis that the lower exploitation rate in autumn of trout (1 vs 3.3% for salmon) there is generated by differences in migration behaviour.  相似文献   

Fingerlings of brown trout ( Salmo trulta m. fario L.) were introduced to sections of different types of streams situated in natural catchments and those modified by Man's activity. At stations where environmental conditions were modified by such forms of impact as pollution, flow variability and impoundment, trout did not survive 5 months. In the natural river sections mortality rates increased downstream along the river continuum and were associated with increased predation. Growth rates in the upper reaches were primarily restricted by abiotic factors—temperature and trophic status: however, they were to a large extent modified by density-dependent regulation and intraspecific competition. The influence of the abiotic/biotic regulatory process, expressed as fish metabolic performance, is discussed as a framework for the determination of the carrying capacity of the riverine ecosystem.  相似文献   

The spread of furunculosis in salmonids in Norwegian rivers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Furunculosis was first discovered in a fish farm in Norway in 1964, following the importation of rainbow trout from Denmark. The disease spread to several farms and to wild fish in the River Numedalslågen, occurring there until 1979. It was eradicated at several farms, the last being disinfected in 1969. In 1985, furunculosis was discovered in marine fish farms in Nord-Trøndelag, following importation of salmon smolts from Scotland. The disease reached Møre og Romsdal in 1988, by which time 32 fish farms were infected in the two counties. By the end of 1992, 550 farms were infected. The disease spread concurrently in natural watercourses, from 22 in 1989, to 74 by the end of 1992. Rapid spread of the disease was associated with several factors including escapes from fish farms, possibly via transport of fish between farms, and natural movement of wild fish in the sea. The disease was not associated with particular physical characteristics in these watercourses, but large aggregations of fish beneath waterfalls combined with high water temperature may trigger disease outbreaks. The ecological consequences of furunculosis are not known. However, some river populations of adult salmon, sea trout and brown trout have suffered. Furunculosis may result in serious negative consequences for populations if a significant number of the brood stock die before spawning.  相似文献   

Hatchery-reared brown trout, Salmo trutta , (f.l., 16–27 cm) were stocked into the Afon Clettwr, Afon Western Cleddau and Afon Dysynni, Wales. The effects of (a) retaining fish caged in the river for 24 h before release, and (b) a period of acclimation to flowing water (up to 0.24 m s−1) in tanks prior to stocking were investigated. Data on percentage recapture and post-stocking movements were obtained from trapping, electrofishing and tag returns. In-stream acclimation resulted in a higher percentage recapture and a more limited dispersion of the fish stocked under low river flow conditions, but had no effect on trout stocked into a river where higher water velocities were experienced. Acclimation, in tanks, to a flow of 0.1 ms−1 for 14 days led to higher percentage recaptures, whereas acclimation for only 2 days resulted in fewer returns than for unacclimated fish. No differences in fish distribution within the rivers could be attributed to these acclimation procedures.  相似文献   

Efficient feeding is crucial for the growth, survival and reproductive success of most animals. In artificial-rearing environments, however, animals are deprived of many stimuli normally experienced in the wild, which may alter feeding behaviour, and thus influence their survival and reproductive success upon release in nature. In a laboratory experiment, we investigated the effect of hatchery rearing on the ability of brown trout, Salmo trutta, to capture and consume a novel live prey item. Hatchery-reared and wild-caught trout, originating from the same river, were fed single black crickets, either in isolation or in visual and olfactory contact with another hatchery-reared or wild-caught fish. Total consumption, time to first bite and feeding efficiency were monitored. Wild-caught trout ate more, were quicker to attack, and consumed attacked prey more efficiently than hatchery-reared fish. Food consumption and efficiency increased in both wild and hatchery-reared trout during the experiment. We propose that the differences in feeding ability between wild-caught and hatchery-reared brown trout were mainly due to differences in previous experience of feeding on live prey. Wild-caught trout tended to eat more and sooner when in visual contact with another fish than when in isolation. This trend was not seen for the hatchery-reared fish, which may be due to environmental differences between the hatchery and the natural stream. The initial inability of hatchery-reared fish to forage on live prey may reduce their success when released in the wild, especially when in competition with resident wild fish. Copyright 2001 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Hexamita salmonis Moore, 1922 and Loma salmonae Putz, Hoffman and Dunbar, 1965 was investigated at 10 sites on the R. Itchen (five for brown trout only, three for rainbow trout only, and two for both brown trout and rainbow trout) and at three of its nine fish farms (two for rainbow trout, one for brown trout). Hexamita salmonis was recorded in brown trout from three river sites and the farm, and in rainbow trout from both farms and four river sites. Prevalence of Hexamita salmonis in farmed rainbow trout was higher than in farmed brown trout and was consistent with the former species being more susceptible to infection. H. salmonis was at significantly higher prevalence in rainbow trout from farm no. 5 than farm no. 2 for three size classes of fish. In wild brown trout and feral rainbow trout, the highest prevalences of H. salmonis were recorded at sites in the vicinity of farm no. 2. This distribution was consistent with an area of naturally high infection levels, and with infected fish unintentionally released from farm no. 2 serving as a source of infection, the infection subsequently becoming established in the river fish. Loma salmonae was recorded in wild brown trout and in rainbow trout from both farms. This appears to be the first recording of this parasite from British salmonids and also the first recording of the parasite from brown trout. The distribution of the parasite (particularly the prevalence being higher at farm no. 2 than farm no. 5) was consistent with it being introduced into the R. Itchen via rainbow trout from farm no. 2 (and probably no. 3) much of whose stock derived from imported Californian 'Shasta' rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is a growing problem worldwide. Particularly in river systems, numerous dams and weirs hamper the movement of a wide variety of species. With the aim to preserve connectivity for fish, many barriers in river systems are equipped with fishways (also called fish passages or fish ladders). However, few fishways provide full connectivity. Here we hypothesized that restricted seasonal opening times of fishways can importantly reduce their effectiveness by interfering with the timing of fish migration, for both spring‐ and autumn‐spawning species. We empirically tested our hypothesis, and discuss the possible eco‐evolutionary consequences of affected migration timing. We analyzed movements of two salmonid fishes, spring‐spawning European grayling (Thymallus thymallus) and autumn‐spawning brown trout (Salmo trutta), in Norway's two largest river systems. We compared their timing of upstream passage through four fishways collected over 28 years with the timing of fish movements in unfragmented river sections as monitored by radiotelemetry. Confirming our hypothesis, late opening of fishways delayed the migration of European grayling in spring, and early closure of fishways blocked migration for brown trout on their way to spawning locations during late autumn. We show in a theoretical framework how restricted opening times of fishways can induce shifts from migratory to resident behavior in potamodromous partial migration systems, and propose that this can induce density‐dependent effects among fish accumulating in lower regions of rivers. Hence, fragmentation may not only directly affect the migratory individuals in the population, but may also have effects that cascade downstream and alter circumstances for resident fish. Fishway functionality is inadequate if there is a mismatch between natural fish movements and fishway opening times in the same river system, with ecological and possibly evolutionary consequences for fish populations.  相似文献   

Bacterial kidney disease (BKD) is a notifiable disease for salmonids under United Kingdom and European Union legislation. Within the UK, legislation and the control of infected fish with BKD has been operating for 25 yr. Infection by the bacterium Renibacterium salmoninarum results in a chronic, debilitating infection and mortality. Records of BKD outbreaks and the detection of R. salmoninarum were monitored from 1990 through to 2002 for Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss reared in Scottish waters. The test methods included ELISA, culture and light microscopy. New outbreaks of BKD in salmon in seawater declined during this period, but with year-to-year variation. Only 1 record of BKD has occurred in freshwater-reared salmon (prevalence 1.04). BKD in farmed rainbow trout in seawater is uncommon and was only identified in 1993 and between 1998 and 2000. The number of active designated area orders (DAOs) for outbreaks in salmon has fallen since 1990, but has remained relatively constant for trout over the period of study.  相似文献   

Prevalence and intensity of Gyrodactylus colemanensis and G. salmonis (Monogenea) parasitizing juvenile/adult brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis, rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, brown trout Salmo trutta, and Atlantic salmon Salmo salar at 3 localities over an 8 km stretch in the South River, Nova Scotia, Canada, were calculated 4 times over a 9 mo period (October 2009, December 2009, March 2010, June 2010). G. colemanensis was on all 4 salmonids (endemic and non-endemic), while G. salmonis parasitized mostly S. fontinalis (endemic) and occasionally S. trutta (non-endemic). At an upstream locality, beyond a waterfall barrier, in a small tributary of the main river, G. colemanensis was more common than G. salmonis. In the main river, 7 km downstream, prevalence of G. colemanensis on S. fontinalis was comparable, or higher, than that of G. salmonis, while intensity of G. salmonis was higher than that of G. colemanensis. Downstream a further 1 km, in a tributary of the main river, both prevalence and intensity of G. salmonis on brook trout were higher than those of G. colemanensis. Stocks at a local trout hatchery had only G. colemanensis. The present study reports on a method by which exit water from such farms can be monitored for gyrodactylid parasites through a simple settling procedure. We estimated that up to 230,000 dislodged, live G. colemanensis exit the hatchery daily in discharge water entering the river. It is suggested that such systems are ideal for studying the impact of such parasite export on the nature of local parasite populations.  相似文献   

Poor water quality is discussed as a major factor causing a decline of brown trout populations in Swiss rivers. For our study we have chosen a river in the Swiss midlands, where the brown trout population has decreased dramatically during the last 10 yr and where feral fish have shown distinctive pathological alterations. The objective of our study was to investigate whether river water may be responsible for impaired fish health leading to an increased mortality in the river. In an active monitoring program, groups of brown and rainbow trout were exposed to polluted river water for 24 mo. Fish held in tap water served as a reference. Mortality, macroscopic and histopathologic changes, and infectious agents were investigated. Compared with the reference group, high mortality rates and severe pathological alterations of the inner organs were observed in fish held in river water. Especially gills, liver and kidney of these fish showed significantly higher changes than fish from tap water. These changes were dominated by degenerative and inflammatory reactions. Additionally, several infectious agents were diagnosed in fish exposed to river water. The most important findings were furunculosis and proliferative kidney disease. Brown trout seemed to be more sensitive than rainbow trout to environmental stress and infectious agents.  相似文献   

The fish populations of an industrial river in South Wales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The River Sirhowy, a trout river of the Ebbw System in south-east Wales still subject to sporadically high levels of suspended solids derived from the coal mining industry, was investigated over a three year period to assess its importance in the recolonization of a fishless river, the Ebbw Fawr, which is expected to recover from the effects of steelworks effluents discharged near its headwaters. Eight species of fish were recorded. Spawning areas for brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) were limited by industrial and urban developments and the discharge of suspended solids. Small numbers of native trout were produced in the system and the growth of these fish was poor in the main river, confirming the need for regular stocking. Movements of stocked trout were limited except in the lower reaches of the river where the presence of a native population, high levels of suspended solids and flash floods may have increased the numbers of fish moving into the recovering Ebbw Fawr.  相似文献   

The success of stocking with hatchery-reared trout has been the subject of varied investigations for the past half-century. Percentage returns are summarised, and literature on the post-stocking movements of hatchery-reared trout is reviewed. Factors affecting the poststocking movements are considered, special attention being paid to studies on industrial rivers. Highest returns are obtained from stockings, with trout of a size suitable for angling, made during or shortly before the angling season. The majority of stocked brown trout, Salmo trutta tend to remain close to the area of stocking, but brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis and rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri show greater movement, usually in a down-stream direction. Greater dispersion of all species occurs if they have overwintered prior to capture or have been stocked in'cold water'or in small upstream stretches of river.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout. Salmo gairdneri (Richardson), from a fish farm, were found to be infected with two cestodes, Eubothrium crassum and Proteocephalus sp. Observations are described which suggest that these parasites have no effect on fish growth or on the intestinal absorption of L-leucine and D-glucose.  相似文献   

Finite volume ocean circulation and particle tracking models are used to simulate water-borne transmission of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) among Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) farms in the Discovery Islands region of British Columbia, Canada. Historical simulations for April and July 2010 are carried out to demonstrate the seasonal impact of river discharge, wind, ultra-violet (UV) radiation, and heat flux conditions on near-surface currents, viral dispersion and survival. Numerical particles released from infected farm fish in accordance with IHNV shedding rates estimated through laboratory experiments are dispersed by model oceanic flows. Viral particles are inactivated by ambient UV radiation levels and by the natural microbial community at rates derived through laboratory studies. Viral concentration maps showing temporal and spatial changes are produced and combined with lab-determined minimum infectious dosages to estimate the infective connectivity among farms. Results demonstrate that neighbouring naïve farms can become exposed to IHNV via water-borne transport from an IHNV diseased farm, with a higher risk in April than July, and that many events in the sequence of farm outbreaks in 2001-2002 are consistent with higher risks in our farm connectivity matrix. Applications to other diseases, transfers between farmed and wild fish, and the effect of vaccinations are also discussed.  相似文献   

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