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Halosarpheia unicellularis sp. nov. is described from decayed attached wood ofAvicennia marina collected from two mangrove sites in the Red Sea, Egypt. The ascomycete is compared with other marine taxa having ascospores with polar unfurling appendages. It is also compared with other marine genera with oval, round or ellipsoid hyaline, unicellular ascospores, but for which appendages have not been reported. Molecular data confirms the assignment of the fungus toHalosarpheia which forms a clade with the type speciesHalosarpheia fibrosa.  相似文献   

The generic concepts inAniptodera, Halosarpheia, Nais andPhaeonectriella are discussed and those species occurring in freshwater are described, some with illustrations. Five new species:Aniptodera lignicola, A. mauritaniensis, A. megalospora, A. palmicola, Phaeonectriella appendiculata are also described. A key to the freshwater species in the above genera and a synoptic diagram of their ascospores are provided.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. It is evident from a survey of the Russian literature that many species of avian haematozoa recorded do not meet the basic criteria required by the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Thus 28 species of Haemoproteus and 4 species of Leucocytozoon are considered to be nomina nuda, while 1 species, Leucocytozoon turtur orientalis is a synonym of L. marchouxi.  相似文献   

BLANCHE, C. & MOLERO, J., 1993. Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on Delphinium L. Delphinium viciosoi Pau and Delphinium intrincatum Pau, two poorly known plants from Iran, are typified. A new combination for the latter, Aconitella intrincata (Pau) Blanche & Molero is given. The name Delphinium ambiguum L. should not be attached to the plant known as Delphinium nanum DC, but should be considered as a synonym for Consolida ajacis (L.) Schur (= Delphinium ajacis L.).  相似文献   

The taxonomic affinity of Halosphaeria cucullata to Halosphaeria is reassessed based on a recent collection of this fungus. Halosphaeria cucullata is characterized by immersed, darkly coloured ascomata, clavate asci which deliquesce very early in development, and cylindrical ascospores with or without a polar cap-like appendage at one end. In a phylogenetic analysis of the LSU rDNA sequences from members of the Halosphaeriaceae, H. cucullata did not form a monophyletic clade with H. appendiculata , the type species of the genus. These results suggest that H. cucullata should not be included in Halosphaeria . Okeanomyces gen. nov. is proposed to accommodate this fungus.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 223–229.  相似文献   

The germination of ascospores of the marine fungusHalosphaeria appendiculata was investigated with transmission electron microscopy. Prior to germination, settled ascospores became surrounded by a fibro-granular layer. Small, membrane-bounded vesicles and larger electron-dense membrane-bounded vesicles aggregated at the site of germ tube formation where the plasmalemma adjacent to the aggregation was convoluted. The vesicles appeared to fuse with the plasmalemma, releasing their contents. Enzymatic digestion of the spore wall probably occurred at the time of germ tube emergence. After the nucleus had migrated into the newly formed germ tube, a septum was formed to delimit the germ tube from the ascospore. The growing germ tube can be divided into 3 morphological regions, namely the apical, sub-apical and vacuolated regions, and is typical of other fungi. A mucilaginous sheath was associated with the older mycelium. The germ tube displaced the polar appendage, and the ascospore, germ tube and appendage were enclosed in a mucilaginous sheath. In ascospores which subtended old germ tubes, the nucleus and lipid body became irregular in shape and the cytoplasm was more vacuolated. Microbody-like structures remained associated with the lipid throughout development, and were present in old ascospores.  相似文献   

报道了采集自我国境内的皮司霉属Pithomyces 8个新种:山葵皮司霉P.arecastri sp.nov.,串珠皮司霉P.cateniformis sp.nov.,椭圆皮司霉P.ellipticus sp.nov.,蠕形皮司霉P.helminthosporioides sp.nov.,长柄皮司霉P.longipes sp.nov.,倒梨形皮司霉P.obpyriformis sp.nov.,络石皮司霉P.trachelospermi sp.nov.,和羊蹄甲皮司霉P.variegatae sp.nov.。2个中国新记录种:油棕生皮司霉P.elaeidicola和垫状皮司霉P.pulvinatus。新种分别进行了详实的拉丁文和中文描述并附图。研究标本(自然标本和干制培养物)保存于山东农业大学植物病理系标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

Caryospora australiensis sp. nov.,Platystomum scabridisporum sp. nov. andSavoryella melanospora sp. nov. are described from driftwood collected from a sand dune at Rye, on the Mornington Peninsula Nature Park, Victoria, Australia. These species are compared with other taxa in these and related genera.  相似文献   


The Italian populations of Koeleria splendens C. Presl, critical group of the Mediterranean flora, are examined from the taxonomic and nomenclatural viewpoints. On the basis of literature data, herbarium investigations and field surveys, many morphologically well-differentiated taxa have been recognized. This group is widespread in the Italian peninsula and Sicily, where it is represented by the following units: K. splendens C. Presl, with four subspecies [subsp. splendens, subsp. grandiflora (Bertol. ex Schultes) Domin, subsp. brutia Brullo, Gangale & Uzunov, and subsp. ophiolitica subsp. nova], K. lucana sp. nova, K. subcaudata (Ascherson & Graebner) Ujhelyi, K. australis Kerner, K. callieri (Domin) Ujhelyi, and K. insubrica sp. nova. As concerns their distribution, both K. splendens and K. lucana are endemic to the Italian territory, while the other species occur also in some eastern Mediterranean countries. The taxonomic position of K. lobata, recently treated by some authors as a synonym of K. splendens, is also examined. A phylogenetic analysis was performed using morphological characters. Finally, a detailed iconography of the main morphological features and an analytical key of the Italian taxa (K. lobata included) are given.  相似文献   

The type strainPenicillium vitale Pidoplichko et Bilai apud Bilai 1961 VKM F-3624 was found to considerably differ from a sibling speciesP. janthinellium (syn.P. simplicissimum) in some physiological and morphological features (growth rates at different temperatures, the size of philiades, and the shape of conidia), as well as in the pattern of the nitrogen-containing secondary metabolites produced (roquefortine, 3,12-dihydroroquefortine, meleagrin, aurantioclavine, indole-3-acetic acid, andN-acetyltryptamine). The data obtained suggest thatP. vitale represents an independent species.  相似文献   

As an ecotone, sandy beaches exist within a multi-dimensional mesh of environmental gradients, shaped by numerous parameters (e.g. temperature, humidity, wave action, sand particle size and salinity). These limit the proliferation of a narrow group of fungal species. Obligate arenicolous marine fungi are an ecological assemblage of sand-associated heterotrophs that inhabit sandy beaches. These organisms have evolved to cope with dynamic beach conditions, having a cosmopolitan distribution across tropical, subtropical and temperate regions. Herein we provide an overview of published works relating to the fungi of sandy beaches, focusing on the past half-century. We outline a broad range of topics in ecology including fungal adaptive traits to intertidal conditions at the morphological and genetic levels, temporal and spatial patterns in community structure, and species variations in substrate preference. Collectively, these concepts should encourage marine mycologists to embrace a holistic set of perspectives to shape the outlook for beach ecology.  相似文献   

报道了采集自我国境内的皮司霉属Pithomyces 8个新种:山葵皮司霉P.arecastri sp.nov.,串珠皮司霉P.cateniformis sp.nov.,椭圆皮司霉P.ellipticus sp.nov.,蠕形皮司霉P.helminthosporioides sp.nov.,长柄皮司霉P.longipes sp.nov.,倒梨形皮司霉P.obpyriformis sp.nov.,络石皮司霉P.trachelospermi sp.nov.,和羊蹄甲皮司霉P.variegatae sp.nov.。2个中国新记录种:油棕生皮司霉P.elaeidicola和垫状皮司霉P.pulvinatus。新种分别进行了详实的拉丁文和中文描述并附图。研究标本(自然标本和干制培养物)保存于山东农业大学植物病理系标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

任强 《菌物学报》2019,38(11):1840-1864
本文将17个物种从广义鸡皮衣属Pertusaria s. lat.转移至白衣属Lepra,报道了2个中国新记录种:Lepra albopunctataL. muricata,将Pertusaria sanguinulenta作为Lepra submultipuncta的异名处理。Pertusaria brachyspora在中国为错误报道,从中国地衣名录剔除。本文对文献中错误鉴定标本进行了订正研究,为中国已知的37个白衣属地衣编制了分种检索表。  相似文献   

The present synopsis reports on taxonomic decisions and name changes introduced in the last decades for a number of thermophilic fungi. Taxa dealt with are those most commonly cited in the literature of fundamental and applied work or concern species having complex taxonomic histories. The definition of a thermophile follows the classificatory scheme elaborated by Cooney & Emerson in 1964. The synopsis provides the latest legal valid names for several thermophiles. Binomials of accepted synonymies are also reported with arguments in favour of these taxonomic decisions. The material of this contribution is a synthetic simplified account of two previous reviews on the taxonomy of thermophilic fungi. The present document aims: (1) to suppress the use of ghost binomials having no status of any kind; (2) to favour the continuous use of the latest legal valid name of a taxon to avoid cases of redundancies by citing binomials of known synonyms. Homogeneity in cited names is a fundamental prerequisite for comparative studies. The synopsis is thus a sound tool for future critical reviews of ecological and of biotechnological interests. The status of over a hundred names are here reviewed. Two additional new synonyms are proposed; these concern Mucor miehei var. minor and Sporotrichum cellulophilum. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The correct type species of Antennatula Fr. ex F. Strauss 1850 was quite recently considered to be Antennularia ericophila (Link) Höhn., not Antennatula pinophila (Nees) F. Strauss, and currently the illegitimate name Antennatula is regarded as a synonym of Metacapnodium Speg. 1918 (Metacapnodiaceae). Among Euantennaria Speg. 1918 and competing synonymous generic names Aithalomyces Woron. 1926, Phaeocapnis Cif. & Bat. 1963, Hormisciella Bat. 1956, and Hormisciomyces Bat. & Nacim. 1957, Euantennaria is adopted. As a consequence, with the change to one scientific name for pleomorphic fungi, the following 10 new combinations in Euantennaria (Euantennariaceae) for species of Antennatula sensu or used by Hughes are herein proposed: Euantennaria atra, E. cubensis, E. dingleyae, E. fisherae, E. fraserae, E. katumotoi, E. lumbricoidea, E. pinophila, E. shawiae, and E. triseptata. The respective brief notes for these species are also provided.  相似文献   

Lobophylliidae is a family‐level clade of corals within the ‘robust’ lineage of Scleractinia. It comprises species traditionally classified as Indo‐Pacific ‘mussids’, ‘faviids’, and ‘pectiniids’. Following detailed revisions of the closely related families Merulinidae, Mussidae, Montastraeidae, and Diploastraeidae, this monograph focuses on the taxonomy of Lobophylliidae. Specifically, we studied 44 of a total of 54 living lobophylliid species from all 11 genera based on an integrative analysis of colony, corallite, and subcorallite morphology with molecular sequence data. By examining coral skeletal features at three distinct levels – macromorphology, micromorphology, and microstructure – we built a morphological matrix comprising 46 characters. Data were analysed via maximum parsimony and transformed onto a robust molecular phylogeny inferred using two nuclear (histone H3 and internal transcribed spacers) and one mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) DNA loci. The results suggest that micromorphological characters exhibit the lowest level of homoplasy within Lobophylliidae. Molecular and morphological trees show that Symphyllia, Parascolymia, and Australomussa should be considered junior synonyms of Lobophyllia, whereas Lobophyllia pachysepta needs to be transferred to Acanthastrea. Our analyses also lend strong support to recent revisions of Acanthastrea, which has been reorganized into five separate genera (Lobophyllia, Acanthastrea, Homophyllia, Sclerophyllia, and Micromussa), and to the establishment of Australophyllia. Cynarina and the monotypic Moseleya remain unchanged, and there are insufficient data to redefine Oxypora, Echinophyllia, and Echinomorpha. Finally, all lobophylliid genera are diagnosed under the phylogenetic classification system proposed here, which will facilitate the placement of extinct taxa on the scleractinian tree of life.  相似文献   

双歧杆菌作为一种重要的益生菌,被广泛应用在乳制品和微生态制剂生产中。本文围绕双歧杆菌在《伯杰氏系统细菌学手册》中的演化历史、最新分类,以及其多相分类法的应用进行了阐述,并对近年来双歧杆菌属的新种做了详细的介绍。  相似文献   

Linnaeus listed and described (as Ostrea species) 20 recent pectinid species in the 10th edition of his Systema Naturae and one pectinid species in his Mantissa. These are now placed in 17 genera of the family Pectinidae. Nine species are cited to Museum Ludovicae Ulricae. Ten primary types are present in the Linnéan Society of London, and the same number in die Zoological Museum of die Uppsala University. Two lectotypes were designated recendy by Smith and Waller; 18 lectotypes and one neotype are selected herein. Nine of the species are type species of currently accepted pectinid genera. Seven new type localities are also designated for species which had unknown or erroneous type localities, and six are more restricted. Potential type material of eight species is also traced in the Gualtieri collection of the Museo di Storia Naturale e del Territorio at Certosi di Calci (Italy).  相似文献   

On the basis of the study of the original material used by Planchon, the typification previously made by other authors is discussed, and an interpretation of the U. minor-galli group is presented. We conclude that the name U. galli must continue in use in its traditional sense, and, therefore, U. cantabricus Alvarez Martínez el al. must become a mere synonym. The new combinations U. breoganii (Castroviejo & Valdés-Bermejo) Castroviejo & Valdés-Bermejo, stat. nov. and U. minor subsp. gallii (Planchon) Castroviejo & Valdés-Bermejo, comb. nov. are proposed.  相似文献   

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