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More than a hundred protein-coding genes are controlled by genomic imprinting in humans. These atypical genes are organized in chromosomal domains, each of which is controlled by a differentially methylated "imprinting control region" (ICR). How ICRs mediate the parental allele-specific expression of close-by genes is now becoming understood. At several imprinted domains, this epigenetic mechanism involves the action of long non-coding RNAs. It is less well appreciated that imprinted gene domains also transcribe hundreds of microRNA and small nucleolar RNA genes and that these represent the densest clusters of small RNA genes in mammalian genomes. The evolutionary reasons for this remarkable enrichment of small regulatory RNAs at imprinted domains remain unclear. However, recent studies show that imprinted small RNAs modulate specific functions in development and metabolism and also are frequently perturbed in cancer. Here, we review our current understanding of imprinted small RNAs in the human genome and discuss how perturbation of their expression contributes to disease.  相似文献   

More than a hundred protein-coding genes are controlled by genomic imprinting in humans. These atypical genes are organized in chromosomal domains, each of which is controlled by a differentially methylated "imprinting control region" (ICR). How ICRs mediate the parental allele-specific expression of close-by genes is now becoming understood. At several imprinted domains, this epigenetic mechanism involves the action of long non-coding RNAs. It is less well appreciated that imprinted gene domains also transcribe hundreds of microRNA and small nucleolar RNA genes and that these represent the densest clusters of small RNA genes in mammalian genomes. The evolutionary reasons for this remarkable enrichment of small regulatory RNAs at imprinted domains remain unclear. However, recent studies show that imprinted small RNAs modulate specific functions in development and metabolism and also are frequently perturbed in cancer. Here, we review our current understanding of imprinted small RNAs in the human genome and discuss how perturbation of their expression contributes to disease.  相似文献   

During gametogenesis, chromosomes may become imprinted with information which facilitates proper expression of the DNA in offspring. We have used a position effect variegation mutant as a reporter system to investigate the possibility of imprinting inDrosophila melanogaster. Genetic crosses were performed in which the variegating gene and a strong modifier of variegation were present either within the same parental genome or in opposite parental genomes in all possible combinations. Our results indicate that the presence of the variegating chromosome and a modifier chromosome in the same parental genome can alter the amount of variegation formed in progeny. The genomic imprinting we observed is not determined by the parental origin of the variegating chromosome but is instead determined by the genetic background the variegating chromosome is subjected to during gametogenesis.  相似文献   

长非编码RNA(lnc RNA)是长度大于200 bp的一类非编码蛋白的RNA,因其在基因组中含量巨大以及重要的生物学功能引起了学术界的广泛关注.基因组印记是一种表观遗传现象,lnc RNAs通过建立靶基因的印记而发挥重要的生物功能.基因组印记可以用来研究lnc RNAs在转录和转录后水平调控基因表达的分子机制.本文选取6个印记机制研究比较透彻的印记区域,包括Kcnq1/Cdkn1c、Igf2r/Airn、Prader-Willi(PWS)/Angelman(AS)、Snurf/Snrpn、Dlk1-Dio3和H19/Igf2.通过介绍包括基因间lnc RNAs(H19、Ipw和Meg3)、反义lnc RNAs(Kcnq1ot1、Airn、Ube3a-ATS)和增强子lnc RNAs(IG-DMR e RNAs)在内的3种类型lnc RNAs在印记调控中的作用,从而了解lnc RNAs通过顺式或(/和)反式作用多种机制调控亲本特异性靶基因的表达.了解印记基因簇中lnc RNAs的作用方式将有助于我们揭示lnc RNAs在整个基因组中的作用机制.  相似文献   

植物多倍体在自然界中广泛存在,这说明拥有多套遗传物质使得多倍体的适应进化具有优势。新多倍体形成后,一些基因组范围的变化较迅速地发生在多倍体形成开端,另一些在长期进化中发生。由于受到遗传、表观等因素的影响,亲本对于新形成多倍体基因组的贡献不均衡。这种偏向于某个亲本基因组的显性优势,称为基因组印记。植物多倍体中的基因组印记表现为基因组偏向性的序列消除、不均衡基因表达、基因沉默,这些受到基因组合并及DNA甲基化、核仁显性等表观因素影响。本文旨在为多倍体基因组进化及育种的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

哺乳动物印记域DLK1-DIO3的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵丽霞  赵高平  周欢敏 《遗传》2010,32(8):769-778
DLK1-DIO3印记域定位于人14号染色体、小鼠12号染色体及绵羊18号染色体远端, 在真哺乳亚纲动物中印记保守。该印记域包含3个编码蛋白的父系表达基因Dlk1、Rtl1和Dio3以及若干大小不同的母系表达印记非编码RNA, 如miRNAs、snoRNAs 和大型非编码RNA Gtl2等。人和小鼠该印记域内印记基因剂量的改变将导致严重的表型异常甚至胚胎致死, 暗示正常的发育需要域内印记基因的正常表达。文章重点论述了哺乳动物DLK1-DIO3印记域的印记调控机制和域内印记基因及其功能的研究进展。  相似文献   

The completely embryonic stem (ES) cell-derived mice (ES mice) produced by tetraploid embryo complementation provide us with a rapid and powerful approach for functional genome analysis. However, inbred ES cell lines often fail to generate ES mice. The genome of mouse ES cells is extremely unstable during in vitro culture and passage, and the expression of the imprinted genes is most likely to be affected. Whether the ES mice retain or repair the abnormalities of the donor ES cells has still to be determined. Here we report that the inbred ES mice were efficiently produced with the inbred ES cell line (SCR012). The ES fetuses grew more slowly before day 17.5 after mating, but had an excessive growth from day 17.5 to birth. Five imprinted genes examined (H19, Igf2, Igf2r, Peg1, Peg3) were expressed abnormally in ES fetuses. Most remarkably, the expression of H19 was dramatically repressed in the ES fetuses through the embryo developmental stage, and this repression was associated with abnormal biallelic methylation of the H19 upstream region. The altered methylation pattern of H19 was further demonstrated to have arisen in the donor ES cells and persisted on in vivo differentiation to the fetal stage. These results indicate that the ES fetuses did retain the epigenetic alterations in imprinted genes from the donor ES cells.  相似文献   

Reproductive division of labor is a hallmark of social insect societies where individuals follow different developmental pathways resulting in distinct morphological castes. There has been a long controversy over the factors determining caste fate of individuals in social insects. Increasing evidence in the last two decades for heritable influences on division of labor put an end to the assumption that social insect broods are fully totipotent and environmental factors alone determine castes. Nevertheless, the genes that underlie hereditary effects on division of labor have not been identified in any social insects. Studies investigating the hereditary effects on caste determination might have overlooked non-genetic inheritance, while transmission to offspring of factors other than DNA sequences including epigenetic states can also affect offspring phenotype. Genomic imprinting is one of the most informative paradigms for understanding the consequences of interactions between the genome and the epigenome. Recent studies of genomic imprinting show that genes can be differentially marked in egg and sperm and inheritance of these epigenetic marks cause genes to be expressed in a parental-origin-specific manner in the offspring. By reviewing both the eusocial Hymenoptera and termites, I highlight the current theoretical and empirical evidence for genomic imprinting in eusocial insects and discuss how genomic imprinting acts in caste determination and social behavior and challenges for future studies. I also introduce the new idea that genomic imprinting plays an essential role in the origin of eusociality.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting, an epigenetic form of gene regulation, determines the parent-dependent gene expression of marked or imprinted genes during gametogenesis and embryonic development. Imprinting involves differential allele DNA methylation in one sex cell lineage but not in the other. Egg and sperm each contributes the same DNA sequences to the zygote but epigenetic imprinting of a subset of genes determines that only one of the parent alleles are expressed relative to the parental origin. Primordial germ cells inherit biallelically imprinted genes from maternal and paternal origin and erase their imprints to start de novo monoallelic imprinting during gametogenesis. Epigenetic paternalization is an ongoing process in the mitotically-dividing spermatogonial stem cell and derived meiotically-dividing spermatocyte progeny to endow sperm with imprinted alleles. Epigenetic maternalization is restricted to the oocyte growth phase of folliculogenesis and is unrelated to DNA replication since it takes place while the oocyte remains in the diplotene stage of meiotic prophase I. Sperm and oocyte genomic methylation patterns depend on the activity of DNA methyltransferases (Dnmt). A variant of Dnmt1, designated Dnmt1o, accumulates in oocyte nuclei during the follicular growth phase. Dnmt3L, an isoform of Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b, but lacking enzymatic activity, interacts with Dnmt2a and Dnmt3b and is required for spermatogenesis. In the mouse early zygote, the male pronucleus is demethylated within 4 h of fertilization. Global demethylation takes place gradually up to the morula stage. In the blastocyst, de novo methylation is reestablished in the inner cell mass but not in the trophectoderm. Both the significance of genomic imprinting and the severe developmental defects caused by disrupted Dnmt activity, point to a need for a better understanding of the causes of low cloning efficiency by somatic nuclear transfer to enucleated ovulated oocyte.  相似文献   

Gene imprinting is a widely observed epigenetic phenomenon in maize endosperm; however, whether it also occurs in the maize embryo remains controversial. Here, we used high‐throughput RNA sequencing on laser capture microdissected and manually dissected maize embryos from reciprocal crosses between inbred lines B73 and Mo17 at six time points (3–13 days after pollination, DAP) to analyze allelic gene expression patterns. Co‐expression analysis revealed sequential gene activation during maize embryo development. Gene imprinting was observed in maize embryos, and a greater number of imprinted genes were identified at early embryo stages. Sixty‐four strongly imprinted genes were identified (at the threshold of 9:1) on manually dissected embryos 5–13 DAP (more imprinted genes at 5 DAP). Forty‐one strongly imprinted genes were identified from laser capture microdissected embryos at 3 and 5 DAP (more imprinted genes at 3 DAP). Furthermore, of the 56 genes that were completely imprinted (at the threshold of 99:1), 36 were not previously identified as imprinted genes in endosperm or embryos. In situ hybridization demonstrated that most of the imprinted genes were expressed abundantly in maize embryonic tissue. Our results shed lights on early maize embryo development and provide evidence to support that gene imprinting occurs in maize embryos.  相似文献   

基因组印记与疾病研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢小虎  周文华 《生命科学》2008,20(3):438-441
基因组印记是一种特别的非孟德尔遗传现象,即来自双亲的等位基因在子代中的差异性表达,是遗传后的基因调控方式,主要与基因组甲基化模式有关,包括去甲基化、重新甲基化及甲基化维持三个过程。印记基因主要通过对启动子、边界元件及非编码RNA的作用来调控基因表达。基因组印记异常与一些先天性疾病相关,也与肿瘤发生和易感性有关,  相似文献   

表观遗传学与人类疾病的研究进展   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
张永彪  褚嘉祐 《遗传》2005,27(3):466-472
在过去的几年里,人们对表观遗传疾病的机理有了新的认识,这些疾病与染色质重塑、基因组印记、X染色体失活以及非编码RNA调控这4个表观遗传过程相关。这4个过程通过调节染色质结构,在染色体或基因簇水平上对基因表达进行调控;异常调控导致复杂的突变且表现为出生前后生长发育和神经功能的异常。对这些疾病的探讨为表观遗传机制的研究提供了很好的模型,进而有助于生物医学的研究。文章就表观遗传学和表观遗传疾病机制的研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

RNA 2′O-methylation is a frequent modification of rRNA and tRNA and supposed to influence RNA folding and stability. Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes, containing the proteins Nop5, L7A, fibrillarin, and a box C/D sRNA, are guided for 2′O-methylation by interactions of their RNA component with their target RNA. In vitro complex assembly was analyzed for several thermophilic Archaea but in vivo studies are rare, even unavailable for halophilic Archaea. To analyze the putative box C/D RNP complex in the extremely halophilic Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1 we performed pull-down analysis and identified the proteins Nop5, L7A, and fibrillarin and the tRNATrp intron, as a typical box C/D sRNA of this RNP complex in vivo. We show for the first time a ribonucleolytic activity of the purified RNP complex proteins, as well as for the RNP complex containing pull-down fractions. Furthermore, we identified a novel RNA (OE4630R-3′sRNA) as part of the complex, containing the typical boxes C/D and C′/D′ sequence motifs and being twice as abundant as the tRNATrp intron.  相似文献   

snoRNA的结构与功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张筱晨  周惠  屈良鹄 《生命科学》2008,20(2):171-177
核仁小分子RNA(snoRNA)是一类广泛分布于真核生物细胞核仁的小分子非编码RNA,具有保守的结构元件,并以此划分为3大类:boxC/DsnoRNA、boxH/ACAsnoRNA和MRPRNA。其中boxC/D和boxH/ACA是已知snoRNA的主要类型,以碱基配对的方式分别指导着核糖体RNA的甲基化和假尿嘧啶化修饰。研究发现,snoRNA除了在核糖体RNA的生物合成中发挥作用之外,还能够指导snRNA、tRNA和mRNA的转录后修饰。此外,还有相当数量的snoRNA功能不明,被称为孤儿sn0RNA(orphansnoRNA)。在哺乳动物的孤儿snoRNA中,印迹snoRNA(imprintedsnoRNA)是最为特殊的一群,由基因组印迹区编码,具有明显的组织表达特异性。原核生物古细菌中类snoRNA的鉴定表明这些非编码RNA家族成员的古老起源;而哺乳动物中大量的snoRNA反转座子的存在更为人们探索snoRNA在基因组中扩增和功能进化提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

自从60年代末Weinberg等在哺乳动物中发现了第一个核仁小分子RNA(smalnucleolarRNA,snoRNA)U3以来,这一领域的研究特别是90年代以来的进展引起了人们的广泛关注。这些富集于核仁区的代谢稳定的snoRNA暗示了它们在核糖体...  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting in plants: observations and evolutionary implications   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
The epigenetic phenomenon of genomic imprinting occurs among both plants and animals. In species where imprinting is observed, there are parent-of-origin effects on the expression of imprinted genes in offspring. This review focuses on imprinting in plants with examples from maize, where gene imprinting was first described, and Arabidopsis. Our current understanding of imprinting in plants is presented in the context of cytosine methylation and imprinting in mammals, where developmentally essential genes are imprinted. Important considerations include the structure and organization of imprinted genes and the role of regional, differential methylation. Imprinting in plants may be related to other epigenetic phenomena including paramutation and transgene silencing. Finally, we discuss the role of gene structure and evolutionary implications of imprinting in plants.  相似文献   

Genes are recognized as undergoing genomic imprinting when they are capable of being expressed only from the paternal or only from the maternal chromosome. The process can occur coordinately within large physical domains in mammalian chromosomes. One interesting facet of the study of genomic imprinting is that it offers insight into the regulation of large chromosomal regions. Understanding this regulation involves elucidating the cis-acting regulators of gene expression and defining the elements that maintain chromatin insulation, both required for understanding more practically applicable areas of biological research, such as efficient transgene production. This review is focused on the regulation of the imprinted domain of human chromosome 11p15.5, responsible for Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS). Recent findings indicate that the maintenance of imprinting within this domain is critically dependent on the stable maintenance of chromatin insulation.  相似文献   

Hormonal (chemical) imprinting which was first observed (and named) by us in the seventies of the last century, is a general biological phenomenon which takes place when the developing receptor meets its target hormone for the first time. Under the effect of imprinting, receptors mature and reach their maximal binding capacity. It also influences the cells' hormone production and different functions depending on receptors and hormones. Hormonal imprinting is present already at the unicellular level causing the development of specific receptors and helping the easier recognition of useful or harmful surrounding molecules. The phenomenon is an important factor in the survival of the species, as the effect of imprinting is transmitted to the progeny cell generations. At the same time it possibly helps the selection of molecules which are suitable for acting as hormones in higher ranked animals. In mammals, hormonal imprinting takes place perinatally and determines the function of receptor-signal-transduction systems as well as hormone production for life. However, there are other critical imprinting periods for continuously developing cells. Excess of the target hormones or presence of foreign molecules which are able to bind to the receptors, provoke faulty imprinting in the critical periods with life-long morphological, biochemical, functional or behavioural consequences. As many receptor-bound foreign molecules are used as medical treatments and many such molecules are present around us and inside us as environmental pollutants, they--causing faulty imprinting--are able to predispose the (human) organism to cardiovascular, endocrine, metabolic and cancerous diseases. It seems likely that this effect is connected with disturbance of DNA methylation process in the critical periods of life. There are some signs of the transgenerational effect of faulty imprinting and this could be manifested in the evolution of humans by an epigenetic route.  相似文献   

Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) guide nucleotide modifications within ribosomal RNAs or spliceosomal RNAs by base-pairing to complementary regions within their RNA targets. The brain-specific snoRNA MBII-52 lacks such a complementarity to rRNAs or snRNAs, but instead has been reported to target the serotonin receptor 2C pre-mRNA, thereby regulating pre-mRNA editing and/or alternative splicing. To understand how the MBII-52 snoRNA might be involved in these regulatory processes, we isolated the MBII-52 snoRNP from total mouse brain by an antisense RNA affinity purification approach. Surprisingly, by mass spectrometry we identified 17 novel candidates for MBII-52 snoRNA binding proteins, which previously had not been reported to be associated with canonical snoRNAs. Among these, Nucleolin and ELAVL1 proteins were confirmed to independently and directly interact with the MBII-52 snoRNA by coimmunoprecipitation. Our findings suggest that the MBII-52 snoRNA assembles into novel RNA-protein complexes, distinct from canonical snoRNPs.  相似文献   

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