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Aim: The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of Planococcus ficus infection in red wine grapes on Aspergillus section Nigri and ochratoxin A (OTA) contamination. Methods and Results: During 2006/2007 and 2008/2009 vintages, Merlot, Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon varieties divided into two categories of grape samples (undamaged and damaged by P. ficus) were evaluated. Regardless of the grape variety and the harvest season evaluated, Aspergillus section Nigri incidence and the mean OTA concentration in damaged berries were significantly higher than that in the undamaged ones (P < 0·05; P < 0·001). The Merlot variety showed the highest level of black aspergilli contamination in damaged grapes during the 2006/2007 vintage (53·5% of infection), whereas Malbec presented the highest incidence during the 2008/2009 vintage (57·6% of infection). The Cabernet Sauvignon variety showed the highest OTA levels, ranging from 0·1 to 140 μg kg?1. Conclusions: The presence of P. ficus in vineyards increased the risk of OTA occurrence in grapes, suggesting the need to implement insect control at preharvest stage to reduce the entry of OTA in the wine production chain. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study is the first report on the influence of P. ficus on the potential risk of OTA contamination in grapes.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of pheromone plume structure and its concentration on the pheromone-mediated flight of male Cadra cautella (Lepidoptera: Phycitinae) were investigated in a laminar-flow wind tunnel. When two C. caurella males flew simultaneously along a ribbon plume of mixed smoke and pheromone, their inflight behaviour was dependent on the instantaneous structure of the plume they encountered. When a male intercepted an intact ribbon filament, he sustained a crosswind course, whereas when he intercepted a turbulent filament (created by an upwind male fragmenting the ribbon plume), he adopted a flight course more due upwind. These results indicate that C. cautella males altered their in-flight manoeuvres in response to instantaneous changes in the fine structure of the pheromone plume. We also demonstrated that differences in the fine structure of the plume had more influence on the flight pattern of C. cautella males than a 1000-fold range in pheromone dose. The size of the plume was increased by adding wind deflectors upwind of the pheromone source, independent of source dosage, males following ribbon plumes flew slow zigzag tracks, whereas males following large, turbulent plumes flew directly to the source in fast, straight tracks with less counterturning.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigated the behavioural response of male Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) to the fine-scale structure of an odour plume experimentally modified in a wind tunnel by using an air-pulsing device. Male H. zea flew upwind to pulsed filaments of a binary pheromone blend of (Z)-11-hexadecanal (Z11-16:Ald) and (Z)-9-hexadecanal (Z9-16:Ald) in the ratio of 20:1. Sustained upwind flight in experimentally altered intermittent plumes was dependent on concentration, as well as the frequency of generation of odour filaments. At a loading of 10μg of the major pheromone component, Zll-16:Ald, which gave an emission rate of approximately that released by a female H. zea , sustained upwind flight and source contact correlated positively with filament delivery rate, becoming significant at a minimum filament delivery rate of 2/s. Decreases in upwind progress and source location were recorded at a loading of 1 μg of Z11-16:Ald. At this suboptimal dosage, a high filament generation rate of 10/s was necessary for significant upwind progress and source contact. When an interspecific compound: (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate (Z11-16:OAc), was added to the attractive pheromone binary aldehyde blend of H. zea at a proportion of 10% of the major pheromone component, and pulsed from the same source, there was a significant reduction in sustained upwind progress and source location by males, indicating that Z11-16:OAc is antagonistic to the upwind progress of H. zea. However, Z11-16:OAc was less antagonistic when its filaments were isolated and alternated with pheromone filaments, indicating a strong effect of the synchronous arrival of odour filaments on the antenna needed for antagonism of upwind flight.  相似文献   

Abstract. The behaviour of Heliothis virescens males flying upwind in the field in a sex pheromone plume was videorecorded and analysed. Males flew faster and straighter, with less counterturning, and heading more directly into the wind when they were 9-11m away from the odour source than when they were 1–3 m away. Regardless of their distance from the source or the windspeed, they maintained an average groundspeed of c. 200 cm s_1, except when they arrived within 1 m of the source, when their groundspeed slowed significantly. Two or more males flying in the plume at the same instant often exhibited either extremely straight and directly upwind tracks or else zigzagging tracks with significant counterturning (as did males flying through the field of view of the cameras at slighdy different times). The males' position, either in the centre of the plume's axis or along one side, might explain these differences in track straightness, which previous studies with H.virescens have shown to be caused by higher frequencies of contact with plume filaments. When a significant shift in wind direction occurred, males tended to make an initial movement in the direction of the shift, perhaps due to latencies of response in both the olfactory and visual systems associated with flying into clean air. The males' behaviour in the field overall was similar to that observed in the wind tunnel, except that their airspeeds and groundspeeds were significantly higher than those observed in the laboratory. The fact that they flew faster in the field can be explained both by the significandy higher windspeeds that males need to compensate for in the field to attain a preferred velocity of image motion, as well as by a higher height of flight over the ground in die field causing a slower apparent motion of images at a given groundspeed compared with the laboratory.  相似文献   

Abstract. The pheromone-modulated upwind flight tracks of Grapholita molesta (Busck) males were video recorded as they approached a point-source of pheromone in a wind tunnel. The field of view of the video recording was divided longitudinally into 33 cm sections and the flight behaviour of the males in these sections was measured and compared as they approached from 233 cm to 50 cm downwind of the pheromone source. As the males approached the source, their mean ground speeds decreased. The mean values of their track angles increased with respect to due upwind (0), indicating movement more across the wind. These changes resulted mainly from the males decreasing their air speeds as they progressed up the plume toward the source. They did not change the average direction of their steering (course angle). Thus, the increase in track angles resulted from the males allowing themselves to drift more in the wind as they approached the odour source. The males also increased their average rate of counterturning as they approached the source. The net result of all these behavioural changes was a track that slowed and grew narrower, giving the impression that the males were 'homing-in' on the pheromone source as they approached. Causes of these systematic changes in behaviour are considered with respect to the known systematic changes in pheromone plume structure as the distance to the source decreases.  相似文献   

In many moths, male attraction to the blend of synthetic sex pheromone releasing continuously in the field shows an apparent circadian rhythm similar to that of locomotion activity. In this study, the daily rhythms of electroantennography (EAG) and behavioral responses to sex pheromone, and the daily rhythms of locomotion activity were measured in male beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The peaks of males trapped by light and sex pheromone were all during the latter part of the night in the field. However, there was no significant variation among time intervals in the EAG responses of male antennae to sex pheromone stimuli. The principal period of locomotion activity under L15:D9 (LD) continued to occur during the scotophase and the subjective scotophase in the day of constant darkness (DD1) and the second of two consecutive days of constant darkness (DD2). The majority of males contacted the sex pheromone source in a wind tunnel during the latter part of the scotophase under LD and the subjective scotophase for DD1 and DD2. There were significant associations between the rhythm of the behavioral response to sex pheromone and locomotion activity. These results suggested that the male's behavioral response to sex pheromone in the beet armyworm could be observed only until locomotion activity of the male occurred at the end of the dark period, despite sex pheromone being released continuously from synthetic pheromone‐baited traps in the field.  相似文献   

Abstract The daily flight activity of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) was examined using color, yellow-light and chemical attractant traps in a cucumber greenhouse and under controlled laboratory conditions. In the greenhouse, flying thrips were most abundant between hours 08:00–10:00, declined at mid-day, and then slightly increased during hours 14:00–16:00; however they decreased to a very low level at 18:00. The use of light traps showed no thrip flight activity during the night. The total number of thrips that flew onto cards on rainy or cloudy days was higher than that on sunny days. We reconfirmed that traps treated with attractant attracted 4.0–9.4 times more thrip than the untreated traps. Under laboratory controlled conditions, thrip flight activity was highest under light intensity between 4 000 and 6 000 lux, air temperature of 28°C, and RH of 70%. In addition, starved thrips flew more readily than non-starved thrips.  相似文献   

The attraction range of olfactory response by winged female gynoparae (autumn migrants that give birth to oviparae, the sexual females) and male damson–hop aphids Phorodon humuli (Schrank) is investigated in field experiments over 2 years by analyzing the spatial patterns of catches in concentric circles of yellow‐painted traps (60 in total) around a central trap releasing the species' sex pheromone, (1RS,7S,7aS)‐nepetalactol. Males are more likely than females to be found in the central trap, with 65.6% of the 1824 males caught there compared with 11.2% of 1346 females. Both morphs are more numerous in traps axial with the mean wind direction and centred on the pheromone‐release trap than at other angles. Males are approximately five‐fold more numerous in traps downwind than at similar distances upwind of the pheromone, showing that its presence stimulates landing. For males, the estimated active space of the lure extends 6 m downwind. Catches of females are equally numerous up and downwind of the pheromone lure because females orienting on the axis of the pheromone source continue to respond to visual cues in their flight path if they overshoot the olfactory one. For females, the active space of a pheromone lure is less than 2 m downwind. It is unimportant for either morph whether the pheromone‐release trap is yellow or transparent. In these experiments, both morphs orient with, track and probably arrive in the pheromone source trap from at least 26 m, the distance to the nearest aphid‐infested hops.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Males of two species of moths ( Grapholitha molesta (Busck) and Heliothis virescens (F.)) were flown in a sustained-flight tunnel in horizontal pheromone plumes. The up-tunnel velocity of the moths increased with increasing height of flight and for G.molesta was independent of tunnel wind velocities. Use of moving ground patterns verified that the height of flight above the ground was the factor related to the changes in up-tunnel velocity. Even though up-tunnel velocity increased with increased flight height, angular velocity of image motion did not. Males appeared to use visual cues from the ground pattern and from other sources to determine their up-tunnel velocities. The relationship of preferred retinal velocities to optomotor anemotaxis is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Two-day-old male cowpea weevils, Callosobruchus maculatus, fly upwind to a point source of female sex pheromone at three wind speeds. All beetles initiating flight along the pheromone plume make contact with the pheromone source. Analysis of digitized flight tracks indicates that C. maculatus males respond similarly to moths tested at several wind speeds. Beetles' mean net upwind speeds and speeds along their track are similar ( P  > 0.05) across wind speeds, whereas airspeeds increase ( P <  0.01) with increasing wind speed. Beetles adjust their course angles to fly more directly upwind in higher wind speeds, whereas track angles are almost identical at each wind speed. The zigzag flight paths are generally narrow compared with most moth flight tracks and interturn distances are similar ( P  > 0.05) at the wind speeds employed. The frequency of these counterturns across the wind line is almost constant regardless of wind speed, and there is little variation between individuals. The upwind flight tracks are more directly upwind than those typically seen for male moths flying upwind toward sex pheromone sources. Male moths typically produce a bimodal distribution of track angles to the left and right of the windline, whereas C. maculatus males' track angles are centred about 0°. Preliminary examination of two other beetle species indicates that they fly upwind in a similar fashion.  相似文献   

The pheromone-modulated upwind flight ofLymantria dispar males responding to different pheromone plume structures and visual stimuli designed to mimic trees was video recorded in a forest. Males flying upwind along pheromone plumes of similar structure generated tracks that were similar in appearance and quantitatively similar in almost all parameters measured, regardless of the experimentally manipulated visual stimuli associated with the pheromone source. Net velocities, ground speeds, and airspeeds of males flying in point-source plumes were slower than those of males flying in the wider, more diffuse plumes issuing from a cylindrical baffle. The mean track angle of males flying in plumes issuing from a point source was greater (oriented more across the wind) than that of males flying in plumes issuing from a transparent cylindrical baffle. Males flying in point-source plumes also turned more frequently and had narrower tracks overall than males responding to plumes from a cylindrical baffle. These data suggest thatL. dispar males orienting to pheromone sources (i.e., calling females) associated with visible vertical cylinders (i.e., trees) use predominantly olfactory cues to locate the source and that the structure of the pheromone plume markedly affects the flight orientation and the resultant track.  相似文献   

Double-sided sticky traps were baited with polythene vials containing synthetic components of the aggregation pheromone ofProstephanus truncatus (Horn) and used to investigate the effect of time of day on capture of this insect.P. truncatus exhibited a bimodal pattern of flight activity with a major peak between 18.00 and 21.00 h, and a smaller peak between 07.00 and 09.00 h. The effective life of the pheromone bait was also investigated over 33 days. The highest numbers ofP. truncatus were caught during the first 8 days and the majority of the beetles were caught within 14 days. Catches then showed a steady decline. Captures of the predatory histeridTeretriosoma nigrescens Lewis, were much lower than those ofP. truncatus and showed fluctuations which did not appear related to numbers of its prey. Environmental factors such as rainfall, temperature, wind and trap positioning appeared to influence results, especially when considered over a short time scale.  相似文献   

Pure (2R)‐butyl (7Z)‐tetradecenoate, as well as racemic 2‐butyl (7Z)‐tetradecenoate, in a dose of 100 μg (calculated for the active (2R)‐enantiomer) applied onto serum bottle caps of grey rubber, were an effective pheromone bait for Theresimima ampellophaga (Bayle‐Barelle, 1808) (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae: Procridinae). This bait remained active for longer than one full flight of the pest in the regions with one generation per year. Colourless transparent as well as red and yellow sticky traps were the cheapest and most simple design for trapping T. ampellophaga, while green and blue traps performed worse. Among the traps tested, VARL (CSALOMON®) funnel traps had the highest capture ability for the pest. Traps had to be mounted at least 1.0–2.0 m above ground level. T. ampellophaga males flew to a source of sex pheromone all day long with a main peak between 07.00 and 09.00 hours and a much smaller one between 19.00 and 21.00 hours.  相似文献   

Habitat preference and flight activity of bats in a city   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Aspects of the intermittent fine structure of an odor plume were mimicked and experimentally modified in the wind tunnel using an air-pulsing device. Filaments of a behaviorally active blend of six sex-pheromone components created by the device in a temporally regular fashion elicited sustained upwind flight and source location in male Heliothis virescens.Males did not exhibit sustained upwind flight in significant numbers until a frequency of 4 filaments/s was delivered, at a loading of 1 g of the major component, Z11-16: Ald, with the other components loaded at their appropriate ratios. A loading of 10 g Z11-16: Ald was found to be optimal at this filament delivery rate. Electroantennogram recordings to different filament delivery rates of the complete blend indicated that a stationary male antenna can respond to the pulse rates used in this study. Importantly, when a main component necessary for upwind flight, Z9-14:Ald, was isolated into its own filaments and pulsed alternately against filaments of the five other components (including the other component essential for upwind flight, Z11-16: Ald), upwind flight to the source was significantly reduced (9%) compared to upwind flight and source location in response to filaments composed of the entire blend (30%), indicating that the complete pheromone blend must arrive on the antenna simultaneously for optimal evocation of sustained upwind progress. Neurophysiological evidence from other studies suggests that higher-order interneurons whose phasic response is enhanced when the entire blend is presented simultaneously may be of importance in explaining this behavioral difference stemming from synchronous vsasynchronous arrival of the components.  相似文献   

Electroantennogram (EAG) measurement of male Cydia caryana moth antennal olfactory response to monounsaturated 12 and 14 carbon alcohols and acetates indicated that the (E)-8-, (E)-10- conjugated double bond system of a dodecadien-1-ol acetate is a critical chemical structural component of the C. caryana sex pheromone. Additionally, EAG measurements implicated (E)-8-dodecen-1-ol acetate, (Z)-8-dodecen-1-ol acetate, (Z)-9-dodecen-1-ol acetate and (Z)-12-tetradecen-1-ol as potential minor pheromonal components. An EAG dosage-response study suggested that there were at least two heterologous populations of pheromone acceptors. Behavioral analysis of male moth response in a flight tunnel to compounds which evoked the stronger EAG responses suggested that (E,E)-8,10-dodecadien-1-ol acetate and (Z)-9-dodecen-1-ol acetate resemble or are C. caryana sex pheromonal components, while (Z)-8-dodecen-1-ol acetate and (E)-10-dodecen-1-ol acetate are either parapheromones or are minor pheromone components. Behavioral significance of (Z)-12-tetradecen-1-ol was difficult to interpret in the flight tunnel.
Résumé Les réponses olfactives antennaires de Cydia caryana, mesurées par électroantennogrammes (EAG), aux alcools et acétates à carbones monounsaturés en positions 12 et 14, ont montré que le système conjugué de double liaison, (E)-8-, (E)-10- du dodecadien-1-ol acétate constitue un composé chimique strutural critique de la phéromone sexuelle de C. caryana.De plus, les acétates: (E)-8-dodecen-1-ol,(Z)-8-dodecen-1-ol,(Z)-9-dodecen-1-ol, et le (Z)-12-tetradecen-1-ol, se sont révélés en AEG comme des composés secondaires de la phéromone. L'étude par AEG de la relation dose-réponse a conduit à l'hypothèse de deux catégories de populations de récepteurs de phéromones. L'analyse comportementale des résponses des papillons mâles dans le tunnel de vol aux composés qui ont provoqués les plus forts AEG, on fait estimer que les acétates (E,E)-8,10-dodécadien-1-ol et (Z)-9-dodecen-1-ol ressemblent (ou sont) les constituants de la phéromone sexuelle de C. caryana; tandis que les (Z)-8-dodecen-1-ol et (E)-10-dodecen-1-ol sont, soit des paraphéromones, soit des constituants mineurs de la phéromone.La signification biologique du (Z)-12-tétradécen-1-ol a été difficile à interprêter avec les expériences en tunnel de vol.

Abstract. The effects of plume intermittency and volume on behavioural and flight responses to pheromone of male Cadra cautella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Phycitinae) were investigated in a pulling wind tunnel. The fine-scale structure of turbulent pheromone plumes was mimicked and manipulated using a pulser device that generated continuous ribbon plumes or intermittent plumes with defined pulse frequency and volume. As pulse frequency increased from 0.6 to 5 Hz and injected volume increased from 0.5 to 5 mls-1, males flew progressively higher air and ground speeds, turned less frequently, and steered smaller course angles, resulting in straighter flight tracks. The faster the frequency of pulses and the greater the volume of the plume, the higher the proportion of males responding, the shorter their latencies, and the less time spent in the behaviour. Flight tracks of male C.cautella to point sources of pheromone depend on the frequency of filaments encountered.  相似文献   

Pear psylla, Cacopsylla pyricola Förster (Homoptera: Psyllidae), was flown in the laboratory to test hypotheses suggested by field observations. Flight durations of the same insects flown on two different days were highly correlated, suggesting that there were biolgical differences among insects in flight tendencies. Flight durations were similar between summerform and winterform morphotypes. Flight frequencies and durations increased between September and November collections of winterforms, results that are consistent with field observations. Long-duration (60+ min) flights were three to four times as frequent in winterforms restricted to senescing pear foliage compared to insects provided access to pear seedlings. Winterforms collected during the fall flight period from a pear orchard and an adjacent apple orchard (an overwintering habitat) showed similar flight durations. There was no correlation between flight durations and any of five body and wing measurements; body size of winterforms increased between September and November. It has been proposed elsewhere that much of the fall movement into adjacent non-pear habitats by winterforms is due to short duration non-migratory flights rather than to a true migratory flight. The lack of differences between apple- and pear-collected winterforms may be consistent with this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Racemic cyclohexylaminoglutethimide (±ChAG) and its acetylated metabolite (±ChAG) were resolved by a direct chromatographic method using a Chiracel OD column without derivatization. Maximum resolutions (R) of 4.89 and 0.74 were obtained for the enantiomers of cyclohexylaminoglutethimide and its acetylated metabolite, respectively.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The flight pattern of mated female navel orangeworm moths, Amyelois transitella (Walker), responding to odour from potential larval hosts is zigzagging upwind flight. However, at times these moths are capable of flying nearly directly upwind towards the odour source (track angles near 0). This response indicates that these females are capable of very accurate anemotactic control of their heading or course angle, since small angular errors in this measure would translate into larger deviations from direct upwind flight. Males of this species exhibit flight patterns similar to those of females, including track angles clustered about 0 when flying upwind to a source of the female-produced pheromone, but under these experimental conditions they flew with a higher average airspeed than the females. When females lose contact with an odour plume they initiate a well-defined programme of cross-wind counterturning or casting, which may normally increase their chances of retrieving contact with that plume when the wind direction shifts. The resultant track angles of females increase significantly by 0.8 s after plume loss, indicating that the female has initiated changes in both her course angle and airspeed. By 1 s after plume loss the females' track angles are no longer unimodally distributed about 0, but are bimodally distributed about -90 and +90. Males responded more rapidly to the loss of a pheromone plume, demonstrating a significant change in track angle 0.4 s after plume loss. Overall, female and male A.transitella exhibited remarkably similar anemotactic flight manoeuvres during upwind flight to odour sources as well as after plume loss.  相似文献   

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